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- ontology (4)
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- IBM Lotus Quickr (2)
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- Petri-Netze (2)
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- University (2)
- artifcial neural networks (2)
- artificial neural networks (2)
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- constraint logic programming (2)
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- privacy protection (2)
- probability propagation nets (2)
- risk (2)
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- Core Ontology on Multimedia (COMM) (1)
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- E-KRHyper (1)
- E-KRHyper theorem prover (1)
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- IEC 61131 (1)
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- Multi-robot System (1)
- Multiagent System (1)
- Multimedia Metadata Ontology (1)
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- Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) (1)
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- multimedia metadata (1)
- myAnnotations (1)
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- persönliches Informationsmanagement (1)
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- privacy and personal data (1)
- privacy competence model (1)
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- security awareness (1)
- semantic desktop (1)
- semantics (1)
- semantischer Desktop (1)
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- technology acceptance model (1)
- time series (1)
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- traffic survey (1)
- virtual goods (1)
- visualization (1)
- Fachbereich 4 (132) (remove)
In this article we analyze the privacy aspects of a mobile sensor application used for recording urban travel patterns as part of a travel-survey service. This service has been developed and field-tested within the Live+Gov EU Project. The privacy analysis follows a structured approach established in. Eight privacy recommendations are derived, and have already led to corresponding enhancements of the travel-survey service.
Ontologies play an important role in knowledge representation for sharing information and collaboratively developing knowledge bases. They are changed, adapted and reused in different applications and domains resulting in multiple versions of an ontology. The comparison of different versions and the analysis of changes at a higher level of abstraction may be insightful to understand the changes that were applied to an ontology. While there is existing work on detecting (syntactical) differences and changes in ontologies, there is still a need in analyzing ontology changes at a higher level of abstraction like ontology evolution or refactoring pattern. In our approach we start from a classification of model refactoring patterns found in software engineering for identifying such refactoring patterns in OWL ontologies using DL reasoning to recognize these patterns.
Dieses Dokument legt den Standard für die Transformation von grUML-Schemas (GraphUML, [BHR+09]) nach XSD (XML Schema Definition) fest und ist im Rahmen des Arbeitspakets 5.2 "Prototypische SOAMIG-Parser und -Unparser realisieren" im SOAMIG-Projekt entstanden. Das Ziel ist der Austausch von TGraphen (typisierten, attributierten, angeordneten, gerichte Graphen [ERW08]) über XML-Dokumente. Zur Spezifikation des Austauschformats wird XSD eingesetzt. Dies erlaubt eine Validierung der XML-Instanzen auf syntaktischer Ebene. Der Ausgangspunkt ist ein gegebenes Schemas in grUML-Notation1, welches nach XSD transformiert werden soll. Mit der generierten XSD existiert ein Beschreibungsmittel für Graph-Instanzen in XML. Die dadurch beschriebenen XML-Dokumente sind flach, d.h. alle Elemente sind direkt dem root-Element untergeordnet.
E-Mail-Forensik - IP-Adressen und ihre Zuordnung zu Internet-Teilnehmern und ihren Standorten
Wesentliches Element des weltweiten Internets bildet der Adressraum der IP-Adressen, die den am Internet teilnehmenden Geräten ("IP-Hosts") zugewiesen sind. IP-Adressen (der Version 4) bestehen aus vier Zahlen zwischen 0 und 255 und repräsentieren viermal acht Bits, mit welchen insgesamt über vier Milliarden Adressen unterschieden werden können. Die zentrale Organisation IANA vergibt an fünf regionale Adressregistraturen Adressräume, welche sie an lokale Registraturen, Telecomanbieter und Internet-Service-Provider weiter verteilen. Diese Adressverteilung ist relativ stabil. Diese Zuordnung ist öffentlich zugänglich über so genannte whois-Abfragen aus Datenbanken der regionalen Registraturen. Die Internet-Service-Provider (ISP) vergeben IP-Adressen an ihre Nutzer. Die Zuordnung wird teilweise statisch mit langfristiger Bindung vorgenommen und teilweise dynamisch nur für die Dauer einer Datenverbindung. Die dynamische Adressverwaltung erlaubt es Internet-Service-Providern, mehr Nutzer zu bedienen, als ihr Adressraum an verschiedenen IPAdressen zulässt, da die Adressen von Geräten, die aus dem Internet ausscheiden, nicht wie bei der statischen Vergabe frei gehalten werden müssen, sondern an sich neu mit dem ISP verbindende Geräte vergeben werden können. In internen Tabellen verwalten die Internet-Service-Provider die Zuordnung von IP-Adressen zu den konkreten Anschlüssen ihrer Nutzer, außerdem protokollieren sie, welcher Anschluss wann welche IP-Adresse hatte . Diese Daten sind öffentlich nicht zugänglich, sondern müssen bei Bedarf mit gesetzlich geregelten Einschränkungen (Datenschutz) erfragt werden.
