Year of publication
- 2020 (76) (remove)
Document Type
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- Wissenschaft Koblenz (2)
- model-based (2)
- 3D Modell Referenz Bildsynthese (1)
- 3D-Vermessung (1)
- Abdrift (1)
- Abwasserreinigung (1)
- Institut für Management (14)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (10)
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- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (4)
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- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (3)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (3)
- Institut für Kulturwissenschaft (2)
Abdriftbedingte Pflanzenschutzmittelrückstände in unbehandelten Kulturen auf angrenzenden Flächen
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Abdrift von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM), die auf Lebensmittelkulturen in angrenzenden Flächen, insbesondere in benachbarte Haus- und Kleingärten, gelangt. In einer Reihe von Windtunnelversuchen wurde die Abdrift von PSM aus Flächen- und Raumkulturen während der Applikation mit zwei verschiedenen Testsystemen nachgestellt. Das Testsystem Flächenkultur simuliert die Applikation auf Flächenkulturen, das Testsystem Raumkultur die auf Raumkulturen. Auf der Nicht-Zielfläche wurden die auf Grund von Abdrift entstandenen Rückstände des verwendeten Tracers Pyranin nach der Applikation entfernungsabhängig auf den Lebensmittelkulturen Kopfsalat, Erdbeeren und Tomaten gemessen. Durch die gleichzeitige Messung der Bodendeposition konnten die Messwerte mit Hilfe von Regressionsgleichungen (R² = 0,88 bis 0,97) in Bezug zu den Abdrifteckwerten (AEW) gebracht werden. Dadurch war es möglich, erste Abschätzungen der Höhe von Rückständen vorzunehmen, die über Abdrift von landwirtschaftlichen Flächen auf benachbarte Lebensmittelkulturen im Freiland gelangen können. Diese Abschätzung ist zunächst limitiert auf die drei Versuchspflanzen. Die Versuche zeigen, dass sich die meisten durch Abdrift entstehenden Rückstände auf Salatköpfen wieder finden, gefolgt von Erdbeeren und Tomaten.
Neben dem experimentellen Teil wurden Analysen mit Geoinformationssystemen (GIS) durchgeführt, um die Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse zwischen landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen und Gartenflächen für ganz Deutschland und speziell für Rheinland-Pfalz (RLP) zu analysieren. Dazu wurden für die deutschlandweiten Berechnungen die Daten des amtlichen topographisch-kartographischen Informationssystems (ATKIS) und für die RLP-weiten Berechnungen die Daten des amtlichen Liegenschaftskatasterinformationssystem (ALKIS) verwendet. Beachtet werden muss, dass auf Grund der Datenbeschaffenheit eine Abgrenzung der Gartenflächen zu Wohnflächen nicht möglich ist. Deutschlandweit liegen etwa 1,1 % aller potentiellen Gartenflächen innerhalb eines 5 m Pufferbereichs um Raumkulturen bzw. innerhalb eines 2 m Pufferbereichs um Flächenkulturen. Für RLP sind es 0,75 %. Mit Hilfe eines Landbedeckungsdatensatzes der Fa. RLP AgroScience GmbH und den ALKIS-Daten konnte jedoch die exakte Gartenfläche für RLP auf 47.437 ha bestimmt werden. Basierend auf dieser Datengrundlage liegen 1,2 % der Gartenfläche von RLP innerhalb der genannten Pufferbereiche. Des Weiteren ergaben Berechnungen, dass 3 % der Gärten in RLP direkt angrenzend zu landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen liegen.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden nicht nur Gärten betrachtet, die an landwirtschaftliche Flächen grenzen, sondern auch Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse zwischen ökologisch und konventionell bewirtschafteten Flächen untersucht. Diese Berechnungen erfolgten mit den Daten des Integrierten Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystems (InVeKoS). Insgesamt grenzen in RLP 47,1 % aller ökologisch bewirtschafteten Flächen unmittelbar an konventionell bewirtschaftete Flächen an.
Stream ecosystems are one of the most threatened ecosystems worldwide due to their exposure to diverse anthropogenic stressors. Pesticides appear to be the most relevant stressor for agricultural streams. Due to the current mismatch of modelled and measured pesticide concentrations, monitoring is necessary to inform risk assessment or improve future pesticide approvals. Knowing if biotic stress responses are similar across large scales and long time frames could ultimately help in estimating protective stressor thresholds.
This thesis starts with an overview of entry pathways of pesticides to streams as well as the framework of current pesticide monitoring and gives an outline of the objectives of the thesis. In chapter 2, routine monitoring data based on grab sampling from several countries is analysed to identify the most frequently occurring pesticide mixtures. These mixtures are comprised of relatively low numbers of pesticides, of which herbicides are dominating. The detected pesticide mixtures differ between regions and countries, due to differences in the spectrum of analysed compounds and limits of quantification. Current routine monitoring does not include sampling during pesticide peaks associated with heavy rainfall events which likely influences the detected pesticide mixtures. In chapter 3, sampling rates of 42 organic pesticides for passive sampling are provided together with recommendations for the monitoring of field-relevant peaks. Using this information, in chapter 4 a pesticide gradient is established in an Eastern European region where agricultural intensity adjacent to sampled streams ranges from low to high. In contrast to current routine monitoring, rainfall events were sampled and a magnitude of pesticides were analysed. This led to the simultaneous detection of numerous pesticides of which one to three drive the pesticide toxicity. The toxicity, however, showed no relationship to the agricultural intensity. Using microcosms, the stress responses of fungal communities, the hyphomycetes, and the related ecosystem function of leaf decomposition, is investigated in chapter 5. Effects of a field-relevant fungicide mixture are examined across three biogeographical regions for three consecutive cycles of microbial leaf colonisation and decomposition. Despite different initial communities, stress responses as well as recoveries were similar across biogeographical regions, indicating a general pattern.
Overall, this thesis contributes to an improved understanding of occurrence and concentrations of pesticides mixtures in streams, their monitoring and impact on an ecosystem function. We showed that estimated pesticide toxicities reach levels that affect non-target organisms and thereby potentially whole ecosystems. Routine monitoring, however, likely underestimates the threat by pesticides. Effects leading to a loss in biodiversity or functions in streams ecosystems can be reduced by reassessing approved pesticides with ongoing targeted monitoring and increased knowledge of effects caused by these pesticides.
In dieser Arbeit werden die schottischen Liedbearbeitungen Ludwig van Beethovens auf ihre möglichen gälischen Vorläufer untersucht und in ihrem historischen Kontext aus einer gälischen Perspektive betrachtet. Ihre Liedbiographien werden um Vorläufer ergänzt und vervollständigt, die vom dem schottischen Auftraggeber Beethovens, George Thomson teilweise vorsätzlich unterschlagen wurden. Gründe hierfür sind in der politischen und kulturellen Unterdrückung der gälischen Sprachgemeinschaft Schottlands zu finden. Handelt es sich wirklich um anonyme Volkslieder, oder auch um Kompositionen bekannter Musiker aus der gälischen Kultur? Welche Veränderungen erfuhren sie im Zuge der Anonymisierung und der Degradierung zur Volksmusik, sowie der anschließenden Neuausrichtung in der schottischen Nationalmusik? Zu 12 der schottischen Lieder Beethovens sind ausführliche Liedbiographien mit allen gälischen Liedtexten, deutscher Übersetzung und den historischen Hintergründen der gälischen Vorläufer und ihrer Notierungen entstanden.
The three biodegradable polymers polylactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) were coated with hydrogenated amorphous carbon layers (a-C:H) in the context of this thesis. A direct alignment of the sample surface to the source was chosen, resulting in the deposition of a robust, r-type a-C:H. At the same time, a partly covered silicon wafer was placed together with the polymers in the coating chamber and was coated. Silicon is a hard material and serves as a reference for the applied layers. Due to the hardness of the material, no mixed phase occurs between the substrate and the applied layer (no interlayer formation). In addition, the thickness of the applied layer can be estimated with the help of the silicon sample.
The deposition of the layer was realized by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RF-PECVD). For the coating the samples were pre-treated with an oxygen plasma. Acetylene was used as precursor gas for the plasma coating. Coatings with increasing thickness in 50 nm steps from 0-500 nm were realised.
The surface analysis was performed using several techniques: The morphology and layer stability were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements. The wettability was determined by contact angle technique. In addition, the contact angles provide macroscopic information about the bond types of the carbon atoms present on the surface. For microscopic analysis of the chemical composition of the sample and layer surfaces, diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) as well as synchrotron based X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS) and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS) were used.
