Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (475) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (224)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (13)
Recent estimates have confirmed that inland waters emit a considerable amount of CH4 and CO2 to the atmosphere at the regional and global scale. But these estimates are based on extrapolated measured data and lack of data from inland waters in arid and semi-arid regions and carbon sources from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as well insufficient resolution of the spatiotemporal variability of these emissions.
Through this study, we analyzed monthly hydrological, meteorological and water quality data from three irrigation and drinking water reservoirs in the lower Jordan River basin and estimated the atmospheric emission rates of CO2. We investigated the effect of WWTPs on surrounding aquatic systems in term of CH4 and CO2 emission by presenting seasonally resolved data for dissolved concentrations of both gases in the effluents and in the receiving streams at nine WWTPs in Germany.
We investigated spatiotemporal variability of CH4 and CO2 emission from aquatic ecosystems by using of simple low-cost tools for measuring CO2 flux and bubble release rate from freshwater systems. Our estimates showed that reservoirs in semi-arid regions are oversaturated with CO2 and acted as net sources to the atmosphere. The magnitude of observed fluxes at the three water reservoirs in Jordan is comparable to those from tropical reservoirs (3.3 g CO2 m-2 d-1). The CO2 emission rate from these reservoirs is linked to changes of water surface area, which is the result of water management practices. WWTPs have been shown to discharge a considerable amount of CH4 (30.9±40.7 kg yr-1) and CO2 (0.06±0.05 Gg yr-1) to their surrounding streams, and emission rates of CH4 and CO2 from these streams are significantly enhanced by effluents of WWTPs up to 1.2 and 8.6 times, respectively.
Our results showed that both diffusive flux and bubble release rate varied in time and space, and both of emission pathways should be included and variability should be resolved adequately in further sampling and measuring strategies. We conclude that future emission measurements and estimates from inland waters may consider water management practices, carbon sources from WWTPs as well spatial and temporal variability of emission.
For decades a worldwide decline of biological diversity has been reported. Landscapes are influenced by several kinds of anthropogenic disturbances. Agricultural land use, application of fertilizers and pesticides and the removal of corridors simplify and homogenize a landscape whereas others like road constructions lead to fragmentation. Both kinds lead to a constraint of habitats, reduce living environment and gene pool, hinder gene flow and change the functional characteristics of species. Furthermore, it facilitates the introduction of alien species. On the other hand, disturbances of different temporal and spatial dimensions lead to a more diverse landscape because they prevent competitive exclusion and create niches where species are able to coexist.
This study focuses on the complexity of disturbance regimes and its influence on phytodiversity. It differs from other studies that mostly select one or few disturbance types in including all identifiable disturbances. Data were derived from three study sites in the north of Bavaria and are subject to different land-use intensities. Two landscapes underlie agriculture and forestry, of which one is intensively used and the second one rather moderate and small-scaled. The third dataset was collected on an actively used military training area. The first part of the study deals with the influence of disturbance regimes on phytodiversity, first with the focus on military disturbances, afterwards in comparison with the agricultural landscapes. The second part examines the influence of disturbance regimes on red-listed species, the distribution of neophytes and generalist plant species and the homogenization of the landscape. All analyses were conducted on landscape and local scale.
A decisive role was played by the variety of disturbance types, especially in different temporal and spatial dimensions and not by single kinds of disturbances, which significantly was proven in the military training area with its multiple and undirected disturbance regime. Homogeneous disturbance regimes that typically are found in agricultural landscapes led to a reduced species number. On local scale, the abiotic heterogeneity which originated of recent and historical disturbances superimposed the positive effects of disturbance regimes, whereas dry and nutrient-poor sites showed a negative effect. Due to a low tree density and moderate treatment species numbers were significantly higher in forest in the training area than in the two agricultural landscapes.
