Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (475) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (224)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (13)
Im Kontext chronischer Schmerzerkrankungen sind neben dem physischem Schmerzerleben auch Emotionen, wie Depressivität, Angst, Scham und Ärger von großer Relevanz. So leiden beispielsweise ca. 70 % der Menschen mit chronischen Schmerzen unter wiederkehrendem Ärger. Die Forschung zu spezifischen emotionsfokussierten psychologischen Behandlungsansätzen ist jedoch begrenzt. Eine Möglichkeit der Behandlung könnten sogenannte mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze darstellen. So ist Selbstmitgefühl bei chronischem Schmerz beispielsweise assoziiert mit einer geringeren Schmerzintensität sowie geringerer physischer und emotionaler Beeinträchtigung, wie Depressivität, Angst und Ärger. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl im Kontext von akutem und chronischem Schmerz unter der besonderen Berücksichtigung von Ärger evaluiert.
Zunächst wuden in einem Überblicksartikel Interventionsstudien (N = 19) zu Behandlungsansätzen von chronischen Schmerzen zusammengefasst, welche Veränderungen in Ärger oder verwandten Aspekten berichteten (Studie 1). Nur zwei der eingeschlossenen Studien untersuchten spezifische Interventionen zur Bewältigung von Ärger. Insgesamt wiesen die Studien große Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Qualität, Stichprobe, Intervention (Art, Dauer, Setting) wie auch der Messinstrumente für Ärger auf. Die vielversprechendsten Ergebnisse zeigten sich für akzeptanz- und mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze. Als mögliche Fundierung zukünftiger Forschung wurde zudem das „Prozess Modell der Ärger-Regulation bei chronischem Schmerz“ vorgeschlagen und diskutiert.
Da sich mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze als potentiell wirksam zur Bewältigung von Ärger erwiesen, wurde die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl im Kontext von chronischem Schmerz anhand einer kontrollierten Längsschnittstudie (t1: NT1 = 1228; t2: NT2 = 376) evaluiert (Studie 2 & 3). In Studie 2 wurde Selbstmitgefühl anhand der zwei Faktoren „compassionate self-responding (CS)“ und „reduced uncompassionate self-responding (RUS)“ definiert. Hierbei erwies sich CS als distinktes Konstrukt im Vergleich zu Psychologischer Inflexibilität und Selbstwert. RUS und Selbstwert schienen das gleiche latente Konstrukt zu repräsentieren. Die
Relevanz dieser Konzepte für schmerzbezogene Konzepte, wie auch Depressivität und Ärger wurde in Studie 3 überprüft. Nur RUS und nicht CS stellte hierbei einen eigenständigen Prädiktor für schmerzbezogene Aspekte dar. Psychologische Inflexibilität, genauer Vermeidungsverhalten, erwies sich zudem als Prädiktor mit breiterer Relevanz, jedoch konnte keiner der untersuchten Prädiktoren eigenständig Ärger vorhersagen.
Die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl zur Bewältigung von akutem Schmerz wurde in einer experimentellen Studie evaluiert (Studie 4). Die Emotionsregulationsstrategien Selbstmitgefühl, Akzeptanz und Ablenkung erwiesen sich als vergleichbar hilfreich hinsichtlich Schmerztoleranz, -Intensität und –Aversion.
Selbstmitgefühl scheint demnach auch im Kontext von Schmerz vor allem in spezifischen Kontexten oder für bestimmte Subgruppen von Bedeutung zu sein. Zukünftige Forschung sollte sich daher auf einen adaptiven Einsatz der Emotionsregulationsstrategie Selbstmitgefühl konzentrieren. Im Speziellen sollte die Wirkung von mitgefühlsbasierten Interventionen auf Ärger bei Schmerz genauer evaluiert werden.
