Year of publication
Document Type
- Master's Thesis (193) (remove)
- Augmented Reality (3)
- Computersimulation (3)
- Datenschutz (3)
- Internet of Things (3)
- virtual reality (3)
- Beschaffung (2)
- E-Partizipation (2)
- E-participation (2)
- Simulation (2)
- Sport (2)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (46)
- Fachbereich 4 (34)
- Institut für Management (33)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (27)
- Institute for Web Science and Technologies (20)
- Institut für Informatik (16)
- Institut für Softwaretechnik (6)
- Fachbereich 1 (1)
- Fachbereich 3 (1)
- Fachbereich 6 (1)
Identifying reusable legacy code able to implement SOA services is still an open research issue. This master thesis presents an approach to identify legacy code for service implementation based on dynamic analysis and the application of data mining techniques. rnrnAs part of the SOAMIG project, code execution traces were mapped to business processes. Due to the high amount of traces generated by dynamic analyses, the traces must be post-processed in order to provide useful information. rnrnFor this master thesis, two data mining techniques - cluster analysis and link analysis - were applied to the traces. First tests on a Java/Swing legacy system provided good results, compared to an expert- allocation of legacy code.
Tractography on HARDI data
Diffusion weighted imaging is an important modality in clinical imaging and the only possibility to gain insight into the human brain noninvasively and in-vivo. The applications of this imaging technique are diversified. It is used to study the brain, its structure, development and the functionality of the different areas. Further, important fields of application are neurosurgical planning, examinations of pathologies, investigation of Alzheimer-, strokes, and multiple sclerosis. This thesis gives a brief introduction to MRI and diffusion MRI. Based on this, the mostly used data representation in diffusion MRI in clinical imaging, the diffusion tensor, is introduced. As the diffusion tensor suffers from severe limitations new techniques subsumed under the term HARDI (high angular resolution diffusion imaging) are introduced and discussed in detail. Further, an extensive introduction to tractography, approaches that aim at reconstructing neuronal fibers, is given. Based on the knowledge fromthe theoretical part established tractography algorithms are redesigned to handle HARDI data and, thus, improve the reconstruction of neuronal fibers. Among these algorithms, a novel approach is presented that successfully reconstructs fibers on phantom data as well as on human brain data. Further, a novel global classification approach is presented to cluster voxels according to their diffusion properties.
Multi-agent systems are a mature approach to model complex software systems by means of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE). However, their application is not widely accepted in mainstream software engineering. Parallel to this the interdisciplinary field of Agent-based Social Simulation (ABSS) finds increasing recognition beyond the purely academic realm which starts to draw attention from the mainstream of agent researchers. This work analyzes factors to improve the uptake of AOSE as well as characteristics which separate the two fields AOSE and ABSS to understand their gap. Based on the efficiency-oriented micro-agent concept of the Otago Agent Platform (OPAL) we have constructed a new modern and self-contained micro-agent platform called µ². The design takes technological trends into account and integrates representative technologies, such as the functionally-inspired JVM language Clojure (with its Transactional Memory), asynchronous message passing frameworks and the mobile application platform Android. The mobile version of the platform shows an innovative approach to allow direct interaction between Android application components and micro-agents by mapping their related internal communication mechanisms. This empowers micro-agents to exploit virtually any capability of mobile devices for intelligent agent-based applications, robotics or simply act as a distributed middleware. Additionally, relevant platform components for the support of social simulations are identified and partially implemented. To show the usability of the platform for simulation purposes an interaction-centric scenario representing group shaping processes in a multi-cultural context is provided. The scenario is based on Hofstede's concept of 'Cultural Dimensions'. It does not only confirm the applicability of the platform for simulations but also reveals interesting patterns for culturally augmented in- and out-group agents. This explorative research advocates the potential of micro-agents as a powerful general system modelling mechanism while bridging the convergence between mobile and desktop systems. The results stimulate future work on the micro-agent concept itself, the suggested platform and the deeper exploration of mechanisms for seemless interaction of micro-agents with mobile environments. Last but not least the further elaboration of the simulation model as well as its use to augment intelligent agents with cultural aspects offer promising perspectives for future research.
Although e-participation is becoming more and more important, security risks and requirements are so far only superficially regarded. This master thesis aims at contribute to security and privacy of e-participation applications. This paper deals with the users of electronic participation forms. Since personal data has to be transmitted in the e-participation process, systems require trustworthiness, privacy, transparency, availability and legal security between public administration and users. Therefore it is very important to ensure the most of security and privacy standards in information and communication technologies by the administration and the citizens to provide the necessary confidence in using e participation applications. This master thesis examines different e-participation platforms of the areas participatory budgeting, e-consultations, party websites, and e-petitions and explores at first which influence of sensitive e-participation systems on the political system they have. Subsequently, the current safety standard of the e-participation applications is determined. For this purpose an analysis framework is used, regarding on relevant security and privacy issues for e-participation. Based on the results safety levels are deduced from different types of e-participation applications. In addition recommendations for the constitution of e-participation are concluded, which helps to make e participation applications more secure. Furthermore, future technologies with the potential to improve security in the use of electronic public participation are presented.