Im Gesundheitswesen geht es nicht nur um die Vertraulichkeit von Patientendaten, sondern auch um ihre Integrität, von der die richtige Behandlung und Pflege des Patienten abhängen. Eine Maßnahme zur Absicherung eines Krankenhausinformationssystems (KIS) gegen unautorisierte Angreifer ist eine flexibel organisierte Zugriffskontrolle zum Schutz der patientenbezogenen Daten. Dieser Artikel beschreibt das Konzept einer rollenbasierten Zugriffskontrolle (RBAC - Role Based Access Control) und seine Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Gesundheitswesen.
This paper is a part of the ASG project (Adaptive Services Grid) and addresses some IT security issues of service oriented architectures. It defines a service-oriented security concept, it explores the SOA security challenge, it describes the existing WS-Security standard, and it undertakes a first step into a survey on best practice examples. In particular, the ASG middleware platform technology (JBossWS) is analyzed with respect to its ability to handle security functions.
This paper describes the development of security requirements for non-political Internet voting. The practical background is our experience with the Internet voting within the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI - Informatics Society) 2004 and 2005. The theoretical background is the international state-of-the-art of requirements about electronic voting, especially in the US and in Europe. A focus of this paper is on the user community driven standardization of security requirements by means of a Protection Profile of the international Common Criteria standard.
In den folgenden acht Beispielen wird gezeigt, wie elektronische Anwendungen mithilfe kryptographischer Verfahren abgesichert werden. In jedem Beispiel erklären wir das Ziel der Verschlüsselung, erläutern den technischen Hintergrund, besprechen im Detail den Ablauf der Anwendung mit ihrer Verschlüsselung und diskutieren Stärken und Schwächen des Verfahrens. Das erste Beispiel der Verschlüsselungsprotokolle ist noch nicht sehr konkret, sondern es bildet die Grundlage der folgenden Beispiele. Denn jede Anwendung setzt eines der beiden Typen von Verschlüsselungsprotokollen ein, die im ersten Beispiel erklärt werden. Dann folgen die Beispiele Sicheres World Wide Web mit SSL, die Verschlüsselung der Luftschnittstelle im Mobilfunk, die sichere Identifikation des Karteninhabers einer ec-Karte am Geldauszahlungsautomaten, der Schutz von WLANs gegen fremde Lauscher und Eindringlinge, die sichere Identifikation elektronischer Schlüssel, darunter der Funkschlüssel bei Autotüren, das kontaktlose Flugticket zum Ausdrucken einer Boardingkarte und schließlich die Verschlüsselung im Pay-TV. Die Beschreibung der kryptografischen Anwendungen dieses Kapitels wird in einem Arbeitspapier des Instituts für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik der Universität Koblenz-Landau weitergepflegt und dort stets aktuell zum Download bereitgehalten [Grimm, Hundacker, Meletiadou 2006].
Virtual Goods + ODRL 2012
This is the 10th international workshop for technical, economic, and legal aspects of business models for virtual goods incorporating the 8th ODRL community group meeting. This year we did not call for completed research results, but we invited PhD students to present and discuss their ongoing research work. In the traditional international group of virtual goods and ODRL researchers we discussed PhD research from Belgium, Brazil, and Germany. The topics focused on research questions about rights management in the Internet and e-business stimulation. In the center of rights management stands the conception of a formal policy expression that can be used for human readable policy transparency, as well as for machine readable support of policy conformant systems behavior up to automatic policy enforcement. ODRL has proven to be an ideal basis for policy expressions, not only for digital copy rights, but also for the more general "Policy Awareness in the World of Virtual Goods". In this sense, policies support the communication of virtual goods, and they are a virtualization of rules-governed behavior themselves.