All coated polymers showed several cases of layer failure due to internal stress in the layers. However, these were at different layer thicknesses, so there was a substrate effect. In addition, it is visible in the SEM images that the coatings of PLA and PHB can cause the applied layer to wave, the so-called cord buckling. This does not occur with polymer PBAT, which indicates a possible better bonding of the layer to the polymer. The chemical analyses of the layer surfaces show for each material a layer thickness dependent ratio of sp² to sp³ bonds of carbon, which alternately dominate the layer. In all polymers, the sp³ bond initially dominates, but the sp² to sp³ ratio changes at different intervals. Although the polymers were coated in the same plasma, i.e. the respective layer thicknesses (50 nm, 100 nm, ...) were applied in the same plasma process, the respective systems differed considerably from each other. A substrate effect is therefore demonstrably present. In addition, it was found that a change in the dominant bond from sp³ to sp² is an indication ofan upcoming layer failure of the a-C:H layer deposited on the polymer. In the case of PLA, this occurs immediately with change to sp² as the dominant bond; in the case of PHB and PBAT, this occurs with different delay to increased layer thicknesses (at PHB 100 nm, at PBAT approx. 200 nm.
Overall, this thesis shows that there is a substrate effect in the coating of the biodegradable polymers PLA, PHB and PBAT, since despite the same coating there is a different chemical composition of the surface at the respective layer thicknesses. In addition, a layer failure can be predicted by analyzing the existing bond.
Studies in recent years have demonstrate adolescents and young adults to have a deficient data protection competence, however children and adolescents between the ages of ten and 13 were mostly not focus of these studies. Therefore, the guiding question of the work is how data protection competence is developed in children and adolescents at a young age in order to be able to infer suitable, educational concepts for this age group. At the beginning of the work, a data protection competence model is derived from a media competence model, which serves as the basis for the further field investigation. A survey was carried out at general secondary schools in Rhineland-Palatinate, which shows that the respondents still have sufficiently developed Risk Assessment Competence, but were insufficiently developed in terms of knowledge, Selection and Usage Competence and the Implementation Competence. Recommendations for actions are given in the last part of the work – containing learning goal descriptions to be possibly implemented in an educational framework – in order to address this issue.
Data-minimization and fairness are fundamental data protection requirements to avoid privacy threats and discrimination. Violations of data protection requirements often result from: First, conflicts between security, data-minimization and fairness requirements. Second, data protection requirements for the organizational and technical aspects of a system that are currently dealt with separately, giving rise to misconceptions and errors. Third, hidden data correlations that might lead to influence biases against protected characteristics of individuals such as ethnicity in decision-making software. For the effective assurance of data protection needs,
it is important to avoid sources of violations right from the design modeling phase. However, a model-based approach that addresses the issues above is missing.
To handle the issues above, this thesis introduces a model-based methodology called MoPrivFair (Model-based Privacy & Fairness). MoPrivFair comprises three sub-frameworks: First, a framework that extends the SecBPMN2 approach to allow detecting conflicts between security, data-minimization and fairness requirements. Second, a framework for enforcing an integrated data-protection management throughout the development process based on a business processes model (i.e., SecBPMN2 model) and a software architecture model (i.e., UMLsec model) annotated with data protection requirements while establishing traceability. Third, the UML extension UMLfair to support individual fairness analysis and reporting discriminatory behaviors. Each of the proposed frameworks is supported by automated tool support.
We validated the applicability and usability of our conflict detection technique based on a health care management case study, and an experimental user study, respectively. Based on an air traffic management case study, we reported on the applicability of our technique for enforcing an integrated data-protection management. We validated the applicability of our individual fairness analysis technique using three case studies featuring a school management system, a delivery management system and a loan management system. The results show a promising outlook on the applicability of our proposed frameworks in real-world settings.
Dieses Dokument umfasst den dritten Zwischenbericht zum Projekt GeKOS – Gemeinsam entdecken Kinder ihren Ort mit Studierenden, der im Oktober 2019 an die Schöpflin-Stiftung übergeben wurde. Das Projekt GeKOS wird vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Weiterbildung und Kultur des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz im Rahmen der Programmbudgets Hochschulpakt III sowie von der Schöpflin-Stiftung mit Sitz in Lörrach von 2016 bis 2020 finanziell gefördert. Zudem gewährte das rheinland-pfälzische Ministerium für Integration, Familie, Kinder, Jugend und Frauen im Jahr 2015 eine Anschubfinanzierung.
Amphibian populations are declining worldwide for multiple reasons such as habitat destruction and climate change. An example for an endangered European amphibian is the yellow-bellied toad Bombina variegata. Populations have been declining for decades, particularly at the northern and western range margin. One of the extant northern range centres is the Westerwald region in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. To implement informed conservation activities on this threatened species, knowledge of its life-history strategy is crucial. This study therefore focused on different developmental stages to test predictions of life-history theory. It addressed (1) developmental, (2) demographic and (3) genetic issues of Bombina variegata as a model organism: (1) Carry-over effects from larval environment to terrestrial stages and associated vulnerability to predators were investigated using mesocosm approaches, fitness tests and predation trials. (2) The dynamics and demography of B. variegata populations were studied applying a capture-mark-recapture analysis and skeletochronology. The study was complemented through (3) an analysis of genetic diversity and structuring of B. variegata populations using 10 microsatellite loci. In order to reveal general patterns and characteristics among B. variegata populations, the study focused on three geographical scales: local (i.e. a former military training area), regional (i.e. the Westerwald region) and continental scale (i.e. the geographical range of B. variegata). The study revealed carry-over effects of larval environment on metamorph phenotype and behaviour causing variation in fitness in the early terrestrial stage of B. variegata. Metamorph size and condition are crucial factors for survival, as small-sized individuals were particularly prone to predator attacks. Yellow-bellied toads show a remarkable fast-slow continuum of the life-history trait longevity. A populations’ position within this continuum may be determined by local environmental stochasticity, i.e. an extrinsic source of variation, and the efficiency of chemical antipredator protection, i.e. an intrinsic source of variation. Extreme longevity seems to be an exception in B. variegata. Senescence was absent in this study. Weather variability affected reproductive success and thus population dynamics. The dispersal potential was low and short-term fragmentation of populations caused significant genetic differentiation at the local scale. Long-term isolation resulted in increased genetic distance at the regional scale. At the continental scale, populations inhabiting the marginal regions were deeply structured with reduced allelic richness. As consequence of environmental changes, short-lived and isolated B. variegata populations at the range margin may face an increased risk of extinction. Conservation measures should thus improve the connectivity among local populations and reinforce annual reproductive success. Further research on the intraspecific variation in B. variegata skin toxins is required to reveal potential effects on palatability and thus longevity.
In dieser wiederkehrenden Zeitschriftenreihe wollen wir die Arbeit junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an der Universität Koblenz-Landau kommunizieren und Studierenden Austausch- und Publikationsmöglichkeiten für den wissenschaftlichen Werdegang eröffnen.
In dieser Ausgabe:
Exner, Maik. Bedeutung und Musik: Konstitutionsprozesse von musikkulturellen Bedeutungen und Bedeutsamkeiten in interaktionaler, biographischer und historischer Perspektive.
Henne, Arthur. Analysis of the Transition from Traditional Closed Innovation Systems to Open Innovation.
von Schönebeck, Sandra. #TrauDichDeutschland: Die Sprache der AfD im multimodalen (Online-) Bundestagswahlkampf 2017 – Eine Untersuchung sprachlicher und visueller Strategien sowie der Reaktionen potenzieller Wählerinnen und Wähler.
Michaelis, Kent. Das “Templerhaus” in Boppard: Kunsthistorische Untersuchung eines spätromanischen Baudenkmals.
Koops, Sarah M. J.. Lässt sich eine Obergrenze für die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen durch Nationalstaaten ethisch rechtfertigen?.
Rosemann, Raphaela S.. Masquerade and Disguise in the Works of Eliza Haywood.
Despite widespread plans of big companies like Amazon and Google to develop unmanned delivery drones, scholarly research in this field is scarce, especially in the information systems field. From technical and legal perspectives, drone delivery in last-mile scenarios is in a quite mature state. However, estimates of user acceptance are varying between high skepticism and exaggerated optimism. This research follows a mixed method approach consisting both qualitative and quantitative research, to identify and test determinants of consumer delivery drone service adoption. The qualitative part rests on ten interviews among average consumers, who use delivery services on a regular basis. Insights gained from the qualitative part were used to develop an online survey and to assess the influence of associated risks on adoption intentions. The quantitative results show that especially financial and physical risks impede drone delivery service adoption. Delivery companies who are currently thinking about providing a delivery drone service may find these results useful when evaluating usage behaviors in the future market for delivery drones.
