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- Part of Periodical (132) (remove)
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- computer clusters (4)
- ontology (4)
- Knowledge Compilation (3)
- parallel algorithms (3)
- Augmented Reality (2)
- Campus Information System (2)
- Customer Relationship Management (2)
- Datensicherheit (2)
- Enhanced Reality (2)
- Fallstudie (2)
- IBM Lotus Quickr (2)
- Informatik (2)
- Linked Open Data (2)
- OWL (2)
- Ontology (2)
- Petri-Netze (2)
- Semantic Web (2)
- University (2)
- artifcial neural networks (2)
- artificial neural networks (2)
- classification (2)
- constraint logic programming (2)
- mobile phone (2)
- privacy protection (2)
- probability propagation nets (2)
- risk (2)
- social media (2)
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- 3D-RETISEG (1)
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- Automated Theorem Proving Systems (1)
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- E-KRHyper (1)
- E-KRHyper theorem prover (1)
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- Multimedia Metadata Ontology (1)
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- activation functions of neurons (1)
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- estimation of algorithm efficiency (1)
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- faceted search (1)
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- gradient method of training weight coefficients (1)
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- semantic desktop (1)
- semantics (1)
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- technology acceptance model (1)
- time series (1)
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- Fachbereich 4 (132) (remove)
The way information is presented to users in online community platforms has an influence on the way the users create new information. This is the case, for instance, in question-answering fora, crowdsourcing platforms or other social computation settings. To better understand the effects of presentation policies on user activity, we introduce a generative model of user behaviour in this paper. Running simulations based on this user behaviour we demonstrate the ability of the model to evoke macro phenomena comparable to the ones observed on real world data.
Modeling and publishing Linked Open Data (LOD) involves the choice of which vocabulary to use. This choice is far from trivial and poses a challenge to a Linked Data engineer. It covers the search for appropriate vocabulary terms, making decisions regarding the number of vocabularies to consider in the design process, as well as the way of selecting and combining vocabularies. Until today, there is no study that investigates the different strategies of reusing vocabularies for LOD modeling and publishing. In this paper, we present the results of a survey with 79 participants that examines the most preferred vocabulary reuse strategies of LOD modeling. Participants of our survey are LOD publishers and practitioners. Their task was to assess different vocabulary reuse strategies and explain their ranking decision. We found significant differences between the modeling strategies that range from reusing popular vocabularies, minimizing the number of vocabularies, and staying within one domain vocabulary. A very interesting insight is that the popularity in the meaning of how frequent a vocabulary is used in a data source is more important than how often individual classes and properties arernused in the LOD cloud. Overall, the results of this survey help in understanding the strategies how data engineers reuse vocabularies, and theyrnmay also be used to develop future vocabulary engineering tools.
This paper presents a method for the evolution of SHI ABoxes which is based on a compilation technique of the knowledge base. For this the ABox is regarded as an interpretation of the TBox which is close to a model. It is shown, that the ABox can be used for a semantically guided transformation resulting in an equisatisfiable knowledge base. We use the result of this transformation to effciently delete assertions from the ABox. Furthermore, insertion of assertions as well as repair of inconsistent ABoxes is addressed. For the computation of the necessary actions for deletion, insertion and repair, the E-KRHyper theorem prover is used.
Iterative Signing of RDF(S) Graphs, Named Graphs, and OWL Graphs: Formalization and Application
When publishing graph data on the web such as vocabulariesrnusing RDF(S) or OWL, one has only limited means to verify the authenticity and integrity of the graph data. Today's approaches require a high signature overhead and do not allow for an iterative signing of graph data. This paper presents a formally defined framework for signing arbitrary graph data provided in RDF(S), Named Graphs, or OWL. Our framework supports signing graph data at different levels of granularity: minimum self-contained graphs (MSG), sets of MSGs, and entire graphs. It supports for an iterative signing of graph data, e. g., when different parties provide different parts of a common graph, and allows for signing multiple graphs. Both can be done with a constant, low overhead for the signature graph, even when iteratively signing graph data.
Various best practices and principles guide an ontology engineer when modeling Linked Data. The choice of appropriate vocabularies is one essential aspect in the guidelines, as it leads to better interpretation, querying, and consumption of the data by Linked Data applications and users.
