Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (476) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (225)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Pädagogik, Abteilung Pädagogik (13)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (13)
- Fachbereich 6 (11)
- Institute for Web Science and Technologies (11)
- Mathematisches Institut (11)
- Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft (10)
- Arbeitsbereich Biopsychologie, Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (8)
- Institut für Management (8)
- Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (7)
- Institut für Germanistik (7)
- Institut für Psychologie (7)
- Institut für Softwaretechnik (7)
- Institut für Sportwissenschaft (7)
- Institut für naturwissenschaftliche Bildung (7)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften (6)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Geographie (6)
- Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikpädagogik (6)
- Institut für Kulturwissenschaft (5)
- Institut für Sozialwissenschaften (5)
- Arbeitsbereich Diagnostik, Differentielle und Persönlichkeitspsychologie, Methodik und Evaluation (4)
- Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (4)
- Institut für Philosophie (4)
- Institut für Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft (4)
- Institut für Pädagogik, Abteilung Schulpädagogik/Allgemeine Didaktik (3)
- Arbeitsbereich Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (2)
- Fachbereich 4 (2)
- Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Bildende Kunst (2)
- Institut für Mathematik (2)
- Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine und Pädagogische Psychologie (1)
- Arbeitsbereich Kognitive Psychologie (1)
- Arbeitsbereich Sozial- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (1)
- Institut für Bildung im Kindes- und Jugendalter (1)
- Institut für Geschichte (1)
- Institut für Grundschulpädagogik (1)
- Institut für Kommunikationspsychologie und Medienpädagogik (1)
- Institut für Pflegewissenschaften (1)
- Institut für Sonderpädagogik (1)
- Institut für fremdsprachliche Philologien (1)
Während es eine Vielzahl von Arbeiten zu der technologischen Entwicklung im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien gibt, fehlt es jedoch bislang an einer mikroökonomischen Analyse
der Verhaltensmuster der Akteure im Umfeld von Anlagen nach dem EEG. Als Akteure kommen hier in erster Linie der Anlagenbetreiber selbst und der Staat in Betracht.
Im Hinblick auf Anlagenbetrieb und Vergütung der erzeugten Energie können beide mit unterschiedlichsten Interessen und Nutzenkalkülen aufeinander treffen. Diese Arbeit untersucht
mikroökonomische Aspekte des EEG-Förderungssystems. Im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung stehen die Förderungsmechanismen für Biogasanlagen, die im Hinblick auf mögliche Prinzipal-Agenten-Konflikte einer Untersuchung unterzogen werden.
Nanoparticles are sensitive and robust systems; they are particularly reactive due to their large surface area and have properties that the bulk material does not have. At the same time, the production of nanoparticles is challenging, because even with the same parameters and conditions, the parameters can vary slightly from run to run. In order to avoid this, this work aims to develop a continuous synthesis in the microjet reactor for nanoceria. The aim is to obtain monodisperse nanoparticles that can be used in biosensors.
This work focuses on two precipitation syntheses with the intermediate steps of cerium carbonate and cerium hydroxide, as well as a microemulsion synthesis for the production of nanoceria. The cerium oxide nanoparticles are compared using different characterisation and application methods. The synthesised nanoparticles will be characterised with respect to their size, stability, chemical composition and catalytic capabilities, by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy.
The biosensor systems to evaluate the nanoceria are designed to detect histamine and glucose or hydrogen peroxide, which are resulting from the oxidation of histamine and glucose. Hydrogen peroxide and glucose are detected by an electrochemical sensor and histamine by a colorimetric sensor system.
