Year of publication
Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (42)
- Master's Thesis (33)
- Part of Periodical (32)
- Doctoral Thesis (8)
- Diploma Thesis (1)
- Habilitation (1)
- Innovation (3)
- World of Warcraft (3)
- Business Intelligence (2)
- CCRDMT (2)
- Computerspiel (2)
- Crowdsourcing (2)
- Innovationsmanagement (2)
- Rollenspiel (2)
- Absorptive capacity (1)
- Advertising (1)
- Institut für Management (117) (remove)
The thesis develops and evaluates a hypothetical model of the factors that influence user acceptance of weblog technology. Previous acceptance studies are reviewed, and the various models employed are discussed. The eventual model is based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) by Davis et al. It conceptualizes and operationalizes a quantitative survey conducted by means of an online questionnaire, strictly from a user perspective. Finally, it is tested and validated by applying methods of data analysis.
Digitalisation and further media development are core processes of the current digital age. In order for companies to benefit from technical progress, their employees must have or are expected to acquire the relevant skills. Companies therefore are faced with the task of not being overwhelmed with the mass of innovations and opportunities and, in the best-case scenario, of being able to use them to improve their own performance.
Small and medium-sized enterprises represent 99% of all enterprises in Germany. Though, it has not been further established, how the majority of small enterprises and their employees participate in this development. The research question therefore consists of two parts. On the one hand: "Is the promotion of employees' skills taken care of in micro-enterprises?" and on the other hand: "Where are the opportunities and challenges for companies of this size?”
In order to answer the research question, a qualitative research method was used, the guideline-based interview. The interviewed companies were all in the media and IT sector. Thus, the recorded and transcribed data provided a real insight into the current situation in micro-enterprises.
The responses to the interviews showed that companies with very small numbers of employees are more dependent on their employees than others. So, the commitment of the employees is decisive for the success of the company itself. It is the management's task to promote this and ensure employee satisfaction.
Companies that pay more attention to employee development are therefore more recommendable for career starters who need and/or want to develop themselves and their entire horizon of experience.
This thesis deals with quality assurance of model-based SRS, in particular SRS-Models and SRS-Diagrams. The interesting thing about model-based SRS is that they are generated by a documentation generator based on the following input data: SRS-Model, SRS-Diagrams and texts external to the model. Therefore to assure the quality of the documentation the quality of their four factors must be assured, which are the SRS-Model, SRS-Diagrams, external texts and the documentation generator. The thesis" goal is to define a quality connotation for SRS-Models and -Diagrams and to show an approach for realizing automatically quality testing, measurement and assessment for the modelling tool Innovator.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Integration einer Business Intelligence-Lösung in eine bestehende Social Software beschrieben. Dafür wird zunächst der Begriff Business Intelligence und Social Software, der Aufbau sowie deren Bestandteile näher erläutert. Danach erfolgt eine Analyse der IST-Situation der Zielgruppe durch Interviews, deren Auswertungen in der SOLL-Konzeptionierung in eine Anforderungsliste transformiert werden. Abschließend werden die herausgearbeiteten Anforderungen an der finalen Installation geprüft und getestet, um festzustellen ob die Erwartungen der Zielgruppe und ihre Vorstellungen von Business Intelligence realisierbar sind.
Das Ergebnis dieser Arbeit soll eine installierte Business Intelligence-Lösung in einer Social Software sein. Diese soll einen Überblick darüber geben, was mit der aktuellsten Version der Software bereits möglich ist und kritisch aufzeigen, wo es Stärken und Schwächen gibt, die bei zukünftigen Versionenrnbedacht werden sollten.
While the existing literature on cooperative R&D projects between firms and public research institutes (PRI) has made valuable contributions by examining various factors and their influence on different outcome measures, there has been no investigation of cooperative R&D project success between firms and PRI from a product competitive advantage perspective. However, insights into the development of a meaningful and superior product (i.e., product competitive advantage) are particularly important in the context of cooperative R&D projects between PRI and (mainly small and medium-sized) firms in the biotechnology industry in response to increasing competition to raise capital funds necessary for survival.
