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A service excellence culture is determined by various factors. Some factors are supporting the realization of a service excellence culture, others are more about to inhibit excellent service. The internal environment of the organisation is the foundation for excellent service. While the employees are known as the key of excellent service, it is up to the management to support their employees with a respective treatment. Especially empowerment and encouragement are known as supportive elements concerning service-orientated behaviour of the employees. The term internal excellence describes the optimal internal situation of the organisation for introducing a service excellence culture. Within an internal excellence, the front-line-employees are creating customer satisfaction and delight among the customers by working off the customers problems as well with standardized processes, as well as with innovative processes. An inhibiting factor is the complexity of the customers problems. With a rising complexity, it gets more difficult to solve the problem and to create customer satisfaction and customer delight. In the IT service industry, the complexity has a special impact. Due to the characteristics of the industry, encountered problems are often complicated and technical sophisticated. These individual characteristics lead to an increased complexity, the front-line-employees have to deal with. To manage this challenge, several measures have to be adopted. The service-employee can be supported by a clearly defined guideline, that includes all relevant steps of the service process. Additionally, a learning culture can be enhanced by creating a knowledge database, where service-cases are documented. The technical support of the service-employee by using special software tools is another measure, which supports the service excellence culture of the organisation.
The paper is a study focusing on exploring which factors and examining the impact of those factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention among students in the Construction industry, specifically among students of Hanoi Construction University and Hanoi Architecture University. The study also mentions some solution of this findings for entrepreneurship in the Construction field in Vietnam that the author might think of based on this research work for future study. The Theory of planned behavior is used as the theoritical framework for this study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed. The questionaire will be conducted among students of the two universities mentioned above. Then, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) will performed to test the validity of the constructs. The research findings provide factors and their impact factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention and propose some solutions to improve the entrepreneurship in the Construction field in Vietnam.
World of Warcraft, das zu den populärsten gehörende Online-Rollenspiel, zieht täglich neue Besucher in eine phantasievolle Welt voller Abenteuer, die sie mit ihren selbst erstellten Avataren frei erkunden und dabei mit anderen Avataren in Kontakt treten können. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob sich eine Befragung in einer virtuellen Welt durchführen lässt, welche in der Realität eingesetzten Befragungsmethoden sich dabei auch in einer virtuellen Welt anwenden lassen und welche neuen Erkenntnisse dabei gewonnen werden können. Zunächst werden allgemeine Merkmale virtueller Welten umrissen auf der Grundlage des Buchs "Spielen in virtuellen Welten" von Stefan Wesener. Insbesondere werden Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten und ihre Besonderheiten in virtuellen Welten untersucht, die für eine "virtuelle" Befragung von Bedeutung sein könnten. Anschließend werden Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung dargestellt, um eine theoretische Basis für die Durchführung einer Befragung in einer virtuellen Welt zu schaffen. Im dritten Kapitel wird der Versuch unternommen, die Erkenntnisse über Merkmale in virtuellen Welten und Besonderheiten der Kommunikation mit den Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung zu verzahnen, um im Anschluss darauf sowohl eine qualitative als auch quantitative Befragung in einer virtuellen Welt durchführen zu können. Speziell soll dabei auf die Messung der Teilnahmebereitschaft und der Dokumentation relevanter Auffälligkeiten, vor dem Hintergrund einer virtuellen Welt, Wert gelegt werden.
