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Die Untersuchung der Erwartungen und Anforderungen der Generation Z an Führungskräfte ist sowohl praktisch als auch wissenschaftlich von hoher Relevanz. Praktisch gesehen erfordert der Fachkräftemangel in Deutschland und die veränderten Vorstellungen der Generation Z ein Umdenken bei Führungskräften. Wissenschaftlich besteht eine Forschungslücke, da traditionelle Führungstheorien oft nicht mehr zeitgemäß sind und spezifische Studien zu den Präferenzen der Generation Z fehlen.
Ziel der Masterthesis ist es, diese Lücke durch qualitative Experteninterviews zu schließen und neue Erkenntnisse über die Ansichten der Generation Z zu gewinnen. Dabei sollen Unternehmen unterstützt werden, junge Fachkräfte langfristig zu gewinnen.
Die Methode umfasst eine qualitative Studie mit 14 Interviewpartnern, darunter Mitarbeiter der Generation Z und Führungskräfte. Die semistrukturierten Interviews wurden transkribiert und mithilfe der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring und der Software MAXQDA ausgewertet. Induktiv wurden Kategorien aus dem Material gebildet.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Generation Z authentische, empathische Führung und klare Perspektiven erwartet. Hauptkategorien wie Organisation, soziale Kompetenz, Teamfähigkeit und zukunftsfähige Wege wurden identifiziert. Beide Gruppen betonen die Bedeutung von Befähigung, regelmäßiger Kommunikation, Fairness und Transparenz.
Praktisch implizieren die Ergebnisse, dass Unternehmen praktische Maßnahmen und Weiterentwicklungen vornehmen müssen, um den Bedürfnissen der jungen Generation gerecht zu werden. Für die Forschung bietet die Studie eine Basis für weiterführende quantitative Untersuchungen und ein konzeptionelles Framework zur Darstellung der wichtigsten Kategorien und ihrer Zusammenhänge.
With the increasing importance and urgency of climate change, companies are challenged to contribute to sustainable development, especially by younger generations. However, existing corporate contributions have been criticized as insufficient, which could be particularly caused by a lack of employee engagement in corporate sustainability. In this context, gamification has been proposed and increasingly investigated in recent years as a promising, innovative tool to motivate sustainable employee behaviors in the workplace. However, there are few studies and applicable gamification solutions that address more than one specific sustainability issue and thus take a holistic perspective on sustainable behaviors in the workplace. Moreover, previous research lacks a comprehensive understanding of how different gamification elements elicit specific psychological effects, how these manifest in behavioral changes, and how these, in turn, cumulatively result in measurable corporate outcomes. The path from gamification as ”input” to corporate sustainability as ”output” thus remains unexplored.
This dissertation fills this gap by conceptualizing, designing, and evaluating a holistic gamified intervention that supports employees in various sustainable behaviors in their daily activities. The project uses a design science research approach that closely involves employees in the incremental development of the solution. As part of the iterative design process, this dissertation presents six studies to extend the theoretical understanding of gamification for sustainable employee behaviors. First, a comprehensive review of existing research on gamification for sustainable employee behavior is provided, analyzing gamification designs and results of previous studies and outlining an agenda for further research (Study 1). Theoretical foundations of research on gamification, serious games, and game-based learning (Study 2) and empirical design principles for gamification and persuasive systems (Study 3) are then systematically reviewed as a basis for the successful design of gamified applications. Subsequently, empirical studies explore employees’ motivations for sustainable behavior and illuminate their expectations for design features (Study 4), and identify contextual challenges and design dilemmas when implementing gamification in an organizational context (Study 5). Finally, a quantitative field study (Study 6) explores how different gamification designs influence sustainable employee behavior and corporate sustainability in organizations. Based on the findings, this dissertation presents a comprehensive framework of gamification for sustainable employee behavior that incorporates design, individual behavior, and organizational perspectives. Finally, building on these insights, it provides practical recommendations for designing gamification to encourage sustainable employee behavior at work.
Sustainable Leadership
Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema Sustainable Leadership. Dieses Forschungsgebiet der nachhaltigkeitsorientierten Forschung hat in den letzten Jah- ren durch die immer stärker werden Auswirkungen des Klimawandels erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen. In diesem Zusammenhang rücken Unternehmen immer mehr in den Fokus. Diese müssen nun Wege und Methoden finden, die ihre Arbeitsweise und Prozesse nachhaltiger und umweltschonender gestalten. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit zu untersuchende Forschungsfrage lautet: „Wie gestaltet sich ein Sustainable Leadership Ansatz in Unternehmen?“ Aufbauend auf dieser übergeordneten Forschungsfrage werden in untergeordneten Forschungsfrage insbesondere Merkmale, Kompetenzen und Verhaltensweisen eines nachhaltigkeitsorientierten Führungsstils betrachtet.
Die Forschungsmethodik der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2019). Mittels semistrukturierter Interviews wurden Führungspersönlichkeiten aus Großunternehmen befragt. Auf Grundlage dieses Datenmaterials wurden induktive Kategorien abgeleitet und qualitativ analysiert und interpretiert.
Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Forschung wurden in insgesamt fünf Oberkategorien mit jeweils zwei Unterkategorien zusammengefasst. Es wurden die theoretischen Erkennt- nisse des Forschungsbereichs mit den praktischen Erkenntnissen aus den durchgeführten Interviews ergänzt und interpretiert. Des Weiteren wurden die Ergebnisse aus Sicht einer holistischen Unternehmensperspektive in einem konzeptionellen Ansatz modelliert. Ab- schließend wurden aus den Praxiserfahrungen einige Handlungsempfehlungen formuliert und die Merkmale, Kompetenzen, Verhaltensweisen und Auswirkungen eines nachhal- tigkeitsorientierten Führungsstils diskutiert.
Virtuelle Teams verbreiten sich weltweit immer mehr. Die Covid-19 Pandemie und die damit verbundene Homeofficepflicht sorgten in nationalen Unternehmen für die Zunahme virtueller Zusammenarbeit. Diese virtuellen Teams bleiben oftmals auch nach Aufhebung der pandemiebedingten gesetzlichen Beschränkungen bestehen. Um eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit in diesen Teams zu erreichen, sind Kenntnisse zu den benötigten Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten von Teammitgliedern von großer Bedeutung.
Um diese zu untersuchen, werden in dieser Arbeit sieben Experteninterviews mit Teammitgliedern virtueller Projektteams in der IT-Branche geführt und mithilfe qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Die ExpertInnen stammen aus drei deutschen Dienstleistungsunternehmen. Die Ergebnisse werden anhand des KSAO-Modells untersucht und nach der deduktiven Zuordnung zu den vier Kategorien „Wissen“, „Fertigkeiten“, „Kompetenzen“ und „Andere Merkmale“ jeweils durch induktive Kategorienbildung in Unterkategorien aufgeteilt. Dabei ergeben sich insgesamt 34 Kategorien, die für die virtuelle Zusammenarbeit relevant sind.
Mit den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen trägt die vorliegende Arbeit einen wichtigen Teil zur Forschung im Bereich der virtuellen Teams bei. Außerdem liefert sie Unternehmen, Führungskräften und dem Personalmanagement Anhaltspunkte für die Bewertung von BewerberInnen, die Auswahl geeigneter Teammitglieder, die Entwicklung von Schulungen und die gezielte Verbesserung virtueller Zusammenarbeit.