Numbers of red-listed species were positively correlated to the total number of species in all three sites. However, the military training area showed a significantly higher abundance within the area in comparison to the agricultural landscapes where rare species were mostly found on marginal strips. Furthermore, numbers of neophytes and generalist species were lower and consequently homogenization.
In conclusion, the military training area is an ideal landscape from a nature conservation point of view. The moderately used agricultural area showed high species numbers and agricultural productivity. However, yield is too low to withstand either abandonment or land-use intensification.
In the present study the flora and vegetation of Kakamega Forest, an East African rainforest in Western Kenya, was investigated. Kakamega Forest is highly degraded and fragmented and is an ideal model to study the anthropogenic influence on the forest inventory. The main focus was to analyse the influence of human impact on the vascular plant species composition. During five field phases in the years 2001 to 2004 a total of 19 study sites scattered over the whole forest including all fragments were investigated regarding forest structure, species composition and plant communities. The different forest sites were analysed by three different methods, phytosociological relevés, line-transect and with the variable-area transect method. The forest survey revealed about 400 taxa of vascular plant species, among them 112 trees, 62 shrubs, 58 climbers and 114 herbs. Several species are restricted to this forest in Kenya, but only one endemic species, the herb Commelina albiflora, could be discovered. About 15 species were recorded as new for Kenya and probably at least one species is new to science. Kakamega Forest is a unique mixture of Guineo-Congolian and Afromontane floral elements. About one half of the vascular plant species has its origin in the lowland forests of the Congo basin and one third originates from Afromontane habitats. The present study represents the first description of plant communities of Kakamega Forest. An analysis of different forest sites and plantations resulted in 17 different vegetation units. For the mature forest sites eleven plant communities were described. The young succession stage consists of two plant communities. Since the disturbance history and the age of the different plant communities could be estimated, their chronology was also described. An exception are the study sites within the plantations and afforested sites. The four defined vegetation units were not described as plant communities, because they are highly affected by man and do not belong to the natural succession of Kakamega Forest. Nevertheless, the regeneration potential of such forests was investigated. Due to the different succession stages the changing species composition along a disturbance gradient could be analysed. Most of Kakamega Forest consists of middle-aged secondary forest often surrounded by very young secondary forest. A true primary rainforest could not be found due the massive influence by over-exploitation. In all parts of the forest the anthropogenic influence could be observed. The forest develops towards a climax stage, but a 2 Abstract comparison with former surveys shows that the regeneration is much slower than expected. Human impact has to be avoided to allow the forest to develop into a primary-like rainforest. But several climax tree species might be missing anyway, because after the broad logging activities in the past there are not enough seed trees remaining. Species richness was highest in disturbed forest sites. A mixture of pioneer, climax and bushland species could be recorded there. Therefore, a high species richness is not a suitable indicator for forest quality. The proportion of climax species typical for Kakamega Forest would be a better measure. Compared to the main forest block the forest fragments do not lack in diversity as expected due to fragmentation processes. Instead, the only near primary forest could be recorded in Kisere, a northern fragment. The high amount of climax species and the more or less undisturbed forest structure is a result of the strict protection by the Kenya Wildlife Service and due to low logging activities. Differences in species composition between the studied forest sites are either a result of the different logging history or management regime rather than due to different edaphic or climatic conditions.
The role of alternative resources for pollinators and aphid predators in agricultural landscapes
The world wide decline of insects is often associated with loss of natural and semi-natural habitat caused by intensified land-use. Many insects provide important ecosystem services to agriculture, such as pest control or pollination. To efficiently promote insects on remaining semi-natural habitat we need precise knowledge of their requirements to non-crop habitat. This thesis focuses on identifying
the most important semi-natural habitats (forest edges, grasslands, and semi-open habitats) for pollinators and natural enemies of crop pests with respect to their food resource requirements. Special
attention is given to floral resources and their spatio-temporal distribution in agricultural landscapes.