Satzung für den steuerbegünstigten Betrieb gewerblicher Art: Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen
Redaktionelle Korrektur betreffend die Dritte Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im Bachelorstudiengang und im Masterstudiengang Erziehungswissenschaft an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
Ordnung zur Änderung der Beitragsordnung des Studierendenwerks Koblenz
Siebte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für den Bachelorstudiengang und den Masterstudiengang „Sozial- und Kommunikationswissenschaften“ des
Fachbereichs 6: Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Sechsundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Grundlagen der Systemtheorie zur Anwendung transdisziplinärer Verfahren der Technikfolgenabschätzung
The technological progress is highly responsible for how people live their everyday life. Technical innovations provide new opportunities to re-design all areas of life and because of that the society has to adjust to these changes permanently. These days, due to the fact that there is a changeover from analog into digital processes, this circumstance is highly relevant. However, it is not always clear whether a technological innovation just entails chances or involves risks, too. The research field of technology assessment pursues the goal to examine the influence of technological innovations on the society. For this purpose, unpredictable consequences of a technology need to be anticipated in advance to provide the opportunity of earlier reactions. The core of this thesis a discussion about a project based approach of technology assessment. Additionally, it is being investigated whether and how systems theory approaches can be used to improve predictions in the research area of technology assessment. Therefore, the question of how reliable forecasts are in this kind of context will be answered. Moreover, there is an investigation if an added-value can be created through performing system thinking. As a methodical approach a literature review has been performed. Furthermore, experts were questioned in an interview and by e-mail to gain an insight in the practical work of technology assessment. Based on the elaborated project structure, for each part of the project was examined if significant results can be maintained through the sophisticated use of principles of the systems theory. The analysis of this paper has shown that the results of a technology assessment may have more reliable forecast value in comparison to an investigation without proper consideration of system thinking. Especially, the understanding of a system during the phase of conception of a project can be crucial for the positive outcome for the results of technology assessment. This master thesis represents the theoretical point of view regarding topics technology assessment and systems theory. An application test for the validation of the results in the practical work of technology assessment is recommended.
The maintenance strategy “predictive maintenance”, which is characterized by predicting the failure behavior of technical units based on modern sensor technology, plays a key role in smart factories against the background of an industry 4.0. This paper contains an evaluation of the current state of research on this strategy and gives an overview of the areas of application to date. With the aid of a qualitative video analysis, the implementation in the industries and company divisions involved and the type of goods monitored are examined. The analyzed video clips were uploaded to YouTube for example for marketing purposes by various companies with different perspectives on predictive maintenance. The video analysis was realized by applying a previously defined coding plan to the video material. The results show a predominant application in the manufacturing industry, in which predictive maintenance is used to monitor plants and machines. In addition, the strategy is also mainly applied to means of transport used for freight and passenger transport in various infrastructures. As a result of the video analysis, the currently high need for explanation of predictive maintenance becomes visible. By looking at these explanations, one also learns something about the special features that distinguish it from other maintenance strategies.
Railway safety is a topic which gains the public attention only if major railway accidents happen. This is because railway is considered as a safe mode of travel by the public. However, to ensure the safety of the railway system railway companies as well as universities conduct a broad spectrum of research. An overview of this research has not yet been provided in the scholarly literature. Therefore, this thesis follows two objectives. First an overview and ranking of railway safety research universities should be provided. Second, based on these universities, it should be identified which are the most relevant and influential research topics. The ranking is based on the research method “literature review” which forms the methodical basis for this thesis. To evaluate the universities based on a measurable and objective criterion, the number of citations of the researchers from each university is gathered. As a result, the University of Leuven for the civil engineering, Milan Politechnico for mechanical enginering and the University of Loughborough for electrical engineering are identified as the leading university in their field of railway safety research. The top universities for each discipline are distributed all over Europe, North America and Asia. However, a clear focus on the US and British universities is observed. For identification of the most relevant and influential topics the keywords from the publications which are considered in the ranking procedure are analyzed. Focus areas among these keywords are revealed by calculating the count of each keyword. High-speed trains as well as maintenance are recognized as the highly relevant topics in both civil and mechanical engineering. Furthermore, the topic of railway dynamics for mechanical engineering and noise and vibration for civil engineering are identified as the leading topics in the respective discipline. Achieving both research goals required exploratory approaches. Therefore, this thesis leaves open space for future research to deepen the individual topics which are approached in each section. A validation of the results through experts interviews as well as a deepening of the analysis through increasing the number of analyzed universities as well as applying statistical methods is recommended.
Accidents annually cause high economic damages for concerned persons, companies and the state. To determine the exact costs of a damage is a challenge. Scientific studies differ from each other because of different models of calculation. Due to the fact of a low number of accidents concerning rail transport there are not many studies about how to calculate the costs an accident causes. The aim of this thesis is to give an overview about methods when dealing with these costs and to point out occurring difficulties. Generally, costs of accident can be divided in two categories. One category deals with personal injuries whereas the other focuses on material damages. Personal injuries contain material and immaterial damages. This leads to difficulties in calculation. The main aspect when dealing with personal damages is the loss of manpower, the costs of medical supply and the costs of the recovery of the legal situation. Currently there is no model of how to calculate personal damages concerning rail transport in Germany. The “Bundesamt für Straßenverkehr” developed an extensive model for calculations of costs of accident concerning traffic. It turned out that the death of people has costs round about 1.1 million euro. Severely and slightly injured people cause damages about 106,000 euro and 5,000 euro. This thesis declares that the model is important regarding different aspects of rail transport and that it is based on statistically collected key performance indicators. Furthermore, some approaches, which analyse the value of life, are mentioned. There are large derivations between them. To make a calculation of material damage the current value of the object must be respected. When dealing with the limitation of material damages the focus is on damages concerning infrastructure. In addition, railway infrastructure can be mentioned. With the help of the “Kostenkennwertekatalog” of Deutsche Bahn AG acquisitions costs for certain components of infrastructure can be determined. As a result, they offer a basis for calculating damages.
This thesis aims to find models to calculate damages to persons in the context of railway accidents. These models were tested for their applicability for a railway accident database. The reviewed models for injured casualties were identified by a research of literature. Their applicability for the accident database was tested with the aid of average values and sample values. The analysis of fatalities was executed via the combination of collected values of two literature researches. These values were compared to the values of the database.
It was stated that there is a calculation for seriously injured, which may serve more exact values than the calculation of the database, especially when there is more detailed data about the casualties. The calculation of slightly injured couldn't be realized by just beholding the pure damages to persons, because it's only a small part of the costs the responsible company has to pay. For the calculation of fatalities appeared problems with the methodology of the most studies.
In this bachelor thesis a database for worldwide railway national investigation bodies is created. It contains contact details of those authorities as well as information of public accident investigation reports. The database is intended to serve as a basis for information and data acquisition of railway accidents. The information that can be taken from the investigation reports is an important element for a possible economical evaluation and for the efficiency of safety technologies. Besides the basics of the national investigation bodies, accident investigation reports and the efficiency calculation of safety technologies the thesis presents an evaluation of the existing investigation bodies and reports in the database. Also the usefulness of the database of accident investigation bodies will be explained and the potential impact on railway safety will be examined.
This thesis deals with the approach, the structure and the variety of methods in the field of technology forecasting. Furthermore insights into the environment of Railways Diagnostics and Monitoring Technologies (RDMT), their technology management and industryspecific requirements for technology forecasting (especially in the area SMEs) are given. Combining those a recommendation for practical use of research results in companies of this size and industry is developed. In order to initiate the previously mentioned research elements a literature research was operated in the field of innovation management and the railway environment. In addition, an interview with an expert of a medium-sized technology manufacturer of RDMT industry was performed. The most important finding was that a single method cannot fulfill the requirements on its own, thus a combination of methods and organizational forms is necessary to achieve an effective technology forecasting.
