Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (475) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (224)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (13)
In the new epoch of Anthropocene, global freshwater resources are experiencing extensive degradation from a multitude of stressors. Consequently, freshwater ecosystems are threatened by a considerable loss of biodiversity as well as substantial decrease in adequate and secured freshwater supply for human usage, not only on local scales, but also on regional to global scales. Large scale assessments of human and ecological impacts of freshwater degradation enable an integrated freshwater management as well as complement small scale approaches. Geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial statistics (SS) have shown considerable potential in ecological and ecotoxicological research to quantify stressor impacts on humans and ecological entitles, and disentangle the relationships between drivers and ecological entities on large scales through an integrated spatial-ecological approach. However, integration of GIS and SS with ecological and ecotoxicological models are scarce and hence the large scale spatial picture of the extent and magnitude of freshwater stressors as well as their human and ecological impacts is still opaque. This Ph.D. thesis contributes novel GIS and SS tools as well as adapts and advances available spatial models and integrates them with ecological models to enable large scale human and ecological impacts identification from freshwater degradation. The main aim was to identify and quantify the effects of stressors, i.e climate change and trace metals, on the freshwater assemblage structure and trait composition, and human health, respectively, on large scales, i.e. European and Asian freshwater networks. The thesis starts with an introduction to the conceptual framework and objectives (chapter 1). It proceeds with outlining two novel open-source algorithms for quantification of the magnitude and effects of catchment scale stressors (chapter 2). The algorithms, i.e. jointly called ATRIC, automatically select an accumulation threshold for stream network extraction from digital elevation models (DEM) by assuring the highest concordance between DEM-derived and traditionally mapped stream networks. Moreover, they delineate catchments and upstream riparian corridors for given stream sampling points after snapping them to the DEM-derived stream network. ATRIC showed similar or better performance than the available comparable algorithms, and is capable of processing large scale datasets. It enables an integrated and transboundary management of freshwater resources by quantifying the magnitude of effects of catchment scale stressors. Spatially shifting temporal points (SSTP), outlined in chapter 3, estimates pooled within-time series (PTS) variograms by spatializing temporal data points and shifting them. Data were pooled by ensuring consistency of spatial structure and temporal stationarity within a time series, while pooling sufficient number of data points and increasing data density for a reliable variogram estimation. SSTP estimated PTS variograms showed higher precision than the available method. The method enables regional scale stressors quantification by filling spatial data gaps integrating temporal information in data scarce regions. In chapter 4, responses of the assumed climate-associated traits from six grouping features to 35 bioclimatic indices for five insect orders were compared, their potential for changing distribution pattern under future climate change was evaluated and the most influential climatic aspects were identified (chapter 4). Traits of temperature preference grouping feature and the insect order Ephemeroptera exhibited the strongest response to climate as well as the highest potential for changing distribution pattern, while seasonal radiation and moisture were the most influential climatic aspects that may drive a change in insect distribution pattern. The results contribute to the trait based freshwater monitoring and change prediction. In chapter 5, the concentrations of 10 trace metals in the drinking water sources were predicted and were compared with guideline values. In more than 53% of the total area of Pakistan, inhabited by more than 74 million people, the drinking water was predicted to be at risk from multiple trace metal contamination. The results inform freshwater management by identifying potential hot spots. The last chapter (6) synthesizes the results and provides a comprehensive discussion on the four studies and on their relevance for freshwater resources conservation and management.
Hintergrund: Veränderte gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen in der stationären Altenhilfe, die demografische Entwicklung mit dem steigenden Bedarf an Pflegekräften einerseits und die Tatsache, dass immer weniger Menschen aufgrund des Images des Berufes und der Arbeitsbedingungen in der Pflege tätig sein wollen andererseits, machen es notwendig neue Wege zu suchen. Die Träger im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen sind gefordert, Konzepte zu entwickeln, die ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit sichern, gleichzeitig aber auch den Belastungen und der Unzufriedenheit von Mitarbeitenden entgegenwirken. Es braucht Gestaltungsräume, um Lösungen im Konflikt zwischen Anspruch und Machbarkeit zu finden und so dem alltäglichen Stress, der Mitarbeiterfluktuation und dem drohenden Leistungsabfall entgegenzuwirken. Durch das Praxisprojekt eines sozial-karitativen Trägers zur Implementierung einer ´Konstruktiven Konfliktkultur´ in einer stationären Altenhilfeeinrichtung sollte eine Organisationskultur geschaffen werden, in der Konflikte offen angesprochen werden, eine Offenheit für Veränderungsprozesse entsteht, Belastungen reduziert und die Mitarbeitenden an die Organisation gebunden werden. Dazu wurden drei pädagogische Interventionen entwickelt, durch die die Mitarbeitenden und die Führungskräfte in ihrer Konfliktfähigkeit geschult werden sollten. Methode: Die wissenschaftliche Begleitung dieses Praxisprojektes fand als Evaluationsstudie statt. Zu drei Erhebungszeitpunkten wurde eine repräsentative Mitarbeitergruppe dieser Einrichtung zu den Themen Konflikterleben, Führungsverhalten, Macht/ Regeln und Veränderungen durch qualitative Leitfadeninterviews befragt. Die Auswertung und Analyse der Daten erfolgte im Sinne der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring und floss ein in eine formative Prozessevaluation der einzelnen Interventionen und einer summativen Effektevaluation zu Bewertung der Zielerreichung des Projektes. Ergebnis: Die einzelnen Interventionen des Projektes konnten nicht dazu beitragen, dass eine ´Konstruktiven Konfliktkultur´ nachhaltig entwickelt werden konnte. Zwar gab es in der Bewusstseinsspanne des Projektes einen expliziten Wissensgewinn, jedoch mehr bei den Führungskräften als bei den Mitarbeitenden. Die Führungskräfte sahen im Projekt einen Gewinn, für einen Teil der Mitarbeitenden war es sogar Zeitverschwendung. Anhand der Ergebnisse lassen sich drei Merkmale herauskristallisieren, die kennzeichnend sind für die zugrundeliegenden Denk-, Urteils-, und Handlungsstrukturen in sozialen Organisationen im Umgang mit Konflikten: Konflikte sind nicht wahrnehmbare Konstrukte der Alltagswelt. Sie manifestieren sich aufgrund fehlender Legitimation in Überforderung und eine ´Konstruktiven Konfliktkultur´ kann nicht auf das Wissen Einzelner aufbauen, sondern benötigt verbindliche Handlungsstrukturen für alle Organisationsmitglieder gleichermaßen. Ergebnisinterpretation: Durch die Einbeziehung wissenssoziologischer und konfliktsoziologischer Theorien und deren Einordnung in Institutionen – und Organisationstheorien konnten die Ergebnisse diskutiert und neue Erkenntnisse über Konflikte in Organisationen, die sich in drei Spannungsfeldern zeigen, gewonnen werden. Die Spannungsfelder bewegen sich zwischen dem Konflikt als nicht-wahrnehmbarem Alltagsphänomen auf der einen Seite und einer manifestierten Belastung auf der anderen Seite, dem Gewohnheitswissen im alltäglichen Umgang einerseits und einem fehlenden Handlungswissen andererseits, einer funktional-positiven Sicht hier und einer dysfunktional-negativen Sicht dort. Anhand dieser Spannungsfelder kann die Konfliktmentalität und ihre Entstehung und auch die Möglichkeit ihrer Veränderbarkeit reflektiert und können Erfolgsfaktoren für die Implementierung einer ´Konstruktiven Konfliktkultur´ entwickelt werden.
Schlussfolgerung: Wissen, Legitimation und Institutionalisierung und die Stärkung der Wahrnehmungen sind der Schlüssel für die Veränderung der Konfliktmentalität in sozialen Organisationen. Nachhaltigkeit erhält die Thematik aber erst, wenn alle Organisationsmitglieder eine gewisse Handlungsnotwendigkeit für sich erkennen. Aktuell steht die Organisationsentwicklung für den expliziten Veränderungswillen von Management, der jedoch auf ein gewisses Beharrungsvermögen von Mitarbeitenden trifft.
The analysis of three-dimensional and complex motion sequences
of human gait and therefore the most important question
of kenesiology ”why are we falling?” is the essence of this
paper. The gerontology and its science of movement is currently
limited to simple and one-dimensional methods and models. An
extensive literature research shows the latest state of research of
the three common methods to determine the stability of human
gait. To assess the margin of stability, local stability and orbital
stability it is shown, how those methods are applicable to evaluate
the subject’s ability to recover from any disturbences of
the subject’s gait. Based on this assessment and the method’s
advantages and disadvantages a new method will be derived
that allows spatial analysis of dynamic instability of linear and
non-linear human gait. A motion capture system and the timed
up and go test serve as a basis for this new method and will be
explained. A numerical approximation to optimise the number
of markers within a marker-set of a motion capture analysis
and its maximum correlation with the full-body-marker-set will
be given. This simplification is very helpful for further clinical
or scientific research. To validate the new method a trial
with subjects will be shown and discussed. New appreciable
variables and snapshots of specific situations during the gait
offer new and different interpretations of the human gait. The
new method is the most applicable and appropriate assessment
of human gait and the individual development of the human
gait while aging, as well as to detect and prevent falling and
associated injuries. Especially directional change of a non-linear
gait become assessable with the new method.
The research described in this thesis was designed to yield information on the impact of particle-bound pesticides on organisms living in the interface between sediment and water column in a temporarily open estuary (TOCEs). It was hypothesized that natural variables such as salinity and temperature and anthropogenic stressors such as particle-bound pesticides contribute to the variability of the system. A multiple line of evidence approach is necessary due to the variability in sediment type, contaminant distribution and spatial and temporal variability within the ecosystem in particular within TOCEs. The first aim of this thesis was to identify which particle-bound pesticides are important to the contamination of the Lourens River estuary (Western Cape, South Africa), taking into account their environmental concentrations, physico-chemical and toxicological properties (Exposure assessment). The second aim was to identify spatial and temporal variations in particle bound pesticide contamination, natural environmental variables and benthic community structure (effect assessment). The third aim was to test the hypothesis: "does adaptation to fluctuating salinities lead to enhanced survival of the harpacticoid copepod Mesochra parva when exposed to a combination of particle associated chlorpyrifos exposure and hypo-osmotic stress during a 96 h sediment toxicity test?" The last aim was to identify the driving environmental variables (including natural and anthropogenic stressors) in a "natural" (Rooiels River) compared to a "disturbed" (Lourens River) estuary and to identify if and how these variables change the benthic community structure in both estuaries. Data produced in this research thus provide important information to understand the impact of pesticides and its interaction with natural variables in a temporarily open estuary. To summarise, this study indicated, by the use of the multi-evidence approach, that the pesticides endosulfan and chlorpyrifos posed a risk towards benthic organisms in a temporarily open estuary in particular during spring season. Furthermore an important link between pesticide exposure/ toxicity and salinity was identified, which has important implications for the management of temporarily open estuaries.
Abdriftbedingte Pflanzenschutzmittelrückstände in unbehandelten Kulturen auf angrenzenden Flächen
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Abdrift von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM), die auf Lebensmittelkulturen in angrenzenden Flächen, insbesondere in benachbarte Haus- und Kleingärten, gelangt. In einer Reihe von Windtunnelversuchen wurde die Abdrift von PSM aus Flächen- und Raumkulturen während der Applikation mit zwei verschiedenen Testsystemen nachgestellt. Das Testsystem Flächenkultur simuliert die Applikation auf Flächenkulturen, das Testsystem Raumkultur die auf Raumkulturen. Auf der Nicht-Zielfläche wurden die auf Grund von Abdrift entstandenen Rückstände des verwendeten Tracers Pyranin nach der Applikation entfernungsabhängig auf den Lebensmittelkulturen Kopfsalat, Erdbeeren und Tomaten gemessen. Durch die gleichzeitige Messung der Bodendeposition konnten die Messwerte mit Hilfe von Regressionsgleichungen (R² = 0,88 bis 0,97) in Bezug zu den Abdrifteckwerten (AEW) gebracht werden. Dadurch war es möglich, erste Abschätzungen der Höhe von Rückständen vorzunehmen, die über Abdrift von landwirtschaftlichen Flächen auf benachbarte Lebensmittelkulturen im Freiland gelangen können. Diese Abschätzung ist zunächst limitiert auf die drei Versuchspflanzen. Die Versuche zeigen, dass sich die meisten durch Abdrift entstehenden Rückstände auf Salatköpfen wieder finden, gefolgt von Erdbeeren und Tomaten.
Neben dem experimentellen Teil wurden Analysen mit Geoinformationssystemen (GIS) durchgeführt, um die Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse zwischen landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen und Gartenflächen für ganz Deutschland und speziell für Rheinland-Pfalz (RLP) zu analysieren. Dazu wurden für die deutschlandweiten Berechnungen die Daten des amtlichen topographisch-kartographischen Informationssystems (ATKIS) und für die RLP-weiten Berechnungen die Daten des amtlichen Liegenschaftskatasterinformationssystem (ALKIS) verwendet. Beachtet werden muss, dass auf Grund der Datenbeschaffenheit eine Abgrenzung der Gartenflächen zu Wohnflächen nicht möglich ist. Deutschlandweit liegen etwa 1,1 % aller potentiellen Gartenflächen innerhalb eines 5 m Pufferbereichs um Raumkulturen bzw. innerhalb eines 2 m Pufferbereichs um Flächenkulturen. Für RLP sind es 0,75 %. Mit Hilfe eines Landbedeckungsdatensatzes der Fa. RLP AgroScience GmbH und den ALKIS-Daten konnte jedoch die exakte Gartenfläche für RLP auf 47.437 ha bestimmt werden. Basierend auf dieser Datengrundlage liegen 1,2 % der Gartenfläche von RLP innerhalb der genannten Pufferbereiche. Des Weiteren ergaben Berechnungen, dass 3 % der Gärten in RLP direkt angrenzend zu landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen liegen.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden nicht nur Gärten betrachtet, die an landwirtschaftliche Flächen grenzen, sondern auch Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse zwischen ökologisch und konventionell bewirtschafteten Flächen untersucht. Diese Berechnungen erfolgten mit den Daten des Integrierten Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystems (InVeKoS). Insgesamt grenzen in RLP 47,1 % aller ökologisch bewirtschafteten Flächen unmittelbar an konventionell bewirtschaftete Flächen an.
Studien zeigen einen hohen Anteil an gut ausgebildeten Frauen, auch weisen Untersuchungen über die Führungskompetenz mehr führungsstarke Frauen (jede 12.) als Männer (jeder 17.) auf. Diese Ergebnisse spiegeln sich jedoch nicht in der nur geringen Anzahl von Frauen in höheren Führungspositionen wieder, mit der Folge, dass diese Ressource damit ungenutzt bleibt. Wenn Mitarbeitende aber als bedeutsam für den Unternehmenserfolg angesehen werden, dann sollten ein optimaler Einsatz und eine bestmögliche Entwicklung selbstverständlich sein. Dieser Aspekt findet sich auch in der Politik zur Gleichbehandlung der Geschlechter wieder. Organisationen vernachlässigen Potential, wenn sie Frauen, die gut ausgebildet sind, nicht die Möglichkeiten geben, beruflich aufzusteigen. Gerade in der Sozialen Arbeit ist der Anteil der Frauen sehr hoch, dennoch kehrt sich diese Verhältnismäßigkeit, vor allem bei den höheren Führungspositionen wie Vorstände, Geschäftsführungen, Aufsichtsgremien, um. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation werden förderliche und hemmende Faktoren im Erreichen einer Leitungsposition von Frauen analysiert. Der besondere Fokus ist dabei auf die obere Führungsebene in Organisationen der Sozialen Arbeit gerichtet, im Besonderen auf die Freie Wohlfahrtspflege. Ziel ist darüber hinaus die Darstellung von Handlungsimplikationen zur Förderung weiblicher Karrieren in der Sozialen Arbeit, als Beitrag zur besseren Nutzung weiblichen Know-Hows. Die Arbeit berücksichtigt dabei sowohl die Sicht von Frauen in Führungspositionen, als auch die Sicht von Personalentscheiderinnen und -entscheidern und leistet einen Beitrag dazu, wie Frauen in Verbänden und Organisationen der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege der Zugang zu Führungspositionen ermöglicht werden kann. Die hieraus resultierenden Leitfragen sind: Welche biografischen und institutionellen Faktoren fördern und hemmen den Aufstieg weiblicher Führungskräfte in die obere Führungsebene? Welche Faktoren zeigen sich aus Sicht der Frauen, welche aus Sicht der Personalentscheiderinnen und -entscheider? Welche Lösungswege ergeben sich zur Anhebung des Frauenanteils in der oberen Führungsebene? In der theoretischen Ausarbeitung werden zunächst im Rahmen des ersten Themenkomplexes Frauen und Führung bspw. geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte von Führungsverhalten besprochen, Bezug nehmende Ergebnisse der Führungsforschung sowie der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung aufgezeigt und berufliche Situationen und Karrieren von Frauen dargestellt. Einfluss- und Erfolgsfaktoren weiblicher Karrieren, mögliche Aufstiegsbarrieren (biografisch konstruiert, gesellschaftlich sozialisiert, organisationsstrukturell) und Strategien zur Realisierung von Chancengleichheit im Aufstieg werden beschrieben. Der erste Themenkomplex endet mit der analytischen Betrachtung des Nutzens dieser Chancengleichheit. Der zweite Themenkomplex geht konkret auf den Bereich Soziale Arbeit ein, beleuchtet den Begriff Frauenberuf, die berufliche Situation von Frauen in der Sozialen Arbeit, die Freie Wohlfahrtspflege, das hier vorherrschende Verständnis von Führung und geht im Abschluss auf Frauen in Führungspositionen in der Sozialen Arbeit ein. Neben Faktoren, die Frauen möglicherweise einen Führungsaufstieg erschweren, werden auch Möglichkeiten von Organisationen bei der Unterstützung von Karrieren der Frauen beleuchtet. Die Untersuchung legt ihren Schwerpunkt auf die Organisationen der Sozialen Arbeit und die Führungspositionen des oberen Managements. Im sich anschließenden empirischen Teil erfolgt daher die Darstellung des Forschungsprojekts und des Forschungssettings, der Forschungsergebnisse, als auch der daraus abgeleiteten Schlussfolgerungen.
Method development for the quantification of pharmaceuticals in aqueous environmental matrices
As a consequence of the world population increase and the resulting water scarcity, water quality is the object of growing attention. In that context, organic anthropogenic molecules — often defined as micropollutants— represent a threat for water resources. Among them, pharmaceuticals are the object of particular concerns due to their permanent discharge, their increasing consumption and their effect-based structures. Pharmaceuticals are mainly introduced in the environment via wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), along with their metabolites and the on-site formed transformation products (TPs). Once in the aquatic environment, they partition between the different environmental compartments in particular the aqueous phase, suspended particulate matter(SPM) and biota. In the last decades, pharmaceuticals have been widely investigated in the water phase. However, extreme polar pharmaceuticals have rarely been monitored due to the lack of robust analytical methods. Moreover, metabolites and TPs have seldom been included in routine analysis methods although their environmental relevance is proven. Furthermore, pharmaceuticals have been only sporadically investigated in SPM and biota and adequate multi-residue methods are lacking to obtain comprehensive results about their occurrence in these matrices. This thesis endeavors to cover these gaps of knowledge by the development of generic multi-residue methods for pharmaceuticals determination in the water phase, SPM and biota and to evaluate the occurrence and partition of pharmaceuticals into these compartments. For a complete overview, a particular focus was laid on extreme polar pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical metabolites and TPs. In total, three innovative multi-residue methods were developed, they include analytes covering a broad range of physico-chemical properties. First, a reliable multi-residue method was developed for the analysis of extreme polar pharmaceuticals, metabolites and TPs dissolved in water. The selected analytes covered a significant range of elevated polarity and the method would be easily expendable to further analytes. This versatility could be achieved by the utilization of freeze-drying as sample preparation and zwitterionic hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) in gradient elution mode. The suitability of HILIC chromatography to simultaneously quantify a large range of micropollutants in aqueous environmental samples was thoroughly studied. Several limitations were pointed out: a very complex and time-consuming method development, a very high sensitivity with regards to modification of the acetonitrile to water ratio in the eluent or the diluent and high positive matrix effects for certain analytes. However, these limitations can be overcome by the utilization of a precise protocol and appropriate labeled internal standards. They are overmatched by the benefits of HILIC which permits the chromatographic separation of extreme polar micropollutants. Investigation of environmental samples showed elevated concentrations of the analytes in the water phase. In particular, gabapentin, metformin, guanylurea and oxypurinol were measured at concentrations in the µg/L range in surface water. Subsequently, a reliable multi-residue method was established for the determination of 57 pharmaceuticals, 47 metabolites and TPs sorbed to SPM down to the low ng/g range. This method was conceived to cover a large range of polarity in particular with the inclusion of extreme polar pharmaceuticals. The extraction procedure was based on pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) followed by a clean-up via solvent exchange and detection via direct injection-reversed-phase LC-MS/MS and freeze-drying HILIC-MS/MS. Pharmaceutical sorption was examined using laboratory experiments. Derived distribution coefficients Kd varied by five orders of magnitude among the analytes and confirmed a high sorption potential for positively charged and nonpolar pharmaceuticals. The occurrence of pharmaceuticals in German rivers SPM was evaluated by the investigation of annual composite SPM samples taken at four sites at the river Rhine and one site at the river Saar between the years 2005 and 2015. It revealed the ubiquitous presence of pharmaceuticals sorbed to SPM in these rivers. In particular, positively charged analytes, even very polar and nonpolar pharmaceuticals showed appreciable concentrations. For many pharmaceuticals, a distinct correlation was observed between the annual quantities consumed in Germany and the concentrations measured in SPM. Studies of composite SPM spatial distribution permitted to get hints about specific industrial discharge by comparing the pollution pattern along the river. For the first time, these results showed the potential of SPM for the monitoring of positively charged and nonpolar pharmaceuticals in surface water. Finally, a reliable and generic multi residue method was developed to investigate 35 pharmaceuticals and 28 metabolites and TPs in fish plasma, fish liver and fish fillet. For this matrix, it was very challenging to develop an adequate clean-up allowing for the sufficient separation of the matrix disturbances from the analytes. In the final method, fish tissue extraction was performed by cell disruption followed by a non-discriminating clean-up based on silica gel solid-phase extraction(SPE) and restrictive access media (RAM) chromatography. Application of the developed method to the measurement of bream and carp tissues from German rivers revealed that even polar micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals are ubiquitously present in fish tissues. In total, 17 analytes were detected for the first time in fish tissues, including 10 metabolites/TPs. The importance of monitoring metabolites and TPs in fish tissues was confirmed with their detection at similar concentrations as their parents. Liver and fillet were shown to be appropriate for the monitoring of pharmaceuticals in fish, whereas plasma is more inconvenient due to very low concentrations and collection difficulties. Elevated concentrations of certain metabolites suggest possible formation of human metabolites in fish. Measured concentrations indicate a low bioaccumulation potential for pharmaceuticals in fish tissues.
Schrift ist in ihrer Besonderheit verkannt, versteht man sie allein als Mittel zur Stillstellung gesprochener Sprache. Phänomene wie Schriftbildlichkeit, Operativität und die Physiognomie des Schriftbildes machen Schrift zu einem Medium. In der Entwicklung und in der Verwendung von Schriftgebrauchsformen in unterschiedlichen Kontexten werden sowohl die Eigenschaften, die Schriftzeichen mit verbalen Zeichen gemeinsam haben, als auch die Potentiale, die sie mit pikturalen Zeichen gemeinsam haben, genutzt. Daher werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Funktionalisierungsmöglichkeiten von Schriftgebrauchsformen vor dem Hintergrund der Symboltheorie Nelson Goodmans vorgestellt. Eine an die ästhetische Theorie angelehnte Herangehensweise ermöglicht es, gerade die bildlichen Aspekte von Schriftformen – die bislang in schrifttheoretischen Arbeiten meist als irrelevant ausgeblendet werden – zu berücksichtigen. Es wird ein dynamischer Kompetenzbegriff in Anlehnung an J.G. Schneider entwickelt, der alle Fähigkeiten umfasst, die benötigt werden, um Schriftgebrauchsformen erfolgversprechend verwenden zu können. Zu diesen Fähigkeiten gehören nicht nur grammatische und orthographische Kompetenz, sondern ebenso Geschmack und die Fähigkeit zur Analogiebildung. An Beispielen verschiedener Schriftverwendungen wird gezeigt, wie unterschiedlich Schriftgebrauchsformen eingesetzt werden können. So wird Schrift als Kulturtechnik darstellbar und mithin verdeutlicht, dass die Art und Weise, wie Menschen ihre Kultur, ihre Welt, aber auch ihre spezifische Umgebung und eigene Identität modellieren, von Schriftverwendungen geprägt und verändert wird.
Gel effect induced by mucilage in the pore space and consequences on soil physical properties
Water uptake, respiration and exudation are some of the biological functions fulfilled by plant roots. They drive plant growth and alter the biogeochemical parameters of soil in the vicinity of roots, the rhizosphere. As a result, soil processes such as water fluxes, carbon and nitrogen exchanges or microbial activity are enhanced in the rhizosphere in comparison to the bulk soil. In particularly, the exudation of mucilage as a gel-like substance by plant roots seems to be a strategy for plants to overcome drought stress by increasing soil water content and soil unsaturated hydraulic conductivity at negative water potentials. Although the variations of soil properties due to mucilage are increasingly understood, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms in the pore space leading to such variations is lacking.
The aim of this work was to elucidate the gel properties of mucilage in the pore space, i.e. interparticulate mucilage, in order to link changes of the physico-chemical properties in the rhizosphere to mucilage. The fulfilment of this goal was confronted to the three following challenges: The lack of methods for in situ detection of mucilage in soil; The lack of knowledge concerning the properties of interparticulate mucilage; The unknown relationship between the composition and the properties of model substances and root mucilage produced by various species. These challenges are addressed in several chapters.
In a first instance, a literature review picked information from various scientific fields about methods enabling the characterization of gels and gel phases in soil. The variation of soil properties resulting from biohydrogel swelling in soil was named the gel effect. The combined study of water entrapment of gels and gel phases in soil and soil structural properties in terms of mechanical stability or visual structures proved promising to disentangle the gel effect in soil.
The acquired methodical knowledge was used in the next experiments to detect and characterize the properties of interparticulate gel. 1H NMR relaxometry allows the non-invasive measure of water mobility in porous media. A conceptual model based on the equations describing the relaxation of water protons in porous media was developed to integrate the several gel effects into the NMR parameters and quantify the influence of mucilage on proton relaxation. Rheometry was additionally used to assess mucilage viscosity and soil microstructural stability and ESEM images to visualize the network of interparticulate gel. Combination of the results enabled to identify three main interparticulate gel properties: The spider-web effect restricts the elongation of the polymer chains due to the grip of the polymer network to the surface of soil particles. The polymer network effect illustrates the organization of the polymer network in the pore space according to the environment. The microviscosity effect describes the increased viscosity of interparticulate gel in contrast to free gel. The impact of these properties on soil water mobility and microstructural stability were investigated. Consequences on soil hydraulic and soil mechanical properties found in the literature are further discussed.
The influence of the chemical properties of polymers on gel formation mechanism and gel properties was also investigated. For this, model substances with various uronic acid content, degree of esterification and amount of calcium were tested and their amount of high molecular weight substances was measured. The substances investigated included pectic polysaccharides and chia seed mucilage as model polymers and wheat and maize root mucilage. Polygalacturonic acid and low-methoxy pectin proved as non-suitable model polymers for seed and root mucilage as ionic interactions with calcium control their properties. Mucilage properties rather seem to be governed by weak electrostatic interactions between the entangled polymer chains. The amount of high molecular weight material varies considerably depending on mucilage´s origin and seems to be a straight factor for mucilage’s gel effect in soil. Additionally to the chemical characterization of the high molecular weight compounds, determination of their molecular weight and of their conformation in several mucilages types is needed to draw composition-property profiles. The variations measured between the various mucilages also highlight the necessity to study how the specific properties of the various mucilages fulfill the needs of the plant from which they are exuded.
Finally, the integration of molecular interactions in gel and interparticulate gel properties to explain the physical properties of the rhizosphere was discussed. This approach offers numerous perspectives to clarify for example how water content or hydraulic conductivity in the rhizosphere vary according to the properties of the exuded mucilage. The hypothesis that the gel effect is general for all soil-born exudates showing gel properties was considered. As a result, a classification of soil-born gel phases including roots, seeds, bacteria, hyphae and earthworm’s exuded gel-like material according to their common gel physico-chemical properties is recommended for future research. An outcome could be that the physico-chemical properties of such gels are linked with the extent of the gel effect, with their impact on soil properties and with the functions of the gels in soil.
Im Zentrum der Arbeit steht die Frage, inwiefern erwachsenenpädagogische Professionalität und Qualitätsmanagement als je eigene Zugänge der Qualitätssicherung im Kontext der Weiterbildung miteinander kompatibel sind.
Diese Frage wird seit den 1990er Jahren diskutiert und stellt sich gegenwärtig neu, u.a. angesichts branchenspezifischer Ansätze wie der Lernerorientierten Qualitätstestierung in der Weiterbildung (LQW).
Zur Beantwortung werden einschlägige Vertreter des Professionalitäts- und Qualitätsmanagementzugangs aus einer handlungstheoretischen Perspektive vergleichend im Hinblick auf ihre Handlungsordnungen gegenübergestellt. Grundlage bildet eine kategoriengeleitete, heuristisch angelegte Dokumentenanalyse sowohl von Grundlagentexten als auch von Normen- und Anforderungskatalogen.
Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass die Passung differenziert und jenseits dichotomisierender Gegenüberstellungen von Pädagogik bzw. Profession und Organisation oder von Pädagogik und Ökonomie zu beurteilen ist:
Zum einen wird die Heterogenität der Einzelansätze deutlich, welche sich in unterschiedlichem Umfang als kompatibel zueinander erweisen. Zum anderen werden entlang einzelner Handlungsdimensionen sowohl Anschluss- als auch Bruchstellen sichtbar.
Als ein weiterer zentraler Befund lässt sich festhalten, dass auch die Art der Spannungsverhältnisse zwischen erwachsenenpädagogischer Professionalität und Qualitätsmanagement unterschieden werden muss:
Während die Spannungen zwischen den gegensätzlichen methodischen Strategien (z.B. zwischen professionellem Fallbezug und organisationaler Standardisierung) gradueller Natur sind und „bearbeitet“ werden können, zeigen sich zwischen den programmatischen Zweck- und Aufgabenbestimmungen kategoriale Unterschiede und antinomische Konstellationen.
So verweisen das professionelle Leitprinzip der Teilnehmerorientierung sowie die für die Qualitätsmanagement-Ansätze maßgebliche Kunden- bzw. Lernerorientierung auf jeweils eigene sowie voneinander abweichende Vermittlungskonzepte, die nicht widerspruchsfrei zusammengeführt werden können.
Non-Consumptive Effects of Spiders and Ants: Does Fear Matter in Terrestrial Interaction Webs?
Most animals suffer from predators. Besides killing prey, predators can affect prey physiology, morphology and behaviour. Spiders are among the most diverse and frequent predators in terrestrial ecosystems. Our behavioural arena experiments revealed that behavioural changes under spider predation risk are relatively scarce among arthropods. Wood crickets (Nemobius sylvestris), in particular, changed their behaviour in response to cues of various spider species. Thereby, more common and relatively larger spider species induced stronger antipredator behaviour in crickets.
Behavioural changes under predation risk are expected to enhance predator avoidance, but they come at a cost. Crickets previously confronted with cues of the nursery web spider (Pisaura mirabilis) were indeed more successful in avoiding predation. Surprisingly, crickets slightly increased food uptake and lost less weight under predation risk, indicating that crickets are able to compensate for short-term cost under predation risk. In a following plant choice experiment, crickets strongly avoided plants bearing spider cues, which in turn reduced the herbivory on the respective plants.
Similar to spiders, ants are ubiquitous predators and can have a strong impact on herbivores, but also on other predators. Juvenile spiders increased their propensity for long-distance dispersal if exposed to ant cues. Thus, spiders use this passive dispersal through the air (ballooning) to avoid ants and colonise new habitats.
In a field experiment, we compared arthropod colonisation between plants bearing cues of the nursery web spider and cue-free plants. We followed herbivory during the experimental period and sampled the arthropod community on the plants. In accordance with the plant choice experiment, herbivory was reduced on plants bearing spider cues. In addition, spider cues led to changes in the arthropod community: smaller spiders and black garden ants (Lasius niger) avoided plants bearing spider cues. In contrast, common red ants (Myrmica rubra) increased the recruitment of workers, possibly to protect their aphids.
Although behavioural changes were relatively rare on filter papers bearing spider cues, more natural experimental setups revealed strong and far-reaching effects of predation risk. We further suggest that risk effects influence the spatial distribution of herbivory, rather than reduce overall herbivory that is expected if predators kill herbivores. Consequently, the relative importance of predation and risk effects is crucial for the way predators affect lower trophic levels.
Organic substances play an essential role for the formation of stable soil structures. In this context, their physico-chemical properties, interactions with mineral soil constituents and soil-water interactions are particu-larly important. However, the underlying mechanisms contributing to soil particle cementation by swollen or-ganic substances (hydrogels) remains unclear. Up to now, no mechanistic model is available which explains the mechanisms of interparticulate hydrogel swelling and its contribution to soil-water interactions and soil structur-al stability. This mainly results from the lack of appropriate testing methods to study hydrogel swelling in soil as well as from the difficulties of adapting available methods to the system soil/hydrogel.
In this thesis, 1H proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry was combined with various soil micro- and macrostructural stability testing methods in order to identify the contribution of hydrogel swelling-induced soil-water interactions to the structural stability of water-saturated and unsaturated soils. In the first part, the potentials and limitations of 1H NMR relaxometry to enlighten soil structural stabilization mechanism and vari-ous water populations were investigated. In the second part, 1H-NMR relaxometry was combined with rheologi-cal measurements of soil to assess the contribution of interparticulate hydrogel swelling and various polymer-clay interactions on soil-water interactions and soil structural stability in an isolated manner. Finally, the effects of various organic and mineral soil fractions on soil-water interactions and soil structural stability was assessed in more detail for a natural, agriculturally cultivated soil by soil density fractionation and on the basis of the experiences gained from the previous experiments.
The increased experiment complexity in the course of this thesis enabled to link physico-chemical properties of interparticulate hydrogel structures with soil structural stability on various scales. The established mechanistic model explains the contribution of interparticulate hydrogels to the structural stability of water-saturated and unsaturated soils: While swollen clay particles reduce soil structural stability by acting as lubricant between soil particles, interparticulate hydrogel structures increase soil structural stability by forming a flexible polymeric network which interconnects mineral particles more effectively than soil pore- or capillary water. It was appar-ent that soil structural stability increases with increasing viscosity of the interparticluate hydrogel in dependence on incubation time, soil texture, soil solution composition and external factors in terms of moisture dynamics and agricultural management practices. The stabilizing effect of interparticulate hydrogel structures further in-crease in the presence of clay particles which is attributed to additional polymer-clay interactions and the incor-poration of clay particles into the three-dimensional interparticulate hydrogel network. Furthermore, the simul-taneous swelling of clay particles and hydrogel structures results in the competition for water and thus in a mu-tual restriction of their swelling in the interparticle space. Thus, polymer-clay interactions not only increase the viscosity of the interparticulate hydrogel and thus its ability to stabilize soil structures but further reduce the swelling of clay particles and consequently their negative effects on soil structural stability. The knowledge on these underlying mechanisms enhance the knowledge on the formation of stable soil structures and enable to take appropriate management practices in order to maintain a sustainable soil structure. The additionally out-lined limitations and challenges of the mechanistic model should provide information on areas with optimization and research potential, respectively.
Studies have shown that wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are the major pathways of organic and inorganic chemicals of anthropogenic use (=micropollutants) into aquatic environments. There, micropollutants can be transferred to ground water bodies - and may finally end up in drinking water - or cause various effects in aquatic organisms like multiple resistances of bacteria. Hence, the upgrading of WWTPs with the aim to reduce the load of those micropollutants is currently under discussion.
Therefore, the primary objective of this thesis was to assess ecotoxicological effects of wastewater ozonation, a tertiary treatment method, using specifically developed toxicity tests with Gammarus fossarum (Koch) at various levels of ecological complexity. Several studies were designed in the laboratory and under semi-field conditions to cope with this primary objective. Prior to the investigations with ozone treated wastewater, the ecotoxicity of secondary treated (=non-ozone treated) wastewater from WWTP Wüeri, Switzerland, for the test species was assessed by a four-week experiment. This experiment displayed statistically significant impairments in feeding, assimilation and physiological endpoints related to population development and reproduction. The first experiment investigating ecotoxicological implications of ozone application in wastewater from the same WWTP displayed a preference of G. fossarum for leaf discs conditioned in ozone treated wastewater when offered together with leaf discs conditioned in non-ozone treated wastewater. This effect seems to be mainly driven by an alteration in the leaf associated microbial community. Another series of laboratory experiments conducted also with wastewater from WWTP Wüeri treated with ozone at the lab- or full-scale, revealed significantly increased feeding rates of G. fossarum exposed to ozone treated wastewater compared to non-ozone treated wastewater. These laboratory experiments also indicated that any alteration in the organic matrix potentially caused by ozone treatment is not related to the effects in feeding as this endpoint showed only negligible deviation in secondary treated wastewater, which contained hardly any (micro)pollutants (i.e. pharmaceuticals), from the same wastewater additionally treated with ozone. Moreover, it was shown that shifts in the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) profile do not affect the feeding rate of gammarids. In situ bioassays conducted in the receiving stream of the WWTP Wüeri confirmed the results of the laboratory experiments by displaying significantly reduced feeding rates of G. fossarum exposed below the WWTP effluent if non-ozone treated wastewater was released. However, at the time the ozonation was operating, no adverse effects in feeding rates were observed below the effluent compared to the unaffected upstream sites. Also population studies in on-site flow-through stream microcosms displayed an increased feeding and a statistically significantly higher population size after ten weeks when exposed to ozone treated wastewater compared to non-ozone treated wastewater.
In conclusion, the present thesis documents that ozonation might be a suitable tool to reduce both the load of micropollutants as well as the ecotoxicity of wastewaters. Thus, this technology may help to meet the requirements of the Water Framework Directive also under predicted climate change scenarios, which may lead to elevated proportions of wastewater in the receiving stream during summer discharge. However, as ozone application may also produce by-products with a higher toxicity than their parent compounds, the implementation of this technique should be assessed further both via chemical analysis and ecotoxicological bioassays.
The adoption of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) in 2000 marked the beginning of a new era of European water policy. However, more than a decade later, the majority of European rivers are still failing to meet one of the main objectives of the WFD: the good ecological status. Pesticides are a major stressor for stream ecosystems. This PhD thesis emphasises the need for WFD managers to consider all main agricultural pesticide sources and influencing landscape parameters when setting up River Basin Management Plans and Programmes of Measures. The findings and recommendations of this thesis can help to successfully tackle the risk of pesticide contamination to achieve the WFD objectives.
A total of 663 sites that were situated in the German Federal States of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Hesse were studied (Chapter 3 and 4). In addition to an analysis of the macroinvertebrate data of the governmental WFD monitoring network, a detailed GIS analysis of the main agricultural pesticide sources (arable land and garden allotments as well as wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs)) and landscape elements (riparian buffer strips and forested upstream reaches) was conducted. Based on the results, a screening approach was developed that allows an initial rapid and cost-effective identification of those sites that are potentially affected by pesticide contamination. By using the trait-based bioindicator SPEARpesticides, the insecticidal long-term effects of the WWTP effluents on the structure of the macroinvertebrate community were identified up to at least 1.5 km downstream (in some cases even 3 km) of the WWTPs. The results of the German Saprobic Index revealed that the WWTPs can still be important sources of oxygen-depleting substances. Furthermore, the results indicate that forested upstream reaches and riparian buffer strips at least 5 m in width can be appropriate measures in mitigating the effects and exposure of pesticides.
There are concerns that the future expansion of energy crop cultivation will lead to an increased pesticide contamination of ecosystems in agricultural landscapes. Therefore, the potential of energy crops for pesticide contamination was examined based on an analysis of the development of energy crop cultivation in Germany and a literature search on perennial energy crops (Chapter 5). The results indicate that the future large-scale expansion of energy crop cultivation will not necessarily cause an increase or decrease in the amounts of pesticides that are released into the environment. The potential effects will depend on the future design of the agricultural systems. Instead of creating energy monocultures, annual energy crops should be integrated into the existing food production systems. Financial incentives and further education are needed to encourage the use of sustainable crop rotations, innovative cropping systems and perennial energy crops, which may contribute to crop diversity and generate lower pesticide demands than do intensive farming systems.
Bislang mangelt es an Forschung zur Führung durch Selbstführung, ein laut Manz und Sims (2007) für die modernen Arbeitsbedingungen des 21. Jahrhunderts adäquater Führungsansatz. Zudem findet dieses Führungsverhalten in der Praxis bisher noch wenig Verbreitung (vgl. Butzmann, 2008; Jilg, 2010). Dies verdeutlicht, dass ein erheblicher Bedarf an Förderung und Training von Führung durch Selbstführung besteht. In diesem Zusammenhang wären zum einen Kenntnisse darüber von Vorteil, welche Eigenschaften und Kompetenzen für den Erwerb dieses Führungsverhalten prädisponieren. Zum anderen wäre eine empirische Fundierung der Erfolgsrelevanz von Führung durch Selbstführung interessant.
Anliegen vorliegender Arbeit ist, hierzu einen Beitrag zu leisten. Auf eignungsspezifischer Seite wurden das unternehmerische Eignungspotential sowie die individuelle Selbstführungskompetenz untersucht. Auf erfolgsspezifischer Seite wurde Führung durch Selbstführung sowohl mit dem objektiven Unternehmenserfolg als auch mit der Arbeitszufriedenheit und dem Wohlbefinden, als Indikatoren des subjektiven Unternehmenserfolgs, in Beziehung gesetzt. Die Untersuchung erfolgte an einer Stichprobe von N = 102 beruflich selbstständige Personen. Aufgrund der sehr homogenen Stichprobenzusammensetzung in Bezug auf das unternehmerische Eignungspotential sowie einer eingeschränkten Messqualität einer der Skalen zur Erfassung von Führung durch Selbstführung konnten einige der aufgestellten Hypothesen nicht bestätigt werden. Ein explorativ getestetes Modell, aus welchem diese kritischen Skalen bzw. Variablen entfernt wurden, weist allerdings einen sehr guten ModellFit auf und bestätigt weitestgehend die postulierten Zusammenhänge zwischen der individuellen Selbstführungskompetenz, Führung durch Selbstführung sowie den subjektiven und objektiven Erfolgsindikatoren. Zu beachten ist, dass dieses Modell aufgrund seines explorativen Charakters erst nach seiner erfolgreichen Replizierung als bestätigt angesehen werden darf, wobei die gefundenen Ergebnisse zu weiterführenden Untersuchungen im Bereich der Führung-durch-Selbstführungsforschung ermutigen.
Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit verfolgt das Ziel, die Bevölkerungsentwicklung im Westerwaldkreis im Zeitraum von 1974 bis 2008 auf Kreis-, Verbandsgemeinde- und Gemeindeebene detailliert zu untersuchen und im Rahmen eines Handlungskonzeptes für ausgewählte Gemeinden geeignete Maßnahmen zur konkreten Gestaltung des Demographischen Wandels aufzuzeigen. Dies geschieht zunächst anhand einer umfassenden Analyse der Bevölkerungsdaten. Dazu zählt eine Einteilung des Untersuchungszeitraums in spezielle Phasen der Bevölkerungsentwicklung, welche durch die jährlichen Veränderungsraten des Bevölkerungsstandes des Westerwaldkreises charakterisiert werden. Anschließend wird ausführlicher auf wichtige Kennzahlen der Bevölkerungsentwicklung aus den Bereichen der natürlichen Bevölkerungsbewegung, der Bevölkerungsstruktur und der Wanderungen eingegangen mit der Intention, einerseits detaillierte Ergebnisse hervorzubringen, die im Rahmen bisheriger Untersuchungen nicht vorliegen und andererseits Grundlagen für die Ursachenforschung zu schaffen, die der Analyse der Bevölkerungsdaten folgt. Für diese Ursachenforschung werden fünf Gemeinden exemplarisch ausgewählt, die eine besonders positive bzw. negative Bevölkerungsentwicklung im Untersuchungszeitraum aufweisen. Integrale Bestandteile dieser Ursachenforschung sind, neben einer ausführlichen Darstellung der Bevölkerungsentwicklung der Gemeinden, Experteninterviews und eigene humangeographische Beobachtungen. Des Weiteren wird speziell für die drei ausgewählten Gemeinden mit negativer Bevölkerungsentwicklung eine Online-Umfrage unter Jugendlichen durchgeführt, um weitere Ursachen herauszufinden und erste zentrale Ansatzpunkte für das abschließende Handlungskonzept zu finden. Dieses Konzept verfolgt primär die Intention, den Demographischen Wandel in den drei Gemeinden in der Art und Weise zukünftig zu gestalten, dass seine negativen Folgen vermieden bzw. zumindest abgemildert werden. Dazu ist es notwendig, auf die spezifischen Situationen vor Ort einzugehen und die praktische Umsetzbarkeit möglicher Handlungsempfehlungen zu berücksichtigen, damit das Konzept Eingang in die kommunalpolitische Planung findet und somit nicht nur einen Beitrag zur bevölkerungsgeographischen Forschung darstellt, sondern auch einen Nutzen für die kommunale Handlungspraxis stiftet.
Software systems have an increasing impact on our daily lives. Many systems process sensitive data or control critical infrastructure. Providing secure software is therefore inevitable. Such systems are rarely being renewed regularly due to the high costs and effort. Oftentimes, systems that were planned and implemented to be secure, become insecure because their context evolves. These systems are connected to the Internet and therefore also constantly subject to new types of attacks. The security requirements of these systems remain unchanged, while, for example, discovery of a vulnerability of an encryption algorithm previously assumed to be secure requires a change of the system design. Some security requirements cannot be checked by the system’s design but only at run time. Furthermore, the sudden discovery of a security violation requires an immediate reaction to prevent a system shutdown. Knowledge regarding security best practices, attacks, and mitigations is generally available, yet rarely integrated part of software development or covering evolution.
This thesis examines how the security of long-living software systems can be preserved taking into account the influence of context evolutions. The goal of the proposed approach, S²EC²O, is to recover the security of model-based software systems using co-evolution.
An ontology-based knowledge base is introduced, capable of managing common, as well as system-specific knowledge relevant to security. A transformation achieves the connection of the knowledge base to the UML system model. By using semantic differences, knowledge inference, and the detection of inconsistencies in the knowledge base, context knowledge evolutions are detected.
A catalog containing rules to manage and recover security requirements uses detected context evolutions to propose potential co-evolutions to the system model which reestablish the compliance with security requirements.
S²EC²O uses security annotations to link models and executable code and provides support for run-time monitoring. The adaptation of running systems is being considered as is round-trip engineering, which integrates insights from the run time into the system model.
S²EC²O is amended by prototypical tool support. This tool is used to show S²EC²O’s applicability based on a case study targeting the medical information system iTrust.
This thesis at hand contributes to the development and maintenance of long-living software systems, regarding their security. The proposed approach will aid security experts: It detects security-relevant changes to the system context, determines the impact on the system’s security and facilitates co-evolutions to recover the compliance with the security requirements.
This work is mainly concerned with multiple goals as indicators of stable as well as situation-specific motivation. During school lessons, pupils strive for competence-oriented goals as well as goals which target psychological well-being. The goal to enlarge one- competence and to acquire deeper knowledge (mastery goal), to attain normative competence (performance approach goal) as well as the goal to avoid the demonstration of lack ofrncompetence (performance avoidance goal) belong to the category of academic goals. The category of well-being goals includes the goal to avoid hard work (work avoidance goal) as well as the aim to interact socially with relevant peers (affiliation goal).
It is still unclear, however, if goals are best defined as fluctuating state or stable trait variables. Here, both aspects of goals are conceptualized differentially and their connection is explored in two studies based on a longitudinal design. Another question that is raised here is concerned with the explanation of state-goal-genesis. Different motivational theories serve as the basis for the development of a new framework model, which explores the genesis of state goal-components due to trait goal-components, situational appraisals and their interaction. In the literature, three effect models between appraisals and trait goals regarding the state goals are identified: a) appraisals and trait goals might predict state goals additively (additive effect), b) trait goals might influence the state goals mediated by the appraisals (reactive effect), or c) the trait goals may have differential effects on the state goals for low or high values of the appraisals (interaction effect). Moreover, assumptions on proximal consequences of state-goals are made within the framework model.
Study 1 comprised of two samples (N = 197 and N = 297). Both multiple goal factors as well as their state- and trait-components were validated empirically in a longitudinal design. State goal measures proved to be sensitive to situational influences and to be differentially valid compared to trait goal measures. Study 2 primarily dealt with the explanationrnof the genesis of state goals in actual learning situations. The basic assumptions of the framework model as well as the three effect models were explored systematically in a longitudinal design (N = 542). As expected, competence oriented goals correlated with adaptive indicators of learning processes (e.g., flow), while the well-being goals did not. The additive effect hypothesis was confirmed while the reactive effect hypothesis was rejected. With the help of latent moderator models, some interaction effects were identified which showed that trait goals were differentially predictive for state goals depending on the level of situational appraisals.
Within the field of Business Process Management, business rules are commonly used to model company decision logic and govern allowed company behavior. An exemplary business rule in the financial sector could be for example:
”A customer with a mental condition is not creditworthy”. Business rules are
usually created and maintained collaboratively and over time. In this setting,
modelling errors can occur frequently. A challenging problem in this context is
that of inconsistency, i.e., contradictory rules which cannot hold at the same
time. For instance, regarding the exemplary rule above, an inconsistency would
arise if a (second) modeller entered an additional rule: ”A customer with a mental condition is always creditworthy”, as the two rules cannot hold at the same
time. In this thesis, we investigate how to handle such inconsistencies in business
rule bases. In particular, we develop methods and techniques for the detection,
analysis and resolution of inconsistencies in business rule bases
Virtueller Konsum - Warenkörbe, Wägungsschemata und Verbraucherpreisindizes in virtuellen Welten
Virtual worlds have been investigated by several academic disciplines for several years, e.g. sociology, psychology, law and education. Since the developers of virtual worlds have implemented aspects like scarcity and needs, even economic research has become interested in these virtual environments. Exploring virtual economies mainly deals with the research of trade regarding the virtual goods used to supply the emerged needs. On the one hand, economics analyzes the meaning of virtual trade according to the overall interpretation of the economical characteristics of virtual worlds. As some virtual worlds allow the change of virtual world money with real money and vice versa, virtual goods are traded by the users for real money, researchers on the other hand, study the impact of the interdependencies between virtual economies and the real world. The presented thesis mainly focuses on the trade within virtual worlds in the context of virtual consumption and the observation of consumer prices. Therefore, the four virtual worlds World of Warcraft, RuneScape, Entropia Universe and Second Life have been selected. There are several components required to calculate consumer price indices. First, a market basket, which contains the relevant consumed goods existing in virtual worlds, must be developed. Second, a weighting scheme has to be established, which shows the dispersion of consumer tendencies. Third, prices of relevant consumer goods have to be taken. Following real world methods, it is the challenge to apply those methods within virtual worlds. Therefore, this dissertation contains three corresponding investigation parts. Within a first analysis, it will be evaluated, in how far virtual worlds can be explored to identify consumable goods. As a next step, the consumption expenditures of the avatars will be examined based on an online survey. At last, prices of consumable goods will be recorded. Finally, it will be possible to calculate consumer price indices. While investigating those components, the thesis focuses not only on the general findings themselves, but also on methodological issues arising, like limited access to relevant data, missing legal legitimation or security concerns of the users. Beside these aspects, the used methods also allow the examination of several other economic aspects like the consumption habits of the avatars. At the end of the thesis, it will be considered to what extent virtual world economic characteristics can be compared with the real world.
Aspects like the important role of weapons or the different usage of food show significant differences to the real world, caused by the business models of virtual worlds.
Computer modelling of human partial body structures is becoming increasingly important for medical application. This is an interdisciplinary field of research in which new methods can be developed through the cooperation of physics, mathematics, computer visualistics and medicine. These methods can be used to make more precise statements about the mechanical loads of internal force-transmitting structures, such as intervertebral discs, ligaments, joints and muscles, during motion sequences.
At the beginning of this work, the importance of the need for research in computer modeling, specialized in the area of the spine, is presented.
In the following, the basic anatomical structures will be discussed, including intervertebral discs, ligaments, facet joints and musculature.
Algorithms are then developed to create individual lumbar spine models from CT data in a short time and semi-automatically. Methods will be developed to model the presented force transmitting structures of the spine, such as the intervertebral discs, ligaments, facet joints and muscles.
In addition different imaging methods (MRT data, x-ray film, x-ray functional images) will be presented and validate the lumbar spine models.
Finally, the algorithms developed will be used to create a larger number of individual lumbar spine models, which will then be examined for similarities and differences with regard to internal loads as well as for physiologically correct movement sequences. In particular, the relative momentary center of rotation between two adjacent vertebrae is calculated.
Eine Ursache des Insektenrückgangs ist die Abnahme der für Arthropoden wichtigen Lebensräume. Der kleinstrukturierte Obstanbau als Dauerkultur mit vielfältigen Strukturen (Bäume, Grünland, offener Boden) kann als Refugium wirken. Gerade Dauerkulturen, welche über viele Jahre bestehen bleiben, können einen großen ökologischen Wert für Insekten und Spinnentiere darstellen, wenn die negativen Einflüsse der Bewirtschaftung durch gezielte Maßnahmen minimiert werden. Im Gegensatz zu den gut untersuchten Streuobstwiesen liegen bisher nur wenige oder ungenaue Daten über die Arthropodenfauna in Erwerbsobstanlagen vor. Ziele dieser Arbeit sind eine genauere Erfassung der Arthropodenfauna in Erwerbsobstanlagen, Benennung der Einflussfaktoren und Erarbeitung einer indikatorgestützten Bewertungsmethode mit Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Biodiversität. Es wurde eine intensive Erfassung der Insekten und Spinnentiere auf Basis von Individuenzahlen, Verteilung der Tiere auf Großgruppen, Artenzahlen der Käfer (inkl. Rote Liste) und Wanzen, deren Diversität und der sie beeinflussenden Faktoren auf vier Erwerbsobstflächen und einer Streuobstwiese als Referenzfläche in der Gemeinde Zornheim (Rheinland-Pfalz) untersucht. Mittels des erarbeiteten Bewertungsbogens wurden die Auswirkungen der fünf Faktorenkomplexe: Sonderstrukturen, Anlagenstruktur, Beschattung, Mahdregime und Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf die Arthropodenfauna erhoben und die auf der Fläche zu erwartende Biodiversität ermittelt. Die visuelle Darstellung der Einflussfaktoren mit Netzdiagrammen zeigt biodiversitätsbeeinträchtigende Faktoren und ermöglicht so Empfehlungen zur Aufwertung der Biodiversität. Die Bewertungsmethode kann nach Verifizierung im Rahmen von erfolgsorientierten Agrarumwelt- und Klimamaßnahmen (AUKM), zur Anerkennung von Kompensationsmaßnahmen (z.B. PIK) und zur Ermittlung des ökologischen Wertes (Ökosystemdienstleistung) von Obstanlagen genutzt werden. In modifizierter Form könnte es ebenfalls im Bereich der Flächenbewertung in Landschafts- und Bauleitplanung eingesetzt werden.
The diversity within amphibian communities in cultivated areas in Rwanda and within two selected, taxonomically challenging groups, the genera Ptychadena and Hyperolius, were investigated in this thesis. The amphibian community of an agricultural wetland near Butare in southern Rwanda comprised 15 anuran species. Rarefaction and jackknife analyses corroborated that the complete current species richness of the assemblage had been recorded, and the results of acoustic niche analysis suggested species saturation of the community. Surveys at many other Rwandan localities showed that the species recorded in Butare are widespread in cultivated and pristine wetlands. The species were readily distinguishable using morphological, bioacoustic, and molecular (DNA barcoding) features, but only eight of the 15 species could be assigned unambiguously to nominal species. The remaining represented undescribed or currently unrecognized taxa, including three species of Hyperolius, two Phrynobatrachus species, one Ptychadena species, and one species of Amietia. The diversity of the Ridged Frogs in Rwanda was investigated in two studies (Chapters III and IV). Three species of Ptychadena were recorded in wetlands in the catchment of the Nile. They can be distinguished by morphological characters (morphometrics and qualitative features) as well as by their advertisement calls and genetics. The Rwandan species of the P. mascareniensis group was shown to differ from the topotypic population as well as from other genetic lineages in sub-Saharan Africa and an old available name, P. nilotica, was resurrected from synonymy for this lineage. Two further Ptychadena species were identified among voucher specimens from Rwanda deposited in the collection of the RMCA, P. chrysogaster and P. uzungwensis. Morphologically they can be unambiguously distinguished from each other and the three other Rwandan species. A key based on qualitative morphological characters was developed, which allows unequivocal identification of specimens of all species that have been recorded from Rwanda. DNA was isolated from a Rwandan voucher specimen of P. chrysogaster, and the genetic analysis corroborated the species" distinct status.
A species of Hyperolius collected in the Nyungwe National Park was compared to all other Rwandan species of the genus and to morphologically or genetically similar species from neighbouring countries. Its distinct taxonomic status was justified by morphological, bioacoustic, and molecular evidence and it was described as a new species, H. jackie. A species of the H. nasutus group collected at agricultural sites in Rwanda was described as a new species in the course of a revision of the species of the Hyperolius nasutus group. The group was shown to consist of 15 distinct species which can be distinguished from each other genetically, bioacoustically, and morphologically.
The aerial performance, i.e. parachuting, of the Disc-fingered Reed Frog, Hyperolius discodactylus, was described. It represents a novel observation of a behaviour that has been known from a number of Southeast Asian and Neotropical frog species. Parachuting frogs, including H. discodactylus, exhibit certain morphological characteristics and, while airborne, assume a distinct posture which is best-suited for maneuvering in the air. Another study on the species addressed the validity of the taxon H. alticola which had been considered either a synonym of H. discodactylus or a distinct species. Type material of both taxa was re-examined and the status of H. alticola reassessed using morphological data from historic and new collections, call recordings, and molecular data from animals collected on recent expeditions. A northern and a southern genetic clade were identified, a divide that is weakly supported by diverging morphology of the vouchers from the respective localities. No distinction in advertisement call features could be recovered to support this split and both genetic and morphological differences between the two geographic clades are marginal and not always congruent and more likely reflect population-level variation. Therefore it was concluded that H. alticola is not a valid taxon and should be treated as a synonym of H. discodactylus.