Floral resource maps might get closer at characterizing landscapes the way they are experienced by insects compared to classical habitat maps. Performance of the two map types was compared on the prediction of wild bees and natural enemies that consume nectar and pollen, identifying habitats of special importance in the process. In wild bees, influences of spatio-temporal floral resource availability were analysed as well as habitat preferences of specific groups of bees. Understanding dietary needs of natural enemies of crop pests requires additional knowledge on prey use. To this end, ladybird gut contents have been analysed by means of high-throughput sequencing for insight into aphid prey-use.
Results showed, that wild bees were predicted better by floral resource maps compared to classical habitat maps. Forest edge area, as well as floral resources in forest edges had positive effects on abundance and diversity of rare bees and important crop pollinators. Similar patterns were retained for grassland diversity. Especially early floral resources seemed to have positive effects on wild bees. Crops and fruit trees produced a resource pulse in April that exceeded floral resource availability in May and June by tenfold. Most floral resources in forest edges appeared early in the season, with the highest floral density per area. Grasslands provided the lowest amount of floral resources but highest diversity, which was evenly distributed over the season.
Despite natural enemies need for floral resources, classical habitat maps performed better at predicting natural enemies of crop pests compared to floral resource maps. Classical habitat maps revealed a positive effect of forest edge habitat on the abundance of pest enemies, which translated into improved aphid control. Results from gut content analysis reveal high portions of pest aphid species and nettle aphids as well as a broader insight into prey spectra retained from ladybirds collected from sticky traps compared to individuals collected by hand. The aphid specific primer designed for this purpose will be helpful for identifying aphid consumption by ladybirds in future studies.
Findings of this thesis show the potential of floral resource maps for understanding interactions of wild bees and the landscape but also indicate that natural enemies are limited by other resources. I would like to highlight the positive effects of forest edges for different groups of bees as well as natural enemies and their performance on pest control.
Während es eine Vielzahl von Arbeiten zu der technologischen Entwicklung im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien gibt, fehlt es jedoch bislang an einer mikroökonomischen Analyse
der Verhaltensmuster der Akteure im Umfeld von Anlagen nach dem EEG. Als Akteure kommen hier in erster Linie der Anlagenbetreiber selbst und der Staat in Betracht.
Im Hinblick auf Anlagenbetrieb und Vergütung der erzeugten Energie können beide mit unterschiedlichsten Interessen und Nutzenkalkülen aufeinander treffen. Diese Arbeit untersucht
mikroökonomische Aspekte des EEG-Förderungssystems. Im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung stehen die Förderungsmechanismen für Biogasanlagen, die im Hinblick auf mögliche Prinzipal-Agenten-Konflikte einer Untersuchung unterzogen werden.
Nanoparticles are sensitive and robust systems; they are particularly reactive due to their large surface area and have properties that the bulk material does not have. At the same time, the production of nanoparticles is challenging, because even with the same parameters and conditions, the parameters can vary slightly from run to run. In order to avoid this, this work aims to develop a continuous synthesis in the microjet reactor for nanoceria. The aim is to obtain monodisperse nanoparticles that can be used in biosensors.
This work focuses on two precipitation syntheses with the intermediate steps of cerium carbonate and cerium hydroxide, as well as a microemulsion synthesis for the production of nanoceria. The cerium oxide nanoparticles are compared using different characterisation and application methods. The synthesised nanoparticles will be characterised with respect to their size, stability, chemical composition and catalytic capabilities, by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy.
The biosensor systems to evaluate the nanoceria are designed to detect histamine and glucose or hydrogen peroxide, which are resulting from the oxidation of histamine and glucose. Hydrogen peroxide and glucose are detected by an electrochemical sensor and histamine by a colorimetric sensor system.
