Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (476) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (225)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Pädagogik, Abteilung Pädagogik (13)
Vertebrate biodiversity is rapidly decreasing worldwide with amphibians being the most endangered vertebrate group. In the EU, 21 of 89 amphibian species are recognized as being endangered. The intensively used European agricultural landscape is one of the major causes for these declines. As agriculture represents an essential habitat for amphibians, exposure to pesticides can have adverse effects on amphibian populations. Currently, the European risk assessment of pesticides for vertebrates requires specific approaches for fish regarding aquatic vertebrate toxicity and birds as well as mammals for terrestrial vertebrate toxicity but does not address the unique characteristics of amphibians. Therefore, the overall goal of this thesis was to investigate the ecotoxicological effects of pesticides on Central European anuran amphibians. For this, effects on aquatic and terrestrial amphibian life stages as well as on reproduction were investigated. Then, in anticipation of a risk assessment of pesticides for amphibians, this thesis discussed potential regulatory risk assessment approaches.
For the investigated pesticides and amphibian species, it was observed that the acute aquatic toxicity of pesticides can be addressed using the existing aquatic risk assessment approach based on fish toxicity data. However, lethal as well as sublethal effects were observed in terrestrial juveniles after dermal exposure to environmentally realistic pesticide concentrations, which cannot be covered using an existing risk assessment approach. Therefore, pesticides should also be evaluated for potential terrestrial toxicity using risk assessment tools before approval. Additionally, effects of co-formulants and adjuvants of pesticides need specific consideration in a future risk assessment as they can increase toxicity of pesticides to aquatic and terrestrial amphibian stages. The chronic duration of combined aquatic and terrestrial exposure was shown to affect amphibian reproduction. Currently, such effects cannot be captured by the existing risk assessment as data involving field scenarios analysing effects of multiple pesticides on amphibian reproduction are too rare to allow comparison to data of other terrestrial vertebrates such as birds and mammals. In the light of these findings, future research should not only address acute and lethal effects, but also chronic and sublethal effects on a population level. As pesticide exposure can adversely affect amphibian populations, their application should be considered even more carefully to avoid further amphibian declines. Overall, this thesis emphasizes the urgent need for a protective pesticide risk assessment for amphibians to preserve and promote stable amphibian populations in agricultural landscapes.
The Stereotype Content Modell (SCM; Fiske et al., 2002) proposes two fundamental dimensions of social evaluation: Warmth, or the intentions of the target, and Competence, or the ability to enact these intentions. The practical applications of the SCM are very broad and have led to an assumption of universality of warmth and competence as fundamental dimensions of social evaluation.
This thesis has identified five mainly methodological shortcomings of the current SCM research and literature: (I) An insufficient initial scale development; (II) the usage of varying warmth and competence scales without sufficient scale property assessment in later research; (III) the dominant application of first-generation analytical approaches; (IV) the insufficient definition and empirical proof for the SCM’s assumption of universality; and (V) the limited application of the SCM for some social targets. These shortcomings were addressed in four article manuscripts strictly following open science recommendations.
Manuscript # 1 re-analysed published research using English SCM measures to investigate the measurement properties of the used warmth and competence scales. It reported the scales’ reliability, dimensionality and comparability across targets as well as the indicator-based parameter performance in a (multiple group) confirmatory factor analysis framework. The findings indicate that about two thirds of all re-analysed scales do not show the theoretically expected warmth and competence dimensionality. Moreover, only about eleven per cent allowed meaningful mean value comparisons between targets. Manuscript # 2 presents a replication of Manuscript # 1 in the national and language of German(y) generating virtually identical results as Manuscript # 1 did. Manuscript # 3 investigated the stereotype content of refugee subgroups in Germany. We showed that refugees was generally perceived unfavourably in terms of warmth and competence, but that the stereotype content varied based on the refugees’ geographic origin, religious affiliation, and flight motive. These results were generated using a reliability-corrected approach to compare mean values named alignment optimisation procedure. Manuscript # 4 developed and tested a high-performing SCM scale assessing occupational stereotypes a number of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.
