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Document Type
- Part of Periodical (38)
- Doctoral Thesis (35)
- Diploma Thesis (24)
- Study Thesis (19)
- Master's Thesis (16)
- Bachelor Thesis (14)
- Report (1)
- Routing (5)
- Bluetooth (4)
- Knowledge Compilation (4)
- Netzwerk (4)
- Semantic Web (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- VNUML (4)
- E-KRHyper (3)
- Netzwerksimulation (3)
- RIP-MTI (3)
- XTPeer (3)
- Campus Information System (2)
- Drahtloses Sensorsystem (2)
- Equality (2)
- Information Retrieval (2)
- Konvergenz (2)
- Modellgetriebene Entwicklung (2)
- Network (2)
- Ontology (2)
- Petri-Netze (2)
- Prädikatenlogik (2)
- RIP (2)
- Rechnernetz (2)
- Theorem Proving (2)
- UML (2)
- University (2)
- constraint logic programming (2)
- hybrid automata (2)
- probability propagation nets (2)
- API (1)
- API analysis (1)
- API-Analyse (1)
- Abduktion <Logik> (1)
- Ad-hoc-Netz (1)
- Adaptation (1)
- Administration (1)
- Algorithm Engineering (1)
- Algorithmische Geometrie (1)
- Anpassung (1)
- Architektur <Informatik> (1)
- Auditing (1)
- Augmented Reality (1)
- Aussagenlogik (1)
- Authentisierung (1)
- Automated Theorem Proving (1)
- Automated Theorem Proving Systems (1)
- Automatisches Beweisverfahren (1)
- Automotive Systems (1)
- Backtrack (1)
- Bayes Procedures (1)
- Beaconless (1)
- Befahrbarkeit (1)
- Betriebssystem (1)
- Border Gateway Protocol (1)
- Border Gateway Protocol 4 (1)
- C-Socketbibliothek (1)
- CMS (1)
- CSCA (1)
- CTI (1)
- CTI -Problem (1)
- Calculus (1)
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- Cicero (1)
- Circumscription (1)
- Cisco Catalyst 3500XL (1)
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- Computersimulation (1)
- Conference (1)
- Connected Vehicles (1)
- Context-aware processes (1)
- Controlling (1)
- Counting-to-Infinity (1)
- DHCPv6 (1)
- DNNF (1)
- DPLL (1)
- DPLL procedure (1)
- Data Mining (1)
- Datenschutz (1)
- Deduktion (1)
- Description Logics (1)
- Destiny (1)
- Developer profiling (1)
- DiaLex (1)
- Dialekt (1)
- Dijkstras Algorithmus (1)
- Dimension 3 (1)
- Diskrete Simulation (1)
- Distanz-Vektor (1)
- Distributed Algorithm (1)
- Distributed Environments (1)
- Distributed process execution (1)
- Dokumentation (1)
- Drahtloses vermachtes Netz (1)
- Driver Assistance Systems (1)
- E-Participation (1)
- Ebener Graph (1)
- Echtzeit-Interaktion (1)
- Echtzeitsysteme (1)
- Empirical Studies (1)
- Emulation (1)
- Enhanced Reality (1)
- Enterprise Architecture Framework (1)
- Entscheidungsprozess (1)
- Entwickler Profil (1)
- Fahrerassistenzsysteme (1)
- Fahrzeug (1)
- Fließgewässer (1)
- Flowing Inland Waters (1)
- Formal Methods (1)
- Formale Methoden (1)
- Formale Ontologie (1)
- Fragebeantwortung (1)
- GPS (1)
- GReTL (1)
- Gelände (1)
- Geographic routing (1)
- Geometric spanner (1)
- Graph (1)
- Grounded Theory (1)
- HNF-Algorithmus (1)
- Hermite-Normalform (1)
- Heuristiken (1)
- Hindernis (1)
- Horn Clauses (1)
- Human-Computer Interaction (1)
- Hyper Tableau Calculus (1)
- IASON (1)
- IPv6 (1)
- IT Guru (1)
- IT-Security (1)
- Information (1)
- Information Centric Networking (1)
- Information Visualization (1)
- Informationsverlinkung (1)
- Informationsvisualisierung (1)
- InstaHub (1)
- Intelligent Information Network (1)
- Interactive Video Retrieval (1)
- Interactive Visualizations (1)
- Interaktive Visualisierungen (1)
- Interior Gateway Protokoll (1)
- JGraLab (1)
- JML (1)
- Java (1)
- Java Modeling Language (1)
- Java. Programmiersprache (1)
- KRHyper (1)
- Klassifikation (1)
- Klausellogik (1)
- Knowledge (1)
- Knowledge Engineering (1)
- Komplexität / Algorithmus (1)
- Laser (1)
- Linking of Information (1)
- Linux (1)
- Local algorithm (1)
- Logischer Schluss (1)
- Lookup-Algorithmen (1)
- MIA (1)
- MPEG-7 (1)
- MSR (1)
- Mail-Filter (1)
- Mehrprozessorsystem (1)
- Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (1)
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- Meteor (1)
- Metriken (1)
- Mikrocontroller (1)
- Mining (1)
- Mining Software Repositories (1)
- Mobile Information Systems (1)
- Mobiltelefon (1)
- Modelltransformation (1)
- Monitoring (1)
- Multi-Agenten-Simulation (1)
- Multi-robot System (1)
- Multiagent System (1)
- Multiagentensysteme (1)
- Nachbarschaftsgraph (1)
- Nagios (1)
- Named Function Networking (1)
