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- Part of Periodical (132) (remove)
- Bluetooth (4)
- computer clusters (4)
- ontology (4)
- Knowledge Compilation (3)
- parallel algorithms (3)
- Augmented Reality (2)
- Campus Information System (2)
- Customer Relationship Management (2)
- Datensicherheit (2)
- Enhanced Reality (2)
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- IBM Lotus Quickr (2)
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- Linked Open Data (2)
- OWL (2)
- Ontology (2)
- Petri-Netze (2)
- Semantic Web (2)
- University (2)
- artifcial neural networks (2)
- artificial neural networks (2)
- classification (2)
- constraint logic programming (2)
- mobile phone (2)
- privacy protection (2)
- probability propagation nets (2)
- risk (2)
- social media (2)
- 2D/3D-Segmentierung (1)
- 3-D-Modell (1)
- 3D-Color-Structure-Code (1)
- 3D-RETISEG (1)
- ABox (1)
- Absorptive capacity (1)
- Adaptive Services Grid (ASG) (1)
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- Automated Theorem Proving (1)
- Automated Theorem Proving Systems (1)
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- Common Annotation Framework (1)
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- RDF (1)
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- ReDSeeDS-Project (1)
- Resource Description Framework (RDF) (1)
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- Robocup 2008 (1)
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- Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) (1)
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- Shared Annotations (1)
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- UML (1)
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- Universität Koblenz-Landau (1)
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- activation functions of neurons (1)
- adaptive resonance theory (1)
- application programming interfaces (1)
- artiffficial neural networks (1)
- artififfcial neural networks (1)
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- business process management (1)
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- deutschsprachiger Markt (1)
- directed acyclic graphs (1)
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- entrepreneurial thinking (1)
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- estimation of algorithm efficiency (1)
- event model (1)
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- events (1)
- faceted search (1)
- finite state automata (1)
- governance (1)
- gradient method of training weight coefficients (1)
- hybrid automata (1)
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- iCity project (1)
- image processing (1)
- information system (1)
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- kollaboratives Lernen (1)
- legacy software (1)
- mathematical model (1)
- media competence model (1)
- metadata formats (1)
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- minimum self-contained graphs (1)
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- multi-agent systems (1)
- multimedia metadata (1)
- myAnnotations (1)
- parallel calculations (1)
- personal information management (1)
- persönliches Informationsmanagement (1)
- points of interest (1)
- polyp detection (1)
- privacy and personal data (1)
- privacy competence model (1)
- public key infrastructure (1)
- regular dag languages (1)
- risks (1)
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- security awareness (1)
- semantic desktop (1)
- semantics (1)
- semantischer Desktop (1)
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- technology acceptance model (1)
- time series (1)
- tracking (1)
- traffic survey (1)
- virtual goods (1)
- visualization (1)
- Fachbereich 4 (132) (remove)
Querying for meta knowledge
The Semantic Web is based on accessing and reusing RDF data from many different sources, which one may assign different levels of authority and credibility. Existing Semantic Web query languages, like SPARQL, have targeted the retrieval, combination and reuse of facts, but have so far ignored all aspects of meta knowledge, such as origins, authorship, recency or certainty of data, to name but a few. In this paper, we present an original, generic, formalized and implemented approach for managing many dimensions of meta knowledge, like source, authorship, certainty and others. The approach re-uses existing RDF modeling possibilities in order to represent meta knowledge. Then, it extends SPARQL query processing in such a way that given a SPARQL query for data, one may request meta knowledge without modifying the query proper. Thus, our approach achieves highly flexible and automatically coordinated querying for data and meta knowledge, while completely separating the two areas of concern.
