Year of publication
Document Type
- Master's Thesis (19)
- Part of Periodical (15)
- Doctoral Thesis (11)
- Study Thesis (5)
- Bachelor Thesis (3)
- Diploma Thesis (3)
- Habilitation (1)
- Semantic Web (3)
- ontology (3)
- Linked Open Data (2)
- Maschinelles Lernen (2)
- OWL (2)
- OWL <Informatik> (2)
- Ontology (2)
- RDF <Informatik> (2)
- SPARQL (2)
- mobile phone (2)
- Institute for Web Science and Technologies (57) (remove)
This thesis explores and examines the effectiveness and efficacy of traditional machine learning (ML), advanced neural networks (NN) and state-of-the-art deep learning (DL) models for identifying mental distress indicators from the social media discourses based on Reddit and Twitter as they are immensely used by teenagers. Different NLP vectorization techniques like TF-IDF, Word2Vec, GloVe, and BERT embeddings are employed with ML models such as Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) followed by NN models such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to methodically analyse their impact as feature representation of models. DL models such as BERT, DistilBERT, MentalRoBERTa and MentalBERT are end-to-end fine tuned for classification task. This thesis also compares different text preprocessing techniques such as tokenization, stopword removal and lemmatization to assess their impact on model performance. Systematic experiments with different configuration of vectorization and preprocessing techniques in accordance with different model types and categories have been implemented to find the most effective configurations and to gauge the strengths, limitations, and capability to detect and interpret the mental distress indicators from the text. The results analysis reveals that MentalBERT DL model significantly outperformed all other model types and categories due to its specific pretraining on mental data as well as rigorous end-to-end fine tuning gave it an edge for detecting nuanced linguistic mental distress indicators from the complex contextual textual corpus. This insights from the results acknowledges the ML and NLP technologies high potential for developing complex AI systems for its intervention in the domain of mental health analysis. This thesis lays the foundation and directs the future work demonstrating the need for collaborative approach of different domain experts as well as to explore next generational large language models to develop robust and clinically approved mental health AI systems.
The Web is an essential component of moving our society to the digital age. We use it for communication, shopping, and doing our work. Most user interaction in the Web happens with Web page interfaces. Thus, the usability and accessibility of Web page interfaces are relevant areas of research to make the Web more useful. Eye tracking is a tool that can be helpful in both areas, performing usability testing and improving accessibility. It can be used to understand users' attention on Web pages and to support usability experts in their decision-making process. Moreover, eye tracking can be used as an input method to control an interface. This is especially useful for people with motor impairment, who cannot use traditional input devices like mouse and keyboard. However, interfaces on Web pages become more and more complex due to dynamics, i.e., changing contents like animated menus and photo carousels. We need general approaches to comprehend dynamics on Web pages, allowing for efficient usability analysis and enjoyable interaction with eye tracking. In the first part of this thesis, we report our work on improving gaze-based analysis of dynamic Web pages. Eye tracking can be used to collect the gaze signals of users, who browse a Web site and its pages. The gaze signals show a usability expert what parts in the Web page interface have been read, glanced at, or skipped. The aggregation of gaze signals allows a usability expert insight into the users' attention on a high-level, before looking into individual behavior. For this, all gaze signals must be aligned to the interface as experienced by the users. However, the user experience is heavily influenced by changing contents, as these may cover a substantial portion of the screen. We delineate unique states in Web page interfaces including changing contents, such that gaze signals from multiple users can be aggregated correctly. In the second part of this thesis, we report our work on improving the gaze-based interaction with dynamic Web pages. Eye tracking can be used to retrieve gaze signals while a user operates a computer. The gaze signals may be interpreted as input controlling an interface. Nowadays, eye tracking as an input method is mostly used to emulate mouse and keyboard functionality, hindering an enjoyable user experience. There exist a few Web browser prototypes that directly interpret gaze signals for control, but they do not work on dynamic Web pages. We have developed a method to extract interaction elements like hyperlinks and text inputs efficiently on Web pages, including changing contents. We adapt the interaction with those elements for eye tracking as the input method, such that a user can conveniently browse the Web hands-free. Both parts of this thesis conclude with user-centered evaluations of our methods, assessing the improvements in the user experience for usability experts and people with motor impairment, respectively.