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit euroskeptischen Äußerungen in der Parteienkommunikation und der Medienberichterstattung im Vorfeld der Europawahl 2014. Die Arbeit verwendet ein akteurszentriertes Forschungsdesign, welches eine differenzierte Betrachtung der öffentlichen Debatte europäischer Themen erlaubt. Die Analyse deckt auf, welche nationalen Parteien euroskeptische Positionen vertreten und inwiefern diese Einzug in die mediale Berichterstattung finden. Auch die Positionierung der Medien selbst wird durch die Untersuchung meinungsbezogener Artikel berücksichtigt. Die den Studien zu Grunde liegende Konzeptualisierung des Euroskeptizismus-Begriff umfasst neben globalen und konkreten negativen Bewertungen der EU auch die Zuschreibung von Problemverantwortung als weitere Spielart euroskeptischer Äußerungen. Die Arbeit nimmt weiterhin eine international vergleichende Perspektive ein, um den Einfluss nationaler Kontextfaktoren auf die Verbreitung euroskeptischer Positionen aufzuzeigen.
Die Ergebnisse der Analyse decken zunächst auf, dass das Vorhandensein erstarkender euroskeptischer Oppositionsparteien nicht zwangsläufig zu einer Politisierung der europäischen Debatte führt, da sich die europhilen Mainstream-Parteien verschiedener Strategien zur Vermeidung einer solchen Kontroversen bedienen. Die Analysen ergeben weiterhin, dass europhile Regierungsparteien zwar mehrheitlich vor konkreten negativen Bewertungen der EU zurückschrecken, diese aber in Bezug auf die europäische Finanzkrise vorwiegend als Verursacher von Problemlagen skizzieren. Letztlich verdeutlichen die Ergebnisse, dass die mediale Berichterstattung zu Themen mit EU-Bezug eine starke Synchronizität zwischen Nachrichten- und Meinungsteil aufzeigt. Dies gilt sowohl in Bezug auf die geäußerten Bewertungen zur Europäischen Union als auch hinsichtlich der Darstellung von Verantwortlichkeit.
Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, wie sich Teilhabe und Inklusion von Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten in der allgemeinem Erwachsenenbildung realisieren lassen und was wesentliche Elemente und Rahmenbedingungen einer inklusiven Erwachsenenbildung mit Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten sind.
Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten haben ein gesetzlich verankertes Recht auf Teilhabe an inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung. Inklusive Erwachsenenbildung bezeichnet gemäß der UN-BRK die Teilnahme und Partizipation auch von Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten an allgemeiner Erwachsenenbildung, im Vordergrund steht das gemeinsame Lernen im regulären Programm allgemeiner Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen.
In der Aufarbeitung des theoretischen Diskurses und der praktischen Realisierung inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung zeigt sich allerdings, dass das Erwachsenenbildungsangebot für diese Personengruppe und die Möglichkeiten der Teilhabe am allgemeinen Erwachsenenbildungssystem in Deutschland eingeschränkt
sind. Umfassende Praxismodelle inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung sind erst in Ansätzen vorhanden, auch die Rahmenbedingungen gelingender inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung wurden kaum systematisch aufgearbeitet. Somit gilt es, für den Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung Konzepte zu entwickeln, die den Abbau von Barrieren und die Förderung von gleichberechtigter Teilhabe und Inklusion unterstützen. Es ist davon
auszugehen, dass die Kenntnis von wesentlichen Elementen und Rahmenbedingungen allgemeine Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen bei der Implementierung und Weiterentwicklung inklusiv gestalteter Erwachsenenbildung unterstützen und somit die Teilhabemöglichkeiten für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten gezielt erweitern kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist deshalb die Erhebung und Beschreibung von wesentlichen Elementen und Rahmenbedingungen inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung.
Da es in Deutschland an Erfahrungswerten sowie der systematischen Ausarbeitung notwendiger Realisierungsbedingungen
inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung mangelt, richtet die vorliegende Arbeit ihren Blick in einem zweiten Schritt auf die ‚Inspiring Practice’ anderer Länder. In einer empirischen qualitativ-
explorativen Studie in elf Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen und -institutionen Englands werden mit Hilfe von 55 Leitfadeninterviews wesentliche Elemente und Rahmenbedingungen aus Sicht
der beteiligten Akteure erhoben und ausgewertet. Flankiert durch teilnehmende Beobachtungen, Dokumentenanalysen
und Gespräche liefern die Ergebnisse zugleich einen Einblick in die praktische Umsetzung inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung in England. Die Wahl fiel auf England, weil in diesem europäischen Land inklusive Erwachsenenbildung bereits seit den 1990er Jahren als fester Bestandteil
des Bildungssystems verankert ist und umfängliche Erfahrungen gesammelt werden konnten.