Dieser Arbeitsbericht behandelt die Entwicklung einer Architektur für komplexe kontextbezogene Dienste im mobilen Umfeld. Der folgende Arbeitsbericht beschreibt die grundlegende Problemstellung und einen theoretischen Lösungsansatz, der im weiteren Forschungsprozess konkretisiert, prototypisch implementiert und evaluiert wird. Durch die gestiegene Mobilität vieler Menschen besteht ein stetig steigender Bedarf an mobilen Kommunikations- und Informationsdiensten. Im mobilen Umfeld werden die meisten Mehrwertdienste zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt von den Mobilfunkprovidern angeboten. Es handelt sich primär um Dienste für den Massenmarkt, die keine nennenswerte Personalisierung zulassen. Aufgrund der funktionell einfachen Dienste und des damit verbundenen niedrigen Komforts sowie der durch die Nutzung entstehenden Kosten werden derartige Dienste nur in begrenztem Maße vom Massenmarkt angenommen. Dazu besteht keine Möglichkeit, kostengünstig kontextbezogene Dienste für spezielle Personengruppen anzubieten, da das Dienstangebot vom jeweiligen Mobilfunkprovider festgelegt wird. Diese Arbeit betrachtet nicht nur die heutigen Hemmnisse, sondern auch die Anforderungen, die einer Akzeptanz besonders von komplexen kontextbezogenen Diensten noch im Wege stehen. Ziel ist es, eine Architektur bereitzustellen, die zukünftig personalisierte Dienste ermöglichen soll. Durch die Verwendung von sensiblen Kontextinformationen bei der Diensterbringung muss bei der Konzeption dieser Architektur der Schutz der Privatsphäre als ein wichtiger Punkt betrachtet werden. Basierend auf diesen ermittelten Anforderungen schlägt diese Arbeit eine Architektur vor, die es ermöglicht, kontextbezogene Dienste geräte und providerunabhängig in einem wirtschaftlichen Umfeld, unter Berücksichtigung des Schutzes der Privatsphäre des Benutzers, anzubieten.
This volume contains those research papers presented at the Second International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2008) that were not included in the main conference proceedings. TAP was the second conference devoted to the convergence of proofs and tests. It combines ideas from both areas for the advancement of software quality. To prove the correctness of a program is to demonstrate, through impeccable mathematical techniques, that it has no bugs; to test a program is to run it with the expectation of discovering bugs. On the surface, the two techniques seem contradictory: if you have proved your program, it is fruitless to comb it for bugs; and if you are testing it, that is surely a sign that you have given up on any hope of proving its correctness. Accordingly, proofs and tests have, since the onset of software engineering research, been pursued by distinct communities using rather different techniques and tools. And yet the development of both approaches leads to the discovery of common issues and to the realization that each may need the other. The emergence of model checking has been one of the first signs that contradiction may yield to complementarity, but in the past few years an increasing number of research efforts have encountered the need for combining proofs and tests, dropping earlier dogmatic views of their incompatibility and taking instead the best of what each of these software engineering domains has to offer. The first TAP conference (held at ETH Zurich in February 2007) was an attempt to provide a forum for the cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches from the testing and proving communities. For the 2008 edition we found the Monash University Prato Centre near Florence to be an ideal place providing a stimulating environment. We wish to sincerely thank all the authors who submitted their work for consideration. And we would like to thank the Program Committee members as well as additional referees for their great effort and professional work in the review and selection process. Their names are listed on the following pages. In addition to the contributed papers, the program included three excellent keynote talks. We are grateful to Michael Hennell (LDRA Ltd., Cheshire, UK), Orna Kupferman (Hebrew University, Israel), and Elaine Weyuker (AT&T Labs Inc., USA) for accepting the invitation to address the conference. Two very interesting tutorials were part of TAP 2008: "Parameterized Unit Testing with Pex" (J. de Halleux, N. Tillmann) and "Integrating Verification and Testing of Object-Oriented Software" (C. Engel, C. Gladisch, V. Klebanov, and P. Rümmer). We would like to express our thanks to the tutorial presenters for their contribution. It was a team effort that made the conference so successful. We are grateful to the Conference Chair and the Steering Committee members for their support. And we particularly thank Christoph Gladisch, Beate Körner, and Philipp Rümmer for their hard work and help in making the conference a success. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the generous support of Microsoft Research Redmond, who financed an invited speaker.
The University of Koblenz-Landau would like to apply for participation in the RoboCup Mixed Reality League in Suzhou, China 2008. Our team is composed of ten team members and two supervisors. All members are graduate students of Computational Visualistics. Our supervisors are Ph.D. candidates currently researching in the working groups of artificial intelligence and computer graphics.