Die Umsetzung von Fernarbeitsregelungen wurde bisher überwiegend in allgemeiner Natur betrachtet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird mit Hilfe von Interviews mit Führungskräften, Mitarbeitern und IT-Dienstleistern die Umsetzung von Fernarbeitsregelungen in deutschen Regionalbanken betrachtet. Mit Hilfe der Grounded Theory werden dabei Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze, Vorteile und Nachteile einer Umsetzung herausgearbeitet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Umsetzung zwischen den verschiedenen Banken starke Unterschiede aufweist, was den Fortschritt betrifft. Besonders die Überzeugung, dass eine Umsetzung vorteilhaft für die Bank sowie die Mitarbeiter ist, zeigt sich als Kernproblem in der eher konservativen Bankenlandschaft. Mit Hilfe der Arbeit werden Lösungsansätze gezeigt, um Herausforderungen bewältigen zu können und den Einfluss von Nachteilen zu minimieren. Dadurch dient die Arbeit dazu, Regionalbanken bei einer Umsetzung von Fernarbeitsregelungen zu unterstützen, indem sie Potenziale erkennen können und Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt bekommen, eine Umsetzung zu gewährleisten.
Digital transformation is a prevailing trend in the world, especially in dynamic Asia. Vietnam has recorded remarkable changes in the economy as domestic enterprises have made new strides in the digital transformation process. MB Bank, one of the prestigious financial groups in Vietnam, also takes advantage of digital transformation to have the opportunity to break through to become a large-scale technology enterprise with many factors such as improving customer experience, increasing customer base and increasing customer satisfaction. enhance competitiveness, build trust and loyalty for customers. However, in the process of converting MB, there are also many challenges that require banks to have appropriate policies to handle. It can be said that MB Bank is a typical case study of digital transformation in the banking sector in Vietnam.
Digital Transformation Maturity of Vietnam Aviation Industry: The Effect of Organizational Readiness
The paper studies the digital transformation maturity in the context of the aviation industry in Vietnam. Digital transformation can mean enhancing existing processes, finding new opportunities within existing business domains, or finding new opportunities outside existing business domains. In the era of post Covid-19, digital transformation will play a vital role in the recovery with the support from digital technology to leverage the communication and implementation of new projects or changes.
Digital transformation and digital transformation maturity sometimes are used indistinguishing, but they are two different definitions. This paper will further explain the differences and will apply digital transformation maturity as a scale for the digital transformation in the report.
Due to the lack of experiment in the relationship between digital transformation maturity and the organizational readiness, the study will explore four components of organizational readiness, including digital leadership, digital culture, digital capabilities, and digital partnering.
FinTech is deemed to be an underexplored phenomenon even in academic and real environments. Among (1) “Sustainable FinTech” – the application of information technology as innovation in established financial services providers’ business operation; and (2) “Disruptive FinTech” – the provision of financial products and services by non-incumbents which in most cases are information technology entrepreneurs, the former receives more attention. In order to contribute to Disruptive FinTech category, the thesis strive to examine Entrepreneurial Strategy framework applied for technology players taking part in Vietnam financial market.
Challenges of Implementing Innovation Strategies at Large Organizations: A case of Lotte Group
For many decades, one of the most important focuses of research has been on determining whether or not there is a correlation between the size of an organization and its level of innovation. Unlike small companies, large companies often have well-established structure that are hard to change and change managements seems to be much more difficult especially related to innovation. Nevertheless, there are many examples to prove the opposites. Some large organization like Apple, Amazon... always show great innovation efforts and keep changing in a much positive way. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to discuss of how large organization can be able to implement innovation when having much drawbacks compare to SMEs. Through the use of a qualitative research approach, researcher was able to explore essential information on the innovation strategies that large companies are using in order to innovate and how they could overcome existing challenges by studying the working process of Lotte Group – one of the biggest companies in Korea.
The paper is a study focusing on exploring which factors and examining the impact of those factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention among students in the Construction industry, specifically among students of Hanoi Construction University and Hanoi Architecture University. The study also mentions some solution of this findings for entrepreneurship in the Construction field in Vietnam that the author might think of based on this research work for future study. The Theory of planned behavior is used as the theoritical framework for this study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed. The questionaire will be conducted among students of the two universities mentioned above. Then, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) will performed to test the validity of the constructs. The research findings provide factors and their impact factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention and propose some solutions to improve the entrepreneurship in the Construction field in Vietnam.
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) hat sich in den letzten Jahren in der Gesellschaft stark ver-breitet und auch in Unternehmen einen zunehmenden Einsatz gefunden. Bekannt für den Einsatz sind meistens große internationale Konzerne, welche eine führende Position in den Märkten einnehmen. Um Deutschland als KI-Standort zu stärken, hat deshalb die Bundesregierung 2018 beschlossen, mit 5 Milliarden Euro deutsche Unternehmen in der Verwendung von KI zu fördern. Stand September 2021 wurden von diesen allerdings nur 346 Millionen abgerufen, wodurch sich die Frage stellt, wie besonders kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMUs) in Deutschland mit dem Thema KI umgehen.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es deshalb, die Perspektive der KMUs auf Akzeptanzkriterien, Hindernisse und Potenziale des Einsatzes von KI zu untersuchen. Um die Forschungs-fragen zu beantworten, wurde eine qualitative Interviewstudie mit fünf KMUs durchge-führt, welche im Anschluss mit dem Ansatz der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach May-ring ausgewertet wurde.
Die Arbeit zeigt, dass Unternehmen ein großes Interesse am Thema KI haben und sich der Einsatz immer weiter verbreitet. KMUs sehen viel Potenzial durch den Einsatz der neuen Technologie, sehen aber noch einige Hindernisse, die es zu überwinden gilt.
This thesis deals with the question of which success factors apply to social media marketing. German start-up companies are examined for this purpose. The investigation is based on ten semi-structured expert interviews, which are evaluated using a qualitative content analysis. The results show that there are many success factors and that companies proceed differently in many areas when implementing social media marketing measures. Important success factors are a tailor-made, company-specific social media strategy with a clear formulation of goals, integration of social media marketing into the corporate strategy, openness to new social media trends, credibility and reputation, compliance with data protection, the correct handling of criticism, use of social media as a market research tool and a long-term social media strategy. However, the significance of the results should not be overestimated, since this is a qualitative study with a limited range and only examines individual cases. Further research on the success factors could be based on quantitative studies or group discussions in which experts or users or customers are interviewed. Another possibility is the qualitative examination of the user-generated content.
Der Zweck dieser Arbeit ist es, sich auf die kritischen Forschungsherausforderungen und -themen zu konzentrieren, die UI/UX-Designprinzipien umgeben, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf kulturübergreifenden Konzepten aus der Perspektive von E-Learning-Plattformen. Zu diesem Zweck betrachten wir zunächst die kulturellen Dimensionen auf der Grundlage des Hofstede-Rahmens mit dem Ziel, wichtige kulturelle Werte zu identifizieren. Als zweites Ziel der Forschung erleichtert eine Reihe von Kriterien, die so genannte Usability-Heuristik von Nielsen, die Erkennung von Usability Problemen bei der Gestaltung von Benutzeroberflächen (UI). Die Usability-Heuristiken umfassen zehn Variablen, die die Interaktion zwischen dem Benutzer und einem Produkt oder System beeinflussen. Wenn wir uns näher mit
diesen Themen befassen, werden wir in der Lage sein, eine Matrix mit Beziehungen zwischen der heuristischen Bewertung von Nielsen und dem kulturellen Rahmen von Geert Hofstede aufzudecken. Abschließend erörtern wir das mögliche Potenzial kultureller Werte zur Beeinflussung von Benutzeroberflächen für E-Learning-Plattformen. In der Tat gibt es einige Funktionen in E-Learning-Plattformen, die aufgrund der Kultur weniger diskutiert werden, obwohl sie sehr praktisch in die Plattformen integriert werden können.