As a multilingual system,Wikipedia provides many challenges for academics and engineers alike. One such challenge is cultural contextualisation of Wikipedia content, and the lack of approaches to effectively quantify it. Additionally, what seems to lack is the intent of establishing sound computational practices and frameworks for measuring cultural variations in the data. Current approaches seem to mostly be dictated by the data availability, which makes it difficult to apply them in other contexts. Another common drawback is that they rarely scale due to a significant qualitative or translation effort. To address these limitations, this thesis develops and tests two modular quantitative approaches. They are aimed at quantifying culture-related phenomena in systems which rely on multilingual user-generated content. In particular, they allow to: (1) operationalise a custom concept of culture in a system; (2) quantify and compare culture-specific content- or coverage biases in such a system; and (3) map a large scale landscape of shared cultural interests and focal points. Empirical validation of these approaches is split into two parts. First, an approach to mapping Wikipedia communities of shared co-editing interests is validated on two large Wikipedia datasets comprising multilateral geopolitical and linguistic editor communities. Both datasets reveal measurable clusters of consistent co-editing interest, and computationally confirm that these clusters correspond to existing colonial, religious, socio economic, and geographical ties. Second, an approach to quantifying content differences is validated on a multilingual Wikipedia dataset, and a multi-platform (Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica) dataset. Both are limited to a selected knowledge domain of national history. This analysis allows, for the first time on the large scale, to quantify and visualise the distribution of historical focal points in the articles on national histories. All results are cross-validated either by domain experts, or external datasets.
Main thesis contributions. This thesis: (1) presents an effort to formalise the process of measuring cultural variations in user-generated data; (2) introduces and tests two novel approaches to quantifying cultural contextualisation in multilingual data; (3) synthesises a valuable overview of literature on defining and quantifying culture; (4) provides important empirical insights on the effect of culture on Wikipedia content and coverage; demonstrates that Wikipedia is not contextfree, and these differences should not be treated as noise, but rather, as an important feature of the data. (5) makes practical service contributions through sharing data and visualisations.
This thesis focuses on approximate inference in assumption-based argumentation frameworks. Argumentation provides a significant idea in the computerization of theoretical and practical reasoning in AI. And it has a close connection with AI, engaging in arguments to perform scientific reasoning. The fundamental approach in this field is abstract argumentation frameworks developed by Dung. Assumption-based argumentation can be regarded as an instance of abstract argumentation with structured arguments. When facing a large scale of data, a challenge of reasoning in assumption-based argumentation is how to construct arguments and resolve attacks over a given claim with minimal cost of computation and acceptable accuracy at the same time. This thesis proposes and investigates approximate methods that randomly select and construct samples of frameworks based on graphical dispute derivations to solve this problem. The presented approach aims to improve reasoning performance and get an acceptable trade-off between computational time and accuracy. The evaluation shows that for reasoning in assumption-based argumentation, in general, the running time is reduced with the cost of slightly low accuracy by randomly sampling and constructing inference rules for potential arguments over a query.
Graph-based data formats are flexible in representing data. In particular semantic data models, where the schema is part of the data, gained traction and commercial success in recent years. Semantic data models are also the basis for the Semantic Web - a Web of data governed by open standards in which computer programs can freely access the provided data. This thesis is concerned with the correctness of programs that access semantic data. While the flexibility of semantic data models is one of their biggest strengths, it can easily lead to programmers accidentally not accounting for unintuitive edge cases. Often, such exceptions surface during program execution as run-time errors or unintended side-effects. Depending on the exact condition, a program may run for a long time before the error occurs and the program crashes.
This thesis defines type systems that can detect and avoid such run-time errors based on schema languages available for the Semantic Web. In particular, this thesis uses the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and its theoretic underpinnings, i.e., description logics, as well as the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) to define type systems that provide type-safe data access to semantic data graphs. Providing a safe type system is an established methodology for proving the absence of run-time errors in programs without requiring execution. Both schema languages are based on possible world semantics but differ in the treatment of incomplete knowledge. While OWL allows for modelling incomplete knowledge through an open-world semantics, SHACL relies on a fixed domain and closed-world semantics. We provide the formal underpinnings for type systems based on each of the two schema languages. In particular, we base our notion of types on sets of values which allows us to specify a subtype relation based on subset semantics. In case of description logics, subsumption is a routine problem. For
the type system based on SHACL, we are able to translate it into a description
logic subsumption problem.
