Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (476) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (225)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Pädagogik, Abteilung Pädagogik (13)
Speziell in Anwendungen mit intensiver Temperatur- und Korrosionsbeanspruchung finden vermehrt Phosphate als sogenannte chemische Binder für Hochleistungskeramiken Verwendung. Konkret ist die Summe der Reaktionsverläufe während des Bindemechanismus in Folge einer thermisch-induzierten Aushärtung und somit die Wirkungsweise von Phosphatbindern prinzipiell innerhalb der Fachliteratur nicht eindeutig untersucht. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurden aufbauend auf einer umfangreichen strukturanalytischen Prüfungsanordnung (Festkörper-NMR, RBA, REM-EDX) einer exemplarischen phosphatgebundenen Al₂O₃-MgAl₂O₄-Hochtemperaturkeramikzusammensetzung unter Einbeziehung verschiedenartiger anorganischer Phosphate grundlegende Bindemechanismen charakterisiert. Mechanisch-physikochemische Eigenschaftsuntersuchungen (STA, Dilatometrie, DMA, KBF) deckten zudem den Einfluss der eingesetzten Phosphate auf die Eigenschaftsentwicklungen der Feuerfestkeramiken bezüglich des Abbindeverhaltens, der Biegefestigkeit sowie der thermischen Längenänderung auf, welche mit Strukturänderungen korreliert wurden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass sich Bindemechanismen bei Verwendung von Phosphaten temperaturgeleitet (20 °C ≤ T ≤ 1500 °C) grundsätzlich aus zwei parallel ablaufenden Reaktionsabfolgen zusammensetzen, wobei die sich entwickelnden Phosphatphasen innerhalb der Keramikmasse quantitativ und qualitativ bezüglich ihrer Bindewirkung bewertet wurden. Zum einen wurde die Bildung eines festigkeitssteigernden Bindenetzwerks aus Aluminiumphosphaten meist amorpher Struktur identifiziert und charakterisiert. Dieses bindungsfördernde, dreidimensionale Aluminiumphosphatnetzwerk baut sich innerhalb der Initialisierungs- und Vernetzungsphasen temperaturgeleitet kontinuierlich über multiple Vernetzungsreaktionen homogen auf. Zum anderen werden Reaktionsabfolgen durch parallel ablaufende Strukturumwandlungen nicht aktiv-bindender Phosphatspezies wie Magnesium-, Calcium- oder Zirkoniumphosphate ergänzt, welche lediglich thermische Umwandlungsreaktionen der Ausgangsphosphate darstellen. Vermehrt bei T > 800 °C geht das phosphatische Bindenetzwerk Festkörperreaktionen mit MgAl₂O₄ unter Ausbildung und Agglomeration von Magnesium-Orthophosphat-Sinterstrukturen ein. Die Bildung dieser niedrigschmelzenden Hochtemperaturphasen führt zu einem teilweisen Bruch des Bindenetzwerks.
Modern agriculture is a dominant land use in Europe, although it has been associated with negative effects on biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. One species-rich insect group in agro-ecosystems is the Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies); however, the populations of a number of Lepidoptera species are currently declining. The aims of this thesis were to assess the amount and structure of field margins in agricultural landscapes, study the effects of realistic field margin input rates of agrochemicals (fertilizer and pesticides) on Lepidoptera, and provide information on moth pollination services.
In general, field margins are common semi-natural habitat elements in agro-ecosystems; however, data on the structure, size, and width of field margins is limited. An assessment in two German agricultural landscapes (4,000 ha each) demonstrated that many of the evaluated field margins were less than 3 m wide (Rhineland‐Palatinate: 85% of margin length; Brandenburg: 45% margin length). In Germany, risk mitigation measures (such as buffer zones) to reduce pesticide inputs to terrestrial non-crop habitats do not have to be established by farmers next to narrow field margins. Thus, narrow field margins receive inputs of agrochemicals, especially via overspray and spray drift. These field margins were used as a development habitat for caterpillars, but the mean abundance of caterpillars was 35 – 60% lower compared with that in meadows. Caterpillars were sensitive to realistic field margin input rates of insecticide (pyrethroid, lambda-cyhalothrin) in a field experiment as well as in laboratory experiments. Moreover, 40% fewer Hadena bicruris eggs were observed on Silene latifolia plants treated with this insecticide compared with control plants, and the flowers of these insecticide-treated plants were less likely to be pollinated by moths. In addition, realistic field margin input rates of herbicides can also affect Lepidoptera. Ranunculus acris L. plants treated with sublethal rates of a sulfonylurea herbicide were used as host plants for Mamestra brassicae L. caterpillars, which resulted in significantly lower caterpillar weights, increased time to pupation, and increased overall development time compared with caterpillars feeding on control plants. These results might have been caused by lower nutritional value of the herbicide-treated plants or increased concentrations of secondary metabolites involved in plant defense. Fertilizer applications slightly increased the caterpillar abundance in the field experiment. However, fertilizers reduce plant diversity in the long term and thus, most likely, also reduce caterpillar diversity.
Moths such as Noctuidae and Sphingidae have been observed to act as pollinators for numerous plant species, including a number of Orchidaceae and Caryophyllaceae. Although in temperate agro-ecosystems moths are less likely to act as the main pollinators for crops, they can pollinate non-crop plants in semi-natural habitats. Currently, the role of moths as pollinators appears to be underestimated, and long-term research focusing on ecosystems is necessary to address temporal fluctuations in their abundance and community composition.
Lepidoptera represent a diverse organism group in agricultural landscapes and fulfill essential ecosystem services, such as pollination. To better protect moths and butterflies, agrochemical inputs to (narrow) field margins habitats should be reduced, for example, via risk mitigation measures and agro-environmental schemes.
Amphibian populations are declining worldwide for multiple reasons such as habitat destruction and climate change. An example for an endangered European amphibian is the yellow-bellied toad Bombina variegata. Populations have been declining for decades, particularly at the northern and western range margin. One of the extant northern range centres is the Westerwald region in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. To implement informed conservation activities on this threatened species, knowledge of its life-history strategy is crucial. This study therefore focused on different developmental stages to test predictions of life-history theory. It addressed (1) developmental, (2) demographic and (3) genetic issues of Bombina variegata as a model organism: (1) Carry-over effects from larval environment to terrestrial stages and associated vulnerability to predators were investigated using mesocosm approaches, fitness tests and predation trials. (2) The dynamics and demography of B. variegata populations were studied applying a capture-mark-recapture analysis and skeletochronology. The study was complemented through (3) an analysis of genetic diversity and structuring of B. variegata populations using 10 microsatellite loci. In order to reveal general patterns and characteristics among B. variegata populations, the study focused on three geographical scales: local (i.e. a former military training area), regional (i.e. the Westerwald region) and continental scale (i.e. the geographical range of B. variegata). The study revealed carry-over effects of larval environment on metamorph phenotype and behaviour causing variation in fitness in the early terrestrial stage of B. variegata. Metamorph size and condition are crucial factors for survival, as small-sized individuals were particularly prone to predator attacks. Yellow-bellied toads show a remarkable fast-slow continuum of the life-history trait longevity. A populations’ position within this continuum may be determined by local environmental stochasticity, i.e. an extrinsic source of variation, and the efficiency of chemical antipredator protection, i.e. an intrinsic source of variation. Extreme longevity seems to be an exception in B. variegata. Senescence was absent in this study. Weather variability affected reproductive success and thus population dynamics. The dispersal potential was low and short-term fragmentation of populations caused significant genetic differentiation at the local scale. Long-term isolation resulted in increased genetic distance at the regional scale. At the continental scale, populations inhabiting the marginal regions were deeply structured with reduced allelic richness. As consequence of environmental changes, short-lived and isolated B. variegata populations at the range margin may face an increased risk of extinction. Conservation measures should thus improve the connectivity among local populations and reinforce annual reproductive success. Further research on the intraspecific variation in B. variegata skin toxins is required to reveal potential effects on palatability and thus longevity.
Animationen können in instruktionalen Kontexten genutzt werden, um Wissen über Sachverhalte zu vermitteln, die Prozesse oder Abläufe beinhalten. So können dynamische Sachverhalte explizit dargestellt werden und müssen nicht vom Lerner selbst in Gedanken hergestellt, sondern nur anhand der Animation nachvollzogen werden. Dies sollte sich positiv auf den Wissenserwerb auswirken. Dabei stellen Animationen mit ihrer besonderen Eigenschaft der Darstellung zeitlicher Abläufe besondere Herausforderungen an den Lerner. Das menschliche Informationsverarbeitungssystem unterliegt bestimmten Begrenzungen im Hinblick auf die Wahrnehmung von Geschwindigkeiten. Zu schnelle und zu langsame Geschwindigkeiten können beispielsweise nur schwer wahrgenommen und dementsprechend auch nicht kognitiv verarbeitet werden. Die Zielsetzung der Arbeit, die sich daraus ergibt, war eine systematische Untersuchung der Wirkung unterschiedlicher Präsentationsgeschwindigkeiten auf das Wahrnehmen und Verstehen eines dynamischen Sachverhaltes anhand einer Animation.
Um die Fragestellungen der Arbeit beantworten zu können, wurden vier experimentelle Studien durchgeführt. Die Pilotstudie hatte das Ziel, sowohl das Lernmaterial als auch den entwickelten Wissenstest zu evaluieren. In Studie 1 wurde der Frage nach dem Einfluss der Präsentationsgeschwindigkeit auf den Wissenserwerb beim Lernen mit einer interaktiven Animation nachgegangen.
Die Studien 2 und 3 untersuchten den Einfluss verschiedener Reihenfolgen von Geschwindigkeiten auf den Wissenserwerb. Hier ging es um eine systematische Erfassung der perzeptuellen und kognitiven Verarbeitung dynamischer Informationen in zwei verschiedenen Geschwindigkeiten mittels Blickbewegungsmessung (Studie 2) und wiederholten Testungen des Wissenserwerbs zwischen den einzelnen Lernphasen (Studie 3).
Die Ergebnisse der Studien deuten darauf hin, dass bei langsamer Geschwindigkeit Wissen über Ereignisse auf untergeordneter zeitlicher Ebene erworben wurde und dass je schneller eine Animation gesehen wurde, umso mehr anteiliges Wissen auf einer übergeordneten zeitlichen Ebene erworben wurde (Studie 1), aber eindeutige Aussagen über den Einfluss der Geschwindigkeit auf den Wissenserwerb auf verschiedenen zeitlichen Hierarchieebenen lassen sich aufgrund der Ergebnisse der Studien nicht machen. Im Hinblick auf die Lernförderlichkeit verschiedener Arten der Sequenzierung von Geschwindigkeiten zeigten sich auch keine eindeutigen Ergebnisse. Aufgrund der Analyse der Blickbewegungsdaten deutet sich jedoch an, dass die Reihenfolge "langsam - schnell" den Bedingungen auf Seiten der Lerner eher entgegen kommt als die Reihenfolge "schnell - langsam".
Die Wirbelsäule als tragende Säule des menschlichen Körpers ist bei vielen Bewegungsabläufen hohen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Fehl- und Überbelastungen rufen dabei oft dauerhafte Schädigungen hervor. Daher ist es von Interesse, die innerhalb der Wirbelsäule auftretenden Belastungen zu bestimmen. Eine moderne und zuverlässige Methode zur Belastungsbestimmung ist der Aufbau eines Berechnungsmodells.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Mehr-Körper-System (MKS) Modell der Lendenwirbelsäule erstellt. Mit Hilfe des Modells können sowohl die übertragenen Kräfte und Momente in allen inneren Strukturen berechnet als auch die Kinematik des Bewegungsablaufs simuliert werden. Die Grundstruktur des Modells bilden die als Starrkörper angenommenen knöchernen Strukturen der fünf Lendenwirbel L1 bis L5, des Os Sacrums und des Os iliums, die über die Segmentierung eines CT-Datensatzes des Abgusses der Wirbeloberflächen eines durchschnittlich großen Europäers gewonnen wurden. Die elastischen Elemente der Wirbelsäule wurden unter Berücksichtigung ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften in das Modell implementiert. Grundlage für die Modellierung der Zwischenwirbelscheiben waren dabei eigens durchgeführte experimentelle Messungen. Das charakteristische Kraft-Deformations-Verhalten der Ligamente wurde der Literatur entnommen.
Die Umsetzung im Computermodell berücksichtigt neben dem physikalischen Verhalten eines einzelnen Ligamentes zusätzlich durch einen Gewichtungsfaktor das Zusammenspiel aller Ligamente im komplex aufgebauten Ligamentapparat. Die Facettengelenke wurden durch Kontaktmodellierung in den Knorpelschichten realisiert. Daneben wurde ein Modell eines Implantatsystems entwickelt, das zur dynamischen Stabilisierung der Lendenwirbelsäule genutzt wird. Die Validierung der erstellten Modelle erfolgte über den Vergleich mit In-Vitro erhobenen Daten. Betrachtet wurden neben der intakten Wirbelsäule zudem degenerative Schädigungen der Zwischenwirbelscheibe und deren operative Versorgung durch Nukleotomie und dynamische Stabilisierung. Die Ergebnisse der Simulationen zeigen dabei eine sehr gute Näherung an die experimentell ermittelten Messwerte. Durch Anwendung der Computermodelle konnten die Auswirkungen verschiedener operativer Eingriffe, wie Interlaminotomie, Hemilaminektomie und Laminektomie auf die unterschiedlichen Strukturen der Lendenwirbelsäule berechnet werden. Ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet lag in der Untersuchung des momentanen Drehzentrums. Neben der Bestimmung der Drehpunktbahn bei intakter Wirbelsäule konnten die Effekte einer degenerativ geschädigten und operativ versorgten Zwischenwirbelscheibe auf den Verlauf des momentanen Drehzentrums berechnet und simuliert werden.