Social Media is a world-wide phenomenon which has drastically changed the way humans communicate, the availability of information, as well as a crucial tool for various businesses. This has also heavily influenced the sporting community which presents the focus of this study. The work aims to examine the self-presentation, on the media platform Instagram, of footballers from FC Bayern Munich, to gain an understanding of how athletes use this medium as a communication and marketing tool to build their brand. Instagram was chosen due to it being a platform on which users post visual images as their primary communication mechanism. There are many social media uses for professional athletes. From the sharing of personal lives, professional highlights, and opinion, to product placement and endorsements, athletes are closer to fans and consumers than ever before. Social media also puts the athlete in charge of the message, image, and content regarding their careers and their lives Ten footballers were selected against specified criteria and examined against Goffman’s theory of self-presentation (1959) to formulate the research question: “Which forms of presentation of football players of FC Bayern Munich ́s Instagram posts achieve the highest user engagement?”
Empirical research analysed the effect of different visual and contextual forms on user engagement rates.
Through the works literature review, individual hypotheses were derived and tested in a quantitative standardized media content analysis. The first 50 Instagram posts of each of the ten FC Bayern Munich football players with the most followers were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics software. From the visual aspect seven photo categories were developed which were examined in relation to their engagement rate with the posts. Within the contextual framework, the importance and effect of the number of tags and hashtags used were analyzed.
Findings revealed differences to previous research on an athlete ́s use of written social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter, as the majority of visual images posted by athletes were in sporty settings, thus reflecting frontpage-performance strategies according to the self-presentation theory. Further results showed that a greater utilization of hashtags and tags do not correlate with a higher impact on the engagement rates. Personal brand management implications for athletes are examined in greater detail in the discussion.
Social media has changed how customers, businesses, employees, and job seekers form their reputation perceptions of a company, that is, how they form their evaluative judgements about a company’s products, services and behaviors towards constituencies. In pre-social media times, companies had control over what they communicated to their stakeholders, for example, by using corporate websites to convey a predefined image. With social media, multiple opinions, experiences, and company perceptions reach the wider public via multiple channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites that enable user-generated content. Although companies usually try to nurture an online reputation by running their own Facebook and Twitter profiles, a large amount of online content related to a company is produced by social media users and thus is beyond companies’ control. This habilitation thesis is devoted to studying consumer and employee responses to employee behavior in social media. Across eight different articles, with multiple studies each, this thesis aims to draw a full picture of how employee behavior in social media affects customers, other employees, job seekers, and the employing company as a whole.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is of rising importance in these days. AI is increasingly used in various company fields. Nonetheless, no high-quality scientific sources could be found stating the use of AI in the field of leadership. This research gap is addressed with this elaboration by performing expert interviews with leaders. In total seventeen companies could be questioned. The results indicate that AI is not widely used in leadership yet since only one company uses it currently and just about 10% of the participants plan the implementation in the closer feature. While the following items ex- plain why companies want to use AI in leadership: Chances for automation, time and cost savings, many important disadvantages and issues prevent companies from actively using it now: No areas of application are known, no need justifies the use, human interactions as a key aspect of leadership is reduced and it is hard to collect all necessary data. Beyond that, it was aimed to identify changes in the field of leadership through the use of AI. This objective could not be addressed due to the limited number of participants using AI in leadership.
Keywords: Leadership, artificial intelligence, transformation, state-of-use
Purpose: The present research aims on the one hand to provide a basic understanding of the challenges that young companies in growth face by discussing previous findings on this topic. On the other hand, this research project wants to generate new insights on specific challenges and possible learning processes by means of a theory-based examination of a case study.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The author of this study conducts a theory-based case study investigation. The study is based on two theoretical concepts which depict the phenomenon of challenges faced by young companies in growth in an abstract form: On the one hand, the "Tension-Balancing Management" according to Harald von Korflesch, which expresses the fundamental tension within entrepreneurial organizations, which in turn can be seen as a starting point for actual challenges. On the other hand, the "Tipping Points / Absorbative Capacities" framework by Phelps and colleagues, which links challenges (Tipping Points) that young companies will experience during their lifetime with required capabilities (Absorbative Capacities). Guided by these theories, rich data from interviews, observations and documents from the case are collected and analyzed in order to generate insights.
Findings: On the one hand, challenges of young growing companies can be described on a superordinate level with the help of the two theoretical concepts. On the other hand, the analysis also shows that, above all, a fine-grained, individual approach is needed to adequately depict challenges and learning processes.
Research Limitations: The main limitation of the present study is the single-case design. The fact that only one specific case was examined means that the insights gained from this cannot be automatically replicated to comparable cases. The simultaneous examination of multiple cases could thus make the results more stable.
Originality/Value: The qualitative investigation of growth-related challenges by means of a specific case study creates an in-depth and profound understanding of complex interactions in the growth of young companies. In addition, the assumptions of both theoretical concepts are tested on a real case, thus enabling theoretical and practical implications to be identified.
Interest in crowdfunding has been increasing in recent years, both from the economy and the scientific community. Besides artists and entrepreneurs, researchers are now also funding their projects through many small contributions from the crowd. However, the perceived use in Germany does not reflect the benefits of a crowdfunding campaign, especially in international comparison. This study investigates this issue by identifying the motives and barriers for crowdfunding in order to formulate recommendations for research institutions to encourage the use of crowdfunding.
By means of a literature review, first insights are gained which are then used to conduct qualitative interviews with eleven researchers who successfully completed a crowdfunding campaign. The results indicate that researchers in Germany use crowdfunding primarily to raise awareness for the subject and the scientific community in general. The initial assumption of the speed of crowdfunding as a motive was contradicted by the experts. The major barriers are the immense effort involved in a campaign and the lack of reputation for the concept of crowdfunding by German scientists. In addition, only subjects and projects with a high public relevance and funding volume of up to five digits are recommended for crowdfunding. Furthermore, the public exposure of the experts during the campaign was identified as an additional barrier.
These findings lead to three recommendations for research institutions to increase the use of crowdfunding: Firstly, universities should raise awareness for the subject of crowdfunding as an additional form of research funding and highlight the benefits of a crowdfunding campaign. Secondly, universities should cooperate with crowdfunding partners and utilize the networking capacities of a university. Lastly, universities should provide support to distribute the workload among interdisciplinary teams in order to enhance the effortreturn ratio of a crowdfunding campaign.
The chosen methodology and the scope of the thesis enable further research that might examine the perspective of the universities and the conditions in other countries. In addition, a largescale quantitative survey is required to validate the identified concepts statistically.
"We've allways been in a culture where more is more, and suddenly we're in a culture whrere less is a better quality of life. It's pretty revolutionary." - Bill Stewart
The transformation of society in recent years has brought significant changes, including the trend towards more conscious consumption and more sustainable use of resources. Traditional patterns have increasingly receded into the background, stereotypes have been broken and the standards of assessment have been redefined. And so we have arrived at a time when owning less is considered as more valuable and minimalism has become a new trend. The transformation of the social norms has also led to changes in the economy. Due to recent changes, sharing economy has emerged as a new, rapidly growing sector of the economy. In simple terms, the business model can be put as the sharing of unused resources in exchange for (non-) monetary incentives.
The present bachelor thesis deals with the implementation of the sharing economy in the B2B sector. The advantages and disadvantages of the business model have been shown and opportunities and risks of the implementation in companies have been described. Furthermore, it is examined, which conditions of the consumer sector are suitable for implementation in the B2B model and which new factors should be taken into consideration. Based on the literature analysis, a B2C model has been developed. In addition, qualitative interviews were carried out. Among the experts were the managers and CEO of a medium-sized IT company. The results of the evaluation, based on Mayring (2002), helped to develop a decision model for implementation of sharing economy in B2B and to answer the research questions.
Based on the results of the interviews, key framework conditions were transferred from the private sharing sector to the B2B model. In addition, further factors were identified. Depending on the decision model, it was possible to show the requirements for the implementation of sharing economy in the B2B environment and identify the challenges to be faced.