Aus der Analyse dieser Erfahrungswerte werden in der Diskussion und Zusammenschau mit theoretischen Überlegungen und praktischen Umsetzungen richtungsweisende Impulse für die Weiterentwicklung
der inklusiven Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland abgeleitet und in einem Perspektivkonzept einer inklusiven Erwachsenenbildung zusammengefasst.
Over the past few decades, Single-Particle Analysis (SPA), in combination with cryo-transmission electron microscopy, has evolved into one of the leading technologies for structural analysis of biological macromolecules. It allows the investigation of biological structures in a close to native state at the molecular level. Within the last five years the achievable resolution of SPA surpassed 2°A and is now approaching atomic resolution, which so far has only been possible with Xray crystallography in a far from native environment. One remaining problem of Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) is the weak image contrast. Since the introduction of cryo-EM in the 1980s phase plates have been investigated as a potential tool to overcome these contrast limitations. Until now, technical problems and instrumental deficiencies have made the use of phase plates difficult; an automated workflow, crucial for the acquisition of 1000s of micrographs needed for SPA, was not possible. In this thesis, a new Zernike-type Phase Plate (PP) was developed and investigated. Freestanding metal films were used as a PP material to overcome the ageing and contamination problems of standard carbon-based PPs. Several experiments, evaluating and testing various metals, ended with iridium as the best-suited material. A thorough investigation of the properties of iridium PP followed in the second part of this thesis. One key outcome is a new operation mode, the rocking PP. By using this rocking-mode, fringing artifacts, another obstacle of Zernike PPs, could be solved. In the last part of this work, acquisition and reconstruction of SPA data of apoferritin was performed using the iridium PP in rocking-mode. A special semi-automated workflow for the acquisition of PP data was developed and tested. The recorded PP data was compared to an additional reference dataset without a PP, acquired following a conventional workflow.
Culture and violence
The basic assumption of this study is that specific cultural conditions may lead to psychopathological reactions through which an increase in interpersonal violence may happen. The objective of this study was to define to what extent homicide rates across national cultures might be associated with the strength of their attitudes toward specific beliefs and values, and their scores in specific cultural dimensions. To answer this question, nine independent variables were defined six of which were related to the people- attitudes pertaining importance of religion (Religiosity), excessive feeling of choice and control (Omnipotence), clear-cut distinction between good and evil (Absolutism), proud of their nationality (Nationalism), approval of competition (Competitiveness), and high respect for authorities and emphasis on obedience (Authoritarianism). The data for these variables were collected from World Values Survey. For two cultural dimensions, Collectivism, and Power Distance, Hofstede- scores were used. The 9th variable was GNI per capita. After estimation of 7% missing values in the whole data through multiple imputation, a sample of 81 nations was used for further statistical analyses.
Results: Stepwise regression analysis indicated Omnipotence and GNI as the strongest predictors of homicide (β = .44 P = .000; β = -.27 P = .006 respectively). The 9 independent variables were loaded on two factors, socio-economic development (SED) and psycho-cultural factor (Psy-Cul), which were negatively correlated (-.47). The Psy-Cul was interpreted as an indicator of narcissism, and a mediator between SED and homicide. Hierarchical cluster analysis made a clear distinction among three main groups of Western, Developing, and post-Communist nations on the basis of the two factors.
