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- Doctoral Thesis (475) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (224)
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- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
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- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (13)
The stands surveyed are among the last closed canopy forests in Rwanda. Their exploration began in the early twentieth century and is still ongoing. Previous studies were mainly concerned with plant sociological issues and presented references to environmental factors in anecdotal form, at best using indirect ordination methods. The present study undertakes a classification of the vegetation with numerical methods and establishes quantitative relationships of the species’ distributional structure to environmental parameters using spatially explicit procedures. For this purpose, 94 samples were taken in 100 m² hexagonal plots. Of these, 70 samples are from Nyungwe, 14 are from Gishwati, and 10 are from Cyamudongo. Given the homogeneity of the terrain and vegetation, all vegetation types encountered, all types of stands, and all vegetation strata were included. The beta diversity is expressed by an average Bray-Curtis dissimilarity of 0.92, and in JOST’S (2007) numbers equivalents, 37.90 equally likely samples would be needed to represent the diversity encountered. Within the survey, 1198 species in 127 families were collected. Among the specimens are 6 local endemics and 40 Albertine Rift endemics. Resulting from UPGMA and FCM-NC, 20 to 40 plant communities were established depending on the level of resolution. It can be inferred by means of a Mantel correlogram that the mean zone of influence of a single vegetation stand, as sampled by a 100 m² plot in Nyungwe Forest, ranges between 0.016 and 3.42 km. Of the communities compiled using FCM-NC and UPGMA, 50% consist of individual samples. Beyond undersampling, natural small-scale discontinuities are reflected by this result. Partial db-RDA resulted in an explained variation of 9.60% and 14.41% for environmental and soil factors, respectively. Utilising variation partitioning analyses based on CCA and tb-RDA, between 21.70% and 37.80% of the variation in vegetation data could be explained. The spatially structured fraction of these parameters accounts for between 30.50% and 49.80% of the explained variation (100%). The purely environmental parameters account for a share of 10.30% to 16.30%, whereby the lower limit originates from the unimodal approach and has lost its statistical significance. The soil variables, also after partial analysis, account for a share of 19.00% to 35.70%. While the residual impact of the climatic parameters is hardly significant, the effect of the soil properties is prevalent. In general, the spatially structured fraction of the parameters is predominant here. While on the broad-scale climatic factors, the altitude a.s.l. and the geology are determining factors, some soil parameters and matrix components also show their impacts here. In the mid-range of the scale, it is the forest matrix, the soil types, and the geology that determine species distribution. While in the fine range of the scale, some unrecorded parameters seem to have an effect, there are also neutral processes that determine species composition.
The protected areas of Rwanda are facing various challenges resulting from the anthropogenic activities of the surrounding communities especially in the adjacent area to Cyamudongo isolated rain forest, which results in climate change, soil degradation, and loss of biodiversity. Therefore, this study aims to broaden current knowledge on the impact of sustainable Agroforestry (AF) on the Carbon (C) stock and Biodiversity conservation on the surroundings of Cyamudongo isolated rain forest and Ruhande Arboretum.
To understand this, the permanent sample plots (PSPs) were established mainly in the designed four transects of four km long originating on the boundary of the Cyamudongo isolated rain forest following the slope gradient ranging from 1286 to 2015 m asl. A total number of 73 PSPs were established in the Cyamudongo study area while 3 PSPs were established in the Ruhande AF plot. The Arc Map GIS 10.4 was used to design and map the sampling areas while GPS was used for localization of collected items. Statistical significance was analyzed through the R-software especially for wood and soil variables while for biodiversity indicator species, MVSP Software 3.0 was used to determine the Shannon Diversity indices and similarities among species.
In this study, I have obtained comprehensive results demonstrating that in all study areas, the various AF tree species contribute differently to C stock and C sequestration and the amount of C stored and removed from the atmosphere depends on different factors such as tree species, plantation density, growth stage, or the age of establishment, applied management practices, wood specific density (WSD), wood C concentration, and climatic conditions. The estimated quantity of sequestrated C for 2 years and 34 years AF species were 13.11 t C ha -1 yr-1 (equivalent to 48 t CO2 ha -1 yr-1) and 6.85 t ha-1 yr-1 (equivalent to 25.1 t CO2 ha -1 yr-1) in Cyamudongo and Ruhande respectively. The estimated quantity of C stored by the Ruhande AF plot is 232.94 t ha-1. In Cyamudongo, the overall C stored by the AF systems was 823 t ha-1 by both young tree species established by the Cyamudongo Project (35.84 t ha-1) and C stored by existed AF species before the existence of the Project (787.12 t ha-1). In all study areas, the Grevillea robusta was found to contribute more to overall stored C compared to other species under this study.