Social Business Documents: An Investigation of their Nature, Structure and Long-term Management
Business documents contain valuable information. In order to comply with legal requirements, to serve as organisational knowledge and to prevent risks they need to be managed. However, changes in technology with which documents are being produced introduced new kinds of documents and new ways of interacting with documents. Thereby, the web 2.0 led to the development of Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS), which enable employees to use wiki, blog or forum applications for conducting their business. Part of the content produced in ECS can be called Social Business Documents (SBD). Compared to traditional digital documents SBD are different in their nature and structure as they are, for example, less well-structured and do not follow a strict lifecycle. These characteristics bring along new management challenges. However, currently research literature lacks investigations on the characteristics of SBD, their peculiarities and management.
This dissertation uses document theory and documentary practice as theoretical lenses to investigate the new challenges of the long-term management of SBD in ECS. By using an interpretative, exploratory, mixed methods approach the study includes two major research parts. First, the nature and structure of Social Business Documents is addressed by analysing them within four different systems using four different modelling techniques each. The findings are used to develop general SBD information models, outlining the basic underlying components, structure, functions and included metadata, as well as a broad range of SBD characteristics. The second phase comprises a focus group, a case study including in-depth interviews and a questionnaire, all conducted with industry representatives. The focus group identified that the kind of SBD used for specific content and the actual place of storage differ between organisations as well as that there are currently nearly no management practices for SBD at hand. The case study provided deep insights into general document management activities and investigated requirements, challenges and actions for managing SBD. Finally, the questionnaire consolidated and deepened the previous findings. It provides insights about the value of SBD, their current management practices as well as management challenges and needs. Despite all participating organisations storing information worth managing in SBD most are not addressing them with management activities and many challenges remain.
Together, the investigations enable a contribution to practice and theory. The progress in practice is summarised through a framework, addressing the long-term management of Social Business Documents. The framework identifies and outlines the requirements and challenges of and the actions for SBD management. It also indicates the dependencies of the different aspects. Furthermore, the findings enable the progress in theory within documentary practice by discussing the extension of document types to include SBD. Existing problems are outlined along the definitions of records and the newly possible characteristics of documents emerging through Social Business Documents are taken into account.
The first group that was revised within my study is Ochralea Clark, 1865 (Hazmi & Wagner 2010a). I have checked the type specimen of most species that were originally described in Ochralea and there is no doubt that this genus is clearly distinct from Monolepta. Weise (1924) has synonymised Galeruca nigripes (Olivier, 1808) with O. nigricornis Clark, 1865 and the valid name of the species is O. nigripes (Olivier, 1808). Out of ten species originally described in this genus, only this species remain valid and O. pectoralis is a new synonym of O. nigripes. Additionally, Monolepta wangkliana Mohamedsaid, 2000 is very closely related to O. nigripes and need to be transferred to Ochralea. The second genus where the revision is still published is Arcastes Baly, 1865 (Hazmi & Wagner 2010b). I have checked the genitalic characters of A. biplagiata, and most of the type species of other Arcastes. Arcastes biplagiata possesses a peculiar shape of the median lobe and asymmetrically arranged endophallic structures. These peculiar characters are very useful to delimit this genus from the others. Therefore, only three valid species remain in Arcastes, while two new synonyms are found and fourrnother species need to be transferred to other genera. While checking the genitalic characteristics of type species of Arcastes sanguinea, thernmedian lobe as well as the spermatheca of this species possesses strong differences to A. biplagiata. The species was redescribed and transferred in a monotypic new genus Rubrarcastes Hazmi & Wagner, 2010c. The fourth genus that was already revised is Neolepta Jacoby, 1884. It was originally described on base of only two species by that time, N. biplagiata and N. fulvipennis. Jacoby has not designated a type species of the genus, and Maulik (1936) did it later, with the designation of N. biplagiata. Jacoby in his original description has only commented that Neolepta is very close and similar to Monolepta Chevrolat, 1837 and Candezea Chapuis, 1879. Subsequent authors have described further eight species, and transferred one species from Luperodes to it, summing up the total number of eleven described species in Neolepta. I have checked the genitalic characters of the type, N. biplagiata and have found out that the median lobe is not incised apically and stronger sclerotised ventral carinae with an apical hook close to the apex occur. Out of all described species, only two are closely related to the genero-type, N. sumatrensis (Jacoby, 1884) new combination and N. quadriplagiata Jacoby, 1886 that will remain in this group after the revision. All other species need to be transferred to other genera, including the newly described Paraneolepta and Orthoneolepta. The last distinct paper of this thesis presented the results on Monolepta Chevrolat, 1837. The massive number of Monolepta from the entire Oriental Region, with about 260 described species names is a more long-life project and not practicable within a PhD-study. Thus I have focused on the species of Monolepta known from the Sundaland area in this work. A comprehensive revision including the study of the primary types of the described species, has never been done for Monolepta from this sub-region, while new species have also been described in the last decade (e. g. Mohamedsaid 1993, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000a,b, 2001, 2002, 2005).
On base of the most current species lists of Mohamedsaid (2001, 2004, 2005) and Kimoto (1990), the number of valid species described from this region is about 72. After my revision, only thirteen valid species can remain in Monolepta in the sense of the generotype M. bioculata (Wagner 2007), while seven species have been found as new synonyms, three have been already transferred to other genera and further 49 species need to be transferred to other genera.
Augmented reality (AR) applications typically extend the user's view of the real world with virtual objects.
In recent years, AR has gained increasing popularity and attention, which has led to improvements in the required technologies. AR has become available to almost everyone.
Researchers have made great progress towards the goal of believable AR, in which the real and virtual worlds are combined seamlessly.
They mainly focus on issues like tracking, display technologies and user interaction, and give little attention to visual and physical coherence when real and virtual objects are combined. For example, virtual objects should not only respond to the user's input; they should also interact with real objects. Generally, AR becomes more believable and realistic if virtual objects appear fixed or anchored in the real scene, appear indistinguishable from the real scene, and response to any changes within it.
This thesis examines on three challenges in the field of computer vision to meet the goal of a believable combined world in which virtual objects appear and behave like real objects.
Firstly, the thesis concentrates on the well-known tracking and registration problem. The tracking and registration challenge is discussed and an approach is presented to estimate the position and viewpoint of the user so that virtual objects appear fixed in the real world. Appearance-based line models, which keep only relevant edges for tracking purposes, enable absolute registration in the real world and provide robust tracking. On the one hand, there is no need to spend much time creating suitable models manually. On the other hand, the tracking can deal with changes within the object or the scene to be tracked. Experiments have shown that the use of appearance-based line models improves the robustness, accuracy and re-initialization speed of the tracking process.
Secondly, the thesis deals with the subject of reconstructing the surface of a real environment and presents an algorithm to optimize an ongoing surface reconstruction. A complete 3D surface reconstruction of the target scene
offers new possibilities for creating more realistic AR applications. Several interactions between real and virtual objects, such as collision and occlusions, can be handled with physical correctness. Whereas previous methods focused on improving surface reconstructions offline after a capturing step, the presented method de-noises, extends and fills holes during the capturing process. Thus, users can explore an unknown environment without any preparation tasks such as moving around and scanning the scene, and without having to deal with the underlying technology in advance. In experiments, the approach provided realistic results where known surfaces were extended and filled in plausibly for different surface types.
Finally, the thesis focuses on handling occlusions between the real and virtual worlds more realistically, by re-interpreting the occlusion challenge as an alpha matting problem. The presented method overcomes limitations in state-of-the-art methods by estimating a blending coefficient per pixel of the rendered virtual scene, instead of calculating only their visibility. In several experiments and comparisons with other methods, occlusion handling through alpha matting worked robustly and overcame limitations of low-cost sensor data; it also outperformed previous work in terms of quality, realism and practical applicability.
The method can deal with noisy depth data and yields realistic results in regions where foreground and background are not strictly separable (e.g. caused by fuzzy objects or motion blur).
Mathematical models of species dispersal and the resilience of metapopulations against habitat loss
Habitat loss and fragmentation due to climate and land-use change are among the biggest threats to biodiversity, as the survival of species relies on suitable habitat area and the possibility to disperse between different patches of habitat. To predict and mitigate the effects of habitat loss, a better understanding of species dispersal is needed. Graph theory provides powerful tools to model metapopulations in changing landscapes with the help of habitat networks, where nodes represent habitat patches and links indicate the possible dispersal pathways between patches.
This thesis adapts tools from graph theory and optimisation to study species dispersal on habitat networks as well as the structure of habitat networks and the effects of habitat loss. In chapter 1, I will give an introduction to the thesis and the different topics presented in this thesis. Chapter 2 will then give a brief summary of tools used in the thesis.
In chapter 3, I present our model on possible range shifts for a generic species. Based on a graph-based dispersal model for a generic aquatic invertebrate with a terrestrial life stage, we developed an optimisation model that models dispersal directed to predefined habitat patches and yields a minimum time until these patches are colonised with respect to the given landscape structure and species dispersal capabilities. We created a time-expanded network based on the original habitat network and solved a mixed integer program to obtain the minimum colonisation time. The results provide maximum possible range shifts, and can be used to estimate how fast newly formed habitat patches can be colonised. Although being specific for this simulation model, the general idea of deriving a surrogate can in principle be adapted to other simulation models.
Next, in chapter 4, I present our model to evaluate the robustness of metapopulations. Based on a variety of habitat networks and different generic species characterised by their dispersal traits and habitat demands, we modeled the permanent loss of habitat patches and subsequent metapopulation dynamics. The results show that species with short dispersal ranges and high local-extinction risks are particularly vulnerable to the loss of habitat across all types of networks. On this basis, we then investigated how well different graph-theoretic metrics of habitat networks can serve as indicators of metapopulation robustness against habitat loss. We identified the clustering coefficient of a network as the only good proxy for metapopulation robustness across all types of species, networks, and habitat loss scenarios.
Finally, in chapter 5, I utilise the results obtained in chapter 4 to identify the areas in a network that should be improved in terms of restoration to maximise the metapopulation robustness under limited resources. More specifically, we exploit our findings that a network’s clustering coefficient is a good indicator for metapopulation robustness and develop two heuristics, a Greedy algorithm and a deducted Lazy Greedy algorithm, that aim at maximising the clustering coefficient of a network. Both algorithms can be applied to any network and are not specific to habitat networks only.
In chapter 6, I will summarize the main findings of this thesis, discuss their limitations and give an outlook of future research topics.
Overall this thesis develops frameworks to study the behaviour of habitat networks and introduces mathematical tools to ecology and thus narrows the gap between mathematics and ecology. While all models in this thesis were developed with a focus on aquatic invertebrates, they can easily be adapted to other metapopulations.
We are living in a world where environmental crises come to a head. To curb aggravation of these problems, a socio-ecological transformation within society is needed, going along with human behavior change. How to encourage such behavior changes on an individual level is the core issue of this dissertation. It takes a closer look at the role of individuals as consumers resulting in purchase decisions with more or less harmful impact on the environment. By using the example of plastic pollution, it takes up a current environmental problem and focuses on an understudied behavioral response to this problem, namely reduction behavior. More concrete, this dissertation examines which psychological factors can encourage the mitigation of plastic packaging consumption. Plastic packaging accounts for the biggest amount of current plastic production and is associated with products of daily relevance. Despite growing awareness of plastic pollution in society, behavioral responses do not follow accordingly and plastic consumption is still very high. As habits are often a pitfall when implementing more resource-saving behavior, this dissertation further examines if periods of discontinuity can open a ’window of opportunity’ to break old habits and facilitate behavior change. Four manuscripts approach this matter from the gross to the subtle. Starting with a literature review, a summary of 187 studies addresses the topic of plastic pollution and human behavior from a societal-scientific perspective. Based on this, a cross-sectional study (N = 648) examines the deter-minants of plastic-free behavior intentions in the private-sphere and public-sphere by structural equation modeling. Two experimental studies in pre-post design build upon this, by integrating the determinants in intervention studies. In addition, it was evaluated if the intervention presented during Lent (N = 140) or an action month of ‘Plastic Free July’ (N = 366) can create a ‘window of opportunity’ to mitigate plastic packaging consumption. The literature review emphasized the need for research on behavioral solutions to reduce plastic consumption. The empirical results revealed moral and control beliefs to be the main determinants of reduction behavior. Furthermore, the time point of an intervention influenced the likelihood to try out the new behavior. The studies gave first evidence that a ‘window of opportunity’ can facilitate change towards pro-environmental behavior within the application field of plastic consumption. Theoretical and practical implications of creating the right opportunity for individuals to contribute to a socio-ecological transformation are finally discussed.
Die Effekte kognitiv-behavioraler Interventionen bei Patienten mit multiplen somatoformen Symptomen liegen lediglich in einem mittleren Bereich und damit deutlich unter den in der Psychotherapiewirkungsforschung angegebenen Effektstärken. Bislang ist es jedoch nicht gelungen, eindeutig replizierbare, patientenseitige Prädiktoren, die für den Erfolg oder Misserfolg einer kognitiv-behavioralen, ambulanten Therapie bei somatoformen Beschwerden verantwortlich sein können, zu finden. In einem längsschnittlichen Untersuchungsdesign wurde an 78 Patienten (mit mindestens zwei somatoformen Körperbeschwerden), die an einer ambulanten Gruppenintervention teilgenommen haben, die Bedeutung von Symptomintensität und -anzahl, soziodemographischen Variablen, komorbiden psychischen Störungen sowie krankheits- und therapiebezogenen Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen für die Prädiktion des kurzfristigen Therapieerfolgs untersucht. In bivariaten Analysen zeigte sich ein signifikanter Zusammenhang der zu Beginn der Behandlung erfassten Symptomanzahl, Ängstlichkeit, dysfunktionalen Kognitionen und der Inanspruchnahme medizinischer Ressourcen mit dem Therapieerfolg. Alter, Geschlecht, Bildungsniveau sowie das Vorliegen einer komorbiden Angststörung oder einer depressiven Edpisode waren nicht mit dem Therapieoutcome assoziiert. In multiplen Regressionsanalysen konnten die signifikanten Zusammenhänge jedoch nur für die Symptomanzahl und mit Einschränkungen für die Ängstlichkeit bestätigt werden. Die Ergebnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund des empirischen Forschungsstandes hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Bedeutung für die differenzielle Therapieindikation diskutiert.
