Year of publication
- 2015 (106) (remove)
Document Type
- Part of Periodical (34)
- Doctoral Thesis (33)
- Bachelor Thesis (19)
- Master's Thesis (18)
- Conference Proceedings (1)
- Lecture (1)
- Vorlesungsverzeichnis (4)
- OpenGL (3)
- Android (2)
- Compute Shader (2)
- Crowdsourcing (2)
- Eyetracking (2)
- Führung (2)
- Grafikkarte (2)
- Serviceorientierte Architektur (2)
- 360 Grad (1)
Today, augmented reality is becoming more and more important in several areas like industrial sectors, medicine, or tourism. This gain of importance can easily be explained by its powerful extension of real world content. Therefore, augmented realty became a way to explain and enhance the real world information. Yet, to create a system which can enhance a scene with additional information, the relation between the system and the real world must be known. In order to establish this relationship a commonly used method is optical tracking. The system calculates its relation to the real world from camera images. To do so, a reference which is known is needed in the scene to serve as an orientation. Today, this is mostly a 2D-marker or a 2D-texture. These are placed in the real world scenery to serve as a reference. But, this is an intrusion in the scene. That is why it is desirable that the system works without such an additional aid. An strategy without manipulating the scene is object-tracking. In this approach, any object from the scene can be used as a reference for the system. As an object is far more complex than a marker, it is harder for the system to establish its relationship with the real world. That is why most methods for 3D-object-tracking reduce the object by not using the whole object as reference. The focus of this thesis is to research how a whole object can be used as a reference in a way that either the system or the camera can be moved in any 360 degree angle around the object without loosing the relation to the real world. As a basis the augmented reality framework, the so called VisionLib, is used. Extensions to this system for 360 degree tracking are implemented in different ways and analyzed in the scope of this work. Also, the different extensions are compared. The best results were achieved by improving the reinitialization process. With this extension, current camera images of the scene are given to the system. With the hek of these images, the system can calculate the relation to the real world faster in case the relation went missing.
Code package managers like Cabal track dependencies between packages. But packages rarely use the functionality that their dependencies provide. This leads to unnecessary compilation of unused parts and to speculative conflicts between package versions where there are no conflicts. In two case studies we show how relevant these two problems are. We then describe how we could avoid them by tracking dependencies not between packages but between individual code fragments.
Einfluss eines Ausrichtungswerkzeugs auf die Bedienbarkeit in unbeaufsichtigten Eyetrackingsystemen
Eye gaze trackers are devices that can estimate the direction of gaze of a person. Among usability testing eye tracking also allows persons with decreased limb mobility to control or to interact with the computer. The quality and availability of eye tracking equipment has been increasing while costs have been decreasing. This development leads to entering new markets by using eye tracking as an additional input dimension for a variety of applications. Up to now eye tracking has been supervised by qualified experts, who assured that the important conditions like position in front of the eye tracking device, calibration and light conditions has been kept, while using.
This thesis examines an adjustment tool, which is helping the user to adjust in front of the eye tracker and helping to keep this position during the experiment. Furthermore the accuracy while moving the head has been analysed. In this experiment an remote eye gaze tracker has been used to control a game character in the video game called 'Schau Genau!'. The goal was to determine whether the game is playable without the barrier of adjusting and calibration. The results show that adjusting in front of an eye tracker is not a problem, keeping this position is. Small changes of the head position after the calibration process leads to a lack of accuracy. Giving up the calibration and using someone else calibration shows way bigger deviation. Additional head movement increases error rate and makes controlling more difficult.
The present work introduces a rigid-body physics engine, focusing on the collision detection by GPU. The increasing performance and accessibility of modern graphics cards ensures that they can be also used for algorithms that are meant not only for imaging. This advantage is used to implement an efficient collision detection based on particles. The performance differences between CPU and GPU are presented by using a test environment.
