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Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (42)
- Master's Thesis (33)
- Part of Periodical (32)
- Doctoral Thesis (8)
- Diploma Thesis (1)
- Habilitation (1)
- Innovation (3)
- World of Warcraft (3)
- Business Intelligence (2)
- CCRDMT (2)
- Computerspiel (2)
- Crowdsourcing (2)
- Innovationsmanagement (2)
- Rollenspiel (2)
- Absorptive capacity (1)
- Advertising (1)
- Institut für Management (117) (remove)
Die Umsetzung von Fernarbeitsregelungen wurde bisher überwiegend in allgemeiner Natur betrachtet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird mit Hilfe von Interviews mit Führungskräften, Mitarbeitern und IT-Dienstleistern die Umsetzung von Fernarbeitsregelungen in deutschen Regionalbanken betrachtet. Mit Hilfe der Grounded Theory werden dabei Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze, Vorteile und Nachteile einer Umsetzung herausgearbeitet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Umsetzung zwischen den verschiedenen Banken starke Unterschiede aufweist, was den Fortschritt betrifft. Besonders die Überzeugung, dass eine Umsetzung vorteilhaft für die Bank sowie die Mitarbeiter ist, zeigt sich als Kernproblem in der eher konservativen Bankenlandschaft. Mit Hilfe der Arbeit werden Lösungsansätze gezeigt, um Herausforderungen bewältigen zu können und den Einfluss von Nachteilen zu minimieren. Dadurch dient die Arbeit dazu, Regionalbanken bei einer Umsetzung von Fernarbeitsregelungen zu unterstützen, indem sie Potenziale erkennen können und Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt bekommen, eine Umsetzung zu gewährleisten.
Digital transformation is a prevailing trend in the world, especially in dynamic Asia. Vietnam has recorded remarkable changes in the economy as domestic enterprises have made new strides in the digital transformation process. MB Bank, one of the prestigious financial groups in Vietnam, also takes advantage of digital transformation to have the opportunity to break through to become a large-scale technology enterprise with many factors such as improving customer experience, increasing customer base and increasing customer satisfaction. enhance competitiveness, build trust and loyalty for customers. However, in the process of converting MB, there are also many challenges that require banks to have appropriate policies to handle. It can be said that MB Bank is a typical case study of digital transformation in the banking sector in Vietnam.
Digital Transformation Maturity of Vietnam Aviation Industry: The Effect of Organizational Readiness
The paper studies the digital transformation maturity in the context of the aviation industry in Vietnam. Digital transformation can mean enhancing existing processes, finding new opportunities within existing business domains, or finding new opportunities outside existing business domains. In the era of post Covid-19, digital transformation will play a vital role in the recovery with the support from digital technology to leverage the communication and implementation of new projects or changes.
Digital transformation and digital transformation maturity sometimes are used indistinguishing, but they are two different definitions. This paper will further explain the differences and will apply digital transformation maturity as a scale for the digital transformation in the report.
Due to the lack of experiment in the relationship between digital transformation maturity and the organizational readiness, the study will explore four components of organizational readiness, including digital leadership, digital culture, digital capabilities, and digital partnering.
FinTech is deemed to be an underexplored phenomenon even in academic and real environments. Among (1) “Sustainable FinTech” – the application of information technology as innovation in established financial services providers’ business operation; and (2) “Disruptive FinTech” – the provision of financial products and services by non-incumbents which in most cases are information technology entrepreneurs, the former receives more attention. In order to contribute to Disruptive FinTech category, the thesis strive to examine Entrepreneurial Strategy framework applied for technology players taking part in Vietnam financial market.
Challenges of Implementing Innovation Strategies at Large Organizations: A case of Lotte Group
For many decades, one of the most important focuses of research has been on determining whether or not there is a correlation between the size of an organization and its level of innovation. Unlike small companies, large companies often have well-established structure that are hard to change and change managements seems to be much more difficult especially related to innovation. Nevertheless, there are many examples to prove the opposites. Some large organization like Apple, Amazon... always show great innovation efforts and keep changing in a much positive way. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to discuss of how large organization can be able to implement innovation when having much drawbacks compare to SMEs. Through the use of a qualitative research approach, researcher was able to explore essential information on the innovation strategies that large companies are using in order to innovate and how they could overcome existing challenges by studying the working process of Lotte Group – one of the biggest companies in Korea.
The paper is a study focusing on exploring which factors and examining the impact of those factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention among students in the Construction industry, specifically among students of Hanoi Construction University and Hanoi Architecture University. The study also mentions some solution of this findings for entrepreneurship in the Construction field in Vietnam that the author might think of based on this research work for future study. The Theory of planned behavior is used as the theoritical framework for this study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed. The questionaire will be conducted among students of the two universities mentioned above. Then, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) will performed to test the validity of the constructs. The research findings provide factors and their impact factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention and propose some solutions to improve the entrepreneurship in the Construction field in Vietnam.