Accidents annually cause high economic damages for concerned persons, companies and the state. To determine the exact costs of a damage is a challenge. Scientific studies differ from each other because of different models of calculation. Due to the fact of a low number of accidents concerning rail transport there are not many studies about how to calculate the costs an accident causes. The aim of this thesis is to give an overview about methods when dealing with these costs and to point out occurring difficulties. Generally, costs of accident can be divided in two categories. One category deals with personal injuries whereas the other focuses on material damages. Personal injuries contain material and immaterial damages. This leads to difficulties in calculation. The main aspect when dealing with personal damages is the loss of manpower, the costs of medical supply and the costs of the recovery of the legal situation. Currently there is no model of how to calculate personal damages concerning rail transport in Germany. The “Bundesamt für Straßenverkehr” developed an extensive model for calculations of costs of accident concerning traffic. It turned out that the death of people has costs round about 1.1 million euro. Severely and slightly injured people cause damages about 106,000 euro and 5,000 euro. This thesis declares that the model is important regarding different aspects of rail transport and that it is based on statistically collected key performance indicators. Furthermore, some approaches, which analyse the value of life, are mentioned. There are large derivations between them. To make a calculation of material damage the current value of the object must be respected. When dealing with the limitation of material damages the focus is on damages concerning infrastructure. In addition, railway infrastructure can be mentioned. With the help of the “Kostenkennwertekatalog” of Deutsche Bahn AG acquisitions costs for certain components of infrastructure can be determined. As a result, they offer a basis for calculating damages.
Digital Transformation Maturity of Vietnam Aviation Industry: The Effect of Organizational Readiness
The paper studies the digital transformation maturity in the context of the aviation industry in Vietnam. Digital transformation can mean enhancing existing processes, finding new opportunities within existing business domains, or finding new opportunities outside existing business domains. In the era of post Covid-19, digital transformation will play a vital role in the recovery with the support from digital technology to leverage the communication and implementation of new projects or changes.
Digital transformation and digital transformation maturity sometimes are used indistinguishing, but they are two different definitions. This paper will further explain the differences and will apply digital transformation maturity as a scale for the digital transformation in the report.
Due to the lack of experiment in the relationship between digital transformation maturity and the organizational readiness, the study will explore four components of organizational readiness, including digital leadership, digital culture, digital capabilities, and digital partnering.
Einige akademische Arbeiten behaupten, dass Software, die in einem offenen Prozess erstellt wurde, strukturierter ist, als Programme, die im geschlossenen Umfeld entstanden sind. Die Rede ist hier von Open Source und Closed Source. Der Nachweis dieser Annahme wird mit der Technik der so genannten Design Structure Matrix (DSM) erbracht. DSM erlauben die Visualisierung der Struktur einer Software und ermöglichen das Berechnen von Metriken, mit denen dann der Level an Modularität der einzelnen Open Source Software (OSS) verglichen werden kann. Unter zu Hilfename dieser Technik geht die Diplomarbeit der Frage nach, ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen Geschäftsmodell und OSS existiert.
Durch eine systematische Literaturanalyse sollen die wichtigsten Aspekte des Phänomens Crowdsourcing abgedeckt werden. Da die Summe an Forschungsfragen relativ breit gefächert ist, soll der Fokus der Arbeit auf die im Folgenden aufgelisteten Fragen gelegt werden: Was ist unter dem Begriff Crowdsourcing gezielt zu verstehen? Wie lässt sich das Phänomen Crowdsourcing von anderen angrenzenden Konzepten trennen? Wo liegen die Gemeinsamkeiten und wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Konzepten? Welche Ausprägungsformen von Crowdsourcing sind in Theorie und Praxis vorzufinden? In welchen Bereichen kommt Crowdsourcing zum Einsatz? Welche Unternehmen setzen Crowdsourcing erfolgreich um? Welche Plattformen zur Unterstützung von Crowdsourcing sind vorhanden? Welche Ziele bzw. Ergebnisse sollen mit dem Einsatz von Crowdsourcing erreicht bzw. erzielt werden? Wie läuft der Crowdsourcing-Prozess ab und in welche Phasen lässt sich dieser unterteilen? Wie sieht die Wertschöpfung durch Crowdsourcing (a) allgemein und (b) speziell für Unternehmen aus? Welche Chancen und Potenziale sowie Risiken und Grenzen entstehen dabei den Unternehmen? Was lässt sich in Zukunft im Bereich des Crowdsourcing noch verbessern, das heißt in welchen Bereichen besteht noch Forschungsbedarf?
