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A Comparison of IoT Architecture Models

  • The Internet of Things is still one of the most relevant topics in the field of economics and research powered by the increasing demand of innovative services. Cost reductions in manufacturing of IoT hardware and the development of completely new communication ways has led to the point of bil-lions of devices connected to the internet. But in order to rule this new IoT landscape a standardized solution to conquer these challenges must be developed, the IoT Architecture. This thesis examines the structure, purpose and requirements of IoT Architecture Models in the global IoT landscape and proposes an overview across the selected ones. For that purpose, a struc-tured literature analysis on this topic is conducted within this thesis, including an analysis on three existing research approaches trying to frame this topic and a tool supported evaluation of IoT Archi-tecture literature with over 200 accessed documents. Furthermore, a coding of literature with the help of the specialised coding tool ATLAS.ti 8 is conduct-ed on 30 different IoT Architecture Models. In a final step these Architecture Models are categorized and compared to each other showing that the environment of IoT and its Architectures gets even more complex the further the research goes.

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Author:Michael Winzen
Referee:Susan P. Williams, Patrick Nitschke
Document Type:Bachelor Thesis
Date of completion:2019/10/14
Date of publication:2019/10/14
Publishing institution:Universität Koblenz, Universitätsbibliothek
Granting institution:Universität Koblenz, Fachbereich 4
Date of final exam:2019/10/15
Release Date:2019/10/14
Number of pages:ix, 27
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Institutes:Fachbereich 4 / Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik
Licence (German):License LogoEs gilt das deutsche Urheberrecht: § 53 UrhG