Year of publication
- 2020 (76) (remove)
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- model-based (2)
- 3D Modell Referenz Bildsynthese (1)
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- Abdrift (1)
- Abwasserreinigung (1)
- Institut für Management (14)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (10)
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- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (4)
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- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (3)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (3)
- Institut für Kulturwissenschaft (2)
Abdriftbedingte Pflanzenschutzmittelrückstände in unbehandelten Kulturen auf angrenzenden Flächen
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Abdrift von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM), die auf Lebensmittelkulturen in angrenzenden Flächen, insbesondere in benachbarte Haus- und Kleingärten, gelangt. In einer Reihe von Windtunnelversuchen wurde die Abdrift von PSM aus Flächen- und Raumkulturen während der Applikation mit zwei verschiedenen Testsystemen nachgestellt. Das Testsystem Flächenkultur simuliert die Applikation auf Flächenkulturen, das Testsystem Raumkultur die auf Raumkulturen. Auf der Nicht-Zielfläche wurden die auf Grund von Abdrift entstandenen Rückstände des verwendeten Tracers Pyranin nach der Applikation entfernungsabhängig auf den Lebensmittelkulturen Kopfsalat, Erdbeeren und Tomaten gemessen. Durch die gleichzeitige Messung der Bodendeposition konnten die Messwerte mit Hilfe von Regressionsgleichungen (R² = 0,88 bis 0,97) in Bezug zu den Abdrifteckwerten (AEW) gebracht werden. Dadurch war es möglich, erste Abschätzungen der Höhe von Rückständen vorzunehmen, die über Abdrift von landwirtschaftlichen Flächen auf benachbarte Lebensmittelkulturen im Freiland gelangen können. Diese Abschätzung ist zunächst limitiert auf die drei Versuchspflanzen. Die Versuche zeigen, dass sich die meisten durch Abdrift entstehenden Rückstände auf Salatköpfen wieder finden, gefolgt von Erdbeeren und Tomaten.
Neben dem experimentellen Teil wurden Analysen mit Geoinformationssystemen (GIS) durchgeführt, um die Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse zwischen landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen und Gartenflächen für ganz Deutschland und speziell für Rheinland-Pfalz (RLP) zu analysieren. Dazu wurden für die deutschlandweiten Berechnungen die Daten des amtlichen topographisch-kartographischen Informationssystems (ATKIS) und für die RLP-weiten Berechnungen die Daten des amtlichen Liegenschaftskatasterinformationssystem (ALKIS) verwendet. Beachtet werden muss, dass auf Grund der Datenbeschaffenheit eine Abgrenzung der Gartenflächen zu Wohnflächen nicht möglich ist. Deutschlandweit liegen etwa 1,1 % aller potentiellen Gartenflächen innerhalb eines 5 m Pufferbereichs um Raumkulturen bzw. innerhalb eines 2 m Pufferbereichs um Flächenkulturen. Für RLP sind es 0,75 %. Mit Hilfe eines Landbedeckungsdatensatzes der Fa. RLP AgroScience GmbH und den ALKIS-Daten konnte jedoch die exakte Gartenfläche für RLP auf 47.437 ha bestimmt werden. Basierend auf dieser Datengrundlage liegen 1,2 % der Gartenfläche von RLP innerhalb der genannten Pufferbereiche. Des Weiteren ergaben Berechnungen, dass 3 % der Gärten in RLP direkt angrenzend zu landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen liegen.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden nicht nur Gärten betrachtet, die an landwirtschaftliche Flächen grenzen, sondern auch Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse zwischen ökologisch und konventionell bewirtschafteten Flächen untersucht. Diese Berechnungen erfolgten mit den Daten des Integrierten Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystems (InVeKoS). Insgesamt grenzen in RLP 47,1 % aller ökologisch bewirtschafteten Flächen unmittelbar an konventionell bewirtschaftete Flächen an.