Die Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der zentralen Frage, welche Erfolgsfaktoren einen Effekt auf eine erfolgreiche Crowdfunding Kampagne haben. Als Untersuchungsfeld stehen deutsche Startup-Unternehmen im Fokus, die bereits erfolgreiche CrowdfundingKampagnen durchgeführt haben.
Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wird zunächst eine systematische Literaturanalyse durchgeführt, durch die relevante Erfolgsfaktoren für eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne ermittelt werden. Diese Faktoren werden anschließend einem Mixed-Method-Ansatz unterzogen, bei dem qualitative Ergebnisse, basierend auf einer Fallstudienforschung, mit den statistisch ausgewerteten quantitativen Ergebnissen aus der Fragebogenforschung verglichen und überprüft werden. Dabei liegt der Fokus insbesondere auf der Identifikation von signifikanten Wirkungszusammenhängen zwischen den Erfolgsfaktoren und einer erfolgreichen Crowdfunding-Kampagne.
Im Ergebnis konnten diesbezüglich Wirkungszusammenhänge innerhalb dieser Thesis nachgewiesen werden. Sechs der festgestellten Zusammenhänge aus der qualitativen Analyse werden durch die quantitative Analyse bestätigt. Es konnte jedoch keine Signifikanz der Korrelationen festgestellt werden. Auch die Hypothese, dass sich die Erfolgsaussichten einer Kampagne durch eine höhere Anzahl jeweils kombinierter Erfolgsfaktoren erhöhen, wurde sowohl in der qualitativen als auch in der quantitativen Betrachtung widerlegt. Demnach galt es für den Autor der vorliegenden Thesis künftige Forschungsfelder zu definieren, die die ermittelten Ergebnisse erweitern und konkretisieren. Es bleibt beispielsweise einer weiterführenden Forschung überlassen, zu klären, ob bestimmte Kombinationen der Erfolgsfaktoren zu signifikanten Wirkungszusammenhängen führen. Darüber hinaus bietet sich eine weiterführende statistische Regressionsanalyse an, um die kausalen Effekte zu untersuchen und Prognosen für erfolgreiche Crowdfunding-Kampagnen zu formulieren.
Despite widespread plans of big companies like Amazon and Google to develop unmanned delivery drones, scholarly research in this field is scarce, especially in the information systems field. From technical and legal perspectives, drone delivery in last-mile scenarios is in a quite mature state. However, estimates of user acceptance are varying between high skepticism and exaggerated optimism. This research follows a mixed method approach consisting both qualitative and quantitative research, to identify and test determinants of consumer delivery drone service adoption. The qualitative part rests on ten interviews among average consumers, who use delivery services on a regular basis. Insights gained from the qualitative part were used to develop an online survey and to assess the influence of associated risks on adoption intentions. The quantitative results show that especially financial and physical risks impede drone delivery service adoption. Delivery companies who are currently thinking about providing a delivery drone service may find these results useful when evaluating usage behaviors in the future market for delivery drones.
Grundlagen der Systemtheorie zur Anwendung transdisziplinärer Verfahren der Technikfolgenabschätzung
The technological progress is highly responsible for how people live their everyday life. Technical innovations provide new opportunities to re-design all areas of life and because of that the society has to adjust to these changes permanently. These days, due to the fact that there is a changeover from analog into digital processes, this circumstance is highly relevant. However, it is not always clear whether a technological innovation just entails chances or involves risks, too. The research field of technology assessment pursues the goal to examine the influence of technological innovations on the society. For this purpose, unpredictable consequences of a technology need to be anticipated in advance to provide the opportunity of earlier reactions. The core of this thesis a discussion about a project based approach of technology assessment. Additionally, it is being investigated whether and how systems theory approaches can be used to improve predictions in the research area of technology assessment. Therefore, the question of how reliable forecasts are in this kind of context will be answered. Moreover, there is an investigation if an added-value can be created through performing system thinking. As a methodical approach a literature review has been performed. Furthermore, experts were questioned in an interview and by e-mail to gain an insight in the practical work of technology assessment. Based on the elaborated project structure, for each part of the project was examined if significant results can be maintained through the sophisticated use of principles of the systems theory. The analysis of this paper has shown that the results of a technology assessment may have more reliable forecast value in comparison to an investigation without proper consideration of system thinking. Especially, the understanding of a system during the phase of conception of a project can be crucial for the positive outcome for the results of technology assessment. This master thesis represents the theoretical point of view regarding topics technology assessment and systems theory. An application test for the validation of the results in the practical work of technology assessment is recommended.
The maintenance strategy “predictive maintenance”, which is characterized by predicting the failure behavior of technical units based on modern sensor technology, plays a key role in smart factories against the background of an industry 4.0. This paper contains an evaluation of the current state of research on this strategy and gives an overview of the areas of application to date. With the aid of a qualitative video analysis, the implementation in the industries and company divisions involved and the type of goods monitored are examined. The analyzed video clips were uploaded to YouTube for example for marketing purposes by various companies with different perspectives on predictive maintenance. The video analysis was realized by applying a previously defined coding plan to the video material. The results show a predominant application in the manufacturing industry, in which predictive maintenance is used to monitor plants and machines. In addition, the strategy is also mainly applied to means of transport used for freight and passenger transport in various infrastructures. As a result of the video analysis, the currently high need for explanation of predictive maintenance becomes visible. By looking at these explanations, one also learns something about the special features that distinguish it from other maintenance strategies.
Railway safety is a topic which gains the public attention only if major railway accidents happen. This is because railway is considered as a safe mode of travel by the public. However, to ensure the safety of the railway system railway companies as well as universities conduct a broad spectrum of research. An overview of this research has not yet been provided in the scholarly literature. Therefore, this thesis follows two objectives. First an overview and ranking of railway safety research universities should be provided. Second, based on these universities, it should be identified which are the most relevant and influential research topics. The ranking is based on the research method “literature review” which forms the methodical basis for this thesis. To evaluate the universities based on a measurable and objective criterion, the number of citations of the researchers from each university is gathered. As a result, the University of Leuven for the civil engineering, Milan Politechnico for mechanical enginering and the University of Loughborough for electrical engineering are identified as the leading university in their field of railway safety research. The top universities for each discipline are distributed all over Europe, North America and Asia. However, a clear focus on the US and British universities is observed. For identification of the most relevant and influential topics the keywords from the publications which are considered in the ranking procedure are analyzed. Focus areas among these keywords are revealed by calculating the count of each keyword. High-speed trains as well as maintenance are recognized as the highly relevant topics in both civil and mechanical engineering. Furthermore, the topic of railway dynamics for mechanical engineering and noise and vibration for civil engineering are identified as the leading topics in the respective discipline. Achieving both research goals required exploratory approaches. Therefore, this thesis leaves open space for future research to deepen the individual topics which are approached in each section. A validation of the results through experts interviews as well as a deepening of the analysis through increasing the number of analyzed universities as well as applying statistical methods is recommended.