The objectives of this thesis are: (1) to elaborate the theoretical foundations which explain the achievement of a product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI, (2) to identify and empirically evaluate the determining factors for achieving a product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI, and (3) to show how cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI should be designed and executed to support the achievement of a product competitive advantage.
To accomplish these objectives, a model of determinants of product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI is developed by drawing from the theoretical foundations of resource-based theory and information-processing theory. The model is evaluated using data from 517 questionnaires on cooperative R&D projects between at least one biotechnology firm and one PRI. The data are analyzed using variance-based structural equation modeling (i.e., PLS-SEM) in order to conduct hypotheses testing. The evaluation of the empirical data includes an additional mediation analysis and the comparison of effects in subsamples.
The results demonstrate the importance of available resources and skills, as well as the proficient execution of marketing-related and technical activities for the achievement of a product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI. By identifying project-related and process-related factors affecting product competitive advantage and empirically testing their relationships, the research findings should be valuable for both researchers and practitioners. After discussing contributions and implications for research and practice, the present thesis concludes with limitations and avenues for future research.
Despite the inception of new technologies at a breakneck pace, many analytics projects fail mainly due to the use of incompatible development methodologies. As big data analytics projects are different from software development projects, the methodologies used in software development projects could not be applied in the same fashion to analytics projects. The traditional agile project management approaches to the projects do not consider the complexities involved in the analytics. In this thesis, the challenges involved in generalizing the application of agile methodologies will be evaluated, and some suitable agile frameworks which are more compatible with the analytics project will be explored and recommended. The standard practices and approaches which are currently applied in the industry for analytics projects will be discussed concerning enablers and success factors for agile adaption. In the end, after the comprehensive discussion and analysis of the problem and complexities, a framework will be recommended that copes best with the discussed challenges and complexities and is generally well suited for the most data-intensive analytics projects.
Die Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der zentralen Frage, welche Erfolgsfaktoren einen Effekt auf eine erfolgreiche Crowdfunding Kampagne haben. Als Untersuchungsfeld stehen deutsche Startup-Unternehmen im Fokus, die bereits erfolgreiche CrowdfundingKampagnen durchgeführt haben.
Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wird zunächst eine systematische Literaturanalyse durchgeführt, durch die relevante Erfolgsfaktoren für eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne ermittelt werden. Diese Faktoren werden anschließend einem Mixed-Method-Ansatz unterzogen, bei dem qualitative Ergebnisse, basierend auf einer Fallstudienforschung, mit den statistisch ausgewerteten quantitativen Ergebnissen aus der Fragebogenforschung verglichen und überprüft werden. Dabei liegt der Fokus insbesondere auf der Identifikation von signifikanten Wirkungszusammenhängen zwischen den Erfolgsfaktoren und einer erfolgreichen Crowdfunding-Kampagne.
Im Ergebnis konnten diesbezüglich Wirkungszusammenhänge innerhalb dieser Thesis nachgewiesen werden. Sechs der festgestellten Zusammenhänge aus der qualitativen Analyse werden durch die quantitative Analyse bestätigt. Es konnte jedoch keine Signifikanz der Korrelationen festgestellt werden. Auch die Hypothese, dass sich die Erfolgsaussichten einer Kampagne durch eine höhere Anzahl jeweils kombinierter Erfolgsfaktoren erhöhen, wurde sowohl in der qualitativen als auch in der quantitativen Betrachtung widerlegt. Demnach galt es für den Autor der vorliegenden Thesis künftige Forschungsfelder zu definieren, die die ermittelten Ergebnisse erweitern und konkretisieren. Es bleibt beispielsweise einer weiterführenden Forschung überlassen, zu klären, ob bestimmte Kombinationen der Erfolgsfaktoren zu signifikanten Wirkungszusammenhängen führen. Darüber hinaus bietet sich eine weiterführende statistische Regressionsanalyse an, um die kausalen Effekte zu untersuchen und Prognosen für erfolgreiche Crowdfunding-Kampagnen zu formulieren.