Im schulischen Kontext wird dem Prozess der Erkenntnisgewinnung in eigenverantwortlichen Lernprozessen immer mehr Bedeutung beigemessen. Experimentelles Arbeiten wird in den nationalen Bildungsstandards als Prozess beschrieben, welcher vier Teil-schritte durchläuft: (1) Fragestellung entwickeln, (2) Experimente durchführen, (3) Daten notieren und (4) Schlussfolgerung ziehen [1]. In der fachdidaktischen Forschung gibt es bisher keine Untersuchungen, die explizit den Teilschritt der Datenaufnahme und dessen Bedeutung behandeln.
In dieser Arbeit werden die unterschiedlichen Definitionen der naturwissenschaftlichen Protokollformen voneinander abgegrenzt sowie im Rahmen von drei Teilstudien die Bedeutung des Protokollierens für die Lernwirksamkeit untersucht. Zusätzlich wird eine Auswertungsmethode für die Qualität von Erarbeitungsprotokollen vorgestellt.
Systemic neonicotinoids are one of the most widely used insecticide classes worldwide. In addition to their use in agriculture, they are increasingly applied on forest trees as a protective measure against insect pests. However, senescent leaves containing neonicotinoids might, inter alia during autumn leaf fall, enter nearby streams. There, the hydrophilic neonicotinoids may be remobilized from leaves to water resulting in waterborne exposure of aquatic non-target organisms. Despite the insensitivity of the standard test species Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) toward neonicotinoids, a potential risk for aquatic organisms is evident as many other aquatic invertebrates (in particular insects and amphipods) display adverse effects when exposed to neonicotinoids in the ng/L- to low µg/L-range. In addition to waterborne exposure, in particular leaf-shredding invertebrates (= shredders) might be adversely affected by the introduction of neonicotinoid-contaminated leaves into the aquatic environment since they heavily rely on leaf litter as food source. However, dietary neonicotinoid exposure of aquatic shredders has hardly received any attention from researchers and is not considered during aquatic environmental risk assessment. The primary aim of this thesis is, therefore, (1) to characterize foliar neonicotinoid residues and exposure pathways relevant for aquatic shredders, (2) to investigate ecotoxicological effects of waterborne and dietary exposure on two model shredders, namely Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) and Chaetopteryx villosa (Insecta, Trichoptera), and (3) to identify biotic and abiotic factors potentially modulating exposure under field conditions.
During the course of this thesis, ecotoxicologically relevant foliar residues of the neonicotinoids imidacloprid, thiacloprid and acetamiprid were quantified in black alder trees treated at field relevant levels. A worst-case model – developed to simulate imidacloprid water concentrations resulting from an input of contaminated leaves into a stream – predicted only low aqueous imidacloprid concentrations (i.e., ng/L-range). However, the model identified dietary uptake as an additional exposure pathway relevant for shredders up to a few days after the leaves’ introduction into the stream. When test organisms were simultaneously exposed (= combined exposure) to neonicotinoids leaching from leaves into the water and via the consumption of contaminated leaves, adverse effects exceeded those observed under waterborne exposure alone. When exposure pathways were separated using a flow-through system, dietary exposure towards thiacloprid-contaminated leaves caused similar sublethal adverse effects in G. fossarum as observed under waterborne exposure. Moreover, the effect sizes observed under combined exposure were largely predictable using the reference model “independent action”, which assumes different molecular target sites to be affected. Dietary toxicity for shredders might, however, be reduced under field conditions since UV-induced photodegradation and leaching decreased imidacloprid residues in leaves and thereby the toxicity for G. fossarum. In contrast, both shredders were found unable to actively avoid dietary exposure. This thesis thus recommends considering dietary exposure towards systemic insecticides, such as neonicotinoids, already during their registration to safeguard aquatic shredders, associated ecosystem functions (e.g., leaf litter breakdown) and ultimately ecosystem integrity.
Die Arbeit stellt die Frage nach den Effekten einer tertiären Präventionsmaßnahme in Bezug auf Schmerzbewältigung und Schmerzveränderung bei chronischen Lumbalgiepatienten. Im Rahmen der Überprüfung werden ausdifferenzierte psychophysische Interventionsmaßnahmen aus den Bereichen der Physiotherapie/Krankengymnastik und Psychologie eingesetzt. Die Gruppenunterteilung erfolgt in eine behandelte Versuchsgruppe und eine unbehandelte Warte-Kontrollgruppe mit jeweils 100 Probanden (N=200). Die Ergebnisse der tertiären Präventionsmaßnahme zeigen statistisch und klinisch relevante sowie positive Veränderungen in den Bereichen der Schmerzbewältigung und Schmerzveränderung.