In this paper, we present the various types of support features for an ontology engineer to model a Linked Data dataset, discuss existing tools and services with respect to these support features, and propose LOVER: a novel approach to support the ontology engineer in modeling a Linked Data dataset. We demonstrate that none of the existing tools and services incorporate all types of supporting features and illustrate the concept of LOVER, which supports the engineer by recommending appropriate classes and properties from existing and actively used vocabularies. Hereby, the recommendations are made on the basis of an iterative multimodal search. LOVER uses different, orthogonal information sources for finding terms, e.g. based on a best string match or schema information on other datasets published in the Linked Open Data cloud. We describe LOVER's recommendation mechanism in general and illustrate it alongrna real-life example from the social sciences domain.
E-KRHyper is a versatile theorem prover and model generator for firstorder logic that natively supports equality. Inequality of constants, however, has to be given by explicitly adding facts. As the amount of these facts grows quadratically in the number of these distinct constants, the knowledge base is blown up. This makes it harder for a human reader to focus on the actual problem, and impairs the reasoning process. We extend E-Hyper- underlying E-KRhyper tableau calculus to avoid this blow-up by implementing a native handling for inequality of constants. This is done by introducing the unique name assumption for a subset of the constants (the so called distinct object identifiers). The obtained calculus is shown to be sound and complete and is implemented into the E-KRHyper system. Synthetic benchmarks, situated in the theory of arrays, are used to back up the benefits of the new calculus.
Dualizing marked Petri nets results in tokens for transitions (t-tokens). A marked transition can strictly not be enabled, even if there are sufficient "enabling" tokens (p-tokens) on its input places. On the other hand, t-tokens can be moved by the firing of places. This permits flows of t-tokens which describe sequences of non-events. Their benefiit to simulation is the possibility to model (and observe) causes and effects of non-events, e.g. if something is broken down.
In this paper, we demonstrate by means of two examples how to work with probability propagation nets (PPNs). The fiirst, which comes from the book by Peng and Reggia [1], is a small example of medical diagnosis. The second one comes from [2]. It is an example of operational risk and is to show how the evidence flow in PPNs gives hints to reduce high losses. In terms of Bayesian networks, both examples contain cycles which are resolved by the conditioning technique [3].
The paper deals with a specific introduction into probability propagation nets. Starting from dependency nets (which in a way can be considered the maximum information which follows from the directed graph structure of Bayesian networks), the probability propagation nets are constructed by joining a dependency net and (a slightly adapted version of) its dual net. Probability propagation nets are the Petri net version of Bayesian networks. In contrast to Bayesian networks, Petri nets are transparent and easy to operate. The high degree of transparency is due to the fact that every state in a process is visible as a marking of the Petri net. The convenient operability consists in the fact that there is no algorithm apart from the firing rule of Petri net transitions. Besides the structural importance of the Petri net duality there is a semantic matter; common sense in the form of probabilities and evidencebased likelihoods are dual to each other.
Die Messung der Produktivität von Dienstleistungen ist trotz zunehmender Relevanz immer noch ein wenig durchdrungenes Forschungsfeld. Ursachen hierfür sind vor allem in den besonderen Merkmalen von Dienstleistungen - Immaterialität und Integrativität - zu suchen. Eine typische Dienstleistung der B2B Softwarebranche ist die Anpassung von Systemen an die Bedürfnisse des Kunden - das sogenannte Customizing. Die Ausschöpfung des Customizing-Potentials von Standardsoftware und -produkten und eine stärkere Einbeziehung des Kunden in Innovationsprozesse werden jedoch dadurch erschwert, dass die Produktivität dieser Dienstleistung nur unzureichend mess- und somit bewertbar zu sein scheint.
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung eines Modells zur Messung der Produktivität von Dienstleistungen auf der Basis unterschiedlicher Vorstudien im Rahmen des CustomB2B Projektes an der Universität Koblenz-Landau.
Virtual Goods + ODRL 2012
This is the 10th international workshop for technical, economic, and legal aspects of business models for virtual goods incorporating the 8th ODRL community group meeting. This year we did not call for completed research results, but we invited PhD students to present and discuss their ongoing research work. In the traditional international group of virtual goods and ODRL researchers we discussed PhD research from Belgium, Brazil, and Germany. The topics focused on research questions about rights management in the Internet and e-business stimulation. In the center of rights management stands the conception of a formal policy expression that can be used for human readable policy transparency, as well as for machine readable support of policy conformant systems behavior up to automatic policy enforcement. ODRL has proven to be an ideal basis for policy expressions, not only for digital copy rights, but also for the more general "Policy Awareness in the World of Virtual Goods". In this sense, policies support the communication of virtual goods, and they are a virtualization of rules-governed behavior themselves.
Schema information about resources in the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud can be provided in a twofold way: it can be explicitly defined by attaching RDF types to the resources. Or it is provided implicitly via the definition of the resources´ properties.