Stream ecosystems are one of the most threatened ecosystems worldwide due to their exposure to diverse anthropogenic stressors. Pesticides appear to be the most relevant stressor for agricultural streams. Due to the current mismatch of modelled and measured pesticide concentrations, monitoring is necessary to inform risk assessment or improve future pesticide approvals. Knowing if biotic stress responses are similar across large scales and long time frames could ultimately help in estimating protective stressor thresholds.
This thesis starts with an overview of entry pathways of pesticides to streams as well as the framework of current pesticide monitoring and gives an outline of the objectives of the thesis. In chapter 2, routine monitoring data based on grab sampling from several countries is analysed to identify the most frequently occurring pesticide mixtures. These mixtures are comprised of relatively low numbers of pesticides, of which herbicides are dominating. The detected pesticide mixtures differ between regions and countries, due to differences in the spectrum of analysed compounds and limits of quantification. Current routine monitoring does not include sampling during pesticide peaks associated with heavy rainfall events which likely influences the detected pesticide mixtures. In chapter 3, sampling rates of 42 organic pesticides for passive sampling are provided together with recommendations for the monitoring of field-relevant peaks. Using this information, in chapter 4 a pesticide gradient is established in an Eastern European region where agricultural intensity adjacent to sampled streams ranges from low to high. In contrast to current routine monitoring, rainfall events were sampled and a magnitude of pesticides were analysed. This led to the simultaneous detection of numerous pesticides of which one to three drive the pesticide toxicity. The toxicity, however, showed no relationship to the agricultural intensity. Using microcosms, the stress responses of fungal communities, the hyphomycetes, and the related ecosystem function of leaf decomposition, is investigated in chapter 5. Effects of a field-relevant fungicide mixture are examined across three biogeographical regions for three consecutive cycles of microbial leaf colonisation and decomposition. Despite different initial communities, stress responses as well as recoveries were similar across biogeographical regions, indicating a general pattern.
Overall, this thesis contributes to an improved understanding of occurrence and concentrations of pesticides mixtures in streams, their monitoring and impact on an ecosystem function. We showed that estimated pesticide toxicities reach levels that affect non-target organisms and thereby potentially whole ecosystems. Routine monitoring, however, likely underestimates the threat by pesticides. Effects leading to a loss in biodiversity or functions in streams ecosystems can be reduced by reassessing approved pesticides with ongoing targeted monitoring and increased knowledge of effects caused by these pesticides.
In dieser Arbeit werden die schottischen Liedbearbeitungen Ludwig van Beethovens auf ihre möglichen gälischen Vorläufer untersucht und in ihrem historischen Kontext aus einer gälischen Perspektive betrachtet. Ihre Liedbiographien werden um Vorläufer ergänzt und vervollständigt, die vom dem schottischen Auftraggeber Beethovens, George Thomson teilweise vorsätzlich unterschlagen wurden. Gründe hierfür sind in der politischen und kulturellen Unterdrückung der gälischen Sprachgemeinschaft Schottlands zu finden. Handelt es sich wirklich um anonyme Volkslieder, oder auch um Kompositionen bekannter Musiker aus der gälischen Kultur? Welche Veränderungen erfuhren sie im Zuge der Anonymisierung und der Degradierung zur Volksmusik, sowie der anschließenden Neuausrichtung in der schottischen Nationalmusik? Zu 12 der schottischen Lieder Beethovens sind ausführliche Liedbiographien mit allen gälischen Liedtexten, deutscher Übersetzung und den historischen Hintergründen der gälischen Vorläufer und ihrer Notierungen entstanden.
The three biodegradable polymers polylactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) were coated with hydrogenated amorphous carbon layers (a-C:H) in the context of this thesis. A direct alignment of the sample surface to the source was chosen, resulting in the deposition of a robust, r-type a-C:H. At the same time, a partly covered silicon wafer was placed together with the polymers in the coating chamber and was coated. Silicon is a hard material and serves as a reference for the applied layers. Due to the hardness of the material, no mixed phase occurs between the substrate and the applied layer (no interlayer formation). In addition, the thickness of the applied layer can be estimated with the help of the silicon sample.