Microbial pollution of surface waters poses substantial risks for public health, amongst others during recreational use. Microbial pollution was studied at selected sampling sites in rivers Rhine, Moselle and Lahn (Germany) on the basis of commonly used fecal indicator organisms (FIO) indicating bacterial (Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci) and viral (somatic coliphages) fecal contamination. In addition, blaCTX-Mantibiotic resistance genes (ARG) were quantified at twosites in river Lahn and were used as markers for tracking the spread of antibiotic resistance in the aquatic environment. The impact of changes in climate-related parameters on FIO was examined by studying monitoring results of contrasting flow conditions at rivers Rhine and Moselle. Analyses at all studied river sites clearly indicate that high discharge and precipitation enhance the influx of FIO, ARG and thus potentially (antibiotic resistant) pathogens into rivers. In contrast, a decrease in hygienic microbial pollution was observed under high solar irradiation and increasing water temperatures. Based on identified contributing key factors, multiple linear regression (MLR) models for five sites at a stretch of river Lahn were established that allow a timely assessment of fecal indicator abundances. An interaction between abiotic and biotic factors (i.e. enhanced grazing pressure) considerably contributed to the formation of seasonal patterns among FIO abundances. This was enhanced during extraordinary low flow conditions in rivers with pronounced trophic interactions, clearly hampering a transfer of model approaches between rivers of different biological and hydrological characteristics. Bacterial indicatorswere stronger influenced by grazing pressure than phages. Hence, bacterial indicators alone do not sufficiently describe viral pollution in rivers. BlaCTX-Mgenes were omnipresent in Lahn River water and corresponded to distribution patterns of FIO, indicating fecal sources. Agriculture and waste watertreatment plant effluents contributed to ARG loads and participants in non-bathing water sports were found to be at risk of ingesting antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) including ARG, bearing the risk of infection or colonization. Results of the present study highlight the need to be aware of such risks not only in designated bathing waters. ARG abundance at both riverine sampling sites could largely be explained by E. coliabundance and may thus also be incorporated into multiple regression models using E. colispecific environmental predictors. It can be expected that the frequency of short-term microbial pollution events will increase over the next decades due to climate change. Several challenges were identified with regard to the implementation of early warning systems to protect the public from exposure to pathogens in rivers. Most importantly, the concept of the Bathing Water Directive (Directive 2006/7/EC) itself as well as the lack of harmonization in the regulatory framework at European Union (EU) level are major drawbacks and require future adjustments to reliably manage health risks related to microbial water pollution in waters used in multifunctional ways.
„La liaison est un phénomène complexe dont la phénoménologie est encore aujourd’hui sujette à recherches et à débats. Dans la littérature classique, orthoépique ou descriptive, comme dans les recherches les plus actuelles, la liaison est considérée comme un phénomène multi-paramétrique et tous les niveaux linguistiques sont convoqués : phonologie, prosodie et syllabation, morphologie, syntaxe, lexique et sémantique, diachronie, orthographe et différentiation des styles [...] toutes les dimensions de la variation externe : variation dans le temps, dans l’espace géographique et dans l’espace social, variation dans l’espace stylistique des genres de discours“
(Eychenne/Laks 2017:1).
Dieses Zitat beschreibt die Liaison als ein sehr komplexes, von vielen Parametern beeinflusstes Phänomen. Wie gehen Lernende 1 mit einem solchen Phänomen um? Welche Liaison realisie-ren sie wie häufig? Welche Fehler treten auf? Welche Gründe gibt es für diese Fehler? Welche Auswirkungen hat ein längerer Auslandsaufenthalt des Lernenden in einem französischsprachi-gen Land auf die Produktion von Liaisons? Gibt es Unterschiede zwischen dem Erwerb der Liaison bei Kindern mit Französisch als Erstsprache (L1) und Lernenden des Französischen als Fremdsprache (L2)?
Auf all diese Fragen möchte ich im Laufe der vorliegenden Arbeit eingehen. Nach dem Zusam-mentragen einiger grundlegender Fakten über die Liaison soll daher ein Korpus mit französi-schen Sprachaufnahmen von deutschen Studierenden ausgewertet werden. Die Ergebnisse wer-den im Anschluss präsentiert und zunächst mit Resultaten von Kindern mit Französisch als L1 sowie anschließend mit Ergebnissen anderer Studien über Französischlernende verglichen.
This dissertation presents the application of the molecular LIBS method, a novelapproach of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), to optimize the detection of pitting chlorides in concrete structures, which are e.g. contaminated bydeicing salt in winter. Potentiometric titration as the standard method for chloride determination in building material analysis is costly and time-consuming. Ithas the decisive disadvantage that the determination of chloride concentrationis based on the total mass of the concrete and not on the cement content asrequired by the European standard EN 206. The imaging capabilities of LIBS forphase separation of the concrete meet this requirement. LIBS was already usedby BAM in 1998 in building material analysis, but the detection of chlorides withLIBS requires expensive helium purging and spectrometers outside the visiblespectral range to detect emissions of atomic chlorine. The approach of molecular LIBS is to quantify the emission of chloride-containing molecular radicalsformed during the cooling phase of the laser-induced plasma. The advantagescompared to conventional LIBS method are the emission in the visible spectralrange and the applicability without noble gas purging. In this thesis the influenceof the experimental components on the time behaviour of the relevant molecularemission bands is investigated, signal deviations due to plasma fluctuations aresignificantly reduced and for plasma analysis the molecular formation is simulated on atomistic scales and compared with standard methods. In simultaneousmeasurements, atomic and molecular Cl emission are directly compared and the quantification is optimized by data combination. Molecular LIBS will be extended to a quantifying and imaging method that can detect chlorides withoutnoble gas purging.
Lastkraftwagen werden weltweit in verschiedenen Konfigurationen für den Transport von Gütern und für Spezialanwendungen genutzt. Das sichere Navigieren solcher Großfahrzeuge stellt eine herausfordernde Aufgabe für den Fahrer und unter Umständen für automatische Steuerungssysteme, z. B. im semi-autonomen oder autonomen Betrieb, dar. Insbesondere in kinematisch schwierigen Situationen, auf unebenem Untergrund oder bei engen Platzverhältnissen steigt die Komplexität des sicheren Steuerns.
Umso verwunderlicher ist es, dass unterstützende Systeme, welche die speziellen Belange von LKW und insbesondere LKW-Gespannen adressieren, im Vergleich zum Angebot auf dem PKW-Markt nur in rudimentärem Maß angeboten werden. Das Gefahrenpotential, dass von Großfahrzeugen ausgeht, wird zunehmend in der aktuellen Tagespolitik diskutiert. Unter anderem wird die verpflichtende Einführung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen gefordert.
In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Themen behandelt, die sich mit den speziellen Anforderungen von Nutzfahrzeugen befassen. Im ersten Themenblock wird die Erfassung der Artikulation in einem LKW-Anhänger-Gespann mit Drehschemelanhänger bearbeitet. Dabei wird ein neuartiges Verfahren vorgestellt, das auf an der Universität Koblenz-Landau geleisteten Vorarbeiten aufbaut. Es ermöglicht die Erfassung von Knickwinkeln in mehreren Dimensionen und ist daher auch für den Einsatz auf unebenem Grund, wie beispielsweise in Baustellen- oder Agrarszenarien geeignet. Das Verfahren nutzt dabei eine Kamera und ein künstliches Muster, um den Gespannzustand zu ermitteln.
Im zweiten Bereich wird die Umfeldvisualisierung durch eine Vogelperspektivenansicht thematisiert. Herkömmliche Systeme weisen systembedingte Verzerrungen auf, die unnatürlich wirkende Ansichten zur Folge haben. Diesem Problem wird durch die Entwicklung einer neuen Herangehensweise begegnet: Mit den Tiefendaten von Stereokameras wird eine Umgebungsmodellierung realisiert, die im nächsten Schritt perspektivisch korrekt mit Kamerabildern fusioniert wird. Mittels einer speziell für diesen Fall erweiterten Stereo-Hinderniserkennung wird zudem eine zusätzliche Umfeldüberwachung ermöglicht.
Die beiden in dieser Dissertation vorgestellten Verfahren beinhalten grundlegende Arbeiten, die für die Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Assistenzsysteme für LKW angewandt werden können.
The industry standard Decision Model and Notation (DMN) has enabled a new way for the formalization of business rules since 2015. Here, rules are modeled in so-called decision tables, which are defined by input columns and output columns. Furthermore, decisions are arranged in a graph-like structure (DRD level), which creates dependencies between them. With a given input, the decisions now can be requested by appropriate systems. Thereby, activated rules produce output for future use. However, modeling mistakes produces erroneous models, which can occur in the decision tables as well as at the DRD level. According to the Design Science Research Methodology, this thesis introduces an implementation of a verification prototype for the detection and resolution of these errors while the modeling phase. Therefore, presented basics provide the needed theoretical foundation for the development of the tool. This thesis further presents the architecture of the tool and the implemented verification capabilities. Finally, the created prototype is evaluated.