In this paper, we analyze the correlation between the two sources of schema information. To this end, we have extracted schema information regarding the types and properties defined in two datasets of different size. One dataset is a LOD crawl from TimBL- FOAF profile (11 Mio. triple) and the second is an extract from the Billion Triples Challenge 2011 dataset (500 Mio. triple). We have conducted an in depth analysis and have computed various entropy measures as well as the mutual information encoded in this two manifestations of schema information.
Our analysis provides insights into the information encoded in the different schema characteristics. It shows that a schema based on either types or properties alone will capture only about 75% of the information contained in the data. From these observations, we derive conclusions about the design of future schemas for LOD.
The objective of this contribution is to conceptually analyze the potentials of entrepreneurial design thinking as being a rather new method for entrepreneurship education. Based on a literature review of different design thinking concepts we carve out a generic design thinking model upon we conceptually build a new model that considers entrepreneurial thinking as a valuable characteristic.
The results of our work show that the characteristics of entrepreneurial design thinking can enhance entrepreneurship education by supporting respective action fields of entrepreneurial learning. In addition we reveal that entrepreneurial design thinking offers beneficial guidelines for the design of entrepreneurship education programs.
The Multimedia Metadata Ontology (M3O) provides a generic modeling framework for representing multimedia metadata. It has been designed based on an analysis of existing metadata standards and metadata formats. The M3O abstracts from the existing metadata standards and formats and provides generic modeling solutions for annotations, decompositions, and provenance of metadata. Being a generic modeling framework, the M3O aims at integrating the existing metadata standards and metadata formats rather than replacing them. This is in particular useful as today's multimedia applications often need to combine and use more than one existing metadata standard or metadata format at the same time. However, applying and specializing the abstract and powerful M3O modeling framework in concrete application domains and integrating it with existing metadata formats and metadata standards is not always straightforward. Thus, we have developed a step-by-step alignment method that describes how to integrate existing multimedia metadata standards and metadata formats with the M3O in order to use them in a concrete application. We demonstrate our alignment method by integrating seven different existing metadata standards and metadata formats with the M3O and describe the experiences made during the integration process.
Integration von CRM-Systemen mit Kollaborations-Systemen am Beispiel von DocHouse und Lotus Quickr
Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht "Integration von CRM-Systemen mit Kollaborations-Systemen am Beispiel von DocHouse/ BRM und IBM Lotus Quickr" ist Ergebnis einer studentischen Projektarbeit. Ziel des Projekts war es Integrationsszenarien zwischen einem CRM-System und einem Kollaborati-onssystem zu erarbeiten und eine prototypische Schnittstelle mit entsprechender Funktion zwischen den Systemen DocHouse/ BRM und IBM Lotus Quickr zu implementieren.
Ein besonderer Dank geht in diesem Zusammenhang an Herr Wolfgang Brugger (Geschäftsführer der DocHouse GmbH), der die Idee einer solchen Entwicklung hatte und die FG BAS mit deren Durchführung betraute. Die Erstellung des Konzepts und des Prototyps wurde vom Winter 2010 bis Sommer 2011 von den Studenten Björn Lilge, Ludwig Paulsen, Marco Wolf, Markus Aldenhövel, Martin Surrey und Mike Reuthers im Rahmen ihres Projektpraktikums durchgeführt. Das Projektteam wurde bei der Konzeption und Implementierung inhaltlich und organisatorisch von Dipl.-Wirt.-Inform. Roland Diehl betreut.
Die vorliegende Fallstudie entstand als Untersuchungsobjekt zu einer Bachelorarbeit und wurde nach der eXperience Fallstudienmethodik erstellt. Ziel der Bachelorarbeit war die Identifizierung von Nutzenaspekten in diesem konkreten Fall. Im Anwenderunternehmen DOCHOUSE wurde hier eine Schnittstelle zwischen dem internen CRM-System und einem kollaborativen System für den externen Zugriff eingeführt.
Ein besonderer Dank geht in diesem Zusammenhang an Herr Wolfgang Brugger (Geschäftsführer DOCHOUSE GmbH), der die Erstellung der Fallstudie motiviert hat und die FG BAS mit deren Durchführung betraute. Die Fallstudie wurde im Winter 2011 von dem Studenten Martin Surrey und Roland Diehl, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Forschungsgruppe, erhoben.