Social networks are ubiquitous structures that we generate and enrich every-day while connecting with people through social media platforms, emails, and any other type of interaction. While these structures are intangible to us, they carry important information. For instance, the political leaning of our friends can be a proxy to identify our own political preferences. Similarly, the credit score of our friends can be decisive in the approval or rejection of our own loans. This explanatory power is being leveraged in public policy, business decision-making and scientific research because it helps machine learning techniques to make accurate predictions. However, these generalizations often benefit the majority of people who shape the general structure of the network, and put in disadvantage under-represented groups by limiting their resources and opportunities. Therefore it is crucial to first understand how social networks form to then verify to what extent their mechanisms of edge formation contribute to reinforce social inequalities in machine learning algorithms.
To this end, in the first part of this thesis, I propose HopRank and Janus two methods to characterize the mechanisms of edge formation in real-world undirected social networks. HopRank is a model of information foraging on networks. Its key component is a biased random walker based on transition probabilities between k-hop neighborhoods. Janus is a Bayesian framework that allows to identify and rank plausible hypotheses of edge formation in cases where nodes possess additional information. In the second part of this thesis, I investigate the implications of these mechanisms - that explain edge formation in social networks - on machine learning. Specifically, I study the influence of homophily, preferential attachment, edge density, fraction of inorities, and the directionality of links on both performance and bias of collective classification, and on the visibility of minorities in top-k ranks. My findings demonstrate a strong correlation between network structure and machine learning outcomes. This suggests that systematic discrimination against certain people can be: (i) anticipated by the type of network, and (ii) mitigated by connecting strategically in the network.
This thesis deals with the verbal categories tense and aspect in the context of analysing the English perfect. The underlying notion of time is examined from the viewpoint of etymology and from the viewpoint of fields of knowledge that lie outside the immediate scope of temporal semantics, e.g. mathematics. The category tense is scrutinised by discussing the concept of Reichenbach tense and the concept of correlation (Giering). The starting point of the discussion of the category verbal aspect is the dichotomy perfective vs. imperfective in the Slavic languages. The main part about the perfect is concerned with the possessive perfect as a cross-linguistic phenomenon (including a comparison of the English and the Slavic perfect) and focuses on the usage and the meaning of the English present perfect. There are three appendices which are an integral part of this dissertation. Appendix A deals with the systematization of English verb forms and their graphical representation. Three different visualizations are presented, two of which are genuine to this paper. Appendix B reproduces the target setting according to which an animated visualization of English infinitives was programmed. Appendix C represents a synopsis of approaches to the English perfect in grammars and textbooks.
This dissertation will discuss the theories of exponents of the philosophy of dialogue. Through that it shall establish the basis to reflect entrepreneurial leadership action. The goal is to find an approach for the development of a dialogical leadership culture.
The empirical part shall examine on what basis, in correlation with a dialogical leadership style, subjective assumptions are made by managers in their leadership action who work in inpatient nursing services. Furthermore, it shall address the question of how those subjective assumptions can be considered and utilized towards establishing future dialogically oriented leadership cultures and the development of coinciding management personnel.
It shall also debate the question to what extent the philosophy of dialogue includes theoretical concepts which can be used to describe a leadership culture. The intellectual approach of Martin Bubers is especially taken into consideration.
Based on these theoretical grounds, the attempt shall be made to develop the basic intention of a dialogical leadership culture which will appropriately justify a didactical concept for the development of management personnel in nursing services.