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Placing questions before the material or after the material constitute different reading situations. To adapt to these reading situations, readers may apply appropriate reading strategies. Reading strategy caused by location of question has been intensively explored in the context of text comprehension. (1) However, there is still not enough knowledge about whether text plays the same role as pictures when readers apply different reading strategies. To answer this research question, three reading strategies are experimentally manipulated by displaying question before or after the blended text and picture materials: (a) Unguided processing with text and pictures and without the question. (b) Information gathering to answer the questions after the prior experience with text and pictures. (c) Comprehending text and pictures to solve the questions with the prior information of the questions. (2) Besides, it is arguable whether readers prefer text or pictures when the instructed questions are in different difficulty levels. (3) Furthermore, it is still uncertain whether students from higher school tier (Gymnasium) emphasize more on text or on pictures than students from lower school tier (Realschule). (4) Finally, it is rarely mentioned whether higher graders are more able to apply reading strategies in text processing and picture processing than lower graders.
Two experiments were undertaken to investigate the usage of text and pictures in the perspectives of task orientation, question difficulty, school and grade. For a 2x2(x2x2x2) mixed design adopting eye tracking method, participants were recruited from grade 5 (N = 72) and grade 8 (N = 72). In Experiment 1, thirty-six 5th graders were recruited from higher tier (Gymnasium) and thirty-six 5th graders were from lower tier (Realschule). In Experiment 2, thirty-six 8th graders were recruited from higher tier and thirty-six were from lower tier. They were supposed to comprehend the materials combining text and pictures and to answer the questions. A Tobii XL60 eye tracker recorded their eye movements and their answers to the questions. Eye tracking indicators were analyzed and reported, such as accumulated fixation duration, time to the first fixation and transitions between different Areas of Interest. The results reveal that students process text differently from pictures when they follow different reading strategies. (1) Consistent with Hypothesis 1, students mainly use text to construct their mental model in unguided spontaneous processing of text and pictures. They seem to mainly rely on the pictures as external representations when trying to answer questions after the prior experience with the material. They emphasize on both text and pictures when questions are presented before the material. (2) Inconsistent with Hypothesis 2, students are inclined to emphasize on text and on pictures as question difficulty increases. However, the increase of focus on pictures is more than on text when the presented question is difficult. (3) Different from Hypothesis 3, the current study discovers that higher tier students did not differ from lower tier students in text processing. Conversely, students from higher tier attend more to pictures than students from lower tier. (4) Differed from Hypothesis 4, 8th graders outperform 5th graders mainly in text processing. Only a subtle difference is found between 5th graders and 8th graders in picture processing.
To sum up, text processing differs from picture processing when applying different reading strategies. In line with the Integrative Model of Text and Picture Comprehension by Schnotz (2014), text is likely to play a major part in guiding the processing of meaning or general reading, whereas pictures are applied as external representations for information retrieval or selective reading. When question is difficulty, pictures are emphasized due to their advantages in visualizing the internal structure of information. Compared to lower tier students (poorer problem solvers), higher tier students (good problem solvers) are more capable of comprehending pictures rather than text. Eighth graders are more efficient than 5th graders in text processing rather than picture processing. It also suggests that in designing school curricula, more attention should be paid to students’ competence on picture comprehension or text-picture integration in the future.
Software systems are often developed as a set of variants to meet diverse requirements. Two common approaches to this are "clone-and-owning" and software product lines. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. In previous work we and collaborators proposed an idea which combines both approaches to manage variants, similarities, and cloning by using a virtual platform and cloning-related operators.
In this thesis, we present an approach for aggregating essential metadata to enable a propagate operator, which implements a form of change propagation. For this we have developed a system to annotate code similarities which were extracted throughout the history of a software repository. The annotations express similarity maintenance tasks, which can then either be executed automatically by propagate or have to be performed manually by the user. In this work we outline the automated metadata extraction process and the system for annotating similarities; we explain how the implemented system can be integrated into the workflow of an existing version control system (Git); and, finally, we present a case study using the 101haskell corpus of variants.