The tests revealed differences in terms of nutrient contents (C, N, C: N ratio, K, Na, Ca, and Mg) for various AF tree species of Cyamudongo and Ruhande study areas. The differences in terms of correlation for various variables of AF tree species in different study areas varied with tree species, age, stage of growth, and tree shape. By comparing the correlation coefficients for various tree variables for young and mature AF tree species, the results showed a high correlation variability for young species than mature or old species recorded in different environmental conditions of Cyamudongo and Ruhande study areas.
The recorded soil pH mean value across in Cyamudongo study area is 4.2, which is very strongly acidic. The tests revealed that the soil pH, C, C: N ratio, OM, NH4+, NO3-+NO2-, PO43-, and CEC were significantly (P < 0.05) different in various soil depths whereas the N was not statistically significant. The pH, N, C: N ratio, CEC, NH4+, PO43-, and Al3+ showed a significant difference across land uses whereas the C and NO3-+NO2- did not show any statistical difference. All tested chemical elements showed a statistical difference as far as altitude ranges are concerned. The only NH4+, PO43-, and CEC showed significant differences with time whereas all other remaining chemical elements did not show any statistical significance. The bulk density of soil was statistically different across land uses and altitude ranges. The soil pH was very strongly correlated with CEC, Mg, and Ca in cropland (CL) whereas it was strongly correlated in both AF and natural forest (NF) except for Mg, which was moderately correlated in AF. Furthermore, its correlation with K was strong in CL, moderate in AF while it was weak in NF. Finally, the pH correlation with Na was weak in both AF and CL whereas it was negligible in NF. The overall estimated soil C stock of the study area was 16848 t ha -1.
The sustainable AF practices changed significantly the frequency of reptiles, amphibians, and flowering plants while there was no statistical change observed on ferns with time. In terms of species richness, 16 flowering plants, 14 ferns, 5 amphibians, and 3 reptiles were recorded and monitored. These findings add to a growing body of literature on the impact of AF on the C stock, soil improvement, and Biodiversity. It is recommended that further researches should be undertaken for the contribution of other AF tree species to the C stock found in the agricultural landscape around all protected areas of Rwanda and the impact on them on the soil and biodiversity.
Human population pressure increased with the population growth around the NNP and Cyamudongo with disturbance impacts on the forests isolating populations into fragments and today, Cyamudongo natural forest is located a way at a distance of at least 8.5 km horizontal distance to Nyungwe main block with a surface area estimated at 300 ha. Under Cyamudongo project implementation, there was a need to understand how the flora diversity responded to human imposed challenges and to forest restoration initiatives. Three physiognomic landscapes forest were identified and considered for three phases of vegetation survey in Cyamudongo and related to the closest area of Nyungwe main block. In this study, 15 transects were laid in each physiognomic forest landscape and 10 and 5 plots were set respectively in Cyamudongo and Gasumo study area. In total, 315 phytosociological relevés were performed and the Braun-Blanquet methods used for three times vegetation surveys. Species life-forms and chorophyte were evaluated and tree species dbh and height have been measured. Data were subjected to different statistical analyses using different softwares such as PAST, R 3.5.2, and SPSS. The mapping was done using Arc GIS and the Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing used to find NDVI for the vegetation classification.
NDVI trends showed that there has been fluctuations in vegetation classifications of the studied area. In this study, 494 vascular plant species from 106 families were harbored in the study area and distributed differently among forest landscapes and study phases. Although, 43.54% were common to Cyamudongo and Gasumo landscapes while 48.54 % of species diversity were hold only by Cyamudongo and 7.92% confined to Gasumo and 12 in total were found new records for Rwanda while several others suspected require detailed research for identification showing how the flora diversity of Cyamudongo is of special interest and extremely important for discoveries.