Fungicide effects on the structure and functioning of leaf-associated aquatic fungal communities
Aquatic hyphomycetes are a polyphyletic group of saprotrophic fungi growing abundantly on submerged leaf litter. In stream ecosystems shaped by allochthonous leaf litter inputs, they play a central functional role as decomposers and food source for other organisms. Fungicides pose a threat to aquatic hyphomycetes and their functions, since these substances are inherently toxic to fungi and contaminate surface waters around the world due to their widespread use in agricultural and urban landscapes. While fungicides’ potential to reduce fungal diversity are discerned, the extent of impacts on biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships (B EF) remains unclear. This is partly attributed to methodological constraints in the detection and quantification of single aquatic hyphomycete species within microbial leaf-associated communities. The primary aim of this thesis was, therefore, (1) to assess the ecotoxicological impacts of fungicides on B-EF relationships in aquatic hyphomycete communities. To facilitate this, subordinate aims were to (2) develop DNA-based biomolecular tools (i.e., qPCR assays) to detect and to quantify the biomass of different aquatic hyphomycete species in mixed cultures and (3) to investigate the mechanisms underlying B-EF relationships in the absence of chemical stressors.
In the course of this thesis, qPCR assays were developed for detection and species-specific biomass quantification of ten common aquatic hyphomycete species and successfully validated for application in eco( toxico )logical microcosm experiments. Via a systematic manipulation of fungal diversity, these assays allow the examination of B-EF relationships by assessments of deviations between observed and (monoculture-based) predicted activities in fungal mixed cultures. Taking advantage of these tools in a microcosm experiment, it was uncovered that leaf decomposition results from the additive activity of community members, even though functionally distinct species were present. Colonization dynamics are characterized by complex interactions. Colonization success of aquatic hyphomycetes is higher if co-occurring species are genetically and functionally distinct (i.e., complementary interactions). However, the co-occurrence of aquatic hyphomycete species does not necessarily result in a greater colonization success compared to monocultures, unless bacteria are present. Accordingly, the presence of other microbial groups such as bacteria may induce new fungal diversity-based feedback loops, which ultimately enable coexistence of aquatic hyphomycete species in the environment. Exposure to fungicides revealed substantial differences in sensitivities among aquatic hyphomycetes. The most productive species were able to cope with extremely high fungicide concentrations up to the mg/L-range. In assemblages containing these species, leaf decomposition was maintained under fungicide exposure. Yet, already at environmentally relevant fungicide concentrations, tolerant species displaced more sensitive ones, potentially affecting leaves’ nutritional quality for consumers. This thesis thus indicates that fungicide exposure poses a risk to stream food webs rather than the microbial leaf decomposition process per se.
The implementation of physiological indicators reflecting the response of organisms to changes in their environment is assumed to provide potential benefits for ecological studies. By analysing the physiological condition of organisms in freshwater ecological studies rather than their ultimate effects, physiological indicators can contribute to a faster assessment of effects than using traditional ecological indicators, such as the evaluation of the benthic community structure or the determination of the reproductive success of organisms. This can increase the effectiveness of environmental health assessment and experimental ecology. In this respect the thesis focuses on physiological measures characterizing the energetic condition and energy consumption (the concentration of energy storage compounds, the adenylate energy charge, the energy consumption in vivo), as well as individual growth (RNA:DNA ratio) of organisms. Although these sub-individual indicators are commonly applied in marine ecology and more recently in ecotoxicology, they have been rarely applied in freshwater ecology to date. With respect to an increased use of physiological indicators in freshwater ecological studies, the objectives of the present thesis are twofold. First, it highlights the potential of assessing the individual fitness by means of physiological indicators in freshwater ecological studies. For that reason, Chapter 2 provides the basic assumptions as well as the theoretical and methodological fundamentals necessary for the application of physiological indicators within freshwater ecology and, furthermore, points out their applicability by several case studies. As second objective, the thesis addresses selected ecophysiological aspects of native and non-native freshwater amphipods, which are considered suitable candidates for the determination of physiological indicators in ecological studies due to their function as keystone species within aquatic habitats. The studies presented in Chapters 3−5 of the thesis provide information on (i) species- and sex-specific seasonal variations within the energetic condition of natural Gammarus populations (G. fossarum, G. pulex), (ii) differences in metabolic activity and behaviour between different amphipod species (G fossarum, G. roeselii and D. villosus), as well as (iii) the direct effects of ambient ammonia on the physiology and behaviour of D. villosus. The fundamental conclusions drawn from the conducted field and laboratory studies, as well as their relevance and general implications for the application of physiological indicators in freshwater ecological research are discussed in Chapter 6.