Mobile payment has been a payment option in the market for a long time now and was predicted to become a widely used payment method. However, over the years, the market penetration rate of mPayments has been relatively low, despite it having all characteristics required of a convenient payment method. The primaryrnreason for this has been cited as a lack of customer acceptance mainly caused due to the lack of perceived security by the end-user. Although biometric authentication is not a new technology, it is experiencing a revival in the light of the present day terror threats and increased security requirements in various industries. The application of biometric authentication in mPayments is analysed here and a suitable biometric authentication method for use with mPayments is recommended. The issue of enrolment, human and technical factors to be considered are discussed and the STOF business model is applied to a BiMoP (biometric mPayment) application.
The development of a pan-European public E-Procurement system is an important target of the European Union to enhance the efficiency, transparency and competitiveness of public procurement procedures conducted within the European single market. A great obstacle for cross-border electronic procurement is the heterogeneity of national procurement systems in terms of technical, organizational and legal differences. To overcome this obstacle the European Commission funds several initiatives that contribute to the aim of achieving interoperability for pan-European public procurement. Pan European Public Procurement OnLine (PEPPOL) is one of these initiatives that aims at piloting an interoperable pan-European E-Procurement solution to support businesses and public purchasing entities from different member states to conduct their procurement processes electronically.rnrnAs interoperability and inter-connection of distributed heterogeneous information systems are the major requirements in the European procurement domain, and the VCD sub-domain in particular, service-oriented architecture (SOA) seems to provide a promising approach to realize such an architecture, as it promotes loose coupling and interoperability. This master thesis therefore discusses the SOA approach and how its concepts, methodologies and technologies can be used for the development of interoperable IT systems for electronic public procurement. This discussion is enhanced through a practical application of the discussed SOA methodologies by conceptualizing and prototyping of a sub-system derived from the overall system domain of the Virtual Company Dossier. For that purpose, important aspects of interoperability and related standards and technologies will be examined and put into the context of public electronic procurement. Furthermore, the paradigm behind SOA will be discussed, including the derivation of a top-down development methodology for service-oriented systems.
Opinion Mining
Das Opinion Mining stellt eine Methode dar, mit der Meinungen aus dem WWW gefiltert und intelligent aufbereitet werden können, um Stimmungsanalysen zu einzelnen Produkten und Dienstleistungen zu erstellen. Opionion Mining bietet den Unternehmen somit eine innovative Möglichkeit, ihre Marketingkommmunikation planbarer und wirkungsvoller zu gestalten und ein deutlich erhöhtes Maß an Involvement und Relevanz innerhalb bestimmter Zielgruppen zu erreichen. Zunächst werden die theoretischen Grundlagen des Web 2.0 und relevanter Methoden der Business Intelligence erläutert. Die empirische Untersuchung bildet den Schwerpunkt der Arbeit. Auf die Entwicklung eines Vorgehensmodells folgt die praktische Anwendung dieses Modells auf ein Produkt. Die Ergebnisse werden im Review-Scan im Hinblick auf Forschung und Praxis ausgewertet und diskutiert.
Entwicklung eines Regelungsverfahrens zur Pfadverfolgung für ein Modellfahrzeug mit Sattelanhänger
Besides the progressive automation of internal goods traffic, there is an important area that should also be considered. This area is the carriage of goods in selected external areas. The use of driverless trucks in logistic centers can report economic efficiency. In particular, these precise control procedures require that trucks drive on predetermined paths. The general aim of this work is the adaption and evaluation of a path following control method for articulated vehicles. The differences in the kinematic behavior between trucks with one-axle trailer and semi-trailer vehicles will be emphasized. Additionally, the characteristic kinematic properties of semi-trailers for the adaptation of a control procedure will be considered. This control procedure was initially designed for trucks with one-axle trailer. It must work in forwards and backwards movements. This control process will be integrated as a closed component on the control software of the model vehicle. Thus, the geometry of the model vehicle will be specified, and the possible special cases of the control process will be discovered. The work also documents the most relevant software components of the implemented control process.