The finding of the study on diversity indices, the PCA, CA and the Cluster analysis, all statistical analyses (MANOVA, ANOVA) and life form spectra unanimously showed that the anthropogenic disturbance shaped the vegetation cover, the floristic composition, the species diversity, the forest landscapes community structure, the life form spectrum and the phytoclimate of Cyamudongo and Gasumo forest landscapes. Although, the vegetation analysis couldn’t clearly identify communities and sub-communities at the initial and final vegetation surveys and cluster groups were heterogeneous as well as overlapping and species associations not clearly defined due to the high level of similarities in species composition among forest landscapes and vegetation surveys. The species diversity was found high in secondary forest and Gasumo landscape forest and low in the primary forest and the buffer zone of Cyamudongo and the disturbance with gaps openings was found to be associated to the species diversity with a seasonal variation. The patterns of dbh for the buffer zone and of the size classes of all landscapes with an inverted ‘J’ indicated a healthy regeneration in the forest landscapes and tree species explained a good regeneration and recruitment capacity. Different shapes in the pattern of dbh with respectively an inverted ‘J’, ‘J ‘and ‘U’ for the buffer zone, primary and together the secondary and Gasumo forest landscapes indicated differences in the landscapes health and degree of regeneration and recruitment capacity.
Findings from differents measuements showed at which extend human activities have shaped the flora diversity and structure of forest landcapes studied. For instance, disturbances due human activities were daily oberved and trees were logged by neighboring communities such as Batwa populations at Cyamudongo and local populations at Gasumo. Some species were evenly observed targeted for their barks such as Ocotea usambarensis, Parinari excelsa for medicines and many others for their wood quality, fire wood collection and for agricultural purposes.
In the period of Cyamudongo project implementation, important achievements included the increase of forest biomass and therefore the photosynthetic capacity and the evapotranspiration potential that influence the rainfall regime; the regulation of weather conditions and then species diversity; supporting local communities and limiting human activities; raising awareness on conservation and protection of biodiversity and improving of living conditions of neighboring populations by providing paid employment and so to restore to the Cyamudongo forest ecosystem functions. Moreover, Cyamudongo forest remains vulnerable as surrounded by local communities with a high population pressure relying on forest resources for its survival. Cyamudongo harbors a high level of endemism and is a small hotspot for biodiversity conservation. It is therefore recommended to strengthen conservation and protection measures and continue the support of local communities.
Die bisherige Forschung zur Diagnosekompetenz hat trotz langjähriger Forschungstraditionen für die Praxis kaum relevante Befunde erbracht. Dies wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit als Anlass für den Vorschlag genommen, diagnostische Kompetenz als reine Urteilsgenauigkeit, gemäß der Komponentenanalyse nach Cronbach (1955), zu erweitern. Mit der Einführung der Beobachtungskompetenz als einer weiteren Facette diagnostischer Kompetenz knüpft die vorliegende Studie zudem an der Forschung zu formativem Assessment an.
Die zentralen Fragen der Arbeit beziehen sich darauf, wie die beiden Facetten der diagnostischen Kompetenz Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz von pädagogischen Fachkräften im Elementarbereich ausgeprägt sind, ob diese Facetten zusammenhängen und wie sie durch bereichsspezifische Fortbildungen und explizit durch verschiedene Fortbildungsansätze (Lehrgangs- vs. Lernwegsorientierung) verändert werden können. Untersucht wurden insgesamt 103 Erzieherinnen aus 21 Einrichtungen mit eigens für die Arbeit entwickelten Instrumenten (Fragebögen, Filmvignetten).