Tagging systems are intriguing dynamic systems, in which users collaboratively index resources with the so-called tags. In order to leverage the full potential of tagging systems, it is important to understand the relationship between the micro-level behavior of the individual users and the macro-level properties of the whole tagging system. In this thesis, we present the Epistemic Dynamic Model, which tries to bridge this gap between the micro-level behavior and the macro-level properties by developing a theory of tagging systems. The model is based on the assumption that the combined influence of the shared background knowledge of the users and the imitation of tag recommendations are sufficient for explaining the emergence of the tag frequency distribution and the vocabulary growth in tagging systems. Both macro-level properties of tagging systems are closely related to the emergence of the shared community vocabulary. rnrnWith the help of the Epistemic Dynamic Model, we show that the general shape of the tag frequency distribution and of the vocabulary growth have their origin in the shared background knowledge of the users. Tag recommendations can then be used for selectively influencing this general shape. In this thesis, we especially concentrate on studying the influence of recommending a set of popular tags. Recommending popular tags adds a feedback mechanism between the vocabularies of individual users that increases the inter-indexer consistency of the tag assignments. How does this influence the indexing quality in a tagging system? For this purpose, we investigate a methodology for measuring the inter-resource consistency of tag assignments. The inter-resource consistency is an indicator of the indexing quality, which positively correlates with the precision and recall of query results. It measures the degree to which the tag vectors of indexed resources reflect how the users perceive the similarity between resources. We argue with our model, and show it with a user experiment, that recommending popular tags decreases the inter-resource consistency in a tagging system. Furthermore, we show that recommending the user his/her previously used tags helps to increase the inter-resource consistency. Our measure of the inter-resource consistency complements existing measures for the evaluation and comparison of tag recommendation algorithms, moving the focus to evaluating their influence on the indexing quality.
Praktika als gängige Lehr-Lernformate in hochschulischen Kontexten setzen stets die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Institutionen und Personen voraus, da Studierende mit einem Praktikum den Lernort der Universität verlassen und in einen beruflichen Handlungszusammenhang mit den zugehörigen organisationalen Strukturen versetzt werden. Praktika werden unter anderem als Elemente der Berufsorientierung gesellschaftliche Implikationen zugeschrieben. Als Format innerhalb eines hochschulischen Bildungsgangs sind sie darüber hinaus mit didaktischen Begründungen verbunden und durch die Beteiligung verschiedener Personen auch mit individuellen Interessen. Studierende sind während eines Praktikums in der Rolle als Praktikant*in in besonderer Weise individuell gefordert. Ergänzt werden diese Perspektiven durch die Betrachtung disziplinärer und professioneller Implikationen, die sich für Praktika erziehungswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge ergeben. Zusammenarbeit findet in Praktika zwischen Organisationen, in Organisationen und zwischen Personen statt. Der geringe Forschungsstand zu Perspektiven auf Fragen der Zusammenarbeit für in erziehungswissenschaftliche Studiengänge integrierte Praktika bietet den Anlass der Studie. Um die verschiedenen Perspektiven auf Praktika als Zusammenarbeit zu erheben, werden qualitative episodische Interviews sowohl mit den Studierenden und Lehrenden einer Universität, als auch mit für Praktika verantwortlichen Tätigen aus dem beruflichen Bereich durchgeführt, die nach der qualitativen inhaltlich strukturierenden Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet werden. Aus der Auswertung der geführten Interviews mit den drei Akteur*innen-Gruppen ergibt sich ein Einblick darin, wie sich Zusammenarbeit zwischen pädagogisch tätigen Institutionen, Universitäten und Studierenden in und durch Praktika konkretisiert. Es werden beispielsweise Aspekte der Interaktionsbezogenen Dimensionen beschrieben, wie auftauchende Dilemmata, Resonanzen, Kulturen des Umgangs, Interessenslagen und Konstellationen von Akteur*innen. Diese werden ergänzt um Aspekte der Dimensionen mit Bezug zu Institutionen, Umwelt, Aufgaben und Personen. Die Interviewaussagen von drei interviewten Akteur*innen-Gruppen Studierende, Praxisanleiter*innen, universitäre Lehrende werden vergleichend anhand dieser Dimensionen betrachtet und als Ergebnisse dieser Studie dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse liefern Aussagen dazu, wie Zusammenarbeit in Praktika erziehungswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge von den beteiligten Akteur*innen-Gruppen wahrgenommen wird. Dies kann dazu beitragen die differierenden Perspektiven anschlussfähig zu machen für die didaktische und organisatorische Gestaltung von Praktika durch Institutionen wie Universitäten und Praktikumseinrichtungen, aber auch durch Initiative von Studierenden in der Rolle als Praktikant*innen während eines erziehungswissenschaftlichen Studiums. Auch für weitere Forschungsprojekte zum Zusammenwirken der Beteiligten in Praktika kann die Studie Anstöße bieten.
Absicherung der analytischen Interpretation von Geolokalisierungsdaten in der Mobilfunkforensik
Location based services maybe are within one of the most outstanding features of modern mobile devices. Despite the fact, that cached geolocation data could be used to reconstruct motion profiles, the amount of devices capable to provide these information in the field of criminal investigations is growing.
The aim of this work is to generate in-depth knowledge to questions concerning geolocation in the field of mobile forensics, making especially somehow cached geolocation data forensically valuable. On top, tools meeting the specific requirements of law enforcement personnel shall be developed.
Geolocation processes within smartphones are quite complex. For the device to locate its position, different reference systems like GPS, cell towers or WiFi hot\-spots are used in a variety of ways. The whole mobile geolocation mechanism is proprietary to the device manufacturer and not build with forensic needs in mind. One major problem regarding forensic investigations is, that mainly reference points are being extracted and processed instead of real life device location data. In addition, these geolocation information only consist of bits and bytes or numeric values that have to be securely assigned to their intended meaning. The location data recovered are full of gaps providing only a part of the process or device usage. This possible loss of data has to be determined deriving a reliable measurement for the completeness, integrity and accuracy of data. Last but not least, as for every evidence within a criminal investigation, it has to be assured, that manipulations of the data or errors in position estimation have no disadvantageous effect on the analysis.
Research Questions
In the context of localisation services in modern smartphones, it always comes back to similar questions during forensic everyday life:
* Can locations be determined at any time?
* How accurate is the location of a smartphone?
* Can location data from smartphones endure in court?
For a better understanding of geolocation processes in modern smartphones and to evaluate the quality and reliability of the geolocation artefacts, information from different platforms shall be theoretically analysed as well as observed in-place during the geolocation process. The connection between data points and localisation context will be examined in predefined live experiments as well as desktop- and native applications on smartphones.
Within the scope of this thesis self developed tools have been used for forensic investigations as well as analytical interpretation of geodata from modern smartphones. Hereby a generic model for assessing the quality of location data has emerged, which can be generally applied to geodata from mobile devices.
Die vorliegende Dissertation leistet einen Beitrag zur historischen Frauenbildung in Deutschland. Gegenstand der Studie ist die Mädchenbildung im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Da diese von der Pädagogik der Jungen stets getrennt betrachtet wurde und Bildung sich nach dem allgemeinen Verständnis bürgerlichen theoretischen Verstandes nur auf die Erziehung des jungen männlichen Geschlechts bezog, blieb die Frau von öffentlicher Bildung im 18. Jahrhundert weitgehend ausgeschlossen. An den Bildungsformen der Lesegesellschaften, der Salonkultur und der "Moralischen Wochenschriften" wird zunächst aufgezeigt, in welcher Weise es Frauen möglich war, sich dennoch Zugang zur Bildung zu verschaffen. Die beiden folgenden Kapitel behandeln La Roches und Campes Biografie. Im Fokus steht dabei ihrer beider Handeln im Feld der Mädchenerziehung und des Reisejournalismus. Vergleichend werden bildende Elemente hinsichtlich ihrer Hinwendung zur Französischen Revolution und des Reisejournalismus dargelegt. Die Betrachtung der Reiseberichte beider Autoren klärt, in welcher Form La Roche und Campe den politischen Reformbestrebungen des späten 18. Jahrhunderts folgen bzw. in welchem Maß sie den Idealen der voraufklärerischen Zeit unterliegen. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stehen La Roches Briefe an Lina (1783/84) und Campes Väterlicher Rath für meine Tochter (1789). Die Mädchenratgeber spiegeln das pädagogische Konzept der Mädchenbildung beider Autoren wider. Eine Gegenüberstellung der Mädchenratgeber wird zeigen, inwieweit La Roche und Campe konservativen bzw. progressiven Leitbildern der Mädchenbildung folgen. Die Studie geht von der Ambivalenzthese aus, nach der La Roche und Campe innerhalb ihrer Denkweisen als Pädagogen und Reiseschriftsteller Gegensätze und Widersprüche aufweisen. Es soll geklärt werden, inwiefern La Roches Mädchenbildungskonzept von emanzipativen Vorstellungen geprägt ist, ihr politisches Denken hingegen konservativ erscheint, während Campes Mädchenbildungstheorie eher traditionell angelegt ist, seine politischen Ideale aber innovativ sind. In einer abschließenden Betrachtung werden die Ambivalenzen zwischen La Roches und Campes pädagogischen und politischen Anschauungen geklärt.
Technical products have become more than practical tools to us. Mobile phones, for example, are a constant companion in daily life. Besides purely pragmatic tasks, they fulfill psychological needs such as relatedness, stimulation, competence, popularity, or security. Their potential for the mediation of positive experience makes interactive products a rich source of pleasure. Research acknowledged this: in parallel to the hedonic/utilitarian model in consumer research, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers broadened their focus from mere task-fulfillment (i.e., the pragmatic) to a holistic view, encompassing a product's ability for need-fulfillment and positive experience (i.e., the hedonic). Accordingly, many theoretical models of User Experience (UX) acknowledge both dimensions as equally important determinants of a product's appeal: pragmatic attributes (e.g., usability) as well as hedonic attributes (e.g., beauty). In choice situations, however, people often overemphasize the pragmatic, and fail to acknowledge the hedonic. This phenomenon may be explained by justification. Due to their need for justification, people attend to the justifiability of hedonic and pragmatic attributes rather than to their impact on experience. Given that pragmatic attributes directly contribute to task-fulfillment, they are far easier to justify than hedonic attributes. People may then choose the pragmatic over the hedonic, despite a true preference for the hedonic. This can be considered a dilemma, since people choose what is easy to justify and not what they enjoy the most. The present thesis presents a systematic exploration of the notion of a hedonic dilemma in the context of interactive products.
A first set of four studies explored the assumed phenomenon. Study 1 (N = 422) revealed a reluctance to pay for a hedonic attribute compared to a pragmatic attribute. Study 2 (N = 134) demonstrated that people (secretly) prefer a more hedonic product, but justify their choice by spurious pragmatic advantages. Study 3 (N = 118) confronted participants with a trade-off between hedonic and pragmatic quality. Even though the prospect of receiving a hedonic product was related to more positive affect, participants predominantly chose the pragmatic, especially those with a high need for justification. This correlation between product choice and perceived need for justification lent further support to the notion that justification lies at the heart of the dilemma. Study 4 (N = 125) explored affective consequences and justifications provided for hedonic and pragmatic choice. Data on positive affect suggested a true preference for the hedonic - even among those who chose the pragmatic product.
A second set of three studies tested different ways to reduce the dilemma by manipulating justification. Manipulations referred to the justifiability of attributes as well as the general need for justification. Study 5 (N = 129) enhanced the respective justifiability of hedonic and pragmatic choice by ambiguous product information, which could be interpreted according to latent preferences. As expected, enhanced justifiability led to an increase in hedonic but not in pragmatic choice. Study 6 (N = 178) manipulated the justifiability of hedonic choice through product information provided by a "test report", which suggested hedonic attributes as legitimate. Again, hedonic choice increased with increased justifiability. Study 7 (N = 133) reduced the general need for justification by framing a purchase as gratification. A significant positive effect of the gratification frame on purchase rates occurred for a hedonic but not for a pragmatic product.
Altogether, the present studies revealed a desire for hedonic attributes, even in interactive products, which often are still understood as purely pragmatic "tools". But precisely because of this predominance of pragmatic quality, people may hesitate to give in to their desire for hedonic quality in interactive products - at least, as long as they feel a need for justification. The present findings provide an enhanced understanding of the complex consequences of hedonic and pragmatic attributes, and indicate a general necessity to expand the scope of User Experience research to the moment of product choice. Limitations of the present studies, implications for future research as well as practical implications for design and marketing are discussed.
Abstract The present work investigates the wetting characteristics of soils with regard to their dependence on environmental parameters such as water content (WC), pH, drying temperature and wetting temperature of wettable and repellent soils from two contrasting anthropogenic sites, the former sewage disposal field Berlin-Buch and the inner-city park Berlin-Tiergarten. The aim of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of processes and mechanisms leading to changes in soil water repellency. This helps to gain further insight into the behaviour of soil organic matter (SOM) and identifying ways to prevent or reduce the negative effects of soil water repellency (SWR). The first focus of this work is to determine whether chemical reactions are required for wetting repellent samples. This hypothesis was tested by time and temperature dependence of sessile drop spreading on wettable and repellent samples. Additionally, diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy was used to determine whether various drying regimes cause changes in the relative abundance of hydrophobic and hydrophilic functional groups in the outer layer of soil particles and whether these changes can be correlated with water content and the degree of SWR. Finally, by artificially altering the pH in dried samples applying acidic and alkaline reagents in a gaseous state, the influence of only pH on the degree of SWR was investigated separately from the influence of changes in moisture status. The investigation of the two locations Buch and Tiergarten, each exceptionally different in the nature of their respective wetting properties, leads to new insights in the variety of appearance of SWR. The results of temperature, water content and pH dependency of SWR on the two contrasting sites resulted in one respective hypothetical model of nature of repellency for each site which provides an explanation for most of the observations made in this and earlier studies: At the Tiergarten site, wetting characteristics are most likely determined by micelle-like arrangement of amphiphiles which depends on the concentration of water soluble amphiphilic substances, pH and ionic strength in soil solution. At low pH and at high ionic strength, repulsion forces between hydrophilic charged groups are minimized allowing their aggregation with outward orientated hydrophobic molecule moieties. At high pH and low ionic strength, higher repulsion forces between hydrophilic functional groups lead to an aggregation of hydrophobic groups during drying, which results in a layer with outward oriented hydrophilic moieties on soil organic matter surface leading to enhanced wettability. For samples from the Buch site, chemical reactions are necessary for the wetting process. The strong dependence of SWR on water content indicates that hydrolysis-condensation reactions are the controlling mechanisms. Since acid catalyzed hydrolysis is an equilibrium reaction dependent on water content, an excess of water favours hydrolysis leading to an increasing number of hydrophilic functional groups. In contrast, water deficiency favours condensation reactions leading to a reduction of hydrophilic functional groups and thus a reduction of wettability. The results of the present investigation and its comparison with earlier investigations clearly show that SWR is subject to numerous antagonistically and synergistically interacting environmental factors. The degree of influence, which a single factor exerts on SWR, is site-specific, e.g., it is dependent on special characteristics of mineral constituents and SOM which underlies the influence of climate, soil texture, topography, vegetation and the former and current use of the respective site.
This dissertation presents the application of the molecular LIBS method, a novelapproach of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), to optimize the detection of pitting chlorides in concrete structures, which are e.g. contaminated bydeicing salt in winter. Potentiometric titration as the standard method for chloride determination in building material analysis is costly and time-consuming. Ithas the decisive disadvantage that the determination of chloride concentrationis based on the total mass of the concrete and not on the cement content asrequired by the European standard EN 206. The imaging capabilities of LIBS forphase separation of the concrete meet this requirement. LIBS was already usedby BAM in 1998 in building material analysis, but the detection of chlorides withLIBS requires expensive helium purging and spectrometers outside the visiblespectral range to detect emissions of atomic chlorine. The approach of molecular LIBS is to quantify the emission of chloride-containing molecular radicalsformed during the cooling phase of the laser-induced plasma. The advantagescompared to conventional LIBS method are the emission in the visible spectralrange and the applicability without noble gas purging. In this thesis the influenceof the experimental components on the time behaviour of the relevant molecularemission bands is investigated, signal deviations due to plasma fluctuations aresignificantly reduced and for plasma analysis the molecular formation is simulated on atomistic scales and compared with standard methods. In simultaneousmeasurements, atomic and molecular Cl emission are directly compared and the quantification is optimized by data combination. Molecular LIBS will be extended to a quantifying and imaging method that can detect chlorides withoutnoble gas purging.
Navigation is a natural way to explore and discover content in a digital environment. Hence, providers of online information systems such as Wikipedia---a free online encyclopedia---are interested in providing navigational support to their users. To this end, an essential task approached in this thesis is the analysis and modeling of navigational user behavior in information networks with the goal of paving the way for the improvement and maintenance of web-based systems. Using large-scale log data from Wikipedia, this thesis first studies information access by contrasting search and navigation as the two main information access paradigms on the Web. Second, this thesis validates and builds upon existing navigational hypotheses to introduce an adaptation of the well-known PageRank algorithm. This adaptation is an improvement of the standard PageRank random surfer navigation model that results in a more "reasonable surfer" by accounting for the visual position of links, the information network regions they lead to, and the textual similarity between the link source and target articles. Finally, using agent-based simulations, this thesis compares user models that have a different knowledge of the network topology in order to investigate the amount and type of network topological information needed for efficient navigation. An evaluation of agents' success on four different networks reveals that in order to navigate efficiently, users require only a small amount of high-quality knowledge of the network topology. Aside from the direct benefits to content ranking provided by the "reasonable surfer" version of PageRank, the empirical insights presented in this thesis may also have an impact on system design decisions and Wikipedia editor guidelines, i.e., for link placement and webpage layout.
The Web contains some extremely valuable information; however, often poor quality, inaccurate, irrelevant or fraudulent information can also be found. With the increasing amount of data available, it is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish truth from speculation on the Web. One of the most, if not the most, important criterion used to evaluate data credibility is the information source, i.e., the data origin. Trust in the information source is a valuable currency users have to evaluate such data. Data popularity, recency (or the time of validity), reliability, or vagueness ascribed to the data may also help users to judge the validity and appropriateness of information sources. We call this knowledge derived from the data the provenance of the data. Provenance is an important aspect of the Web. It is essential in identifying the suitability, veracity, and reliability of information, and in deciding whether information is to be trusted, reused, or even integrated with other information sources. Therefore, models and frameworks for representing, managing, and using provenance in the realm of Semantic Web technologies and applications are critically required. This thesis highlights the benefits of the use of provenance in different Web applications and scenarios. In particular, it presents management frameworks for querying and reasoning in the Semantic Web with provenance, and presents a collection of Semantic Web tools that explore provenance information when ranking and updating caches of Web data. To begin, this thesis discusses a highly exible and generic approach to the treatment of provenance when querying RDF datasets. The approach re-uses existing RDF modeling possibilities in order to represent provenance. It extends SPARQL query processing in such a way that given a SPARQL query for data, one may request provenance without modifying it. The use of provenance within SPARQL queries helps users to understand how RDF facts arederived, i.e., it describes the data and the operations used to produce the derived facts. Turning to more expressive Semantic Web data models, an optimized algorithm for reasoning and debugging OWL ontologies with provenance is presented. Typical reasoning tasks over an expressive Description Logic (e.g., using tableau methods to perform consistency checking, instance checking, satisfiability checking, and so on) are in the worst case doubly exponential, and in practice are often likewise very expensive. With the algorithm described in this thesis, however, one can efficiently reason in OWL ontologies with provenance, i.e., provenance is efficiently combined and propagated within the reasoning process. Users can use the derived provenance information to judge the reliability of inferences and to find errors in the ontology. Next, this thesis tackles the problem of providing to Web users the right content at the right time. The challenge is to efficiently rank a stream of messages based on user preferences. Provenance is used to represent preferences, i.e., the user defines his preferences over the messages' popularity, recency, etc. This information is then aggregated to obtain a joint ranking. The aggregation problem is related to the problem of preference aggregation in Social Choice Theory. The traditional problem formulation of preference aggregation assumes a I fixed set of preference orders and a fixed set of domain elements (e.g. messages). This work, however, investigates how an aggregated preference order has to be updated when the domain is dynamic, i.e., the aggregation approach ranks messages 'on the y' as the message passes through the system. Consequently, this thesis presents computational approaches for online preference aggregation that handle the dynamic setting more efficiently than standard ones. Lastly, this thesis addresses the scenario of caching data from the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud. Data on the LOD cloud changes frequently and applications relying on that data - by pre-fetching data from the Web and storing local copies of it in a cache - need to continually update their caches. In order to make best use of the resources (e.g., network bandwidth for fetching data, and computation time) available, it is vital to choose a good strategy to know when to fetch data from which data source. A strategy to cope with data changes is to check for provenance. Provenance information delivered by LOD sources can denote when the resource on the Web has been changed last. Linked Data applications can benefit from this piece of information since simply checking on it may help users decide which sources need to be updated. For this purpose, this work describes an investigation of the availability and reliability of provenance information in the Linked Data sources. Another strategy for capturing data changes is to exploit provenance in a time-dependent function. Such a function should measure the frequency of the changes of LOD sources. This work describes, therefore, an approach to the analysis of data dynamics, i.e., the analysis of the change behavior of Linked Data sources over time, followed by the investigation of different scheduling update strategies to keep local LOD caches up-to-date. This thesis aims to prove the importance and benefits of the use of provenance in different Web applications and scenarios. The exibility of the approaches presented, combined with their high scalability, make this thesis a possible building block for the Semantic Web proof layer cake - the layer of provenance knowledge.
Organic binder mixtures and process additives have been used in refractory materials for a long time due to their property-improving effect. Coal tar pitches in particular can contain thousands of chemical compounds, of which especially polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are known to be carcinogenic and mutagenic and thus pose a risk to both the environment and human health. However, despite intensive research, the exact structure of these carbon mixtures is still not fully clarified. This is becoming an increasing problem, especially with regard to more stringent legal requirements arising from REACH, the European Chemicals Regulation for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. Furthermore, the knowledge of the structural and chemical composition is also of great importance for optimal processing of the carbon mixtures to high-quality technical products. In the present work, an analytical strategy for the investigation of complex carbon mixtures containing PAHs is developed. Due to their complexity, a combination of different methods is used, including elemental analysis, solvent extraction, thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, raman and infrared spectroscopy as well as high-resolution mass spectrometry. In addition, a procedure for the evaluation of mass spectrometric data based on multivariate statistical methods such as hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis is developed. The application of the developed analytical strategy to various industrially used carbon-based binder mixtures allowed the elucidation of characteristic properties, including aromaticity, molecular mass distribution, degree of alkylation and elemental composition. It was also shown that combining high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry with multivariate statistical data analysis is a fast and effective tool for the classification of complex binder mixtures and the identification of characteristic molecular structures. In addition, the analytical strategy was applied to manufactured refractory products. Despite the small amount of the contained organic phase, characteristic structural features of each sample could be identified and extracted, which enabled an unambiguous classification of the refractory products.
Die bisherige Forschung zur Diagnosekompetenz hat trotz langjähriger Forschungstraditionen für die Praxis kaum relevante Befunde erbracht. Dies wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit als Anlass für den Vorschlag genommen, diagnostische Kompetenz als reine Urteilsgenauigkeit, gemäß der Komponentenanalyse nach Cronbach (1955), zu erweitern. Mit der Einführung der Beobachtungskompetenz als einer weiteren Facette diagnostischer Kompetenz knüpft die vorliegende Studie zudem an der Forschung zu formativem Assessment an.
Die zentralen Fragen der Arbeit beziehen sich darauf, wie die beiden Facetten der diagnostischen Kompetenz Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz von pädagogischen Fachkräften im Elementarbereich ausgeprägt sind, ob diese Facetten zusammenhängen und wie sie durch bereichsspezifische Fortbildungen und explizit durch verschiedene Fortbildungsansätze (Lehrgangs- vs. Lernwegsorientierung) verändert werden können. Untersucht wurden insgesamt 103 Erzieherinnen aus 21 Einrichtungen mit eigens für die Arbeit entwickelten Instrumenten (Fragebögen, Filmvignetten).
Zur Beantwortung der ersten Forschungsfrage, wie die bereichsspezifische diagnostische Kompetenz von Erzieherinnen hinsichtlich der Facetten Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz ausgeprägt ist, zeigt sich, dass Erzieherinnen das Niveau ihrer Gruppe im Vergleich der Urteilsgenauigkeits-Komponenten am besten einschätzen können (Niveaukomponente), mit Tendenz zur Überschätzung. Auch die Wahrnehmung von Unterschieden zwischen den Kindern ihrer Gruppe gelingt ihnen gut (Personenkomponente), dabei neigen sie eher zu einer Überschätzung der Heterogenität. Wesentlich schwerer fällt es ihnen, spezifische Aufgabenschwierigkeiten im mathematischen Bereich korrekt einzuschätzen (Merkmalskomponente) und Unterschiede zwischen den Kindern im Hinblick auf einzelne Aufgaben (Wechselwirkungskomponente) zu beurteilen. Die Erzieherinnen sind jedoch sehr gut in der Lage, die Kinder entsprechend ihrer Leistungen in eine Rangreihenfolge zu bringen, wie es die Korrelationskomponente der Personenkomponente zeigt. Die Beobachtungskompetenz von Erzieherinnen zeigt sich in der Anzahl erkannter Fähigkeiten von Kindern während verschiedener Tätigkeiten mit mathematischem Bezug. Dabei wurde der Schwierigkeitsgrad der Beobachtung mittels Expertinneneinschätzung berücksichtigt. Die Erzieherinnen erkennen durchschnittlich die Hälfte der mathematischen Fähigkeiten von Kindern in verschiedenen komplexen Alltagssituationen bei mathematischen Tätigkeiten. Die zweite Forschungsfrage, ob es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Urteilsgenauigkeit und der Beobachtungskompetenz gibt, kann klar beantwortet werden. Erwartungswidrig zeigt die vorliegende Untersuchung, dass die Facetten Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz voneinander unabhängig sind. Damit konnte die Annahme, dass auf der einen Seite eine genaue summative Beurteilung auf einer Vielzahl kompetenter Einzelbeobachtungen beruht, auf der anderen Seite aber häufige gezielte Einzelbeobachtungen in ihrer Summe zu einem genaueren Gesamturteil führen, nicht bestätigt werden. Die dritte Forschungsfrage, ob eine bereichsspezifische Fortbildung von Erzieherinnen zur Verbesserung ihrer Urteilsgenauigkeit führt, muss verneint werden. Dagegen beeinflusst der Faktor Zeit (neun Monate zwischen Prä- und Posttest) die Fähigkeit der Erzieherinnen, Unterschiede zwischen den Kindern signifikant besser wahrzunehmen (Personenkomponente) und spezifische Aufgabenschwierigkeiten signifikant besser einzuschätzen (Merkmalskomponente). Damit verbessert sich auch die globale Urteilsgenauigkeit über die Zeit signifikant. Auf die Einschätzung des Leistungsniveaus der Gruppe (Niveaukomponente) sowie von Unterschieden zwischen den Kindern für einzelne Items (Wechselwirkungskomponente) hat jedoch auch der Faktor Zeit keinen signifikanten Einfluss.
Die vierte Forschungsfrage, ob die Unterschiede in der Veränderung der Urteilsgenauigkeit von Erzieherinnen davon abhängig sind, nach welchem Ansatz sie Kinder bereichsspezifisch fördern, lässt sich zusammenfassend verneinen. Die Art und Weise der bereichsspezifischen Förderung spielt keine Rolle für die Variabilität der Urteilsgenauigkeit von Erzieherinnen. Auch die Unterschiedlichkeit in den einzelnen Urteilsgenauigkeitskomponenten lässt sich nicht auf die Art der Fortbildung zurückführen.
Die fünfte Forschungsfrage, ob sich die Beobachtungskompetenz von Erzieherinnen durch eine bereichsspezifische Fortbildung beeinflussen lässt, kann aufgrund einer signifikanten Zunahme der Beobachtungskompetenz nach nur zwei Fortbildungstagen bejaht werden. Damit wird die These gestützt, dass eine Fortbildung zur bereichsspezifischen Förderung für eine gezielte und damit fokussiertere Wahrnehmung früher bereichsspezifischer Kompetenzen bedeutsam ist, selbst wenn sie nicht explizit auf diagnostische Kompetenz, sondern allgemein auf Förderung ausgerichtet ist
Die sechste Forschungsfrage zielt auf Veränderungen der Beobachtungskompetenz von Erzieherinnen in Abhängigkeit von Fortbildungen in verschiedenen bereichsspezifischen Förderansätzen ab. Für eine Zunahme der Beobachtungskompetenz, so zeigt sich, spielt der bereichsspezifische Ansatz, welcher der Fortbildung zugrunde gelegt ist, keine Rolle.
Die vorliegende Studie ist die erste Arbeit, die sowohl Beobachtungskompetenz (Forschung zu formativem Assessment) als auch Urteilsgenauigkeit (Accuracy-Forschung) anhand derselben Stichprobe untersucht. Trotz des im Ergebnis nicht nachgewiesenen Zusammenhangs zwischen Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz stellt die Studie für die zukünftige Forschung bedeutsame Hinweise für die weitere Untersuchung der Facetten diagnostischer Kompetenz bereit.