Social media platforms such as Twitter or Reddit allow users almost unrestricted access to publish their opinions on recent events or discuss trending topics. While the majority of users approach these platforms innocently, some groups have set their mind on spreading misinformation and influencing or manipulating public opinion. These groups disguise as native users from various countries to spread frequently manufactured articles, strong polarizing opinions in the political spectrum and possibly become providers of hate-speech or extremely political positions. This thesis aims to implement an AutoML pipeline for identifying second language speakers from English social media texts. We investigate style differences of text in different topics and across the platforms Reddit and Twitter, and analyse linguistic features. We employ feature-based models with datasets from Reddit, which include mostly English conversation from European users, and Twitter, which was newly created by collecting English tweets from selected trending topics in different countries. The pipeline classifies language family, native language and origin (Native or non-Native English speakers) of a given textual input. We evaluate the resulting classifications by comparing prediction accuracy, precision and F1 scores of our classification pipeline to traditional machine learning processes. Lastly, we compare the results from each dataset and find differences in language use for topics and platforms. We obtained high prediction accuracy for all categories on the Twitter dataset and observed high variance in features such as average text length especially for Balto-Slavic countries.
The distributed setting of RDF stores in the cloud poses many challenges. One such challenge is how the data placement on the compute nodes can be optimized to improve the query performance. To address this challenge, several evaluations in the literature have investigated the effects of existing data placement strategies on the query performance. A common drawback in theses evaluations is that it is unclear whether the observed behaviors were caused by the data placement strategies (if different RDF stores were evaluated as a whole) or reflect the behavior in distributed RDF stores (if cloud processing frameworks like Hadoop MapReduce are used for the evaluation). To overcome these limitations, this thesis develops a novel benchmarking methodology for data placement strategies that uses a data-placement-strategy-independent distributed RDF store to analyze the effect of the data placement strategies on query performance.
With this evaluation methodology the frequently used data placement strategies have been evaluated. This evaluation challenged the commonly held belief that data placement strategies that emphasize local computation, such as minimal edge-cut cover, lead to faster query executions. The results indicate that queries with a high workload may be executed faster on hash-based data placement strategies than on, e.g., minimal edge-cut covers. The analysis of the additional measurements indicates that vertical parallelization (i.e., a well-distributed workload) may be more important than horizontal containment (i.e., minimal data transport) for efficient query processing.
Moreover, to find a data placement strategy with a high vertical parallelization, the thesis tests the hypothesis that collocating small connected triple sets on the same compute node while balancing the amount of triples stored on the different compute nodes leads to a high vertical parallelization. Specifically, the thesis proposes two such data placement strategies. The first strategy called overpartitioned minimal edge-cut cover was found in the literature and the second strategy is the newly developed molecule hash cover. The evaluation revealed a balanced query workload and a high horizontal containment, which lead to a high vertical parallelization. As a result these strategies showed a better query performance than the frequently used data placement strategies.
Current political issues are often reflected in social media discussions, gathering politicians and voters on common platforms. As these can affect the public perception of politics, the inner dynamics and backgrounds of such debates are of great scientific interest. This thesis takes user generated messages from an up-to-date dataset of considerable relevance as Time Series, and applies a topic-based analysis of inspiration and agenda setting to it. The Institute for Web Science and Technologies of the University Koblenz-Landau has collected Twitter data generated beforehand by candidates of the European Parliament Election 2019. This work processes and analyzes the dataset for various properties, while focusing on the influence of politicians and media on online debates. An algorithm to cluster tweets into topical threads is introduced. Subsequently, Sequential Association Rules are mined, yielding wide array of potential influence relations between both actors and topics. The elaborated methodology can be configured with different parameters and is extensible in functionality and scope of application.
Belief revision is the subarea of knowledge representation which studies the dynamics of epistemic states of an agent. In the classical AGM approach, contraction, as part of the belief revision, deals with the removal of beliefs in knowledge bases. This master's thesis presents the study and the implementation of concept contraction in the Description Logic EL. Concept contraction deals with the following situation. Given two concept C and D, assuming that C is subsumed by D, how can concept C be changed so that it is not subsumed by D anymore, but is as similar as possible to C? This approach of belief change is different from other related work because it deals with contraction in the level of concepts and not T-Boxes and A-Boxes in general. The main contribution of the thesis is the implementation of the concept contraction. The implementation provides insight into the complexity of contraction in EL, which is tractable since the main inference task in EL is also tractable. The implementation consists of the design of five algorithms that are necessary for concept contraction. The algorithms are described, illustrated with examples, and analyzed in terms of time complexity. Furthermore, we propose an new approach for a selection function, adapt for the concept contraction. The selection function uses metadata about the concepts in order to select the best from an input set. The metadata is modeled in a framework that we have designed, based on standard metadata frameworks. As an important part of the concept contraction, the selection function is responsible for selecting the best concepts that are as similar as possible to concept C. Lastly, we have successfully implemented the concept contraction in Python, and the results are promising.