Social entrepreneurship is a form of entrepreneurship that marries a social mission to a competitive value proposition. Notably, social entrepreneurship fosters a more equitable society by addressing social issues and trying to achieve an ongoing sustainable impact through a social mission rather than purely profit maximization. The topic of social entrepreneurship has appealed considerably to many different streams of research. The focus on understanding how and why entrepreneurs think and act is a significant justification for future research. Nevertheless, the theoretical examination of this phenomenon is in its infancy. Social entrepreneurship research is still largely phenomenon-driven. Specifically, Social Entrepreneurial Intention is in an early stage and lacks quantitative research. Therefore, this thesis proposes to address this need. The thesis’ objectives are twofold: (1) develop a formation model for Social Entrepreneurial Intentions in general and (2) test the model by conducting an empirical study. Based on these objectives, the two research questions guiding the thesis are (1) what factors influence the intention of a person to become a social entrepreneur and (2) what relationships exist among these factors.
In order to answer these two research questions, this thesis uses purposeful research design, which is a combination of literature review and empirical study. The literature review is based on a comprehensive range of books, articles, and research papers published in leading academic journals and conference proceedings in different disciplines such as entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, management, social psychology, and social economics. The empirical study is conducted via a survey of 600 last-year students from four universities in three regions in Vietnam: Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh. The data are analyzed with SPSS-AMOS version 24, using screening data, scale development, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmation factor analysis. The thesis ascertains that Entrepreneurship Experience/Extra-curricular Activity, Role Model, Social Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, and Social Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectation directly and positively affect the intention of the Vietnamese students to be social entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Education also influences the Social Entrepreneurial Intention, but not directly, otherwise indirectly via Social Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Social Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectation. Similarly, Perceived Support has no direct relationship to Social Entrepreneurial Intention; however, it shows an indirect link via the mediator ‘Social Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectation’. Furthermore, the dissertation brings new insights to the social entrepreneurship literature and provides important implications for practice. Limitations and future directions are also provided in the thesis.
Literaturanalyse und Darstellung aktueller Forschungsschwerpunkte zum Thema Entrepreneurial Strategy
Entrepreneurial Strategy ist in der Literaturwelt weit verbreitet. Dieser Begriff fand schon im 20. Jahrhundert seine Anwendung und zieht sich bis ins heutige Zeitalter weiter. Diese Beständigkeit und Entwicklung des Entrepreneurs und dem Wunsch nach einem eigenen Unternehmen trieben die Diskussion dieses Themas voran. Die Wahl der passenden unternehmerischen Strategie ist eine der wichtigsten Entscheidungen, die ein Unternehmer treffen muss. Diese Problematik sorgte für eine Analyse und genaue Forschung der Entscheidungen und Einflussfaktoren. Resultate davon wurden festgehalten und interpretiert um die Branche der Entrepreneure zu fördern und somit die Wirtschaft anzutreiben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird zunächst ein Grundverständnis für die wichtigsten Begrifflichkeiten ausgearbeitet. Grundlage dieser Bachelorarbeit ist jedoch, anhand einer Literaturanalyse nach Webster und Watson (2002) einen Einblick in die Forschung der Entwicklung von Entrepreneurial Strategy zu geben und den aktuellen Stand herauszuarbeiten. Anahnd dieser Literaturanalyse werden Referenzen, Konzepte und die Notwendigkeit von Strategien verdeutlicht und die Rolle in einem Start-Up erklärt. Aus der Analyse und dem Vergleich zu älteren Veröffentlichungen geht hervor, das der Prozess der Strategiefindung eine Differenzierung in zwei Teile aufweist. Es wird unter dem Strategiesuch- und dem Strategieauswahlprozess uinterschieden. Merkmale, die früher als Allgemeine Einflussfaktoren für die Wahl der Strategie angenommen wurden, werden in der heutigen Literatur den genauen Prozessen und Phasen zugeteilt. Das Resultiert, das Merkmale, wie die persönlichen Eigenschaften, die Umgebung und das Humankapital eines Unternehmers mehr Einfluss während dem Suchprozess haben als während der darauffolgenden Auswahl. Zudem wurden für die Auwahl Methoden und Richtlinien entwickelt, die dem Unternehmer helfen sollen seine Alternativen zu sortieren und daraus zu wählen.