The deposition of the layer was realized by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RF-PECVD). For the coating the samples were pre-treated with an oxygen plasma. Acetylene was used as precursor gas for the plasma coating. Coatings with increasing thickness in 50 nm steps from 0-500 nm were realised.
The surface analysis was performed using several techniques: The morphology and layer stability were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements. The wettability was determined by contact angle technique. In addition, the contact angles provide macroscopic information about the bond types of the carbon atoms present on the surface. For microscopic analysis of the chemical composition of the sample and layer surfaces, diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) as well as synchrotron based X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS) and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS) were used.
All coated polymers showed several cases of layer failure due to internal stress in the layers. However, these were at different layer thicknesses, so there was a substrate effect. In addition, it is visible in the SEM images that the coatings of PLA and PHB can cause the applied layer to wave, the so-called cord buckling. This does not occur with polymer PBAT, which indicates a possible better bonding of the layer to the polymer. The chemical analyses of the layer surfaces show for each material a layer thickness dependent ratio of sp² to sp³ bonds of carbon, which alternately dominate the layer. In all polymers, the sp³ bond initially dominates, but the sp² to sp³ ratio changes at different intervals. Although the polymers were coated in the same plasma, i.e. the respective layer thicknesses (50 nm, 100 nm, ...) were applied in the same plasma process, the respective systems differed considerably from each other. A substrate effect is therefore demonstrably present. In addition, it was found that a change in the dominant bond from sp³ to sp² is an indication ofan upcoming layer failure of the a-C:H layer deposited on the polymer. In the case of PLA, this occurs immediately with change to sp² as the dominant bond; in the case of PHB and PBAT, this occurs with different delay to increased layer thicknesses (at PHB 100 nm, at PBAT approx. 200 nm.
Overall, this thesis shows that there is a substrate effect in the coating of the biodegradable polymers PLA, PHB and PBAT, since despite the same coating there is a different chemical composition of the surface at the respective layer thicknesses. In addition, a layer failure can be predicted by analyzing the existing bond.
Studies in recent years have demonstrate adolescents and young adults to have a deficient data protection competence, however children and adolescents between the ages of ten and 13 were mostly not focus of these studies. Therefore, the guiding question of the work is how data protection competence is developed in children and adolescents at a young age in order to be able to infer suitable, educational concepts for this age group. At the beginning of the work, a data protection competence model is derived from a media competence model, which serves as the basis for the further field investigation. A survey was carried out at general secondary schools in Rhineland-Palatinate, which shows that the respondents still have sufficiently developed Risk Assessment Competence, but were insufficiently developed in terms of knowledge, Selection and Usage Competence and the Implementation Competence. Recommendations for actions are given in the last part of the work – containing learning goal descriptions to be possibly implemented in an educational framework – in order to address this issue.
Data-minimization and fairness are fundamental data protection requirements to avoid privacy threats and discrimination. Violations of data protection requirements often result from: First, conflicts between security, data-minimization and fairness requirements. Second, data protection requirements for the organizational and technical aspects of a system that are currently dealt with separately, giving rise to misconceptions and errors. Third, hidden data correlations that might lead to influence biases against protected characteristics of individuals such as ethnicity in decision-making software. For the effective assurance of data protection needs,
it is important to avoid sources of violations right from the design modeling phase. However, a model-based approach that addresses the issues above is missing.
To handle the issues above, this thesis introduces a model-based methodology called MoPrivFair (Model-based Privacy & Fairness). MoPrivFair comprises three sub-frameworks: First, a framework that extends the SecBPMN2 approach to allow detecting conflicts between security, data-minimization and fairness requirements. Second, a framework for enforcing an integrated data-protection management throughout the development process based on a business processes model (i.e., SecBPMN2 model) and a software architecture model (i.e., UMLsec model) annotated with data protection requirements while establishing traceability. Third, the UML extension UMLfair to support individual fairness analysis and reporting discriminatory behaviors. Each of the proposed frameworks is supported by automated tool support.