Zur Beantwortung der ersten Forschungsfrage, wie die bereichsspezifische diagnostische Kompetenz von Erzieherinnen hinsichtlich der Facetten Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz ausgeprägt ist, zeigt sich, dass Erzieherinnen das Niveau ihrer Gruppe im Vergleich der Urteilsgenauigkeits-Komponenten am besten einschätzen können (Niveaukomponente), mit Tendenz zur Überschätzung. Auch die Wahrnehmung von Unterschieden zwischen den Kindern ihrer Gruppe gelingt ihnen gut (Personenkomponente), dabei neigen sie eher zu einer Überschätzung der Heterogenität. Wesentlich schwerer fällt es ihnen, spezifische Aufgabenschwierigkeiten im mathematischen Bereich korrekt einzuschätzen (Merkmalskomponente) und Unterschiede zwischen den Kindern im Hinblick auf einzelne Aufgaben (Wechselwirkungskomponente) zu beurteilen. Die Erzieherinnen sind jedoch sehr gut in der Lage, die Kinder entsprechend ihrer Leistungen in eine Rangreihenfolge zu bringen, wie es die Korrelationskomponente der Personenkomponente zeigt. Die Beobachtungskompetenz von Erzieherinnen zeigt sich in der Anzahl erkannter Fähigkeiten von Kindern während verschiedener Tätigkeiten mit mathematischem Bezug. Dabei wurde der Schwierigkeitsgrad der Beobachtung mittels Expertinneneinschätzung berücksichtigt. Die Erzieherinnen erkennen durchschnittlich die Hälfte der mathematischen Fähigkeiten von Kindern in verschiedenen komplexen Alltagssituationen bei mathematischen Tätigkeiten. Die zweite Forschungsfrage, ob es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Urteilsgenauigkeit und der Beobachtungskompetenz gibt, kann klar beantwortet werden. Erwartungswidrig zeigt die vorliegende Untersuchung, dass die Facetten Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz voneinander unabhängig sind. Damit konnte die Annahme, dass auf der einen Seite eine genaue summative Beurteilung auf einer Vielzahl kompetenter Einzelbeobachtungen beruht, auf der anderen Seite aber häufige gezielte Einzelbeobachtungen in ihrer Summe zu einem genaueren Gesamturteil führen, nicht bestätigt werden. Die dritte Forschungsfrage, ob eine bereichsspezifische Fortbildung von Erzieherinnen zur Verbesserung ihrer Urteilsgenauigkeit führt, muss verneint werden. Dagegen beeinflusst der Faktor Zeit (neun Monate zwischen Prä- und Posttest) die Fähigkeit der Erzieherinnen, Unterschiede zwischen den Kindern signifikant besser wahrzunehmen (Personenkomponente) und spezifische Aufgabenschwierigkeiten signifikant besser einzuschätzen (Merkmalskomponente). Damit verbessert sich auch die globale Urteilsgenauigkeit über die Zeit signifikant. Auf die Einschätzung des Leistungsniveaus der Gruppe (Niveaukomponente) sowie von Unterschieden zwischen den Kindern für einzelne Items (Wechselwirkungskomponente) hat jedoch auch der Faktor Zeit keinen signifikanten Einfluss.
Die vierte Forschungsfrage, ob die Unterschiede in der Veränderung der Urteilsgenauigkeit von Erzieherinnen davon abhängig sind, nach welchem Ansatz sie Kinder bereichsspezifisch fördern, lässt sich zusammenfassend verneinen. Die Art und Weise der bereichsspezifischen Förderung spielt keine Rolle für die Variabilität der Urteilsgenauigkeit von Erzieherinnen. Auch die Unterschiedlichkeit in den einzelnen Urteilsgenauigkeitskomponenten lässt sich nicht auf die Art der Fortbildung zurückführen.
Die fünfte Forschungsfrage, ob sich die Beobachtungskompetenz von Erzieherinnen durch eine bereichsspezifische Fortbildung beeinflussen lässt, kann aufgrund einer signifikanten Zunahme der Beobachtungskompetenz nach nur zwei Fortbildungstagen bejaht werden. Damit wird die These gestützt, dass eine Fortbildung zur bereichsspezifischen Förderung für eine gezielte und damit fokussiertere Wahrnehmung früher bereichsspezifischer Kompetenzen bedeutsam ist, selbst wenn sie nicht explizit auf diagnostische Kompetenz, sondern allgemein auf Förderung ausgerichtet ist
Die sechste Forschungsfrage zielt auf Veränderungen der Beobachtungskompetenz von Erzieherinnen in Abhängigkeit von Fortbildungen in verschiedenen bereichsspezifischen Förderansätzen ab. Für eine Zunahme der Beobachtungskompetenz, so zeigt sich, spielt der bereichsspezifische Ansatz, welcher der Fortbildung zugrunde gelegt ist, keine Rolle.
Die vorliegende Studie ist die erste Arbeit, die sowohl Beobachtungskompetenz (Forschung zu formativem Assessment) als auch Urteilsgenauigkeit (Accuracy-Forschung) anhand derselben Stichprobe untersucht. Trotz des im Ergebnis nicht nachgewiesenen Zusammenhangs zwischen Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz stellt die Studie für die zukünftige Forschung bedeutsame Hinweise für die weitere Untersuchung der Facetten diagnostischer Kompetenz bereit.
