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Potential impacts of invasive crayfish on native
benthic fish: shelter use and agonistic behaviour
Spinycheek crayfish (Faxonius limosus) and signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) are successful North American invasive crayfish species distributed throughout Europe. Both species compete with native benthic fish for shelter. In a laboratory approach, we assessed competition for shelter and antagonistic interactions between these invasive crayfish species and the native benthic fish species, stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) and bullhead (Cottus gobio). This allows for studying the potential impacts of invasive crayfish on native benthic fish. Spinycheek crayfish and signal crayfish were able to gain control of the shelter and could successfully displace both benthic fish species. For stone loach, the presence of crayfish significantly decreased their shelter use and caused several behavioural changes such as reduced activity and increased hiding behaviour outside the shelter. Although the shelter use by bullheads was not reduced, they displayed similar behavioural changes, if less intense. Invasive crayfish species showed remarkable combative interactions against both species of benthic fishes, evidenced by the high number of aggressive interactions, especially concerning stone loach. Our results highlight the pronounced dominance of invasive crayfish over benthic fish in terms of shelter competition and aggressive interactions under laboratory conditions, which consequently might promote the latter’s exposure to predation.
Praktika als gängige Lehr-Lernformate in hochschulischen Kontexten setzen stets die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Institutionen und Personen voraus, da Studierende mit einem Praktikum den Lernort der Universität verlassen und in einen beruflichen Handlungszusammenhang mit den zugehörigen organisationalen Strukturen versetzt werden. Praktika werden unter anderem als Elemente der Berufsorientierung gesellschaftliche Implikationen zugeschrieben. Als Format innerhalb eines hochschulischen Bildungsgangs sind sie darüber hinaus mit didaktischen Begründungen verbunden und durch die Beteiligung verschiedener Personen auch mit individuellen Interessen. Studierende sind während eines Praktikums in der Rolle als Praktikant*in in besonderer Weise individuell gefordert. Ergänzt werden diese Perspektiven durch die Betrachtung disziplinärer und professioneller Implikationen, die sich für Praktika erziehungswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge ergeben. Zusammenarbeit findet in Praktika zwischen Organisationen, in Organisationen und zwischen Personen statt. Der geringe Forschungsstand zu Perspektiven auf Fragen der Zusammenarbeit für in erziehungswissenschaftliche Studiengänge integrierte Praktika bietet den Anlass der Studie. Um die verschiedenen Perspektiven auf Praktika als Zusammenarbeit zu erheben, werden qualitative episodische Interviews sowohl mit den Studierenden und Lehrenden einer Universität, als auch mit für Praktika verantwortlichen Tätigen aus dem beruflichen Bereich durchgeführt, die nach der qualitativen inhaltlich strukturierenden Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet werden. Aus der Auswertung der geführten Interviews mit den drei Akteur*innen-Gruppen ergibt sich ein Einblick darin, wie sich Zusammenarbeit zwischen pädagogisch tätigen Institutionen, Universitäten und Studierenden in und durch Praktika konkretisiert. Es werden beispielsweise Aspekte der Interaktionsbezogenen Dimensionen beschrieben, wie auftauchende Dilemmata, Resonanzen, Kulturen des Umgangs, Interessenslagen und Konstellationen von Akteur*innen. Diese werden ergänzt um Aspekte der Dimensionen mit Bezug zu Institutionen, Umwelt, Aufgaben und Personen. Die Interviewaussagen von drei interviewten Akteur*innen-Gruppen Studierende, Praxisanleiter*innen, universitäre Lehrende werden vergleichend anhand dieser Dimensionen betrachtet und als Ergebnisse dieser Studie dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse liefern Aussagen dazu, wie Zusammenarbeit in Praktika erziehungswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge von den beteiligten Akteur*innen-Gruppen wahrgenommen wird. Dies kann dazu beitragen die differierenden Perspektiven anschlussfähig zu machen für die didaktische und organisatorische Gestaltung von Praktika durch Institutionen wie Universitäten und Praktikumseinrichtungen, aber auch durch Initiative von Studierenden in der Rolle als Praktikant*innen während eines erziehungswissenschaftlichen Studiums. Auch für weitere Forschungsprojekte zum Zusammenwirken der Beteiligten in Praktika kann die Studie Anstöße bieten.