This dissertation answers the research question which basically suitable approaches and which necessary information technologies are to be considered for the management of business processes in large amounts (Mass Business Process Management, MBPM) in service companies. It could be shown that for the execution of mass processes a special approach that uses methods of the manufacturing industry is necessary. The research aim to develop an MBPM approach for service companies was accomplished by using the Design Science Research approach and is explained in this dissertation in consecutive steps. For the development of the MBPM approach a longitudinal indepth case study was conducted with a business process outsourcing provider to gain insights from his approach. Outsourcing providers have to produce their services in a very efficient and effective way, otherwise they will not be able to offer their products at favorable conditions. It was shown that the factory-oriented approach of the out-sourcing service provider in the observation period of ten years was suitable to execute mass processes of highest quality, at constantly decreasing prices with less and less people.
The assumed need for research concerning MBPM was verified on the basis of an extensive literature research based on the Journal Rating VHB-Jourqual and other literature sources. As many approaches for the introduction of BPM were found, a selection of BPM approaches was analyzed to gain further insights for the development of the MBPM approach. Based on the analysis and the comparison of the different BPM approaches as well as the comparison with the approach of the process outsourcing provider it was found, that BPM and MBPM differ in many aspects. MBPM has a strong operational focus and needs intensive IT support. The operative focus mainly shows in the operative control of processes and people as well as in the corresponding high demands on process transparency. With detailed monitoring and fine grained process measurements as well as timely reporting this process transparency is achieved. Information technology is needed for example to conduct process monitoring timely but also to give internal as well as external stakeholders the desired overview of the current workload and of the invoicing of services.
Contrary to the approach of the process outsourcing provider it could also been shown, that change management can influence the implementation, the continuous operation and the constant change associated with MBPM in a positive way.
Die Arbeitsgruppe Echtzeitsysteme an der Universität Koblenz beschäftigt sich seit mehreren Jahren mit der Thematik autonomes und assistiertes Fahren. Eine große Herausforderung stellen in diesem Zusammenhang mehrgliedrige Fahrzeuge dar, deren Steuerung für den Fahrer während der Rückwärtsfahrt sehr anspruchsvoll ist. Um präzise Manöver zu ermöglichen, können elektronische Fahrerassistenzsysteme zum Einsatz kommen. Im Rahmen vorhergehender Arbeiten sind bereits einige Prototypen entstanden, von denen jedoch keiner eine geeignete Lösung für moderne, zweiachsige Anhänger darstellt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein prototypisches Fahrerassistenzsystem entwickelt, wobei es noch weiterer Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit bedarf, um das System straßentauglich zu machen.
Zwölfte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Elfte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung in den Masterstudiengängen für das Lehramt an Grundschulen, das Lehramt an Realschulen plus, das Lehramt an Förderschulen sowie das Lehramt an Gymnasien an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Zehnte Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Zertifikatsstudiengang (Erweiterungsprüfung) an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Neunte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im Zwei-Fach-Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Vierte Ordnung zur Änderung der Gemeinsamen Prüfungsordnung für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs und des Masterstudiengangs "Kulturwissenschaft" des Fachbereichs 2: Philologie / Kulturwissenschaften an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Dritte Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im Bachelorstudiengang Umweltwissenschaften und in den Masterstudiengängen Umweltwissenschaften und Ecotoxicology an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
Ordnung zur Änderung der Einschreibeordnung für die Universität Koblenz-Landau
Habilitationsordnung des Fachbereichs 5: Erziehungswissenschaften der Universität Koblenz-Landau
In this work a framework is developed that is used to create an evaluation scheme for the evaluation of text processing tools. The evaluation scheme is developed using a model-dependent software evaluation approach and the focus of the model-dependent part is the text-processing process which is derived from the Conceptual Analysis Process developed in the GLODERS project. As input data a German court document is used containing two incidents of extortion racketeering which happened in 2011 and 2012. The evaluation of six different tools shows that one tool offers great results for the given dataset when it is compared to manual results. It is able to identify and visualize relations between concepts without any additional manual work. Other tools also offer good results with minor drawbacks. The biggest drawback for some tools is the unavailability of models for the German language. They can perform automated tasks only on English documents. Nonetheless some tools can be enhanced by self-written code which allows users with development experience to apply additional methods.