Within aquatic environments sediment water interfaces (SWIs) are the most important areas concerning exchange processes between the water body and the sediment. These spatially restricted regions are characterized by steep biogeochemical gradients that determine the speciation and fate of natural or artificial substances. Apart from biological mediated processes (e.g., burrowing organisms, photosynthesis) the determining exchange processes are diffusion or a colloid-mediated transport. Hence, methods are required enabling to capture the fine scale structures at the boundary layer and to distinguish between the different transport pathways. Regarding emerging substances that will probably reach the aquatic environment engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are of great concern due to their increased use in many products and applications. Since they are determined based on their size (<100 nm) they include a variety of different materials behaving differently in the environment. Once released, they will inevitable mix with naturally present colloids (< 1 μm) including natural nanomaterials.
With regard to existing methodological gaps concerning the characterization of ENMs (as emerging substances) and the investigation of SWIs (as receiving environmental compartments), the aim of this thesis was to develop, validate and apply suitable analytical tools. The challenges were to i) develop methods that enable a high resolution and low-invasive sampling of sediment pore water. To ii) develop routine-suitable methods for the characterization of metal-based engineered nanoparticles and iii) to adopt and optimize size-fractionation approaches for pore water samples of sediment depth profiles to obtain size-related information on element distributions at SWIs.
Within the first part, an available microprofiling system was combined with a novel micro sampling system equipped with newly developed sample filtration-probes. The system was thoroughly validated and applied to a freshwater sediment proving the applicability for an automatic sampling of sediment pore waters in parallel to microsensor measurements. Thereby, for the first time multi-element information for sediment depth profiles were obtained at a millimeter scale that could directly be related to simultaneously measured sediment parameters.
Due to the expected release of ENMs to the environment the aim was to develop methods that enable the investigation of fate and transport of ENMs at sediment water interfaces. Since standardized approaches are still lacking, methods were developed for the determination of the total mass concentration and the determination of the dissolved fraction of (nano)particle suspensions. Thereby, validated, routine suitable methods were provided enabling for the first time a routine-suitable determination of these two, among the most important properties regarding the analyses of colloidal systems, also urgently needed as a basis for the development of appropriate (future) risk assessments and regulatory frameworks. Based on this methodological basis, approaches were developed enabling to distinguish between dissolved and colloidal fractions of sediment pore waters. This made it possible for the first time to obtain fraction related element information for sediment depth profiles at a millimeter scale, capturing the fine scale structures and distinguishing between diffusion and colloid-mediated transport. In addition to the research oriented parts of this thesis, questions concerning the regulation of ENPs in the case of a release into aquatic systems were addressed in a separate publication (included in the Appendix) discussing the topic against the background of the currently valid German water legislation and the actual state of the research.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has experienced growing importance in the last decades and an increasing number of schools have already implemented CLIL programmes or are planning to do so. Though the potentials of CLIL programmes are widely praised, first research results also raise doubts if CLIL students can live up to these high expectations. Both Fehling (2005) as well as Rumlich (2013; 2016), for example, found that CLIL programmes not inevitably show the expected results but that the CLIL students’ success might also be at least partially explained by other influences, such as the selection process of future CLIL students. Hence, CLIL students apparently fall short of the high expectations that are usually connected to the respective CLIL programmes and as this is mainly based on the unsatisfactory quality of these programmes, Rumlich concludes that “it is now high time to focus on the quality of CLIL provision” (Rumlich 2016: 452). He continues to explain that “the promises of CLIL do not materialise automatically owing to the fact that another language is used for learning in a non-language subject” (Rumlich 2016: 452). It must be assumed that the success of CLIL teaching also highly depends on the quality of the CLIL teachers.
In contrast to the continuously growing number of CLIL schools, however, the number of specifically trained CLIL teachers is comparably small. In Germany, CLIL teachers are not (yet) required to attend any special training in order to teach in a CLIL programme. Notwithstanding, is it sufficient for a CLIL teacher only to be trained in the content subject and the foreign language? Or does CLIL teaching require more than the sum of these two components? Do CLIL teachers need additional teaching competences to the ones of a content and a language teacher? In the light of the recent findings of CLIL programmes falling short of the high expectations, the answer to these questions must clearly be “Yes”. Hence, in order to appropriately train (future) CLIL teachers, special training programmes need to be developed which consider the teachers’ individual educational backgrounds, i.e. their qualifications as language and/or as content teachers and build up on these competences through adding the CLIL-specific teaching competences.