Ordnung zur Änderung der Beitragsordnung des Studierendenwerks Koblenz
Benutzungsordnung des Zentrums für Informations- und Medientechnologien (ZIMT) der Universität Koblenz
Erste Satzung zur Änderung der Satzung über die Leitung und die innere Struktur wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen und Betriebseinheiten der Universität Koblenz
Digital transformation is a prevailing trend in the world, especially in dynamic Asia. Vietnam has recorded remarkable changes in the economy as domestic enterprises have made new strides in the digital transformation process. MB Bank, one of the prestigious financial groups in Vietnam, also takes advantage of digital transformation to have the opportunity to break through to become a large-scale technology enterprise with many factors such as improving customer experience, increasing customer base and increasing customer satisfaction. enhance competitiveness, build trust and loyalty for customers. However, in the process of converting MB, there are also many challenges that require banks to have appropriate policies to handle. It can be said that MB Bank is a typical case study of digital transformation in the banking sector in Vietnam.
Digital Transformation Maturity of Vietnam Aviation Industry: The Effect of Organizational Readiness
The paper studies the digital transformation maturity in the context of the aviation industry in Vietnam. Digital transformation can mean enhancing existing processes, finding new opportunities within existing business domains, or finding new opportunities outside existing business domains. In the era of post Covid-19, digital transformation will play a vital role in the recovery with the support from digital technology to leverage the communication and implementation of new projects or changes.
Digital transformation and digital transformation maturity sometimes are used indistinguishing, but they are two different definitions. This paper will further explain the differences and will apply digital transformation maturity as a scale for the digital transformation in the report.
Due to the lack of experiment in the relationship between digital transformation maturity and the organizational readiness, the study will explore four components of organizational readiness, including digital leadership, digital culture, digital capabilities, and digital partnering.
FinTech is deemed to be an underexplored phenomenon even in academic and real environments. Among (1) “Sustainable FinTech” – the application of information technology as innovation in established financial services providers’ business operation; and (2) “Disruptive FinTech” – the provision of financial products and services by non-incumbents which in most cases are information technology entrepreneurs, the former receives more attention. In order to contribute to Disruptive FinTech category, the thesis strive to examine Entrepreneurial Strategy framework applied for technology players taking part in Vietnam financial market.
Challenges of Implementing Innovation Strategies at Large Organizations: A case of Lotte Group
For many decades, one of the most important focuses of research has been on determining whether or not there is a correlation between the size of an organization and its level of innovation. Unlike small companies, large companies often have well-established structure that are hard to change and change managements seems to be much more difficult especially related to innovation. Nevertheless, there are many examples to prove the opposites. Some large organization like Apple, Amazon... always show great innovation efforts and keep changing in a much positive way. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to discuss of how large organization can be able to implement innovation when having much drawbacks compare to SMEs. Through the use of a qualitative research approach, researcher was able to explore essential information on the innovation strategies that large companies are using in order to innovate and how they could overcome existing challenges by studying the working process of Lotte Group – one of the biggest companies in Korea.
The paper is a study focusing on exploring which factors and examining the impact of those factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention among students in the Construction industry, specifically among students of Hanoi Construction University and Hanoi Architecture University. The study also mentions some solution of this findings for entrepreneurship in the Construction field in Vietnam that the author might think of based on this research work for future study. The Theory of planned behavior is used as the theoritical framework for this study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed. The questionaire will be conducted among students of the two universities mentioned above. Then, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) will performed to test the validity of the constructs. The research findings provide factors and their impact factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention and propose some solutions to improve the entrepreneurship in the Construction field in Vietnam.