Es wird erklärt, was ein Beschreibungsmodell ist, wie IT-Sicherheitsmodelle grundsätzlich aufgebaut sind und welchem Zweck sie dienen. Zur Illustration werden vier verschiedene IT-Sicherheitsmodelle vorgestellt, die historisch zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten entstanden sind. Sie passen zu vier verschiedenen typischen Anwendungsumgebungen und charakterisieren die zugehörigen Sicherheitsanforderungen. Vorgestellt werden das Bell-LaPadula-Modell zum Vertraulichkeitsschutz in hierarchischen Institutionen, das Clark-Wilson-Modell zum Integri-tätsschutz von Geschäftsanwendungen, das Chinese-Wall-Modell zum Konkurrentenschutz von Unternehmen und das Gleichgewichtsmodell zum Schutz verbindlichen Handelns im offenen Internet.
Various best practices and principles guide an ontology engineer when modeling Linked Data. The choice of appropriate vocabularies is one essential aspect in the guidelines, as it leads to better interpretation, querying, and consumption of the data by Linked Data applications and users.
In this paper, we present the various types of support features for an ontology engineer to model a Linked Data dataset, discuss existing tools and services with respect to these support features, and propose LOVER: a novel approach to support the ontology engineer in modeling a Linked Data dataset. We demonstrate that none of the existing tools and services incorporate all types of supporting features and illustrate the concept of LOVER, which supports the engineer by recommending appropriate classes and properties from existing and actively used vocabularies. Hereby, the recommendations are made on the basis of an iterative multimodal search. LOVER uses different, orthogonal information sources for finding terms, e.g. based on a best string match or schema information on other datasets published in the Linked Open Data cloud. We describe LOVER's recommendation mechanism in general and illustrate it alongrna real-life example from the social sciences domain.
Process Commodities : Entwicklung eines Reifegradmodells alsBasis für Outsourcingentscheidungen
Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht behandelt die Anforderungen an Prozessmanagement als Basis für Outsourcingentscheidungen. Zu dieser Fragestellung erschien im Jahr 2005 ein Artikel von Thomas Davenport mit dem Titel "The Coming Commoditization of Processes". In diesem wird auf das Fehlen eines einheitlichen Verständnisses über Inhalte und Beschreibungen von Prozessen und Prozessschritten, Leistungsindikatoren sowie Prozessmanagementpraktiken hingewiesen. Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht versucht diese Lücke in Teilen zu schließen, indem er ein Reifegradmodell für Prozessmanagement vorstellt. Mit Hilfe des Modells können Unternehmen einschätzen, in wieweit sie vorhandene Methoden des Prozessmanagements umsetzen und damit die Grundlage für Prozessoutsourcing geschaffen haben.
This paper presents a method for the evolution of SHI ABoxes which is based on a compilation technique of the knowledge base. For this the ABox is regarded as an interpretation of the TBox which is close to a model. It is shown, that the ABox can be used for a semantically guided transformation resulting in an equisatisfiable knowledge base. We use the result of this transformation to effciently delete assertions from the ABox. Furthermore, insertion of assertions as well as repair of inconsistent ABoxes is addressed. For the computation of the necessary actions for deletion, insertion and repair, the E-KRHyper theorem prover is used.
Knowledge compilation is a common technique for propositional logic knowledge bases. The idea is to transform a given knowledge base into a special normal form ([MR03],[DH05]), for which queries can be answered efficiently. This precompilation step is very expensive but it only has to be performed once. We propose to apply this technique to knowledge bases defined in Description Logics. For this, we introduce a normal form, called linkless concept descriptions, for ALC concepts. Further we present an algorithm, based on path dissolution, which can be used to transform a given concept description into an equivalent linkless concept description. Finally we discuss a linear satisfiability test as well as a subsumption test for linkless concept descriptions.