Im Hinblick auf den frühpädagogischen Kontext zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit zum einen, dass ein ökologisch valides Treatment (Fortbildung) in einem Umfang von zwei Tagen implizit zu einer Verbesserung diagnostischer Kompetenzen führen kann. Zum anderen wird hier erstmalig im deutschsprachigen Raum die Messung der Urteilsgenauigkeit unter vollumfänglicher Erfüllung eines auf Hoge und Coladarci (1989) beruhenden Anforderungsprofils durchgeführt. Ein weiteres Alleinstellungsmerkmal dieser Studie ist die erstmals mit einer Mindestanzahl von vier Einschätzungen pro Erzieherin unter Berücksichtigung der Kontaktzeiten zwischen Erzieherinnen und Bezugskindern erfolgte Erhebung der Urteilsgenauigkeit von Erzieherinnen.
Auf der Basis originaler Krankenakten von schizophrenen Frauen aus Heil- und Pflegeanstalten wurden die Einstellungen und Verhaltensdispositionen der Anstaltspsychiater hinsichtlich der praktischen Umsetzung des Gesetzes zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses untersucht. Im Zentrum der retrospektiven Studie standen die Fragen: (1) nach der institutionsbezogenen und organisatorischen Umsetzung des Gesetzes zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses durch die Anstaltspsychiater der Heil- und Pflegeanstalten. (2) nach dem Einfluss der nationalsozialistisch gelenkten eugenischen Gesundheitspolitik auf die ärztlichen Einstellungen und das ärztliche Entscheidungsverhalten hinsichtlich der Beantragung einer Zwangssterilisation bei schizophrenen Patientinnen. (3) nach der Anwendung eines klinischen Diagnoseschemas und der Untersuchung und Dokumentation von Nachweisen zur Erblichkeit der Schizophrenie bei der Diagnose- und Antragsstellung. (4) nach den selektiven ärztlichen Entscheidungsprozessen im Zusammenhang mit der Antragstellung auf Unfruchtbarmachung auf der Basis der ärztlichen Dokumentationen in den Krankenakten und den erhobenen sozialanamnestischen Daten. (5) nach dem weiteren Krankheitsverlauf und möglichen Auswirkungen des Zwangseingriffs bei den zwangssterilisierten Patientinnen. (6) nach dem Umfang von Wiedergutmachungsverfahren in der Nachkriegszeit für die von der Zwangssterilisation betroffenen Frauen.
The dissertation examines the self-concept of Indian religious women in German care institutions. For the analysis, the method of grounded theory was selected from empirical social research. The investigation field interviewed 26 Indian religious women and 5 employers. The theoretical foundations of mission history were the standard of the missionary ministry, the expression of the German and Indian concept of care, the concept of culture in its structural conditionality of dimensions and models with reference to the organization "religious community".
The direct relation to the research question was served by the hierarchical self-concept model according to Shalveson and another model by Bracken, which was used to interpret the empirical results. In the five core categories and their subcategories, the main motive was "being a missionary". Indian religious women refer to themselves as "European missionaries" and want to bring the love of Christ to the sick, the needy and the elderly through their care and nursing work.
In order for the Indian religious women to be able to work even more optimally in their self-concept in Germany, it is advisable to develop a requirement profile, to consider certain framework conditions in advance and to design new models of life.
Sediment transport contributes to the movement of inorganic and organic material in rivers. The construction of a dam interrupts the continuity of this sediment transport through rivers, causing sediments to accumulate within the reservoir. Reservoirs can also act as carbon sinks and methane can be released when organic matter in the sediment is degraded under anoxic conditions. Reservoir sedimentation poses a great threat to the sustainability of reservoirs worldwide, and can emit the potent greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere. Sediment management measures to rehabilitate silted reservoirs are required to achieve both better water quantity and quality, as well as to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
This thesis aims at the improvement of sediment sampling techniques to characterize sediment deposits as a basis for accurate and efficient water jet dredging and to monitor the dredging efficiency by measuring the sediment concentration. To achieve this, we investigated freeze coring as a method to sample (gas-bearing) sediment in situ. The freeze cores from three reservoirs obtained were scanned using a non-destructive X-Ray CT scan technique. This allows the determination of sediment stratification and character-ization of gas bubbles to quantify methane emissions and serve as a basis for the identi-fication of specific (i.e. contaminated) sediment layers to be dredged. The results demon-strate the capability of freeze coring as a method for the characterization of (gas-bearing) sediment and overcomes certain limitations of commonly used gravity cores. Even though the core’s structure showed coring disturbances related to the freezing process, the general core integrity seems to not have been disturbed. For dredging purposes, we analyzed the impact pressure distribution and spray pattern of submerged cavitating wa-ter jets and determined the effects of impinging distances and angles, pump pressures and spray angles. We used an adapted Pressure Measurement Sensing technique to enhance the spatial distribution, which proved to be a comparatively easy-to-use meas-urement method for an improved understanding of the governing factors on the erosional capacity of cavitating water jets. Based on this data, the multiple linear regression model can be used to predict the impact pressure distribution of those water jets to achieve higher dredging accuracy and efficiency. To determine the dredging operational efficien-cy, we developed a semi-continuous automated measurement device to measure the sediment concentration of the slurry. This simple and robust device has lower costs, compared to traditional and surrogate sediment concentration measurement technolo-gies, and can be monitored and controlled remotely under a wide range of concentrations and grain-sizes, unaffected by entrained gas bubbles
Die Entwicklung von naturwissenschaftlichen Konzepten und Bildungssprache beginnt schon vor dem Schuleintritt und bildungssprachliche und naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen werden als wichtige Faktoren für Schulerfolg angesehen (Ehlich, Bredel & Reich, 2008; Saçkes, Trundle & Bell, 2013). Die frühe Förderung dieser Kompetenzen ist deshalb sinnvoll.
Lernumgebungen, die naturwissenschaftliche Konzepte fördern (Hardy, Möller & Stern, 2006; Leuchter, Saalbach & Hardy, 2014), zeichnen sich ebenso wie Lernumgebungen, die Bildungssprache fördern (Gibbons, 2006; Quehl & Trapp, 2013), dadurch aus, dass sie zum Sammeln eigener Erfahrungen (z.B. beim Experimentieren) und zum Versprachlichen und Begründen eigener Gedanken anregen (z.B. in Planungs- und Reflexionsphasen). Die zur Förderung von Bildungssprache erforderliche sprachliche Komplexität wird besonders in Gesprächen herausgefordert, die außerhalb der Experimentiersituation, d.h. kontext-reduziert, stattfinden (Gibbons, 2006; Quehl & Trapp, 2013). Bisherige Forschung untersucht allerdings entweder sprachliche oder konzeptuelle Fortschritte und dies überwiegend im schulischen Kontext. Eine gemeinsame Betrachtung beider Bereiche bei Vorschulkindern fehlt bisher. Die zentrale Forschungsfrage der Arbeit lautet daher: „Welche Effekte haben kontext-reduzierte Gespräche auf Vorstellungen von Vorschulkindern zu zweiseitigen Hebeln und deren bildungssprachliche Lexik und Grammatik?“
Die Effekte kontext-reduzierter Gespräche wurden in einem quasi-experimentellen Design (N = 90) mit drei Gruppen untersucht. Alle Gruppen nahmen an Experimentierphasen zu zweiseitigen Hebeln teil. Zwei Gruppen erhielten außerdem Planungs- und Reflexionsphasen mit verbalen Unterstützungsmaßnahmen. In der kontext-reduzierten Bedingung fanden die Planungs- und Reflexionsgespräche in raum-zeitlicher Trennung zum Experimentiermaterial statt, in der kontextualisierten Bedingung stand den Kindern das Material auch während der Planungs- und Reflexionsphasen zur Verfügung.
Zwischen kontext-reduzierten und kontextualisierten Gesprächen konnten weder signifikante Unterschiede im naturwissenschaftlichen Konzept noch in den bildungssprachlichen Kompetenzen gefunden werden. Ein signifikanter Fördereffekt von Planungs- und Reflexionsgesprächen gegenüber der reinen Experimentierphase ohne Gespräche zeigt sich für konzeptuelle Vorstellungen zu zweiseitigen Hebeln, jedoch nicht für bildungssprachliche Lexik und Grammatik. Diese Ergebnisse lassen sich aus dem theoretischen Hintergrund nur bedingt erklären und geben Anlass für weitere Forschung.
Wild bees are essential for the pollination of wild and cultivated plants. However, within the
last decades, the increasing intensification of modern agriculture has led to both a reduction and fragmentation as well as a degradation of the habitats wild bees need. The resulting loss of pollinators and their pollination poses an immense challenge to global food production. To support wild bees, the availability of flowering resources is essential. However, the flowering period of each resource is temporally limited and has different effects on pollinators and their pollination, depending on the time of their flowering.
Therefore, to efficiently promote and manage wild bee pollinators in agricultural landscapes, we identified species-specific key floral resources of three selected wild bee species and their spatial and temporal availability (CHAPTERS 2, 3 & 4). We examined, which habitat types predominantly provide these resources (CHAPTERS 3 & 4). We also investigated whether floral resource maps based on the use of these key resources and their spatial and temporal availability explain the abundance and development of the selected wild bees (CHAPTERS 3 & 4) and pollination (CHAPTER 5) better than habitat maps, that only indirectly account for the availability of floral resources.
For each of the species studied, we were able to identify different key pollen sources, predominantly woody plants in the early season (April/May) and increasingly herbaceous plants in the later season (June/July; CHAPTERS 2, 3 & 4). The open woody semi-natural habitats of our agricultural landscapes provided about 75% of the floral resources for the buff-tailed bumblebees, 60% for the red mason bees, and 55% for the horned mason bees studied, although they accounted for only 3% of the area (CHAPTERS 3 & 4). In addition, fruit orchards provided about 35% of the floral resources for the horned mason bees on 4% of the landscape area (CHAPTER 3). We showed that both mason bee species benefited from the resource availability in the surrounding landscapes (CHAPTER 3). Yet this was not the case for the bumblebees (CHAPTER 4). Instead, the weight gain of their colonies, the number of developed queen cells and their colony survival were higher with increasing proximity to forests. The proximity to forests also had a positive effect on the mason bees studied (CHAPTER 3). In addition, the red mason bees benefited from herbaceous semi-natural habitats. The proportion of built-up areas had a negative effect on the horned mason bees, and the proportion of arable land on the red mason bees. The habitat maps explained horned mason bee abundances equally well as the floral resource maps, but red mason bee abundances were distinctly better explained by key floral resources. The pollination of field bean increased with higher proportions of early floral resources, whereas synchronous floral resources showed no measurable reduction in their pollination (CHAPTER 5). Habitat maps also explained field bean pollination better than floral resource maps. Here, pollination increased with increasing proportions of built-up areas in the landscapes and decreased with increasing proportions of arable land.
Our results highlight the importance of the spatio-temporal availability of certain key species as resource plants of wild bees in agricultural landscapes. They show that habitat maps are ahead of, or at least equal to, spatio-temporally resolved floral resource maps in predicting wild bee development and pollination. Nevertheless, floral resource maps allow us to draw more accurate conclusions between key floral resources and the organisms studied. The proximity to forest edges had a positive effect on each of the three wild bee species studied. However, besides pure food availability, other factors seem to co-determine the occurrence of wild bees in agricultural landscapes.
Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich im Wesentlichen in vier Bereiche. Sie gibt einen Überblick über die aktuellen Entwicklungen einer Pädagogik für Menschen mit Förderbedarf im Bereich ihrer geistigen Entwicklung und versucht eine Fokussierung von paradigmatischen Entwicklungen hin zu einer inklusiven Bildung mit dem Anspruch einer angemessenen Qualitätssicherung des Bildungsangebotes. Nach der Einleitung und einer allgemeinen theoretischen Verortung der Fragestellung werden im zweiten Kapitel begrifflichen Grundlagen gelegt sowie das Konzept einer inklusiven Bildung und der selbstbestimmten Teilhabe an allen gesellschaftlichen Prozessen einschließlich des theoretischen Modells des Empowerments hergeleitet. Das dritte Kapitel befasst sich mit aktuellen Aspekten curricularer Entwicklungen für Schüler mit Förderbedarf im Bereich ihrer geistigen Entwicklung einschließlich der Diskussion von möglichen input-orientierten Bildungsstandards in der Sonderpädagogik. Im vierten Kapitel werden Grundlagen der Organisationsentwicklung und des Qualitätsmanagements für Förderzentren erläutert sowie Evaluationsmöglichkeiten dargestellt und für die unmittelbare Praxisanwendung realisiert.
Recent EU-frameworks enforce the implementation of risk mitigation measures for nonpoint-source pesticide pollution in surface waters. Vegetated surface flow treatments systems (VTS) can be a way to mitigate risk of adverse effects in the aquatic ecosystems following unavoidable pollution after rainfall-related runoff events. Studies in experimental wetland cells and vegetated ditch mesocosms with common fungicides, herbicides and insecticides were performed to assess efficiency of VTS. Comprehensive monitoring of fungicide exposure after rainfall-related runoff events and reduction of pesticide concentrations within partially optimised VTS was performed from 2006-2009 at five vegetated detention ponds and two vegetated ditches in the wine growing region of the Southern Palatinate (SW-Germany).
Influence of plant density, size related parameters and pesticide properties in the performance of the experimental devices, and the monitored systems were the focus of the analysis. A spatial tool for prediction of pesticide pollution of surface waters after rainfall-related runoff events was programmed in a geographic information system (GIS). A sophisticated and high resolution database on European scale was built for simulation. With the results of the experiments, the monitoring campaign and further results of the EU-Life Project ArtWET mitigation measures were implemented in a georeferenced spatial decision support system. The database for the GIS tools was built with open data. The REXTOX (ratio of exposure to toxicity) Risk Indicator, which was proposed by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), was extended, and used for modeling the risk of rainfall-related runoff exposure to pesticides, for all agricultural waterbodies on European scale. Results show good performance of VTS. The vegetated ditches and wetland cells of the experimental systems showed a very high reduction of more than 90% of pesticide concentrations and potential adverse effects. Vegetated ditches and wetland cells performed significantly better than devices without vegetation. Plant density and sorptivity of the pesticide were the variables with the highest explanatory power regarding the response variable reduction of concentrations. In the experimental vegetated ditches 65% of the reduction of peak concentrations was explained with plant density and KOC. The monitoring campaign showed that concentrations of the fungicides and potential adverse effects of the mixtures were reduced significantly within vegetated ditches (Median 56%) and detention ponds (Median 38%) systems. Regression analysis with data from the monitoring campaign identified plant density and size related properties as explanatory variables for mitigation efficiency (DP: R²=0.57, p<0.001; VD:
R²=0.19, p<0.001). Results of risk model runs are the input for the second tool, simulating three risk mitigation measures. VTS as risk mitigation measures are implemented using the results for plant density and size related performance of the experimental and monitoring studies, supported by additional data from the ArtWET project. Based on the risk tool, simulations can be performed for single crops, selected regions, different pesticide compounds and rainfall events. Costs for implementation of the mitigation measures are estimated. Experiments and monitoring, with focus on the whole range of pesticides, provide novel information on VTS for pesticide pollution. The monitoring campaign also shows that fungicide pollution may affect surface waters. Tools developed for this study are easy to use and are not only a good base for further spatial analysis but are also useful as decision support of the non-scientific community. On a large scale, the tools on the one hand can help to compute external costs of pesticide use with simulation of mitigation costs on three levels, on the other hand feasible measures mitigating or remediating the effects of nonpoint-source pollution can be identified for implementation. Further study of risk of adverse effects caused by fungicide pollution and long-time performance of optimised VTS is needed.
Im Kontext chronischer Schmerzerkrankungen sind neben dem physischem Schmerzerleben auch Emotionen, wie Depressivität, Angst, Scham und Ärger von großer Relevanz. So leiden beispielsweise ca. 70 % der Menschen mit chronischen Schmerzen unter wiederkehrendem Ärger. Die Forschung zu spezifischen emotionsfokussierten psychologischen Behandlungsansätzen ist jedoch begrenzt. Eine Möglichkeit der Behandlung könnten sogenannte mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze darstellen. So ist Selbstmitgefühl bei chronischem Schmerz beispielsweise assoziiert mit einer geringeren Schmerzintensität sowie geringerer physischer und emotionaler Beeinträchtigung, wie Depressivität, Angst und Ärger. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl im Kontext von akutem und chronischem Schmerz unter der besonderen Berücksichtigung von Ärger evaluiert.
Zunächst wuden in einem Überblicksartikel Interventionsstudien (N = 19) zu Behandlungsansätzen von chronischen Schmerzen zusammengefasst, welche Veränderungen in Ärger oder verwandten Aspekten berichteten (Studie 1). Nur zwei der eingeschlossenen Studien untersuchten spezifische Interventionen zur Bewältigung von Ärger. Insgesamt wiesen die Studien große Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Qualität, Stichprobe, Intervention (Art, Dauer, Setting) wie auch der Messinstrumente für Ärger auf. Die vielversprechendsten Ergebnisse zeigten sich für akzeptanz- und mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze. Als mögliche Fundierung zukünftiger Forschung wurde zudem das „Prozess Modell der Ärger-Regulation bei chronischem Schmerz“ vorgeschlagen und diskutiert.
Da sich mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze als potentiell wirksam zur Bewältigung von Ärger erwiesen, wurde die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl im Kontext von chronischem Schmerz anhand einer kontrollierten Längsschnittstudie (t1: NT1 = 1228; t2: NT2 = 376) evaluiert (Studie 2 & 3). In Studie 2 wurde Selbstmitgefühl anhand der zwei Faktoren „compassionate self-responding (CS)“ und „reduced uncompassionate self-responding (RUS)“ definiert. Hierbei erwies sich CS als distinktes Konstrukt im Vergleich zu Psychologischer Inflexibilität und Selbstwert. RUS und Selbstwert schienen das gleiche latente Konstrukt zu repräsentieren. Die
Relevanz dieser Konzepte für schmerzbezogene Konzepte, wie auch Depressivität und Ärger wurde in Studie 3 überprüft. Nur RUS und nicht CS stellte hierbei einen eigenständigen Prädiktor für schmerzbezogene Aspekte dar. Psychologische Inflexibilität, genauer Vermeidungsverhalten, erwies sich zudem als Prädiktor mit breiterer Relevanz, jedoch konnte keiner der untersuchten Prädiktoren eigenständig Ärger vorhersagen.
Die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl zur Bewältigung von akutem Schmerz wurde in einer experimentellen Studie evaluiert (Studie 4). Die Emotionsregulationsstrategien Selbstmitgefühl, Akzeptanz und Ablenkung erwiesen sich als vergleichbar hilfreich hinsichtlich Schmerztoleranz, -Intensität und –Aversion.
Selbstmitgefühl scheint demnach auch im Kontext von Schmerz vor allem in spezifischen Kontexten oder für bestimmte Subgruppen von Bedeutung zu sein. Zukünftige Forschung sollte sich daher auf einen adaptiven Einsatz der Emotionsregulationsstrategie Selbstmitgefühl konzentrieren. Im Speziellen sollte die Wirkung von mitgefühlsbasierten Interventionen auf Ärger bei Schmerz genauer evaluiert werden.
Im schulischen Kontext wird dem Prozess der Erkenntnisgewinnung in eigenverantwortlichen Lernprozessen immer mehr Bedeutung beigemessen. Experimentelles Arbeiten wird in den nationalen Bildungsstandards als Prozess beschrieben, welcher vier Teil-schritte durchläuft: (1) Fragestellung entwickeln, (2) Experimente durchführen, (3) Daten notieren und (4) Schlussfolgerung ziehen [1]. In der fachdidaktischen Forschung gibt es bisher keine Untersuchungen, die explizit den Teilschritt der Datenaufnahme und dessen Bedeutung behandeln.
In dieser Arbeit werden die unterschiedlichen Definitionen der naturwissenschaftlichen Protokollformen voneinander abgegrenzt sowie im Rahmen von drei Teilstudien die Bedeutung des Protokollierens für die Lernwirksamkeit untersucht. Zusätzlich wird eine Auswertungsmethode für die Qualität von Erarbeitungsprotokollen vorgestellt.
Systemic neonicotinoids are one of the most widely used insecticide classes worldwide. In addition to their use in agriculture, they are increasingly applied on forest trees as a protective measure against insect pests. However, senescent leaves containing neonicotinoids might, inter alia during autumn leaf fall, enter nearby streams. There, the hydrophilic neonicotinoids may be remobilized from leaves to water resulting in waterborne exposure of aquatic non-target organisms. Despite the insensitivity of the standard test species Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) toward neonicotinoids, a potential risk for aquatic organisms is evident as many other aquatic invertebrates (in particular insects and amphipods) display adverse effects when exposed to neonicotinoids in the ng/L- to low µg/L-range. In addition to waterborne exposure, in particular leaf-shredding invertebrates (= shredders) might be adversely affected by the introduction of neonicotinoid-contaminated leaves into the aquatic environment since they heavily rely on leaf litter as food source. However, dietary neonicotinoid exposure of aquatic shredders has hardly received any attention from researchers and is not considered during aquatic environmental risk assessment. The primary aim of this thesis is, therefore, (1) to characterize foliar neonicotinoid residues and exposure pathways relevant for aquatic shredders, (2) to investigate ecotoxicological effects of waterborne and dietary exposure on two model shredders, namely Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) and Chaetopteryx villosa (Insecta, Trichoptera), and (3) to identify biotic and abiotic factors potentially modulating exposure under field conditions.
During the course of this thesis, ecotoxicologically relevant foliar residues of the neonicotinoids imidacloprid, thiacloprid and acetamiprid were quantified in black alder trees treated at field relevant levels. A worst-case model – developed to simulate imidacloprid water concentrations resulting from an input of contaminated leaves into a stream – predicted only low aqueous imidacloprid concentrations (i.e., ng/L-range). However, the model identified dietary uptake as an additional exposure pathway relevant for shredders up to a few days after the leaves’ introduction into the stream. When test organisms were simultaneously exposed (= combined exposure) to neonicotinoids leaching from leaves into the water and via the consumption of contaminated leaves, adverse effects exceeded those observed under waterborne exposure alone. When exposure pathways were separated using a flow-through system, dietary exposure towards thiacloprid-contaminated leaves caused similar sublethal adverse effects in G. fossarum as observed under waterborne exposure. Moreover, the effect sizes observed under combined exposure were largely predictable using the reference model “independent action”, which assumes different molecular target sites to be affected. Dietary toxicity for shredders might, however, be reduced under field conditions since UV-induced photodegradation and leaching decreased imidacloprid residues in leaves and thereby the toxicity for G. fossarum. In contrast, both shredders were found unable to actively avoid dietary exposure. This thesis thus recommends considering dietary exposure towards systemic insecticides, such as neonicotinoids, already during their registration to safeguard aquatic shredders, associated ecosystem functions (e.g., leaf litter breakdown) and ultimately ecosystem integrity.
Die Arbeit stellt die Frage nach den Effekten einer tertiären Präventionsmaßnahme in Bezug auf Schmerzbewältigung und Schmerzveränderung bei chronischen Lumbalgiepatienten. Im Rahmen der Überprüfung werden ausdifferenzierte psychophysische Interventionsmaßnahmen aus den Bereichen der Physiotherapie/Krankengymnastik und Psychologie eingesetzt. Die Gruppenunterteilung erfolgt in eine behandelte Versuchsgruppe und eine unbehandelte Warte-Kontrollgruppe mit jeweils 100 Probanden (N=200). Die Ergebnisse der tertiären Präventionsmaßnahme zeigen statistisch und klinisch relevante sowie positive Veränderungen in den Bereichen der Schmerzbewältigung und Schmerzveränderung.
Social networks are ubiquitous structures that we generate and enrich every-day while connecting with people through social media platforms, emails, and any other type of interaction. While these structures are intangible to us, they carry important information. For instance, the political leaning of our friends can be a proxy to identify our own political preferences. Similarly, the credit score of our friends can be decisive in the approval or rejection of our own loans. This explanatory power is being leveraged in public policy, business decision-making and scientific research because it helps machine learning techniques to make accurate predictions. However, these generalizations often benefit the majority of people who shape the general structure of the network, and put in disadvantage under-represented groups by limiting their resources and opportunities. Therefore it is crucial to first understand how social networks form to then verify to what extent their mechanisms of edge formation contribute to reinforce social inequalities in machine learning algorithms.
To this end, in the first part of this thesis, I propose HopRank and Janus two methods to characterize the mechanisms of edge formation in real-world undirected social networks. HopRank is a model of information foraging on networks. Its key component is a biased random walker based on transition probabilities between k-hop neighborhoods. Janus is a Bayesian framework that allows to identify and rank plausible hypotheses of edge formation in cases where nodes possess additional information. In the second part of this thesis, I investigate the implications of these mechanisms - that explain edge formation in social networks - on machine learning. Specifically, I study the influence of homophily, preferential attachment, edge density, fraction of inorities, and the directionality of links on both performance and bias of collective classification, and on the visibility of minorities in top-k ranks. My findings demonstrate a strong correlation between network structure and machine learning outcomes. This suggests that systematic discrimination against certain people can be: (i) anticipated by the type of network, and (ii) mitigated by connecting strategically in the network.
This thesis deals with the verbal categories tense and aspect in the context of analysing the English perfect. The underlying notion of time is examined from the viewpoint of etymology and from the viewpoint of fields of knowledge that lie outside the immediate scope of temporal semantics, e.g. mathematics. The category tense is scrutinised by discussing the concept of Reichenbach tense and the concept of correlation (Giering). The starting point of the discussion of the category verbal aspect is the dichotomy perfective vs. imperfective in the Slavic languages. The main part about the perfect is concerned with the possessive perfect as a cross-linguistic phenomenon (including a comparison of the English and the Slavic perfect) and focuses on the usage and the meaning of the English present perfect. There are three appendices which are an integral part of this dissertation. Appendix A deals with the systematization of English verb forms and their graphical representation. Three different visualizations are presented, two of which are genuine to this paper. Appendix B reproduces the target setting according to which an animated visualization of English infinitives was programmed. Appendix C represents a synopsis of approaches to the English perfect in grammars and textbooks.
This dissertation will discuss the theories of exponents of the philosophy of dialogue. Through that it shall establish the basis to reflect entrepreneurial leadership action. The goal is to find an approach for the development of a dialogical leadership culture.
The empirical part shall examine on what basis, in correlation with a dialogical leadership style, subjective assumptions are made by managers in their leadership action who work in inpatient nursing services. Furthermore, it shall address the question of how those subjective assumptions can be considered and utilized towards establishing future dialogically oriented leadership cultures and the development of coinciding management personnel.
It shall also debate the question to what extent the philosophy of dialogue includes theoretical concepts which can be used to describe a leadership culture. The intellectual approach of Martin Bubers is especially taken into consideration.
Based on these theoretical grounds, the attempt shall be made to develop the basic intention of a dialogical leadership culture which will appropriately justify a didactical concept for the development of management personnel in nursing services.
Within aquatic environments sediment water interfaces (SWIs) are the most important areas concerning exchange processes between the water body and the sediment. These spatially restricted regions are characterized by steep biogeochemical gradients that determine the speciation and fate of natural or artificial substances. Apart from biological mediated processes (e.g., burrowing organisms, photosynthesis) the determining exchange processes are diffusion or a colloid-mediated transport. Hence, methods are required enabling to capture the fine scale structures at the boundary layer and to distinguish between the different transport pathways. Regarding emerging substances that will probably reach the aquatic environment engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are of great concern due to their increased use in many products and applications. Since they are determined based on their size (<100 nm) they include a variety of different materials behaving differently in the environment. Once released, they will inevitable mix with naturally present colloids (< 1 μm) including natural nanomaterials.
With regard to existing methodological gaps concerning the characterization of ENMs (as emerging substances) and the investigation of SWIs (as receiving environmental compartments), the aim of this thesis was to develop, validate and apply suitable analytical tools. The challenges were to i) develop methods that enable a high resolution and low-invasive sampling of sediment pore water. To ii) develop routine-suitable methods for the characterization of metal-based engineered nanoparticles and iii) to adopt and optimize size-fractionation approaches for pore water samples of sediment depth profiles to obtain size-related information on element distributions at SWIs.
Within the first part, an available microprofiling system was combined with a novel micro sampling system equipped with newly developed sample filtration-probes. The system was thoroughly validated and applied to a freshwater sediment proving the applicability for an automatic sampling of sediment pore waters in parallel to microsensor measurements. Thereby, for the first time multi-element information for sediment depth profiles were obtained at a millimeter scale that could directly be related to simultaneously measured sediment parameters.
Due to the expected release of ENMs to the environment the aim was to develop methods that enable the investigation of fate and transport of ENMs at sediment water interfaces. Since standardized approaches are still lacking, methods were developed for the determination of the total mass concentration and the determination of the dissolved fraction of (nano)particle suspensions. Thereby, validated, routine suitable methods were provided enabling for the first time a routine-suitable determination of these two, among the most important properties regarding the analyses of colloidal systems, also urgently needed as a basis for the development of appropriate (future) risk assessments and regulatory frameworks. Based on this methodological basis, approaches were developed enabling to distinguish between dissolved and colloidal fractions of sediment pore waters. This made it possible for the first time to obtain fraction related element information for sediment depth profiles at a millimeter scale, capturing the fine scale structures and distinguishing between diffusion and colloid-mediated transport. In addition to the research oriented parts of this thesis, questions concerning the regulation of ENPs in the case of a release into aquatic systems were addressed in a separate publication (included in the Appendix) discussing the topic against the background of the currently valid German water legislation and the actual state of the research.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has experienced growing importance in the last decades and an increasing number of schools have already implemented CLIL programmes or are planning to do so. Though the potentials of CLIL programmes are widely praised, first research results also raise doubts if CLIL students can live up to these high expectations. Both Fehling (2005) as well as Rumlich (2013; 2016), for example, found that CLIL programmes not inevitably show the expected results but that the CLIL students’ success might also be at least partially explained by other influences, such as the selection process of future CLIL students. Hence, CLIL students apparently fall short of the high expectations that are usually connected to the respective CLIL programmes and as this is mainly based on the unsatisfactory quality of these programmes, Rumlich concludes that “it is now high time to focus on the quality of CLIL provision” (Rumlich 2016: 452). He continues to explain that “the promises of CLIL do not materialise automatically owing to the fact that another language is used for learning in a non-language subject” (Rumlich 2016: 452). It must be assumed that the success of CLIL teaching also highly depends on the quality of the CLIL teachers.