We validated the applicability and usability of our conflict detection technique based on a health care management case study, and an experimental user study, respectively. Based on an air traffic management case study, we reported on the applicability of our technique for enforcing an integrated data-protection management. We validated the applicability of our individual fairness analysis technique using three case studies featuring a school management system, a delivery management system and a loan management system. The results show a promising outlook on the applicability of our proposed frameworks in real-world settings.
Dieses Dokument umfasst den dritten Zwischenbericht zum Projekt GeKOS – Gemeinsam entdecken Kinder ihren Ort mit Studierenden, der im Oktober 2019 an die Schöpflin-Stiftung übergeben wurde. Das Projekt GeKOS wird vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Weiterbildung und Kultur des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz im Rahmen der Programmbudgets Hochschulpakt III sowie von der Schöpflin-Stiftung mit Sitz in Lörrach von 2016 bis 2020 finanziell gefördert. Zudem gewährte das rheinland-pfälzische Ministerium für Integration, Familie, Kinder, Jugend und Frauen im Jahr 2015 eine Anschubfinanzierung.
Amphibian populations are declining worldwide for multiple reasons such as habitat destruction and climate change. An example for an endangered European amphibian is the yellow-bellied toad Bombina variegata. Populations have been declining for decades, particularly at the northern and western range margin. One of the extant northern range centres is the Westerwald region in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. To implement informed conservation activities on this threatened species, knowledge of its life-history strategy is crucial. This study therefore focused on different developmental stages to test predictions of life-history theory. It addressed (1) developmental, (2) demographic and (3) genetic issues of Bombina variegata as a model organism: (1) Carry-over effects from larval environment to terrestrial stages and associated vulnerability to predators were investigated using mesocosm approaches, fitness tests and predation trials. (2) The dynamics and demography of B. variegata populations were studied applying a capture-mark-recapture analysis and skeletochronology. The study was complemented through (3) an analysis of genetic diversity and structuring of B. variegata populations using 10 microsatellite loci. In order to reveal general patterns and characteristics among B. variegata populations, the study focused on three geographical scales: local (i.e. a former military training area), regional (i.e. the Westerwald region) and continental scale (i.e. the geographical range of B. variegata). The study revealed carry-over effects of larval environment on metamorph phenotype and behaviour causing variation in fitness in the early terrestrial stage of B. variegata. Metamorph size and condition are crucial factors for survival, as small-sized individuals were particularly prone to predator attacks. Yellow-bellied toads show a remarkable fast-slow continuum of the life-history trait longevity. A populations’ position within this continuum may be determined by local environmental stochasticity, i.e. an extrinsic source of variation, and the efficiency of chemical antipredator protection, i.e. an intrinsic source of variation. Extreme longevity seems to be an exception in B. variegata. Senescence was absent in this study. Weather variability affected reproductive success and thus population dynamics. The dispersal potential was low and short-term fragmentation of populations caused significant genetic differentiation at the local scale. Long-term isolation resulted in increased genetic distance at the regional scale. At the continental scale, populations inhabiting the marginal regions were deeply structured with reduced allelic richness. As consequence of environmental changes, short-lived and isolated B. variegata populations at the range margin may face an increased risk of extinction. Conservation measures should thus improve the connectivity among local populations and reinforce annual reproductive success. Further research on the intraspecific variation in B. variegata skin toxins is required to reveal potential effects on palatability and thus longevity.
In dieser wiederkehrenden Zeitschriftenreihe wollen wir die Arbeit junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an der Universität Koblenz-Landau kommunizieren und Studierenden Austausch- und Publikationsmöglichkeiten für den wissenschaftlichen Werdegang eröffnen.
In dieser Ausgabe:
Exner, Maik. Bedeutung und Musik: Konstitutionsprozesse von musikkulturellen Bedeutungen und Bedeutsamkeiten in interaktionaler, biographischer und historischer Perspektive.