- Network Monitoring (1)
- Network Simulation (1)
- Netzwerk Protokollen (1)
- Netzwerkanalyse (1)
- Netzwerkchip (1)
- Netzwerkmanagment (1)
- Netzwerktopologie (1)
- Netzwerküberwachung (1)
- Neuronales Netz (1)
- Nutzerzufriedenheit (1)
- OPNET (1)
- OWL <Informatik> (1)
- Ontologie <Wissensverarbeitung> (1)
- OpenWrt (1)
- Oracle Generation (1)
- Oraklegenerierung (1)
- Orientierungsstufe (1)
- PDA (1)
- Personal Key Infrastruktur (1)
- Personalised Information Systems (1)
- Petri Nets (1)
- Petri net (1)
- Petrinetz (1)
- Placement Strategies (1)
- Planar graphs (1)
- Policy Language (1)
- Proactive Caching (1)
- Probability (1)
- Probability propagation nets (1)
- Process (1)
- Process tracing (1)
- Projekt iCity (1)
- Propagation (1)
- Propositional Logic (1)
- Protocol (1)
- Prototyp (1)
- Prototype (1)
- Provenance (1)
- Quasi unit disk graph (1)
- Query Expansion (1)
- RDF Graphs (1)
- RDF modeling (1)
- RIP-MTI Algorithmus (1)
- RMTI (1)
- Reactive algorithm (1)
- Rechnernetze (1)
- Reference Model (1)
- Relationale Datenbank (1)
- Relevance Feedback (1)
- Requirement-Engineering (1)
- Resource Description Framework (RDF) (1)
- Robocup 2008 (1)
- Roboter (1)
- Router (1)
- Routing Information Protocol (1)
- Routing Information Protocol (RIP) (1)
- Routing Loops (1)
- Routing information protocol (1)
- Routing with Metric based Topology Investigation (RMTI) (1)
- Routing- und Forwarding Tabellen (1)
- Routing-Loop (1)
- SAC (1)
- SNMP (1)
- SOA (1)
- SPARQL (1)
- STP (1)
- Schleifenerkennung (1)
- Schlussfolgern (1)
- Security Requirements (1)
- Semantic Web Data (1)
- Semantics (1)
- Semantisches Wiki (1)
- Sentiment Analysis, ChatGPT, Students sentiments (1)
- Serdar Ayalp (1)
- Serviceorientierte Architektur (1)
- Software Language (1)
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- Spanning Tree (1)
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- Spezifikation (1)
- Statistische Analyse (1)
- Stochastic Logic (1)
- Straßenzustand (1)
- Suat Algin (1)
- TAP (1)
- TGraph (1)
- Tableau <Logik> (1)
- Tableau Calculus (1)
- Technologischer Raum (1)
- Technology Acceptance Model (1)
- Temperaturmessung (1)
- Test Generation (1)
- Testgenerierung (1)
- Theorem prover (1)
- Theorembeweiser (1)
- Tokens (1)
- Transaction concept (1)
- Transaktion (1)
- Transaktionskonzept (1)
- Ultraschall (1)
- Unified Modeling Language (UML ) (1)
- Unit disk graph (1)
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- VDE-Switch (1)
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- Vegetation distribution (1)
- Verifikation (1)
- Verortung (1)
- Verteilter Algorithmus (1)
- Virtual Square (1)
- Virtual network user mode Linux (1)
- Virtualisation (1)
- Virtualisierung (1)
- Visualisierung (1)
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- Web Ontology Language (OWL) (1)
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- Zertifikat (1)
- Zirkumskription (1)
- Zusammenhängender Graph (1)
- andLinux (1)
- andLinux. (1)
- automated theorem prover (1)
- backpropagation (1)
- bias (1)
- classification (1)
- concurrency (1)
- convergence analysis (1)
- data mining (1)
- deductive (1)
- description logic (1)
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- ediv (1)
- event model (1)
- event-based systems (1)
- first-order logic (1)
- folksonomies (1)
- gaze information (1)
- grassland (1)
- hybrid systems (1)
- hybride Automaten (1)
- iCity project (1)
- image semantics (1)
- information retrieval (1)
- knowledge management system (1)
- landmarks (1)
- living book (1)
- model generation (1)
- multi-agent systems (1)
- multiagent systems (1)
- multiprocessing (1)
- networks (1)
- neural (1)
- ontology (1)
- parallel computing (1)
- personal information management (1)
- persönliches Informationsmanagement (1)
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- question answering (1)
- real-time computing (1)
- reasoning (1)
- recurrent (1)
- rip (1)
- rmti (1)
- semantic desktop (1)
- semantics (1)
- semantischer Desktop (1)
- sequent calculi (1)
- simulation (1)
- summative evaluation (1)
- tag recommendation (1)
- tagging (1)
- vegetation modeling (1)
- verification (1)
- virtual network user mode linux (1)
- vnuml (1)
- web 2.0 (1)
- xtpeer (1)
- Institut für Informatik (147) (remove)