Cicero ist eine asynchrone Diskussionsplattform, die im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe Informationssysteme und Semantic Web (ISWeb) der Universität Koblenz-Landau entwickelt wurde. Die webbasierte Anwendung folgt dem Gedanken eines semantischen Wikis und soll insbesondere beim Arbeitsablauf von Entwurfsprozessen eingesetzt werden. Dabei verwendet Cicero ein restriktives Argumentationsmodell, das einerseits strukturierte Diskussionen von schwierigen Prozessen fördert und andererseits den Entscheidungsfindungsprozess unterstützt. Im Zentrum der Arbeit steht die Evaluation von Cicero, wobei im vorhergehenden theoretischen Teil die Hintergründe und Funktionsweisen vorgestellt werden und im nachfolgenden praktischen Teil die Anwendung anhand einer Fallstudie evaluiert wird. Die Studie wurde im Rahmen der Übungsveranstaltung zu Grundlagen der Datenbanken der Universität Koblenz im Wintersemester 2008/2009 durchgeführt , und die Studenten hatten die Aufgabe, einen Entwurfsprozess mit Hilfe von Cicero zu diskutieren. Über die erhobenen Daten der Fallstudie wird ein Akzeptanztest durchgeführt. Hierbei wird überprüft, ob die Benutzer Cicero positiv annehmen und die Methodik richtig anwenden. Denn aufgrund des vorgegebenen Argumentationsmodells müssen die Benutzer ihr Kommunikationsverhalten ändern und ihren herkömmlichen Diskussionsstil der Anwendung anpassen. Ziel der Evaluation ist es, kritische Erfolgsfaktoren im Umgang mit Cicero ausfindig zu machen. Anhand der identifizierten Schwachstellen werden abschließend gezielte Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen, die die Akzeptanz der Benutzer gegenüber Cicero erhöhen könnten.
In dieser Masterarbeit wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Konzepte des analytischen CRM Unternehmen brauchen und inwieweit sich diese von BI-Software realisieren lassen. Es soll dabei empirisch untersucht werden, welche Analyseinstrumente des analytischen CRM von Unternehmen benötigt werden und wie sie mit Techniken des Business Intelligences umgesetzt werden können. Zu der konzeptionellen Aufgabenstel-lung gehört die Entwicklung eines Konzeptes für die Realisierung von analytischem CRM mit Hilfe von Business Intelligence für die CRM-Software "GEDYS IntraWare 7".
In this thesis, a computer simulation model created in the early 1960s by Robert P. Abelson and Alex Bernstein is examined. The simulation described was built to reflect processes involved in formation of a public opinion within a population taking into account direct communication as well as communication mediated through mass media. After describing and thoroughly analyzing the available description of the simulation model this thesis produces the implementation of a running software simulation system implementing this model. The software is developed and described using common computer science procedures and finally examined for its properties during different tests.
In der Betriebswirtschaft wird das Steuern von Preis und Kapazität einer be- stimmten Ware oder Dienstleistung als Yield oder Revenue Management bezeich- net. Im wesentlichen geht es darum, die vorhandenen knappen Gütter ertrags- bzw. erlösmaximal zu vermarkten. Dies wird zum einen durch Erstellen von Pro- gnosen über das zukünftige Kundenverhalten, zum anderen durch den Einsatz verschiedener Ertragsmaximierungstechniken, wie z.B. Preisdifferenzierung oder Überbuchung, erreicht. So lassen sich die Zahlungsbereitschaften verschiedener Nachfragegruppen optimal abschöpfen, der Auslastungsgrad erhöhen und somit der Ertrag optimieren. Das Yield-Management entstand nach der Deregulierung des amerikanischen Luft- verkehrsmarktes im Jahre 1978, als zahlreiche Fluggesellschaften den etablierten Airlines Konkurenz machten. Sie zielten mit ihren günstigen Preisen vor allem auf Freizeitreisende und konnten so erhebliche Marktanteile gewinnen. Im Zuge des Preiskampfes entwickelten Fluggesellschaften verschiedene Techniken zur Steuerung der Preise und Kapazitäten um ihre Erlöse zu maximieren. So konnte z.B. American Airlines trotzt schlechterer Kostenstruktur viele Wettbewerber vom Markt drängen, als sie 1985 zum ersten mal das neue Konzept vollständig eingesetzt haben. Vergl. (vergl. uRK05, Kap. A). Im folgenden haben andere Branchen, wie Autovermieter und Hoteliers, die Kon- zepte des Yield-Managements adoptiert und erfolgreich eingesetzt. Die Mechanis- men der Nachfrageprognosen und Optimierung der Produktsegmente, Kontingente und Preise sind stets die gleichen. Es ädern sich lediglich die branchenspezifischen Parameter sowie Optimierungsziele. Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit werden die möglichen Einsatzgebiete des Yield- Managements untersucht. Es wird der Versuch unternommen ein allgemeingültiges Model zur Steuerung von Preis und Kapazität von Dienstleistungen oder Pro- dukten zu entwickeln. Das Model wird dann am speziellen Beispiel der Touris- musbranche, insbesondere der Produkte eines Reiseveranstalters, in einem Yield- Management-Modul des Reiseveranstaltersystems TourPaX implementiert.