Scientific and public interest in epidemiology and mathematical modelling of disease spread has increased significantly due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Political action is influenced by forecasts and evaluations of such models and the whole society is affected by the corresponding countermeasures for containment. But how are these models structured?
Which methods can be used to apply them to the respective regions, based on real data sets? These questions are certainly not new. Mathematical modelling in epidemiology using differential equations has been researched for quite some time now and can be carried out mainly by means of numerical computer simulations. These models are constantly being refinded and adapted to corresponding diseases. However, it should be noted that the more complex a model is, the more unknown parameters are included. A meaningful data adaptation thus becomes very diffcult. The goal of this thesis is to design applicable models using the examples of COVID-19 and dengue, to adapt them adequately to real data sets and thus to perform numerical simulations. For this purpose, first the mathematical foundations are presented and a theoretical outline of ordinary differential equations and optimization is provided. The parameter estimations shall be performed by means of adjoint functions. This procedure represents a combination of static and dynamical optimization. The objective function corresponds to a least squares method with L2 norm which depends on the searched parameters. This objective function is coupled to constraints in the form of ordinary differential equations and numerically minimized, using Pontryagin's maximum (minimum) principle and optimal control theory. In the case of dengue, due to the transmission path via mosquitoes, a model reduction of an SIRUV model to an SIR model with time-dependent transmission rate is performed by means of time-scale separation. The SIRUV model includes uninfected (U) and infected (V ) mosquito compartments in addition to the susceptible (S), infected (I) and recovered (R) human compartments, known from the SIR model. The unknwon parameters of the reduced SIR model are estimated using data sets from Colombo (Sri Lanka) and Jakarta (Indonesia). Based on this parameter estimation the predictive power of the model is checked and evaluated. In the case of Jakarta, the model is additionally provided with a mobility component between the individual city districts, based on commuter data. The transmission rates of the SIR models are also dependent on meteorological data as correlations between these and dengue outbreaks have been demonstrated in previous data analyses. For the modelling of COVID-19 we use several SEIRD models which in comparison to the SIR model also take into account the latency period and the number of deaths via exposed (E) and deaths (D) compartments. Based on these models a parameter estimation with adjoint functions is performed for the location Germany. This is possible because since the beginning of the pandemic, the cumulative number of infected persons and deaths
are published daily by Johns Hopkins University and the Robert-Koch-Institute. Here, a SEIRD model with a time delay regarding the deaths proves to be particularly suitable. In the next step, this model is used to compare the parameter estimation via adjoint functions with a Metropolis algorithm. Analytical effort, accuracy and calculation speed are taken into account. In all data fittings, one parameter each is determined to assess the estimated number of unreported cases.
Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit hatte zum Ziel zu prüfen, ob Emulsionspolymere auf Acrylatbasis als neuartige Photokatalysatoren bzw. Katalysatoren genutzt werden können.
Auf Grund der Beschaffenheit und der Eigenschaften von Emulsionspolymeren ist davon auszugehen, dass die Nutzung selbiger als Katalysatoren eine neue Art einer chemischen Katalyse ermöglicht. So sollen die Vorteile der heterogenen und homogenen Katalyse vereint und die jeweiligen Nachteile minimiert werden. Als besonders erfolgversprechend hat sich während der praktischen Arbeit die Nutzung von Emulsionspolymeren als Photokatalysatoren herausgestellt.
Die Anbindung der photokatalytisch aktiven Moleküle an/in den Polymerstrang soll kovalent erfolgen. Deshalb war ein erstes Teilziel dieser Arbeit prototypische Katalysatormoleküle zu synthetisieren, die über einen Acrylat-Substituenten verfügen, der in einer radikalischen Polymerisationsreaktion reagieren kann. Als Photokatalysatoren wurden Ruthenium- Polypyridin-Komplexe ausgewählt, die sowohl für eine inter- als auch intramolekulare Photokatalyse zur Herstellung von Wasserstoff aus Wasser geeignet sind. Für organokatalytische Zwecke wurde ein L-Prolin-Derivat synthetisiert, welches jedoch nicht auf seine Polymerisierbarkeit getestet wurde.
In einem ersten Schritt wurden die prototypischen 2,2’-Bipyridin-Liganden synthetisiert. Dabei konnte eine verbesserte Synthesemethode für 4-Brom-2,2’-bipyridin ausgearbeitet werden. Die Funktionalisierung erfolgte letztendlich durch eine Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons-Reaktion, die anschließend an eine Eintopfsynthese zur Darstellung von 4-Formyl-2,2’-biypridin erfolgte. Die prototypischen Photokatalysatoren zeigten mäßige Erfolge (TON: 37-136, 6h, 10% H2O, 470 nm) in Bezug auf die photokatalytische Wasserstoffproduktion, sodass an dieser Stelle eine Verbesserung der entsprechenden katalytischen Systeme erfolgen sollte.
Die Polymerisationsreaktion konnte für zwei intermolekulare Photokatalysatoren und zwei intramolekulare Photokatalysatoren durchgeführt werden. Dabei fiel auf, dass die intermolekularen Photokatalysatoren besser polymerisieren als die intramolekularen Photokatalysatoren. Es wird angenommen, dass dies mit der Löslichkeit der Substanzen im Monomer Ethylmethacrylat zusammen hängt.
Die photokatalytisch funktionalisierten Emulsionspolymere zeigten eine ähnliche photokatalytische Aktivität (TON: 9-101, 6h, 10% H2O, 470 nm) wie die jeweiligen Ausgangsstoffe selbst. Es konnte jedoch bewiesen werden, dass Emulsionspolymere als Photokatalysatoren genutzt werden können, wenn auch noch weitere Arbeiten zur Optimierung der Systeme nötig sind.
For software engineers, conceptually understanding the tools they are using in the context of their projects is a daily challenge and a prerequisite for complex tasks. Textual explanations and code examples serve as knowledge resources for understanding software languages and software technologies. This thesis describes research on integrating and interconnecting
existing knowledge resources, which can then be used to assist with understanding and comparing software languages and software technologies on a conceptual level. We consider the following broad research questions that we later refine: What knowledge resources can be systematically reused for recovering structured knowledge and how? What vocabulary already exists in literature that is used to express conceptual knowledge? How can we reuse the
online encyclopedia Wikipedia? How can we detect and report on instances of technology usage? How can we assure reproducibility as the central quality factor of any construction process for knowledge artifacts? As qualitative research, we describe methodologies to recover knowledge resources by i.) systematically studying literature, ii.) mining Wikipedia, iii.) mining available textual explanations and code examples of technology usage. The theoretical findings are backed by case studies. As research contributions, we have recovered i.) a reference semantics of vocabulary for describing software technology usage with an emphasis on software languages, ii.) an annotated corpus of Wikipedia articles on software languages, iii.) insights into technology usage on GitHub with regard to a catalog of pattern and iv.) megamodels of technology usage that are interconnected with existing textual explanations and code examples.
The formulation of the decoding problem for linear block codes as an integer program (IP) with a rather tight linear programming (LP) relaxation has made a central part of channel coding accessible for the theory and methods of mathematical optimization, especially integer programming, polyhedral combinatorics and also algorithmic graph theory, since the important class of turbo codes exhibits an inherent graphical structure. We present several novel models, algorithms and theoretical results for error-correction decoding based on mathematical optimization. Our contribution includes a partly combinatorial LP decoder for turbo codes, a fast branch-and-cut algorithm for maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding of arbitrary binary linear codes, a theoretical analysis of the LP decoder's performance for 3-dimensional turbo codes, compact IP models for various heuristic algorithms as well as ML decoding in combination with higher-order modulation, and, finally, first steps towards an implementation of the LP decoder in specialized hardware. The scientific contributions are presented in the form of seven revised reprints of papers that appeared in peer-reviewed international journals or conference proceedings. They are accompanied by an extensive introductory part that reviews the basics of mathematical optimization, coding theory, and the previous results on LP decoding that we rely on afterwards.
We consider variational discretization of three different optimal control problems.
The first being a parabolic optimal control problem governed by space-time measure controls. This problem has a nice sparsity structure, which motivates our aim to achieve maximal sparsity on the discrete level. Due to the measures on the right hand side of the partial differential equation, we consider a very weak solution theory for the state equation and need an embedding into the continuous functions for the pairings to make sense. Furthermore, we employ Fenchel duality to formulate the predual problem and give results on solution theory of both the predual and the primal problem. Later on, the duality is also helpful for the derivation of algorithms, since the predual problem can be differentiated twice so that we can apply a semismooth Newton method. We then retrieve the optimal control by duality relations.
For the state discretization we use a Petrov-Galerkin method employing piecewise constant states and piecewise linear and continuous test functions in time. For the space discretization we choose piecewise linear and continuous functions. As a result the controls are composed of Dirac measures in space-time, centered at points on the discrete space-time grid. We prove that the optimal discrete states and controls converge strongly in L^q and weakly-* in Μ, respectively, to their smooth counterparts, where q ϵ (1,min{2,1+2/d}] is the spatial dimension. The variational discrete version of the state equation with the above choice of spaces yields a Crank-Nicolson time stepping scheme with half a Rannacher smoothing step.
Furthermore, we compare our approach to a full discretization of the corresponding control problem, precisely a discontinuous Galerkin method for the state discretization, where the discrete controls are piecewise constant in time and Dirac measures in space. Numerical experiments highlight the sparsity features of our discrete approach and verify the convergence results.
The second problem we analyze is a parabolic optimal control problem governed by bounded initial measure controls. Here, the cost functional consists of a tracking term corresponding to the observation of the state at final time. Instead of a regularization term for the control in the cost functional, we consider a bound on the measure norm of the initial control. As in the first problem we observe a sparsity structure, but here the control resides only in space at initial time, so we focus on the space discretization to achieve maximal sparsity of the control. Again, due to the initial measure in the partial differential equation, we rely on a very weak solution theory of the state equation.
We employ a dG(0) approximation of the state equation, i.e. we choose piecewise linear and continuous functions in space, which are piecewise constant in time for our ansatz and test space. Then, the variational discretization of the problem together with the optimality conditions induce maximal discrete sparsity of the initial control, i.e. Dirac measures in space. We present numerical experiments to illustrate our approach and investigate the sparsity structure
As third problem we choose an elliptic optimal control governed by functions of bounded variation (BV) in one space dimension. The cost functional consists of a tracking term for the state and a BV-seminorm in terms of the derivative of the control. We derive a sparsity structure for the derivative of the BV control. Additionally, we utilize the mixed formulation for the state equation.
A variational discretization approach with piecewise constant discretization of the state and piecewise linear and continuous discretization of the adjoint state yields that the derivative of the control is a sum of Dirac measures. Consequently the control is a piecewise constant function. Under a structural assumption we even get that the number of jumps of the control is finite. We prove error estimates for the variational discretization approach in combination with the mixed formulation of the state equation and confirm our findings in numerical experiments that display the convergence rate.
In summary we confirm the use of variational discretization for optimal control problems with measures that inherit a sparsity. We are able to preserve the sparsity on the discrete level without discretizing the control variable.
The increase in plastic particles (< 5 mm) in the environment is a global problem, which is in direct correlation to the increasing production quantity and variety. Through direct input (primary) or through the degradation of macroplastics (secondary), particles enter the environmental compartments water and/or soil via conventional material transportation paths. The research and development work on the sustainable removal of microplastic particles (inert organic chemical stressors, IOCS) from wastewater is based on the construction of polymer inclusion compounds. IOCS describe a group of organic chemical molecules, which demonstrate a high level of persistence upon entry in the ecosystem and whose degradation is limited.
Following the principle of Cloud Point Technology, a novel separation technique has been developed which induces particle growth in microplastics and allows easier separation from the water by volume increase according to the state of the art. The concept for the sustainable removal of microplastics from Herbort and Schuhen is based on a three-step synthesis. This concept was further optimized as part of the research and adapted to the criteria of resource efficiency and profitability. The fundamental research is premised on the hypothesis that van der Waals forces with short ranges and localized hydrophobic interactions between precursors and/or material and the IOCS to be connected can induce a fixation through the formation of an inclusion compound with particle growth. Through the addition of silicon-based ecotoxicologically irrelevant coagulation and inclusion units, it is possible to initiate molecular self-organization with the hydrophobic stressors in an aggregation process induced through water. It results in adhesive particle growth around the polymer particles and between particles. Subsequently, the polymer extract can be separated from aquatic media through simple and cost-effective filtration processes (e.g. sand trap, grease trap), due to the 10,000 times larger volume microplastic agglomerates.
Water scarcity is already an omnipresent problem in many parts of the world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The dry years 2018 and 2019 showed that also in Germany water resources are finite. Projections and predictions for the next decades indicate that renewal rates of existing water resources will decline due the growing influence of climate change, but that water extraction rates will increase due to population growth. It is therefore important to find alternative and sustainable methods to make optimal use of the water resources currently available. For this reason, the reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation and recharge purposes has become one focus of scientific research in this field. However, it must be taken into account that wastewater contains so-called micropollutants, i.e., substances of anthropogenic origin. These are, e.g., pharmaceuticals, pesticides and industrial chemicals which enter the wastewater, but also metabolites that are formed in the human body from pharmaceuticals or personal care products. Through the treatment in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as well as through chemical, biological and physical processes in the soil passage during the reuse of water, these micropollutants are transformed to new substances, known as transformation products (TPs), which further broaden the number of contaminants that can be detected within the whole water cycle.