Henne, Arthur. Analysis of the Transition from Traditional Closed Innovation Systems to Open Innovation.
von Schönebeck, Sandra. #TrauDichDeutschland: Die Sprache der AfD im multimodalen (Online-) Bundestagswahlkampf 2017 – Eine Untersuchung sprachlicher und visueller Strategien sowie der Reaktionen potenzieller Wählerinnen und Wähler.
Michaelis, Kent. Das “Templerhaus” in Boppard: Kunsthistorische Untersuchung eines spätromanischen Baudenkmals.
Koops, Sarah M. J.. Lässt sich eine Obergrenze für die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen durch Nationalstaaten ethisch rechtfertigen?.
Rosemann, Raphaela S.. Masquerade and Disguise in the Works of Eliza Haywood.
Despite widespread plans of big companies like Amazon and Google to develop unmanned delivery drones, scholarly research in this field is scarce, especially in the information systems field. From technical and legal perspectives, drone delivery in last-mile scenarios is in a quite mature state. However, estimates of user acceptance are varying between high skepticism and exaggerated optimism. This research follows a mixed method approach consisting both qualitative and quantitative research, to identify and test determinants of consumer delivery drone service adoption. The qualitative part rests on ten interviews among average consumers, who use delivery services on a regular basis. Insights gained from the qualitative part were used to develop an online survey and to assess the influence of associated risks on adoption intentions. The quantitative results show that especially financial and physical risks impede drone delivery service adoption. Delivery companies who are currently thinking about providing a delivery drone service may find these results useful when evaluating usage behaviors in the future market for delivery drones.
Satzung für den steuerbegünstigten Betrieb gewerblicher Art: Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen
Redaktionelle Korrektur betreffend die Dritte Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im Bachelorstudiengang und im Masterstudiengang Erziehungswissenschaft an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
Ordnung zur Änderung der Beitragsordnung des Studierendenwerks Koblenz
Siebte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für den Bachelorstudiengang und den Masterstudiengang „Sozial- und Kommunikationswissenschaften“ des
Fachbereichs 6: Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Sechsundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Grundlagen der Systemtheorie zur Anwendung transdisziplinärer Verfahren der Technikfolgenabschätzung
The technological progress is highly responsible for how people live their everyday life. Technical innovations provide new opportunities to re-design all areas of life and because of that the society has to adjust to these changes permanently. These days, due to the fact that there is a changeover from analog into digital processes, this circumstance is highly relevant. However, it is not always clear whether a technological innovation just entails chances or involves risks, too. The research field of technology assessment pursues the goal to examine the influence of technological innovations on the society. For this purpose, unpredictable consequences of a technology need to be anticipated in advance to provide the opportunity of earlier reactions. The core of this thesis a discussion about a project based approach of technology assessment. Additionally, it is being investigated whether and how systems theory approaches can be used to improve predictions in the research area of technology assessment. Therefore, the question of how reliable forecasts are in this kind of context will be answered. Moreover, there is an investigation if an added-value can be created through performing system thinking. As a methodical approach a literature review has been performed. Furthermore, experts were questioned in an interview and by e-mail to gain an insight in the practical work of technology assessment. Based on the elaborated project structure, for each part of the project was examined if significant results can be maintained through the sophisticated use of principles of the systems theory. The analysis of this paper has shown that the results of a technology assessment may have more reliable forecast value in comparison to an investigation without proper consideration of system thinking. Especially, the understanding of a system during the phase of conception of a project can be crucial for the positive outcome for the results of technology assessment. This master thesis represents the theoretical point of view regarding topics technology assessment and systems theory. An application test for the validation of the results in the practical work of technology assessment is recommended.