This paper offers an informal overview and discussion on first order predicate logic reasoning systems together with a description of applications which are carried out in the Artificial Intelligence Research Group of the University in Koblenz. Furthermore the technique of knowledge compilation is shortly introduced.
This paper shows how multiagent systems can be modeled by a combination of UML statecharts and hybrid automata. This allows formal system specification on different levels of abstraction on the one hand, and expressing real-time system behavior with continuous variables on the other hand. It is not only shown how multi-robot systems can be modeled by a combination of hybrid automata and hierarchical state machines, but also how model checking techniques for hybrid automata can be applied. An enhanced synchronization concept is introduced that allows synchronization taking time and avoids state explosion to a certain extent.
In this paper we describe a series of projects on location based and personalised information systems. We start wit a basic research project and we show how we came with the help of two other more application oriented project to a product. This is developed by a consortium of enterprises and it already is in use in the city of Koblenz.
In this paper we describe a network for distributing personalized information within a pervasive university. We discuss the system architecture of our Bluetooth-based CampusNews-system, both, from the administrator and the user viewpoint. We furthermore present first statistical data about the usage of the partial installation at the Koblenz campus together with an outlook to future work.
In this paper we describe a network for distributing personalized Information in a metropolitan area. We discuss the system architecture of our Bluetooth-based information system as well as the reasoning process that fits users" needs with potential messages. We furthermore present our findings on parallelizing Bluetooth connection setup and performance.
This paper proposes model-driven techniques to extend IBM- SOMA method towards migrating legacy systems into Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). The proposal explores how graph-based querying and transformation techniques enable the integration of legacy assets into a new SOA. The presented approach is applied to the identification and migration of services in an open source Java software system.
ERP-Systeme stellen einen wichtigen Kompetenzbereich der Forschungsgruppe Betriebliche Anwendungssysteme (FG BAS) am Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (IWVI) der Universität Koblenz-Landau dar. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft vermittelt die Forschungsgruppe sowohl Grundlagenforschung als auch praxisbezogenes Wissen an Studierende und Unternehmen. Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht "Künftige Anforderungen an ERP-Systeme: Deutsche Anbieter im Fokus" beleuchtet auf vier Ebenen die Architektur, die verwendete Technologie, die praktischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten und die allgemeine Marktsituation aktueller ERP-Systeme auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt. Ein besonderer Dank geht in diesem Zusammenhang an Peter Herzog (zum damaligen Zeitpunkt Marketingleiter der Bison AG), der die Idee einer solchen Untersuchung hatte und die FG BAS mit deren Durchführung betraute. Die Studie wurde vom Sommer 2007 bis zum Frühling 2008 von Norbert Frick im Rahmen seiner Diplomarbeit im Fach Informatik durchgeführt. Die Auswertung der Ergebnisse wurde inhaltlich und wissenschaftlich betreut von Prof. Dr. Petra Schubert. Die Arbeit entstand aufgrund von Literaturrecherchen, schriftlichen Umfragen und Telefoninterviews mit ERPAnbietern.
Semantic desktop environments aim at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of users carrying out daily tasks within their personal information management infrastructure (PIM). They support the user by transferring and exploiting the explicit semantics of data items across different PIM applications. Whether such an approach does indeed reach its aim of facilitating users" life and—if so—to which extent, however, remains an open question that we address in this paper with the first summative evaluation of a semantic desktop approach. We approach the research question exploiting our own semantic desktop infrastructure, X-COSIM. As data corpus, we have used over 100 emails and 50 documents extracted from the organizers of a conference-like event at our university. The evaluation has been carried out with 18 subjects. We have developed a test environment to evaluate COSIMail and COSIFile, two semantic PIM applications based on X-COSIM. As result, we have found a significant improvement for typical PIM tasks compared to a standard desktop environment.
The STOR project aims at the development of a scientific component system employing models and knowledge for object recognition in images. This interim report elaborates on the requirements for such a component system, structures the application area by identifying a large set of basic operations, and shows how a set of appropriate data structures and components can be derived. A small case studies exemplifies the approach.