Despite the fact that the presence of human metabolites and environmental TPs in untreated and treated wastewater has been known for a many years, they are rarely included in common routine analysis methods. Therefore, a first goal of this thesis was the development of an analysis method based on liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) that contains a broad spectrum of frequently detected micropollutants including their known metabolites and TPs. The developed multi-residue analysis method contained a total of 80 precursor micropollutants and 74 metabolites and TPs of different substance classes. The method was validated for the analysis of different water matrices (WWTP influent and effluent, surface water and groundwater from a bank filtration site). The influence of the MS parameters on the quality of the analysis data was studied. Despite the high number of analytes, a sufficient number of datapoints per peak was maintained, ensuring a high sensitivity and precision as well as a good recovery for all matrices. The selection of the analytes proved to be relevant as 95% of the selected micropollutants were detected in at least one sample. Several micropollutants were quantified that were not in the focus of other current multi-residue analysis methods (e.g. oxypurinol). The relevance of including metabolites and TPs was demonstrated by the frequent detection of, e.g., clopidogrel acid and valsartan acid at higher concentrations than their precursors, the latter even being detected in samples of bank filtrate water.
By the integration of metabolites, which are produced in the body by biological processes, and biological and chemical TPs, the multi-residue analysis method is also suitable for elucidating degradation mechanisms in treatment systems for water reuse that, e.g., use a soil passage for further treatment. In the second part of the thesis, samples from two treatment systems based on natural processes were analysed: a pilot-scale above-ground sequential biofiltration system (SBF) and a full-scale soil aquifer treatment (SAT) site. In the SBF system mainly biological degradation was observed, which was clearly demonstrated by the detection of biological TPs after the treatment. The efficiency of the degradation was improved by an intermediate aeration, which created oxic conditions in the upper layer of the following soil passage. In the SAT system a combination of biodegradation and sorption processes occurred. By the different behaviour of some biodegradable micropollutants compared to the SBF system, the influence of redox conditions and microbial community was observed. An advantage of the SAT system over the SBF system was found in the sorption capacity of the natural soil. Especially positively charged micropollutants showed attenuation due to ionic interactions with negatively charged soil particles. Based on the physicochemical properties at ambient pH, the degree of removal in the investigated systems and the occurrence in the source water, a selection of process-based indicator substances was proposed.
Within the first two parts of this thesis a micropollutant was frequently detected at elevated concentrations in WWTPs effluents, which was not previously in the focus of environmental research: the antidiabetic drug sitagliptin (STG). STG showed low degradability in biological systems and thus it was investigated to what extend chemical treatment by ozonation can ensure attenuation of it. STG contains an aliphatic primary amine as the principal point of attack for the ozone molecule. There is only limited information about the behaviour of this functional group during ozonation and thus, STG served as an example for other micropollutants containing aliphatic primary amines. A pH-dependent degradation kinetic was observed due to the protonation of the primary amine at lower pH values. At pH values in the range 6 - 8, which is typical for the environment and in WWTPs, STG showed degradation kinetics in the range of 103 M-1s-1 and thus belongs to the group of readily degradable substances. However, complete degradation can only be expected at significantly higher pH values (> 9). The transformation of the primary amine moiety into a nitro group was observed as the major degradation mechanism for STG during ozonation. Other mechanisms involved the formation of a diketone, bond breakages and the formation of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). Investigations at a pilot-scale ozonation plant using the effluent of a biological degradation of a municipal WWTP as source water confirmed the results of the laboratory studies: STG could not be removed completely even at high ozone doses and the nitro compound was formed as the main TP and remained stable during further ozonation and subsequent biological treatment. It can therefore be assumed that under realistic conditions both a residual concentration of STG and the formed main TP as well as other stable TPs such as TFA can be detected in the effluents of a WWTP consisting of conventional biological treatment followed by ozonation and subsequent biological polishing steps.
Microbial pollution of surface waters poses substantial risks for public health, amongst others during recreational use. Microbial pollution was studied at selected sampling sites in rivers Rhine, Moselle and Lahn (Germany) on the basis of commonly used fecal indicator organisms (FIO) indicating bacterial (Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci) and viral (somatic coliphages) fecal contamination. In addition, blaCTX-Mantibiotic resistance genes (ARG) were quantified at twosites in river Lahn and were used as markers for tracking the spread of antibiotic resistance in the aquatic environment. The impact of changes in climate-related parameters on FIO was examined by studying monitoring results of contrasting flow conditions at rivers Rhine and Moselle. Analyses at all studied river sites clearly indicate that high discharge and precipitation enhance the influx of FIO, ARG and thus potentially (antibiotic resistant) pathogens into rivers. In contrast, a decrease in hygienic microbial pollution was observed under high solar irradiation and increasing water temperatures. Based on identified contributing key factors, multiple linear regression (MLR) models for five sites at a stretch of river Lahn were established that allow a timely assessment of fecal indicator abundances. An interaction between abiotic and biotic factors (i.e. enhanced grazing pressure) considerably contributed to the formation of seasonal patterns among FIO abundances. This was enhanced during extraordinary low flow conditions in rivers with pronounced trophic interactions, clearly hampering a transfer of model approaches between rivers of different biological and hydrological characteristics. Bacterial indicatorswere stronger influenced by grazing pressure than phages. Hence, bacterial indicators alone do not sufficiently describe viral pollution in rivers. BlaCTX-Mgenes were omnipresent in Lahn River water and corresponded to distribution patterns of FIO, indicating fecal sources. Agriculture and waste watertreatment plant effluents contributed to ARG loads and participants in non-bathing water sports were found to be at risk of ingesting antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) including ARG, bearing the risk of infection or colonization. Results of the present study highlight the need to be aware of such risks not only in designated bathing waters. ARG abundance at both riverine sampling sites could largely be explained by E. coliabundance and may thus also be incorporated into multiple regression models using E. colispecific environmental predictors. It can be expected that the frequency of short-term microbial pollution events will increase over the next decades due to climate change. Several challenges were identified with regard to the implementation of early warning systems to protect the public from exposure to pathogens in rivers. Most importantly, the concept of the Bathing Water Directive (Directive 2006/7/EC) itself as well as the lack of harmonization in the regulatory framework at European Union (EU) level are major drawbacks and require future adjustments to reliably manage health risks related to microbial water pollution in waters used in multifunctional ways.
In this thesis we examined the question whether personality traits of early child care workers influence process quality in preschool.
Research has shown that in educational settings such as preschool, pedagogical quality affects children’s developmental outcome (e.g. NICHD, 2002; Peisner-Feinberg et al., 1999). A substantial part of pedagogical quality known to be vital in this respect is the interaction between teacher and children (e.g., Tietze, 2008). Results of prior classroom research indicate that the teachers’ personality might be an important factor for good teacher-child-interaction (Mayr, 2011). Thus, personality traits might play a vital role for the interaction in preschool. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were to a) identify pivotal personality traits of child care workers, b) assess ideal levels of the identified personality traits and c) examine the relationship between pivotal personality traits and process quality. On that account, we conducted two requirement analyses and a video study. The results of these studies showed that subject matter experts (parents, child care workers, lecturers) partly agreed as to which personality traits are pivotal for child care workers. Furthermore, the experts showed high consensus with regard to the minimum, ideal and maximum personality trait profiles. Furthermore, child care workers whose profiles lay closer to the experts’ ideal also showed higher process quality. In addition, regression analyses showed that the child care workers’ levels of the Big Two (Communion and Agency) related significantly to their process quality.
For a comprehensive understanding of evolutionary processes and for providing reliable prognoses about the future consequences of environmental change, it is essential to reveal the genetic basis underlying adaptive responses. The importance of this goal increases in light of ongoing climate change, which confronts organisms worldwide with new selection pressures and requires rapid evolutionary change to avoid local extinction. Thereby, freshwater ectotherms like daphnids are particularly threatened. Unraveling the genetic basis of local adaptation is complicated by the interplay of forces affecting patterns of genetic divergence among populations. Due to their key position in freshwater communities, cyclic parthenogenetic mode of reproduction and resting propagules (which form biological archives), daphnids are particularly suited for this purpose.
The aim of this thesis was to assess the impact of local thermal selection on the Daphnia longispina complex and to reveal the underlying genetic loci. Therefore, I compared genetic differentiation among populations containing Daphnia galeata, Daphnia longispina and their interspecific hybrids across time, space, and species boundaries. I revealed strongly contrasting patterns of genetic differentiation between selectively neutral and functional candidate gene markers, between the two species, and among samples from different lakes, suggesting (together with a correlation with habitat temperatures) local thermal selection acting on candidate gene TRY5F and indicating adaptive introgression. To reveal the candidate genes’ impact on fitness, I performed association analyses among data on genotypes and phenotypic traits of D. galeata clones from seven populations. The tests revealed a general temperature effect as well as inter-population differences in phenotypic traits and imply a possible contribution of the candidate genes to life-history traits. Finally, utilizing a combined population transcriptomic and reverse ecology approach, I introduced a methodology with a wide range of applications in evolutionary biology and revealed that local thermal selection was probably a minor force in shaping sequence and gene expression divergence among four D. galeata populations, but contributed to sequence divergence among two populations. I identified many transcripts possibly under selection or contributing strongly to population divergence, a large amount thereof putatively under local thermal selection, and showed that genetic and gene expression variation is not depleted specifically in temperature-related candidate genes.
In conclusion, I detected signs of local adaptation in the D. longispina complex across space, time, and species barriers. Populations and species remained genetically divergent, although increased gene flow possibly contributed, together with genotypes recruited from the resting egg bank, to the maintenance of standing genetic variation. Further work is required to accurately determine the influence of introgression and the effects of candidate genes on individual fitness. While I found no evidence suggesting a response to intense local thermal selection, the high resilience and adaptive potential regarding environmental change I observed suggest positive future prospects for the populations of the D. longispina complex. However, overall, due to the continuing environmental degradation, daphnids and other aquatic invertebrates remain vulnerable and threatened.
Purpose: Leader-follower communication plays an important role in all organizations. However, research on school leadership did not focus on communication competency (CC) and its impact on school quality (e.g. on teachers' commitment, job satisfaction) so far; there is a striking lack of theory and empirical data. Therefore, this paper describes the development and validation of a standardized measure for CC of school principals. It is based on a theoretical framework with LMX as a communication-based approach to leadership and an interpersonal communication process model. Design/Methodology: CC was conceptualized as a 3-dimensional construct. Five studies were conducted with German teachers and school principals from all types of schools (total N=1649): selection of items via expert ratings, exploring the dimensionality, cross-validation of the structure, test-retest-reliability, external validity. Results: Analyses led to a 3-factor solution - Altercentrism, Knowledge and Willingness to Communicate, Self-Regulation - with 14 items and good internal consistencies. CFA, exploring the nomological network, and invariance measurement supported construct validity. Limitations: Empirical studies still have to be conducted to evaluate the application in other leader - follower contexts apart from school. Research/Practical Implications: The measure and the theoretical framework can be applied for analyzing principal - teacher interactions in detail and for detecting problems in communication processes. The measure can also be used for feedback processes and for demand-oriented trainings.Originality/Value: For the first time, this paper explicitly combines the concepts of CC and leadership in schools and provides a measure within a theoretical framework to assess principals' CC. Such a valid instrument is the prerequisite for further investigating the importance of CC in the context of (school) leadership.
Schule der Phantasie
Diese Arbeit geht inhaltlich drei Aspekten nach:
1. Die Darstellung der Entwicklung der Schule der Phantasie. Hier werden die Inhalte aus der direkten Beobachtung bzw. aus amtlichen und halbamtlichen Quellen erfasst und in einen zeitlichen und logischen Zusammenhang gestellt. Damit wird erstmals eine zusammenfassende historische sowie den status quo bilanzierende Gesamtdarstellung angestrebt, so weit es die durchaus lückenhafte Quellenlage erlaubt.
2. Bei der Erstellung einer Theorie der Schule der Phantasie werden zwei Hauptstränge verfolgt: Zum einen soll eine Grundlage aus den konstitutiven Faktoren geschaffen, zum anderen eine sich daraus ableitende didaktische Konsequenz gezogen werden. Dies zielt weniger auf eine didaktische Handlungsanleitung "quasi durch die Hintertür", vielmehr geht es hier um die Begründung bzw. Begründbarkeit einer Haltung, die sich in vielen Beobachtungen der Schule der Phantasie offenbart. Grundlage dazu ist aber kein wertfreies quantitatives empirisches Erfassen aller bestehenden und beobachtbaren Erscheinungen, um daraus dann eine Theorie abzuleiten. Es geht vielmehr darum, Qualitäten zu erkennen, sie als Belege idealtypisch zu ordnen und in einen sinnvollen Kontext zu stellen. Damit ist immer ein Vorverständnis und eine Wertung verbunden.
3. Der Blick in eine mögliche Zukunft der Schule der Phantasie richtet sich auf Perspektiven innerhalb und außerhalb unseres bestehenden Schulsystems, das, wenn nicht anders angegeben, immer als das bayerische angenommen wird. Um dabei auf Erfahrungen zurückgreifen zu können und nicht das Rad neu erfinden zu müssen, werden auch Aspekte aus vergleichbaren pädagogischen und kunstpädagogischen Einrichtungen verglichen und zu Rate gezogen.