The internet is becoming more and more important in daily life. Fundamental changes can be observed in the private sector as well as in the public sector. In the course of this, active involvement of citizens in planning political procedures is more and more supported electronically. The expectations culminate in the assumption that information and communication technology (ICT) can enhance civic participation and reduce disenchantment with politics. Out of these expectations, a lot of eparticipation projects were initiated in Germany. Initiatives were established, e.g. the "Initiative eParticipation", which gave many incentives of electronic participation for policy and administration in order to strengthen decision-making processes with internet supported participation practices. This thesis consists of two major parts. In the first part, definitions of the essential terms are presented. The position of e-participation within the dimension of ebusiness is pointed out. In order to explain e-participation, basics of the classical offline participation are delivered. It will be shown that a change is in progress, not only because of the deployment of ICT. Subsequently, a framework to characterize eparticipation is presented. The European Union is encouraging the implementation of e-participation. So, the city of Koblenz should be no exception. But what is the current situation in Koblenz? To provide an answer to this question, the status quo was examined with the help of a survey among the citizens of Koblenz, which was developed, conducted and evaluated. This is the second major part of this thesis.
Public electronic procurement (eProcurement), here electronic sourcing (eSourcing) in particular, is almost certainly on the agenda when eGovernment experts meet. Not surprisingly is eProcurement the first high-impact service to be addressed in the European Union- recent Action Plan. This is mainly dedicated to the fact that public procurement makes out almost 20% of Europe- GDP and therefore holds a huge saving potential. To some extent this potential lies in the common European market, since effective cross-boarder eSourcing solutions can open many doors, both for buyers and suppliers. To achieve this, systems and processes and tools, need to be adoptable, transferable as well as be able to communicate with each other. In one word, they need to be interoperable. In many relevant domains, interoperability has reached a very positive level, standards have been established, workflows been put in place. In other domains however, there is still a long road ahead. As a consequence it is crucial to define requirements for such interoperable eSourcing systems and to identify the progress in research and practice.
The thesis develops and evaluates a hypothetical model of the factors that influence user acceptance of weblog technology. Previous acceptance studies are reviewed, and the various models employed are discussed. The eventual model is based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) by Davis et al. It conceptualizes and operationalizes a quantitative survey conducted by means of an online questionnaire, strictly from a user perspective. Finally, it is tested and validated by applying methods of data analysis.
Mit dieser Arbeit werden die folgenden Ziele verfolgt: Eine repräsentative Auswahl und Sammlung von Beispielen für Mobile Ticketing Systeme (insbesondere aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum) zu recherchieren, die sich im praktischen Einsatz befinden. Eine Zusammenstellung sinnvoller Kategorien (Charakteristika) zu erarbeiten, anhand derer sich Mobile Ticketing Systeme unterscheiden oder strukturieren lassen. Eine Gegenüberstellung der Beispiele und Kategorien zu erstellen, um zu untersuchen, welche typischen Klassen bei Mobile Ticketing Systemen identifiziert werden können.
In dieser Arbeit wird eine Softwarebibliothek zur Nutzung des USB-Hostmodus von Mikrocontrollern der Baureihe AT90USB entwickelt. Die Eigenschaften des USB werden erläutert und darauf aufbauend die Hardware des verwendeten Mikrocontrollers beschrieben. Anschließend wird die entwickelte Software und deren Funktionsweise erläutert. Abschließend werden Treiber für diverse Geräteklassen vorgestellt, die auch dem Test der entwickelten Bibliothek dienen.
In usage of information systems the maintenance of their actuality and their extensibility is of importance. There is a constant reoccurrence of situations, when these goals cannot be supported by keeping on the old system, the legacy system. A solution for that is its migration into a new environment. The migration of software is to be considered as a subdiscipline of software engineering, more precisely, as a part of software maintenance. In this thesis the reference migration process model ReMiP, introduced in another thesis of the institute, was applied. The goal of this examination is to bring this model to practice in a website migration project and to analyze its validity. Here, especially the subject of completeness and generalizability of the model for migration processes and the gathering of concrete experiences with the intensity of its activities is of interest. The target environment for the website migration will be the content management system Plone. Within this thesis it will be described thoroughly. Finally, the website to migrate will be brought to its new target environment. The result of this thesis is the migrated GXL-Website in the target system Plone using the ReMiP. By this migration, the ReMiP was successfully validated as a reference process model for software migrations.