Antonio Lotti und seine liturgische Kirchenmusik – Vorstudien zu Biographie und Überlieferung
Antonio Lotti (1667-1740) gehört zu den venezianischen Komponisten, die in der älteren wie der neueren Fachliteratur ein hohes Ansehen genießen, obwohl seine Werke bis heute nur wenig bekannt sind. Eine unklare Überlieferungslage, aber auch sachfremde ästhetische Postulate verzögerten jedoch die Auseinandersetzung mit Lottis Kompositionen. Erst in neuerer Zeit gab es ein verstärktes Interesse sowohl an seinen Opern und vokaler Kammermusik als auch an seiner Kirchenmusik.
In der vorliegenden Studie wird zunächst Lottis Biographie unter Einbeziehung neuer Quellenfunde auf dem aktuellen Stand des Wissens zusammenfassend dargestellt. Der zweite Teil bietet erstmals eine Identifikation von Lottis Buchstaben- und Notenschrift nach streng philologischen Kriterien. Angesichts des nicht mehr erhaltenen Nachlasses ist dieser Teil von besonderer Bedeutung, bietet er doch die unverzichtbare Basis zur weiteren Erforschung von Lottis Kirchenmusik, ihrer Überlieferung und Faktur.
In the last decade, policy-makers around the world have turned their attention toward the creative industry as the economic engine and significant driver of employments. Yet, the literature suggests that creative workers are one of the most vulnerable work-forces of today’s economy. Because of the highly deregulated and highly individuated environment, failure or success are believed to be the byproduct of individual ability and commitment, rather than a structural or collective issue. This thesis taps into the temporal, spatial, and social resolution of digital behavioural data to show that there are indeed structural and historical issues that impact individuals’ and
groups’ careers. To this end, this thesis offers a computational social science research framework that brings together the decades-long theoretical and empirical knowledge of inequality studies, and computational methods that deal with the complexity and scale of digital data. By taking music industry and science as use cases, this thesis starts off by proposing a novel gender detection method that exploits image search and face-detection methods.
By analysing the collaboration patterns and citation networks of male and female computer scientists, it sheds lights on some of the historical biases and disadvantages that women face in their scientific career. In particular, the relation of scientific success and gender-specific collaboration patterns is assessed. To elaborate further on the temporal aspect of inequalities in scientific careers, this thesis compares the degree of vertical and horizontal inequalities among the cohorts of scientists that started their career at different point in time. Furthermore, the structural inequality in music industry is assessed by analyzing the social and cultural relations that breed from live performances and musics releases. The findings hint toward the importance of community belonging at different stages of artists’ careers. This thesis also quantifies some of the underlying mechanisms and processes of inequality, such as the Matthew Effect and the Hipster Paradox, in creative careers. Finally, this thesis argues that online platforms such as Wikipedia could reflect and amplify the existing biases.
Predictive Process Monitoring is becoming more prevalent as an aid for organizations to support their operational processes. However, most software applications available today require extensive technical know-how by the operator and are therefore not suitable for most real-world scenarios. Therefore, this work presents a prototype implementation of a Predictive Process Monitoring dashboard in the form of a web application. The system is based on the PPM Camunda Plugin presented by Bartmann et al. (2021) and allows users to easily create metrics, visualizations to display these metrics, and dashboards in which visualizations can be arranged. A usability test is with test users of different computer skills is conducted to confirm the application’s user-friendliness.
In dieser wiederkehrenden Zeitschriftenreihe wollen wir die Arbeit junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an der Universität Koblenz kommunizieren und Studierenden Austausch- und Publikationsmöglichkeiten für den wissenschaftlichen Werdegang eröffnen.