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit euroskeptischen Äußerungen in der Parteienkommunikation und der Medienberichterstattung im Vorfeld der Europawahl 2014. Die Arbeit verwendet ein akteurszentriertes Forschungsdesign, welches eine differenzierte Betrachtung der öffentlichen Debatte europäischer Themen erlaubt. Die Analyse deckt auf, welche nationalen Parteien euroskeptische Positionen vertreten und inwiefern diese Einzug in die mediale Berichterstattung finden. Auch die Positionierung der Medien selbst wird durch die Untersuchung meinungsbezogener Artikel berücksichtigt. Die den Studien zu Grunde liegende Konzeptualisierung des Euroskeptizismus-Begriff umfasst neben globalen und konkreten negativen Bewertungen der EU auch die Zuschreibung von Problemverantwortung als weitere Spielart euroskeptischer Äußerungen. Die Arbeit nimmt weiterhin eine international vergleichende Perspektive ein, um den Einfluss nationaler Kontextfaktoren auf die Verbreitung euroskeptischer Positionen aufzuzeigen.
Die Ergebnisse der Analyse decken zunächst auf, dass das Vorhandensein erstarkender euroskeptischer Oppositionsparteien nicht zwangsläufig zu einer Politisierung der europäischen Debatte führt, da sich die europhilen Mainstream-Parteien verschiedener Strategien zur Vermeidung einer solchen Kontroversen bedienen. Die Analysen ergeben weiterhin, dass europhile Regierungsparteien zwar mehrheitlich vor konkreten negativen Bewertungen der EU zurückschrecken, diese aber in Bezug auf die europäische Finanzkrise vorwiegend als Verursacher von Problemlagen skizzieren. Letztlich verdeutlichen die Ergebnisse, dass die mediale Berichterstattung zu Themen mit EU-Bezug eine starke Synchronizität zwischen Nachrichten- und Meinungsteil aufzeigt. Dies gilt sowohl in Bezug auf die geäußerten Bewertungen zur Europäischen Union als auch hinsichtlich der Darstellung von Verantwortlichkeit.
Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, wie sich Teilhabe und Inklusion von Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten in der allgemeinem Erwachsenenbildung realisieren lassen und was wesentliche Elemente und Rahmenbedingungen einer inklusiven Erwachsenenbildung mit Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten sind.
Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten haben ein gesetzlich verankertes Recht auf Teilhabe an inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung. Inklusive Erwachsenenbildung bezeichnet gemäß der UN-BRK die Teilnahme und Partizipation auch von Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten an allgemeiner Erwachsenenbildung, im Vordergrund steht das gemeinsame Lernen im regulären Programm allgemeiner Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen.
In der Aufarbeitung des theoretischen Diskurses und der praktischen Realisierung inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung zeigt sich allerdings, dass das Erwachsenenbildungsangebot für diese Personengruppe und die Möglichkeiten der Teilhabe am allgemeinen Erwachsenenbildungssystem in Deutschland eingeschränkt
sind. Umfassende Praxismodelle inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung sind erst in Ansätzen vorhanden, auch die Rahmenbedingungen gelingender inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung wurden kaum systematisch aufgearbeitet. Somit gilt es, für den Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung Konzepte zu entwickeln, die den Abbau von Barrieren und die Förderung von gleichberechtigter Teilhabe und Inklusion unterstützen. Es ist davon
auszugehen, dass die Kenntnis von wesentlichen Elementen und Rahmenbedingungen allgemeine Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen bei der Implementierung und Weiterentwicklung inklusiv gestalteter Erwachsenenbildung unterstützen und somit die Teilhabemöglichkeiten für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten gezielt erweitern kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist deshalb die Erhebung und Beschreibung von wesentlichen Elementen und Rahmenbedingungen inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung.