Die Biopolyester Cutin und Suberin stellen hydrophobe Grenzbarrieren dar, die sich im Laufe der Evolution der Landpflanzen entwickelt haben. Cutin bildet den Hauptbestandteil der Cuticula, die den Pflanzen Schutz vor unkontrollierter Transpiration bietet. Die Einlagerung von Suberin in die Zellwände definierter Zellen des Wurzelgewebes ermöglicht eine kontrollierte Aufnahme von Wasser und Nährstoffen. Zu den wichtigsten monomeren Bestandteilen dieser biologischen Polyester gehören langkettige α,ω-Dicarbonsäuren und ω-Hydroxycarbonsäuren. Bisher wurde der mikrobielle Abbau der Makromoleküle unzureichend erforscht. Zur Entschlüsselung der Zersetzung ist es notwendig, den Kreislauf der monomeren Bestandteile im Boden zu betrachten. Hierzu eignen sich vor allem Experimente mit positionsspezifisch ¹³C -markierten α,ω-Dicarbonsäuren und ω-Hydroxycarbonsäuren, die in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals synthetisch zugänglich gemacht wurden. Die Synthesen umfassten Dicarbonsäuren der geradzahligen Kettenlängen C12 bis C30, deren Carboxygruppen ¹³C -markiert sind. Ebenfalls wurde die Synthese von ω-Hydroxycarbonsäuren der Kettenlängen C14, C18, C22 und C30 mit ¹³C-Markierung an der Carboxygruppe realisiert. Weitere Zielverbindungen waren ω-Hydroxycarbonsäuren der Kettenlängen C14, C15, C18, C22 und C30, deren terminales hydroxyliertes Kohlenstoffatom mit ¹³C markiert ist. Im Rahmen der durchgeführten Arbeit gelang es, alle 19 Zielcarbonsäuren erfolgreich in hohen Ausbeuten und Reinheiten darzustellen. Die Synthese der isotopenmarkierten Verbindungen erforderte die Entwicklung spezieller auf die jeweiligen Zielsubstanzen individuell angepasster Syntheserouten, die den Einbau des Kohlenstoffisotops ¹³C ermöglichten. Für alle Zielverbindungen erfolgte die Einführung des ¹³C durch die Verwendung von ¹³C -markiertem Kaliumcyanid (99 at%). Wegen der hohen Kosten des ¹³C -markierten Ausgangsstoffes wurden alle Reaktionen zunächst unter der Verwendung analoger unmarkierter Edukte optimiert. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit bestand in der Ausführung eines Inkubationsexperimentes mit den ¹³C -markierten α,ω-Dicarbonsäuren der Kettenlängen C12, C18, C22 und C30. Mittels Phospholipidfettsäure-Analyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass die ¹³C -Dicarbonsäuren zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen von verschiedenen Mikroorganismengruppen zum Aufbau von Phospholipidfettsäuren verwendet wurden. Außerdem konnte durch die Anreicherung des CO2 mit dem Isotop ¹³C nachgewiesen werden, dass die ¹³C -markierten Fettsäuren von den Mikroorganismen zur Energiegewinnung abgebaut wurden. Für zukünftige Arbeiten wäre es interessant, Ausschnitte der Cutin- und Suberinstruktur nachzubilden. Durch die Veresterung der ¹³C -markierten α,ω-Dicarbonsäuren und der ¹³C -markierten ω-Hydroxycarbonsäuren untereinander oder mit Alkoholen könnten Dimere und Oligomere hergestellt werden.
Regarding the rising amount of legal regulations, businesses should get the opportunity to use software to fulfill their Compliance Management with the usage of compliance pattern. These patterns are used to represent substantive and structural parts of the processes. This means companies can increase their efficiency and react to new regulations quickly to avoid possible violation which can lead to monetary losses or legal consequences. In the literature are many approaches that deal with compliance pattern but currently there does not exist any list with necessary compliance pattern that companies should face at (Delfmann and Hübers, 2015). The following bachelor thesis classifies 80 research contributions regarding their different approaches of compliance pattern. For that a systematic literature review was executed. As a result, the author developed a graphical classification context that provides an overview of connections between different compliance approaches. Furthermore, an appendix with 32 compliance patterns of the analyzed papers was developed that contains real-world patterns with the classification of the previous sections.
In dieser Arbeit wird die Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluierung einer Augmented Reality-App beschrieben. Diese wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, Objekte im realen Raum mit virtuellen Hilfsmitteln auszumessen, sodass diese Anwendung einen Holzgliedermaßstab ersetzen kann. Hinzu kommt die praktische Speicherung der Messwerte. Angefertigt wurde die App mit der Unity Engine und programmiert in C#.
Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit sind die Benutzerfreundlichkeit der App, sowie die Eignung von AR Foundation für das Ausmessungstool.
Die Anwendung wird auf die genannten Kriterien im Rahmen eines Nutzertests in einer abschließenden Evaluation bewertet.
Als Ergebnis ließ sich festhalten, dass sich die AR-App noch im Prototyp-Stadium befindet, aber im Allgemeinen schon als benutzerfreundlich gilt. Kleinere Änderungen sollen und müssen noch vorgenommen werden, um auch den Umgang mit dem AR-Tool zu vereinfachen.
Because silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are broadly applied in consumer products, their leaching will result in the continuous release of Ag NPs into the natural aquatic environment. Therefore, bacterial biofilms, as the prominent life form of microorganisms in the aquatic environment, are most likely confronted with Ag NPs as a pollutant stressor. Notwithstanding the significant ecological relevance of bacterial biofilms in aquatic systems, and though Ag NPs are expected to accumulate within these biofilms in the environment, the knowledge on the environmental and ecological impact of Ag NPs, is still lagging behind the industrial growth of nanotechnology. Consequently, aim of this thesis was to perform effect assessment of Ag NP exposure on bacterial biofilms with ambient Ag NPs concentrations and under environmentally relevant conditions. Therefore, a comprehensive set of methods was applied in this work to study if and how Ag NPs of two different sizes (30 and 70 nm) affect bacterial biofilms i.e. both monospecies biofilms and freshwater biofilms in environmentally relevant concentrations (600 - 2400 µg l-1). Within the first part of this work, a newly developed assay to test the mechanical stability of
monospecies biofilms of the freshwater model bacterium Aquabacterium citratiphilum was validated. In the first study, to investigate the impact of Ag NPs on the mechanical stability of bacterial biofilms, sublethal effects on the mechanical stability of the biofilms were observed with negative implications for biostabilization. Furthermore, as it is still challenging to monitor the ecotoxicity of Ag NPs in natural freshwater environments, a mesocosm study was performed in this work to provide the possibility for the detailed investigation of effects of Ag NPs on freshwater biofilms under realistic environmental conditions. By applying several approaches to analyze biofilms as a whole in response to Ag NP treatment, insights into the resilience of bacterial freshwater biofilms were obtained. However, as revealed by t-RFLP fingerprinting combined with phylogenetic studies based on the 16S gene, a shift in the bacterial community composition, where Ag NP-sensitive bacteria were replaced by more Ag NP-tolerant species with enhanced adaptability towards Ag NP stress was determined. This shift within the bacterial community may be associated with potential detrimental effects on the functioning of these biofilms with respect to nutrient loads, transformation and/or degradation of pollutants, and biostabilization. Overall, bringing together the key findings of this thesis, 4 general effect mechanisms of Ag NP treatment have been identified, which can be extrapolated to natural freshwater biofilms i.e. (i) the identification of Comamonadaceae as Ag NP-tolerant, (ii) a particular resilient behaviour of the biofilms, (iii) the two applied size fractions of Ag NPs exhibited similar effects independent of their sizes and their synthesis method, and (iv) bacterial biofilms show a high uptake capacity for Ag NPs, which indicates cumulative enrichment.
Bio-medical data comes in various shapes and with different representations.
Domain experts use such data for analysis or diagnosis,
during research or clinical applications. As the opportunities to obtain
or to simulate bio-medical data become more complex and productive,
the experts face the problem of data overflow. Providing a
reduced, uncluttered representation of data, that maintains the data’s
features of interest falls into the area of Data Abstraction. Via abstraction,
undesired features are filtered out to give space - concerning the
cognitive and visual load of the viewer - to more interesting features,
which are therefore accentuated. To address this challenge, the dissertation
at hand will investigate methods that deal with Data Abstraction
in the fields of liver vasculature, molecular and cardiac visualization.
Advanced visualization techniques will be applied for this purpose.
This usually requires some pre-processing of the data, which will also
be covered by this work. Data Abstraction itself can be implemented
in various ways. The morphology of a surface may be maintained,
while abstracting its visual cues. Alternatively, the morphology may
be changed to a more comprehensive and tangible representation.
Further, spatial or temporal dimensions of a complex data set may
be projected to a lower space in order to facilitate processing of the
data. This thesis will tackle these challenges and therefore provide an
overview of Data Abstraction in the bio-medical field, and associated
challenges, opportunities and solutions.