David Hume und John Dewey
In dieser vergleichenden Untersuchung werden die Philosophien David Humes und John Deweys gegenübergestellt. Es werden sämtliche philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, denen sich beide Denker gewidmet haben, einbezogen: Anthropologie, Bewusstseinstheorie, Psychologie, Erkenntnistheorie, Ethik (Moralphilosophie), Politik, Ökonomie, Soziologie, Sozialphilosophie, Geschichtswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft. Dabei wird thesengeleitet vorgegangen.
- Pragmatismus-These: David Hume sei Pragmatist avant la lettre gewesen.
- Begriffs-These: Begriffe (hier etwa nature und experience) seien breit genug zu fassen, um mit ihnen zielführend zu operieren.
- Quasi-System-These: Die Vielfalt der philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, mit denen sich beide Denker befassten, bilde jeweils ein System, ohne als solches angelegt worden zu sein.
- Klassik-These: Es sei ergiebig, sich mit Philosophen zu beschäftigen, die bislang noch nicht oder kaum verglichen wurden, da es neben Entsprechungen, Ähnlichkeiten und Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten auch Lerneffekte aus Überwindungen und Differenzen gebe.
- Instrumentalismus-These: Deweys Philosophie sei dem Streben nach Lösungen für das praktische soziale Zusammenleben dienlich.
Benannte Disziplinen werden einzeln in der folgenden Reihenfolge behandelt:
1) David Humes Gedanken
2) John Deweys Gedanken
3) Prüfung, inwieweit sich Dewey auf Hume direkt oder indirekt bezog
4) Verbindungslinien zwischen den Gedanken beider Philosophen
Diesen Untersuchungsschwerpunkten werden vorgelagert bzw. beigestellt:
- Ausführliche Begriffsarbeit, insbesondere zu den „Ismen“, welche man beiden Denkern zurechnet: Empirismus, Pragmatismus/Pragmatiszismus, Skeptizismus, Naturalismus. Der Verfasser geht dabei auch Bezüge dieser Ismen untereinander ein.
- Die Philosophie William James‘ als eventueller Verbindung zwischen Hume und Dewey
- Der Darwinismus als möglicher missing link zwischen beiden Denkern
- Die Thematik Willensfreiheit/Determinismus als Scharnierstelle zwischen theoretischer und praktischer Philosophie
Als Hauptsäulen seiner Untersuchung arbeitet der Verfasser folgende Konzeptionen heraus.
- Den „pragmatistic turn“, mit dem der Verfasser aussagt, dass Hume durch die unterschiedliche Behandlung seiner skeptischen Denkergebnisse in seinen Hauptwerken Treatise und Enquiry Pragmatist avant la lettre gewesen sei
- Die Idee des „Instrumentalismus zu einem höheren Zweck“, gemäß dem Dewey (und im Effekt auch Hume) zwar instrumentalistisch operierte (was ihm u. a. von Horkheimer vorgeworfen wurde), diesen Instrumentalismus selbst aber dem höheren Zweck der sozialen Gemeinschaft untergeordnet habe.
Als Nebenergebnisse der Arbeit (neben der systematischen Prüfung der Thesen in allen benannten Disziplinen) entstanden Reflexionen über
- Kreativität
- Kommunikation
- Kultur
- Natur
- Meliorismus, Kommunitarismus und Voluntarismus
- Die Stellung der Philosophie in Bezug zu geistes-, natur- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Rekonstruktion,
jeweils in Bezug zum Werk beider Denker.
Darüber hinaus werden die Biographien beider als „Faktor Existenz und Authentizität“ mit Blick auf die jeweilige Entsprechung zwischen Leben und Werk ausgewertet.
Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst die Auswertung des jeweils umfangreichen Gesamtwerkes sowohl von Hume als auch von Dewey und bezieht den aktuellen Stand der Sekundärliteratur mit ein.
