Year of publication
Document Type
- Study Thesis (138) (remove)
- Robotik (9)
- Bildverarbeitung (5)
- Computergraphik (4)
- Computersimulation (4)
- VNUML (4)
- Augmented Reality (3)
- Mustererkennung (3)
- Netzwerksimulation (3)
- SPARQL (3)
- Semantic Web (3)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (76)
- Institut für Informatik (19)
- Institut für Softwaretechnik (13)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (12)
- Fachbereich 4 (9)
- Institute for Web Science and Technologies (5)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften (3)
- An-Institute (1)
- Institut für Kulturwissenschaft (1)
Graphs are known to be a good representation of structured data. TGraphs, which are typed, attributed, ordered, and directed graphs, are a very general kind of graphs that can be used for many domains. The Java Graph Laboratory (JGraLab) provides an efficient implementation of TGraphs with all their properties. JGraLab ships with many features, including a query language (GReQL2) for extracting data from a graph. However, it lacks a generic library for important common graph algorithms. This mid-study thesis extends JGraLab with a generic algorithm library called Algolib, which provides a generic and extensible implementation of several important common graph algorithms. The major aspects of this work are the generic nature of Algolib, its extensibility, and the methods of software engineering that were used for achieving both. Algolib is designed to be extensible in two ways. Existing algorithms can be extended for solving specialized problems and further algorithms can be easily added to the library.
SPARQL can be employed to query RDF documents using RDF triples. OWL-DL ontologies are a subset of RDF and they are created by using specific OWL-DL expressions. Querying such ontologies using only RDF triples can be complicated and can produce a preventable source of error depending on each query.
SPARQL-DL Abstract Syntax (SPARQLAS) solves this problem using OWL Functional-Style Syntax or a syntax similar to the Manchester Syntax for setting up queries. SPARQLAS is a proper subset of SPARQL and uses only the essential constructs to obtain the desired results to queries on OWL-DL ontologies implying least possible effort in writing.
Due to the decrease in size of the query and having a familiar syntax the user is able to rely on, complex and nested queries on OWL-DL ontologies can be more easily realized. The Eclipse plugin EMFText is utilized for generating the specific SPARQLAS syntax. For further implementation of SPARQLAS, an ATL transformation to SPARQL is included as well. This transformation saves developing a program to directly process SPARQLAS queries and supports embedding SPARQLAS into running development environments.
An der Universität Koblenz wurde mit dem RMTI (RIP with Metric based Topology Investigation) eine Erweiterung zu RIP entwickelt, die das Counting-to-Infinity Problem beheben soll. Eine lauffähige Implementierung des RMTI Algorithmus, auf Basis des RIP Daemons der Quagga Software Routing Suite, liegt vor. Openwrt ist ein, auf Linux basierendes, quelloffenes Betriebssystem für Router, wie z.B. den WRT54G der Firma Linksys. Die Möglichkeiten der Konfiguration der Router mit Openwrt gehen weit über die der original Firmware hinaus. So können die Router mit Software aus dem Linux-Bereich erweitert werden. Ziel dieser Studienarbeit ist die Installation des RMTI Daemons in Openwrt auf den Linksys WRT54G Routern der AG Rechnernetze. Anschließend sollen typische Netzwerksituationen aufgebaut und das Verhalten der Router untersucht werden.
Nagios unter VNUML
This paper documents the development of an abstract physics layer (APL) for Simspark. After short introductions to physics engines and Simspark, reasons why an APL was developed are explained. The biggest part of this paper describes the new design and why certain design choices were made based on requirements that arose during developement. It concludes by explaining how the new design was eventually implemented and what future possibilities the new design holds.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines MP3-Players mit SD-Karten-Slot. Zudem soll er ein Farbdisplay besitzen und über eine komfortable Bedienmöglichkeit verfügen. In dieser Dokumentation wird die verwendete Hardware und ihr Zusammenspiel erklärt. Die für die Realisierung notwendige Software wird vorgestellt und deren Benutzung mithilfe von Codebeispielen verdeutlicht. Insbesondere wird auf die extra für dieses Projekt entworfenen Codebausteine eingegangen. Dies soll die Wiederverwendung der Bausteine in anderen Projekten vereinfachen.
This thesis introduces fnnlib, a C++ library for recurrent neural network simulations that I developed between October 2009 and March 2010 at Osaka University's Graduate School of Engineering. After covering the theory behind recurrent neural networks, backpropagation through time, recurrent neural networks with parametric bias, continuous-time recurrent neural networks, and echo state networks, the design of the library is explained. All of the classes as well as their interrelationships are presented along with reasons as to why certain design decisions were made. Towards the end of the thesis, a small practical example is shown. Also, fnnlib is compared to other neural network libraries.
Diese Arbeit behandelt verschiedene Ansätze zur Ermittlung einer Heuristik, welche zur Bestimmung einer optimalen Konfiguration des Theorembeweisers E-KRHyper eingesetzt werden soll. Es wird erläutert, wie der Beweiser durch eine angepasste Voreinstellung optimiert werden kann und die erarbeiteten Ansätze zur Ermittlung dieser Voreinstellung werden vorgestellt. Anhand der erzielten Ergebnisse werden die Ansätze anschließend bewertet und für eines der vorgestellten Verfahren wird außerdem eine Idee zur Implementierung vorgestellt.
Femto is a programming environment designed to run on an ATmega based computing platform with VGA video output and a PS/2 keyboard interface. It consists of a simple text editor and an interpreter. With Femto it is possible to write and run small programs directly on the microcontroller. The interpreted language is called Femtoscript and is similar to Javascript. It was developed as part of this project. The interpreter is written in C and can be ported to other platforms with relatively small effort.
This minor thesis shows a way to optimise a generated oracle to achieve shorter runtimes. Shorter runtimes of test cases allows the execution of more test cases in the same time. The execution of more test cases leads to a higher confidence in the software-quality. Oracles can be derived from specifications. However specifications are used for different purposes and therefore are not necessarily executable. Even if the are executable it might be with only a high runtime. Those two facts come mostly from the use of quantifiers in the logic. If the quantifier-range is not bounded, respectively if the bounds are outside the target language-datatype-limits, the specification is too expressive to be exported into a program. Even if the bounds inside the used datatype-limits, the quantification is represented as a loop which leads to a runtime blowup, especially if quantifiers are nested. This work explains four different possibilities to reduce the execution time of the oracle by manipulating the quantified formular whereas this approach is only applicable if the quantified variables are of type Integer.