Entrepreneurship plays a vital role in scientific literature and in public debates. Especially in these hightech and digitized times it happens more and more frequently that young entrepreneurs with a good idea make the breakthrough and set up an established company. Basically, there are an increasing number of start-ups and a trend towards independence. The economy of a country depends on young entrepreneurs in order to remain economically competitive in international competition. It follows that young entrepreneurs must be encouraged and supported. This support is expressed in various stages of foundation and through various fields of action. In the meantime, there are many offers for start-up support. These networks satisfy different fields of action along a foundation. However, a structured overview of these networks on which a young founder can orient himself and gain easily access to the offers of the networks, is missing until then.
This work attempts to present these offers clearly on a map and to categorize and present the commitment in the respective fields of action. In addition to this main objective, the following three key questions are investigated and answered in this work:
1. How can the Entrepreneurship Networks be assigned to the respective fields of action of Entrepreneurship Education?
2. What is the benefit of such a classification for potential entrepreneurs in detail?
3. Are these Entrepreneurship networks missing an important step? Might they improve their offer? Does the value chain cover every need a young entrepreneur might have?
For this purpose, the respective fields of action of the networks are first separated from each other along a founding and defined individually. Subsequently, a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches was used to filter and analyze the contents of the websites of the networks. The results of this investigation were transformed in a classification
The aim of this work is to produce a map that displays the existing networks in the world clearly. The map also contains information that is more detailed and the classifica-tion of the networks in the respective fields of action.
Interest in crowdfunding has been increasing in recent years, both from the economy and the scientific community. Besides artists and entrepreneurs, researchers are now also funding their projects through many small contributions from the crowd. However, the perceived use in Germany does not reflect the benefits of a crowdfunding campaign, especially in international comparison. This study investigates this issue by identifying the motives and barriers for crowdfunding in order to formulate recommendations for research institutions to encourage the use of crowdfunding.
By means of a literature review, first insights are gained which are then used to conduct qualitative interviews with eleven researchers who successfully completed a crowdfunding campaign. The results indicate that researchers in Germany use crowdfunding primarily to raise awareness for the subject and the scientific community in general. The initial assumption of the speed of crowdfunding as a motive was contradicted by the experts. The major barriers are the immense effort involved in a campaign and the lack of reputation for the concept of crowdfunding by German scientists. In addition, only subjects and projects with a high public relevance and funding volume of up to five digits are recommended for crowdfunding. Furthermore, the public exposure of the experts during the campaign was identified as an additional barrier.
These findings lead to three recommendations for research institutions to increase the use of crowdfunding: Firstly, universities should raise awareness for the subject of crowdfunding as an additional form of research funding and highlight the benefits of a crowdfunding campaign. Secondly, universities should cooperate with crowdfunding partners and utilize the networking capacities of a university. Lastly, universities should provide support to distribute the workload among interdisciplinary teams in order to enhance the effortreturn ratio of a crowdfunding campaign.
The chosen methodology and the scope of the thesis enable further research that might examine the perspective of the universities and the conditions in other countries. In addition, a largescale quantitative survey is required to validate the identified concepts statistically.
This thesis aims to find models to calculate damages to persons in the context of railway accidents. These models were tested for their applicability for a railway accident database. The reviewed models for injured casualties were identified by a research of literature. Their applicability for the accident database was tested with the aid of average values and sample values. The analysis of fatalities was executed via the combination of collected values of two literature researches. These values were compared to the values of the database.
It was stated that there is a calculation for seriously injured, which may serve more exact values than the calculation of the database, especially when there is more detailed data about the casualties. The calculation of slightly injured couldn't be realized by just beholding the pure damages to persons, because it's only a small part of the costs the responsible company has to pay. For the calculation of fatalities appeared problems with the methodology of the most studies.