Expert-driven business process management is an established means for improving efficiency of organizational knowledge work. Implicit procedural knowledge in the organization is made explicit by defining processes. This approach is not applicable to individual knowledge work due to its high complexity and variability. However, without explicitly described processes there is no analysis and efficient communication of best practices of individual knowledge work within the organization. In addition, the activities of the individual knowledge work cannot be synchronized with the activities in the organizational knowledge work.rnrnSolution to this problem is the semantic integration of individual knowledgernwork and organizational knowledge work by means of the patternbased core ontology strukt. The ontology allows for defining and managing the dynamic tasks of individual knowledge work in a formal way and to synchronize them with organizational business processes. Using the strukt ontology, we have implemented a prototype application for knowledge workers and have evaluated it at the use case of an architectural fifirm conducting construction projects.
With the Multimedia Metadata Ontology (M3O), we have developed a sophisticated model for representing among others the annotation, decomposition, and provenance of multimedia metadata. The goal of the M3O is to integrate the existing metadata standards and metadata formats rather than replacing them. To this end, the M3O provides a scaffold needed to represent multimedia metadata. Being an abstract model for multimedia metadata, it is not straightforward how to use and specialize the M3O for concrete application requirements and existing metadata formats and metadata standards. In this paper, we present a step-by-step alignment method describing how to integrate and leverage existing multimedia metadata standards and metadata formats in the M3O in order to use them in a concrete application. We demonstrate our approach by integrating three existing metadata models: the Core Ontology on Multimedia (COMM), which is a formalization of the multimedia metadata standard MPEG-7, the Ontology for Media Resource of the W3C, and the widely known industry standard EXIF for image metadata
Digital happiness
Emotions in the digital world gain more and more importance by the accelerating digitalization of recent years. In everyday life as well as professional and educational environments, the use of media is almost inescapable. This work takes a closer look to the still relatively unknown topic, “Digital Happiness“. In the literature emotions in the digital world are studied increasingly, but concerning the topic of “Digital Happiness” there are not many insights.
In this research the differences between communicating emotions through digital media and face-to-face communications, as well as their impacts, are investigated. The perception and expression of emotions in the real and digital world are considered. Furthermore, a first definition of “Digital Happiness” and a model with the associated determinants that influence “Digital Happiness” is developed.
To achieve these goals, a literature analysis by the method of Webster & Watson (2002) is performed. Therefore, 15 articles are selected and analyzed in more detail to illustrate the current state of research. These articles are organized into a concept matrix. In addition, special phenomena, such as Quantified Self, are closely considered in order to determine other factors. Based on the literature analysis, a qualitative study by the method of Mayring (2014) is performed. It is developed into an interview guideline that serves as the basis for the investigation of the established determinants of the literature analysis. This is confirmed or refuted by 30 interviews with users of information and communication technologies. With the help of the interviews, a large part of the determinants in the literature can be confirmed. Moreover, some new determinants are identified. These results are included into the final model. This model provides a basis for further research in the field of “Digital Happiness“. Finally, different implications for research and practice are found, which reveal the need of further research.
Der Fachbereich 4: Informatik der Universität Koblenz-Landau bietet seit seiner Gründung 1990 wissenschaftliche Studiengänge (Diplom) in Informatik mit verschiedenen Schwerpunkten, darunter Wirtschaft- und Verwaltungsinformatik an, dem nach und nach weitere Studiengänge zur Seite gestellt wurden: seit 1997 Computervisualistik (Diplom) und seit 2000 Informationsmanagement (Bachelor und Master). Der Fachbereich 4: Informatik hat zum Wintersemester 2006/2007 sein Lehrangebot in den Nicht-Lehramtsstudiengängen vollständig auf konsekutive Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge umgestellt. Die Akkreditierung erfolgte über die Akkreditierungsagentur ASIIN. Die Aufnahme von Studienanfängern für die bis dahin angebotenen Diplomstudiengänge "Informatik" bzw. "Computervisualistik" wurde gleichzeitig eingestellt, und diese wurden durch ein integriertes Programm mit zwei konsekutiven Bachelor-Master-Studienprogrammen in "Informatik" und "Computervisualistik" ersetzt. Das bereits bestehende Bachelor-Master-Programm in "Informationsmanagement" wurde reformiert, und ein weiterer Masterstudiengang in "Wirtschaftsinformatik" wurde eingerichtet. Bei der Konzeption dieser sieben Studiengänge wurde auf eine hohe Integration und Studiengangs-übergreifende Wiederverwendung von Modulen geachtet. Die in diesem Papier vorgestellten Studiengänge für das Lehramt wurden schon bei der damaligen Planung mit einbezogen. Da mit Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller der Leiter der Landesarbeitsgruppe zur Erarbeitung der curricularen Standards für das Fach Informatik bei der Planung eng mit eingebunden war, konnten die Module der Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge von Anfang an im Hinblick auf eine spätere Verwendung auch im Lehramt konzipiert werden.