Accidents annually cause high economic damages for concerned persons, companies and the state. To determine the exact costs of a damage is a challenge. Scientific studies differ from each other because of different models of calculation. Due to the fact of a low number of accidents concerning rail transport there are not many studies about how to calculate the costs an accident causes. The aim of this thesis is to give an overview about methods when dealing with these costs and to point out occurring difficulties. Generally, costs of accident can be divided in two categories. One category deals with personal injuries whereas the other focuses on material damages. Personal injuries contain material and immaterial damages. This leads to difficulties in calculation. The main aspect when dealing with personal damages is the loss of manpower, the costs of medical supply and the costs of the recovery of the legal situation. Currently there is no model of how to calculate personal damages concerning rail transport in Germany. The “Bundesamt für Straßenverkehr” developed an extensive model for calculations of costs of accident concerning traffic. It turned out that the death of people has costs round about 1.1 million euro. Severely and slightly injured people cause damages about 106,000 euro and 5,000 euro. This thesis declares that the model is important regarding different aspects of rail transport and that it is based on statistically collected key performance indicators. Furthermore, some approaches, which analyse the value of life, are mentioned. There are large derivations between them. To make a calculation of material damage the current value of the object must be respected. When dealing with the limitation of material damages the focus is on damages concerning infrastructure. In addition, railway infrastructure can be mentioned. With the help of the “Kostenkennwertekatalog” of Deutsche Bahn AG acquisitions costs for certain components of infrastructure can be determined. As a result, they offer a basis for calculating damages.
This thesis aims to find models to calculate damages to persons in the context of railway accidents. These models were tested for their applicability for a railway accident database. The reviewed models for injured casualties were identified by a research of literature. Their applicability for the accident database was tested with the aid of average values and sample values. The analysis of fatalities was executed via the combination of collected values of two literature researches. These values were compared to the values of the database.
It was stated that there is a calculation for seriously injured, which may serve more exact values than the calculation of the database, especially when there is more detailed data about the casualties. The calculation of slightly injured couldn't be realized by just beholding the pure damages to persons, because it's only a small part of the costs the responsible company has to pay. For the calculation of fatalities appeared problems with the methodology of the most studies.
In this bachelor thesis a database for worldwide railway national investigation bodies is created. It contains contact details of those authorities as well as information of public accident investigation reports. The database is intended to serve as a basis for information and data acquisition of railway accidents. The information that can be taken from the investigation reports is an important element for a possible economical evaluation and for the efficiency of safety technologies. Besides the basics of the national investigation bodies, accident investigation reports and the efficiency calculation of safety technologies the thesis presents an evaluation of the existing investigation bodies and reports in the database. Also the usefulness of the database of accident investigation bodies will be explained and the potential impact on railway safety will be examined.
This thesis deals with the approach, the structure and the variety of methods in the field of technology forecasting. Furthermore insights into the environment of Railways Diagnostics and Monitoring Technologies (RDMT), their technology management and industryspecific requirements for technology forecasting (especially in the area SMEs) are given. Combining those a recommendation for practical use of research results in companies of this size and industry is developed. In order to initiate the previously mentioned research elements a literature research was operated in the field of innovation management and the railway environment. In addition, an interview with an expert of a medium-sized technology manufacturer of RDMT industry was performed. The most important finding was that a single method cannot fulfill the requirements on its own, thus a combination of methods and organizational forms is necessary to achieve an effective technology forecasting.
Blockchain in Healthcare
The underlying characteristics of blockchain can facilitate data provenance, data integrity, data security, and data management. It has the potential to transform the healthcare sector. Since the introduction of Bitcoin in the fintech industry, the blcockhain technology has been gaining a lot of traction and its purpose is not just limited to finance. This thesis highlights the inner workings of blockchain technology and its application areas with possible existing solutions. Blockchain could lay the path for a new revolution in conventional healthcare systems. We presented how individual sectors within the healthcare industry could use blockchain and what solution persists. Also, we have presented our own concept to improve the existing paper-based prescription management system which is based on Hyperledger framework. The results of this work suggest that healthcare can benefit from blockchain technology bringing in the new ways patients can be treated.
Digital Transformation is a main enabler for technological change in today’s society and corporate structures. Companies of all sizes have to face up the change. The com-plexity of the innovations is constantly growing. More and more information and knowledge are needed to build a basis for renewal. Different capabilities, such as highly qualified employees, material resources and the correct handling with these information, constitute the background for the advancement. Compared to large companies, small and medium sized companies (SMEs) are struggling more with these circum-stances. This leaves potential capabilities to optimize daily routines unused.
Challenges here are different internal and external barriers. Examples for that are the lack of IT expertise and innovation culture. Hence it is very important, to show SMEs the advantages of the innovation process within the scope of digital transformation. Cost savings, improvement of IT infrastructure or optimization of their business processes, are drivers that should be adopted in the awareness of SMEs.
Recommendations for action are needed, also with the support of information management. This includes information management, strategic management for external an internal information and the selection of an appropriate IT infrastructure. However dynamic management skills and sufficient IT expertise also complement the digitization process.
This becomes clear from the literature analysis following the principles of Webster and Watson (2002). The Concept mapping and the concept matrix serves to support the process. They are presenting the key words and showing the most important works of the bachelor thesis. The argumentation of the bachelor thesis based on this.
Literaturanalyse und Darstellung aktueller Forschungsschwerpunkte zum Thema Entrepreneurial Strategy
Entrepreneurial Strategy ist in der Literaturwelt weit verbreitet. Dieser Begriff fand schon im 20. Jahrhundert seine Anwendung und zieht sich bis ins heutige Zeitalter weiter. Diese Beständigkeit und Entwicklung des Entrepreneurs und dem Wunsch nach einem eigenen Unternehmen trieben die Diskussion dieses Themas voran. Die Wahl der passenden unternehmerischen Strategie ist eine der wichtigsten Entscheidungen, die ein Unternehmer treffen muss. Diese Problematik sorgte für eine Analyse und genaue Forschung der Entscheidungen und Einflussfaktoren. Resultate davon wurden festgehalten und interpretiert um die Branche der Entrepreneure zu fördern und somit die Wirtschaft anzutreiben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird zunächst ein Grundverständnis für die wichtigsten Begrifflichkeiten ausgearbeitet. Grundlage dieser Bachelorarbeit ist jedoch, anhand einer Literaturanalyse nach Webster und Watson (2002) einen Einblick in die Forschung der Entwicklung von Entrepreneurial Strategy zu geben und den aktuellen Stand herauszuarbeiten. Anahnd dieser Literaturanalyse werden Referenzen, Konzepte und die Notwendigkeit von Strategien verdeutlicht und die Rolle in einem Start-Up erklärt. Aus der Analyse und dem Vergleich zu älteren Veröffentlichungen geht hervor, das der Prozess der Strategiefindung eine Differenzierung in zwei Teile aufweist. Es wird unter dem Strategiesuch- und dem Strategieauswahlprozess uinterschieden. Merkmale, die früher als Allgemeine Einflussfaktoren für die Wahl der Strategie angenommen wurden, werden in der heutigen Literatur den genauen Prozessen und Phasen zugeteilt. Das Resultiert, das Merkmale, wie die persönlichen Eigenschaften, die Umgebung und das Humankapital eines Unternehmers mehr Einfluss während dem Suchprozess haben als während der darauffolgenden Auswahl. Zudem wurden für die Auwahl Methoden und Richtlinien entwickelt, die dem Unternehmer helfen sollen seine Alternativen zu sortieren und daraus zu wählen.
Thesis is devoted to the topic of challenges and solutions for human resources management (HRM) in international organizations. The aim is to investigate methodological approaches to assessment of HRM challenges and solutions, and to apply them on practice, to develop ways of improvement of HRM of a particular enterprise. The practical research question investigated is “Is the Ongoing Professional Development – Strategic HRM (OPD-SHRM) model a better solution for HRM system of PrJSC “Philip Morris Ukraine”?”
To achieve the aim of this work and to answer the research question, we have studied theoretical approaches to explaining and assessing HRM in section 1, analyzed HRM system of an international enterprise in section 2, and then synthesized theory and practice to find intersection points in section 3.
Research findings indicate that the main challenge of HRM is to balance between individual and organizational interests. Implementation of OPD-SHRM is one of the solutions. Switching focus from satisfaction towards success will bring both tangible and intangible benefits for individuals and organization. In case of PrJSC “Philip Morris Ukraine”, the maximum forecasted increase is 330% in net profit, 350% in labor productivity, and 26% in Employee Development and Engagement Index.