Im Hinblick auf den frühpädagogischen Kontext zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit zum einen, dass ein ökologisch valides Treatment (Fortbildung) in einem Umfang von zwei Tagen implizit zu einer Verbesserung diagnostischer Kompetenzen führen kann. Zum anderen wird hier erstmalig im deutschsprachigen Raum die Messung der Urteilsgenauigkeit unter vollumfänglicher Erfüllung eines auf Hoge und Coladarci (1989) beruhenden Anforderungsprofils durchgeführt. Ein weiteres Alleinstellungsmerkmal dieser Studie ist die erstmals mit einer Mindestanzahl von vier Einschätzungen pro Erzieherin unter Berücksichtigung der Kontaktzeiten zwischen Erzieherinnen und Bezugskindern erfolgte Erhebung der Urteilsgenauigkeit von Erzieherinnen.
Climate change is an existential threat to human survival, the social organization of society, and the stability of ecosystems. It is thereby profoundly frightening. In the face of threat, people often want to protect themselves instead of engaging in mitigating behaviors. When psychological resources are insufficient to cope, people often respond with different forms of denial. In this dissertation, I contribute original knowledge to the understanding of the multifaceted phenomenon of climate denial from a psychological perspective.
There are four major gaps in the literature on climate denial: First, the spectrum of climate denial as a self-protective response to the climate crisis has not received attention within psychology. Second, basic psychological need satisfaction, a fundamental indicator of human functioning and the ability to cope with threat, has not been investigated as a predictor of climate denial. Third, relations of the spectrum of climate denial to climate-relevant emotions, specifically climate anxiety, have not been examined empirically. Forth, it has not been investigated how the spectrum of climate denial relates to established predictors of climate denial, namely right-wing ideological convictions and male gender. To address those gaps, I investigate what the spectrum of climate denial looks like in the German context and how it relates to basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration, pro-environmental behavior, climate anxiety, ideological conviction, and gender.
Five manuscripts reveal that climate denial exists on a spectrum in the German context, ranging from the distortion of facts (interpretive climate denial, specifically denial of personal and global outcome severity) to the denial of the implications of climate change (implicatory climate denial, specifically avoidance, denial of guilt, and rationalization of one's own involvement). Across analyses, low basic psychological need satisfaction predicted the spectrum of climate denial, which was negatively related to pro-environmental behavior. Climate denial was generally negatively related to climate anxiety, except for a positive association of avoidance and climate anxiety. Right-wing ideological conviction was the strongest predictor of climate denial across the spectrum. However, low need satisfaction and male gender were additional weaker predictors of implicatory climate denial.
These findings suggest that the spectrum of climate denial serves many psychological functions. Climate denial is possibly both a self-protective strategy to downregulate emotions and to protect oneself from loss of privilege. In short, it represents a barrier to climate action that may only be resolved once people have sufficient psychological resources to face the threat of climate change and cope with their underlying self-protective, emotional responses.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has experienced growing importance in the last decades and an increasing number of schools have already implemented CLIL programmes or are planning to do so. Though the potentials of CLIL programmes are widely praised, first research results also raise doubts if CLIL students can live up to these high expectations. Both Fehling (2005) as well as Rumlich (2013; 2016), for example, found that CLIL programmes not inevitably show the expected results but that the CLIL students’ success might also be at least partially explained by other influences, such as the selection process of future CLIL students. Hence, CLIL students apparently fall short of the high expectations that are usually connected to the respective CLIL programmes and as this is mainly based on the unsatisfactory quality of these programmes, Rumlich concludes that “it is now high time to focus on the quality of CLIL provision” (Rumlich 2016: 452). He continues to explain that “the promises of CLIL do not materialise automatically owing to the fact that another language is used for learning in a non-language subject” (Rumlich 2016: 452). It must be assumed that the success of CLIL teaching also highly depends on the quality of the CLIL teachers.
In contrast to the continuously growing number of CLIL schools, however, the number of specifically trained CLIL teachers is comparably small. In Germany, CLIL teachers are not (yet) required to attend any special training in order to teach in a CLIL programme. Notwithstanding, is it sufficient for a CLIL teacher only to be trained in the content subject and the foreign language? Or does CLIL teaching require more than the sum of these two components? Do CLIL teachers need additional teaching competences to the ones of a content and a language teacher? In the light of the recent findings of CLIL programmes falling short of the high expectations, the answer to these questions must clearly be “Yes”. Hence, in order to appropriately train (future) CLIL teachers, special training programmes need to be developed which consider the teachers’ individual educational backgrounds, i.e. their qualifications as language and/or as content teachers and build up on these competences through adding the CLIL-specific teaching competences.