The term "Augmented Reality (AR)" denotes the superposition of additional virtual objects and supplementary information over real images. The joint project Enhanced Reality (ER)1 aims at a generic AR-system. The ER-project is a cooperation of six different research groups of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau. According to Ronald Azuma an AR-system combines real and virtual environments, where the real and virtual objects are registered in 3-D, and it provides interactivity in real time [Azu97]. Enhanced Reality extends Augmented Reality by requiring the virtual objects to be seamlessly embedded into the real world as photo-realistic objects according to the exact lighting conditions. Furthermore, additional information supplying value-added services may be displayed and interaction of the user may even be immersive. The short-term goal of the ER-project is the exploration of ER-fundamentals using some specific research scenarios; the long-term goal is the development of a component-based ER-framework for the creation of ER-applications for arbitrary application areas. ER-applications are developed as single-user applications for users who are moving in a real environment and are wearing some kind of visual output device like see-through glasses and some mobile end device. By these devices the user is able to see reality as it is, but he can also see the virtual objects and the additional information about some value-added service. Furthermore he might have additional devices whereby he can interact with the available virtual objects. The development of a generic framework for ER-applications requires the definition of generic components which are customizable and composable to build concrete applications and it requires a homogeneous data model which supports all components equally well. The workgroup "Software Technology"2 is responsible for this subproject. This report gives some preliminary results concerning the derivation of a component-based view of ER. There are several augmented reality frameworks like ARVIKA, AMIRE, DWARF, MORGAN, Studierstube and others which offer some support for the development of AR-applications. All of them ease the use of existing subsystems like AR-Toolkit, OpenGL and others and leverage the generation process for realistic systems by making efficient use of those subsystems. Consequently, they highly rely on them.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluss des Wahlszenarios auf die Geheimheit und Öffentlichkeit der Wahl herausgearbeitet. Ein Wahlszenario wird durch seine Wahlform und die verwendete Wahltechnik bestimmt. Bei der Wahl-form kann zwischen einer Präsenz- und einer Fernwahl unterschieden werden. Bei der Wahltechnik zwischen der Papier- und der elektronischen Wahl. Mit der Papier-Präsenzwahl, der Briefwahl (Papier-Fernwahl) und der Internetwahl (elektronische Fernwahl) werden drei prominente Wahlszenarien und ihr Einfluss auf Geheimheit, Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit untersucht.
In diesem Arbeitsbericht werden zuvor nicht identifizierte Bedrohungen bezüglich des Wahlgeheimnisses des in [BKG11] vorgeschlagenen Konzeptes zur Authentifizierung von Wählern bei elektronischen Wahlen mittels des neuen Personalausweises aufgezeigt. Überdies wird mit der Einführung einer zwischengelagerten Anonymisierungsschicht eine Lösung vorgeschlagen, wie eben diese Bedrohungen abgewehrt werden können.
The novel mobile application csxPOI (short for: collaborative, semantic, and context-aware points-of-interest) enables its users to collaboratively create, share, and modify semantic points of interest (POI). Semantic POIs describe geographic places with explicit semantic properties of a collaboratively created ontology. As the ontology includes multiple subclassiffcations and instantiations and as it links to DBpedia, the richness of annotation goes far beyond mere textual annotations such as tags. With the intuitive interface of csxPOI, users can easily create, delete, and modify their POIs and those shared by others. Thereby, the users adapt the structure of the ontology underlying the semantic annotations of the POIs. Data mining techniques are employed to cluster and thus improve the quality of the collaboratively created POIs. The semantic POIs and collaborative POI ontology are published as Linked Open Data.