The maintenance strategy “predictive maintenance”, which is characterized by predicting the failure behavior of technical units based on modern sensor technology, plays a key role in smart factories against the background of an industry 4.0. This paper contains an evaluation of the current state of research on this strategy and gives an overview of the areas of application to date. With the aid of a qualitative video analysis, the implementation in the industries and company divisions involved and the type of goods monitored are examined. The analyzed video clips were uploaded to YouTube for example for marketing purposes by various companies with different perspectives on predictive maintenance. The video analysis was realized by applying a previously defined coding plan to the video material. The results show a predominant application in the manufacturing industry, in which predictive maintenance is used to monitor plants and machines. In addition, the strategy is also mainly applied to means of transport used for freight and passenger transport in various infrastructures. As a result of the video analysis, the currently high need for explanation of predictive maintenance becomes visible. By looking at these explanations, one also learns something about the special features that distinguish it from other maintenance strategies.
Railway safety is a topic which gains the public attention only if major railway accidents happen. This is because railway is considered as a safe mode of travel by the public. However, to ensure the safety of the railway system railway companies as well as universities conduct a broad spectrum of research. An overview of this research has not yet been provided in the scholarly literature. Therefore, this thesis follows two objectives. First an overview and ranking of railway safety research universities should be provided. Second, based on these universities, it should be identified which are the most relevant and influential research topics. The ranking is based on the research method “literature review” which forms the methodical basis for this thesis. To evaluate the universities based on a measurable and objective criterion, the number of citations of the researchers from each university is gathered. As a result, the University of Leuven for the civil engineering, Milan Politechnico for mechanical enginering and the University of Loughborough for electrical engineering are identified as the leading university in their field of railway safety research. The top universities for each discipline are distributed all over Europe, North America and Asia. However, a clear focus on the US and British universities is observed. For identification of the most relevant and influential topics the keywords from the publications which are considered in the ranking procedure are analyzed. Focus areas among these keywords are revealed by calculating the count of each keyword. High-speed trains as well as maintenance are recognized as the highly relevant topics in both civil and mechanical engineering. Furthermore, the topic of railway dynamics for mechanical engineering and noise and vibration for civil engineering are identified as the leading topics in the respective discipline. Achieving both research goals required exploratory approaches. Therefore, this thesis leaves open space for future research to deepen the individual topics which are approached in each section. A validation of the results through experts interviews as well as a deepening of the analysis through increasing the number of analyzed universities as well as applying statistical methods is recommended.
Accidents annually cause high economic damages for concerned persons, companies and the state. To determine the exact costs of a damage is a challenge. Scientific studies differ from each other because of different models of calculation. Due to the fact of a low number of accidents concerning rail transport there are not many studies about how to calculate the costs an accident causes. The aim of this thesis is to give an overview about methods when dealing with these costs and to point out occurring difficulties. Generally, costs of accident can be divided in two categories. One category deals with personal injuries whereas the other focuses on material damages. Personal injuries contain material and immaterial damages. This leads to difficulties in calculation. The main aspect when dealing with personal damages is the loss of manpower, the costs of medical supply and the costs of the recovery of the legal situation. Currently there is no model of how to calculate personal damages concerning rail transport in Germany. The “Bundesamt für Straßenverkehr” developed an extensive model for calculations of costs of accident concerning traffic. It turned out that the death of people has costs round about 1.1 million euro. Severely and slightly injured people cause damages about 106,000 euro and 5,000 euro. This thesis declares that the model is important regarding different aspects of rail transport and that it is based on statistically collected key performance indicators. Furthermore, some approaches, which analyse the value of life, are mentioned. There are large derivations between them. To make a calculation of material damage the current value of the object must be respected. When dealing with the limitation of material damages the focus is on damages concerning infrastructure. In addition, railway infrastructure can be mentioned. With the help of the “Kostenkennwertekatalog” of Deutsche Bahn AG acquisitions costs for certain components of infrastructure can be determined. As a result, they offer a basis for calculating damages.
This thesis aims to find models to calculate damages to persons in the context of railway accidents. These models were tested for their applicability for a railway accident database. The reviewed models for injured casualties were identified by a research of literature. Their applicability for the accident database was tested with the aid of average values and sample values. The analysis of fatalities was executed via the combination of collected values of two literature researches. These values were compared to the values of the database.