A growing flood of advertising and information as well a limited capacity to collect information present a challenge to marketing today. Marketing in general is very important for the success of a company. But the classic marketing theory which ignores the special characteristics of young companies dominates. A new company with a new idea and a new product meets an existing market with customers and established competitors. For an innovation-related founding context this is a special challenge.
In this bachelor thesis the subjects, entrepreneurship and marketing will be discussed first. In addition the special characteristics of young companies, the so-called liabilities will be explained. The meaning of the term entrepreneurial marketing is explained by detailed consideration of the close and wide conceptual understanding. Afterwards the comparison clarifies the difference to the classic marketing. As part of the literature review, the current state of research will be presented and the practical use will be examined in more detail based on the central approaches. The approaches are the guerrilla marketing, ambient marketing, sensation marketing, viral marketing and ambush marketing. How entrepreneurial marketing with the central approaches is used in a start-up company is analyzed by a qualitative investigation in the form of a case study.
The case study shows that unconventional marketing measures and low use of medium can have a large effect. The entrepreneurial marketing therefore offers an alternative to classic marketing because it pays attention to the special characteristics of a young start-up company. This bachelor thesis shows that the entrepreneurial marketing can convert the weaknesses of young founding companies into strengths and lead to superiority over the competition.
Implementation of Agile Software Development Methodology in a Company – Why? Challenges? Benefits?
The software development industry is enhancing day by day. The introduction of agile software development methodologies was a tremendous structural change in companies. Agile transformation provides unlimited opportunities and benefits to the existing and new developing companies. Along with benefits, agile conversion also brings many unseen challenges. New entrants have the advantage of being flexible and cope with the environmental, consumer, and cultural changes, but existing companies are bound to rigid structure.
The goal of this research is to have deep insight into agile software development methodology, agile manifesto, and principles behind the agile manifesto. The prerequisites company must know for agile software development implementation. The benefits a company can achieve by implementing agile software development. Significant challenges that a company can face during agile implementation in a company.
The research objectives of this study help to generate strong motivational research questions. These research questions cover the cultural aspects of company agility, values and principles of agile, benefits, and challenges of agile implementation. The project management triangle will show how benefits of cost, benefits of time, and benefits of quality can be achieved by implementing agile methodologies. Six significant areas have been explored, which shows different challenges a company can face during implementation agile software development methodology. In the end, after the in depth systematic literature review, conclusion is made following some open topics for future work and recommendations on the topic of implementation of agile software development methodology in a company.
The erosion of the closed innovation paradigm in conjunction with increasing competitive pressure has boosted the interest of both researchers and organizations in open innovation. Despite such rising interest, several companies remain reluctant to open their organizational boundaries to practice open innovation. Among the many reasons for such reservation are the pertinent complexity of transitioning toward open innovation and a lack of understanding of the procedures required for such endeavors. Hence, this thesis sets out to investigate how organizations can open their boundaries to successfully transition from closed to open innovation by analyzing the current literature on open innovation. In doing so, the transitional procedures are structured and classified into a model comprising three phases, namely unfreezing, moving, and institutionalizing of changes. Procedures of the unfreezing phase lay the foundation for a successful transition to open innovation, while procedures of the moving phase depict how the change occurs. Finally, procedures of the institutionalizing phase contribute to the sustainability of the transition by employing governance mechanisms and performance measures. Additionally, the individual procedures are characterized along with their corresponding barriers and critical success factors. As a result of this structured depiction of the transition process, a guideline is derived. This guideline includes the commonly employed actions of successful practitioners of open innovation, which may serve as a baseline for interested parties of the paradigm. With the derivation of the guideline and concise depiction of the individual transitional phases, this thesis consequently reduces the overall complexity and increases the comprehensibility of the transition and its implications for organizations.
This bachelor thesis delivers a comprehensive overview of the topic Internet of Things (IoT). With the help of a first literature review, important characteristics, architectures, and properties have been identified. The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to determine whether the use of IoT in the transport of food, considering the compliance with the cold chain, can provide advantages for companies to reduce food waste. For this purpose, a second literature review has been carried out with food transport systems without the use, as well as with the use of IoT. Based on the literature review, it is possible at the end to determine a theoretical ‘ideal’ system for food transport in refrigerated trucks. The respective used technologies are also mentioned. The findings of several authors have shown that often significant improvements can be achieved in surveillance, transport in general, or traceability of food, and ultimately food waste can be reduced. However, benefits can also be gained using new non-IoT-based technologies. Thus, the main knowledge of this bachelor thesis is that a theoretical ‘ideal’ transport system contains a sensible combination of technologies with and without IoT. This system includes the use of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for real-time food monitoring, as well as an alarm function when the temperature exceeds a maximum. Real-time monitoring with GPS coupled with a monitoring center to prevent traffic jams is another task. Smart and energy-efficient packaging, and finally the use of the new supercooling-technology, make the system significantly more efficient in reducing food waste. These highlights, that when choosing a transport system, which is as efficient and profitable as possible for food with refrigerated transport, companies need not just rely on the use of IoT. On this basis, it is advisable to combine the systems and technologies used so far with IoT in order to avoid as much food waste as possible.
Despite the inception of new technologies at a breakneck pace, many analytics projects fail mainly due to the use of incompatible development methodologies. As big data analytics projects are different from software development projects, the methodologies used in software development projects could not be applied in the same fashion to analytics projects. The traditional agile project management approaches to the projects do not consider the complexities involved in the analytics. In this thesis, the challenges involved in generalizing the application of agile methodologies will be evaluated, and some suitable agile frameworks which are more compatible with the analytics project will be explored and recommended. The standard practices and approaches which are currently applied in the industry for analytics projects will be discussed concerning enablers and success factors for agile adaption. In the end, after the comprehensive discussion and analysis of the problem and complexities, a framework will be recommended that copes best with the discussed challenges and complexities and is generally well suited for the most data-intensive analytics projects.
Willingness to pay and willingness to accept on a two-sided platform - The use case of DoBeeDo
It is widely known that especially for technology-based start-ups, entrepreneurs need to set up the boundaries of the business and define the product/service to offer in order to minimize the risk of failure. The goal of this thesis is to not only emphasize the importance of the business model development and evaluation but also show an example customer validation process for an emerging start-up named DoBeeDo, which is a mobile app operating on a two-sided market. During the process of customer validation a survey has been conducted to evaluate the interest of the target groups as well as the fit of their expectations using the Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept measures. The paper includes an analysis and evaluation of the gathered results and assesses whether the execution of the Customer Development Model can be continued.
As a result of the technical progress, processes have to be adjusted. On the one hand, the digital transformation is absolutely necessary for every organization to operate efficient and sustainable, on the other hand whose accomplishment is a tremendous challenge. The huge amount of personal data, which accrue in this context, is an additional difficulty.
Against the background of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this thesis focuses on process management and ways of optimizing processes in a Human Resources Department. Beside the analysis of already existing structures and workflows, data management and especially the handling of personal data in an application process are examined. Both topics, the process management and the data protection are vitally important by itself, but it is necessary to implement the requirements of data protection within the appropriate position of a corresponding process. Relating to this, the thesis deals with the research question of what barriers may occur by a sustainable process integration and to which extend the GDPR prevent an unobstructed workflow within the Human Resources Department of the Handwerkskammer Koblenz. Additionally, answering the question of which subprocesses are convenient for a process automation is highly significant.