On-screen interactive presentations have got immense popularity in the domain of attentive interfaces recently. These attentive screens adapt their behavior according to the user's visual attention. This thesis aims to introduce an application that would enable these attentive interfaces to change their behavior not just according to the gaze data but also facial features and expressions. The modern era requires new ways of communications and publications for advertisement. These ads need to be more specific according to people's interests, age, and gender. When advertising, it's important to get a reaction from the user but not every user is interested in providing feedback. In such a context more, advance techniques are required that would collect user's feedback effortlessly. The main problem this thesis intends to resolve is, to apply advanced techniques of gaze and face recognition to collect data about user's reactions towards different ads being played on interactive screens. We aim to create an application that enables attentive screens to detect a person's facial features, expressions, and eye gaze. With eye gaze data we can determine the interests and with facial features, age and gender can be specified. All this information will help in optimizing the advertisements.
The analysis of three-dimensional and complex motion sequences
of human gait and therefore the most important question
of kenesiology ”why are we falling?” is the essence of this
paper. The gerontology and its science of movement is currently
limited to simple and one-dimensional methods and models. An
extensive literature research shows the latest state of research of
the three common methods to determine the stability of human
gait. To assess the margin of stability, local stability and orbital
stability it is shown, how those methods are applicable to evaluate
the subject’s ability to recover from any disturbences of
the subject’s gait. Based on this assessment and the method’s
advantages and disadvantages a new method will be derived
that allows spatial analysis of dynamic instability of linear and
non-linear human gait. A motion capture system and the timed
up and go test serve as a basis for this new method and will be
explained. A numerical approximation to optimise the number
of markers within a marker-set of a motion capture analysis
and its maximum correlation with the full-body-marker-set will
be given. This simplification is very helpful for further clinical
or scientific research. To validate the new method a trial
with subjects will be shown and discussed. New appreciable
variables and snapshots of specific situations during the gait
offer new and different interpretations of the human gait. The
new method is the most applicable and appropriate assessment
of human gait and the individual development of the human
gait while aging, as well as to detect and prevent falling and
associated injuries. Especially directional change of a non-linear
gait become assessable with the new method.
Molecular dynamics (MD) as a field of molecular modelling has great potential to revolutionize our knowledge and understanding of complex macromolecular structures. Its field of application is huge, reaching from computational chemistry and biology over material sciences to computer-aided drug design. This thesis on one hand provides insights into the underlying physical concepts of molecular dynamics simulations and how they are applied in the MD algorithm, and also briefly illustrates different approaches, as for instance the molecular mechanics and molecular quantum mechanics approaches.
On the other hand an own all-atom MD algorithm is implemented utilizing and simplifying a version of the molecular mechanics based AMBER force field published by \big[\cite{cornell1995second}\big]. This simulation algorithm is then used to show by the example of oxytocin how individual energy terms of a force field function. As a result it has been observed, that applying the bond stretch forces alone caused the molecule to be compacted first in certain regions and then as a whole, and that with adding more energy terms the molecule got to move with increasing flexibility.
The increase in plastic particles (< 5 mm) in the environment is a global problem, which is in direct correlation to the increasing production quantity and variety. Through direct input (primary) or through the degradation of macroplastics (secondary), particles enter the environmental compartments water and/or soil via conventional material transportation paths. The research and development work on the sustainable removal of microplastic particles (inert organic chemical stressors, IOCS) from wastewater is based on the construction of polymer inclusion compounds. IOCS describe a group of organic chemical molecules, which demonstrate a high level of persistence upon entry in the ecosystem and whose degradation is limited.
Following the principle of Cloud Point Technology, a novel separation technique has been developed which induces particle growth in microplastics and allows easier separation from the water by volume increase according to the state of the art. The concept for the sustainable removal of microplastics from Herbort and Schuhen is based on a three-step synthesis. This concept was further optimized as part of the research and adapted to the criteria of resource efficiency and profitability. The fundamental research is premised on the hypothesis that van der Waals forces with short ranges and localized hydrophobic interactions between precursors and/or material and the IOCS to be connected can induce a fixation through the formation of an inclusion compound with particle growth. Through the addition of silicon-based ecotoxicologically irrelevant coagulation and inclusion units, it is possible to initiate molecular self-organization with the hydrophobic stressors in an aggregation process induced through water. It results in adhesive particle growth around the polymer particles and between particles. Subsequently, the polymer extract can be separated from aquatic media through simple and cost-effective filtration processes (e.g. sand trap, grease trap), due to the 10,000 times larger volume microplastic agglomerates.
Blockchain in Healthcare
The underlying characteristics of blockchain can facilitate data provenance, data integrity, data security, and data management. It has the potential to transform the healthcare sector. Since the introduction of Bitcoin in the fintech industry, the blcockhain technology has been gaining a lot of traction and its purpose is not just limited to finance. This thesis highlights the inner workings of blockchain technology and its application areas with possible existing solutions. Blockchain could lay the path for a new revolution in conventional healthcare systems. We presented how individual sectors within the healthcare industry could use blockchain and what solution persists. Also, we have presented our own concept to improve the existing paper-based prescription management system which is based on Hyperledger framework. The results of this work suggest that healthcare can benefit from blockchain technology bringing in the new ways patients can be treated.
In der Computergrafik stellte die Berechnung von Reflexionen lange ein
Problem dar. Doch mit der ständigen Weiterentwicklung der Hardware
und Vorstellung neuer Verfahren ist eine realitätsnahe,
echtzeitfähige(durchschnittlich 60 FPS) Berechnung von Reflexionen möglich. In der folgenden Ausarbeitung werden verschiedene Reflexionsverfahren vorgestellt. Alle mathematischen und physikalischen Grundlagen werden gegeben, um die Algorithmen nachvollziehen zu können. Da eine Reflexion immer das Abtasten eines reflektierten Vektors bedeutet, werden zwei verschiedene Abtastungsverfahren für blickabhängige Reflexionen vorgestellt und anschließend implementiert. Zuletzt werden die Verfahren auf Basis von Qualität und Performance gegenübergestellt.
The European landscape is dominated by intensive agriculture which leads to widespread impact on the environment. The frequent use of agricultural pesticides is one of the major causes of an ongoing decline in flower-visiting insects (FVIs). The conservation of this ecologically diverse assemblage of mobile, flying insect species is required by international and European policy. To counteract the decrease in species numbers and their abundances, FVIs need to be protected from anthropogenic stressors. European pesticide risk assessment was devised to prevent unacceptable adverse consequences of pesticide use on FVIs. However, there is an ongoing discussion by scientists and policy-makers if the current risk assessment actually provides adequate protection for FVI species.
The first main objective of this thesis was to investigate pesticide impact on FVI species. The scientific literature was reviewed to identify groups of FVIs, summarize their ecology, and determine their habitat. This was followed by a synthesis of studies about the exposure of FVIs in their habitat and subsequent effects. In addition, the acute sensitivity of one FVI group, bee species, to pesticides was studied in laboratory experiments.
The second main objective was to evaluate the European risk assessment for possible deficits and propose improvements to the current framework. Regulatory documents were screened to assess the adequacy of the guidance in place in light of the scientific evidence. The suitability of the honey bee Apis mellifera as the currently only regulatory surrogate species for FVIs was discussed in detail.
The available scientific data show that there are far more groups of FVIs than the usually mentioned bees and butterflies. FVIs include many groups of ecologically different species that live in the entire agricultural landscape. Their habitats in crops and adjacent semi-natural areas can be contaminated by pesticides through multiple pathways. Environmentally realistic exposure of these habitats can lead to severe effects on FVI population parameters. The laboratory studies of acute sensitivity in bee species showed that pesticide effects on FVIs can vary greatly between species and pesticides.
The follow-up critical evaluation of the European FVI risk assessment revealed major shortcomings in exposure and effect assessment. The honey bee proved to be a sufficient surrogate for bee species in lower tier risk assessment. Additional test species may be chosen for higher tier risk assessment to account for ecological differences. This thesis shows that the ecology of FVIs should generally be considered to a greater extent to improve the regulatory process. Data-driven computational approaches could be used as alternative methods to incorporate ecological trait data in spatio-temporal scenarios. Many open questions need to be answered by further research to better understand FVI species and promote necessary changes to risk assessment. In general, other FVI groups than bees need to be investigated. Furthermore, comprehensive data on FVI groups and their ecology need to be collected. Contamination of FVI habitat needs to be linked to exposure of FVI individuals and ecologically complex effects on FVI populations should receive increased attention. In the long term, European FVI risk assessment would benefit from shifting its general principles towards more scientifically informed regulatory decisions. This would require a paradigm shift from arbitrary assumptions and unnecessarily complicated schemes to a substantiated holistic framework.