It was stated that there is a calculation for seriously injured, which may serve more exact values than the calculation of the database, especially when there is more detailed data about the casualties. The calculation of slightly injured couldn't be realized by just beholding the pure damages to persons, because it's only a small part of the costs the responsible company has to pay. For the calculation of fatalities appeared problems with the methodology of the most studies.
In this bachelor thesis a database for worldwide railway national investigation bodies is created. It contains contact details of those authorities as well as information of public accident investigation reports. The database is intended to serve as a basis for information and data acquisition of railway accidents. The information that can be taken from the investigation reports is an important element for a possible economical evaluation and for the efficiency of safety technologies. Besides the basics of the national investigation bodies, accident investigation reports and the efficiency calculation of safety technologies the thesis presents an evaluation of the existing investigation bodies and reports in the database. Also the usefulness of the database of accident investigation bodies will be explained and the potential impact on railway safety will be examined.
This thesis deals with the approach, the structure and the variety of methods in the field of technology forecasting. Furthermore insights into the environment of Railways Diagnostics and Monitoring Technologies (RDMT), their technology management and industryspecific requirements for technology forecasting (especially in the area SMEs) are given. Combining those a recommendation for practical use of research results in companies of this size and industry is developed. In order to initiate the previously mentioned research elements a literature research was operated in the field of innovation management and the railway environment. In addition, an interview with an expert of a medium-sized technology manufacturer of RDMT industry was performed. The most important finding was that a single method cannot fulfill the requirements on its own, thus a combination of methods and organizational forms is necessary to achieve an effective technology forecasting.
Microbial pollution of surface waters poses substantial risks for public health, amongst others during recreational use. Microbial pollution was studied at selected sampling sites in rivers Rhine, Moselle and Lahn (Germany) on the basis of commonly used fecal indicator organisms (FIO) indicating bacterial (Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci) and viral (somatic coliphages) fecal contamination. In addition, blaCTX-Mantibiotic resistance genes (ARG) were quantified at twosites in river Lahn and were used as markers for tracking the spread of antibiotic resistance in the aquatic environment. The impact of changes in climate-related parameters on FIO was examined by studying monitoring results of contrasting flow conditions at rivers Rhine and Moselle. Analyses at all studied river sites clearly indicate that high discharge and precipitation enhance the influx of FIO, ARG and thus potentially (antibiotic resistant) pathogens into rivers. In contrast, a decrease in hygienic microbial pollution was observed under high solar irradiation and increasing water temperatures. Based on identified contributing key factors, multiple linear regression (MLR) models for five sites at a stretch of river Lahn were established that allow a timely assessment of fecal indicator abundances. An interaction between abiotic and biotic factors (i.e. enhanced grazing pressure) considerably contributed to the formation of seasonal patterns among FIO abundances. This was enhanced during extraordinary low flow conditions in rivers with pronounced trophic interactions, clearly hampering a transfer of model approaches between rivers of different biological and hydrological characteristics. Bacterial indicatorswere stronger influenced by grazing pressure than phages. Hence, bacterial indicators alone do not sufficiently describe viral pollution in rivers. BlaCTX-Mgenes were omnipresent in Lahn River water and corresponded to distribution patterns of FIO, indicating fecal sources. Agriculture and waste watertreatment plant effluents contributed to ARG loads and participants in non-bathing water sports were found to be at risk of ingesting antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) including ARG, bearing the risk of infection or colonization. Results of the present study highlight the need to be aware of such risks not only in designated bathing waters. ARG abundance at both riverine sampling sites could largely be explained by E. coliabundance and may thus also be incorporated into multiple regression models using E. colispecific environmental predictors. It can be expected that the frequency of short-term microbial pollution events will increase over the next decades due to climate change. Several challenges were identified with regard to the implementation of early warning systems to protect the public from exposure to pathogens in rivers. Most importantly, the concept of the Bathing Water Directive (Directive 2006/7/EC) itself as well as the lack of harmonization in the regulatory framework at European Union (EU) level are major drawbacks and require future adjustments to reliably manage health risks related to microbial water pollution in waters used in multifunctional ways.