In contrast to the continuously growing number of CLIL schools, however, the number of specifically trained CLIL teachers is comparably small. In Germany, CLIL teachers are not (yet) required to attend any special training in order to teach in a CLIL programme. Notwithstanding, is it sufficient for a CLIL teacher only to be trained in the content subject and the foreign language? Or does CLIL teaching require more than the sum of these two components? Do CLIL teachers need additional teaching competences to the ones of a content and a language teacher? In the light of the recent findings of CLIL programmes falling short of the high expectations, the answer to these questions must clearly be “Yes”. Hence, in order to appropriately train (future) CLIL teachers, special training programmes need to be developed which consider the teachers’ individual educational backgrounds, i.e. their qualifications as language and/or as content teachers and build up on these competences through adding the CLIL-specific teaching competences.
Therefore, this thesis aims at developing a German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education, which considers both the already published, theory-based standards of CLIL teacher education as well as the practical perspective of experienced CLIL teachers in Germany. This German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education classifies the different teaching competences, which are derived from integrating the theoretical and the practical perspective on CLIL teacher education, with regard to the three different competence areas, i.e. the general teaching competence, the language teaching competence and the subject teaching competence and is hence adaptable to different CLIL settings and educational backgrounds. In addition to developing this German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education, which provides the content of future CLIL teacher education programmes, this thesis discusses different forms of structurally implementing CLIL teacher education programmes in the existing structures of teacher education in Germany. This is achieved through analysing the current state of the art of CLIL teacher education at German universities and systematising the different forms of implementing these training programmes in the prevailing educational structures. Building on these first two steps, in the third and final step, this thesis develops a CLIL teacher education programme at a German university that is based on the results and elements of the German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education as well as the state of the art of CLIL teacher education in Germany. Thus, this thesis is allocated at the intersection between foreign language teaching as well as teacher education and is structured in eleven chapters.
Agriculture covers one third of the world land area and has become a major source of water pollution due to its heavy reliance on chemical inputs, namely fertilisers and pesticides. Several thousands of tonnes of these chemicals are applied worldwide annually and partly reach freshwaters. Despite their widespread use and relatively unspecific modes of action, fungicides are the least studied group of pesticides. It remains unclear whether the taxonomic groups used in pesticide risk assessment are protective for non-target freshwater fungi. Fungi and bacteria are the main microbial decomposers converting allochthonous organic matter (litter) into a more nutritious food resource for leaf-shredding macroinvertebrates. This process of litter decomposition (LD) is central for aquatic ecosystem because it fuels local and downstream food webs with energy and nutrients. Effects of fungicides on decomposer communities and LD have been mainly analysed under laboratory conditions with limited representation of the multiple factors that may moderate effects in the field.
In this thesis a field study was conducted in a German vineyard area to characterise recurrent episodic exposure to fungicides in agricultural streams (chapter 2) and its effects on decomposer communities and LD (chapter 3). Additionally, potential interaction effects of nutrient enrichment and fungicides on decomposer communities and LD were analysed in a mesocosm experiment (chapter 4).
In the field study event-driven water sampling (EDS) and passive sampling with EmporeTM styrene-divinylbenzene reverse phase sulfonated disks (SDB disks) were used to assess exposure to 15 fungicides and 4 insecticides. A total of 17 streams were monitored during 4 rainfall events within the local application period of fungicides in 2012. EDS exceeded the time-weighted average concentrations provided by the SDB disks by a factor of 3, though high variability among compounds was observed. Most compounds were detected in more than half of the sites and mean and maximum peak (EDS) concentrations were under 1 and 3 µg/l, respectively. Besides, SDB disk-sampling rates and a free-software solution to derive sampling rates under time-variable exposure were provided.
Several biotic endpoints related to decomposers and LD were measured in the same sampling sites as the fungicide monitoring, coinciding with the major litter input period. Our results suggest that polar organic fungicides in streams change the structure of the fungal community. Causality of this finding was supported by a subsequent microcosm experiment. Whether other effects observed in the field study, such as reduced fungal biomass, increased bacterial density or reduced microbial LD can be attributed to fungicides remains speculative and requires further investigation. By contrast, neither the invertebrate LD nor in-situ measured gammarid feeding rates correlated with water-borne fungicide toxicity, but both were negatively associated with sediment copper concentrations. The mesocosm experiment showed that fungicides and nutrients affect microbial decomposers differently and that they can alter community structure, though longer experiments are needed to determine whether these changes may propagate to invertebrate communities and LD. Overall, further studies should include representative field surveys in terms of fungicide pollution and physical, chemical and biological conditions. This should be combined with experiments under controlled conditions to test for the causality of field observations.
In der vorliegenden Studie geht es um den möglichen und tatsächlichen Beitrag von sogenannten Geschäftsmodellen im Kontext eines reflexiven Bildungsmanagements im Feld der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung an (öffentlichen) Hochschulen in Deutschland.
Im Anschluss an Behrmann (2006) wird ein reflexives Bildungsmanagement verwendet, um mögliche strategische und entwicklungsrelevante Orientierungen für die strategische (Neu-)Positionierung von Weiterbildungseinrichtungen bzw. reflexive Entwicklung von Hochschulen im Handlungs- bzw. Geschäftsfeld der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung zu strukturieren. In diesem Zusammenhang unterstützen Geschäftsmodelle die Realisierung des (Weiter-)Bildungsauftrags von (öffentlichen) Hochschulen bzw. von deren Weiterbildungseinrichtungen. Diese möglichen Orientierungen wurden im Rahmen von qualitativen Inhaltsanalysen nach Kuckartz (2016) auf der Grundlage von visualisierten Gruppendiskussionen nach Kühl (2009) rekonstruiert. Der Feldzugang erfolgte mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Fernstudium e.V. (DGWF).
The ongoing loss of species is a global threat to biodiversity, affecting ecosystems worldwide. This also concerns arthropods such as insects and spiders, which are especially endangered in agricultural ecosystems. Here, one of the main causing factors is management intensification. In areas with a high proportion of traditionally managed grassland, extensive hay meadows that are cut only once per year can still hold high levels of biodiversity, but are threatened by conversion into highly productive silage grassland. The Westerwald mountain range, western Germany, is such a region. In this thesis, I compare the local diversity of bees, beetles, hoverflies, leafhoppers, and spiders of five grassland management regimes along a gradient of land-use intensity. These comprise naturally occurring grassland fallows, three types of traditionally managed hay meadows, and intensively used silage grassland. By using three different sampling methods, I recorded ground-dwelling, flower-visiting, and vegetation-dwelling species. The results show that in most cases species richness and diversity are highest on fallows, whereas variation among different managed grassland types is very low. Also, for most sampled taxa, fallows harbour the most distinct species assemblages, while that of other management regimes are largely overlapping. Management has the largest effect on species composition, whereas environmental parameters are of minor importance. Long-term grassland fallows seem to be highly valuable for arthropod conservation, even in a landscape with a low overall land-use intensity, providing structural heterogeneity. In conclusion, such fallows should be subsidized agri-environmental schemes, to preserve insect and spider diversity.
Identifikation und Analyse von Konfigurationen zwischenbetrieblicher Integration in der Möbelbranche
In der Möbelbranche in Deutschland existieren seit mehreren Jahren branchenweite Bemühungen, zwischenbetriebliche Kooperationen durch organisatorische und technische Lösungen (z.B. Standardisierung von Austauschformaten) zu unterstützen. In einigen Branchensegmenten (vor allem Küche und Polster) konnten sich Infrastrukturen zur Integration etablieren, die von vielen Branchenteilnehmern akzeptiert und genutzt werden. Trotz dieser Entwicklung sind in den genannten Branchensegmenten überraschende Phänomene in jüngerer Vergangenheit zu beobachten: Mängel in der Prozessintegration zwischen Branchenakteuren, Unterschiede im Standardisierungsfortschritt zwischen den Branchensegmenten und die Entstehung unterschiedlicher Infrastrukturen zur zwischenbetrieblichen Integration. Bei näherer Betrachtung der beobachteten Phänomene offenbart sich ein hoch-komplexes Zusammenspiel der in der Möbelbranche agierenden Akteure auf drei unterschiedlichen Ebenen (institutionell, organisatorisch und technisch). Um die verantwortlichen Zusammenhänge zu verstehen, ist eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung relevanter Faktoren erforderlich. Dafür gibt es bislang nur wenige überzeugende Konzepte. Die Konfigurationsanalyse nach Lyytinen und Damsgaard betrachtet Unternehmensnetzwerke als Konfigurationen zwischenbetrieblicher Integration, die einem stabilen Muster von Kooperationsformen entsprechen. Sie ist insbesondere dafür geeignet, Unternehmensnetzwerke auf Branchenebene zu untersuchen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Konfigurationsanalyse mittels eines speziell dafür entwickelten bzw. angepassten Forschungsdesigns zum ersten Mal operationalisiert. Dazu wurden in 21 Interviews mit 19 Organisationen Daten zu Konfigurationen zwischenbetrieblicher Integration in zwei Branchensegmenten der Möbelbranche (Küche und Polster) in Deutschland erhoben, analysiert und Erklärungsansätze für die drei oben genannten Phänomene entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass komplexe Konstellationen von Brancheneigenschaften die existierenden Konfigurationen begründen. Insgesamt wurden vier Konfigurationstypen (Mittler, Branche, Dyade und Triade) identifiziert, die in 17 konkreten Konfigurationen zum Einsatz kommen (Mittler (4-mal), Branche (5-mal), Dyade (6-mal) und Triade (2-mal)). Die Ursachen für die beobachteten Phänomene sind vielfältig. Insbesondere sind bestimmte branchenbezogene Charakteristika (u.a. Produkteigenschaften),der Wettbewerb zwischen Akteursklassen und zuletzt die wirtschaftliche Überlegenheit des Handels gegenüber den Herstellern ausschlaggebend. Der Standardisierungsfortschritt in den Branchensegmenten und die zugrunde liegenden Infrastrukturen sind vor allem von dem betriebswirtschaftlichen Nutzenpotenzial abhängig, das ihnen jeweils zugeschrieben wird. Die Prozessintegration hingegen benötigt eine zentral steuernde Instanz zur erfolgreichen IOIS-Diffusion.
The Stereotype Content Modell (SCM; Fiske et al., 2002) proposes two fundamental dimensions of social evaluation: Warmth, or the intentions of the target, and Competence, or the ability to enact these intentions. The practical applications of the SCM are very broad and have led to an assumption of universality of warmth and competence as fundamental dimensions of social evaluation.
This thesis has identified five mainly methodological shortcomings of the current SCM research and literature: (I) An insufficient initial scale development; (II) the usage of varying warmth and competence scales without sufficient scale property assessment in later research; (III) the dominant application of first-generation analytical approaches; (IV) the insufficient definition and empirical proof for the SCM’s assumption of universality; and (V) the limited application of the SCM for some social targets. These shortcomings were addressed in four article manuscripts strictly following open science recommendations.
Manuscript # 1 re-analysed published research using English SCM measures to investigate the measurement properties of the used warmth and competence scales. It reported the scales’ reliability, dimensionality and comparability across targets as well as the indicator-based parameter performance in a (multiple group) confirmatory factor analysis framework. The findings indicate that about two thirds of all re-analysed scales do not show the theoretically expected warmth and competence dimensionality. Moreover, only about eleven per cent allowed meaningful mean value comparisons between targets. Manuscript # 2 presents a replication of Manuscript # 1 in the national and language of German(y) generating virtually identical results as Manuscript # 1 did. Manuscript # 3 investigated the stereotype content of refugee subgroups in Germany. We showed that refugees was generally perceived unfavourably in terms of warmth and competence, but that the stereotype content varied based on the refugees’ geographic origin, religious affiliation, and flight motive. These results were generated using a reliability-corrected approach to compare mean values named alignment optimisation procedure. Manuscript # 4 developed and tested a high-performing SCM scale assessing occupational stereotypes a number of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.
Von November 2001 bis Dezember 2002 wurden 304 Grundwassermessstellen in Baden-Württemberg je zweimal faunistisch beprobt. Ebenso wurden Wasserproben zur Ermittlung der hydrochemischen Feldparameter entnommen. Dabei wurden 106 Tierarten gefunden, von denen 74 als stygophil oder stygobiont einzustufen sind. Mehr als 20 % der Messstellen waren unbesiedelt. Es wurden im Durchschnitt 2,3 Arten je Messstelle gefunden. Die meisten dieser Arten waren über das gesamte Gebiet verbreitet, nur etwa 20 waren in ihrer Verbreitung regional beschränkt. Vier Arten konnten nicht bestimmt werden und dürfen als bisher unbeschrieben gelten. Bemerkenswert ist der Einzelfund eines Syncariden der Familie Parabathynellidae, bei dem es sich um den Erstnachweis für diese Familie nördlich der Alpen und um eine neue, sehr ursprüngliche Art handelt. Mit zunehmender Tiefe wurde eine Abnahme der Artenzahl, Abundanz, Diversität und Besiedlungsfrequenz festgestellt, wobei diese Veränderungen unterhalb 20 m Tiefe sprunghaft erfolgten, wobei das oberflächennahe Grundwasser am dichtesten und artenreichsten besiedelt war. Die Zahl der tatsächlich vorkommenden, insbesondere der seltenen Arten, konnte vermutlich nicht annähernd erfasst werden. Die Zahl der in einer beliebigen Landschaftseinheit festgestellten Arten korrelierte linear mit der Zahl der untersuchten Messstellen. Auch konnten einige aus anderen Untersuchungen in Baden-Württemberg bekannte Arten nicht wiedergefunden werden. Dies weist darauf hin, dass die Zahl der im Untersuchungsgebiet lebenden Arten stark unterschätzt wurde. Eine starke Unterschätzung der Artenvielfalt im Grundwasser wird deswegen auch für die überwiegende Mehrzahl anderer grundwasserfaunistischer Studien angenommen. Die faunistischen Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Messstellen waren erheblich, was auf die große Heterogenität des Lebensraumes Grundwasser zurückzuführen ist. Eine Auswertung der Daten auf der Ebene der Einzelmessstellen und selbst auf der Ebene der Naturräume führte daher zu keinem Ergebnis. Ebenso wenig konnten deshalb Referenzzoozönosen beschrieben werden. Auf der nächst höheren Auswertungsebene, der Ebene der Naturraumgruppen zeigte die Fauna Verteilungsmuster, die sehr gut die geographischen Verhältnisse widerspiegeln, d. h. die faunistischen Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den Naturraumgruppen entsprachen annähernd auch ihrer räumlichen Lage zueinander. Auf dieser Auswertungsebene ergaben sich auch indirekte Zusammenhänge zwischen der Artengemeinschaft und der Landnutzung, der Leiterstruktur und der Nährstoffverfügbarkeit Fast alle Arten, die eine regional beschränkte Verbreitung aufwiesen, kamen im Einzugsgebiet des Rheins vor, waren jedoch in der Regel selten. Nur eine Art, Acanthocyclops gmeineri, wurde exklusiv im Donaueinzugsgebiet, an einer einzelnen Messstelle, gefunden. Ebenso waren auf Gemeinschaftsebene einzugsgebietsbedingte Verbreitungsmuster zu erkennen. Ein Einfluss der ehemaligen, voreiszeitlichen Flussgebietszugehörigkeit auf die Fauna konnte im Gebiet des Hochrheins, des Schwarzwaldes und des voralpinen Moor- und Hügellandes festgestellt werden: Diese Regionen, die heute dem Rheingebiet angehören, waren im Pliozän noch dem Flusseinzugsgebiet der Donau zugeordnet. Eine Reihe von Arten hat in diesen Regionen und im heutigen Donaueinzugsgebiet, also den Donau-Iller-Lechplatten und der Schwäbischen Alb, ihren Verbreitungsschwerpunkt. Wie oben bereits erwähnt, konnten die meisten regional begrenzten Arten im Rheineinzugsgebiet angetroffen werden. Nur eine Art konnte exklusiv für das rezente Donauflussgebiet festgestellt werden. Dieses Muster dürfte damit in Zusammenhang stehen, dass weite Teile des pliozänen oberen Donaueinzugsgebietes an das rezente Rheinsystem angegliedert wurden. So lassen sich drei Gruppen von Grundwassertieren unterscheiden: Arten des pliozänen Rheins, Arten der pliozänen Donau und nacheiszeitliche Wiederbesiedler mit einer landesweiter Verbreitung. Zusammenhänge zwischen der glazialen Vereisung und der rezenten Besiedlung des Grundwassers konnten nur insofern gefunden werden, als die meisten Arten als nacheiszeitliche Wiederbesiedler im gesamten Gebiet auftreten. Nur indirekte Zusammenhänge konnten zwischen der Besiedlung und der Art bzw. dem Chemismus der verschiedenen Grundwasserlandschaften gefunden werden. Als entscheidender Faktor für die Besiedlung erwies sich die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit. Diese überlagerte alle anderen Einflussgrößen, wie naturräumliche Gliederung, Hydrogeologie und Hydrographie. Danach konnten vier Gruppen unterschieden werden, von denen drei " Geringleiter, Lockergesteinsleiter und Kluftleiter - eindeutig voneinander zur trennen waren, während der Karst teilweise starke faunistische Ähnlichkeit mit den Lockergesteinsleitern aufwies. Große Ähnlichkeiten wurden zwischen den verschiedenen Lockergesteinsleitern festgestellt, so dass sie auch unter ökologischen Gesichtspunkten als einheitliche Gruppe aufgefasst werden können. Kluftleiter und Geringleiter waren in ihrer Besiedlung wesentlich heterogener als Karst- und Lockergesteinleiter. Um die Grundwassergemeinschaften bestimmter Landschaftseinheiten zu charakterisieren, erscheint es erforderlich, alle vorhandenen Aquifertypen der untersuchten Einheiten zu erfassen. Dabei sollte der Fokus nicht nur auf den Lockergesteinsleitern, sondern vor allem auch auf den Kluft- und Geringleitern liegen. Zwischen der faunistischen Besiedlung und natürlichen chemischen Stoffen und Parametern - einschließlich des Sauerstoffs " wurden keine direkten, signifikanten Zusammenhänge festgestellt. Korrelationen ergaben sich dagegen mit dem Nahrungsangebot, insbesondere der Menge an Detritus und toten Kleintieren (Aas). Daher ist davon auszugehen, dass das Auftreten von Grundwasserorganismen vor allem durch das Nahrungsangebot und weniger durch den Wasserchemismus beeinflusst wird. Das Nahrungsangebot seinerseits ist eine direkte Folge des hydrologischen Austausches, d. h. der Beeinflussung des Grundwassers durch Oberflächenwasser. Zur zukünftigen ökologischen Klassifizierung von Grundwasserlebensräumen wird ein hierarchisches, dreistufiges System, beginnend bei den geographischen, hydrographischen und naturräumlichen Verhältnissen über den Typ des Grundwasserleiters bis zum hydrologischen Austausch der Einzelstandorte diskutiert. Mit dem hydrologischen Austausch als zusätzliches Gliederungskriterium können die trophischen Verhältnisse mitberücksichtigt werden, die die kleinräumige Verteilung der Arten bestimmen.
Lastkraftwagen werden weltweit in verschiedenen Konfigurationen für den Transport von Gütern und für Spezialanwendungen genutzt. Das sichere Navigieren solcher Großfahrzeuge stellt eine herausfordernde Aufgabe für den Fahrer und unter Umständen für automatische Steuerungssysteme, z. B. im semi-autonomen oder autonomen Betrieb, dar. Insbesondere in kinematisch schwierigen Situationen, auf unebenem Untergrund oder bei engen Platzverhältnissen steigt die Komplexität des sicheren Steuerns.
Umso verwunderlicher ist es, dass unterstützende Systeme, welche die speziellen Belange von LKW und insbesondere LKW-Gespannen adressieren, im Vergleich zum Angebot auf dem PKW-Markt nur in rudimentärem Maß angeboten werden. Das Gefahrenpotential, dass von Großfahrzeugen ausgeht, wird zunehmend in der aktuellen Tagespolitik diskutiert. Unter anderem wird die verpflichtende Einführung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen gefordert.
In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Themen behandelt, die sich mit den speziellen Anforderungen von Nutzfahrzeugen befassen. Im ersten Themenblock wird die Erfassung der Artikulation in einem LKW-Anhänger-Gespann mit Drehschemelanhänger bearbeitet. Dabei wird ein neuartiges Verfahren vorgestellt, das auf an der Universität Koblenz-Landau geleisteten Vorarbeiten aufbaut. Es ermöglicht die Erfassung von Knickwinkeln in mehreren Dimensionen und ist daher auch für den Einsatz auf unebenem Grund, wie beispielsweise in Baustellen- oder Agrarszenarien geeignet. Das Verfahren nutzt dabei eine Kamera und ein künstliches Muster, um den Gespannzustand zu ermitteln.
Im zweiten Bereich wird die Umfeldvisualisierung durch eine Vogelperspektivenansicht thematisiert. Herkömmliche Systeme weisen systembedingte Verzerrungen auf, die unnatürlich wirkende Ansichten zur Folge haben. Diesem Problem wird durch die Entwicklung einer neuen Herangehensweise begegnet: Mit den Tiefendaten von Stereokameras wird eine Umgebungsmodellierung realisiert, die im nächsten Schritt perspektivisch korrekt mit Kamerabildern fusioniert wird. Mittels einer speziell für diesen Fall erweiterten Stereo-Hinderniserkennung wird zudem eine zusätzliche Umfeldüberwachung ermöglicht.
Die beiden in dieser Dissertation vorgestellten Verfahren beinhalten grundlegende Arbeiten, die für die Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Assistenzsysteme für LKW angewandt werden können.
Carabids, which are frequently distributed in agricultural landscapes, are natural enemies of different pests including slugs. Semi-natural habitats are known to affect carabids and thus, their potential to support natural pest control.
The impact of semi-natural habitats was investigated on carabids and slugs within different non-crop habitats (chapter 2). Most carabids and Deroceras reticulatum showed preferences for herbaceous semi-natural habitats, while Arion spp. occured mainly in woody habitats. An increase of predatory carabid abundance, which was linked to an inclining amount of semi-natural habitats in the landscape, and a decrease of Arion spp. densities, indicated a high potential for slug control in structural rich landscapes.
Effects of semi-natural habitats were investigated on predatory carabids and slugs in 18 wheat fields (chapter 3). Predatory carabid species richness was positively affected by the increasing amount of semi-natural habitats in the landscape, whereas predatory carabid abundance was neither influenced by adjacent habitat type nor by the proportion of semi-natural habitats in the landscape. The target pest species showed divergent patterns, whereas Arion spp. densities were highest in structural poor landscapes near woody margins. D. reticulatum was not affected by habitat type or landscape, reflecting its adaptation to agriculture. Results indicate an increased control of Arion spp. by carabids in landscapes with a high amount of semi-natural habitats.
Effects of semi-natural habitats and the influence of farming system was tested on carabid distribution within 18 pumpkin fields (chapter 4). Carabid species richness generally increased with decreasing distance to the field margins, whereas carabid abundance responded differently according to the adjacent habitat type. Farming system had no effect on carabids and landscape heterogeneity only affected carabids in organic pumpkin fields.
Slug and slug egg predation of three common carabid species was tested in single and double species treatments in the laboratory (chapter 5). Results show additive and synergistic effects depending on the carabid species. In general, semi-natural habitats can enhance the potential of slug control by carabids. This counts especially for Arionid slugs. Semi-natural habitats can support carabid communities by providing shelter, oviposition and overwintering sites as wells as complementary food sources. Therefore, it is important to provide a certain amount of non-crop habitats in agricultural landscapes.
The flexible integration of information from distributed and complex information systems poses a major challenge for organisations. The ontology-based information integration concept SoNBO (Social Network of Business Objects) developed and presented in this dissertation addresses these challenges. In an ontology-based concept, the data structure in the source systems (e.g. operational application systems) is described with the help of a schema (= ontology). The ontology and the data from the source systems can be used to create a (virtualised or materialised) knowledge graph, which is used for information access. The schema can be flexibly adapted to the changing needs of a company regarding their information integration. SoNBO differs from existing concepts known from the Semantic Web (OBDA = Ontology-based Data Access, EKG = Enterprise Knowledge Graph) both in the structure of the company-specific ontology (= Social Network of Concepts) as well as in the structure of the user-specific knowledge graph (= Social Network of Business Objects) and makes use of social principles (known from Enterprise Social Software). Following a Design Science Research approach, the SoNBO framework was developed and the findings documented in this dissertation. The framework provides guidance for the introduction of SoNBO in a company and the knowledge gained from the evaluation (in the company KOSMOS Verlag) is used to demonstrate its viability. The results (SoNBO concept and SoNBO framework) are based on the synthesis of the findings from a structured literature review and the investigation of the status quo of ontology-based information integration in practice: For the status quo in practice, the basic idea of SoNBO is demonstrated in an in-depth case study about the engineering office Vössing, which has been using a self-developed SoNBO application for a few years. The status quo in the academic literature is presented in the form of a structured literature analysis on ontology-based information integration approaches. This dissertation adds to theory in the field of ontology-based information integration approaches (e. g. by an evaluated artefact) and provides an evaluated artefact (the SoNBO Framework) for practice.
Cultural eutrophication due to excessive inputs of nutrients seriously threatens aquatic ecosystems worldwide and is one of the major anthropogenic stressors on aquatic biota in European rivers. In streams and shallow rivers, its effects include excessive periphyton growth, which causes biological clogging and thereby oxygen depletion in the hyporheic zone. The result is a serious degradation of habitat quality for benthic invertebrates as well as for the eggs and larvae of gravel-spawning fish. Unlike in standing waters, efficient tools for controlling eutrophication in rivers are lacking. However, top-down control of the food-web by manipulating fish stocks, similar to the biomanipulation successfully applied in lakes, offers a promising approach to mitigating the effects of eutrophication in shallow rivers, especially those in which major reductions in nutrient inputs are not feasible. The overall aim of this thesis was to assess the potential for top-down control by two large cypriniform fish, the common nase (Chondrostoma nasus), the only obligate herbivorous fish species in European rivers, and the omnivorous European chub (Squalius cephalus), to mitigate the effects of eutrophication in medium-sized rivers. I therefore conducted field experiments on different spatial and temporal scales in the hyporhithral zone of a eutrophic gravel-bed river. Generally, the results of those experiments revealed the crucial role of fish-mediated top-down effects in river food webs. In a 4-year reach-scale experiment, the key contribution of my thesis, the enhancement of fish densities significantly increased both oxygen availability and water exchange in the upper layer of the hyporheic zone, even though the top-down effects of the fish on periphyton biomass were relatively small. These findings were supported by those of a 4-week mesocosm experiment, which also provided insights into the mechanisms underlying the mitigation of eutrophication effects by nase and chub. The top-down effects of both fish species reduced hyporheic oxygen depletion, suggesting a reduction of biological clogging. The positive effects of herbivorous nase on hyporheic oxygen availability could be attributed to benthic grazing, whereas the reduction of hyporheic oxygen depletion in the presence of omnivorous chub was best explained by the enhanced bioturbation induced by the fish’s benthic foraging. Overall, the results of my thesis demonstrate that biomanipulation achieved by enhancing herbivorous and omnivorous fish stocks can mitigate the effects of eutrophication in medium-sized European rivers. The results may be the first step towards the establishment of biomanipulation as a supportive management tool for eutrophication control in running waters and therefore as a strategy to preserve aquatic biodiversity.
The aquatic environment is exposed to multiple environmental pressures and mixtures of chemical substances, among them petroleum and petrochemicals, metals, and pesticides. Aquatic invertebrate communities are used as bioindicators to reflect long-term and integral effects. Information on the presence of species can be supplemented with information on their traits. SPEAR-type bioindicators integrate such trait information on the community level.
This thesis aimed at enhancing specificity of SPEAR-type bioindicators towards particular groups of chemicals, namely to mixtures of oil sands-derived compounds, hydrocarbons, and metals.
For developing a bioindicator for discontinuous contamination with oil-derived organic toxicants, a field study was conducted in the Canadian oil sands development region in Northern Alberta. The traits ‘physiological sensitivity towards organic chemicals’ and ‘generation time’ were integrated to develop the bioindicator SPEARoil, reflecting the community sensitivity towards oil sands derived contamination in relation to fluctuating hydrological conditions.
According to the SPEARorganic approach, a physiological sensitivity ranking of taxa was developed for hydrocarbon contamination originating from crude oil or petroleum distillates. For this purpose, ecotoxicological information from acute laboratory tests was enriched with rapid and mesocosm test results. The developed Shydrocarbons sensitivity values can be used in SPEAR-type bioindicators.
To specifically reflect metal contamination in streams via bioindicators, Australian field studies were re-evaluated with focus on the traits ‘physiological metal sensitivity’ and ‘feeding type’. Metal sensitivity values, however, explained community effects in the field only weakly. Instead, the trait ‘feeding type’ was strongly related to metal exposure. The fraction of predators in a community can, thus, serve as an indicator for metal contamination in the field.
Furthermore, several metrics reflecting exposure to chemical cocktails in the environment were compared using existing pesticide datasets. Exposure metrics based on the 5% fraction of species sensitivity distributions were found to perform best, however, closely followed by Toxic Unit metrics based on the most sensitive species of a community or Daphnia magna.