Die bisherige Forschungslage zu einem Vergleich zwischen den beiden Philosophen ist sehr spärlich; diese Arbeit ist in diesem Sinne innovativ im Themenbezug.
Ergebnis der Untersuchung ist, dass in nicht wenigen Teilbereichen große Entsprechungen beider Philosophien vorhanden sind. Aber auch durch Unterschiede und bislang nicht weiterverfolgte Interpretationsansätze werden mögliche Denklinien in der Bewertung beider Philosophien und in der Betrachtung des Bezugs zwischen klassischem Empirismus und dem Pragmatismus sichtbar gemacht.
The Web is an essential component of moving our society to the digital age. We use it for communication, shopping, and doing our work. Most user interaction in the Web happens with Web page interfaces. Thus, the usability and accessibility of Web page interfaces are relevant areas of research to make the Web more useful. Eye tracking is a tool that can be helpful in both areas, performing usability testing and improving accessibility. It can be used to understand users' attention on Web pages and to support usability experts in their decision-making process. Moreover, eye tracking can be used as an input method to control an interface. This is especially useful for people with motor impairment, who cannot use traditional input devices like mouse and keyboard. However, interfaces on Web pages become more and more complex due to dynamics, i.e., changing contents like animated menus and photo carousels. We need general approaches to comprehend dynamics on Web pages, allowing for efficient usability analysis and enjoyable interaction with eye tracking. In the first part of this thesis, we report our work on improving gaze-based analysis of dynamic Web pages. Eye tracking can be used to collect the gaze signals of users, who browse a Web site and its pages. The gaze signals show a usability expert what parts in the Web page interface have been read, glanced at, or skipped. The aggregation of gaze signals allows a usability expert insight into the users' attention on a high-level, before looking into individual behavior. For this, all gaze signals must be aligned to the interface as experienced by the users. However, the user experience is heavily influenced by changing contents, as these may cover a substantial portion of the screen. We delineate unique states in Web page interfaces including changing contents, such that gaze signals from multiple users can be aggregated correctly. In the second part of this thesis, we report our work on improving the gaze-based interaction with dynamic Web pages. Eye tracking can be used to retrieve gaze signals while a user operates a computer. The gaze signals may be interpreted as input controlling an interface. Nowadays, eye tracking as an input method is mostly used to emulate mouse and keyboard functionality, hindering an enjoyable user experience. There exist a few Web browser prototypes that directly interpret gaze signals for control, but they do not work on dynamic Web pages. We have developed a method to extract interaction elements like hyperlinks and text inputs efficiently on Web pages, including changing contents. We adapt the interaction with those elements for eye tracking as the input method, such that a user can conveniently browse the Web hands-free. Both parts of this thesis conclude with user-centered evaluations of our methods, assessing the improvements in the user experience for usability experts and people with motor impairment, respectively.
We consider variational discretization of three different optimal control problems.
The first being a parabolic optimal control problem governed by space-time measure controls. This problem has a nice sparsity structure, which motivates our aim to achieve maximal sparsity on the discrete level. Due to the measures on the right hand side of the partial differential equation, we consider a very weak solution theory for the state equation and need an embedding into the continuous functions for the pairings to make sense. Furthermore, we employ Fenchel duality to formulate the predual problem and give results on solution theory of both the predual and the primal problem. Later on, the duality is also helpful for the derivation of algorithms, since the predual problem can be differentiated twice so that we can apply a semismooth Newton method. We then retrieve the optimal control by duality relations.
For the state discretization we use a Petrov-Galerkin method employing piecewise constant states and piecewise linear and continuous test functions in time. For the space discretization we choose piecewise linear and continuous functions. As a result the controls are composed of Dirac measures in space-time, centered at points on the discrete space-time grid. We prove that the optimal discrete states and controls converge strongly in L^q and weakly-* in Μ, respectively, to their smooth counterparts, where q ϵ (1,min{2,1+2/d}] is the spatial dimension. The variational discrete version of the state equation with the above choice of spaces yields a Crank-Nicolson time stepping scheme with half a Rannacher smoothing step.