In scope of these questions Business Process Management is the solution. By means of the graphical representation standard, Business Process Model and Notation, a process model with the relevant activities, documents and responsibilities of the recruitment process is designed. Based on a target-actual comparison it becomes apparent, that standardized process steps with less exceptions and a large amount of information are basically convenient for automation respectively partial automation. After the different phases of the recruitment process are documented in detail, a Workflow-Management-System can ex-port the transformed models, so the involved employees just have to carry out a task list with assigned exercises. Against the background of the data protection regulations, access rights and maturities can be determined. Subsequently only authorized employees have admission to the personal data of applicants. Because of impending sanctions by violation against the GDPR, the implementation of the relevant legal foundations within the recruitment process is necessary and appropriate. Relating to the defined research questions, it appears that in principle not every activity is appropriate for a process automation. Especially unpredictable and on a wide range of factors depending subprocesses are unsuitable. Additionally, media discontinuities and redundant data input are obstacles to an enduring process integration. Nevertheless, a coherent consideration of the topics of business process management and the data protection regulations is required.
While the existing literature on cooperative R&D projects between firms and public research institutes (PRI) has made valuable contributions by examining various factors and their influence on different outcome measures, there has been no investigation of cooperative R&D project success between firms and PRI from a product competitive advantage perspective. However, insights into the development of a meaningful and superior product (i.e., product competitive advantage) are particularly important in the context of cooperative R&D projects between PRI and (mainly small and medium-sized) firms in the biotechnology industry in response to increasing competition to raise capital funds necessary for survival.
The objectives of this thesis are: (1) to elaborate the theoretical foundations which explain the achievement of a product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI, (2) to identify and empirically evaluate the determining factors for achieving a product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI, and (3) to show how cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI should be designed and executed to support the achievement of a product competitive advantage.
To accomplish these objectives, a model of determinants of product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI is developed by drawing from the theoretical foundations of resource-based theory and information-processing theory. The model is evaluated using data from 517 questionnaires on cooperative R&D projects between at least one biotechnology firm and one PRI. The data are analyzed using variance-based structural equation modeling (i.e., PLS-SEM) in order to conduct hypotheses testing. The evaluation of the empirical data includes an additional mediation analysis and the comparison of effects in subsamples.
The results demonstrate the importance of available resources and skills, as well as the proficient execution of marketing-related and technical activities for the achievement of a product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI. By identifying project-related and process-related factors affecting product competitive advantage and empirically testing their relationships, the research findings should be valuable for both researchers and practitioners. After discussing contributions and implications for research and practice, the present thesis concludes with limitations and avenues for future research.
Increasing innovation is the main reason of a changing daily work. The interaction of progressing digital technologies and our working society has originated the term “New Work”. “New Work” implies, that like spare time work time becomes part of the world of live. In this context, the self-responsibility, self-determination and self-realization of an individual in the professional as well as in the private environment is important.
The subject of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the meaning of “New Work”. Also the components and the background is considered in detail by the literature analysis in order to answer the first research question "What is the meaning of the term “New Work" in research and practice?". For this purpose, the central contents of digitalization and technology, structure of work as well as work attitude of “New Work” are taken up and explicitly examined. What perception and what benefits employees and entrepreneurs have in relation to these contents is analyzed in the present bachelor thesis on the basis of a qualitative study. The collected results from the expert interviews also provide a comparison between entrepreneurs and employees understanding, attitude and feelings towards “New Work”.
The interviews show, that “New Work” has a positive influence on the personal and the professional development of individuals. In addition, “New Work” has created new perspectives and requirements for workers and employers. “New Work” is focusing on goal-oriented working attitude and displaces time-oriented work. Through the realization and implementation of these new perspectives and requirements, it results in a fulfilling feeling in the working and living world. Caused by the abolishment of boundaries, “New Work” can be realized. Due to a satisfying profession, the sense and purpose of the work is no longer questioned. The “New Work” development leads to a cultural revolution based and digital changes.
This scientific paper deals with the question to which extend the increasing digitization has an impact on work-life balance. Answering this question is the main goal of this study.
To reach this goal a literature review is made, in which it is possible to create a direct correlation between the subjective feel of work-life balance and the perceived stress level. With the help of Antonovsky’s salutogenesis model (1997) from the stress research field, factors are ascertained which determine the perceived stress level and linked with that the perceived work-life balance. These stress-influencing factors are examined through a qualitative content analysis by Mayring (2014) on a base of a problem-centered interview.
The results suggest that the digitization has impact on all these ascertained factors and linked to them on the work-life balance. This shows, that the digitization influences us in almost every aspect of work or private life. Whether this impact is positive or negative towards the work life balance depends on the individual, that assesses this factor. Clear distinctions can be made between people working in an IT-based job and those that do not. In comparison, people with IT-based jobs perceive a substantial better impact of digitization on work-life balance.
In this thesis criteria and requirements for a successful collaboration platform for the improvement of communication between scientific institutes of the railway industry distributed worldwide are developed and evaluated. First, an introduction to collaboration platforms and their current market situation and trends will be given. The result-ing knowledge will be used for a qualitative content analysis in the form of interviews with the target group of the planned collaboration platform. Based on the basic knowledge and the interviews carried out, hypotheses for communication in scientific institutes will then be formed. These hypotheses serve to create a questionnaire for a quantitative survey of the target group. The following analysis of general collaboration platforms and those of the railway industry provides further insights and describes requirements for a successful conception of a collaboration platform.
A subsequently planned conception of this platform cannot be carried out within the scope of this research work due to a lack of meaningful results and information. The planned quantitative content analysis was too complex for the chosen research context. In this research work, the quantitative questioning will be prepared for the following research work in this topic area. Further work results will be evaluated and made available for the following research work.
The goal of this master thesis was to develop a CRM system for the Assist team of CompuGroup Medical that is aiding in integrating open innovation into the development of the Minerva 2.0 software. To achieve this, CRM methodology has been combined with Social Networking Systems, following the research of Lin and Chen (2010, pp. 11 – 30). To achieve the predefined goals literature has been analyzed on how to successfully im- plement a CRM system as well as an online community. Subsequently the results have been applied to the development of the Minerva Community according to the guidelines of Design Science suggested by Hevner et al. (2004, pp. 75 – 104). The finished product is designed based on customer and management requirements and evaluated from a customer and company perspective.
Innovationen prägen die Gesellschaft. Daher ist das Innovationsmanagement eine zentrale Aufgabe in Unternehmen. Erfolgreiche Innovationen können die Effizienz und Effektivität eines Unternehmens steigern, folglich ist das Ziel eines Innovationsmanagements, erfolgreiche Innovationen hervorzubringen. Innerhalb des Managements von Innovationen entstehen Herausforderungen, die auf Innovationsbarrieren zurückzuführen sind. Diese können zum Scheitern von Innovation führen. Um diese Art von Misserfolg zu vermeiden, kann ein Vorgehensmodell zur Identifizierung und zum Umgang mit Innovationsbarrieren einen erfolgsorientierten Innovationsprozess begünstigen.