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) hat sich in den letzten Jahren in der Gesellschaft stark ver-breitet und auch in Unternehmen einen zunehmenden Einsatz gefunden. Bekannt für den Einsatz sind meistens große internationale Konzerne, welche eine führende Position in den Märkten einnehmen. Um Deutschland als KI-Standort zu stärken, hat deshalb die Bundesregierung 2018 beschlossen, mit 5 Milliarden Euro deutsche Unternehmen in der Verwendung von KI zu fördern. Stand September 2021 wurden von diesen allerdings nur 346 Millionen abgerufen, wodurch sich die Frage stellt, wie besonders kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMUs) in Deutschland mit dem Thema KI umgehen.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es deshalb, die Perspektive der KMUs auf Akzeptanzkriterien, Hindernisse und Potenziale des Einsatzes von KI zu untersuchen. Um die Forschungs-fragen zu beantworten, wurde eine qualitative Interviewstudie mit fünf KMUs durchge-führt, welche im Anschluss mit dem Ansatz der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach May-ring ausgewertet wurde.
Die Arbeit zeigt, dass Unternehmen ein großes Interesse am Thema KI haben und sich der Einsatz immer weiter verbreitet. KMUs sehen viel Potenzial durch den Einsatz der neuen Technologie, sehen aber noch einige Hindernisse, die es zu überwinden gilt.
This thesis deals with the question of which success factors apply to social media marketing. German start-up companies are examined for this purpose. The investigation is based on ten semi-structured expert interviews, which are evaluated using a qualitative content analysis. The results show that there are many success factors and that companies proceed differently in many areas when implementing social media marketing measures. Important success factors are a tailor-made, company-specific social media strategy with a clear formulation of goals, integration of social media marketing into the corporate strategy, openness to new social media trends, credibility and reputation, compliance with data protection, the correct handling of criticism, use of social media as a market research tool and a long-term social media strategy. However, the significance of the results should not be overestimated, since this is a qualitative study with a limited range and only examines individual cases. Further research on the success factors could be based on quantitative studies or group discussions in which experts or users or customers are interviewed. Another possibility is the qualitative examination of the user-generated content.
Der Zweck dieser Arbeit ist es, sich auf die kritischen Forschungsherausforderungen und -themen zu konzentrieren, die UI/UX-Designprinzipien umgeben, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf kulturübergreifenden Konzepten aus der Perspektive von E-Learning-Plattformen. Zu diesem Zweck betrachten wir zunächst die kulturellen Dimensionen auf der Grundlage des Hofstede-Rahmens mit dem Ziel, wichtige kulturelle Werte zu identifizieren. Als zweites Ziel der Forschung erleichtert eine Reihe von Kriterien, die so genannte Usability-Heuristik von Nielsen, die Erkennung von Usability Problemen bei der Gestaltung von Benutzeroberflächen (UI). Die Usability-Heuristiken umfassen zehn Variablen, die die Interaktion zwischen dem Benutzer und einem Produkt oder System beeinflussen. Wenn wir uns näher mit
diesen Themen befassen, werden wir in der Lage sein, eine Matrix mit Beziehungen zwischen der heuristischen Bewertung von Nielsen und dem kulturellen Rahmen von Geert Hofstede aufzudecken. Abschließend erörtern wir das mögliche Potenzial kultureller Werte zur Beeinflussung von Benutzeroberflächen für E-Learning-Plattformen. In der Tat gibt es einige Funktionen in E-Learning-Plattformen, die aufgrund der Kultur weniger diskutiert werden, obwohl sie sehr praktisch in die Plattformen integriert werden können.
Social Media is a world-wide phenomenon which has drastically changed the way humans communicate, the availability of information, as well as a crucial tool for various businesses. This has also heavily influenced the sporting community which presents the focus of this study. The work aims to examine the self-presentation, on the media platform Instagram, of footballers from FC Bayern Munich, to gain an understanding of how athletes use this medium as a communication and marketing tool to build their brand. Instagram was chosen due to it being a platform on which users post visual images as their primary communication mechanism. There are many social media uses for professional athletes. From the sharing of personal lives, professional highlights, and opinion, to product placement and endorsements, athletes are closer to fans and consumers than ever before. Social media also puts the athlete in charge of the message, image, and content regarding their careers and their lives Ten footballers were selected against specified criteria and examined against Goffman’s theory of self-presentation (1959) to formulate the research question: “Which forms of presentation of football players of FC Bayern Munich ́s Instagram posts achieve the highest user engagement?”
Empirical research analysed the effect of different visual and contextual forms on user engagement rates.
Through the works literature review, individual hypotheses were derived and tested in a quantitative standardized media content analysis. The first 50 Instagram posts of each of the ten FC Bayern Munich football players with the most followers were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics software. From the visual aspect seven photo categories were developed which were examined in relation to their engagement rate with the posts. Within the contextual framework, the importance and effect of the number of tags and hashtags used were analyzed.
Findings revealed differences to previous research on an athlete ́s use of written social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter, as the majority of visual images posted by athletes were in sporty settings, thus reflecting frontpage-performance strategies according to the self-presentation theory. Further results showed that a greater utilization of hashtags and tags do not correlate with a higher impact on the engagement rates. Personal brand management implications for athletes are examined in greater detail in the discussion.