Furthermore, we compare our approach to a full discretization of the corresponding control problem, precisely a discontinuous Galerkin method for the state discretization, where the discrete controls are piecewise constant in time and Dirac measures in space. Numerical experiments highlight the sparsity features of our discrete approach and verify the convergence results.
The second problem we analyze is a parabolic optimal control problem governed by bounded initial measure controls. Here, the cost functional consists of a tracking term corresponding to the observation of the state at final time. Instead of a regularization term for the control in the cost functional, we consider a bound on the measure norm of the initial control. As in the first problem we observe a sparsity structure, but here the control resides only in space at initial time, so we focus on the space discretization to achieve maximal sparsity of the control. Again, due to the initial measure in the partial differential equation, we rely on a very weak solution theory of the state equation.
We employ a dG(0) approximation of the state equation, i.e. we choose piecewise linear and continuous functions in space, which are piecewise constant in time for our ansatz and test space. Then, the variational discretization of the problem together with the optimality conditions induce maximal discrete sparsity of the initial control, i.e. Dirac measures in space. We present numerical experiments to illustrate our approach and investigate the sparsity structure
As third problem we choose an elliptic optimal control governed by functions of bounded variation (BV) in one space dimension. The cost functional consists of a tracking term for the state and a BV-seminorm in terms of the derivative of the control. We derive a sparsity structure for the derivative of the BV control. Additionally, we utilize the mixed formulation for the state equation.
A variational discretization approach with piecewise constant discretization of the state and piecewise linear and continuous discretization of the adjoint state yields that the derivative of the control is a sum of Dirac measures. Consequently the control is a piecewise constant function. Under a structural assumption we even get that the number of jumps of the control is finite. We prove error estimates for the variational discretization approach in combination with the mixed formulation of the state equation and confirm our findings in numerical experiments that display the convergence rate.
In summary we confirm the use of variational discretization for optimal control problems with measures that inherit a sparsity. We are able to preserve the sparsity on the discrete level without discretizing the control variable.
Human action recognition from a video has received growing attention in computer vision and has made significant progress in recent years. Action recognition is described as a requirement to decide which human actions appear in videos. The difficulties involved in distinguishing human actions are due to the high complexity of human behaviors as well as appearance variation, motion pattern variation, occlusions, etc. Many applications use human action recognition on captured video from cameras, resulting in video surveillance systems, health monitoring, human-computer interaction, and robotics. Action recognition based on RGB-D data has increasingly drawn more attention to it in recent years. RGB-D data contain color (Red, Green, and Blue (RGB)) and depth data that represent the distance from the sensor to every pixel in the object (object point). The main problem that this thesis deals with is how to automate the classification of specific human activities/actions through RGB-D data. The classification process of these activities utilizes a spatial and temporal structure of actions. Therefore, the goal of this work is to develop algorithms that can distinguish these activities by recognizing low-level and high-level activities of interest from one another. These algorithms are developed by introducing new features and methods using RGB-D data to enhance the detection and recognition of human activities. In this thesis, the most popular state-of-the-art techniques are reviewed, presented, and evaluated. From the literature review, these techniques are categorized into hand-crafted features and deep learning-based approaches. The proposed new action recognition framework is based on these two categories that are approved in this work by embedding novel methods for human action recognition. These methods are based on features extracted from RGB-D data that are
evaluated using machine learning techniques. The presented work of this thesis improves human action recognition in two distinct parts. The first part focuses on improving current successful hand-crafted approaches. It contributes into two significant areas of state-of-the-art: Execute the existing feature detectors, and classify the human action in the 3D spatio-temporal domains by testing a new combination of different feature representations. The contributions of this part are tested based on machine learning techniques that include unsupervised and supervised learning to evaluate this suitability for the task of human action recognition. A k-means clustering represents the unsupervised learning technique, while the supervised learning technique is represented by: Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, and Artificial Neural Networks classifiers. The second part focuses on studying the current deep-learning-based approach and how to use it with RGB-D data for the human action recognition task. As the first step of each contribution, an input video is analyzed as a sequence of frames. Then, pre-processing steps are applied to the video frames, like filtering and smoothing methods to remove the noisy data from each frame. Afterward, different motion detection and feature representation methods are used to extract features presented in each frame. The extracted features
are represented by local features, global features, and feature combination besides deep learning methods, e.g., Convolutional Neural Networks. The feature combination achieves an excellent accuracy performance that outperforms other methods on the same RGB-D datasets. All the results from the proposed methods in this thesis are evaluated based on publicly available datasets, which illustrate that using spatiotemporal features can improve the recognition accuracy. The competitive experimental results are achieved overall. In particular, the proposed methods can be better applied to the test set compared to the state-of-the-art methods using the RGB-D datasets.