The amount of information on the Web is constantly increasing and also there is a wide variety of information available such as news, encyclopedia articles, statistics, survey data, stock information, events, bibliographies etc. The information is characterized by heterogeneity in aspects such as information type, modality, structure, granularity, quality and by its distributed nature. The two primary techniques by which users on the Web are looking for information are (1) using Web search engines and (2) browsing the links between information. The dominant mode of information presentation is mainly static in the form of text, images and graphics. Interactive visualizations offer a number of advantages for the presentation and exploration of heterogeneous information on the Web: (1) They provide different representations for different, very large and complex types of information and (2) large amounts of data can be explored interactively using their attributes and thus can support and expand the cognition process of the user. So far, interactive visualizations are still not an integral part in the search process of the Web. The technical standards and interaction paradigms to make interactive visualization usable by the mass are introduced only slowly through standardatization organizations. This work examines how interactive visualizations can be used for the linking and search process of heterogeneous information on the Web. Based on principles in the areas of information retrieval (IR), information visualization and information processing, a model is created, which extends the existing structural models of information visualization with two new processes: (1) linking of information in visualizations and (2) searching, browsing and filtering based on glyphs. The Vizgr toolkit implements the developed model in a web application. In four different application scenarios, aspects of the model will be instantiated and are evaluated in user tests or examined by examples.
Problembewältigung stellt eine essentielle (kognitive) Aktivität im alltäglichen Leben, wie auch im Berufsleben, dar. Bereits in der Grundschule wird diese Fähigkeit, z.B. bei der Lösung von mathematischen Textaufgaben, gefordert und gefördert. Trotzdem bereitet dies Schülern verschiedener Klassenstufen nach wie vor große Schwierigkeiten. Das Lösen von Textaufgaben erfordert eine Vielzahl kognitiver Operationen. Dies ist besonders dann der Fall, wenn es sich bei den Aufgaben nicht um Routineaufgaben handelt. Für die Bearbeitung von Textaufgaben können Schüler auf verschiedene Repräsentationen zurückgreifen, wobei sowohl interne und externe als auch depiktionale (abbildende) und deskriptionale (beschreibende) unterschieden werden können. Da bisher kaum empirische Forschungsarbeiten zum Umgang von Schülern mit problemhaltigen Textaufgaben vorliegen, und darüber hinaus sehr wenig über die selbstgenerierten Repräsentationen bei der Bearbeitung von Textaufgaben bekannt ist, ist die vorliegende Arbeit z.T. explorativ angelegt. Im Fokus stehen die spontanen und individuellen Lösungsprozesse von Schülern verschiedener Klassenstufen bei der Bearbeitung von problemhaltigen Textaufgaben. Dabei wurde vorrangig untersucht, auf welche Repräsentationsformen die Schüler bei ihren Lösungsprozessen zurückgreifen.
Insgesamt 268 Schüler verschiedener Klassenstufen (Grundschüler der 3. und 4. Klasse; Gymnasiasten der 6. und 9. Klasse) wurden in Einzeluntersuchungen gebeten, jeweils fünf problemhaltige Textaufgaben zu lösen. Diese wurden ursprünglich im Hinblick auf die Primarstufe entwickelt, scheinen jedoch auch für Schüler höherer Klassenstufen ihren anspruchsvollen Charakter nicht zu verlieren. Für die Aufgabenlösungen standen den einzelnen Schülern verschiedene Materialien zur Verfügung. Von Seiten der Versuchsleitung wurden keinerlei Hilfestellungen gegeben. Nach jeder Aufgabe wurden die Schüler zu ihren Vorgehensweisen mittels halbstrukturiertem Interview befragt. Das individuelle Vorgehen wurde durch Videoaufzeichnungen festgehalten.
Das gewonnene Videomaterial wurde durch drei geschulte Beobachter anhand eines selbstentwickelten Kodiersystems quantifiziert und schließlich statistisch ausgewertet.
Allgemein kann gesagt werden, dass alle Schüler Schwierigkeiten bei der Bearbeitung der fünf Textaufgaben aufwiesen. So gab es nicht einen Schüler, der alle fünf Aufgaben richtig lösen konnte. Trotzdem nahm die Anzahl der richtigen Lösungen mit höherer Klassenstufe signifikant zu. In diesem Zusammenhang ergaben sich jedoch unterschiedlich starke Zuwächse in Abhängigkeit von der jeweiligen Aufgabe und ihren Anforderungen.
Hinsichtlich der selbstgenerierten Repräsentationsformen ergaben sich u.a. folgende Ergebnisse. Erstens operierten die Grundschüler im Vergleich zu den Gymnasiasten sehr stark intern deskriptional, d.h., sie waren versucht, die gesamten Aufgaben durch Kopfrechnen zu bewältigen. Zweitens griffen die Schüler mit höherer Klassenstufe eher auf verschiedene Repräsentationsformen zurück, was für einen flexibleren Umgang mit ihnen spricht. Drittens scheint die Verwendung multipler Repräsentationen bei der Konstruktion des mathematischen Modells nicht per se zu einer richtigen Lösung zu führen. Aber sie verhindert, unabhängig von der Klassenstufe, eine gänzlich falsche Aufgabenbearbeitung bzw. -lösung. Im Bezug auf das Lösungsvorgehen konnte kein eindeutiges Ergebnis erzielt werden. Hier scheinen je nach Aufgabenanforderungen (und wahrscheinlich auch Personenfähigkeiten) ganzheitliche und zergliedernde Vorgehensweisen unterschiedlich gut geeignet zu sein im Hinblick auf den Lösungserfolg. Nachfolgende Untersuchungen müssen die hier berichteten Ergebnisse überprüfen. Die Ergebnisse legen jedoch nahe, dass hinsichtlich des Umgangs von Schülern mit anspruchsvollen Textaufgaben nach wie vor Handlungsbedarf bestehen sollte. Gerade der im Mathematikunterricht gelegte Schwerpunkt auf deskriptionale Repräsentationsformen im Sinne von Rechnungen und Gleichungen scheint bedenklich. Vielmehr sollte eine Schulkultur etabliert werden, die den flexiblen Einsatz von verschiedenen Repräsentationsformen, und hier im Besonderen die Verwendung depiktionaler Repräsentationen, als legitim und durchaus notwendig erachtet.
In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von nicht wässrigen Mahlflüssigkeiten auf Metall-Keramik-Pulvermischungen im Nassmahlprozess untersucht. Es wurden Al- und Cr-Al₂O₃-Pulvermischungen ausgewählt, um den Einfluss der Mahlflüssigkeiten auf die Mahlung von Metall-Keramik-Pulvermischungen mit einer duktilen (Aluminium) und einer spröden (Chrom) Metallkomponente zu untersuchen.
Die Studie befasst sich mit der Bildungsaspiration, der Wertevermittlung und -tradierung iranischstämmiger Familien in Deutschland. Ziel ist es, zu ermitteln, worauf die familiäre Bildungsaspiration zurückzuführen ist. Im Fokus der Fallstudie stehen drei Familien, die nach der Islamischen Revolution von 1979 aus ihrem Herkunftsland nach Deutschland immigriert sind. Es handelt sich um eine zweigenerationenperspektivische Befragung innerhalb einer Familie. Dies bedeutet, dass innerhalb einer Familie Einzelinterviews mit jeweils einer Person aus der Eltern- und Kindergeneration durchgeführt wurden. So werden gemeinsam erlebte Situationen, wie z.B. Flucht oder Teilhabe am deutschen Bildungssystem, oder Begriffe, wie z.B. Bildung oder Bildungserfolg, aus der jeweiligen Perspektive geschildert bzw. definiert. Darüber hinaus geben die Befragten Auskünfte über die Großelterngeneration, sodass das gesamte Datenmaterial Angaben über drei Generationen umfasst. Dieser qualitativen Exploration geht eine bundesweite Befragung voraus an der 70 Personen iranischer Herkunft teilnahmen. Weiterhin zeichnet sich die Arbeit durch einen ressourcenorientierten Forschungsansatz aus. Die erhobenen Daten geben Antwort auf die zentralen Fragen:
Auf welche Ursachen lässt sich Bildungsaspiration von immigrierten, iranischstämmigen Familien in Deutschland zurückführen?
Welche Rolle spielen die Sprachen des Herkunfts- und Einwanderungslandes in der Wertetradierung? In der Studie werden die individuellen Bildungsgeschichten der Befragten in den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs zur Bildungsaspiration, Bildungs-, Migrations- und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung eingefügt. Hierbei wird ein interdisziplinäres und somit multiperspektivisches Theoriekonstrukt zugrunde gelegt, welches sich durch einen geschichts-, länder- und generationsübergreifenden Forschungsansatz auszeichnet. Ein zentrales Ergebnis ist, dass ein Verständnis für geschichtliche Entwicklungen im Herkunftsland erforderlich ist, um das Bildungsverhalten im iranischstämmigen Familienkontext nachzuvollziehen. Erst durch Kontextualisierung von individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Dimensionen kann nachvollzogen werden, warum im Falle dieser Minderheitengruppe geringes ökonomisches Kapital, das infolge von beruflichen Brüchen der Eltern nach ihrer Flucht im Einwanderungsland entstanden ist, keine negativen Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung des kulturellen Kapitals der Folgegenerationen hat. Folglich zeigt die Studie, dass im Falle der interviewten Familien gängige Erklärungsmodelle, wie die Korrelation vom geringem ökonomischen Kapital und geringem kulturellen Kapital, nicht zutreffen. Vielmehr wird kulturelles Kapital von Generation zu Generation tradiert. Ein weiteres Ergebnis der Studie ist das erarbeitete Dreiebenen-Modell. Es umfasst geschichtlich-gesellschaftliche, politische sowie familiäre Entwicklungen und Einstellungen auf der Mikro-, Meso- und Makroebene. Damit ist eine Grundlage geschaffen, um das Tradierungsverhalten anderer Zuwanderungsgruppen zu erklären.
Refractory dry-vibratable mixes, which consist of a mineral filling material and an organic or anorganic binder system, are widely used for linings in industrial aggregates, where a very high temperature resistance is required (e.g. steel industry). During lining, all compounds are mixed and hardening is chemically or thermally initiated. The time span required for hardening is of special relevance for the application of refractory dry-vibratable mixes. It should be long enough for adequate processability, but simultaneously avoid too long downtimes. Prediction or regulation of the hardening time, necessary for an ideal processing, is currently limited. One the one hand, this is a result of the lack of an appropriate method for time-dependent determination of the harding process. On the other hand, the mechanisms responsible for this very complex process have not yet been investigated in detail and the effect of influencing factors, like the temperature or the composition of the refractory dry-vibratable mixes, are poorly documented.
To make a contribution to the understanding of the hardening mechanism of refractory dry-vibratable mixes, it was the aim of the present work, to develop an appropriate test method for the time-dependent investigation of this process. This was realized by means of the dynamic-mechanical analysis. In addition, the hardening mechanism was described for a refractory dry-vibratable mix with a binder system, which consists of a waterglass and a phosphate hardener (AlPO4 und BPO4), using supplement gravimetric investigations and determining solubility behavior of the phosphates. By means of X-ray diffraction analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the impact of the hardening mechanism on the crystal and amorphous structure was studied. It could be shown, that according to the two phosphates, the hardening leads to different network structures in respect of their link denseness. These structure characteristics correlate with the speed of the hardening reactions. In addition, the impact on selected properties (thermal linear deformation, temperature-dependent phase development and phase transition) could be deducted.
Studies in recent years have demonstrate adolescents and young adults to have a deficient data protection competence, however children and adolescents between the ages of ten and 13 were mostly not focus of these studies. Therefore, the guiding question of the work is how data protection competence is developed in children and adolescents at a young age in order to be able to infer suitable, educational concepts for this age group. At the beginning of the work, a data protection competence model is derived from a media competence model, which serves as the basis for the further field investigation. A survey was carried out at general secondary schools in Rhineland-Palatinate, which shows that the respondents still have sufficiently developed Risk Assessment Competence, but were insufficiently developed in terms of knowledge, Selection and Usage Competence and the Implementation Competence. Recommendations for actions are given in the last part of the work – containing learning goal descriptions to be possibly implemented in an educational framework – in order to address this issue.
The largest population of the anadromous Allis shad (A. alosa) of the 19th century was found in River Rhine and has to be considered extinct today. To facilitate the return of A. alosa into River Rhine an EU LIFE-project was initiated in 2007. The overall objective of this thesis was to assist aquaculture and stocking-measures at River Rhine, as well as to support restoration and conservation of populations of Allis shad in Europe.
By culturing the free-swimming nematode T. aceti in a solution of cider vinegar we developed a cost-effective live food organism for the larviculture of fish. As indicated by experiments with C. maraena, T. aceti cannot be regarded as an alternative to Artemia nauplii. However it has to be considered a suitable supplemental feed in the early rearing of C. maraena by providing essential fatty acids, thereby optimizing growth.
Also mass-marking practices with Oxytetracycline, as they are applied in the restocking of Allis shad have been evaluated. In experiments with D. rerio we demonstrated that water hardness can detrimentally affect mortality during marking and has to be considered crucial in the development of marking protocols for freshwater fish.
In order to get independent from wild spawners an ex-situ Broodstock-facility for Allis shad was established in 2011. Upon examination of two complete year classes of this broodstock, we found a high prevalence of various malformations, which could be traced back to distinct cysts developing one month post hatch. Despite applying a variety of clinical tests we could not identify any infectious agents causing these malformations. The observed malformations are probably a consequence of suboptimal feeding practices or the properties of the physio-chemical rearing environment.
The decline of stocks of A. alosa in Europe has been largely explained with the increase of river temperatures as a consequence of global warming. By investigating the temperature physiology of larval Allis shad we demonstrated that A. alosa ranges among the most thermo-tolerant species in Europe and that correlations between rising temperatures and the disappearance of this species have to be understood in a synecological context and by integrating a variety of stressors other than temperature. By capturing and examining juvenile and adult Allis shad from River Rhine, we demonstrated the first natural reproduction of A. alosa in River Rhine since nearly 100 years and the success of stocking measures within the framework of the LIFE project.