Der an der Universität Koblenz-Landau entwickelte RIP-MTI-Algorithmus stellt eine Modifikation des Routingalgorithmus RIP dar, die es dem RIP-Algorithmus ermöglichen soll, die Häufigkeit des Auftretens des Counting-to-infinity-Problems (CTI) zu reduzieren. Um die Korrektheit und Zuverlässigkeit dieses Algorithmus nachweisen, aber auch Schwächen aufdecken zu können, bedarf es der Möglichkeit, das Verhalten des Algorithmus zu testen. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Nutzbarmachung der von unter VNUML laufenden RIP-Routern dezentral verwalteten Routing-Informationen, um die Entstehung von CTIs zentral protokollieren und analysieren zu können. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine Software entwickelt, die Informationen zur Netzkonfiguration, zu Erreichbarkeiten und Update-Aufkommen sammelt, verwaltet und analysiert. So können neben den bereits bekannten problematischen Netztopologien weitere für die einzelnen RIP-Ausprägungen problematische Topologien ermittelt werden.
The E-KRHyper system is a model generator and theorem prover for first-order logic with equality. It implements the new E-hyper tableau calculus, which integrates a superposition-based handling of equality into the hyper tableau calculus. E-KRHyper extends our previous KRHyper system, which has been used in a number of applications in the field of knowledge representation. In contrast to most first order theorem provers, it supports features important for such applications, for example queries with predicate extensions as answers, handling of large sets of uniformly structured input facts, arithmetic evaluation and stratified negation as failure. It is our goal to extend the range of application possibilities of KRHyper by adding equality reasoning.
Hyper tableaux with equality
In most theorem proving applications, a proper treatment of equational theories or equality is mandatory. In this paper we show how to integrate a modern treatment of equality in the hyper tableau calculus. It is based on splitting of positive clauses and an adapted version of the superposition inference rule, where equations used for paramodulation are drawn (only) from a set of positive unit clauses, the candidate model. The calculus also features a generic, semantically justified simplification rule which covers many redundancy elimination techniques known from superposition theorem proving. Our main results are soundness and completeness, but we briefly describe the implementation, too.
In this paper we describe a network for distributing personalized Information in a metropolitan area. We discuss the system architecture of our Bluetooth-based information system as well as the reasoning process that fits users" needs with potential messages. We furthermore present our findings on parallelizing Bluetooth connection setup and performance.
In this paper we describe a network for distributing personalized information within a pervasive university. We discuss the system architecture of our Bluetooth-based CampusNews-system, both, from the administrator and the user viewpoint. We furthermore present first statistical data about the usage of the partial installation at the Koblenz campus together with an outlook to future work.
Probability propagation nets
A class of high level Petri nets, called "probability propagation nets", is introduced which is particularly useful for modeling probability and evidence propagation. These nets themselves are well suited to represent the probabilistic Horn abduction, whereas specific foldings of them will be used for representing the flows of probabilities and likelihoods in Bayesian networks.
Generalized methods for automated theorem proving can be used to compute formula transformations such as projection elimination and knowledge compilation. We present a framework based on clausal tableaux suited for such tasks. These tableaux are characterized independently of particular construction methods, but important features of empirically successful methods are taken into account, especially dependency directed backjumping and branch local operation. As an instance of that framework an adaption of DPLL is described. We show that knowledge compilation methods can be essentially improved by weaving projection elimination partially into the compilation phase.