Buildings and infrastructures characterize the appearance of our cultural landscapes and provide essential services for the human society. However, they inevitably impact the natural environment e.g. by the structural change of habitats. Additionally, they potentially cause further negative environmental impacts due to the release of chemical substances from construction materials. Galvanic anodes and organic coatings regularly used for corrosion protection of steel structures are building materials of particular importance for the transport infrastructure. In direct contact with a water body or indirectly via the runoff after rainfall, numerous chemicals can be released into the environment and pose a risk to aquatic organisms. Up to now, there is no uniform investigation and evaluation approach for the assessment of the environmental compatibility of building products. Furthermore, galvanic anodes and organic coatings pose particular challenges for their ecotoxicological characterization due to their composition. Therefore, the objective of the presented thesis was the ecotoxicological assessment of emissions from galvanic anodes and protective coatings as well as the development of standardized assessment procedures for these materials.
The possible environmental hazard posed by the use of anodes on offshore installations was investigated on three trophic levels. To ensure a realistic and reliable evaluation, the experiments were carried out in natural seawater and under natural pH conditions. Moreover, the anode material and its main components zinc and aluminum were exposed while simulating a worst-case scenario. The anode material examined caused a weak inhibition of algae growth; no acute toxicity was observed on the luminescent bacteria and amphipods. However, an increase of aluminum and indium levels in the crustacean species was found. On the basis of these results, no direct threat has been identified for marine organisms from the use of galvanic aluminum anodes. However, an accumulation of metals in crustaceans and a resulting entry into the marine food web cannot be excluded.
The environmental compatibility of organic coating systems was exemplarily evaluated using a selection of relevant products based on epoxy resins (EP) and polyurethanes. For this purpose, coated test plates were dynamically leached over 64 days. The eluates obtained were systematically analyzed for their ecotoxicological effects (acute toxicity to algae and luminescent bacteria, mutagenic and estrogenic effects) and their chemical composition. In particular, the EP-based coatings caused significant bacterial toxicity and estrogen-like effects. The continuously released 4-tert-butylphenol was identified as a main contributor to these effects and was quantified in concentrations exceeding the predicted no effect concentration for freshwater in all samples. Interestingly, the overall toxicity was not governed by the content of 4-tert-butylphenol in the products but rather by the release mechanism of this compound from the investigated polymers. This finding indicates that an optimization of the composition can result in the reduction of emissions and thus of environmental impacts - possibly due to a better polymerization of the compounds.
Coatings for corrosion protection are exposed to rain, changes in temperature and sun light leading to a weathering of the polymer. To determine the influence of light-induced aging on the ecotoxicity of top coatings, the emissions and associated adverse effects of UV-irradiated and untreated EP-based products were compared. To that end, the investigation of static leachates was focused on estrogenicity and bacterial toxicity, which were detected in the classic microtiter plate format and in combination with thin-layer plates. Both materials examined showed a significant decrease of the ecotoxicological effects after irradiation with a simultaneous reduction of the 4-tert-butylphenol emission. However, bisphenol A and various structural analogues were detected as photolytic degradation products of the polymers, which also contributed to the observed effects. In this context, the identification of bioactive compounds was supported by the successful combination of in-vitro bioassays with chemical analysis by means of an effect-directed analysis. The presented findings provide important information to assess the general suitability of top coatings based on epoxy resins.
Within the scope of the present study, an investigation concept was developed and successfully applied to a selection of relevant construction materials. The adaptation of single standard methods allowed an individual evaluation of these products. At the same time, the suitability of the ecotoxicological methods used for the investigation of materials of unknown and complex composition was confirmed and the basis for a systematic assessment of the environmental compatibility of corrosion protection products was created. Against the background of the European Construction Products Regulation, the chosen approach can facilitate the selection of environmentally friendly products and contributes to the optimization of individual formulations by the simple comparison of different building materials e.g. within a product group.