Within this thesis time evaluated predicate/transition nets (t-pr/t-nets) have been developed for the purpose to model, simulate and verify complex real-time systems. Therefore, t-pr/t-nets integrate concepts to model timing constraints and can be analysed by the means of structural analysis such as the calculation of s- and t-invariants as well as the identification of traps and co-traps. The applicability of t-pr/t-nets to model, simulate and verify complex systems in the domain of safety-critical real-time systems is proven by the Earliest-Deadline-First-Protocol (EDF) and the Priority-Inheritance-Protocol (PIP). Therefore, the EDF and PIP are modeled by means of t-pr/t-nets. The resulting t-pr/t-nets are verified using structural analysis methods. Due to the enormous complexity and the applicability of structural analysis methods for the verification of the EDF and PIP, it can be shown that t-pr/t-nets are appropriate to model, simulate and verify complex systems in the field of safety-critical real-time systems.
Empirical studies in software engineering use software repositories as data sources to understand software development. Repository data is either used to answer questions that guide the decision-making in the software development, or to provide tools that help with practical aspects of developers’ everyday work. Studies are classified into the field of Empirical Software Engineering (ESE), and more specifically into Mining Software Repositories (MSR). Studies working with repository data often focus on their results. Results are statements or tools, derived from the data, that help with practical aspects of software development. This thesis focuses on the methods and high order methods used to produce such results. In particular, we focus on incremental methods to scale the processing of repositories, declarative methods to compose a heterogeneous analysis, and high order methods used to reason about threats to methods operating on repositories. We summarize this as technical and methodological improvements. We contribute the improvements to methods and high-order methods in the context of MSR/ESE to produce future empirical results more effectively. We contribute the following improvements. We propose a method to improve the scalability of functions that abstract over repositories with high revision count in a theoretically founded way. We use insights on abstract algebra and program incrementalization to define a core interface of highorder functions that compute scalable static abstractions of a repository with many revisions. We evaluate the scalability of our method by benchmarks, comparing a prototype with available competitors in MSR/ESE. We propose a method to improve the definition of functions that abstract over a repository with a heterogeneous technology stack, by using concepts from declarative logic programming and combining them with ideas on megamodeling and linguistic architecture. We reproduce existing ideas on declarative logic programming with languages close to Datalog, coming from architecture recovery, source code querying, and static program analysis, and transfer them from the analysis of a homogeneous to a heterogeneous technology stack. We provide a prove-of-concept of such method in a case study. We propose a high-order method to improve the disambiguation of threats to methods used in MSR/ESE. We focus on a better disambiguation of threats, operationalizing reasoning about them, and making the implications to a valid data analysis methodology explicit, by using simulations. We encourage researchers to accomplish their work by implementing ‘fake’ simulations of their MSR/ESE scenarios, to operationalize relevant insights about alternative plausible results, negative results, potential threats and the used data analysis methodologies. We prove that such way of simulation based testing contributes to the disambiguation of threats in published MSR/ESE research.
This thesis addresses the problem of terrain classification in unstructured outdoor environments. Terrain classification includes the detection of obstacles and passable areas as well as the analysis of ground surfaces. A 3D laser range finder is used as primary sensor for perceiving the surroundings of the robot. First of all, a grid structure is introduced for data reduction. The chosen data representation allows for multi-sensor integration, e.g., cameras for color and texture information or further laser range finders for improved data density. Subsequently, features are computed for each terrain cell within the grid. Classification is performedrnwith a Markov random field for context-sensitivity and to compensate for sensor noise and varying data density within the grid. A Gibbs sampler is used for optimization and is parallelized on the CPU and GPU in order to achieve real-time performance. Dynamic obstacles are detected and tracked using different state-of-the-art approaches. The resulting information - where other traffic participants move and are going to move to - is used to perform inference in regions where the terrain surface is partially or completely invisible for the sensors. Algorithms are tested and validated on different autonomous robot platforms and the evaluation is carried out with human-annotated ground truth maps of millions of measurements. The terrain classification approach of this thesis proved reliable in all real-time scenarios and domains and yielded new insights. Furthermore, if combined with a path planning algorithm, it enables full autonomy for all kinds of wheeled outdoor robots in natural outdoor environments.
Beim Zugang zur dualen Berufsausbildung haben Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit Migrationshintergrund schlechtere Chancen in eine betriebliche Berufsausbildung einzumünden. Vermehrt wird ein Forschungsbedarf thematisiert, der den Blick darauf richtet, wie die entsprechenden Auswahlentscheidungen in den Betrieben getroffen werden. Die Dissertation setzt an dieser Frage an und befasst sich mittels eines biographischen Zugangs mit den Personalentscheiderinnen und Personalentscheidern, den sogenannten Gatekeepern, in den Betrieben. Im Erkenntnisinteresse steht die Frage, ob und wie biographische Erfahrungen Bedeutung für Auswahlentscheidungen zugunsten zugewanderter junger Menschen haben.
Manmade dams have been constructed from centuries for multiple purposes, and in the past decades they have been constructed in a fast pace, with the hotspot in tropical and subtropical regions. However, studies that explore hydrodynamics in these areas are scarce and biased to the rich literature available for temperate regions. Lakes and reservoirs have the same controlling mechanisms for physical processes and primary production, hence, analyses that were initially conceptualized for lakes are frequently applied for reservoirs. Nevertheless, longitudinal gradients in reservoirs challenges the application of these approaches.
Degradation of water quality in reservoirs is a major concern, and it is expected to be aggravated with climate change. Therefore, studies that explore mechanisms controlling water quality are essential for the maintenance of these systems, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. The aim of this thesis is to comprehend the role of hydrodynamic processes in the fate of nutrients in reservoirs and its implications on water quality, in a subtropical region. With focus on the relevance of different density current patterns. For that, analyses combining field measurements and numerical simulations were performed in a medium to small size subtropical drinking water reservoir for a complete seasonal cycle. Measurements were conducted combining several approaches: traditional sampling, sensors in high temporal and spatial resolution, and remote sensing. Besides, hydrodynamic models were set up and calibrated to reproduce observations, and to simulate scenarios that assisted on the analysis.
Results showed that different flow paths of density currents did not influence on phytoplankton dynamics. At the regions where the main nutrient supply was the river inflow (upstream), the density currents did not vary, the euphotic zone usually covered the entire depth, and vertical mixing was observed on a daily basis, turning the flow path of the density currents irrelevant. At downstream regions, the remobilization of nutrients in the sediment was the main source for primary production. Even though density currents had a seasonal pattern in the downstream region, thermal stratification conditions were the driver for variations in chlorophyll-a concentrations, with peaks after vertical mixing. This mechanism had in its favor the frequent anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion that enhanced the dissolution of reactive phosphorus from the sediment. Anoxic conditions were easily reached because the sediment in the downstream area was rich in organic matter. Phytoplankton produced in the upstream area was transported by the density currents, and for this reason, large concentrations of chl-a was observed below the euphotic zone. Further, the extensive measurements of temperature, and flow velocities, together with the hydrodynamic models, provided insights about the hydrodynamics of reservoirs. For instance, that the relevant processes occurred along the longitudinal, and mixing conditions varied along it. The relevance of inflow conditions regarding the presence of structures such as forebays and pre-dams, and the degree of stream shading in the catchment was assessed. And turbulence and internal waves had different features than the documented for high latitudes. Those findings can assist on the management of reservoirs, based on the comprehension of the physical processes.
In einem randomisierten Kontrollgruppen-Design wurde die Wirksamkeit zweier ambulanter psychologischer Tinnitus-Therapien (12-wöchige psychologische Tinnitus-Therapie (PTT) sowie 4-wöchige psychologische Kurzzeit-Tinnitus-Therapie (KPTT)) miteinander verglichen. Die Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit erfolgte mittels folgender Parameter: Tinnitusbelastung, subjektive Lautheit, Dauer der Tinnituswahrnehmung, Tinnitusbelästigung, Copingfähigkeit, Stimmung, Depressivität, Schlaf und Kontrollüberzeugung. An der Studie nahmen 90 Patienten mit chronischem Tinnitus teil, die zufällig der PTT, der KPTT oder einer Wartekontrollgruppe (WKG) zugeteilt wurden. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte zu drei Messzeitpunkten: vor Therapiebeginn, nach Therapieende sowie 6 Monate nach Therapieende. Beide Interventionen führen zur signifikanten Reduktion der Tinnitusbelastung, der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Lautheit, der Dauer der Tinnituswahrnehmung und der Tinnitusbelästigung. Weiterhin führen beide Therapien zum Erlernen und zur Anwendung von effektiven Copingstrategien und damit auch zur Erhöhung der Kontrollüberzeugung. Alle berichteten Verbesserungen bleiben auch 6 Monate nach dem Therapieende stabil. Nachdem in der WKG nach 4 und nach 12 Wochen keine signifikanten Veränderungen beobachtet werden konnten, sind die Veränderungen in den Therapiegruppen in den o.g. Variablen als Therapieeffekte zu sehen. Keine der beiden Interventionen führt zu einer signifikanten Veränderung des Schlafes und der Stimmung. Als einziger signifikanter Prädiktor des Therapieerfolgs hat sich die Tinnitusdauer herausgestellt. Während die PTT unabhängig von der Tinnitusdauer zu einer Reduktion der Tinnitusbelastung führt, ist die KPTT umso wirksamer, je kürzer die Tinnitusdauer ist. Das Vorhandensein einer komorbiden psychischen Störung, die Ausgangsbelastung sowie die Veränderungsbereitschaft beeinflussen die Therapiewirksamkeit nicht. Da sich diese beiden ambulanten psychologischen Tinnitus-Therapien nicht in ihrer Wirksamkeit und in ihren langfristigen Auswirkungen voneinander unterscheiden, kann resümiert werden, dass beide gut für eine ambulante psychologische Behandlung von Patienten mit chronischem Tinnitus geeignet sind. Die kürzere KPTT ist jedoch aufgrund des niedrigeren Zeit- und Kostenaufwandes als effizienter zu bewerten.
In the last decade, policy-makers around the world have turned their attention toward the creative industry as the economic engine and significant driver of employments. Yet, the literature suggests that creative workers are one of the most vulnerable work-forces of today’s economy. Because of the highly deregulated and highly individuated environment, failure or success are believed to be the byproduct of individual ability and commitment, rather than a structural or collective issue. This thesis taps into the temporal, spatial, and social resolution of digital behavioural data to show that there are indeed structural and historical issues that impact individuals’ and
groups’ careers. To this end, this thesis offers a computational social science research framework that brings together the decades-long theoretical and empirical knowledge of inequality studies, and computational methods that deal with the complexity and scale of digital data. By taking music industry and science as use cases, this thesis starts off by proposing a novel gender detection method that exploits image search and face-detection methods.
By analysing the collaboration patterns and citation networks of male and female computer scientists, it sheds lights on some of the historical biases and disadvantages that women face in their scientific career. In particular, the relation of scientific success and gender-specific collaboration patterns is assessed. To elaborate further on the temporal aspect of inequalities in scientific careers, this thesis compares the degree of vertical and horizontal inequalities among the cohorts of scientists that started their career at different point in time. Furthermore, the structural inequality in music industry is assessed by analyzing the social and cultural relations that breed from live performances and musics releases. The findings hint toward the importance of community belonging at different stages of artists’ careers. This thesis also quantifies some of the underlying mechanisms and processes of inequality, such as the Matthew Effect and the Hipster Paradox, in creative careers. Finally, this thesis argues that online platforms such as Wikipedia could reflect and amplify the existing biases.
Der Begriff Gebrauchsgrafik ist im Wesentlichen ein Sammelbegriff für jene grafischen Arbeiten, die, im Gegensatz zur freien Grafik Anteil haben an der bewussten künstlerischen Durchformung und Gestaltung praktischer Aufgaben. Hauptbetätigungsfeld der Gebrauchsgrafik als zweckgebundene künstlerische Äußerungsform ist um 1900 die Reklame in Form von Plakaten, Anzeigen, Verpackungen, Firmensignets sowie Akzidenzen. Sie alle brachten den vielseitigen Formenschatz des Jugendstils einem breiten Publikum näher. Die Gebrauchsgrafik als neues Medium um 1900 steht im engen Zusammenhang mit dem technischen Fortschritt der industriellen Revolution: Angesichts zunehmender Konkurrenz durch die Massenproduktion von Konsumgütern versprach künstlerisch ansprechende Werbung Wettbewerbsvorteile. Dank der Erfindung der Lithografie um 1799 war die Gebrauchsgrafik allseitig verfügbar und gut finanzierbar. Sie passte in das Konzept des Jugendstils als Medium, das alle Bereiche mitgestaltet. Sie fungierte als Schnittstelle zwischen Wirtschaft, Kunst und Kultur. Exemplarisch werden drei unterschiedliche, für die Region bis heute bedeutende Branchen untersucht: der Tourismus, der Weinbau und die Industrie. Zudem werden Pfälzer Künstler des Jugendstils vorgestellt, die sich auf dem Gebiet der Gebrauchsgrafik betätigten. So lässt sich in der Pfalz eine repräsentative Anzahl gebrauchsgrafischer Arbeiten des Jugendstils in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung nachweisen. Als entlegene bayrische Provinz nahm sie die Strömungen der Zeit wahr und setzte sie auf ihre Weise um. Ein eigenständiger Pfälzer Jugendstil entwickelte sich aber nicht.
Das Integrationspotenzial des Sports am speziellen Beispiel des Rollstuhlbasketball von Simone Janda "Integration ist eine ständige Aufgabe. Insofern kann es kein Ziel im Sinne eines Ergebnisses geben. Vielmehr geht es darum, Prozesse, die zu einer erfolgreichen Integration führen, immer besser zu verstehen, sie weiterzuentwickeln und sie vor allem an die sich ständig verändernden Rahmenbedingungen anzupassen" (DOSB 2009: 5).
Trotz traditioneller Zuschreibung sozial-integrativer Funktionen an sportliche Aktivität gibt es sowohl erhebliche empirische als auch theoretische Defizite (vgl. Hoffmann 2002), die in der vorliegenden Arbeit behandelt werden. In einer differenzierten Analyse werden verschiedene Integrationsaspekte und die Rahmenbedingungen integrativer sportlicher Aktivität berücksichtigt.