This study had two main aims. The first one was to investigate the quality of lesson plans. Two important features of lesson plans were used as a basis to determine the quality of lesson plans. These are adaptability to preconditions and cognitive activation of students. The former refers to how the planning teacher considers the diversity of students pre-existing knowledge and skills. The latter refers to how the planning teacher sequences deep learning tasks and laboratory activities to promote the cognitive activation of students.
The second aim of the study was to explore teachers thinking about and explanation of externally generated feedback data on their students’ performance. The emphasis here was to understand how the teachers anticipate planning differentiated lessons to accommodate the variations in students learning outcomes revealed by the feedback data.
The study followed a qualitative approach with multiple sources of data. Concept maps, questionnaires, an online lesson planning tool, standardized tests, and semi-structured interviews were the main data collection instruments used in the study. Participants of this study were four physics teachers teaching different grade levels. For the purpose of generating feedback for the participant teachers, a test was administered to 215 students. Teachers were asked to plan five lessons for their ongoing practices. The analysis showed that the planned lessons were not adapted to the diversity in students pre-existing knowledge and skills. The analysis also indicated that the lessons planned had limitations with regard to cognitive activation of students. The analysis of the interview data also revealed that the participant teachers do not normally consider differentiating lessons to accommodate the differences in students learning, and place less emphasis on the cognitive activation of students. The analysis of the planned lessons showed a variation in teachers approach in integrating laboratory activities in the sequence of the lessons ranging from a complete absence through a demonstrative to an investigative approach. Moreover, the findings from the interviews indicated differences between the participant teachers espoused theory (i.e. what they said during interview) and their theory- in –use (i.e. what is evident from the planned lessons). The analysis of the interview data demonstrated that teachers did not interpret the data, identify learning needs, draw meaningful information from the data for adapting (or differentiating) instruction. They attributed their students’ poor performance to task difficulty, students’ ability, students’ motivation and interest. The teachers attempted to use the item level and subscale data only to compare the relative position of their class with the reference group. However, they did not read beyond the data, like identifying students learning needs and planning for differentiated instruction based on individual student’s performance.
To render the surface of a material capable of withstanding mechanical and electrochemical loads, and to perform well in service, the deposition of a thin film or coating is a solution. In this project, such a thin film deposition is carried out. The coating material chosen is titanium nitride (TiN) which is a ceramic material known to possess a high hardness (>10 GPa) as well as good corrosion resistance. The method of deposition selected is high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) that results in coatings with high quality and enhanced properties. Sputtering is a physical process that represents the removal or dislodgment of surface atoms by energetic particle bombardment. The term magnetron indicates that a magnetic field is utilized to increase the efficiency of the sputtering process. In HiPIMS, a high power is applied in pulses of low duty cycles to a cathode that is sputtered and that consists of the coating material. As result of the high power, the ionization of the sputtered material takes place giving the possibility to control these species with electric and magnetic field allowing thereby the improvement and tuning of coating properties. However, the drawback of HiPIMS is a low deposition rate.
In this project, it is demonstrated first that it is possible to deposit TiN coating using HiPIMS with an optimized deposition rate, by varying the magnetic field strength. It was found that low magnetic field strength (here 22mT) results in a deposition rate similar to that of conventional magnetron sputtering in which the average power is applied continuously, called also direct current magnetron sputtering (dcMS). The high deposition rate at low magnetic field strength was attributed to a reduction in the back attraction probability of the sputtered species. The magnetic field strength did not show noticeable influence on the mechanical properties. The proposed explanation was that the considered peak current density interval 1.22-1.72 A∙cm-2 does not exhibit dramatic changes in the plasma dynamics.
In a second part, using the optimized deposition rate, the optimized chemical composition of TiN was determined. It was shown that the chemical composition of TiN does not significantly influence the corrosion performance but impacts considerably the mechanical properties. It was also shown that the corrosion resistance of the coatings deposited using HiPIMS was higher than that of the coatings deposited using dcMS.
The third study was the effect of annealing post deposition on the properties of TiN coating deposited using HiPIMS. The hardness of the coatings showed a maximum at 400°C reaching 24.8 GPa. Above 400°C however, a lowering of the hardness was measured and was due to the oxidation of TiN which led to the formation of TiN-TiO2 composites with lower mechanical properties.
The coating microscopic properties such as crystal orientation, residual stresses, average grain size were determined from X-ray diffraction data and the roughness was measured using atomic force microscopy. These properties were found to vary with the magnetic field strength, the chemical composition as well as the annealing temperature.
Zum Inhalt:
Die Dissertation ist in einem empirisch-qualitativen Forschungssetting eingebettet, bei der das Team-Teaching als Unterrichtsmethode im Forschungsfokus steht. Die Erhebung des empirischen Datenmaterials erfolgt einerseits mittels teilnehmender Beobachtung im Forschungsfeld und andererseits durch ein Gruppeninterview, das mit Lehrkräften geführt wird, die über einen gewissen Beobachtungszeitraum Erfahrungen mit der Unterrichtsmethode des Team-Teaching gesammelt haben. Für die hier zu Grunde gelegte Feldforschung wird das „theoretical sampling“ zum Einsatz kommen, das 1967 von Glaser und Strauss im Rahmen einer empirischen Untersuchung begründet worden ist.
Zum Aufbau:
In der Einleitung wird das Forschungsinteresse, der Forschungsstand und die zentrale Forschungsfrage der Dissertation beschrieben. Im zweiten Kapitel folgt der theoretische Teil mit einer differenzierten Definition des Team-Teachings als Unterrichtsmethode. Es folgt eine allgemeine Definition zum Unterricht, um die spezifischen Merkmale des Team-Teachings differenziert herausarbeiten zu können. Die empirischen Daten werden im Rahmen einer teilnehmenden Beobachtung im Unterricht der Oberstufe einer Förderschule mit dem Förderschwerpunkt Lernen und sozial-emotionale Entwicklung erhoben. Deshalb sind im Theorieteil der Förderschwerpunkt und die curricularen Aspekte zum Förderschwerpunkt dargestellt. Die Bedeutung der Unterrichtsmethode des Team-Teachings für das Unterrichtssetting in einer Förderschule mit dem sozial-emotionalem Förderschwerpunkt ist ebenfalls im Theorieteil verortet.
Im dritten Kapitel werden die qualitativen und quantitativen Erhebungsinstrumente beschrieben und Hypothesen formuliert. Die Darstellung der Methoden zur Aufbereitung des Datenmaterials ist im vierten Kapitel verortet. Die Interpretation der Forschungsergebnisse erfolgt im fünften Kapitel. Die qualitative und quantitative Datenauswertung des empirischen Datenmaterials ist im sechsten Kapitel dargestellt. Die Dissertation schließt im siebten Kapitel mit einen Fazit und Ausblick.
This thesis is concerned with an issue of considerable importance to the development of revision skills: the role of teacher feedback. Prompted by the concern to develop a model of instruction which will help students write to the best of their capacities, the present study forms a proposal: an interactive model of revision. The study researches whether the kind of feedback proposed in this model is indeed a helpful tool for revision and whether the kind of negotiated revision that occurs is a vehicle for learning. The first section of the thesis reviews different areas of literature which are relevant to the study. More specifically, Chapter 2 presents the historical and theoretical foundations of different writing instructional practices and sheds light on issues concerning the use of the process approach. It also reviews research based on sociocognitive theoretical perspectives in an attempt to delineate the impact of interpersonal or social activity on individual performance and progress. Chapter 3 examines issues associated with the process approach in particular and illustrates how theory and method come together in a process writing classroom. Chapter 4 presents the differences in revising behaviours between experienced and inexperienced writers in both L1 and L2 contexts and the various ways these differences have been justified. It also highlights a number of issues which have been identified as contributing to effective revision. Particular attention is paid to the role that teacher feedback has to play as a means of promoting substantive student revision with an instructional emphasis on fluency, organisation and language. Chapter 5 presents an interactive model of revision, which envisions a communicative exchange between two partners, the student-writer and the teacher-reader, collaborating in order to develop awareness of revision strategies and establish criteria for effective writing. Chapter 6 investigates the epistemological basis of the research and presents a set of research questions and hypotheses, which guided the investigation. Chapter 7 frames the context of the research and details the methods used to collect the data from the study. The study involved 100 Year 7 students in two gymnasia in Koblenz, Germany. During the time of the investigation, the students wrote and revised five tasks. Three of these tasks were revised after receiving teacher feedback, which focused on aspects such as appropriacy and sufficiency of information, organization, coherence and grammatical accuracy. The study investigates the effects of this kind of focused feedback on the students" revisions and explores the relationship between revision and text improvement. Large quantitative and qualitative data sets were generated during the research. The quantitative data was based on the student documents (1000 original and revised drafts) whereas the qualitative data emerged from student questionnaires and seven case studies. Chapter 8 presents descriptions of the data analyses. More specifically, it describes the initial and final coding of the revisions traced in the student documents. Then it focuses on the type of qualitative analysis employed in the case studies in order to investigate the relationship between revision and text improvement. The final section of the chapter describes the questionnaire analysis, which was carried out to investigate attitudes, benefits and constraints from the implementation of the model. Chapter 9 examines the statistical results from the analysis of the students" revisions. More specifically, it explores the revisions made by the students across tasks and the relationships between the features of the teacher feedback and these revisions. The analysis highlights patterns in the development of revision skills and positive correlations of student revisions with features of the teacher feedback. Chapter 10 looks at the descriptive data from the case studies of seven individual student writers. The analysis of this data illustrates how the specific students negotiated the revisions and sheds more light on the relationship between feedback, revision and text improvement. Chapter 11 contains the analysis of the students" answers to the questionnaire, which provide illuminative information about the feedback-related attitudes. In Chapter 12, the thesis reaches its final destination. The journey over the paths of literature exploration, data gathering and data analysis ends with reflections on the messages that emerge from the data analysis. The conclusion reached is that young students can learn how to revise their writing and focused feedback is a viable pedagogic option for teaching revision. In addition to discussing the findings, this final section considers the pedagogical implications for the teaching of writing and suggests possible avenues for further work.
Since the Bologna reform a continuous improvement of the lessons’ quality at school, which is often connected with the professionalization of the future teachers and the teaching post education, is aimed by Alliance and federal states. The quality of the lessons is connected with the professionalization of the future teacher and the teaching post education. In most studies about quality improvement the consideration occurs predominantly from the university view and it is seldom related on the subject Sport. The quality study is established on these two points and leads to the main question: Are there any differences in the teachers‘ and learners‘ perceptions of the professionalization of sport teachers in the certain education phases in Rheinland-Pfalz?
With the help of 101 guide interviews and the evaluation according to the Grounded Theory this source question can be answered straight. There were interviewed teachers of the universities, of the state study seminars and the school, as well as learners, to that refer trainees and students. During the study the „missing school relation” crystallizes consistent in all personal groups as key element (core category) in the first and second education phase. The interviewed, which belong to different school forms, give relevant concrete, specific for sport and partially subject covering optimization proposals. As a result a main focus forms untimely relations to the school everyday life and at the same time collect teaching experiences with learning groups at school to get to know their different motor abilities and skills. The improvement approaches concern the university phase and the training period in the study seminars and schools, and the involved consider for necessary a more intensive interlinking of the individual institutions. A mutual, continuous cooperation for the professionalization in the sportsman's education and therefore the optimization of the sports teacher training is very important for all involved.
The intention of this thesis was to characterise the effect of naturally occurring multivalent cations like Calcium and Aluminium on the structure of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) as well as on the sorption behaviour of SOM for heavy metals such as lead.
The first part of this thesis describes the results of experiments in which the Al and Ca cation content was changed for various samples originated from soils and peats of different regions in Germany. The second part focusses on SOM-metal cation precipitates to study rigidity in dependence of the cation content. In the third part the effects of various cation contents in SOM on the binding strength of Pb cations were characterised by using a cation exchange resin as desorption method.
It was found for soil and peat samples as well as precipitates that matrix rigidity was affected by both type and content of cation. The influence of Ca on rigidity was less pronounced than the influence of Al and of Pb used in the precipitation experiments. For each sample one cation content was identified where matrix rigidity was most pronounced. This specific cation content is below the cation saturation as expected by cation exchange capacity. These findings resulted in a model describing the relation between cation type, content and the degree of networking in SOM. For all treated soil and precipitate samples a step transition like glass transition was observed, determined by the step transition temperature T*. It is known from literature that this type of step transition is due to bridges between water molecules and organic functional groups in SOM. In contrast to the glass transition temperature this thermal event is slowly reversing after days or weeks depending on the re-conformation of the water molecules. Therefore, changes of T* with different cation compositions in the samples are explained by the formation of water-molecule-cation bridges between SOM-functional groups. No influence on desorption kinetics of lead for different cation compositions in soil samples was observed. Therefore it can be assumed that the observed changes of matrix rigidity are highly reversible by changing the water status, pH or putting agitation energy by shaking in there.
Nandi forests (South and North Nandi forests) are situated in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya very close to Kakamega forest. From previous documents it has been seen that Kakamega and Nandi forests were connected to each other forming one big "U" shaped forest block till the beginnings of 1900s. Due to human pressures, currently there are three different forests form the previous one block forest. Although they were one forest, information on Nandi forests is very scanty when it is compared to that of Kakamega forest. The species composition and diversity as well as plant communities and population structure of Nandi forests have not been studied. Information is not available about the similarity status of South and North Nandi forests. Furthermore the natural regeneration potential (seedling bank) of these forests is not well studied and documented. Hence this study aims to fill these gaps.
In this study totally 76 quadrates (49 from South Nandi and 27 from North Nandi) were used to collect data. In the South Nandi forests 27 of the quadrates were laid in the better side of the forest (at Kobujoi) and the remaining 22 were in the heavily disturbed part of this forest (Bonjoge). The quadrates were arranged on transects that have one to one and half km which were parallel to the slope. The distance between the quadrates was 100 meter and transects are 500 m apart. The size of the main quadrate was 400 m2 (20 X 20 m) which also had five small plots (3 X 3 m) distributed on the four corners and in the center. Each woody plants (climbers, shrubs and trees) having more than one meter and greater than two centimeter diameter at breast height (dbh) were measured and recorded. Seedlings and herbaceous plants were sampled in the smaller plots. Individual plants were identified at species level and when it was not possible to identify in the field voucher specimen were prepared and latter identified at the East African Herbarium, National Museum of Kenya, and Nairobi. Clustering and ordination were performed using PC-ORD and CANOCO ecological softwares, respectively. For both clustering and ordination abundance data of the species was used. Shannon diversity index and evenness were computed using PC-ORD while similarity indices, Fisher alpha, rarefaction, species richness estimation (nonparametric species richness estimators) were conducted using EstimateS. Indicator species analysis was undertaken using PC-ORD. Basal area and height class distribution at forests level or site level (Bonjoge and Kobujoi) and diameter (dbh) class distribution for selected trees species were performed to evaluate population structure.
Furthermore importance value (IV) of woody plant species was calculated. SPSS version 16 was used to undertake both parametric (when data assume normal distribution) and nonparametric (when data are not assuming normal distribution) comparison of means, correlation and regression analysis.
In this study totally 321 vascular plant species comprising 92 families and 243 genera were identified in Nandi forests (both South and North Nandi forests). In South Nandi forest 253 plant species form 82 families and 201 genera were recorded while in North Nandi 181 species comprising 67 families and 155 genera were recorded. Jackknife second order estimators gave the highest species richness estimate for both South and North Nandi forests i.e. 284 and 209, respectively. In the case of highly disturbed and less disturbed parts of South Nandi forest 138 and 172 vascular plant species were recorded, respectively. Asteraceae, Rubiaceae and Euphorbiaceae are the top three species rich families of Nandi forests. In terms of different diversity measures (i.e. alpha and beta diversity, Fisher alpha, Shannon diversity and evenness indices) South Nandi is more diverse than North Nandi forest. Sörensen and Jaccard (classic) as well as their respective abundance based similarities showed that there is a low species similarity between South and Nandi forests. The cluster analysis resulted in three different plant communities and this result is supported by the ordination result.
South and North Nandi forest has inverted "J" height class distribution showing that larger proportion of woody plant individuals are found in the lower height classes. Similar pattern is observed when the diameters of all woody plants were considered together. However, different diameter class distributions (seven types) were identified when selected tree species were analyzed separately. It has been observed that the basal area of South Nandi forest is significantly lower than that of North Nandi forest (Mann-Whitney U =358, p < 0.001). Similarly Bonjoge has significantly lower basal area (t-value=3.77, p<0.01) than that of Kobujoi. Number of woody plat seedlings in South Nandi forest is significantly higher than that of North Nandi (Mann-Whitney U = 362.5, p<0.001). In the same way Bonjoge has significantly smaller number of ssedlings than Kobujoi (t-value 4.24, p<0.001). Most of species in both forests are able to resprout from stumps after physical damage; hence this helps the regeneration of the forests in addition to seedling banks. This study enables to fill some of the information gaps about Nandi forests especially of floristic composition, population structure, natural regeneration and human impacts on this ecosystem.
The concept of hard and soft news (HSN) is regarded as one of the most important concepts in journalism research. Despites this popularity, two major research voids can be assigned to the concept. First, it lacks conceptual clarity: the concept gets used interchangeably with related concepts such as sensationalism, which has led to fuzzy demarcations of HSN. Also, it is still not agreed on of which dimensions the concept in composed. Second, little is known about the factors that influence the production of news in terms of their hard or soft nature. The present disserta-tion casts a twofold glance on the HSN concept – it aims to assess the conceptual status of the concept and production of hard and soft news.
At the outset, this dissertation delineates the theoretical base for three manuscripts in total and presented considerations on concepts in social sciences in general and hard and soft news in particular as well as the production of news, particularly of hard and soft news. The first paper proposed a theoretical frame-work model to distinguish HSN and related concepts. Based on a literature review of in total five concepts, this model suggested a hierarchy in which these concepts can be discerned according to their occurrence in media content. The second pa-per focused on the inner coherence of the HSN concept in its most recent academ-ic understanding. The results of a factorial survey with German newspaper jour-nalists showed that, indeed, four out of five dimensions of the HSN concept com-prised what the journalists understood by it. Hence, the most recent academic un-derstanding is to a great extent coherent. The third study shed light on the produc-tion of HSN, focusing on the influence of individual journalists’ and audience’s characteristics on whether news was presented in hard or soft way. The findings of a survey with simulated decision scenarios among German print journalists showed that the HSN dimensions were susceptible to different journalistic influ-ences and that a perceived politically uninterested audience led to a softer cover-age. The dissertation concluded with connecting these findings with the considera-tions on concept evaluation and the production of news. Implications for research on and with the concept of HSN were presented, before concluding with limitations and suggestions for future research.
In jüngerer Vergangenheit erlebt der zumeist auf Michel Foucault zurückgeführte Begriff des 'Dispositivs' – ähnlich wie zuvor der des 'Diskurses' – eine regelrechte Konjunktur in den Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften. Seine Verwendung weist jedoch eine Reihe von Verkürzungen und Entstellungen auf; so werden damit recht pauschal meist bloß die architekturalen und/oder räumlichen Umstände bzw. Kontexte sozialer, medialer oder anderer Situationen bezeichnet, ohne die für Foucault so wichtigen Fragen nach Wissen, Macht und Subjektivität zu beachten. So gerät der Begriff in Gefahr, seine theoretische und analytische Potenz einzubüßen.
In „Im Dispositiv. Macht, Medium, Wissen“ legt die Autorin daher in einem ersten Schritt eine Präzisierung des Dispositivbegriffs vor, der den zugrundeliegenden Theoriehorizont Foucaults systematisch miteinbezieht. Dazu werden zunächst diskurstheoretische Grundlagen erläutert und anschließend deren strukturelle Analogien zu den machtanalytischen Befunden Foucaults mit Hilfe einer neuen Terminologie sichtbar gemacht.
Vor allem in den Medienwissenschaften ist der Begriff des Dispositivs prominent, um die gesellschaftliche Einbettung von Einzelmedien zu pointieren. Jedoch fällt auf, dass der dort in weiten Teilen vertretene Ansatz, Medien als Dispositive zu verstehen, den Blick auf medienspezifische Eigenlogiken verstellt. In einem zweiten Schritt weist die Autorin daher die strukturellen Analogien von Medialität, Wissen und Macht auf und kommt so zu einem integrativen Dispositivkonzept, das die drei Sphären als dynamisch miteinander verknüpfte, interdependente und reziproke Felder von Kultur modelliert.
Streams are coupled with their riparian area. Emerging insects from streams can be an important prey in the riparian area. Such aquatic subsidies can cause predators to switch prey or increase predator abundances. This can impact the whole terrestrial food web. Stressors associated with agricultural land use can alter insect communities in water and on land, resulting in complex response patterns of terrestrial predators that rely on prey from both systems.
This thesis comprises studies on the impact of aquatic nsects on a terrestrial model ecosystem (Objective 1, hapter 2), the influence of agricultural land use on riparian spiders’ traits and community (Objective 2, Chapter 3), and on the impact of agricultural land use on the contribution of different prey to spider diet (Objective 3, Chapter 4).
In chapter 2, I present a study where we conducted a mesocosm experiment to examine the effects of aquatic subsidies on a simplified terrestrial food web consisting of two types of herbivores (leafhoppers and weevils), plants and predators (spiders). I focused on the prey choice of the spiders by excluding predator immigration and reproduction. In accordance with predator switching, survival of leafhoppers increased in the presence of aquatic subsidies. By contrast, the presence of aquatic subsidies indirectly reduced weevils and herbivory.
In chapter 3, I present the results on the taxonomic and trait response of riparian spider communities to gradients of agricultural stressors and environmental variables, with a particular emphasis on pesticides. To capture spiders with different traits and survival strategies, we used multiple collection methods. Spider community composition was best explained by in-stream pesticide toxicity and shading of the stream bank, a proxy for the quality of the habitat. Species richness and the number of spider individuals, as well as community ballooning ability, were negatively associated with in-stream pesticide toxicity. In contrast, mean body size and shading preference of spider communities responded strongest to shading,
whereas mean niche width (habitat preference for moisture and shading) responded strongest to other environmental variables.
In chapter 4, I describe aquatic-terrestrial predator-prey relations with gradients of agricultural stressors and environmental variables. I sampled spiders, as well as their aquatic and terrestrial prey along streams with an assumed pesticide pollution gradient and determined their stable carbon and nitrogen signals. Potential aquatic prey biomass correlated positively with an increasing aquatic prey contribution of T. montana. The contribution of aquatic prey to the diet of P. amentata showed a positive relationship with increasing toxicity in streams.
Overall, this thesis contributes to the emerging discipline of cross-ecosystem ecology and shows that aquatic-terrestrial linkages and riparian food webs can be influenced by land use related stressors. Future manipulative field studies on aquatic-terrestrial linkages are required that consider the quality of prey organisms, fostering mechanistic understanding of such crossecosystem effects. Knowledge on these linkages is important to improve understanding of consequences of anthropogenic stressors and to prevent further losses of ecosystems and their biodiversity.
Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) werden zunehmend als Kernkomponenten des digitalen Arbeitsplatzes in Unternehmen eingesetzt, die mit der Implementierung dieser neuen Softwaregattung jeweils unterschiedliche Ziele für die innerbetriebliche Zusammenarbeit verfolgen. Diese Ziele werden in der Praxis oftmals nicht eindeutig genug formuliert. Der Einsatz von traditionellen Controlling-Kennzahlen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Termineinhaltung und Kosten sind zudem ungeeignet, um die Realisierung des individuellen Nutzens von ECS zu messen. Diese Forschungsarbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung und Anwendung des Benefits Scorecards for Collaboration Platforms in Enterprises (SCoPE) Frameworks, das als ein Rahmenwerk für die kennzahlengestützte Nutzenmessung von ECS dient und an dem Goal-Question-Metrics-Approach der NASA sowie der Balance Scorecard von Kaplan & Norton angelehnt ist. Die Ergebnisse tragen zu einem breiteren Verständnis der kennzahlenbasierten Nutzenanalyse für ECS in Organisationen bei. Das Benefits-SCoPE-Framework wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Experten aus 16 Anwenderunternehmen im Rahmen der Initiative IndustryConnect entwickelt. In einem design-orientierten Ansatz wurde ein ausgewählter Methodenmix angewandt, inklusive Experteninterview, Fokusgruppe, Workshop und Card Sorting. Der von Anwenderunternehmen erwartete Nutzen des ECS wird in spezifische, durch Kennzahlen beantwortbare Fragestellungen umformuliert und fragmentiert. Insgesamt konnten so 313 nutzenorientierte Fragen von drei Anwenderunternehmen identifiziert werden. Die durchgeführte Kategorisierung der Fragen verdeutlicht zum einen das gemeinsame Verständnis der Unternehmen hinsichtlich der entscheidenden Faktoren für die Nutzenrealisierung von ECS und zum anderen die Nutzen-ziele, die die Unternehmen durch den Einsatz des ECS anvisieren. Die Entwicklung und Erhebung von Kennzahlen zur quantitativen Beantwortung von ausgewählten Fragestellungen wird mit funktions-fähigen Prototypen auf einer operativen Kollaborationsplattform demonstriert, die seit mehr als sieben Jahren im Einsatz ist und mehr als 5.000 registrierte Benutzer aufweist. Die Kennzahlenentwicklung, die Auswahl der Datenerhebungsmethode, die Durchführung der Messung sowie die Interpretation der Messergebnisse werden im Framework durch die Verwendung von Benefits Scorecards unterstützt. Die individuelle Orchestrierung mehrerer Benefits Scorecards repräsentiert die Struktur eines Ordnungssystems zur ECS-Nutzenanalyse in Anwenderunternehmen und verdeutlicht das Vorgehen zur Erhebung der äquivalenten Daten.
Die Umbruchphase in der beruflichen Erstausbildung - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Berufsschulen - zeigt Wirkung auf schulische, didaktische und pädagogische Konzeptionen. Die kaum noch überschaubaren technologischen, ingenieur- und naturwissenschaftlichen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahrzehnte haben die Inhalte einer gewerblich-technischen Ausbildung, aber auch die zunehmenden Anforderungen an die fachliche, methodische, emotionale und persönliche Kompetenz radikal verändert und werden sich weiterhin verändern. Wenn auch die Berufausbildung durch die Entwicklung neuer Berufsbilder und angepasster Lehrpläne versucht darauf zu reagieren, geht es in erster Linie doch um ein neues Lernverständnis. Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen das einmal erworbene berufliche Können lebenslang vorhält. Vor-dringlicher denn je fordert der rasante technologische Veränderungsprozess eine lebenslange Lernkompetenz. Mittlerweile reicht in den meisten Fällen die Bereitschaft allein nicht mehr aus, sich aus eigenem Antrieb neue Kompetenzen während der beruflichen Tätigkeit anzueignen, die Lerner müssen auch dazu befähigt sein. Unverkennbar zeigt sich in der Berufsschule als Folge davon eine deutliche Hinwendung zu offenen Lernformen. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass bisherige Konzepte den Erwerb von anspruchsvollen Handlungs- und Lernkompetenzen nicht erfüllen können. Es stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit der Projektunterricht als Unterrichtskonzept in der Lage ist, neben der Vermittlung der erforderlichen neuen Handlungskompetenzen, auch die Bereitschaft der Lernenden zu wecken, eigenverantwortlich und selbstständig lebensbegleitend zu lernen und sich weiter zu qualifizieren. Sich auf Projektunterricht einzulassen, kann durchaus als Wagnis nicht nur hinsichtlich des Verlaufes als auch des Ergebnisses gesehen werden. Eine treffende Umschreibung bieten DE BIE/LOUWERSE (1977, 211): "Es kann nicht genug betont werden, daß Projektunterricht größere Anstrengungen, mehr Einsatz, mehr Disziplin und eine größere Frustrationstoleranz erfordert als der traditionelle Unterricht. Im Projektunterricht gibt es kein festes System und keinen Dozenten, der die Vorbereitung und die Durchführung übernimmt, und man kann daher auch nicht die Mängel auf sie projizieren oder Frustrationen auf sie abwälzen. Projektunterricht stellt größere Anforderungen als der traditionelle Unterricht; deshalb erfordert er auch "reifere" Teilnehmer - sowohl was die Studenten wie die Dozenten betrifft. - Mit der Aufarbeitung des Projektunterrichts in einer gewerblichen Berufsschule in Form einer Fallstudie greift der Autor ein zentrales betriebs- und berufspädagogisches Thema auf. Er gliedert seine Fallstudie in sechs Kapitel. Nach der allgemeinen Betrachtung des Lernens richtet sich sein Fokus im ersten Abschnitt auf die Anforderungen in der heutigen Zeit und vor allem auf das in der Berufsschule gemäß Lehrplan geforderte Konzept der Handlungskompetenz. Die beiden folgenden Kapitel beschäftigen sich mit dem Projektunterricht. In Teil zwei werden zunächst die Grundlagen herausgearbeitet und über den historischen Rückblick auf die Inhalts- und Berührungspunkte dieser Lernart hingewiesen. Die Problematik angesichts der zahlreichen Projektautoren mit ihren unterschiedlichen Standpunkten wird bei der Begriffsklärung nur zu deutlich. Darauf aufbauend erfolgt in Kapitel drei die Beleuchtung des Projektunterrichts als didaktisches Modell. FLECHSIGS Konzeption didaktischer Modelle zeigt auf, dass der Projektunterricht wesentlich zur individuellen Förderung der Persönlichkeit beiträgt und beispielhaft eine Fülle von Lernmöglichkeiten für Schüler und Lehrer bietet. Teil vier beinhaltet das Konzept der Fallstudie zum "projektorientierten Unterricht". Projekt "Lampe" ist als Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Unterrichtsqualität im Rahmen der Schulentwicklung an der Berufsschule zu verstehen. Der Verfasser verfolgt mit dem Projekt "Lampe" zweierlei: Zum einen sollen die bisher vereinzelt gemachten Erfahrungen mit selbstständigen Lernprozessen gebündelt und in eine komplexe Aufgabe transferiert werden, andererseits erstrebt er, den Anforderungen an den klassischen Projektunterricht so nah wie möglich zu kommen. Die Untersuchung wird geleitet von folgender Hauptthese: "Volljährige Schüler, die in einer eigenen Lehrwerkstatt mit hauptberuflichen Ausbildern ihren Beruf erlernen, den Abschluss der "Mittleren Reife" mitbringen, überdurchschnittliche Leistungen im Rahmen der Ausbildung nachweisen können, stehen offenen Lehr- und Lernformen (in diesem Fall dem Projektlernen) positiv gegenüber." Der Autor erhob die für die empirische Auswertung maßgeblichen Informationen in Teil fünf über ein von jedem Schüler anonym am Ende jeder Projektwoche auszufüllendes Meinungsbarometer. Gegenstand der Auswertung war die gesamte Population. Die Fallstudie weist folgende Vorgehensweise auf: Die zentralen Fragestellungen mündeten in das Meinungsbarometer. Die darin enthaltenen Fragebogenkategorien wurden mit der Faktorenanalyse auf ihre Zusammensetzung hin überprüft und aufgrund des Ergebnisses für die Auswertung neu gruppiert. Über die Korrelationsprüfung der Fragebogenkomponenten traten die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Fragebogen und den in den zentralen Fragestellungen genannten Items hervor. rnAbschließend erfolgte die Untersuchung der korrelierenden Variablen unter Einbezug der Schulbildung mit der Varianzanalyse und die Bewertung der Hauptthese. Die umfangreichen Daten der Ergebnisse erhalten trotz der hohen Informationsdichte durch die Darstellung in Tabellen, Polygonzügen und Histogrammen ein hohes Maß an Anschaulichkeit. Teil sechs bietet einen Ausblick auf die zukünftige Gestaltung des Projekts "Lampe".