The University of Koblenz-Landau would like to apply for participation in the RoboCup Mixed Reality League in Suzhou, China 2008. Our team is composed of ten team members and two supervisors. All members are graduate students of Computational Visualistics. Our supervisors are Ph.D. candidates currently researching in the working groups of artificial intelligence and computer graphics.
Avoidance of routing loops
We introduce a new routing algorithm which can detect routing loops by evaluating routing updates more thoroughly. Our new algorithm is called Routing with Metric based Topology Investigation (RMTI), which is based on the simple Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and is compatible to all RIP versions. In case of a link failure, a network can reorganize itself if there are redundant links available. Redundant links are only available in a network system like the internet if the topology contains loops. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize and to prevent routing loops. A routing loop can be seen as a circular trace of a routing update information which returns to the same router, either directly from the neighbor router or via a loop topology. Routing loops could consume a large amount of network bandwidth and could impact the endtoend performance of the network. Our RMTI approach is capable to improve the efficiency of Distance Vector Routing.
Die vorliegende Arbeit bildet den Abschluss eines Forschungspraktikums von Studierenden der Masterstudiengänge Informationsmanagement und Wirtschaftsinformatik unter Betreuung der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin Daniela Simić-Draws und von Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Grimm. Eine wesentliche Vorlage zu dieser Arbeit war ein Vorgehensmodell zur Sicherheitsanalyse von Geschäftsprozessen, das von D. Simić-Draws im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation erarbeitet wird und zu dessen laufender Verbesserung dieses studentische Forschungspraktikum wertvolle Hinweise liefern konnte. Als Anwendungsbeispiel wurden die sicherheitskritischen Prozesse "Kommunalwahl" und "Geldauszahlung am Bankautomaten" gewählt, weil die Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Grimm in diesen beiden Anwendungen aus vorhergehender wissenschaftlicher Arbeit Erfahrung gesammelt hat. Insbesondere zum Anwendungsbeispiel "Kommunalwahl" hatte sich dankenswerterweise das Ordnungsamt Koblenz, das für die Kommunalwahlen zuständig ist, unter aktiver Mithilfe ihres Leiters Dirk Urmersbach zur Zusammenarbeit angeboten, so dass dieser Geschäftsprozess wirklichkeitsnah untersucht werden konnte.
E-KRHyper is a versatile theorem prover and model generator for firstorder logic that natively supports equality. Inequality of constants, however, has to be given by explicitly adding facts. As the amount of these facts grows quadratically in the number of these distinct constants, the knowledge base is blown up. This makes it harder for a human reader to focus on the actual problem, and impairs the reasoning process. We extend E-Hyper- underlying E-KRhyper tableau calculus to avoid this blow-up by implementing a native handling for inequality of constants. This is done by introducing the unique name assumption for a subset of the constants (the so called distinct object identifiers). The obtained calculus is shown to be sound and complete and is implemented into the E-KRHyper system. Synthetic benchmarks, situated in the theory of arrays, are used to back up the benefits of the new calculus.
Semantic descriptions of non-textual media available on the web can be used to facilitate retrieval and presentation of media assets and documents containing them. While technologies for multimedia semantic descriptions already exist, there is as yet no formal description of a high quality multimedia ontology that is compatible with existing (semantic) web technologies. We explain the complexity of the problem using an annotation scenario. We then derive a number of requirements for specifying a formal multimedia ontology, including: compatibility with MPEG-7, embedding in foundational ontologies, and modularisation including separation of document structure from domain knowledge. We then present the developed ontology and discuss it with respect to our requirements.
Colonoscopy is one of the best methods for screening colon cancer. As the automatic detection of polyps in endoscopic images is a challenging task for image processing, a variety of research groups have proposed methods that try to fulfill this task to develop a system which supports the doctors during examination. However, the problem is still "at least partially" not solved. This paper gives a summary of 16 different polyp detection methods published in the last ten years. We found out that the major draw-back of many approaches is the lack of representative video data, which hinders comparison and evaluation of the published methods.