Da dem Sport eine besondere integrierende Funktion zugeschrieben wird und diese sozialen Prozesse vor allem in Gruppen stattfinden, soll in dieser Arbeit das Potenzial einer Mannschaftssportart untersucht werden, die für Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung gleichermaßen zugänglich ist " der Rollstuhlbasketball. Neben der körperlichen Belastung kommen hier in besonderem Maße soziale Faktoren hinzu, die das Gemeinschaftsgefühl im Mannschaftsverbund stärken und Individuen in ein soziales Gefüge integrieren können.
Aus der geschilderten Problematik ergibt sich folgende übergeordnete Fragestellung für die Untersuchung: Was macht das Integrationspotenzial einer Sportart (am Beispiel des Rollstuhlbasketballs) aus? Es stellt sich die Frage, welche Faktoren eine Sportart erfüllen muss, um integrativ ausgeführt werden zu können bzw. welche Schwierigkeiten und Hürden dabei überwunden werden müssen, um behinderten und nichtbehinderten Menschen gleichermaßen gerecht zu werden und deren speziellen Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen. In dieser Studie erfolgt die Datenerhebung durch die Kombination von qualitativer (Interviews) und quantitativer (Fragebogen) Forschungsmethoden. Diese Verknüpfung verschiedener Forschungsmethoden ermöglicht es, dass Messungen aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln und individuelle Betrachtungsweisen möglichst vollständig erfasst werden können. Der Nutzen für die Wissenschaft liegt darin, eine aktuelle Situationsanalyse in Form eines Modells zu erstellen, um die Rahmenbedingungen, die ständigen Veränderungen unterliegen, weiterzuentwickeln und zu verbessern, um Menschen mit Behinderung ein maximal inklusives Sportangebot bieten zu können.
The distributed setting of RDF stores in the cloud poses many challenges. One such challenge is how the data placement on the compute nodes can be optimized to improve the query performance. To address this challenge, several evaluations in the literature have investigated the effects of existing data placement strategies on the query performance. A common drawback in theses evaluations is that it is unclear whether the observed behaviors were caused by the data placement strategies (if different RDF stores were evaluated as a whole) or reflect the behavior in distributed RDF stores (if cloud processing frameworks like Hadoop MapReduce are used for the evaluation). To overcome these limitations, this thesis develops a novel benchmarking methodology for data placement strategies that uses a data-placement-strategy-independent distributed RDF store to analyze the effect of the data placement strategies on query performance.
With this evaluation methodology the frequently used data placement strategies have been evaluated. This evaluation challenged the commonly held belief that data placement strategies that emphasize local computation, such as minimal edge-cut cover, lead to faster query executions. The results indicate that queries with a high workload may be executed faster on hash-based data placement strategies than on, e.g., minimal edge-cut covers. The analysis of the additional measurements indicates that vertical parallelization (i.e., a well-distributed workload) may be more important than horizontal containment (i.e., minimal data transport) for efficient query processing.
Moreover, to find a data placement strategy with a high vertical parallelization, the thesis tests the hypothesis that collocating small connected triple sets on the same compute node while balancing the amount of triples stored on the different compute nodes leads to a high vertical parallelization. Specifically, the thesis proposes two such data placement strategies. The first strategy called overpartitioned minimal edge-cut cover was found in the literature and the second strategy is the newly developed molecule hash cover. The evaluation revealed a balanced query workload and a high horizontal containment, which lead to a high vertical parallelization. As a result these strategies showed a better query performance than the frequently used data placement strategies.
This dissertation deals with the opportunities and restrictions that parties face in an election campaign at the supranational level of the EU. Using communication science concepts of agenda-setting (focus: media) and agenda-building (focus: political parties), the first part of the study is based on the election campaign for the European Parliament (EP) in 2014. It analyses to what extent political parties put the EU on the agenda. Second, it is examined whether parties have used their structural advantage of being able to influence the media agenda at the supranational level during the election campaign in the context of the EP election campaign. Third, it is examined whether parties can gain an advantage for the visibility of their campaigns by rejecting EU integration and the associated conflictual communication. Fourth and final, it will be explored whether agenda-building can influence the rankings of specific policy issues on the media agenda in the European context.
First, the analyses show that a European political focus of election campaign communication can no longer be found only on the part of the small (eurosceptic) parties. Second, parties have a good chance of being present in media coverage if the they pursue a European political focus in their campaign communication. Third, a negative tone in party communication turns out not to be decisive for the parties' visibility in the election campaign. Fourth, a clear positioning on political issues also prepares parties for restrictions of the further development of a European thematic agenda. After a discussion of these results, the paper concludes with an assessment of the analysis limitations and an outlook on further research approaches.
The PhD thesis offers a long-term investigation of German TV debates with regard to the extent to which the topics dealt with in the debates correspond to the political problems perceived by the voters and whether the actor-specific topics discussed in the TV debates have an influence on the voters' perception of the problems and the perceived responsiveness of the political actors. To this purpose, contents and effects of the Chancellor debates 2002-2013 and the TV debates between 1997 and 2016 are examined at the state level. The empirical investigation is based on an implementation and evaluation of content analyses, the evaluation of opinion polls and the investigation of experimental data on the occasion of the chancellor duels in 2002, 2009 and 2013. The analyses show that TV debates are not only show events, but that the focus of TV debates is on political content (rather than entertaining elements), that the (camp-specific) responsiveness of the format has increased over time, and that successful persuasion - as one of two theme management strategies - by challengers in particular can lead viewers to better assess the effectiveness of the political system.
Response-Shift bezeichnet eine Veränderung des Bewertungshintergrunds für subjektive Konzepte wie bspw. der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (GLQ) im Rahmen der Auseinandersetzung mit einer schweren bzw. chronischen Erkrankung. Krebserkrankungen werden als Auslöser eines Response-Shifts angesehen. Response-Shift kann in drei verschiedenen Formen auftreten: Als Rekalibrierung, Reprioritisierung und Neukonzeptualisierung der GLQ. Eine Erfassung dieser drei Response-Shift-Prozesse bei einer homogenen Stichprobe von PCa-Patienten in der onkologischen Rehabilitation liegt in Deutschland bisher nicht vor. Es wurden von insgesamt 212 Prostatakrebspatienten (PCa-Patienten) in der Anschlussheilbehandlung Daten zur GLQ mittels des EORTC-QLQ-C30 vor Beginn der Maßnahme sowie 3 Monate nach Beginn erhoben und in die Auswertung zur Response-Shift-Erfassung aufgenommen. Die Prozesse Rekalibrierung, Reprioritisierung und Neukonzeptualisierung wurden mit Hilfe der konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalyse (KFA) erfasst. Eine Rekalibrierung läßt sich auf der Ebene der Messfehler und Intercepts überprüfen. Die Reprioritisierung und Neukonzeptualisierung kann anhand der Veränderung der Faktorladungen untersucht werden. Bei dem Vorgehen handelt es sich um einen Ansatz aus der Invarianzmessung von Variablen und Parametern im Längsschnitt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob in der Gesamtstichprobe ein Response-Shift auftritt, und falls ja, in welcher Form (Fragestellung 1). Weiterhin sollte anhand von Subgruppenanalysen (Medianisierung) geprüft werden, welchen Einfluss einerseits das Ausmaß der Veränderung der globalen Lebensqualität (Fragestellung 2) und andererseits die Variablen Benefit-Finding, Selbstwirksamkeit sowie Positive und Negative Affektivität (Fragestellung 3) auf einen Response-Shift haben. Es konnte ein Basismodell der GLQ zu zwei Messzeitpunkten bei den PCa-Patienten identifiziert werden, dass als geeignet bezeichnet wurde, um einen Response Shift in der vorliegenden Stichprobe zu untersuchen (ï£2/df = 1.50, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.97). Ein so genanntes Nullmodell, in dem alle Response-Shift relevanten Parameter für beide Messzeitpunkte als gleich angenommen wurde, wies eine inakzeptable Modellpassung auf (ï£2/df = 5.30, RMSEA = 0.14, CFI = 0.76, TLI = 0.71). Über die Ableitung geschachtelter Modellvergleiche konnte ausgehend von dem Nullmodell ein Response-Shift-Modell berechnet werden, dass wiederum eine gute Passung aufwies (ï£2/df= 1.31, RMSEA = 0.04, CFI = 0.99, TLI = 0.98). In der vorliegenden Gesamtstichprobe wurden Rekalibrierungsprozesse auf den Skalen Physische, Kognitive und Rollenfunktionsfähigkeit identifiziert, die sich auf die Kalkulation der beobachteten Effekte auf Skalenebene auswirkten. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Response Shift einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die beobachteten Effekten auf Skalenebene hat (Fragestellung 1). So schätzen PCa-Patienten ihre Physische und Rollenfunktionsfähigkeit zum 2. Messzeitpunkt positiver ein, ohne dass dies auf Veränderungen der GLQ zurückgeführt werden kann. Unabhängig von der Veränderung der GLQ zwischen den Messzeitpunkten schätzen die Patienten ihre Kognitive Funktionsfähigkeit zum Postmesszeitpunkt negativer ein als zur ersten Messung. In den Subgruppenanalysen zeigt sich, dass das Ausmaß der Veränderung der globalen Lebensqualität einen Einfluss auf die Anzahl von Response-Shift-Prozessen hat. Dies gilt ebenso für die Variablen Benefit-Finding, Selbstwirksamkeit und Positive Affektivität. Jedoch lassen sich Unterschiede im Ausmaß von Response-Shift-Effekten zwischen verschiedenen Subgruppen nicht eindeutig nachweisen (Fragestellung 2 und 3). Response Shift sollte bei Untersuchungen der GLQ bei Krebserkrankungen mehr Berücksichtigung finden. Das setzt jedoch voraus, dass die Methoden zur Erfassung des Phänomens weiterentwickelt werden. Mit der hier eingesetzt Methode der KFA im Längsschnitt steht ein geeignetes Verfahren zur Verfügung, das Response-Shift bei einfachen Prä-Post-Messungen erfassen kann. Praktisch relevant erscheint das Ergebnis der Arbeit im Zusammenhang mit der Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit von Maßnahmen der onkologischen Rehabilitation. Werden zur Evaluation Skalen eingesetzt, die response-shift-beeinflusst sind, darf nicht ohne Weiteres auf eine Veränderung des zugrundeliegenden Konstrukts geschlussfolgert werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit würde die Veränderung der GLQ anhand der Veränderung der manifesten Werte der Skalen Physische und Rollenfunktionsfähigkeit eher überschätzt. Anhand der Skala Kognitive Funktionsfähigkeit würden Veränderungen der GLQ jedoch eher unterschätzt. Somit bietet sich der KFA-Ansatz an, um die Änderungssensitivität von Lebensqualitätsinstrumenten zu prüfen und diese entsprechend weiter zu entwickeln. Außerdem bietet die Methode Möglichkeiten, um inhaltliche Einflussfaktoren auf einen Response-Shift zu prüfen.
The presence of anthropogenic chemicals in the natural environment may impact both habitats and human use of natural resources. In particular the contamination of aquatic resources by organic compounds used as pharmaceuticals or household chemicals has become evident. The newly identified environmental pollutants, also known as micropollutants, often have i) unknown ecotoxicological impacts, ii) unknown partitioning mechanisms, e.g. sorption to sediments, and iii) limited regulation to control their emission. Furthermore, like any compound, micropollutants can be transformed while in the environmental matrix to unknown transformation products (TPs), which add to the number of unknown chemicals to consider and thus increase the complexity of risk management. Transformation is at the same time a natural mechanism for the removal of anthropogenic compounds, either by complete degradation (mineralisation) or to innocuous TPs. However, how transformation occurs in real-world conditions is still largely unknown. During the transport of micropollutants from household wastewater to surface water, a large amount of transformation can occur during wastewater treatment—specifically during biological nitrifying–denitrifying treatment processes. The thesis considers the systematic optimisation of laboratory investigative techniques, application of sensitive mass-spectrometry-based analysis techniques and the monitoring of full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to elucidate transformation processes of five known micropollutants.
The first of the five compounds investigated was the antibiotic trimethoprim. Incubation experiments were conducted at different analyte spike concentrations and different sludge to wastewater ratios. Using high-resolution mass spectrometry, a total of six TPs were identified from trimethoprim. The types of TPs formed was clearly influenced by the spike concentration. To the best of our knowledge, such impacts have not been previously described in the literature. Beginning from the lower spike concentration, a relatively stable final TP was formed (2,4-diaminopyrimidine-5-carboxylic acid, DAPC), which could account for almost all of the transformed trimethoprim quantity. The results were compared to the process in a reference reactor. Both by the detection of TPs (e.g., DAPC) and by modelling the removal kinetics, it could be concluded that only experimental results at the low spike concentrations mirrored the real reactor. The limits of using elevated spike concentrations in incubation experiments could thus be shown.
Three phenolic micropollutants, the antiseptic ortho-phenylphenol (OPP), the plastics additive bisphenol A (BPA) and the psychoactive drug dextrorphan were investigated with regard to the formation of potentially toxic, nitrophenolic TPs. Nitrite is an intermediate in the nitrification– denitrification process occurring in activated sludge and was found to cause nitration of these phenols. To elucidate the processes, incubation experiments were conducted in purified water in the presence of nitrite with OPP as the test substance. The reactive species HNO2, N2O3 and the radicals ·NO and ·NO2 were likely involved as indicated by scavenger experiments. In conditions found at WWTPs the wastewater is usually at neutral pH, and nitrite, being an intermediate, usually has a low concentration. By conducting incubation experiments inoculated with sludge from a conventional WWTP, it was found that the three phenolic micropollutants, OPP, BPA and dextrorphan were quickly transformed to biological TPs. Nitrophenolic TPs were only formed after artificial increase of the nitrite concentration or lowering of the pH. However, nitrophenolic-TPs can be formed as sample preparation artefacts through acidification or freezing for preservation, creating optimal conditions for the reaction to take place.