Knowledge compilation is a common technique for propositional logic knowledge bases. The idea is to transform a given knowledge base into a special normal form ([MR03],[DH05]), for which queries can be answered efficiently. This precompilation step is very expensive but it only has to be performed once. We propose to apply this technique to knowledge bases defined in Description Logics. For this, we introduce a normal form, called linkless concept descriptions, for ALC concepts. Further we present an algorithm, based on path dissolution, which can be used to transform a given concept description into an equivalent linkless concept description. Finally we discuss a linear satisfiability test as well as a subsumption test for linkless concept descriptions.
UML models and OWL ontologies constitute modeling approaches with different strength and weaknesses that make them appropriate for use of specifying different aspects of software systems. In particular, OWL ontologies are well suited to specify classes using an expressive logical language with highly flexible, dynamic and polymorphic class membership, while UML diagrams are much more suitable for specifying not only static models including classes and associations, but also dynamic behavior. Though MOF based metamodels and UML profiles for OWL have been proposed in the past, an integrated use of both modeling approaches in a coherent framework has been lacking so far. We present such a framework, TwoUse, for developing integrated models, comprising the benefits of UML models and OWL ontologies
This paper shows how multiagent systems can be modeled by a combination of UML statecharts and hybrid automata. This allows formal system specification on different levels of abstraction on the one hand, and expressing real-time system behavior with continuous variables on the other hand. It is not only shown how multi-robot systems can be modeled by a combination of hybrid automata and hierarchical state machines, but also how model checking techniques for hybrid automata can be applied. An enhanced synchronization concept is introduced that allows synchronization taking time and avoids state explosion to a certain extent.
In this paper we describe a series of projects on location based and personalised information systems. We start wit a basic research project and we show how we came with the help of two other more application oriented project to a product. This is developed by a consortium of enterprises and it already is in use in the city of Koblenz.
This paper offers an informal overview and discussion on first order predicate logic reasoning systems together with a description of applications which are carried out in the Artificial Intelligence Research Group of the University in Koblenz. Furthermore the technique of knowledge compilation is shortly introduced.
The term "Augmented Reality (AR)" denotes the superposition of additional virtual objects and supplementary information over real images. The joint project Enhanced Reality (ER)1 aims at a generic AR-system. The ER-project is a cooperation of six different research groups of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau. According to Ronald Azuma an AR-system combines real and virtual environments, where the real and virtual objects are registered in 3-D, and it provides interactivity in real time [Azu97]. Enhanced Reality extends Augmented Reality by requiring the virtual objects to be seamlessly embedded into the real world as photo-realistic objects according to the exact lighting conditions. Furthermore, additional information supplying value-added services may be displayed and interaction of the user may even be immersive. The short-term goal of the ER-project is the exploration of ER-fundamentals using some specific research scenarios; the long-term goal is the development of a component-based ER-framework for the creation of ER-applications for arbitrary application areas. ER-applications are developed as single-user applications for users who are moving in a real environment and are wearing some kind of visual output device like see-through glasses and some mobile end device. By these devices the user is able to see reality as it is, but he can also see the virtual objects and the additional information about some value-added service. Furthermore he might have additional devices whereby he can interact with the available virtual objects. The development of a generic framework for ER-applications requires the definition of generic components which are customizable and composable to build concrete applications and it requires a homogeneous data model which supports all components equally well. The workgroup "Software Technology"2 is responsible for this subproject. This report gives some preliminary results concerning the derivation of a component-based view of ER. There are several augmented reality frameworks like ARVIKA, AMIRE, DWARF, MORGAN, Studierstube and others which offer some support for the development of AR-applications. All of them ease the use of existing subsystems like AR-Toolkit, OpenGL and others and leverage the generation process for realistic systems by making efficient use of those subsystems. Consequently, they highly rely on them.
Semantic descriptions of non-textual media available on the web can be used to facilitate retrieval and presentation of media assets and documents containing them. While technologies for multimedia semantic descriptions already exist, there is as yet no formal description of a high quality multimedia ontology that is compatible with existing (semantic) web technologies. We explain the complexity of the problem using an annotation scenario. We then derive a number of requirements for specifying a formal multimedia ontology, including: compatibility with MPEG-7, embedding in foundational ontologies, and modularisation including separation of document structure from domain knowledge. We then present the developed ontology and discuss it with respect to our requirements.