This thesis addresses the reduced basis methods for parametrized quasilinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations with strongly monotone differential operator. It presents all of the ingredients of the reduced basis method: basis generation for reduced basis approximation, certification of the approximation error by suitable a-posteriori error control and an Offine-Online decomposition. The methodology is further applied to the magnetostatic and magnetoquasistatic approximations of Maxwell’s equations and its validity is confirmed by numerical examples.
As a multilingual system,Wikipedia provides many challenges for academics and engineers alike. One such challenge is cultural contextualisation of Wikipedia content, and the lack of approaches to effectively quantify it. Additionally, what seems to lack is the intent of establishing sound computational practices and frameworks for measuring cultural variations in the data. Current approaches seem to mostly be dictated by the data availability, which makes it difficult to apply them in other contexts. Another common drawback is that they rarely scale due to a significant qualitative or translation effort. To address these limitations, this thesis develops and tests two modular quantitative approaches. They are aimed at quantifying culture-related phenomena in systems which rely on multilingual user-generated content. In particular, they allow to: (1) operationalise a custom concept of culture in a system; (2) quantify and compare culture-specific content- or coverage biases in such a system; and (3) map a large scale landscape of shared cultural interests and focal points. Empirical validation of these approaches is split into two parts. First, an approach to mapping Wikipedia communities of shared co-editing interests is validated on two large Wikipedia datasets comprising multilateral geopolitical and linguistic editor communities. Both datasets reveal measurable clusters of consistent co-editing interest, and computationally confirm that these clusters correspond to existing colonial, religious, socio economic, and geographical ties. Second, an approach to quantifying content differences is validated on a multilingual Wikipedia dataset, and a multi-platform (Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica) dataset. Both are limited to a selected knowledge domain of national history. This analysis allows, for the first time on the large scale, to quantify and visualise the distribution of historical focal points in the articles on national histories. All results are cross-validated either by domain experts, or external datasets.
Main thesis contributions. This thesis: (1) presents an effort to formalise the process of measuring cultural variations in user-generated data; (2) introduces and tests two novel approaches to quantifying cultural contextualisation in multilingual data; (3) synthesises a valuable overview of literature on defining and quantifying culture; (4) provides important empirical insights on the effect of culture on Wikipedia content and coverage; demonstrates that Wikipedia is not contextfree, and these differences should not be treated as noise, but rather, as an important feature of the data. (5) makes practical service contributions through sharing data and visualisations.
The role of alternative resources for pollinators and aphid predators in agricultural landscapes
The world wide decline of insects is often associated with loss of natural and semi-natural habitat caused by intensified land-use. Many insects provide important ecosystem services to agriculture, such as pest control or pollination. To efficiently promote insects on remaining semi-natural habitat we need precise knowledge of their requirements to non-crop habitat. This thesis focuses on identifying
the most important semi-natural habitats (forest edges, grasslands, and semi-open habitats) for pollinators and natural enemies of crop pests with respect to their food resource requirements. Special
attention is given to floral resources and their spatio-temporal distribution in agricultural landscapes.