Connected vehicles will have a tremendous impact on tomorrow’s mobility solutions. Such systems will heavily rely on information delivery in time to ensure the functional reliability, security and safety. However, the host-centric communication model of today’s networks questions efficient data dissemination in a scale, especially in networks characterized by a high degree of mobility. The Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm has evolved as a promising candidate for the next generation of network architectures. Based on a loosely coupled communication model, the in-network processing and caching capabilities of ICNs are promising to solve the challenges set by connected vehicular systems. In such networks, a special class of caching strategies which take action by placing a consumer’s anticipated content actively at the right network nodes in time are promising to reduce the data delivery time. This thesis contributes to the research in active placement strategies in information-centric and computation-centric vehicle networks for providing dynamic access to content and computation results. By analyzing different vehicular applications and their requirements, novel caching strategies are developed in order to reduce the time of content retrieval. The caching strategies are compared and evaluated against the state-of-the-art in both extensive simulations as well as real world deployments. The results are showing performance improvements by increasing the content retrieval (availability of specific data increased up to 35% compared to state-of-the-art caching strategies), and reducing the delivery times (roughly double the number of data retrieval from neighboring nodes). However, storing content actively in connected vehicle networks raises questions regarding security and privacy. In the second part of the thesis, an access control framework for information-centric connected vehicles is presented. Finally, open security issues and research directions in executing computations at the edge of connected vehicle networks are presented.
Non-Contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are a major problem in modern football (soccer). The stud design of the football shoes is suspected to be one important risk factor for ACL injuries.
The aim of this thesis was therefore to investigate whether or not the football shoe stud design corresponds to the loads occurring in the ACL. As direct measurements as well as subject tests (ethical reasons) are not possible, mechanical tests of the shoe-surface interaction are the only way to answer the research question. Hereby the realistic loading of the football shoes during the experimental tests is of major importance in order to get reliable and meaningful measurement results.
Therefore the kinematics and ground reaction forces of real ACL injury situations were determined by means of the Poser method and the resulting joint moments were calculated via computer simulation using an inverse dynamics approach. The results of the Poser analysis and the computer simulation were the basic condition for the experimental setup comparing four different stud designs using a novel pneumatic driven test device called TrakTester.
The measurement data showed significant differences of the measured forces and torques between the different stud designs. In order to estimate the influence of the stud design on the loading of the ACL risk potentials were derived from the measurement data for each loading scenario considering also medical and biomechanical knowledge. These risk potentials lead to the conclusion that the stud design influences the loading of the ACL. But they depend substantially on the specific boundary conditions and the loading scenario. This thesis basically contradicts the assumption that the use of football shoes with bladed studs causes a higher risk for the ACL compared to shoes with conventional round studs. In summary the new method developed during this thesis enables in combination with the TrakTester a considerably more realistic investigation of the shoe-surface interaction than approaches used up to now. Beside their role as boundary conditions for the experimental setup the results of the Poser analysis and the computer simulation provide furthermore a lot of biomechanical perceptions regarding the injury mechanism of non-contact ACL-injuries.
Because silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are broadly applied in consumer products, their leaching will result in the continuous release of Ag NPs into the natural aquatic environment. Therefore, bacterial biofilms, as the prominent life form of microorganisms in the aquatic environment, are most likely confronted with Ag NPs as a pollutant stressor. Notwithstanding the significant ecological relevance of bacterial biofilms in aquatic systems, and though Ag NPs are expected to accumulate within these biofilms in the environment, the knowledge on the environmental and ecological impact of Ag NPs, is still lagging behind the industrial growth of nanotechnology. Consequently, aim of this thesis was to perform effect assessment of Ag NP exposure on bacterial biofilms with ambient Ag NPs concentrations and under environmentally relevant conditions. Therefore, a comprehensive set of methods was applied in this work to study if and how Ag NPs of two different sizes (30 and 70 nm) affect bacterial biofilms i.e. both monospecies biofilms and freshwater biofilms in environmentally relevant concentrations (600 - 2400 µg l-1). Within the first part of this work, a newly developed assay to test the mechanical stability of
monospecies biofilms of the freshwater model bacterium Aquabacterium citratiphilum was validated. In the first study, to investigate the impact of Ag NPs on the mechanical stability of bacterial biofilms, sublethal effects on the mechanical stability of the biofilms were observed with negative implications for biostabilization. Furthermore, as it is still challenging to monitor the ecotoxicity of Ag NPs in natural freshwater environments, a mesocosm study was performed in this work to provide the possibility for the detailed investigation of effects of Ag NPs on freshwater biofilms under realistic environmental conditions. By applying several approaches to analyze biofilms as a whole in response to Ag NP treatment, insights into the resilience of bacterial freshwater biofilms were obtained. However, as revealed by t-RFLP fingerprinting combined with phylogenetic studies based on the 16S gene, a shift in the bacterial community composition, where Ag NP-sensitive bacteria were replaced by more Ag NP-tolerant species with enhanced adaptability towards Ag NP stress was determined. This shift within the bacterial community may be associated with potential detrimental effects on the functioning of these biofilms with respect to nutrient loads, transformation and/or degradation of pollutants, and biostabilization. Overall, bringing together the key findings of this thesis, 4 general effect mechanisms of Ag NP treatment have been identified, which can be extrapolated to natural freshwater biofilms i.e. (i) the identification of Comamonadaceae as Ag NP-tolerant, (ii) a particular resilient behaviour of the biofilms, (iii) the two applied size fractions of Ag NPs exhibited similar effects independent of their sizes and their synthesis method, and (iv) bacterial biofilms show a high uptake capacity for Ag NPs, which indicates cumulative enrichment.
Früher wurden in Museen den Besuchern meist gesicherte Wissensbestände präsentiert. Heute ist das vielfach anders: Nicht nur fraglos geltendes Wissen, sondern auch der Prozess dorthin wird aufgezeigt. Die dargebotene Information ist teilweise nicht mehr konsistent und widerspruchsfrei sondern konfligierend. Wie aber reagieren die Besucher auf konfligierende Information? Wie unterstützen ihre persönlichen Vorrausetzungen eine differenziertere Betrachtung? Wie können Museen " obwohl ihre Information doch freiwillig, selbstbestimmt, ohne Zwang und Pression rezipiert wird - die Informationsverarbeitung ihrer Besucher durch eine bestimmte räumliche Informationsanordnung beeinflussen? Diese Fragen wurden mittels vier Feldstudien vor Ort untersucht:
Studie 1 charakterisiert Museumsbesucher durch Persönlichkeitsprofile, die aus den für die Verarbeitung konfligierender Information als relevant betrachteten Personenmerkmalen (epistemologischen Überzeugungen, Ambiguitätstoleranz, Selbstwirksamkeitsannahmen) erstellt sind.
Studie 2 untersucht den Einfluss dieser Personenmerkmale und des situationalen Interesses auf die Tendenz zur Konfliktverarbeitung, ohne Fähigkeiten und Fassungskraft des Besuchers zu berücksichtigen.
Studie 3 überprüft die Effekte von situationalem Interesse, epistemologischen Überzeugungen, Ambiguitätstoleranz und Selbstwirksamkeitsannahmen auf die Konfliktverarbeitungsleistung.
In Studie 4 wird schließlich die Wirkung räumlich naher Informationspräsentation untersucht.
Museumsbesucher können durch die Persönlichkeitsprofile "selbstzweifelnd skeptisch", "selbstbewusst vertrauensvoll" und "stabilitätsgläubig" charakterisiert werden. Eine überwältigende Mehrheit zeigt die Bereitschaft, Konflikte wahrzunehmen und ein großer Teil ist darüber hinaus bereit, konfligierende Informationen auf tieferer Ebene zu verarbeiten. Eine räumlich nahe (thematisch kontinuierliche) Präsentation unterstützt die Tendenz, tief zu verarbeiten. Etwa drei Viertel der Besucher konnten erkennen, wann konfligierende Information logisch widersprüchlich ist und konnten überzufällig gut bei konsistenter und konfligierender Information Kohärenz bilden. Positive Selbstwirksamkeitsannahmen unterstützen vermittelt über hohes situationales Interesse die Tendenz, Information tiefer zu verarbeiten und steigern die Fähigkeit, Kohärenz zu bilden. Reifere epistemologische Überzeugungen der Dimension "Sicherheit" und "Veränderlichkeit" fördern Kohärenzbildung.
This thesis presents the analysis of gamebased touristic applications. In tourism, actions can only be motivated intrinsic. Thus, this thesis at first researches specific intrinsic motivation concepts. It shows how gamebased motivation can be produced on purpose and answers the question whether gamebased motivation can be transferred to non-gamebased applications.
Using these results, different touristic applications have been developed and evaluated.
All applications aimed to add value to the touristic experience. The applications are sorted by their mobility. There are completely mobile, completely stationary and hybrid systems in this work. There are different ways to add value which are presented in this work: Gamebased exploration, knowledge transfer and social interaction between tourists.
Finally, an authoring tool for gamebased touristic tours on smartphones is presented.
Education and training of the workforce have become an important competitive factor for companies because of the rapid technological changes in the economy and the corresponding ever shorter innovation cycles. Traditional training methods, however, are limited in terms of meeting the resulting demand for education and training in a company, which continues to grow and become faster all the time. Therefore, the use of technology-based training programs (that is, courseware) is increasing because courseware enables self-organized and self-paced learning and, through integration into daily work routines, allows optimal transfer of knowledge and skills, resulting in high learning outcome. To achieve these prospects, high-quality courseware is required, with quality being defined as supporting learners optimally in achieving their learning goals. Developing high-quality courseware, however, usually requires more effort and takes longer than developing other programs, which limits the availability of this courseware in time and with the required quality.
This dissertation therefore deals with the research question of how courseware has to be developed in order to produce high-quality courseware with less development effort and shorter project duration. In addition to its high quality, this courseware should be optimally aligned to the characteristics and learning goals of the learners as well as to the planned usage scenarios for the knowledge and skills being trained. The IntView Method for the systematic and efficient development of high-quality courseware was defined to answer the research question of this dissertation. It aims at increasing the probability of producing courseware in time without exceeding project schedules and budgets while developing a high-quality product optimally focused on the target groups and usage scenarios.
The IntView Methods integrates those execution variants of all activities and activity steps required to develop high-quality courseware, which were identified in a detailed analysis of existing courseware development approaches as well as production approaches from related fields, such as multimedia, web, or software engineering, into a systematic process that in their interaction constitute the most efficient way to develop courseware. The main part of the proposed method is therefore a systematic process for engineering courseware that encompasses all courseware lifecycle phases and integrates the activities and methods of all disciplines involved in courseware engineering, including a lifecycle encompassing quality assurance, into a consolidated process. This process is defined as a lifecycle model as well as a derived process model in the form of a dependency model in order to optimally support courseware project teams in coordinating and synchronizing their project work. In addition to the models, comprehensive, ready-to-apply enactment support materials are provided, consisting of work sheets and document templates that include detailed activity descriptions and examples.
The evaluation of the IntView Method proved that the method together with the enactment support materials enables efficient as well as effective courseware development. The projects and case studies conducted in the context of this evaluation demonstrate that, on the one hand, the method is easily adaptable to the production of different kinds of courseware or to different project contexts, and, on the other hand, that it can be used efficiently and effectively.
This thesis was motivated by the need to advance the knowledge on the variability and dynamics of energy fluxes in lakes and reservoirs, as well as about the physical processes that regulate the fluxes at both the air and water side of the air-water interface.
In the first part, I re-examine how mechanical energy, resulting from its major source – the vertical wind energy flux - distributes into the various types of water motions, including turbulent flows and surface and internal waves. Although only a small fraction of the wind energy flux from the atmosphere is transferred to the water, it is crucial for physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes in lentic ecosystems. Based on extensive air- and water-side measurements collected at two small water bodies (< 10 km2), we estimated the energy fluxes and energy content in surface and in internal waves. Overall, the estimated energy fluxes and energy content agree well with results reported for larger water bodies, suggesting that the energetics driving the water motions in enclosed basins is similar, independently of the basin size. Our findings highlight the importance of the surface waves that receive the largest fraction of the wind energy flux, which strongly nonlinearly increases for wind speeds exceeding 3 m s-1. We found that the existing parameterization of the wave height as a function of wind speed and fetch length did not reproduce the measured wave amplitude in lakes. On average, the highest energy content was observed in basin-scale internal waves, together with high-frequency internal waves exhibiting seasonal variability and varies among the aquatic systems. During our analysis, we discovered the diurnal variability of the energy dissipation rates in the studied lake, suggesting biogenic turbulence generation, which appears to be a widespread phenomenon in lakes and reservoirs.
In the second part of the thesis, I addressed current knowledge gaps related to the bulk transfer coefficients (also known as the drag coefficient, the Stanton number and the Dalton number), which are of a particular importance for the bulk estimation of the surface turbulent fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat in the atmospheric boundary layer. Their inaccurate representation may lead to significant errors in flux estimates, affecting, for example, the weather and climate predictions or estimations of the near-surface current velocities in lake hydrodynamic models. Although the bulk transfer coefficients have been extensively studied over the past several decades (mainly in marine and large-lake environments), there has been no systematic analysis of measurements obtained at lakes of different size. A significant increase of the transfer coefficients at low wind speeds (< 3 m s-1) has been observed in several studies, but, to date, it has remained unexplained. We evaluated
the bulk transfer coefficients using flux measurements from 31 lakes and reservoirs. The estimates were generally within the range reported in previous studies for large lakes and oceans. All transfer coefficients increased substantially at low wind speeds, which was found to be associated with the presence of gusts and capillary waves (except the Dalton number). We found that the Stanton number is systematically higher than the Dalton number. This challenges the assumption made in the Bowen-ratio method, which is widely used for estimating evaporation rates from micrometeorological measurements. We found that the variability of the transfer coefficients among the lakes could be associated with lake surface area. In flux parameterizations at lake surfaces, it is recommended to consider variations in the drag coefficient and the Stanton number due to wind gustiness and capillary wave roughness while the Dalton number could be considered as constant at all wind speeds.
In the third part of the thesis, I address the key drivers of the near-surface turbulence that control the gas exchange in a large regulated river. As all inland waters, rivers are an important natural source of greenhouse gases. The effects of the widespread alteration and regulation of river flow for human demands on gas exchange is largely unknown. In particular, the near-surface turbulence in regulated rivers has been rarely measured and its drivers have not been identified. While in lakes and reservoirs, near-surface turbulence is mainly related to atmospheric forcing, in shallow rivers and streams it is generated by bottom friction of the gravity-forced flow. The studied large regulated river represents a transition between these two cases. Atmospheric forcing and gravity were the dominant drivers of the near-surface turbulence for a similar fraction of the measurement period. Based on validated scalings, we derived a simple model for estimating the relative contributions of wind and bottom friction to near-surface turbulence in lotic ecosystems with different flow depths. Large diel variability in the near-surface energy dissipation rates due to flow regulation leads to the same variability in gas exchange. This suggests that estimates of gas fluxes from rivers are biased by measurements performed predominantly during daytime.
In addition, the novelty in all the analyses described above is the use of the turbulent surface fluxes measured directly by the eddy-covariance technique – at the moment of writing, the most advanced method. Overall, this thesis is of a potential interest for a broad range of scientific disciplines, including limnology, micrometeorology and open channel hydraulics.
An assistance system has been developed for the purpuse of supporting the surgeon during the repositioning phase of intramedullary nailing of femural shaft fractures. As a basic principle the high forces generated by femural muscles and ligaments are taken by a linear sledge and a threaded rod. In order to move bone fragments directly Schanz screws are used as bone-machine interface. Two more Schanz screws are used for fine tuning orientation and position of the fragments according to the well known Joystick technique. The screws are fixed to two articulated arms, one passive and one fully robotic with manipulator. Thanks to the serial kinematic configuration of the system only minmal space of the surgeons working area gets occupied. Running a realtime operating system, the central control unit consits could be implemented as an embedded system comprising of a ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller at it’s heart. This enables realtime computation and motor control of each joints value of the robotic arm using inverse kinematics. As inverse kinematics solver the iterative FABRIK algorithm was chosen. Serving as innovative and single user interface for the surgeon an optical force-torque sensor is used. The robotic arm always follows the surgeons motion when interacting with the sensor. Using the proposed demonstrator system a positioning resulution of <0,1mm could be accomplished. Thus by using the proposed solution during intramedullary nailing of femural shaft fractures a tremendous gain in positioning precision of bone fragments can be achieved. Furthermore a massive reduction of x-ray exposition of the surgeon is possible when applying the proposed approach. Also this approach enables the chance of cost reduction of femural fracture therapy due to reduction of needed time and staff.
The publication of freely available and machine-readable information has increased significantly in the last years. Especially the Linked Data initiative has been receiving a lot of attention. Linked Data is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and anybody can simply publish their data in RDF and link it to other datasets. The structure is similar to the World Wide Web where individual HTML documents are connected with links. Linked Data entities are identified by URIs which are dereferenceable to retrieve information describing the entity. Additionally, so called SPARQL endpoints can be used to access the data with an algebraic query language (SPARQL) similar to SQL. By integrating multiple SPARQL endpoints it is possible to create a federation of distributed RDF data sources which acts like one big data store.
In contrast to the federation of classical relational database systems there are some differences for federated RDF data. RDF stores are accessed either via SPARQL endpoints or by resolving URIs. There is no coordination between RDF data sources and machine-readable meta data about a source- data is commonly limited or not available at all. Moreover, there is no common directory which can be used to discover RDF data sources or ask for sources which offer specific data. The federation of distributed and linked RDF data sources has to deal with various challenges. In order to distribute queries automatically, suitable data sources have to be selected based on query details and information that is available about the data sources. Furthermore, the minimization of query execution time requires optimization techniques that take into account the execution cost for query operators and the network communication overhead for contacting individual data sources. In this thesis, solutions for these problems are discussed. Moreover, SPLENDID is presented, a new federation infrastructure for distributed RDF data sources which uses optimization techniques based on statistical information.
Ecological assessment approaches based on benthic invertebrates in Euphrates tributaries in Turkey
Sustainable water management requires methods for assessing ecological stream quality. Many years of limnological research are needed to provide a basis for developing such methods. However, research of this kind is still lacking in Turkey. Therefore, the aim of this doctoral thesis was to provide basic research in the field of aquatic ecology and to present methods for the assessment of ecological stream quality based on benthic invertebrates. For this purpose, I selected 17 tributaries of the Euphrates with a similar typology/water order and varying levels of pollution or not affected by pollution at all. The characterisation of the natural mountain streams was the first important step in the analysis of ecological quality. Based on community indices, I found that the five selected streams had a very good ecological status. I also compared the different biological indications, collected on two occasions ¬– once in spring (May) and once in autumn (September) – to determine the optimal sampling time. The macroinvertebrate composition differed considerably between the two seasons, with the number of taxa and Shannon index being significantly higher in autumn than in spring. In the final step, I examined the basal resources of the macroinvertebrates in the reference streams with an isotope analysis. I found that FPOM and biofilm were the most relevant basal resources of benthic invertebrates. Subsequently, based on the similarity of their community structures, I divided the 17 streams into three quality classes, supported by four community indices (EPT [%], EPTCBO [%], number of individuals, evenness). In this process, 23 taxa were identified as indicators for the three quality classes. In the next step, I presented two new or adapted indices for the assessment of quality class. Firstly, I adapted the Hindu Kush-Himalaya biotic index to the catchment area of the Euphrates and created a new, ecoregion-specific score list (Euph-Scores) for 93 taxa. The weighted ASPT values, which were renamed the Euphrates Biotic Score (EUPHbios) in this study, showed sharper differentiations of quality classes compared to the other considered ASPT values. Thus, this modified index has proved to be very effective and easy to implement in practical applications. As a second biological index, I suggested the proportion of habitat specialists. To calculate this index, the habitat preferences of the 20 most common benthic invertebrates were identified using the new habitat score. The proportion of habitat specialists differed significantly among the three quality classes with higher values in natural streams than in polluted streams. The methods and results presented in this doctoral thesis can be used in a multi-metric index for a Turkish assessment programme.
Changing Lives through Relocation - Ethnography of a Socialized Housing Project in the Philippines
Changing lives through relocation - This is the vision of a socialized housing project in the Philippines which is subject of this dissertation. It is a polyphonic ethnography that investigates the transition process from an informal, marginalized, self-organized lifestyle in squatter areas and dumpsite settlements to an institutionalized and policy-based life in the socialized housing project. The transition process is analyzed from a material cultural perspective taking into account selected aesthetic theories. With this approach, the dissertation aims to contribute to the study of the aesthetic dimension of everyday life from an ethnographic perspective. Aesthetics are applied on three levels: (1) On the theoretical level, the concepts of social aesthetics and atmospheres enrich the analysis of the interrelation between the residents and their new house in the socialized housing project. (2) On the methodological level, the relevance of aesthetic experiences for the ethnographic knowledge process are discussed. And (3) on the descriptive level, selected and thematically relevant sensory and aesthetic experiences of the researcher inform the ethnographic account in the form of memoirs. By incorporating aesthetic theories, the dissertation gives a more holistic account of the dynamics active in the transition process. It shows that the change of lifestyle is experienced sensorily through the daily physical engagement with the new material environment, i.e. its specific materiality and infrastructure, its affordances and constraints giving rise to new experiences and needs. In this process, the residents become aware of the differences between the past and present way of life and thus experience the new challenges through their physical being in the new material environment. On the one hand, this evokes a nostalgic attitude towards their previous life, but on the other hand, it also gives form to ideas of a possible future.
Speziell in Anwendungen mit intensiver Temperatur- und Korrosionsbeanspruchung finden vermehrt Phosphate als sogenannte chemische Binder für Hochleistungskeramiken Verwendung. Konkret ist die Summe der Reaktionsverläufe während des Bindemechanismus in Folge einer thermisch-induzierten Aushärtung und somit die Wirkungsweise von Phosphatbindern prinzipiell innerhalb der Fachliteratur nicht eindeutig untersucht. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurden aufbauend auf einer umfangreichen strukturanalytischen Prüfungsanordnung (Festkörper-NMR, RBA, REM-EDX) einer exemplarischen phosphatgebundenen Al₂O₃-MgAl₂O₄-Hochtemperaturkeramikzusammensetzung unter Einbeziehung verschiedenartiger anorganischer Phosphate grundlegende Bindemechanismen charakterisiert. Mechanisch-physikochemische Eigenschaftsuntersuchungen (STA, Dilatometrie, DMA, KBF) deckten zudem den Einfluss der eingesetzten Phosphate auf die Eigenschaftsentwicklungen der Feuerfestkeramiken bezüglich des Abbindeverhaltens, der Biegefestigkeit sowie der thermischen Längenänderung auf, welche mit Strukturänderungen korreliert wurden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass sich Bindemechanismen bei Verwendung von Phosphaten temperaturgeleitet (20 °C ≤ T ≤ 1500 °C) grundsätzlich aus zwei parallel ablaufenden Reaktionsabfolgen zusammensetzen, wobei die sich entwickelnden Phosphatphasen innerhalb der Keramikmasse quantitativ und qualitativ bezüglich ihrer Bindewirkung bewertet wurden. Zum einen wurde die Bildung eines festigkeitssteigernden Bindenetzwerks aus Aluminiumphosphaten meist amorpher Struktur identifiziert und charakterisiert. Dieses bindungsfördernde, dreidimensionale Aluminiumphosphatnetzwerk baut sich innerhalb der Initialisierungs- und Vernetzungsphasen temperaturgeleitet kontinuierlich über multiple Vernetzungsreaktionen homogen auf. Zum anderen werden Reaktionsabfolgen durch parallel ablaufende Strukturumwandlungen nicht aktiv-bindender Phosphatspezies wie Magnesium-, Calcium- oder Zirkoniumphosphate ergänzt, welche lediglich thermische Umwandlungsreaktionen der Ausgangsphosphate darstellen. Vermehrt bei T > 800 °C geht das phosphatische Bindenetzwerk Festkörperreaktionen mit MgAl₂O₄ unter Ausbildung und Agglomeration von Magnesium-Orthophosphat-Sinterstrukturen ein. Die Bildung dieser niedrigschmelzenden Hochtemperaturphasen führt zu einem teilweisen Bruch des Bindenetzwerks.
Modern agriculture is a dominant land use in Europe, although it has been associated with negative effects on biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. One species-rich insect group in agro-ecosystems is the Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies); however, the populations of a number of Lepidoptera species are currently declining. The aims of this thesis were to assess the amount and structure of field margins in agricultural landscapes, study the effects of realistic field margin input rates of agrochemicals (fertilizer and pesticides) on Lepidoptera, and provide information on moth pollination services.
In general, field margins are common semi-natural habitat elements in agro-ecosystems; however, data on the structure, size, and width of field margins is limited. An assessment in two German agricultural landscapes (4,000 ha each) demonstrated that many of the evaluated field margins were less than 3 m wide (Rhineland‐Palatinate: 85% of margin length; Brandenburg: 45% margin length). In Germany, risk mitigation measures (such as buffer zones) to reduce pesticide inputs to terrestrial non-crop habitats do not have to be established by farmers next to narrow field margins. Thus, narrow field margins receive inputs of agrochemicals, especially via overspray and spray drift. These field margins were used as a development habitat for caterpillars, but the mean abundance of caterpillars was 35 – 60% lower compared with that in meadows. Caterpillars were sensitive to realistic field margin input rates of insecticide (pyrethroid, lambda-cyhalothrin) in a field experiment as well as in laboratory experiments. Moreover, 40% fewer Hadena bicruris eggs were observed on Silene latifolia plants treated with this insecticide compared with control plants, and the flowers of these insecticide-treated plants were less likely to be pollinated by moths. In addition, realistic field margin input rates of herbicides can also affect Lepidoptera. Ranunculus acris L. plants treated with sublethal rates of a sulfonylurea herbicide were used as host plants for Mamestra brassicae L. caterpillars, which resulted in significantly lower caterpillar weights, increased time to pupation, and increased overall development time compared with caterpillars feeding on control plants. These results might have been caused by lower nutritional value of the herbicide-treated plants or increased concentrations of secondary metabolites involved in plant defense. Fertilizer applications slightly increased the caterpillar abundance in the field experiment. However, fertilizers reduce plant diversity in the long term and thus, most likely, also reduce caterpillar diversity.
Moths such as Noctuidae and Sphingidae have been observed to act as pollinators for numerous plant species, including a number of Orchidaceae and Caryophyllaceae. Although in temperate agro-ecosystems moths are less likely to act as the main pollinators for crops, they can pollinate non-crop plants in semi-natural habitats. Currently, the role of moths as pollinators appears to be underestimated, and long-term research focusing on ecosystems is necessary to address temporal fluctuations in their abundance and community composition.
Lepidoptera represent a diverse organism group in agricultural landscapes and fulfill essential ecosystem services, such as pollination. To better protect moths and butterflies, agrochemical inputs to (narrow) field margins habitats should be reduced, for example, via risk mitigation measures and agro-environmental schemes.