Die Entwicklung von naturwissenschaftlichen Konzepten und Bildungssprache beginnt schon vor dem Schuleintritt und bildungssprachliche und naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen werden als wichtige Faktoren für Schulerfolg angesehen (Ehlich, Bredel & Reich, 2008; Saçkes, Trundle & Bell, 2013). Die frühe Förderung dieser Kompetenzen ist deshalb sinnvoll.
Lernumgebungen, die naturwissenschaftliche Konzepte fördern (Hardy, Möller & Stern, 2006; Leuchter, Saalbach & Hardy, 2014), zeichnen sich ebenso wie Lernumgebungen, die Bildungssprache fördern (Gibbons, 2006; Quehl & Trapp, 2013), dadurch aus, dass sie zum Sammeln eigener Erfahrungen (z.B. beim Experimentieren) und zum Versprachlichen und Begründen eigener Gedanken anregen (z.B. in Planungs- und Reflexionsphasen). Die zur Förderung von Bildungssprache erforderliche sprachliche Komplexität wird besonders in Gesprächen herausgefordert, die außerhalb der Experimentiersituation, d.h. kontext-reduziert, stattfinden (Gibbons, 2006; Quehl & Trapp, 2013). Bisherige Forschung untersucht allerdings entweder sprachliche oder konzeptuelle Fortschritte und dies überwiegend im schulischen Kontext. Eine gemeinsame Betrachtung beider Bereiche bei Vorschulkindern fehlt bisher. Die zentrale Forschungsfrage der Arbeit lautet daher: „Welche Effekte haben kontext-reduzierte Gespräche auf Vorstellungen von Vorschulkindern zu zweiseitigen Hebeln und deren bildungssprachliche Lexik und Grammatik?“
Die Effekte kontext-reduzierter Gespräche wurden in einem quasi-experimentellen Design (N = 90) mit drei Gruppen untersucht. Alle Gruppen nahmen an Experimentierphasen zu zweiseitigen Hebeln teil. Zwei Gruppen erhielten außerdem Planungs- und Reflexionsphasen mit verbalen Unterstützungsmaßnahmen. In der kontext-reduzierten Bedingung fanden die Planungs- und Reflexionsgespräche in raum-zeitlicher Trennung zum Experimentiermaterial statt, in der kontextualisierten Bedingung stand den Kindern das Material auch während der Planungs- und Reflexionsphasen zur Verfügung.
Zwischen kontext-reduzierten und kontextualisierten Gesprächen konnten weder signifikante Unterschiede im naturwissenschaftlichen Konzept noch in den bildungssprachlichen Kompetenzen gefunden werden. Ein signifikanter Fördereffekt von Planungs- und Reflexionsgesprächen gegenüber der reinen Experimentierphase ohne Gespräche zeigt sich für konzeptuelle Vorstellungen zu zweiseitigen Hebeln, jedoch nicht für bildungssprachliche Lexik und Grammatik. Diese Ergebnisse lassen sich aus dem theoretischen Hintergrund nur bedingt erklären und geben Anlass für weitere Forschung.
Since the invention of U-net architecture in 2015, convolutional networks based on its encoder-decoder approach significantly improved results in image analysis challenges. It has been proven that such architectures can also be successfully applied in different domains by winning numerous championships in recent years. Also, the transfer learning technique created an opportunity to push state-of-the-art benchmarks to a higher level. Using this approach is beneficial for the medical domain, as collecting datasets is generally a difficult and expensive process.
In this thesis, we address the task of semantic segmentation with Deep Learning and make three main contributions and release experimental results that have practical value for medical imaging.
First, we evaluate the performance of four neural network architectures on the dataset of the cervical spine MRI scans. Second, we use transfer learning from models trained on the Imagenet dataset and compare it to randomly initialized networks. Third, we evaluate models trained on the bias field corrected and raw MRI data. All code to reproduce results is publicly available online.
Environmental processes transforming inorganic nanoparticles: implications on aquatic invertebrates
Engineered inorganic nanoparticles (EINPs) are produced and utilized on a large scale and will end up in surface waters. Once in surface waters, EINPs are subjected to transformations induced by environmental processes altering the particles’ fate and inherent toxicity. UV irradiation of photoactive EINPs is defined as one effect-inducing pathway, leading to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), increasing EINP toxicity by exerting oxidative stress in aquatic life. Simultaneously, UV irradiation of photoactive EINP alters the toxicity of co-occurring micropollutants (e.g. pesticides) by affecting their degradation. The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) reduces the agglomeration and sedimentation of EINPs, extending the exposure of pelagic species, while delaying the exposure of benthic species living in and on the sediment, which is suggested as final sink for EINPs. However, the joint impact of NOM and UV irradiation on EINP-induced toxicity, but also EINP-induced degradation of micropollutants, and the resulting risk for aquatic biota, is poorly understood. Although potential effects of EINPs on benthic species are increasingly investigated, the importance of exposure pathways (waterborne or dietary) is unclear, along with the reciprocal pathway of EINPs, i.e. the transport back from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems. Therefore, this thesis investigates: (i) how the presence of NOM affects the UV-induced toxicity of the model EINP titanium dioxide (nTiO2) on the pelagic organism Daphnia magna, (ii) to which extent UV irradiation of nTiO2 in the presence and absence of NOM modifies the toxicity of six selected pesticides in D. magna, (iii) potential exposure pathway dependent effects of nTiO2 and silver (nAg) EINPs on the benthic organism Gammarus fossarum, and (iv) the transport of nTiO2 and gold EINPs (nAu) via the merolimnic aquatic insect Chaetopteryx villosa back to terrestrial ecosystems. nTiO2 toxicity in D. magna increased up to 280-fold in the presence of UV light, and was mitigated by NOM up to 12-fold. Depending on the pesticide, UV irradiation of nTiO2 reduced but also enhanced pesticide toxicity, by (i) more efficient pesticide degradation, and presumably (ii) formation of toxic by-products, respectively. Likewise, NOM reduced and increased pesticide toxicity, induced by (i) protection of D. magna against locally acting ROS, and (ii) mitigation of pesticide degradation, respectively. Gammarus’ energy assimilation was significantly affected by both EINPs, however, with distinct variation in direction and pathway dependence between nTiO2 and nAg. EINP presence delayed C. villosa emergence by up to 30 days, and revealed up to 40% reduced lipid reserves, while the organisms carried substantial amounts of nAu (~1.5 ng/mg), and nTiO2 (up to 2.7 ng/mg). This thesis shows, that moving test conditions of EINPs towards a more field-relevant approach, meaningfully modifies the risk of EINPs for aquatic organisms. Thereby, more efforts need to be made to understand the relative importance of EINP exposure pathways, especially since a transferability between different types of EINPs may not be given. When considering typically applied risk assessment factors, adverse effects on aquatic systems might already be expected at currently predicted environmental EINP concentrations in the low ng-µg/L range.
The distributed setting of RDF stores in the cloud poses many challenges. One such challenge is how the data placement on the compute nodes can be optimized to improve the query performance. To address this challenge, several evaluations in the literature have investigated the effects of existing data placement strategies on the query performance. A common drawback in theses evaluations is that it is unclear whether the observed behaviors were caused by the data placement strategies (if different RDF stores were evaluated as a whole) or reflect the behavior in distributed RDF stores (if cloud processing frameworks like Hadoop MapReduce are used for the evaluation). To overcome these limitations, this thesis develops a novel benchmarking methodology for data placement strategies that uses a data-placement-strategy-independent distributed RDF store to analyze the effect of the data placement strategies on query performance.
With this evaluation methodology the frequently used data placement strategies have been evaluated. This evaluation challenged the commonly held belief that data placement strategies that emphasize local computation, such as minimal edge-cut cover, lead to faster query executions. The results indicate that queries with a high workload may be executed faster on hash-based data placement strategies than on, e.g., minimal edge-cut covers. The analysis of the additional measurements indicates that vertical parallelization (i.e., a well-distributed workload) may be more important than horizontal containment (i.e., minimal data transport) for efficient query processing.
Moreover, to find a data placement strategy with a high vertical parallelization, the thesis tests the hypothesis that collocating small connected triple sets on the same compute node while balancing the amount of triples stored on the different compute nodes leads to a high vertical parallelization. Specifically, the thesis proposes two such data placement strategies. The first strategy called overpartitioned minimal edge-cut cover was found in the literature and the second strategy is the newly developed molecule hash cover. The evaluation revealed a balanced query workload and a high horizontal containment, which lead to a high vertical parallelization. As a result these strategies showed a better query performance than the frequently used data placement strategies.