Die Eisenbahnindustrie ist durch ihre Infrastruktur, ihre politische Abhängigkeit und Sicherheitsanforderungen gekennzeichnet. Sicherheit, als eines der Hauptthemen der Branche ist einerseits durch das Schutz- und Kontrollsystem der Politik geprägt und andererseits gestaltet und beeinflusst durch Forschung und Entwicklung von Unternehmen, Universitäten oder externen Entwicklern. Die Unfallvermeidung ist ein bedeutendes Thema in der Literatur zur Eisenbahnsicherheit, hierbei ist die Instandhaltung eines der Instrumente, die der Vorbeugung dienen. Die Prävention von Unfällen treibt den Bedarf von Innovatio-nen für die Eisenbahnsicherheit an. Dementsprechend ist die Thematik der Innovationsbarrieren auch für die Bahnindustrie von Bedeutung. Der Umgang mit diesen in dem konkreten Zusammenhang der Eisenbahnsicherheit soll anhand eines Vorgehensmodells systematisiert werden. Um das Modell insbesondere auf die Branche und den Schwerpunkt der Sicherheit abzustimmen, wird das Grundgerüst des Modells aus der Literatur erarbeitet und mit den recherchierten Kenntnissen der Branche erweitert. Basierend auf den Kenntnissen über Innovationsbarrieren im Schienenverkehr werden Schnittstellenprobleme als Ursache von den spezifischen Barrieren identifiziert. Dazu gehören beispielsweise die Interoperabilität und technische Harmonisierung zwischen Ländern wie der EU sowie die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Industrie und Wissenschaft oder externen Entwicklern. In dem Bezug zu der Branche konnte für das Modell eine Erweiterung erarbeitet werden. Es wurde herausgearbeitet, dass die Eisenbahnbranche weniger innovationsaktiv ist, als z. B. die Technologiebranche. Dies ist auf einen Mangel an Motivation zur Innovation zurückzuführen, der in der Branchenkultur aufgrund von der vergangenen Monopolstellung und dem hohen Sicherheitsanspruch zu einer risikoaversen Haltung führt. Daher muss die fortschreitende Liberalisierung des Eisenbahnmarktes abgeschlossen und die Sicherheitskonzepte neu strukturiert werden, um ein innovationsfreundliches Umfeld zu schaffen.
Letztendlich sollte das Vorgehensmodell in einer realen Umgebung getestet werden. Es wäre interessant zu erfahren, ob das entwickelte Modell zu den in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Ergebnissen hinsichtlich der mangelnden Motivation für Innovationen passt. Darüber hinaus scheint eine Validierung von Experten angebracht zu sein, da die Entwicklung des Modells von der Literaturrecherche abhängt
Digitalisation and further media development are core processes of the current digital age. In order for companies to benefit from technical progress, their employees must have or are expected to acquire the relevant skills. Companies therefore are faced with the task of not being overwhelmed with the mass of innovations and opportunities and, in the best-case scenario, of being able to use them to improve their own performance.
Small and medium-sized enterprises represent 99% of all enterprises in Germany. Though, it has not been further established, how the majority of small enterprises and their employees participate in this development. The research question therefore consists of two parts. On the one hand: "Is the promotion of employees' skills taken care of in micro-enterprises?" and on the other hand: "Where are the opportunities and challenges for companies of this size?”
In order to answer the research question, a qualitative research method was used, the guideline-based interview. The interviewed companies were all in the media and IT sector. Thus, the recorded and transcribed data provided a real insight into the current situation in micro-enterprises.
The responses to the interviews showed that companies with very small numbers of employees are more dependent on their employees than others. So, the commitment of the employees is decisive for the success of the company itself. It is the management's task to promote this and ensure employee satisfaction.
Companies that pay more attention to employee development are therefore more recommendable for career starters who need and/or want to develop themselves and their entire horizon of experience.
Social entrepreneurship is a form of entrepreneurship that marries a social mission to a competitive value proposition. Notably, social entrepreneurship fosters a more equitable society by addressing social issues and trying to achieve an ongoing sustainable impact through a social mission rather than purely profit maximization. The topic of social entrepreneurship has appealed considerably to many different streams of research. The focus on understanding how and why entrepreneurs think and act is a significant justification for future research. Nevertheless, the theoretical examination of this phenomenon is in its infancy. Social entrepreneurship research is still largely phenomenon-driven. Specifically, Social Entrepreneurial Intention is in an early stage and lacks quantitative research. Therefore, this thesis proposes to address this need. The thesis’ objectives are twofold: (1) develop a formation model for Social Entrepreneurial Intentions in general and (2) test the model by conducting an empirical study. Based on these objectives, the two research questions guiding the thesis are (1) what factors influence the intention of a person to become a social entrepreneur and (2) what relationships exist among these factors.
In order to answer these two research questions, this thesis uses purposeful research design, which is a combination of literature review and empirical study. The literature review is based on a comprehensive range of books, articles, and research papers published in leading academic journals and conference proceedings in different disciplines such as entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, management, social psychology, and social economics. The empirical study is conducted via a survey of 600 last-year students from four universities in three regions in Vietnam: Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh. The data are analyzed with SPSS-AMOS version 24, using screening data, scale development, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmation factor analysis. The thesis ascertains that Entrepreneurship Experience/Extra-curricular Activity, Role Model, Social Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, and Social Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectation directly and positively affect the intention of the Vietnamese students to be social entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Education also influences the Social Entrepreneurial Intention, but not directly, otherwise indirectly via Social Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Social Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectation. Similarly, Perceived Support has no direct relationship to Social Entrepreneurial Intention; however, it shows an indirect link via the mediator ‘Social Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectation’. Furthermore, the dissertation brings new insights to the social entrepreneurship literature and provides important implications for practice. Limitations and future directions are also provided in the thesis.
Im Rahmen der Masterarbeit wird die kompetenzgestützte Weiterbildungssuche analysiert und am Beispiel des Weiterbildungsvergleichsportales EDUfittery dargestellt.
Die Umsetzung und Integration eines Kompetenzmessverfahrens in ein Vergleichsportal für Weiterbildungen war das Ziel dieser Arbeit. Des Weiteren sollte anhand des Kompetenzmessverfahrens ein sogenanntes „Matching“ zwischen Kompetenz und Weiterbildung erarbeitet werden. Beim „Matching“ werden dementsprechend die vom Kunden eingegebenen Kompetenzen mit passenden Weiterbildungsvorschlägen verbunden. Somit wird ein individuelles Kundenerlebnis in der Weiterbildungssuche erreicht. Um dies zu ermöglichen, wird zu Beginn der Arbeit ein theoretisches Kompetenzschema analysiert, sodass Aussagen über Erhebungsverfahren und Auswertungsstrategien getroffen werden können, um diese, besonders in Bezug auf ein web-gestütztes Messinstrument, kritisch zu hinterfragen. Aufbauend auf der Analyse verschiedener Kompetenzmessverfahren im Online-Segment, kann gezeigt werden, dass die Kompetenzdiagnostik zwar einige Verfahren zur Verfügung stellt, doch nur wenige sind praktikabel und in der Lage tätigkeitsbezogene Handlungskompetenzen zu bewerten. Folglich wurde das Instrument der Selbsteinschätzung von Kompetenzen als am besten zutreffendes Verfahren für EDUfittery gewählt.
Im Zuge der Arbeit wurden zwei Online-Umfragen und ein Experteninterview durchgeführt. Dabei wurden zum einen Mitarbeiter, als auch Personaler in Bezug auf Weiterbildungen befragt. Als Experte konnte Herr Korn, von der IHK Akademie Koblenz gewonnen werden. Anhand der Umfrageergebnisse und weiterer Recherchen konnte ein umfangreicher Business Case für EDUfittery angefertigt und mit Prozessdiagrammen veranschaulicht werden. Es wird ersichtlich, dass das Thema Kompetenzanalysen in Unternehmen bisher kaum Anwendung findet. Bei genauerer Betrachtung der aktuellen Marktsituation wird zusätzlich klar, dass es derzeitig noch keine Plattform gibt, die Kompetenzen mit Weiterbildungen erfolgreich in Zusammenhang bringt, um dem Kunden individuelle Weiterbildungslösungen anbieten zu können. Als Ergebnis der Arbeit kann demnach festgehalten werden, dass eine Integration von Kompetenzanalysen im Bereich Weiterbildungssuche durchaus sinnvoll ist. EDUfittery könnte sich bei erfolgreicher Umsetzung als hilfreiches Tool im Bereich Weiterbildung und Kompetenz etablieren und somit Unternehmen grundlegend bei der Abbildung, Analyse und Weiterentwicklung von Kompetenzen unterstützen.