Es wird erklärt, was ein Beschreibungsmodell ist, wie IT-Sicherheitsmodelle grundsätzlich aufgebaut sind und welchem Zweck sie dienen. Zur Illustration werden vier verschiedene IT-Sicherheitsmodelle vorgestellt, die historisch zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten entstanden sind. Sie passen zu vier verschiedenen typischen Anwendungsumgebungen und charakterisieren die zugehörigen Sicherheitsanforderungen. Vorgestellt werden das Bell-LaPadula-Modell zum Vertraulichkeitsschutz in hierarchischen Institutionen, das Clark-Wilson-Modell zum Integri-tätsschutz von Geschäftsanwendungen, das Chinese-Wall-Modell zum Konkurrentenschutz von Unternehmen und das Gleichgewichtsmodell zum Schutz verbindlichen Handelns im offenen Internet.
CAMPUS NEWS - artificial intelligence methods combined for an intelligent information network
In this paper we describe a network for distributing personalised information with the usage of artificial intelligence methods. Reception of this information should be possible with everyday mobile equipment. Intelligent filtering and spam protection aim at integrating this technology into our environment. Information on the system architecture and usage of the installation are also presented.
Ziel des Verbundprojektes 3D-RETISEG ist es, ein optimiertes echtzeitfähiges Soft- und Hardwarepaket zur 2D/3D-Segmentierung und Klassifizierung basierend auf hierarchischen Inselstrukturen, und zur schnellen Volumenvisualisierung sehr großer Volumendaten aus komprimierten Datensätzen zu entwickeln. Die Entwicklungen sollen in konkreten Anwendungsfällen der Forschung und der Wirtschaft als marktreifes Modul in das Softwarepaket VGStudioMax integriert werden. In der Medizin, speziell bei der Segmentierung von Volumendatensätzen, die durch unterschiedliche Tomographietechniken (z.B. CT und MRI) erzeugt werden, liefern zweidimensionale Verfahren häufig eine unzureichende Qualität aufgrund der anisotropen Berücksichtigung der Rauminformationen. Bisher entwickelte dreidimensionale Verfahren sind, neben der der schlechten Verfügbarkeit ihrer Implementierungen, häufig nur für bestimmte Fragestellungen dediziert und daher für andere Anwendungsfälle schlecht adaptierbar. Weiterhin benötigen Verfahren, die gute Ergebnisse liefern, meist eine hohe Laufzeit. Dies ist aber speziell in medizinischen Anwendungen von großem Nachteil, da hier die Qualität der Ergebnisse in letzter Instanz von einem Experten beurteilt wird. Damit das Ergebnis schnell zu benutzerdefinierten Optimierungen durch Veränderung der Verfahrensparameter zur Verfügung steht, sollte ein Verfahren nur sehr kurze Rechenzeiten benötigen. Weist ein Verfahren eine geringe Laufzeit auf, so kann es außerdem intra-operativ eingesetzt werden. Der hier im Projekt verwendete 3D-Color-Structure-Code verspricht, ein besseres und generisches Verfahren zu ermöglichen.
In this paper we describe a network for distributing personalized Information in a metropolitan area. We discuss the system architecture of our Bluetooth-based information system as well as the reasoning process that fits users" needs with potential messages. We furthermore present our findings on parallelizing Bluetooth connection setup and performance.
In this paper we describe a network for distributing personalized information within a pervasive university. We discuss the system architecture of our Bluetooth-based CampusNews-system, both, from the administrator and the user viewpoint. We furthermore present first statistical data about the usage of the partial installation at the Koblenz campus together with an outlook to future work.
The impact of innovation in order to secure a company- existence is increasing. Especially in the field of information and communication systems, modified conditions, reduced product life cycles (in some markets e.g. in the software market down to a few months), and increased competition force many companies to adapt their innovation speed. Long-term profit will just be obtained by those companies that will manage to consolidate or further to enlarge their competitive position with technological innovation. The increasing relevance of new developments requires a separate treatment of technological innovations and demands for a technology and innovation management. Not every innovation is thereby a result of a single, spontaneous idea. Many innovations evolve from the integration or combination of already existing technologies. Especially in markets with insignificant growing rates, this kind of innovation is quite important. The purpose of this article is a case-oriented identification of existing deficiencies within established recommendations for a strategic technology and innovation management and the discussion about the role of modularity and technology integration as an alternative way to innovate.