This volume contains those research papers presented at the Second International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2008) that were not included in the main conference proceedings. TAP was the second conference devoted to the convergence of proofs and tests. It combines ideas from both areas for the advancement of software quality. To prove the correctness of a program is to demonstrate, through impeccable mathematical techniques, that it has no bugs; to test a program is to run it with the expectation of discovering bugs. On the surface, the two techniques seem contradictory: if you have proved your program, it is fruitless to comb it for bugs; and if you are testing it, that is surely a sign that you have given up on any hope of proving its correctness. Accordingly, proofs and tests have, since the onset of software engineering research, been pursued by distinct communities using rather different techniques and tools. And yet the development of both approaches leads to the discovery of common issues and to the realization that each may need the other. The emergence of model checking has been one of the first signs that contradiction may yield to complementarity, but in the past few years an increasing number of research efforts have encountered the need for combining proofs and tests, dropping earlier dogmatic views of their incompatibility and taking instead the best of what each of these software engineering domains has to offer. The first TAP conference (held at ETH Zurich in February 2007) was an attempt to provide a forum for the cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches from the testing and proving communities. For the 2008 edition we found the Monash University Prato Centre near Florence to be an ideal place providing a stimulating environment. We wish to sincerely thank all the authors who submitted their work for consideration. And we would like to thank the Program Committee members as well as additional referees for their great effort and professional work in the review and selection process. Their names are listed on the following pages. In addition to the contributed papers, the program included three excellent keynote talks. We are grateful to Michael Hennell (LDRA Ltd., Cheshire, UK), Orna Kupferman (Hebrew University, Israel), and Elaine Weyuker (AT&T Labs Inc., USA) for accepting the invitation to address the conference. Two very interesting tutorials were part of TAP 2008: "Parameterized Unit Testing with Pex" (J. de Halleux, N. Tillmann) and "Integrating Verification and Testing of Object-Oriented Software" (C. Engel, C. Gladisch, V. Klebanov, and P. Rümmer). We would like to express our thanks to the tutorial presenters for their contribution. It was a team effort that made the conference so successful. We are grateful to the Conference Chair and the Steering Committee members for their support. And we particularly thank Christoph Gladisch, Beate Körner, and Philipp Rümmer for their hard work and help in making the conference a success. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the generous support of Microsoft Research Redmond, who financed an invited speaker.
Der Fachbereich 4 (Informatik) besteht aus fünfundzwanzig Arbeitsgruppen unter der Leitung von Professorinnen und Professoren, die für die Forschung und Lehre in sechs Instituten zusammenarbeiten.
In jedem Jahresbericht stellen sich die Arbeitsgruppen nach einem einheitlichen Muster dar, welche personelle Zusammensetzung sie haben, welche Projekte in den Berichtszeitraum fallen und welche wissenschaftlichen Leistungen erbracht wurden. In den folgenden Kapiteln werden einzelne Parameter aufgeführt, die den Fachbereich in quantitativer Hinsicht, was Drittmitteleinwerbungen, Abdeckung der Lehre, Absolventen oder Veröffentlichungen angeht, beschreiben.
This paper describes the robots TIAGo and Lisa used by
team homer@UniKoblenz of the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany,
for the participation at the RoboCup@Home 2019 in Sydney,
Australia. We ended up first at RoboCup@Home 2019 in the Open Platform
League and won the competition in our league now three times
in a row (four times in total) which makes our team the most successful
in RoboCup@Home. We demonstrated approaches for learning from
demonstration, touch enforcing manipulation and autonomous semantic
exploration in the finals. A special focus is put on novel system components
and the open source contributions of our team. We have released
packages for object recognition, a robot face including speech synthesis,
mapping and navigation, speech recognition interface, gesture recognition
and imitation learning. The packages are available (and new packages
will be released) on
Der Fachbereich 4: Informatik forscht und lehrt in einem diversifzierten Spektrum der Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung. Die Themen schließen Grundlagenforschung und anwendungsorientierte sowie interdisziplinäre Forschung und Lehre ein. Sie reichen von der Kerninformatik bis zu grafschen und ökonomischen Aspekten der Informationsverarbeitung, wie nachfolgende Grafk verdeutlicht (die einzelnen Institute und ihre zugehörigen Arbeitsgruppen stellen sich in den nachfolgenden Kapiteln vor):