Amphibian populations are declining worldwide for multiple reasons such as habitat destruction and climate change. An example for an endangered European amphibian is the yellow-bellied toad Bombina variegata. Populations have been declining for decades, particularly at the northern and western range margin. One of the extant northern range centres is the Westerwald region in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. To implement informed conservation activities on this threatened species, knowledge of its life-history strategy is crucial. This study therefore focused on different developmental stages to test predictions of life-history theory. It addressed (1) developmental, (2) demographic and (3) genetic issues of Bombina variegata as a model organism: (1) Carry-over effects from larval environment to terrestrial stages and associated vulnerability to predators were investigated using mesocosm approaches, fitness tests and predation trials. (2) The dynamics and demography of B. variegata populations were studied applying a capture-mark-recapture analysis and skeletochronology. The study was complemented through (3) an analysis of genetic diversity and structuring of B. variegata populations using 10 microsatellite loci. In order to reveal general patterns and characteristics among B. variegata populations, the study focused on three geographical scales: local (i.e. a former military training area), regional (i.e. the Westerwald region) and continental scale (i.e. the geographical range of B. variegata). The study revealed carry-over effects of larval environment on metamorph phenotype and behaviour causing variation in fitness in the early terrestrial stage of B. variegata. Metamorph size and condition are crucial factors for survival, as small-sized individuals were particularly prone to predator attacks. Yellow-bellied toads show a remarkable fast-slow continuum of the life-history trait longevity. A populations’ position within this continuum may be determined by local environmental stochasticity, i.e. an extrinsic source of variation, and the efficiency of chemical antipredator protection, i.e. an intrinsic source of variation. Extreme longevity seems to be an exception in B. variegata. Senescence was absent in this study. Weather variability affected reproductive success and thus population dynamics. The dispersal potential was low and short-term fragmentation of populations caused significant genetic differentiation at the local scale. Long-term isolation resulted in increased genetic distance at the regional scale. At the continental scale, populations inhabiting the marginal regions were deeply structured with reduced allelic richness. As consequence of environmental changes, short-lived and isolated B. variegata populations at the range margin may face an increased risk of extinction. Conservation measures should thus improve the connectivity among local populations and reinforce annual reproductive success. Further research on the intraspecific variation in B. variegata skin toxins is required to reveal potential effects on palatability and thus longevity.
Animationen können in instruktionalen Kontexten genutzt werden, um Wissen über Sachverhalte zu vermitteln, die Prozesse oder Abläufe beinhalten. So können dynamische Sachverhalte explizit dargestellt werden und müssen nicht vom Lerner selbst in Gedanken hergestellt, sondern nur anhand der Animation nachvollzogen werden. Dies sollte sich positiv auf den Wissenserwerb auswirken. Dabei stellen Animationen mit ihrer besonderen Eigenschaft der Darstellung zeitlicher Abläufe besondere Herausforderungen an den Lerner. Das menschliche Informationsverarbeitungssystem unterliegt bestimmten Begrenzungen im Hinblick auf die Wahrnehmung von Geschwindigkeiten. Zu schnelle und zu langsame Geschwindigkeiten können beispielsweise nur schwer wahrgenommen und dementsprechend auch nicht kognitiv verarbeitet werden. Die Zielsetzung der Arbeit, die sich daraus ergibt, war eine systematische Untersuchung der Wirkung unterschiedlicher Präsentationsgeschwindigkeiten auf das Wahrnehmen und Verstehen eines dynamischen Sachverhaltes anhand einer Animation.
Um die Fragestellungen der Arbeit beantworten zu können, wurden vier experimentelle Studien durchgeführt. Die Pilotstudie hatte das Ziel, sowohl das Lernmaterial als auch den entwickelten Wissenstest zu evaluieren. In Studie 1 wurde der Frage nach dem Einfluss der Präsentationsgeschwindigkeit auf den Wissenserwerb beim Lernen mit einer interaktiven Animation nachgegangen.
Die Studien 2 und 3 untersuchten den Einfluss verschiedener Reihenfolgen von Geschwindigkeiten auf den Wissenserwerb. Hier ging es um eine systematische Erfassung der perzeptuellen und kognitiven Verarbeitung dynamischer Informationen in zwei verschiedenen Geschwindigkeiten mittels Blickbewegungsmessung (Studie 2) und wiederholten Testungen des Wissenserwerbs zwischen den einzelnen Lernphasen (Studie 3).
Die Ergebnisse der Studien deuten darauf hin, dass bei langsamer Geschwindigkeit Wissen über Ereignisse auf untergeordneter zeitlicher Ebene erworben wurde und dass je schneller eine Animation gesehen wurde, umso mehr anteiliges Wissen auf einer übergeordneten zeitlichen Ebene erworben wurde (Studie 1), aber eindeutige Aussagen über den Einfluss der Geschwindigkeit auf den Wissenserwerb auf verschiedenen zeitlichen Hierarchieebenen lassen sich aufgrund der Ergebnisse der Studien nicht machen. Im Hinblick auf die Lernförderlichkeit verschiedener Arten der Sequenzierung von Geschwindigkeiten zeigten sich auch keine eindeutigen Ergebnisse. Aufgrund der Analyse der Blickbewegungsdaten deutet sich jedoch an, dass die Reihenfolge "langsam - schnell" den Bedingungen auf Seiten der Lerner eher entgegen kommt als die Reihenfolge "schnell - langsam".
Die Wirbelsäule als tragende Säule des menschlichen Körpers ist bei vielen Bewegungsabläufen hohen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Fehl- und Überbelastungen rufen dabei oft dauerhafte Schädigungen hervor. Daher ist es von Interesse, die innerhalb der Wirbelsäule auftretenden Belastungen zu bestimmen. Eine moderne und zuverlässige Methode zur Belastungsbestimmung ist der Aufbau eines Berechnungsmodells.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Mehr-Körper-System (MKS) Modell der Lendenwirbelsäule erstellt. Mit Hilfe des Modells können sowohl die übertragenen Kräfte und Momente in allen inneren Strukturen berechnet als auch die Kinematik des Bewegungsablaufs simuliert werden. Die Grundstruktur des Modells bilden die als Starrkörper angenommenen knöchernen Strukturen der fünf Lendenwirbel L1 bis L5, des Os Sacrums und des Os iliums, die über die Segmentierung eines CT-Datensatzes des Abgusses der Wirbeloberflächen eines durchschnittlich großen Europäers gewonnen wurden. Die elastischen Elemente der Wirbelsäule wurden unter Berücksichtigung ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften in das Modell implementiert. Grundlage für die Modellierung der Zwischenwirbelscheiben waren dabei eigens durchgeführte experimentelle Messungen. Das charakteristische Kraft-Deformations-Verhalten der Ligamente wurde der Literatur entnommen.
Die Umsetzung im Computermodell berücksichtigt neben dem physikalischen Verhalten eines einzelnen Ligamentes zusätzlich durch einen Gewichtungsfaktor das Zusammenspiel aller Ligamente im komplex aufgebauten Ligamentapparat. Die Facettengelenke wurden durch Kontaktmodellierung in den Knorpelschichten realisiert. Daneben wurde ein Modell eines Implantatsystems entwickelt, das zur dynamischen Stabilisierung der Lendenwirbelsäule genutzt wird. Die Validierung der erstellten Modelle erfolgte über den Vergleich mit In-Vitro erhobenen Daten. Betrachtet wurden neben der intakten Wirbelsäule zudem degenerative Schädigungen der Zwischenwirbelscheibe und deren operative Versorgung durch Nukleotomie und dynamische Stabilisierung. Die Ergebnisse der Simulationen zeigen dabei eine sehr gute Näherung an die experimentell ermittelten Messwerte. Durch Anwendung der Computermodelle konnten die Auswirkungen verschiedener operativer Eingriffe, wie Interlaminotomie, Hemilaminektomie und Laminektomie auf die unterschiedlichen Strukturen der Lendenwirbelsäule berechnet werden. Ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet lag in der Untersuchung des momentanen Drehzentrums. Neben der Bestimmung der Drehpunktbahn bei intakter Wirbelsäule konnten die Effekte einer degenerativ geschädigten und operativ versorgten Zwischenwirbelscheibe auf den Verlauf des momentanen Drehzentrums berechnet und simuliert werden.
Social Business Documents: An Investigation of their Nature, Structure and Long-term Management
Business documents contain valuable information. In order to comply with legal requirements, to serve as organisational knowledge and to prevent risks they need to be managed. However, changes in technology with which documents are being produced introduced new kinds of documents and new ways of interacting with documents. Thereby, the web 2.0 led to the development of Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS), which enable employees to use wiki, blog or forum applications for conducting their business. Part of the content produced in ECS can be called Social Business Documents (SBD). Compared to traditional digital documents SBD are different in their nature and structure as they are, for example, less well-structured and do not follow a strict lifecycle. These characteristics bring along new management challenges. However, currently research literature lacks investigations on the characteristics of SBD, their peculiarities and management.
This dissertation uses document theory and documentary practice as theoretical lenses to investigate the new challenges of the long-term management of SBD in ECS. By using an interpretative, exploratory, mixed methods approach the study includes two major research parts. First, the nature and structure of Social Business Documents is addressed by analysing them within four different systems using four different modelling techniques each. The findings are used to develop general SBD information models, outlining the basic underlying components, structure, functions and included metadata, as well as a broad range of SBD characteristics. The second phase comprises a focus group, a case study including in-depth interviews and a questionnaire, all conducted with industry representatives. The focus group identified that the kind of SBD used for specific content and the actual place of storage differ between organisations as well as that there are currently nearly no management practices for SBD at hand. The case study provided deep insights into general document management activities and investigated requirements, challenges and actions for managing SBD. Finally, the questionnaire consolidated and deepened the previous findings. It provides insights about the value of SBD, their current management practices as well as management challenges and needs. Despite all participating organisations storing information worth managing in SBD most are not addressing them with management activities and many challenges remain.
Together, the investigations enable a contribution to practice and theory. The progress in practice is summarised through a framework, addressing the long-term management of Social Business Documents. The framework identifies and outlines the requirements and challenges of and the actions for SBD management. It also indicates the dependencies of the different aspects. Furthermore, the findings enable the progress in theory within documentary practice by discussing the extension of document types to include SBD. Existing problems are outlined along the definitions of records and the newly possible characteristics of documents emerging through Social Business Documents are taken into account.
The first group that was revised within my study is Ochralea Clark, 1865 (Hazmi & Wagner 2010a). I have checked the type specimen of most species that were originally described in Ochralea and there is no doubt that this genus is clearly distinct from Monolepta. Weise (1924) has synonymised Galeruca nigripes (Olivier, 1808) with O. nigricornis Clark, 1865 and the valid name of the species is O. nigripes (Olivier, 1808). Out of ten species originally described in this genus, only this species remain valid and O. pectoralis is a new synonym of O. nigripes. Additionally, Monolepta wangkliana Mohamedsaid, 2000 is very closely related to O. nigripes and need to be transferred to Ochralea. The second genus where the revision is still published is Arcastes Baly, 1865 (Hazmi & Wagner 2010b). I have checked the genitalic characters of A. biplagiata, and most of the type species of other Arcastes. Arcastes biplagiata possesses a peculiar shape of the median lobe and asymmetrically arranged endophallic structures. These peculiar characters are very useful to delimit this genus from the others. Therefore, only three valid species remain in Arcastes, while two new synonyms are found and fourrnother species need to be transferred to other genera. While checking the genitalic characteristics of type species of Arcastes sanguinea, thernmedian lobe as well as the spermatheca of this species possesses strong differences to A. biplagiata. The species was redescribed and transferred in a monotypic new genus Rubrarcastes Hazmi & Wagner, 2010c. The fourth genus that was already revised is Neolepta Jacoby, 1884. It was originally described on base of only two species by that time, N. biplagiata and N. fulvipennis. Jacoby has not designated a type species of the genus, and Maulik (1936) did it later, with the designation of N. biplagiata. Jacoby in his original description has only commented that Neolepta is very close and similar to Monolepta Chevrolat, 1837 and Candezea Chapuis, 1879. Subsequent authors have described further eight species, and transferred one species from Luperodes to it, summing up the total number of eleven described species in Neolepta. I have checked the genitalic characters of the type, N. biplagiata and have found out that the median lobe is not incised apically and stronger sclerotised ventral carinae with an apical hook close to the apex occur. Out of all described species, only two are closely related to the genero-type, N. sumatrensis (Jacoby, 1884) new combination and N. quadriplagiata Jacoby, 1886 that will remain in this group after the revision. All other species need to be transferred to other genera, including the newly described Paraneolepta and Orthoneolepta. The last distinct paper of this thesis presented the results on Monolepta Chevrolat, 1837. The massive number of Monolepta from the entire Oriental Region, with about 260 described species names is a more long-life project and not practicable within a PhD-study. Thus I have focused on the species of Monolepta known from the Sundaland area in this work. A comprehensive revision including the study of the primary types of the described species, has never been done for Monolepta from this sub-region, while new species have also been described in the last decade (e. g. Mohamedsaid 1993, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000a,b, 2001, 2002, 2005).
On base of the most current species lists of Mohamedsaid (2001, 2004, 2005) and Kimoto (1990), the number of valid species described from this region is about 72. After my revision, only thirteen valid species can remain in Monolepta in the sense of the generotype M. bioculata (Wagner 2007), while seven species have been found as new synonyms, three have been already transferred to other genera and further 49 species need to be transferred to other genera.
Augmented reality (AR) applications typically extend the user's view of the real world with virtual objects.
In recent years, AR has gained increasing popularity and attention, which has led to improvements in the required technologies. AR has become available to almost everyone.
Researchers have made great progress towards the goal of believable AR, in which the real and virtual worlds are combined seamlessly.
They mainly focus on issues like tracking, display technologies and user interaction, and give little attention to visual and physical coherence when real and virtual objects are combined. For example, virtual objects should not only respond to the user's input; they should also interact with real objects. Generally, AR becomes more believable and realistic if virtual objects appear fixed or anchored in the real scene, appear indistinguishable from the real scene, and response to any changes within it.
This thesis examines on three challenges in the field of computer vision to meet the goal of a believable combined world in which virtual objects appear and behave like real objects.
Firstly, the thesis concentrates on the well-known tracking and registration problem. The tracking and registration challenge is discussed and an approach is presented to estimate the position and viewpoint of the user so that virtual objects appear fixed in the real world. Appearance-based line models, which keep only relevant edges for tracking purposes, enable absolute registration in the real world and provide robust tracking. On the one hand, there is no need to spend much time creating suitable models manually. On the other hand, the tracking can deal with changes within the object or the scene to be tracked. Experiments have shown that the use of appearance-based line models improves the robustness, accuracy and re-initialization speed of the tracking process.
Secondly, the thesis deals with the subject of reconstructing the surface of a real environment and presents an algorithm to optimize an ongoing surface reconstruction. A complete 3D surface reconstruction of the target scene
offers new possibilities for creating more realistic AR applications. Several interactions between real and virtual objects, such as collision and occlusions, can be handled with physical correctness. Whereas previous methods focused on improving surface reconstructions offline after a capturing step, the presented method de-noises, extends and fills holes during the capturing process. Thus, users can explore an unknown environment without any preparation tasks such as moving around and scanning the scene, and without having to deal with the underlying technology in advance. In experiments, the approach provided realistic results where known surfaces were extended and filled in plausibly for different surface types.
Finally, the thesis focuses on handling occlusions between the real and virtual worlds more realistically, by re-interpreting the occlusion challenge as an alpha matting problem. The presented method overcomes limitations in state-of-the-art methods by estimating a blending coefficient per pixel of the rendered virtual scene, instead of calculating only their visibility. In several experiments and comparisons with other methods, occlusion handling through alpha matting worked robustly and overcame limitations of low-cost sensor data; it also outperformed previous work in terms of quality, realism and practical applicability.
The method can deal with noisy depth data and yields realistic results in regions where foreground and background are not strictly separable (e.g. caused by fuzzy objects or motion blur).
Mathematical models of species dispersal and the resilience of metapopulations against habitat loss
Habitat loss and fragmentation due to climate and land-use change are among the biggest threats to biodiversity, as the survival of species relies on suitable habitat area and the possibility to disperse between different patches of habitat. To predict and mitigate the effects of habitat loss, a better understanding of species dispersal is needed. Graph theory provides powerful tools to model metapopulations in changing landscapes with the help of habitat networks, where nodes represent habitat patches and links indicate the possible dispersal pathways between patches.
This thesis adapts tools from graph theory and optimisation to study species dispersal on habitat networks as well as the structure of habitat networks and the effects of habitat loss. In chapter 1, I will give an introduction to the thesis and the different topics presented in this thesis. Chapter 2 will then give a brief summary of tools used in the thesis.
In chapter 3, I present our model on possible range shifts for a generic species. Based on a graph-based dispersal model for a generic aquatic invertebrate with a terrestrial life stage, we developed an optimisation model that models dispersal directed to predefined habitat patches and yields a minimum time until these patches are colonised with respect to the given landscape structure and species dispersal capabilities. We created a time-expanded network based on the original habitat network and solved a mixed integer program to obtain the minimum colonisation time. The results provide maximum possible range shifts, and can be used to estimate how fast newly formed habitat patches can be colonised. Although being specific for this simulation model, the general idea of deriving a surrogate can in principle be adapted to other simulation models.
Next, in chapter 4, I present our model to evaluate the robustness of metapopulations. Based on a variety of habitat networks and different generic species characterised by their dispersal traits and habitat demands, we modeled the permanent loss of habitat patches and subsequent metapopulation dynamics. The results show that species with short dispersal ranges and high local-extinction risks are particularly vulnerable to the loss of habitat across all types of networks. On this basis, we then investigated how well different graph-theoretic metrics of habitat networks can serve as indicators of metapopulation robustness against habitat loss. We identified the clustering coefficient of a network as the only good proxy for metapopulation robustness across all types of species, networks, and habitat loss scenarios.
Finally, in chapter 5, I utilise the results obtained in chapter 4 to identify the areas in a network that should be improved in terms of restoration to maximise the metapopulation robustness under limited resources. More specifically, we exploit our findings that a network’s clustering coefficient is a good indicator for metapopulation robustness and develop two heuristics, a Greedy algorithm and a deducted Lazy Greedy algorithm, that aim at maximising the clustering coefficient of a network. Both algorithms can be applied to any network and are not specific to habitat networks only.
In chapter 6, I will summarize the main findings of this thesis, discuss their limitations and give an outlook of future research topics.
Overall this thesis develops frameworks to study the behaviour of habitat networks and introduces mathematical tools to ecology and thus narrows the gap between mathematics and ecology. While all models in this thesis were developed with a focus on aquatic invertebrates, they can easily be adapted to other metapopulations.
We are living in a world where environmental crises come to a head. To curb aggravation of these problems, a socio-ecological transformation within society is needed, going along with human behavior change. How to encourage such behavior changes on an individual level is the core issue of this dissertation. It takes a closer look at the role of individuals as consumers resulting in purchase decisions with more or less harmful impact on the environment. By using the example of plastic pollution, it takes up a current environmental problem and focuses on an understudied behavioral response to this problem, namely reduction behavior. More concrete, this dissertation examines which psychological factors can encourage the mitigation of plastic packaging consumption. Plastic packaging accounts for the biggest amount of current plastic production and is associated with products of daily relevance. Despite growing awareness of plastic pollution in society, behavioral responses do not follow accordingly and plastic consumption is still very high. As habits are often a pitfall when implementing more resource-saving behavior, this dissertation further examines if periods of discontinuity can open a ’window of opportunity’ to break old habits and facilitate behavior change. Four manuscripts approach this matter from the gross to the subtle. Starting with a literature review, a summary of 187 studies addresses the topic of plastic pollution and human behavior from a societal-scientific perspective. Based on this, a cross-sectional study (N = 648) examines the deter-minants of plastic-free behavior intentions in the private-sphere and public-sphere by structural equation modeling. Two experimental studies in pre-post design build upon this, by integrating the determinants in intervention studies. In addition, it was evaluated if the intervention presented during Lent (N = 140) or an action month of ‘Plastic Free July’ (N = 366) can create a ‘window of opportunity’ to mitigate plastic packaging consumption. The literature review emphasized the need for research on behavioral solutions to reduce plastic consumption. The empirical results revealed moral and control beliefs to be the main determinants of reduction behavior. Furthermore, the time point of an intervention influenced the likelihood to try out the new behavior. The studies gave first evidence that a ‘window of opportunity’ can facilitate change towards pro-environmental behavior within the application field of plastic consumption. Theoretical and practical implications of creating the right opportunity for individuals to contribute to a socio-ecological transformation are finally discussed.
Die Effekte kognitiv-behavioraler Interventionen bei Patienten mit multiplen somatoformen Symptomen liegen lediglich in einem mittleren Bereich und damit deutlich unter den in der Psychotherapiewirkungsforschung angegebenen Effektstärken. Bislang ist es jedoch nicht gelungen, eindeutig replizierbare, patientenseitige Prädiktoren, die für den Erfolg oder Misserfolg einer kognitiv-behavioralen, ambulanten Therapie bei somatoformen Beschwerden verantwortlich sein können, zu finden. In einem längsschnittlichen Untersuchungsdesign wurde an 78 Patienten (mit mindestens zwei somatoformen Körperbeschwerden), die an einer ambulanten Gruppenintervention teilgenommen haben, die Bedeutung von Symptomintensität und -anzahl, soziodemographischen Variablen, komorbiden psychischen Störungen sowie krankheits- und therapiebezogenen Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen für die Prädiktion des kurzfristigen Therapieerfolgs untersucht. In bivariaten Analysen zeigte sich ein signifikanter Zusammenhang der zu Beginn der Behandlung erfassten Symptomanzahl, Ängstlichkeit, dysfunktionalen Kognitionen und der Inanspruchnahme medizinischer Ressourcen mit dem Therapieerfolg. Alter, Geschlecht, Bildungsniveau sowie das Vorliegen einer komorbiden Angststörung oder einer depressiven Edpisode waren nicht mit dem Therapieoutcome assoziiert. In multiplen Regressionsanalysen konnten die signifikanten Zusammenhänge jedoch nur für die Symptomanzahl und mit Einschränkungen für die Ängstlichkeit bestätigt werden. Die Ergebnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund des empirischen Forschungsstandes hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Bedeutung für die differenzielle Therapieindikation diskutiert.
Scientific and public interest in epidemiology and mathematical modelling of disease spread has increased significantly due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Political action is influenced by forecasts and evaluations of such models and the whole society is affected by the corresponding countermeasures for containment. But how are these models structured?
Which methods can be used to apply them to the respective regions, based on real data sets? These questions are certainly not new. Mathematical modelling in epidemiology using differential equations has been researched for quite some time now and can be carried out mainly by means of numerical computer simulations. These models are constantly being refinded and adapted to corresponding diseases. However, it should be noted that the more complex a model is, the more unknown parameters are included. A meaningful data adaptation thus becomes very diffcult. The goal of this thesis is to design applicable models using the examples of COVID-19 and dengue, to adapt them adequately to real data sets and thus to perform numerical simulations. For this purpose, first the mathematical foundations are presented and a theoretical outline of ordinary differential equations and optimization is provided. The parameter estimations shall be performed by means of adjoint functions. This procedure represents a combination of static and dynamical optimization. The objective function corresponds to a least squares method with L2 norm which depends on the searched parameters. This objective function is coupled to constraints in the form of ordinary differential equations and numerically minimized, using Pontryagin's maximum (minimum) principle and optimal control theory. In the case of dengue, due to the transmission path via mosquitoes, a model reduction of an SIRUV model to an SIR model with time-dependent transmission rate is performed by means of time-scale separation. The SIRUV model includes uninfected (U) and infected (V ) mosquito compartments in addition to the susceptible (S), infected (I) and recovered (R) human compartments, known from the SIR model. The unknwon parameters of the reduced SIR model are estimated using data sets from Colombo (Sri Lanka) and Jakarta (Indonesia). Based on this parameter estimation the predictive power of the model is checked and evaluated. In the case of Jakarta, the model is additionally provided with a mobility component between the individual city districts, based on commuter data. The transmission rates of the SIR models are also dependent on meteorological data as correlations between these and dengue outbreaks have been demonstrated in previous data analyses. For the modelling of COVID-19 we use several SEIRD models which in comparison to the SIR model also take into account the latency period and the number of deaths via exposed (E) and deaths (D) compartments. Based on these models a parameter estimation with adjoint functions is performed for the location Germany. This is possible because since the beginning of the pandemic, the cumulative number of infected persons and deaths
are published daily by Johns Hopkins University and the Robert-Koch-Institute. Here, a SEIRD model with a time delay regarding the deaths proves to be particularly suitable. In the next step, this model is used to compare the parameter estimation via adjoint functions with a Metropolis algorithm. Analytical effort, accuracy and calculation speed are taken into account. In all data fittings, one parameter each is determined to assess the estimated number of unreported cases.
Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit hatte zum Ziel zu prüfen, ob Emulsionspolymere auf Acrylatbasis als neuartige Photokatalysatoren bzw. Katalysatoren genutzt werden können.
Auf Grund der Beschaffenheit und der Eigenschaften von Emulsionspolymeren ist davon auszugehen, dass die Nutzung selbiger als Katalysatoren eine neue Art einer chemischen Katalyse ermöglicht. So sollen die Vorteile der heterogenen und homogenen Katalyse vereint und die jeweiligen Nachteile minimiert werden. Als besonders erfolgversprechend hat sich während der praktischen Arbeit die Nutzung von Emulsionspolymeren als Photokatalysatoren herausgestellt.
Die Anbindung der photokatalytisch aktiven Moleküle an/in den Polymerstrang soll kovalent erfolgen. Deshalb war ein erstes Teilziel dieser Arbeit prototypische Katalysatormoleküle zu synthetisieren, die über einen Acrylat-Substituenten verfügen, der in einer radikalischen Polymerisationsreaktion reagieren kann. Als Photokatalysatoren wurden Ruthenium- Polypyridin-Komplexe ausgewählt, die sowohl für eine inter- als auch intramolekulare Photokatalyse zur Herstellung von Wasserstoff aus Wasser geeignet sind. Für organokatalytische Zwecke wurde ein L-Prolin-Derivat synthetisiert, welches jedoch nicht auf seine Polymerisierbarkeit getestet wurde.
In einem ersten Schritt wurden die prototypischen 2,2’-Bipyridin-Liganden synthetisiert. Dabei konnte eine verbesserte Synthesemethode für 4-Brom-2,2’-bipyridin ausgearbeitet werden. Die Funktionalisierung erfolgte letztendlich durch eine Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons-Reaktion, die anschließend an eine Eintopfsynthese zur Darstellung von 4-Formyl-2,2’-biypridin erfolgte. Die prototypischen Photokatalysatoren zeigten mäßige Erfolge (TON: 37-136, 6h, 10% H2O, 470 nm) in Bezug auf die photokatalytische Wasserstoffproduktion, sodass an dieser Stelle eine Verbesserung der entsprechenden katalytischen Systeme erfolgen sollte.
Die Polymerisationsreaktion konnte für zwei intermolekulare Photokatalysatoren und zwei intramolekulare Photokatalysatoren durchgeführt werden. Dabei fiel auf, dass die intermolekularen Photokatalysatoren besser polymerisieren als die intramolekularen Photokatalysatoren. Es wird angenommen, dass dies mit der Löslichkeit der Substanzen im Monomer Ethylmethacrylat zusammen hängt.
Die photokatalytisch funktionalisierten Emulsionspolymere zeigten eine ähnliche photokatalytische Aktivität (TON: 9-101, 6h, 10% H2O, 470 nm) wie die jeweiligen Ausgangsstoffe selbst. Es konnte jedoch bewiesen werden, dass Emulsionspolymere als Photokatalysatoren genutzt werden können, wenn auch noch weitere Arbeiten zur Optimierung der Systeme nötig sind.
For software engineers, conceptually understanding the tools they are using in the context of their projects is a daily challenge and a prerequisite for complex tasks. Textual explanations and code examples serve as knowledge resources for understanding software languages and software technologies. This thesis describes research on integrating and interconnecting
existing knowledge resources, which can then be used to assist with understanding and comparing software languages and software technologies on a conceptual level. We consider the following broad research questions that we later refine: What knowledge resources can be systematically reused for recovering structured knowledge and how? What vocabulary already exists in literature that is used to express conceptual knowledge? How can we reuse the
online encyclopedia Wikipedia? How can we detect and report on instances of technology usage? How can we assure reproducibility as the central quality factor of any construction process for knowledge artifacts? As qualitative research, we describe methodologies to recover knowledge resources by i.) systematically studying literature, ii.) mining Wikipedia, iii.) mining available textual explanations and code examples of technology usage. The theoretical findings are backed by case studies. As research contributions, we have recovered i.) a reference semantics of vocabulary for describing software technology usage with an emphasis on software languages, ii.) an annotated corpus of Wikipedia articles on software languages, iii.) insights into technology usage on GitHub with regard to a catalog of pattern and iv.) megamodels of technology usage that are interconnected with existing textual explanations and code examples.
The formulation of the decoding problem for linear block codes as an integer program (IP) with a rather tight linear programming (LP) relaxation has made a central part of channel coding accessible for the theory and methods of mathematical optimization, especially integer programming, polyhedral combinatorics and also algorithmic graph theory, since the important class of turbo codes exhibits an inherent graphical structure. We present several novel models, algorithms and theoretical results for error-correction decoding based on mathematical optimization. Our contribution includes a partly combinatorial LP decoder for turbo codes, a fast branch-and-cut algorithm for maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding of arbitrary binary linear codes, a theoretical analysis of the LP decoder's performance for 3-dimensional turbo codes, compact IP models for various heuristic algorithms as well as ML decoding in combination with higher-order modulation, and, finally, first steps towards an implementation of the LP decoder in specialized hardware. The scientific contributions are presented in the form of seven revised reprints of papers that appeared in peer-reviewed international journals or conference proceedings. They are accompanied by an extensive introductory part that reviews the basics of mathematical optimization, coding theory, and the previous results on LP decoding that we rely on afterwards.