Floral resource maps might get closer at characterizing landscapes the way they are experienced by insects compared to classical habitat maps. Performance of the two map types was compared on the prediction of wild bees and natural enemies that consume nectar and pollen, identifying habitats of special importance in the process. In wild bees, influences of spatio-temporal floral resource availability were analysed as well as habitat preferences of specific groups of bees. Understanding dietary needs of natural enemies of crop pests requires additional knowledge on prey use. To this end, ladybird gut contents have been analysed by means of high-throughput sequencing for insight into aphid prey-use.
Results showed, that wild bees were predicted better by floral resource maps compared to classical habitat maps. Forest edge area, as well as floral resources in forest edges had positive effects on abundance and diversity of rare bees and important crop pollinators. Similar patterns were retained for grassland diversity. Especially early floral resources seemed to have positive effects on wild bees. Crops and fruit trees produced a resource pulse in April that exceeded floral resource availability in May and June by tenfold. Most floral resources in forest edges appeared early in the season, with the highest floral density per area. Grasslands provided the lowest amount of floral resources but highest diversity, which was evenly distributed over the season.
Despite natural enemies need for floral resources, classical habitat maps performed better at predicting natural enemies of crop pests compared to floral resource maps. Classical habitat maps revealed a positive effect of forest edge habitat on the abundance of pest enemies, which translated into improved aphid control. Results from gut content analysis reveal high portions of pest aphid species and nettle aphids as well as a broader insight into prey spectra retained from ladybirds collected from sticky traps compared to individuals collected by hand. The aphid specific primer designed for this purpose will be helpful for identifying aphid consumption by ladybirds in future studies.
Findings of this thesis show the potential of floral resource maps for understanding interactions of wild bees and the landscape but also indicate that natural enemies are limited by other resources. I would like to highlight the positive effects of forest edges for different groups of bees as well as natural enemies and their performance on pest control.
Modellbildung zum Abbindeverhalten von PCE-verflüssigten und CA-Zement-gebundenen Feuerbetonen
Feuerbetone werden als Auskleidung in industriellen Hochtemperaturaggregaten, wie beispielsweise in der Eisen- und Stahlindustrie, eingesetzt. Nach dem Mischen und dem Gießen eines Feuerbetons in Formen bzw. Schalungen, muss dieser abbinden und eine ausreichende Festigkeit ausbilden. Die Kinetik der Abbindevorgänge und somit auch das Erhärtungsverhalten variiert dabei stark in Abhängigkeit der Zusammensetzung, vor allem hinsichtlich des Bindemittels und der Additive, des Feuerbetons. In der Praxis der Herstellung von Feuerbetonen kommt es häufig zu Beschädigungen der hergestellten Bauteile oder Auskleidungen durch das Fließen noch nicht ausreichend abgebundener Feuerbetone bzw. die Beschädigung von Ecken und Kanten während des Ausschalens oder Bauteilen reißen durch mechanische Belastung beim Umsetzen oder beim Transport. Diese Beschädigungen basieren auf Fehleinschätzungen zum Abbindefortschritt und der korrespondierenden Festigkeitsausprägung der Feuerbetone. Diese wiederum sind auf Lücken im Stand der Technik zurück zu führen.
Für PCE-verflüssigte und CA-Zement-gebundene Korund-Feuerbetonen mit einer Al₂O₃- und Al₂O₃-SiO₂-Matrix, werden die Defizite des Stands der Technik für diese Feuerbetonklasse identifiziert: Diese liegen im Bereich der Verflüssigungswirkung und des ersten Ansteifens der Feuerbetone, der Hydratation des CA-Zements in den Feuerbetonen und der Festigkeitsausprägung der Feuerbetone. Hieraus leitet sich ein entsprechender Forschungsbedarf ab.