Networked RDF graphs
Networked graphs are defined in this paper as a small syntactic extension of named graphs in RDF. They allow for the definition of a graph by explicitly listing triples as well as by SPARQL queries on one or multiple other graphs. By this extension it becomes possible to define a graph including a view onto other graphs and to define the meaning of a set of graphs by the way they reference each other. The semantics of networked graphs is defined by their mapping into logic programs. The expressiveness and computational complexity of networked graphs, varying by the set of constraints imposed on the underlying SPARQL queries, is investigated. We demonstrate the capabilities of networked graphs by a simple use case.
SNMP in VNUML Simulationen
Das Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) gilt als die Universalsprache des Netzwerkmanagements. Bereits Anfang der 90er Jahre wurde die erste Version von SNMP durch die Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) zum Standard-Internet Management Protocol erklärt und Teil der TCP/IP Protocol-Suite. Für die meisten Betriebssystemplattformen sind SNMP Implementierungen verfügbar und viele netzwerkfähige Geräte und Netzwerkmanagement-Programme unterstützen SNMP, das sich vor allem für die Verwaltung plattformübergreifender und herstellerunabhängiger Netzwerke bewährt. Virtual Network User Mode Linux (VNUML) ist ein mächtiges Netzwerk-Simulationsprogramm für Linux mit dem virtuelle Linux-Rechnernetze aufgebaut werden können, um darin Programmabläufe zu simulieren. Die VNUML Netzwerk-Simulationen sind in erster Linie für das Entwickeln, Analysieren und Testen von Linux Netzwerk-Software, wie zum Beispiel Netzwerk-Protokollen, geeignet. Das Simulationsprogramm entstand im Rahmen des Euro6IX-Projektes, zur Einführung des IPv6 Standards in Europa, am Telematics Engineering Department der Technischen Universität Madrid. Die Rechner der virtuellen Netze, die VNUML aufbaut, basieren auf User Mode Linux (UML), einer in breitem Spektrum eingesetzten Virtualisierung des Linux-Kernels. Diese Studienarbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Möglichkeiten und der Funktionsweise des Netzwerkmanagements mit SNMP. Dafür wird die SNMP-Software Net-SNMP in VNUML Simulationen eingesetzt, um die Möglichkeiten der Konfiguration und des Umgangs mit SNMP in einer praxisnahen Umgebung zu untersuchen. Der Einsatz von Net-SNMP in VNUML Simulationen kann dazu dienen, die Integration von Netzwerkmanagement mit SNMP für relevante Rechnernetze vorzubereiten und Möglichkeiten der Konfiguration und der Verwendung auszuloten oder VNUML Simulationen im Allgemeinen mit diesem bewährten Netzwerkmanagement-System zur Unterstützung auszustatten.
Diese Studienarbeit soll eine Einführung in die Arbeit mit virtual network user mode linux (VNUML) geben. Mit Hilfe dieser Arbeit möchte ich speziell die Version VNUML 1.6 näher bringen und die wesentlichen Unterschiede, Vor- und Nachteile zur Version 1.5 zeigen. In den nächsten zwei Kapiteln wird auf das Thema VNUML und UML oberflächlich eingegangen. Das darauffolgende Kapitel befasst sich mit der Installation von VNUML 1.6, der Vorraussetzung und den möglichen Fehlermeldungen. Wenn dies abgeschlossen ist, wird VNUML 1.6 mit eigenen Beispielen ausfürlich, praktisch und theoretisch vorgestellt. Danach werden die wesentlichen Unterschiede von VNUML 1.5 zu VNUML 1.6 beschrieben. Zum Abschluss sind noch ein Kapitel mit kurzen Begriffsdefinitionen und der Anhang mit allen XML-Dateien zu finden. Auf den Aufbau einer XML-Datei möchte ich in meiner Arbeit nicht weiter eingehen. Dazu verweise ich auf die Arbeit von Thomas Chmielowiec und Tim Keupen. In diesen Arbeiten sind die XML-Syntax und Semantik ausfürlich beschrieben.
Problems in the analysis of requirements often lead to failures when developing software systems. This problem is nowadays being faced by requirements engineering. The early involvement of all kinds of stakeholders in the development of such a system and a structured process to elicitate and analyse requirements have made it a crucial factor as a first step in software development. The increasing complexity of modern softwaresystems though leads to a rising amount of information which has to be dealt with during analysis. Without the support of appropriate tools this would be almost impossible to do. Especially in bigger projects, which tend to be spatially distributed, an effective requirements engineering could not be implemented without this kind of support. Today there is a wide range of tools dealing with this matter. They have been in use since some time now and, in their most recent versions, realize the most important aspects of requirements engineering. Within the scope of this thesis some of these tools will be analysed, focussing on both the major functionalities concerning the management of requirements and the repository of these tools. The results of this analyis will be integrated into a reference model.