The final micropollutant to be studied was the pain-reliever diclofenac, a micropollutant on the EU-watch list due to ecotoxicological effects on rainbow trout. The transformation was compared in two different treatment systems, one employing a reactor with suspended carriers as a biofilm growth surface, while the other system employed conventional activated sludge. In the biofilm-based system, the pathway was found to produce many TPs each at relatively low concentration, many of which were intermediate TPs that were further degraded to unknown tertiary TPs. In the conventional activated sludge system some of the same reactions took place but all at much slower rates. The main difference between the two systems was due to different reaction rates rather than different transformation pathways. The municipal WWTPs were monitored to verify these results. In the biofilm system, a 10-day monitoring campaign confirmed an 88% removal of diclofenac and the formation of the same TPs as those observed in the laboratory experiments. The proposed environmental quality standard of 0.05 μg/L might thus be met without the need for additional treatment processes such as activated carbon filtration or ozonation.
Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Positionierung und anbieterinternen Kommunikation der innovativen IT-Architektur SOA. Die zentralen Ziele der vorliegenden explorativen und empirischen Forschungsarbeit, die im Kontext der Innovations-Erfolgsfaktorenforschung angesiedelt ist, bestehen in der Beantwor-tung der beiden folgenden forschungsleitenden Fragestellungen:
Forschungsfrage 1: Welche Bedingungen tragen zu einer erfolgreichen Positionierung von SOA bei? Forschungsfrage 2: Welche Bedingungen tragen zu einer erfolgreichen anbieterinternen Kommunikation bezüglich SOA bei? Zur Überprüfung dieser beiden Forschungsfragen wurde ein zweistufiges Delphi-Verfahren durchgeführt. Hierbei wurde zunächst eine qualitative Befragungswelle (N=53) zur Identifizierung der SOA-Positionierungsbedingungen und anbieterinternen SOA-Kommunikations-bedingungen durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden in der ersten Befragungswelle 122 SOA-Positionierungsbedingungen identifiziert, die sich in 65 Bedingungen auf Anbieterseite, 35 Bedingungen auf Kundenseite, 19 Bedingungen auf SOA-Seite und 3 Bedingungen aufseiten des weiteren Umfeldes aufteilen. Im Rahmen der anbieterinternen SOA-Kommunikation konnten 31 Bedingungen identifiziert werden. Die in der ersten Welle identifizierten SOA-Positionie-rungsbedingungen und anbieterinternen SOA-Kommunikationsbedingungen wurden mittels der zweiten Befragungswelle (N=83) einer quantitativen Analyse unterzogen. Somit liefert die vorliegende Studie Bedingungen, die sowohl zu einer erfolgreichen SOA-Positionierung als auch zu einer erfolgreichen anbieterinternen SOA-Kommunikation beitragen.
Die Resultate dieser Arbeit werden zusammengefasst und theoretisch eingeordnet. Ebenfalls wird die methodische Vorgehensweise kritisch diskutiert und die Güte der Daten beurteilt. Schließlich wird ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Forschungsfelder gegeben.
Entwicklung eines Computermodells der lumbalen Wirbelsäule zur Bestimmung mechanischer Belastungen
Ziel der Arbeit war die Erstellung eines MKS-Modells der menschlichen lumbalen Wirbelsäule zur Ermittlung der mechanischen Belastungen innerer Körperstrukturen. Die Oberflächen der Wirbelkörper wurden aus CT-Daten menschlichen Sektionsguts als CAD-Oberflächen generiert und bilden das Grundgerüst des Modells. Die genaue Positionierung des Facettengelenke ist dabei vorgegeben ebenso wie die Ansatzpunkte und Verlaufsrichtungen der ligamentösen Strukturen. Zwischen den starren Wirbelkörpern wurden elastische Bandscheiben eingeführt, deren Mittelpunkte als jeweiliges Drehzentrum der entsprechenden funktionalen Einheiten definiert sind. Damit sind gleichzeitig die Hebelarme zu den Ansatzpunkten der einzelnen Bänder festgelegt. Das mechanische Verhalten dieser verschiedenen Strukturen wurde über physiologische Gleichungen oder Kennlinien in das Modell implementiert. So wurde für die Facettengelenke ein Ansatz für Kontaktkräfte in horizontaler Richtung eingeführt. Für die Kraftentwicklung bei Dehnung der Bänder fanden individuelle Kennlinien aus der Literatur Verwendung. Bei der Deformation der Bandscheiben folgt die Kraftentwicklung einer mechanischen Relation in Abhängigkeit der Deformation sowie der Deformationsgeschwindigkeit. Die entsprechenden Materialkonstanten in den Gleichungen wurden über experimentelle Messdaten aus der Literatur ermittelt. Dem Aufbau von Drehmomenten bei Auslenkung der Bandscheiben um die drei möglichen Rotationsachsen liegen wiederum Kennlinien aus der Literatur zugrunde. In Anpassung an diese experimentell ermittelten Kurven wurden mechanische Gleichungen entwickelt, die letztendlich in das Modell implementiert wurden und die bei jeweiliger Verdrehung der Bandscheibe die Entwicklung eines entsprechenden Moments angeben. Die Validierung des Modells erfolgt auf der einen Seite über die Gleichgewichtsbedingung, bei der die Summe aller Kräfte und Drehmomente bezüglich des Schwerpunkts einer funktionalen Einheit Null sein muss. Dieser Zustand konnte mit dem Modell eindeutig nachgewiesen werden. Auf der anderen Seite konnten punktuell Messergebnisse aus der Literatur über die Modellrechnungen in guter Näherung reproduziert werden. Hier besteht jedoch die Schwierigkeit, dass Messungen an Sektionsgut immer nur in isoliertem Zustand und in einem definierten Versuchsaufbau mit Belastung nur einer Richtung durchgeführt wurden. Innerhalb des Modells befinden sich die Strukturen in einem beweglichen Verbund und unterliegen damit vielfältigen mechanischen Einflüssen, was der Realität im menschlichen Körper auch wesentlich mehr entspricht. Dennoch spiegelt das Materialverhalten der elastischen Elemente innerhalb des Modells größenordnungsmäßig die Ergebnisse der verschiedensten experimentellen Messungen aus der Literatur wider. Zur Simulation unterschiedlicher Belastungssituationen wurde das Modell der Lendenwirbelsäule in verschiedenen Fallbeispielen der Einwirkung einer jeweils konstanten äußeren Kraft unterschiedlicher Größe ausgesetzt. Nach einer kurzen Phase der Bewegung aller Teilstrukturen stellte sich in jedem gerechneten Fallbeispiel ein neuer Gleichgewichtszustand ein. Für alle implementierten Strukturen, wie Bandscheiben, Bänder und Facettengelenke, konnte der zeitliche Verlauf der Belastungszunahme sowie die Belastung im Endzustand berechnet werden. Eine Überprüfung ergab, dass sich alle Ergebnisse im physiologisch gesunden Wertebereich befanden. Damit ist der Nachweis erbracht, dass mit dem vorliegenden Modell ein Instrument entwickelt wurde, das im Rahmen der Genauigkeit des Modells die Belastung der inneren Strukturen bei äußerer Krafteinwirkung zuverlässig berechnet werden können. Die Anwendungen eines derartigen Modells sind vielfältiger Art. Durch Variationen von Parametern können die verschiedensten Situationen simuliert werden. Beispiele sind hier die Auswirkung von degenerierten Bandscheiben mit völlig anderem Materialverhalten auf die umgebenden gesunden Teilstrukturen. Weitere Krankheitsbilder wie schwache Bänder, Wirbelgleiten, Knochenveränderungen oder auch der Einfluss von operativen Maßnahmen wie Versteifung einzelner Abschnitte oder die Einsetzung von Implantaten können damit simuliert werden und ermöglichen quantitative Aussagen über die Veränderung der Beanspruchung der angrenzenden Strukturen. Als Beispiel einer Anwendung in der Medizin wurde der Fall einer degenerierten Bandscheibe aufgezeigt. Die Bandscheibe wurde chirurgisch entfernt und durch ein Implantat zur Versteifung ersetzt. Mit Hilfe der Simulationsrechnung wurde die Auswirkung der Versteifung auf die Deformation der angrenzenden Bandscheiben und die veränderte Kraftentwicklung dargelegt.
Over the last three decades researchers of Cognitive Metaphor Theory have shown conclusively that metaphor is motivated rather than arbitrary and often used to systematically map out conceptual territory. This cognitive semantic proposal holds the potential for alternative L2 teaching strategies. As an abstract domain, business discourse is naturally rich in metaphors and is additionally filled with consciously used metaphorical language to strategically manipulate clients and business partners. Business English courses especially stand to profit from metaphor-oriented language teaching, as (future) managers aim to quickly improve their language performance to be prepared for international business communication. In using metaphors, speakers as well as hearers conceptualize and thus experience one thing in terms of another. Having been made aware of the conceptual linkage, students are immediately equipped with a whole set of vocabulary they may already have learned for a concrete domain and are then able to elaborate in the more abstract area of business discourse. Enhanced metaphor awareness may thus prove to be a valuable vehicle for vocabulary acquisition as well as for vocabulary retention. This thesis is subdivided into ten chapters. With each successive chapter, the focus will increasingly sharpen on the main hypothesis that metaphor awareness raising and explicit teaching in the business English classroom assists the students to dip into their savings' and transfer already acquired vocabulary to abstract business discourse and thus to become more proficient business communicators. After an introduction to the main objectives, chapter two critically looks at the different strands of Cognitive Linguistic contributions to metaphor theory made within the last three decades and discusses the structure, function and processing of figurative language to single out relevant aspects of the language classroom applications. Chapter three narrows the perspective to the socio-economic discourse as the very target domain in focus and surveys the conceptual metaphors that have been identified for this target domain, namely the source domains most productive for the target and therefore most valuable for the language classroom. In chapter four Cognitive Linguistic findings are put in contact with language didactics; i.e., the Cognitive Linguistic basis is discussed in the context of language teaching and learning theories and a first classification of metaphor teaching in the theoretical framework of language didactics is proposed. Ten cornerstones summarize the theoretical output of the previous chapters and the respective didactic consequences are considered. Theories of cognitive psychology pertaining to noticing, processing, and storing metaphors are systematically revisited and expanded to formulate further didactic implications for metaphor teaching. The consequences drawn from both linguistic as well as didactic theory are translated into a list of ten short guidelines identifying essentials for the explicit integration of metaphors into the language classroom. In chapter five those experimental studies that have already been conducted in the field of Cognitive Linguistic-inspired figurative language teaching are systematically summarized and possible contributions to set up a didactic framework for metaphor teaching are investigated. Chapters six to nine then present a piece of original research. Starting out from five research questions tackling receptive and productive vocabulary acquisition and retention as well as the influence of and on the learner- level of language proficiency, a three-fold study was designed and conducted in a regular business English classroom and results are discussed in detail. The last chapter deals again with specific implications for teaching. Earlier statements about and claims for the language classroom are revisited and refined on the basis of the theoretical linguistic, didactic and empirical findings, and an agenda for further empirical investigations is sketched out.
Die Basis für die Untersuchung bilden die theoretischen Erkenntnisse zur Transition und zum Fremdsprachenunterricht. In der Studie wurden saarländische Grundschullehrer und Gymnasiallehrer zu für den Fremdsprachenunterricht relevanten Aspekten befragt. Aus den Ergebnissen wurden Konsequenzen für die Bildungspolitik und die Unterrichtspraxis abgeleitet.
In this study the influence of soil moisture and soil type on the selected pests and diseases Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, Fusarium graminearum Schwabe and F. culmorum (W.G. Smith) Saccardo, respectively, as well as the larvae of the most important Elateridae Agriotes lineatus Linnaeus, A. obscurus Linnaeus, A. sputator Linnaeus, A. sordidus Illiger and A. ustulatus Schaller (called wireworms) was characterized. The aim was to integrate soil modules in prediction models for agricultural and horticultural pests and diseases, to optimise the scheduling of disease controls, to detect periods of high-intensity attacks and to reduce the number of preventive treatments. The measurement of soil moisture is time intensive and additionally soil moisture is highly varying within small areas. Therefore this parameter did not have a high impact in the prediction models for agricultural and horticultural pests and diseases in the past. In this study the possibilities for a site-specific simulation of soil moisture was investigated. The soil moisture simulation model SIMPEL (HÖRMANN 1998) was adapted to agricultural conditions and the site-specific simulation of soil moisture was realised on the basis of radar measured precipitation data from the German Meteorological Service (DWD) and on interpolated weather data (ZEUNER 2007). The comparison of the simulated soil moisture data with the field measurements showed a highly significant correlation (Alpha = 0.01) and an average of 3.8 % differences. Therefore the site-specific simulation of soil moisture will be possible and can be included in the prediction models for agricultural and horticultural pests and diseases. The results of laboratory and field experiments as well as analyses on monitoring data showed, that the influence of soil parameters on the three selected pests and diseases varied. Whereas the investigations on the influence of soil moisture on P. infestans identified no clear correlation, considerable correlations between soil moisture and soil type on wireworms as well as F. graminearum and F. culmorum could be detected. For the prediction of the appearance of wireworms in the upper soil level in relation to soil moisture and soil type the simulation model SIMAGRIO-W was developed. The validation of the new model showed highly significant correlations between soil moisture and soil type on the appearance of wireworms. The influence of soil type on F. graminearum and F. culmorum was integrated in the existing prediction model FUS-OPT. A correlation between air cached spores of F. graminearum and simulation results from the modified model FUS-OPT showed a high significance in PEARSON test. The results of this study showed that the implementation of soil moisture and soil type in the prediction models for agricultural and horticultural pests and diseases can be realised. The developed and modified prediction models can be used by the Governmental Crop Protection Services in Germany through