Durch eine systematische Literaturanalyse sollen die wichtigsten Aspekte des Phänomens Crowdsourcing abgedeckt werden. Da die Summe an Forschungsfragen relativ breit gefächert ist, soll der Fokus der Arbeit auf die im Folgenden aufgelisteten Fragen gelegt werden: Was ist unter dem Begriff Crowdsourcing gezielt zu verstehen? Wie lässt sich das Phänomen Crowdsourcing von anderen angrenzenden Konzepten trennen? Wo liegen die Gemeinsamkeiten und wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Konzepten? Welche Ausprägungsformen von Crowdsourcing sind in Theorie und Praxis vorzufinden? In welchen Bereichen kommt Crowdsourcing zum Einsatz? Welche Unternehmen setzen Crowdsourcing erfolgreich um? Welche Plattformen zur Unterstützung von Crowdsourcing sind vorhanden? Welche Ziele bzw. Ergebnisse sollen mit dem Einsatz von Crowdsourcing erreicht bzw. erzielt werden? Wie läuft der Crowdsourcing-Prozess ab und in welche Phasen lässt sich dieser unterteilen? Wie sieht die Wertschöpfung durch Crowdsourcing (a) allgemein und (b) speziell für Unternehmen aus? Welche Chancen und Potenziale sowie Risiken und Grenzen entstehen dabei den Unternehmen? Was lässt sich in Zukunft im Bereich des Crowdsourcing noch verbessern, das heißt in welchen Bereichen besteht noch Forschungsbedarf?
“Mittelstand” businesses are the backbone of the German economy. To operate effectively, these businesses require sufficient financing provided through adequate financing instruments. Yet, which characteristics do capital seekers value in adequate financing instruments? Despite the macroeconomic relevance of the topic, only few empirical studies exist to this date, which examine the financing behaviour of “Mittelstand”. For the paper at hand, all PREPS financed German businesses were asked to fill out an online survey. PREPS is a standardized mezzanine financing instrument, which was offered to “Mittelstand” businesses with a high degree of credit worthiness - primarily to finance business growth. PREPS financed businesses are of particular interest for this research as they can choose from the greatest variety of financing options amongst their peers due to their size and credit worthiness. Financing instruments differ in terms of rights and obligations associated with them. Depending on their design, financing contracts can fulfil a variety of functions beyond the obvious supply of liquidity, such as financial transformation, influencing of behaviours, and signalling private information. The paper at hand suggests that the businesses in question selected the same financing instrument, however, for different reasons. Furthermore, the degree of appreciation for certain characteristics of the financing instrument varies with business and situation specific context. When exploring individual hypotheses on how individual factors influence this degree of appreciation for certain financing characteristics, this paper builds on core capital structure theories as well as recent empirical insights in regards to financing behaviour. In addition, the paper examines several explorative hypotheses.
In this thesis we present an approach to track a RGB-D camera in 6DOF andconstruct 3D maps. We first acquire, register and synchronize RGB and depth images. After preprocessing we extract FAST features and match them between two consecutive frames. By depth projection we regain the z-value for the inlier correspondences. Afterwards we estimate the camera motion by 3D point set alignment between the correspondence set using least-squares. This local motion estimate is incrementally applied to a global transformation. Additionally wernpresent methods to build maps based on point cloud data acquired by a RGB-D camera. For map creation we use the OctoMap framework and optionally create a colored point cloud map. The system is evaluated with the widespread RGB-D benchmark.
Die Basis für die Untersuchung bilden die theoretischen Erkenntnisse zur Transition und zum Fremdsprachenunterricht. In der Studie wurden saarländische Grundschullehrer und Gymnasiallehrer zu für den Fremdsprachenunterricht relevanten Aspekten befragt. Aus den Ergebnissen wurden Konsequenzen für die Bildungspolitik und die Unterrichtspraxis abgeleitet.