Many pharmaceuticals (e.g. antibiotics, contrast media, beta blockers) are excreted unmetabolized and enter wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) through the domestic sewage system. Research has shown that many of them are not effectively removed by conventional wastewater treatment and therefore are detected in surface waters. Reverse osmosis (RO) is one of the most effective means for removing a wide range of micropollutants in water recycling. However, one significant disadvantage is the need to dispose the resultant RO concentrate. Due to the fact that there are elevated concentrations of micropollutants in the concentrate, a direct disposal to surface water could be hazardous to aquatic organisms. As a consequence, further treatment of the concentrate is necessary. In this study, ozonation was investigated as a possible treatment option for RO concentrates. Concentrate samples were obtained from a RO-membrane system which uses municipal WWTP effluents as feeding water to produce infiltration water for artificial groundwater recharge. In this study it could be shown that ozonation is efficient in the attenuation of selected pharmaceuticals, even in samples with high TOC levels (46 mg C/L). Tests with chlorinated and non-chlorinated WWTP effluent showed an increase of ozone stability, but a decrease of hydroxyl radical exposure in the samples after chlorination. This may shift the oxidation processes towards direct ozone reactions and favors the degradation of compounds with high apparent second order rate constants. Additionally it might inhibit an oxidation of compound predominantly reacting with OH radicals. Ozone reaction kinetics were investigated for beta blockers (acebutolol, atenolol, metoprolol and propranolol) which are permanently present in WWTP effluents. For beta blockers two moieties are common which are reactive towards ozone, a secondary amine group and an activated aromatic ring. The secondary amine is responsible for a pH dependence of the direct ozone reaction rate, since only the deprotonated amine reacts very quickly. At pH 7 acebutolol, atenolol and metoprolol reacted with ozone with an apparent second order rate constant of about 2000 M-1 s-1, whereas propranolol reacted at ~1.0 105 M-1 s-1. The rate constants for the reaction of the selected compounds with OH radicals were determined to be 0.5-1.0 x 1010 M-1 s-1. Oxidation products (OPs) formed during ozonation of metoprolol and propranolol were identified via liquid chromatography (LC) tandem mass spectrometry. Ozonation led to a high number of OPs being formed. Experiments were carried out in MilliQ-water at pH 3 and pH 8 as well as with and without the radical scavenger tertiary butanol (t-BuOH). This revealed the influence of pH and the OH radical exposure on OP formation. The OH radical exposure was determined by adding the probe compound para-chlorobenzoic acid (pCBA). Metoprolol: To define the impacts of the protonated and non protonated metoprolol species on OH radical formation, the measured pCBA attenuation was compared to modeled values obtained by a simplified kinetic model (Acuchem). A better agreement with the measured results was obtained, when the model was based on a stoichiometric formation of OH radical precursors (O2-) during the primary ozone reaction of metoprolol. However, for reaction of a deprotonated molecule (attack of the aromatic ring) a formation of O2- could be confirmed, but an assumed stoichiometric O2- formation over-estimated the formation of OH radicals in the system. Analysis of ozonated raw wastewater and municipal WWTP effluent spiked with 10 μM metoprolol exhibited a similar OP formation pattern as detected in the reaction system at pH 8 without adding radical scavenger. This indicated a significant impact of OH radical exposure on the formation of OPs in real wastewater matrices. Propranolol: The primary ozonation product of propranolol (OP-291) was formed by an ozone attack of the naphthalene ring, which resulted in a ring opening and two aldehyde moieties being formed. OP-291 was further oxidized to OP-307, presumably by an OH radical attack, which was then further oxidized to OP-281. Reaction pathways via ozone as well as OH radicals were proposed and confirmed by the chemical structures identified with MS2 and MS3 data. It can be concluded that ozonation of WWTP effluent results in the formation of a high number of OPs with an elevated toxic potential (i.e. formation of aldehydes).