Da es in Deutschland an Erfahrungswerten sowie der systematischen Ausarbeitung notwendiger Realisierungsbedingungen
inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung mangelt, richtet die vorliegende Arbeit ihren Blick in einem zweiten Schritt auf die ‚Inspiring Practice’ anderer Länder. In einer empirischen qualitativ-
explorativen Studie in elf Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen und -institutionen Englands werden mit Hilfe von 55 Leitfadeninterviews wesentliche Elemente und Rahmenbedingungen aus Sicht
der beteiligten Akteure erhoben und ausgewertet. Flankiert durch teilnehmende Beobachtungen, Dokumentenanalysen
und Gespräche liefern die Ergebnisse zugleich einen Einblick in die praktische Umsetzung inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung in England. Die Wahl fiel auf England, weil in diesem europäischen Land inklusive Erwachsenenbildung bereits seit den 1990er Jahren als fester Bestandteil
des Bildungssystems verankert ist und umfängliche Erfahrungen gesammelt werden konnten.
Aus der Analyse dieser Erfahrungswerte werden in der Diskussion und Zusammenschau mit theoretischen Überlegungen und praktischen Umsetzungen richtungsweisende Impulse für die Weiterentwicklung
der inklusiven Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland abgeleitet und in einem Perspektivkonzept einer inklusiven Erwachsenenbildung zusammengefasst.
Over the past few decades, Single-Particle Analysis (SPA), in combination with cryo-transmission electron microscopy, has evolved into one of the leading technologies for structural analysis of biological macromolecules. It allows the investigation of biological structures in a close to native state at the molecular level. Within the last five years the achievable resolution of SPA surpassed 2°A and is now approaching atomic resolution, which so far has only been possible with Xray crystallography in a far from native environment. One remaining problem of Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) is the weak image contrast. Since the introduction of cryo-EM in the 1980s phase plates have been investigated as a potential tool to overcome these contrast limitations. Until now, technical problems and instrumental deficiencies have made the use of phase plates difficult; an automated workflow, crucial for the acquisition of 1000s of micrographs needed for SPA, was not possible. In this thesis, a new Zernike-type Phase Plate (PP) was developed and investigated. Freestanding metal films were used as a PP material to overcome the ageing and contamination problems of standard carbon-based PPs. Several experiments, evaluating and testing various metals, ended with iridium as the best-suited material. A thorough investigation of the properties of iridium PP followed in the second part of this thesis. One key outcome is a new operation mode, the rocking PP. By using this rocking-mode, fringing artifacts, another obstacle of Zernike PPs, could be solved. In the last part of this work, acquisition and reconstruction of SPA data of apoferritin was performed using the iridium PP in rocking-mode. A special semi-automated workflow for the acquisition of PP data was developed and tested. The recorded PP data was compared to an additional reference dataset without a PP, acquired following a conventional workflow.
Culture and violence
The basic assumption of this study is that specific cultural conditions may lead to psychopathological reactions through which an increase in interpersonal violence may happen. The objective of this study was to define to what extent homicide rates across national cultures might be associated with the strength of their attitudes toward specific beliefs and values, and their scores in specific cultural dimensions. To answer this question, nine independent variables were defined six of which were related to the people- attitudes pertaining importance of religion (Religiosity), excessive feeling of choice and control (Omnipotence), clear-cut distinction between good and evil (Absolutism), proud of their nationality (Nationalism), approval of competition (Competitiveness), and high respect for authorities and emphasis on obedience (Authoritarianism). The data for these variables were collected from World Values Survey. For two cultural dimensions, Collectivism, and Power Distance, Hofstede- scores were used. The 9th variable was GNI per capita. After estimation of 7% missing values in the whole data through multiple imputation, a sample of 81 nations was used for further statistical analyses.
Results: Stepwise regression analysis indicated Omnipotence and GNI as the strongest predictors of homicide (β = .44 P = .000; β = -.27 P = .006 respectively). The 9 independent variables were loaded on two factors, socio-economic development (SED) and psycho-cultural factor (Psy-Cul), which were negatively correlated (-.47). The Psy-Cul was interpreted as an indicator of narcissism, and a mediator between SED and homicide. Hierarchical cluster analysis made a clear distinction among three main groups of Western, Developing, and post-Communist nations on the basis of the two factors.