Therefore, this thesis aims at developing a German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education, which considers both the already published, theory-based standards of CLIL teacher education as well as the practical perspective of experienced CLIL teachers in Germany. This German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education classifies the different teaching competences, which are derived from integrating the theoretical and the practical perspective on CLIL teacher education, with regard to the three different competence areas, i.e. the general teaching competence, the language teaching competence and the subject teaching competence and is hence adaptable to different CLIL settings and educational backgrounds. In addition to developing this German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education, which provides the content of future CLIL teacher education programmes, this thesis discusses different forms of structurally implementing CLIL teacher education programmes in the existing structures of teacher education in Germany. This is achieved through analysing the current state of the art of CLIL teacher education at German universities and systematising the different forms of implementing these training programmes in the prevailing educational structures. Building on these first two steps, in the third and final step, this thesis develops a CLIL teacher education programme at a German university that is based on the results and elements of the German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education as well as the state of the art of CLIL teacher education in Germany. Thus, this thesis is allocated at the intersection between foreign language teaching as well as teacher education and is structured in eleven chapters.
Speziell in Anwendungen mit intensiver Temperatur- und Korrosionsbeanspruchung finden vermehrt Phosphate als sogenannte chemische Binder für Hochleistungskeramiken Verwendung. Konkret ist die Summe der Reaktionsverläufe während des Bindemechanismus in Folge einer thermisch-induzierten Aushärtung und somit die Wirkungsweise von Phosphatbindern prinzipiell innerhalb der Fachliteratur nicht eindeutig untersucht. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurden aufbauend auf einer umfangreichen strukturanalytischen Prüfungsanordnung (Festkörper-NMR, RBA, REM-EDX) einer exemplarischen phosphatgebundenen Al₂O₃-MgAl₂O₄-Hochtemperaturkeramikzusammensetzung unter Einbeziehung verschiedenartiger anorganischer Phosphate grundlegende Bindemechanismen charakterisiert. Mechanisch-physikochemische Eigenschaftsuntersuchungen (STA, Dilatometrie, DMA, KBF) deckten zudem den Einfluss der eingesetzten Phosphate auf die Eigenschaftsentwicklungen der Feuerfestkeramiken bezüglich des Abbindeverhaltens, der Biegefestigkeit sowie der thermischen Längenänderung auf, welche mit Strukturänderungen korreliert wurden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass sich Bindemechanismen bei Verwendung von Phosphaten temperaturgeleitet (20 °C ≤ T ≤ 1500 °C) grundsätzlich aus zwei parallel ablaufenden Reaktionsabfolgen zusammensetzen, wobei die sich entwickelnden Phosphatphasen innerhalb der Keramikmasse quantitativ und qualitativ bezüglich ihrer Bindewirkung bewertet wurden. Zum einen wurde die Bildung eines festigkeitssteigernden Bindenetzwerks aus Aluminiumphosphaten meist amorpher Struktur identifiziert und charakterisiert. Dieses bindungsfördernde, dreidimensionale Aluminiumphosphatnetzwerk baut sich innerhalb der Initialisierungs- und Vernetzungsphasen temperaturgeleitet kontinuierlich über multiple Vernetzungsreaktionen homogen auf. Zum anderen werden Reaktionsabfolgen durch parallel ablaufende Strukturumwandlungen nicht aktiv-bindender Phosphatspezies wie Magnesium-, Calcium- oder Zirkoniumphosphate ergänzt, welche lediglich thermische Umwandlungsreaktionen der Ausgangsphosphate darstellen. Vermehrt bei T > 800 °C geht das phosphatische Bindenetzwerk Festkörperreaktionen mit MgAl₂O₄ unter Ausbildung und Agglomeration von Magnesium-Orthophosphat-Sinterstrukturen ein. Die Bildung dieser niedrigschmelzenden Hochtemperaturphasen führt zu einem teilweisen Bruch des Bindenetzwerks.