Nowadays, almost any IT system involves personal data processing. In
such systems, many privacy risks arise when privacy concerns are not
properly addressed from the early phases of the system design. The
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) prescribes the Privacy by
Design (PbD) principle. As its core, PbD obliges protecting personal
data from the onset of the system development, by effectively
integrating appropriate privacy controls into the design. To
operationalize the concept of PbD, a set of challenges emerges: First, we need a basis to define privacy concerns. Without such a basis, we are not able to verify whether personal data processing is authorized. Second, we need to identify where precisely in a system, the controls have to be applied. This calls for system analysis concerning privacy concerns. Third, with a view to selecting and integrating appropriate controls, based on the results of system analysis, a mechanism to identify the privacy risks is required. Mitigating privacy risks is at the core of the PbD principle. Fourth, choosing and integrating appropriate controls into a system are complex tasks that besides risks, have to consider potential interrelations among privacy controls and the costs of the controls.
This thesis introduces a model-based privacy by design methodology to handle the above challenges. Our methodology relies on a precise definition of privacy concerns and comprises three sub-methodologies: model-based privacy analysis, modelbased privacy impact assessment and privacy-enhanced system design modeling. First, we introduce a definition of privacy preferences, which provides a basis to specify privacy concerns and to verify whether personal data processing is authorized. Second, we present a model-based methodology to analyze a system model. The results of this analysis denote a set of privacy design violations. Third, taking into account the results of privacy analysis, we introduce a model-based privacy impact assessment methodology to identify concrete privacy risks in a system model. Fourth, concerning the risks, and taking into account the interrelations and the costs of the controls, we propose a methodology to select appropriate controls and integrate them into a system design. Using various practical case studies, we evaluate our concepts, showing a promising outlook on the applicability of our methodology in real-world settings.
Constituent parsing attempts to extract syntactic structure from a sentence. These parsing systems are helpful in many NLP applications such as grammar checking, question answering, and information extraction. This thesis work is about implementing a constituent parser for German language using neural networks. Over the past, recurrent neural networks have been used in building a parser and also many NLP applications. In this, self-attention neural network modules are used intensively to understand sentences effectively. With multilayered self-attention networks, constituent parsing achieves 93.68% F1 score. This is improved even further by using both character and word embeddings as a representation of the input. An F1 score of 94.10% was the best achieved by constituent parser using only the dataset provided. With the help of external datasets such as German Wikipedia, pre-trained ELMo models are used along with self-attention networks achieving 95.87% F1 score.
Digital Transformation is a main enabler for technological change in today’s society and corporate structures. Companies of all sizes have to face up the change. The com-plexity of the innovations is constantly growing. More and more information and knowledge are needed to build a basis for renewal. Different capabilities, such as highly qualified employees, material resources and the correct handling with these information, constitute the background for the advancement. Compared to large companies, small and medium sized companies (SMEs) are struggling more with these circum-stances. This leaves potential capabilities to optimize daily routines unused.
Challenges here are different internal and external barriers. Examples for that are the lack of IT expertise and innovation culture. Hence it is very important, to show SMEs the advantages of the innovation process within the scope of digital transformation. Cost savings, improvement of IT infrastructure or optimization of their business processes, are drivers that should be adopted in the awareness of SMEs.
Recommendations for action are needed, also with the support of information management. This includes information management, strategic management for external an internal information and the selection of an appropriate IT infrastructure. However dynamic management skills and sufficient IT expertise also complement the digitization process.
This becomes clear from the literature analysis following the principles of Webster and Watson (2002). The Concept mapping and the concept matrix serves to support the process. They are presenting the key words and showing the most important works of the bachelor thesis. The argumentation of the bachelor thesis based on this.
Gel effect induced by mucilage in the pore space and consequences on soil physical properties
Water uptake, respiration and exudation are some of the biological functions fulfilled by plant roots. They drive plant growth and alter the biogeochemical parameters of soil in the vicinity of roots, the rhizosphere. As a result, soil processes such as water fluxes, carbon and nitrogen exchanges or microbial activity are enhanced in the rhizosphere in comparison to the bulk soil. In particularly, the exudation of mucilage as a gel-like substance by plant roots seems to be a strategy for plants to overcome drought stress by increasing soil water content and soil unsaturated hydraulic conductivity at negative water potentials. Although the variations of soil properties due to mucilage are increasingly understood, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms in the pore space leading to such variations is lacking.
The aim of this work was to elucidate the gel properties of mucilage in the pore space, i.e. interparticulate mucilage, in order to link changes of the physico-chemical properties in the rhizosphere to mucilage. The fulfilment of this goal was confronted to the three following challenges: The lack of methods for in situ detection of mucilage in soil; The lack of knowledge concerning the properties of interparticulate mucilage; The unknown relationship between the composition and the properties of model substances and root mucilage produced by various species. These challenges are addressed in several chapters.
In a first instance, a literature review picked information from various scientific fields about methods enabling the characterization of gels and gel phases in soil. The variation of soil properties resulting from biohydrogel swelling in soil was named the gel effect. The combined study of water entrapment of gels and gel phases in soil and soil structural properties in terms of mechanical stability or visual structures proved promising to disentangle the gel effect in soil.
The acquired methodical knowledge was used in the next experiments to detect and characterize the properties of interparticulate gel. 1H NMR relaxometry allows the non-invasive measure of water mobility in porous media. A conceptual model based on the equations describing the relaxation of water protons in porous media was developed to integrate the several gel effects into the NMR parameters and quantify the influence of mucilage on proton relaxation. Rheometry was additionally used to assess mucilage viscosity and soil microstructural stability and ESEM images to visualize the network of interparticulate gel. Combination of the results enabled to identify three main interparticulate gel properties: The spider-web effect restricts the elongation of the polymer chains due to the grip of the polymer network to the surface of soil particles. The polymer network effect illustrates the organization of the polymer network in the pore space according to the environment. The microviscosity effect describes the increased viscosity of interparticulate gel in contrast to free gel. The impact of these properties on soil water mobility and microstructural stability were investigated. Consequences on soil hydraulic and soil mechanical properties found in the literature are further discussed.
The influence of the chemical properties of polymers on gel formation mechanism and gel properties was also investigated. For this, model substances with various uronic acid content, degree of esterification and amount of calcium were tested and their amount of high molecular weight substances was measured. The substances investigated included pectic polysaccharides and chia seed mucilage as model polymers and wheat and maize root mucilage. Polygalacturonic acid and low-methoxy pectin proved as non-suitable model polymers for seed and root mucilage as ionic interactions with calcium control their properties. Mucilage properties rather seem to be governed by weak electrostatic interactions between the entangled polymer chains. The amount of high molecular weight material varies considerably depending on mucilage´s origin and seems to be a straight factor for mucilage’s gel effect in soil. Additionally to the chemical characterization of the high molecular weight compounds, determination of their molecular weight and of their conformation in several mucilages types is needed to draw composition-property profiles. The variations measured between the various mucilages also highlight the necessity to study how the specific properties of the various mucilages fulfill the needs of the plant from which they are exuded.
Finally, the integration of molecular interactions in gel and interparticulate gel properties to explain the physical properties of the rhizosphere was discussed. This approach offers numerous perspectives to clarify for example how water content or hydraulic conductivity in the rhizosphere vary according to the properties of the exuded mucilage. The hypothesis that the gel effect is general for all soil-born exudates showing gel properties was considered. As a result, a classification of soil-born gel phases including roots, seeds, bacteria, hyphae and earthworm’s exuded gel-like material according to their common gel physico-chemical properties is recommended for future research. An outcome could be that the physico-chemical properties of such gels are linked with the extent of the gel effect, with their impact on soil properties and with the functions of the gels in soil.
Erste Ordnung zur Änderung der Satzung der örtlichen Studierendenschaft an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung zur Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung in Studium und Lehre an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Zwölfte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Bachelorstudiengang Berufsbildende Schulen an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, der Hochschule Koblenz und der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar
Elfte Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, der Hochschule Koblenz und der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar
Zwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Zertifikatsstudiengang (Erweiterungsprüfung) an der Universität Koblenz-Landau und der Hochschule Koblenz
Fünfte Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im Bachelorstudiengang und im Masterstudiengang Erziehungswissenschaft an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
Achte Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im Bachelorstudiengang Umweltwissenschaften
und in den Masterstudiengängen Umweltwissenschaften / Environmental Sciences und Ecotoxicology an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
Fünfundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen
Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Zweiundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung in den Masterstudiengängen für das Lehramt an Grundschulen, das Lehramt an Realschulen plus, das Lehramt an Förderschulen sowie das Lehramt an Gymnasien an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Neunzehnte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im Zwei-Fach-Bachelorstudiengang
an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Erste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge des Fachbereichs Informatik an der Universität Koblenz-Landau