In this paper, we compare two approaches for exploring large,rnhierarchical data spaces of social media data on mobile devicesrnusing facets. While the first approach arranges thernfacets in a 3x3 grid, the second approach makes use of arnscrollable list of facets for exploring the data. We have conductedrna between-group experiment of the two approachesrnwith 24 subjects (20 male, 4 female) executing the same set ofrntasks of typical mobile users" information needs. The resultsrnshow that the grid-based approach requires significantly morernclicks, but subjects need less time for completing the tasks.rnFurthermore, it shows that the additional clicks do not hamperrnthe subjects" satisfaction. Thus, the results suggest thatrnthe grid-based approach is a better choice for faceted searchrnon touchscreen mobile devices. To the best of our knowledge,rnsuch a summative evaluation of different approaches for facetedrnsearch on mobile devices has not been done so far.
Cloud Computing is a topic that has gained momentum in the last years. Current studies show that an increasing number of companies is evaluating the promised advantages and considering making use of cloud services. In this paper we investigate the phenomenon of cloud computing and its importance for the operation of ERP systems. We argue that the phenomenon of cloud computing could lead to a decisive change in the way business software is deployed in companies. Our reference framework contains three levels (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and clarifies the meaning of public, private and hybrid clouds. The three levels of cloud computing and their impact on ERP systems operation are discussed. From the literature we identify areas for future research and propose a research agenda.
This paper describes results of the simulation of social objects, the dependence of schoolchildren's professional abilities on their personal characteristics. The simulation tool is the artificial neural network (ANN) technology. Results of a comparison of the time expense for training the ANN and for calculating the weight coefficients with serial and parallel algorithms, respectively, are presented.
An estimation of the number of multiplication and addition operations for training artififfcial neural networks by means of consecutive and parallel algorithms on a computer cluster is carried out. The evaluation of the efficiency of these algorithms is developed. The multilayer perceptron, the Volterra network and the cascade-correlation network are used as structures of artififfcial neural networks. Different methods of non-linear programming such as gradient and non-gradient methods are used for the calculation of the weight coefficients.
This paper describes a parallel algorithm for selecting activation functionsrnof an artifcial network. For checking the efficiency of this algorithm a count of multiplicative and additive operations is used.
In diesem Arbeitsbericht werden zuvor nicht identifizierte Bedrohungen bezüglich des Wahlgeheimnisses des in [BKG11] vorgeschlagenen Konzeptes zur Authentifizierung von Wählern bei elektronischen Wahlen mittels des neuen Personalausweises aufgezeigt. Überdies wird mit der Einführung einer zwischengelagerten Anonymisierungsschicht eine Lösung vorgeschlagen, wie eben diese Bedrohungen abgewehrt werden können.
Expert-driven business process management is an established means for improving efficiency of organizational knowledge work. Implicit procedural knowledge in the organization is made explicit by defining processes. This approach is not applicable to individual knowledge work due to its high complexity and variability. However, without explicitly described processes there is no analysis and efficient communication of best practices of individual knowledge work within the organization. In addition, the activities of the individual knowledge work cannot be synchronized with the activities in the organizational knowledge work.rnrnSolution to this problem is the semantic integration of individual knowledgernwork and organizational knowledge work by means of the patternbased core ontology strukt. The ontology allows for defining and managing the dynamic tasks of individual knowledge work in a formal way and to synchronize them with organizational business processes. Using the strukt ontology, we have implemented a prototype application for knowledge workers and have evaluated it at the use case of an architectural fifirm conducting construction projects.
We present a non-linear camera pose estimator, which is able to handle a combined input of point and line feature correspondences. For three or more correspondences, the estimator works on any arbitrary number and choice of the feature type, which provides an estimation of the pose on a preferably small and flexible amount of 2D-3D correspondences. We also give an analysis of different minimization techniques, parametrizations of the pose data, and of error measurements between 2D and 3D data. These will be tested for the usage of point features, lines and the combination case. The result shows the most stable and fast working non-linear parameter set for pose estimation in model-based tracking.
We present the user-centered, iterative design of Mobile Facets, a mobile application for the faceted search and exploration of a large, multi-dimensional data set of social media on a touchscreen mobile phone. Mobile Facets provides retrieval of resources such as places, persons, organizations, and events from an integration of different open social media sources and professional content sources, namely Wikipedia, Eventful, Upcoming, geo-located Flickr photos, and GeoNames. The data is queried live from the data sources. Thus, in contrast to other approaches we do not know in advance the number and type of facets and data items the Mobile Facets application receives in a specific contextual situation. While developingrnMobile Facets, we have continuously evaluated it with a small group of fifive users. We have conducted a task-based, formative evaluation of the fifinal prototype with 12 subjects to show the applicability and usability of our approach for faceted search and exploration on a touchscreen mobile phone.
