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Lesson planning and students’ performance feedback data use

  • This study had two main aims. The first one was to investigate the quality of lesson plans. Two important features of lesson plans were used as a basis to determine the quality of lesson plans. These are adaptability to preconditions and cognitive activation of students. The former refers to how the planning teacher considers the diversity of students pre-existing knowledge and skills. The latter refers to how the planning teacher sequences deep learning tasks and laboratory activities to promote the cognitive activation of students. The second aim of the study was to explore teachers thinking about and explanation of externally generated feedback data on their students’ performance. The emphasis here was to understand how the teachers anticipate planning differentiated lessons to accommodate the variations in students learning outcomes revealed by the feedback data. The study followed a qualitative approach with multiple sources of data. Concept maps, questionnaires, an online lesson planning tool, standardized tests, and semi-structured interviews were the main data collection instruments used in the study. Participants of this study were four physics teachers teaching different grade levels. For the purpose of generating feedback for the participant teachers, a test was administered to 215 students. Teachers were asked to plan five lessons for their ongoing practices. The analysis showed that the planned lessons were not adapted to the diversity in students pre-existing knowledge and skills. The analysis also indicated that the lessons planned had limitations with regard to cognitive activation of students. The analysis of the interview data also revealed that the participant teachers do not normally consider differentiating lessons to accommodate the differences in students learning, and place less emphasis on the cognitive activation of students. The analysis of the planned lessons showed a variation in teachers approach in integrating laboratory activities in the sequence of the lessons ranging from a complete absence through a demonstrative to an investigative approach. Moreover, the findings from the interviews indicated differences between the participant teachers espoused theory (i.e. what they said during interview) and their theory- in –use (i.e. what is evident from the planned lessons). The analysis of the interview data demonstrated that teachers did not interpret the data, identify learning needs, draw meaningful information from the data for adapting (or differentiating) instruction. They attributed their students’ poor performance to task difficulty, students’ ability, students’ motivation and interest. The teachers attempted to use the item level and subscale data only to compare the relative position of their class with the reference group. However, they did not read beyond the data, like identifying students learning needs and planning for differentiated instruction based on individual student’s performance.

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Author:Tesfaye Getinet Kibret
Referee:Ingmar Hosenfeld, Alexander Kauertz
Document Type:Doctoral Thesis
Date of completion:2015/11/04
Date of publication:2016/04/25
Publishing institution:Universität Koblenz, Universitätsbibliothek
Granting institution:Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau, Fachbereich 8
Date of final exam:2016/04/04
Release Date:2016/04/25
Number of pages:337
Institutes:Fachbereich 8
Dewey Decimal Classification:1 Philosophie und Psychologie / 15 Psychologie / 150 Psychologie
Licence (German):License LogoEs gilt das deutsche Urheberrecht: § 53 UrhG