Year of publication
Document Type
- Part of Periodical (35)
- Bachelor Thesis (32)
- Diploma Thesis (27)
- Master's Thesis (27)
- Doctoral Thesis (13)
- Study Thesis (12)
- Book (1)
- Internet of Things (4)
- Logistik (4)
- computer clusters (4)
- Datenaustausch (3)
- Datenschutz (3)
- E-Partizipation (3)
- Evaluation (3)
- Instant Messaging (3)
- parallel algorithms (3)
- Beschaffung (2)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (147) (remove)
Die AG "IT-gestützte Vorgangsbearbeitung" des Kooperationsausschusses Automatisierte Datenverarbeitung (koopA ADV) hat zur Verwirklichung der Interoperabilität in der öffentlichen Verwaltung den Datenaustauschstandard XDOMEA entwickelt. Das vorliegende Dokument beschreibt das Fachkonzept zur XML-Schema-Spezifikation. Es wendet sich vorrangig an verantwortliche Organisatoren im IT-Bereich und an potentielle Anwender von XDOMEA. In diesem Dokument werden Hintergründe, Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Informationen zum Einsatzgebiet von XDOMEA erläutert, die Vorteile des Standards diskutiert und Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten vorgestellt. Weiters werden Beteiligungs- und Protokollinformationen spezifiziert und detailliert. Zu diesem Zweck werden verschiedene Szenarien erarbeitet, die anhand von Prozessmodellen die praktische Anwendung des Standards veranschaulichen. Gleichzeitig werden die Möglichkeiten fachspezifischer Erweiterungen im Standard verdeutlicht und Grenzen der Anwendung aufgezeigt.
In the last years the e-government concentrated on the administrative aspects of administrative modernisation. In the next step the e-discourses will gain in importance as an instrument of the public-friendliness and means of the e-democracy/e-participation. With growing acceptance of such e-discourses, these will fastly reach a complexity, which could not be mastered no more by the participants. Many impressions, which could be won from presence discussions, will be lacking now. Therefore the exposed thesis has the objective of the conception and the prototypical implementation of an instrument (discourse meter), by which the participants, in particular the moderators of the e-discourse, are capable to overlook the e-discourse at any time and by means of it, attain their discourse awareness. Discourse awareness of the present informs about the current action in the e-discourse and discourse awareness of the past about the past action, by which any trends become visible. The focus of the discourse awareness is located in the quantitative view of the action in the e-discourse. From the model of e-discourse, which is developed in this thesis, the questions of discourse awareness are resulting, whose concretion is the basis for the implementation of the discourse meter. The discourse sensors attached to the model of the e-discourse are recording the actions of the e-discourse, showing events of discourse, which are represented by the discourse meter in various forms of visualizations. The concept of discourse meter offers the possibility of discourse awareness relating to the present as monitoring and the discourse awareness relating to the past as query (quantitative analysis) to the moderators of the e-discourse.
The impact of innovation in order to secure a company- existence is increasing. Especially in the field of information and communication systems, modified conditions, reduced product life cycles (in some markets e.g. in the software market down to a few months), and increased competition force many companies to adapt their innovation speed. Long-term profit will just be obtained by those companies that will manage to consolidate or further to enlarge their competitive position with technological innovation. The increasing relevance of new developments requires a separate treatment of technological innovations and demands for a technology and innovation management. Not every innovation is thereby a result of a single, spontaneous idea. Many innovations evolve from the integration or combination of already existing technologies. Especially in markets with insignificant growing rates, this kind of innovation is quite important. The purpose of this thesis is the identification of existing deficiencies within established recommendations for a strategic technology and innovation management concerning technological integration. Based on the technological innovation, a possibility for the exposure to the developed innovations will be formulated. Finally, this thesis provides an own approach about this kind of innovation that will be examined.
Computers fundamentally changed the methods used by social scientists during the past decades. It is no exaggeration to state that the wide use and growing user-friendliness of computers and statistical analysis systems helped empirical social research as a subdiscipline to become mainstream. This made a new subdiscipline necessary which is mainly working on adapting and applying computer science methods for social research: social science informatics. This book originated from lecture courses given by the authors from the mid-1980s and developed for computer science students with a minor in social science. Unlike many other introductions to univariate and multivariate data analysis, this book is addressed to advanced scholars and students who apply "classical" statistical methods and who want to get an overview of the mathematical foundations of the methods they apply and who want to avoid the pitfalls of cookbook-like introduction when they interpret their results. The electronic document is a slightly revised version of the printed version of 1994 which has been out of stock for many years.