Buildings and infrastructures characterize the appearance of our cultural landscapes and provide essential services for the human society. However, they inevitably impact the natural environment e.g. by the structural change of habitats. Additionally, they potentially cause further negative environmental impacts due to the release of chemical substances from construction materials. Galvanic anodes and organic coatings regularly used for corrosion protection of steel structures are building materials of particular importance for the transport infrastructure. In direct contact with a water body or indirectly via the runoff after rainfall, numerous chemicals can be released into the environment and pose a risk to aquatic organisms. Up to now, there is no uniform investigation and evaluation approach for the assessment of the environmental compatibility of building products. Furthermore, galvanic anodes and organic coatings pose particular challenges for their ecotoxicological characterization due to their composition. Therefore, the objective of the presented thesis was the ecotoxicological assessment of emissions from galvanic anodes and protective coatings as well as the development of standardized assessment procedures for these materials.
The possible environmental hazard posed by the use of anodes on offshore installations was investigated on three trophic levels. To ensure a realistic and reliable evaluation, the experiments were carried out in natural seawater and under natural pH conditions. Moreover, the anode material and its main components zinc and aluminum were exposed while simulating a worst-case scenario. The anode material examined caused a weak inhibition of algae growth; no acute toxicity was observed on the luminescent bacteria and amphipods. However, an increase of aluminum and indium levels in the crustacean species was found. On the basis of these results, no direct threat has been identified for marine organisms from the use of galvanic aluminum anodes. However, an accumulation of metals in crustaceans and a resulting entry into the marine food web cannot be excluded.
The environmental compatibility of organic coating systems was exemplarily evaluated using a selection of relevant products based on epoxy resins (EP) and polyurethanes. For this purpose, coated test plates were dynamically leached over 64 days. The eluates obtained were systematically analyzed for their ecotoxicological effects (acute toxicity to algae and luminescent bacteria, mutagenic and estrogenic effects) and their chemical composition. In particular, the EP-based coatings caused significant bacterial toxicity and estrogen-like effects. The continuously released 4-tert-butylphenol was identified as a main contributor to these effects and was quantified in concentrations exceeding the predicted no effect concentration for freshwater in all samples. Interestingly, the overall toxicity was not governed by the content of 4-tert-butylphenol in the products but rather by the release mechanism of this compound from the investigated polymers. This finding indicates that an optimization of the composition can result in the reduction of emissions and thus of environmental impacts - possibly due to a better polymerization of the compounds.
Coatings for corrosion protection are exposed to rain, changes in temperature and sun light leading to a weathering of the polymer. To determine the influence of light-induced aging on the ecotoxicity of top coatings, the emissions and associated adverse effects of UV-irradiated and untreated EP-based products were compared. To that end, the investigation of static leachates was focused on estrogenicity and bacterial toxicity, which were detected in the classic microtiter plate format and in combination with thin-layer plates. Both materials examined showed a significant decrease of the ecotoxicological effects after irradiation with a simultaneous reduction of the 4-tert-butylphenol emission. However, bisphenol A and various structural analogues were detected as photolytic degradation products of the polymers, which also contributed to the observed effects. In this context, the identification of bioactive compounds was supported by the successful combination of in-vitro bioassays with chemical analysis by means of an effect-directed analysis. The presented findings provide important information to assess the general suitability of top coatings based on epoxy resins.
Within the scope of the present study, an investigation concept was developed and successfully applied to a selection of relevant construction materials. The adaptation of single standard methods allowed an individual evaluation of these products. At the same time, the suitability of the ecotoxicological methods used for the investigation of materials of unknown and complex composition was confirmed and the basis for a systematic assessment of the environmental compatibility of corrosion protection products was created. Against the background of the European Construction Products Regulation, the chosen approach can facilitate the selection of environmentally friendly products and contributes to the optimization of individual formulations by the simple comparison of different building materials e.g. within a product group.
Connected vehicles will have a tremendous impact on tomorrow’s mobility solutions. Such systems will heavily rely on information delivery in time to ensure the functional reliability, security and safety. However, the host-centric communication model of today’s networks questions efficient data dissemination in a scale, especially in networks characterized by a high degree of mobility. The Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm has evolved as a promising candidate for the next generation of network architectures. Based on a loosely coupled communication model, the in-network processing and caching capabilities of ICNs are promising to solve the challenges set by connected vehicular systems. In such networks, a special class of caching strategies which take action by placing a consumer’s anticipated content actively at the right network nodes in time are promising to reduce the data delivery time. This thesis contributes to the research in active placement strategies in information-centric and computation-centric vehicle networks for providing dynamic access to content and computation results. By analyzing different vehicular applications and their requirements, novel caching strategies are developed in order to reduce the time of content retrieval. The caching strategies are compared and evaluated against the state-of-the-art in both extensive simulations as well as real world deployments. The results are showing performance improvements by increasing the content retrieval (availability of specific data increased up to 35% compared to state-of-the-art caching strategies), and reducing the delivery times (roughly double the number of data retrieval from neighboring nodes). However, storing content actively in connected vehicle networks raises questions regarding security and privacy. In the second part of the thesis, an access control framework for information-centric connected vehicles is presented. Finally, open security issues and research directions in executing computations at the edge of connected vehicle networks are presented.