Therefore, this thesis aims at developing a German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education, which considers both the already published, theory-based standards of CLIL teacher education as well as the practical perspective of experienced CLIL teachers in Germany. This German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education classifies the different teaching competences, which are derived from integrating the theoretical and the practical perspective on CLIL teacher education, with regard to the three different competence areas, i.e. the general teaching competence, the language teaching competence and the subject teaching competence and is hence adaptable to different CLIL settings and educational backgrounds. In addition to developing this German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education, which provides the content of future CLIL teacher education programmes, this thesis discusses different forms of structurally implementing CLIL teacher education programmes in the existing structures of teacher education in Germany. This is achieved through analysing the current state of the art of CLIL teacher education at German universities and systematising the different forms of implementing these training programmes in the prevailing educational structures. Building on these first two steps, in the third and final step, this thesis develops a CLIL teacher education programme at a German university that is based on the results and elements of the German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education as well as the state of the art of CLIL teacher education in Germany. Thus, this thesis is allocated at the intersection between foreign language teaching as well as teacher education and is structured in eleven chapters.
Agriculture covers one third of the world land area and has become a major source of water pollution due to its heavy reliance on chemical inputs, namely fertilisers and pesticides. Several thousands of tonnes of these chemicals are applied worldwide annually and partly reach freshwaters. Despite their widespread use and relatively unspecific modes of action, fungicides are the least studied group of pesticides. It remains unclear whether the taxonomic groups used in pesticide risk assessment are protective for non-target freshwater fungi. Fungi and bacteria are the main microbial decomposers converting allochthonous organic matter (litter) into a more nutritious food resource for leaf-shredding macroinvertebrates. This process of litter decomposition (LD) is central for aquatic ecosystem because it fuels local and downstream food webs with energy and nutrients. Effects of fungicides on decomposer communities and LD have been mainly analysed under laboratory conditions with limited representation of the multiple factors that may moderate effects in the field.
In this thesis a field study was conducted in a German vineyard area to characterise recurrent episodic exposure to fungicides in agricultural streams (chapter 2) and its effects on decomposer communities and LD (chapter 3). Additionally, potential interaction effects of nutrient enrichment and fungicides on decomposer communities and LD were analysed in a mesocosm experiment (chapter 4).
In the field study event-driven water sampling (EDS) and passive sampling with EmporeTM styrene-divinylbenzene reverse phase sulfonated disks (SDB disks) were used to assess exposure to 15 fungicides and 4 insecticides. A total of 17 streams were monitored during 4 rainfall events within the local application period of fungicides in 2012. EDS exceeded the time-weighted average concentrations provided by the SDB disks by a factor of 3, though high variability among compounds was observed. Most compounds were detected in more than half of the sites and mean and maximum peak (EDS) concentrations were under 1 and 3 µg/l, respectively. Besides, SDB disk-sampling rates and a free-software solution to derive sampling rates under time-variable exposure were provided.
Several biotic endpoints related to decomposers and LD were measured in the same sampling sites as the fungicide monitoring, coinciding with the major litter input period. Our results suggest that polar organic fungicides in streams change the structure of the fungal community. Causality of this finding was supported by a subsequent microcosm experiment. Whether other effects observed in the field study, such as reduced fungal biomass, increased bacterial density or reduced microbial LD can be attributed to fungicides remains speculative and requires further investigation. By contrast, neither the invertebrate LD nor in-situ measured gammarid feeding rates correlated with water-borne fungicide toxicity, but both were negatively associated with sediment copper concentrations. The mesocosm experiment showed that fungicides and nutrients affect microbial decomposers differently and that they can alter community structure, though longer experiments are needed to determine whether these changes may propagate to invertebrate communities and LD. Overall, further studies should include representative field surveys in terms of fungicide pollution and physical, chemical and biological conditions. This should be combined with experiments under controlled conditions to test for the causality of field observations.