Designing Core Ontologies
One of the key factors that hinders integration of distributed, heterogeneous information systems is the lack of a formal basis for modeling the complex, structured knowledge that is to be exchanged. To alleviate this situation, we present an approach based on core ontologies. Core ontologies are characterized by a high degree of axiomatization and formal precision. This is achieved by basing on a foundational ontology. In addition, core ontologies should follow a pattern-oriented design approach. By this, they are modular and extensible. Core ontologies allow for reusing the structured knowledge they define as well as integrating existing domainrnknowledge. The structured knowledge of the core ontologies is clearly separated from the domain-specific knowledge. Such core ontologies allow for both formally conceptualize their particular fields and to be flexibly combined to cover the needsrnof concrete, complex application domains. Over the last years, we have developed three independent core ontologies for events and objects, multimedia annotations, and personal information management. In this paper, we present the simultaneousrnuse and integration of our core ontologies at the example of a complex, distributed socio-technical system of emergency response. We describe our design approach for core ontologies and discuss the lessons learned in designing them. Finally, we elaborate on the beauty aspects of our core ontologies.
The paper is devoted to solving a problem of the development of the website of Russian municipal policlinics and provides a selection of a set of elements which should be posted on a website. Such elements are necessary to provide citizens with correct and ergonomic e-services. The insufficient development of an infrastructure of institutions of public and municipal administration (particularly, healthcare institutions) in Russia made it necessary to analyze webresources used in different countries at different levels of providing medical services. The information resources of medical treatment facilities of the United Kingdom, of the United Statesrnof America and of the Federal Republic of Germany were researched separately for three existing economic models of healthcare. A set of criteria for the assessment of medical webresources was developed.
The estimation of various social objects is necessary in different fields of social life, science, education, etc. This estimation is usually used for forecasting, for evaluating of different properties and for other goals in complex man-machine systems. At present this estimation is possible by means of computer and mathematical simulation methods which is connected with significant difficulties, such as: - time-distributed process of receiving information about the object; - determination of a corresponding mathematical device and structure identification of the mathematical model; - approximation of the mathematical model to real data, generalization and parametric identification of the mathematical model; - identification of the structure of the links of the real social object. The solution of these problems is impossible without a special intellectual information system which combines different processes and allows predicting the behaviour of such an object. However, most existing information systems lead to the solution of only one special problem. From this point of view the development of a more general technology of designing such systems is very important. The technology of intellectual information system development for estimation and forecasting the professional ability of respondents in the sphere of education can be a concrete example of such a technology. Job orientation is necessary and topical in present economic conditions. It helps tornsolve the problem of expediency of investments to a certain sphere of education. Scientifically validated combined diagnostic methods of job orientation are necessary to carry out professional selection in higher education establishments. The requirements of a modern society are growing, with the earlier developed techniques being unable to correspond to them sufficiently. All these techniques lack an opportunity to account all necessary professional and personal characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to use a system of various tests. Thus, the development of new methods of job orientation for entrants is necessary. The information model of the process of job orientation is necessary for this purpose. Therefore, it would be desirable to have an information system capable of giving recommendations concerning the choice of a trade on the basis of complex personal characteristics of entrants.
Knowledge compilation is a common technique for propositional logic knowledge bases. A given knowledge base is transformed into a normal form, for which queries can be answered efficiently. This precompilation step is expensive, but it only has to be performed once. We apply this technique to concepts defined in the Description Logic ALC. We introduce a normal form called linkless normal form for ALC concepts and discuss an efficient satisability test for concepts given in this normal form. Furthermore, we will show how to efficiently calculate uniform interpolants of precompiled concepts w.r.t. a given signature.
Informatik hautnah erleben
In vielen Köpfen - sowohl bei Erwachsenen wie auch bei Schülern - geistert der Glaube, dass Informatik die Wissenschaft der "Computerlehre" ist. Schon der berühmte Satz "In der Informatik geht es genauso wenig um Computer wie in der Astronomie um Teleskope", der dem Informatiker Edsger W. Dijkstra (1930 - 2002) zugeschrieben wird, drückt historisch schon früh den Gedanken aus, dass die Informatik den Computer nur als ein Hilfsmittel und Medium nutzt, genauso wie die Mathematik den Taschenrechner. Die Fehlvorstellung, die leider auch häufig in den Schulen vermittelt wird, zeigt, dass hier Aufklärung nötig ist.