Am Beispiel von zwei PCE-verflüssigten (PCE mit kurzer Hauptkette und langen Seitenketten sowie PCE mit langer Hauptkette und kurzen Seitenketten) und CA-Zement-gebundenen (70 % Al₂O₃) Feuerbetonen mit einer reaktivtonerde-basierten und einer reaktivtonerde-mikrosilika-basierten Matrix werden abbindekinetische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Anhand verschiedener abbindekinetischer Messmethoden, wie Schallgeschwindigkeit oder elektrischer Leitfähigkeit, und einigen ergänzenden Messung, wie beispielsweise das ζ-Potential, wird der Abbindeverlauf der Feuerbetone untersucht und die Defizite aus dem Stand der Technik aufgeklärt.
Im Detail wurde der Stand der Technik um folgende Erkenntnisse ergänzt:
• Verflüssigung von Feuerbetonen mit PCE-Molekülen: Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Verflüssigungswirkung und das erste Ansteifen maßgeblich durch die Struktur der Verflüssigermoleküle hervorgerufen werden.
PCE-Moleküle mit langen Seitenketten verflüssigen eher sterisch. Durch die Vermittlung von Ca²⁺ aus dem CA-Zement wird die Adsorption der PCE-Moleküle verstärkt. Freie PCE-Moleküle können auf CAH-Phasen (Hydratationsprodukte) adsorbieren und somit die Fließfähigkeit des Feuerbetons für eine gewisse Zeit aufrechterhalten.
PCE-Moleküle mit kurzen Seitenketten verflüssigen elektrosterisch. Bei Lösung von Ca²⁺ aus dem CA-Zement kommt es zu einer Ca-PCE Gel-Bildung und einer korrespondierenden Koagulation der Feuerbetonmatrix und der Feuerbeton steift zeitnah nach dem Mischen an.
• Hydratation von CA-Zement: Die Hydratation von CA-Zement in den Feuerbetonen wird wesentlich durch die Länge der Seitenketten der PCE-Moleküle bzw. der Anwesenheit von Zitronensäure beeinflusst.
In Feuerbetonen die mit PCE-Molekülen mit langen Seitenketten verflüssigt wurden, kann der CA-Zement weitestgehend frei hydratisieren. Der CAH-Phasenanteil steigt in zwei Abschnitten, getrennt von einer dormanten Phase. Die dormante Phase der CA Zementhydratation wurde auf eine Lösungshemmung der Al-O-H-Passivierungsschicht auf dem CA-Zement bei mäßigem pH-Wert (pH = 12,3) zurückgeführt.
In Feuerbetonen die mit PCE-Molekülen mit kurze Seitenketten und Zitronensäure verflüssigt werden, wird die Hydratationsreaktion durch eine Ca-Citrat-PCE-Al(OH)₄-Gelbildung stark gehemmt. Es besteht die Vermutung, dass die Bindung von Ca²⁺ in dem Gel zum einen eine sehr ausgeprägte dormante Phase (pH < 12,3), mit einer schlechten Löslichkeit der Passivierungsschicht, bewirkt und zum anderen auch die Fällung von CAH-Phasen unterdrückt.
• Festigkeitsausprägung von CA-Zement-gebundenen Feuerbetonen:
Eine Koagulation bewirkt die erste Festigkeitssteigerung der Feuerbetone auf σB < 1 MPa. Im Anschluss findet die Hauptfestigkeitssteigerung auf Grund von Austrocknung durch Hydratation und Verdunstung statt. Der weitere Teil der Festigkeitssteigerung wird durch die Reduzierung der Porosität durch expansive CA-Zementhydratation und die hohe spezifische Oberfläche sowie deren weitere Erhöhung durch die CA-Zementhydratation bewirkt.
Aus den einzelnen abbindekinetischen Effekten können, zusammen mit dem Stand der Technik und den neuen Erkenntnissen, mikrostrukturelle Abbindemodelle und Modelle zur Festigkeitsentwicklung der Feuerbetone abgeleitet werden. In Folge kann für die zwei Feuerbetone zu jedem Zeitpunkt des Abbindens eine Aussage zum Abbindefortschritt und zur Festigkeitsausprägung getätigt werden. Einige der Abbindemechanismen und festigkeitsbildenden Mechanismen können auf andere Feuerbetonzusammensetzungen übertragen werden.