Im Kontext chronischer Schmerzerkrankungen sind neben dem physischem Schmerzerleben auch Emotionen, wie Depressivität, Angst, Scham und Ärger von großer Relevanz. So leiden beispielsweise ca. 70 % der Menschen mit chronischen Schmerzen unter wiederkehrendem Ärger. Die Forschung zu spezifischen emotionsfokussierten psychologischen Behandlungsansätzen ist jedoch begrenzt. Eine Möglichkeit der Behandlung könnten sogenannte mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze darstellen. So ist Selbstmitgefühl bei chronischem Schmerz beispielsweise assoziiert mit einer geringeren Schmerzintensität sowie geringerer physischer und emotionaler Beeinträchtigung, wie Depressivität, Angst und Ärger. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl im Kontext von akutem und chronischem Schmerz unter der besonderen Berücksichtigung von Ärger evaluiert.
Zunächst wuden in einem Überblicksartikel Interventionsstudien (N = 19) zu Behandlungsansätzen von chronischen Schmerzen zusammengefasst, welche Veränderungen in Ärger oder verwandten Aspekten berichteten (Studie 1). Nur zwei der eingeschlossenen Studien untersuchten spezifische Interventionen zur Bewältigung von Ärger. Insgesamt wiesen die Studien große Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Qualität, Stichprobe, Intervention (Art, Dauer, Setting) wie auch der Messinstrumente für Ärger auf. Die vielversprechendsten Ergebnisse zeigten sich für akzeptanz- und mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze. Als mögliche Fundierung zukünftiger Forschung wurde zudem das „Prozess Modell der Ärger-Regulation bei chronischem Schmerz“ vorgeschlagen und diskutiert.
Da sich mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze als potentiell wirksam zur Bewältigung von Ärger erwiesen, wurde die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl im Kontext von chronischem Schmerz anhand einer kontrollierten Längsschnittstudie (t1: NT1 = 1228; t2: NT2 = 376) evaluiert (Studie 2 & 3). In Studie 2 wurde Selbstmitgefühl anhand der zwei Faktoren „compassionate self-responding (CS)“ und „reduced uncompassionate self-responding (RUS)“ definiert. Hierbei erwies sich CS als distinktes Konstrukt im Vergleich zu Psychologischer Inflexibilität und Selbstwert. RUS und Selbstwert schienen das gleiche latente Konstrukt zu repräsentieren. Die
Relevanz dieser Konzepte für schmerzbezogene Konzepte, wie auch Depressivität und Ärger wurde in Studie 3 überprüft. Nur RUS und nicht CS stellte hierbei einen eigenständigen Prädiktor für schmerzbezogene Aspekte dar. Psychologische Inflexibilität, genauer Vermeidungsverhalten, erwies sich zudem als Prädiktor mit breiterer Relevanz, jedoch konnte keiner der untersuchten Prädiktoren eigenständig Ärger vorhersagen.
Die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl zur Bewältigung von akutem Schmerz wurde in einer experimentellen Studie evaluiert (Studie 4). Die Emotionsregulationsstrategien Selbstmitgefühl, Akzeptanz und Ablenkung erwiesen sich als vergleichbar hilfreich hinsichtlich Schmerztoleranz, -Intensität und –Aversion.
Selbstmitgefühl scheint demnach auch im Kontext von Schmerz vor allem in spezifischen Kontexten oder für bestimmte Subgruppen von Bedeutung zu sein. Zukünftige Forschung sollte sich daher auf einen adaptiven Einsatz der Emotionsregulationsstrategie Selbstmitgefühl konzentrieren. Im Speziellen sollte die Wirkung von mitgefühlsbasierten Interventionen auf Ärger bei Schmerz genauer evaluiert werden.