In dieser Ausgabe:
Helena Juliane Hoppe: Soziale Konstruktionen von Autismus-Spektrum-Störung in Spielfilmen
Giana Björkskog: Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft und Mutterschaft - Die
Bedeutung von digitalen wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchsförderungsangeboten für die Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft und Mutterschaft
Erik Eichelbaum: “You will never have me” - The Male Gaze and the
Deconstruction of Gender Norms in "Lost Highway"
Kira Rosalin Jung: Die Bibel erzählt - Biblisches Lernen im Religionsunterricht
Eric Amann: Prototyping of a Predictive Process Monitoring Dashboard
Stefan Hill: Inter-case predictive process monitoring - A comparison
between quantum and classical computational methods
In dieser wiederkehrenden Zeitschriftenreihe wollen wir die Arbeit junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an der Universität Koblenz kommunizieren und Studierenden Austausch- und Publikationsmöglichkeiten für den wissenschaftlichen Werdegang eröffnen.
In dieser Ausgabe:
Lukas Fock: Third-Person Effect & Conspiracy Theories - It's always the others!
Leoni Krawczyk: Das Déja-vu-Erlebnis als ein Resultat von impliziter Vertrautheit und oberflächlicher Reizverarbeitung
Frederik Alexander Wilczek: Employer Branding in der Katholischen Kirche - Eine Untersuchung der Employer Branding-Strategien kirchlicher Arbeitgeber
Alexander Bleffert: Modellierungsaufgaben als Beitrag zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Ein Beispiel für die Modellierungstage am Campus Koblenz
Alina Strunk, Fabian Kind,
Marina Gertner: Ist unser Wald noch zu retten? - Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Waldbewirtschaftungsformen auf die natürliche Sukzession und die Bodenfeuchte - am Beispiel dreier Testflächen im Forstrevier Oberheimbach
Nils Lenard Grosch: Parameterstudie zur Synthese von Aluminium-Nonametaphosphaten
Stefanie Kröber: Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder - Diskurs und Analyse therapeutischer Angebote für potenzielle Täter*innen
The diversity within amphibian communities in cultivated areas in Rwanda and within two selected, taxonomically challenging groups, the genera Ptychadena and Hyperolius, were investigated in this thesis. The amphibian community of an agricultural wetland near Butare in southern Rwanda comprised 15 anuran species. Rarefaction and jackknife analyses corroborated that the complete current species richness of the assemblage had been recorded, and the results of acoustic niche analysis suggested species saturation of the community. Surveys at many other Rwandan localities showed that the species recorded in Butare are widespread in cultivated and pristine wetlands. The species were readily distinguishable using morphological, bioacoustic, and molecular (DNA barcoding) features, but only eight of the 15 species could be assigned unambiguously to nominal species. The remaining represented undescribed or currently unrecognized taxa, including three species of Hyperolius, two Phrynobatrachus species, one Ptychadena species, and one species of Amietia. The diversity of the Ridged Frogs in Rwanda was investigated in two studies (Chapters III and IV). Three species of Ptychadena were recorded in wetlands in the catchment of the Nile. They can be distinguished by morphological characters (morphometrics and qualitative features) as well as by their advertisement calls and genetics. The Rwandan species of the P. mascareniensis group was shown to differ from the topotypic population as well as from other genetic lineages in sub-Saharan Africa and an old available name, P. nilotica, was resurrected from synonymy for this lineage. Two further Ptychadena species were identified among voucher specimens from Rwanda deposited in the collection of the RMCA, P. chrysogaster and P. uzungwensis. Morphologically they can be unambiguously distinguished from each other and the three other Rwandan species. A key based on qualitative morphological characters was developed, which allows unequivocal identification of specimens of all species that have been recorded from Rwanda. DNA was isolated from a Rwandan voucher specimen of P. chrysogaster, and the genetic analysis corroborated the species" distinct status.
A species of Hyperolius collected in the Nyungwe National Park was compared to all other Rwandan species of the genus and to morphologically or genetically similar species from neighbouring countries. Its distinct taxonomic status was justified by morphological, bioacoustic, and molecular evidence and it was described as a new species, H. jackie. A species of the H. nasutus group collected at agricultural sites in Rwanda was described as a new species in the course of a revision of the species of the Hyperolius nasutus group. The group was shown to consist of 15 distinct species which can be distinguished from each other genetically, bioacoustically, and morphologically.
The aerial performance, i.e. parachuting, of the Disc-fingered Reed Frog, Hyperolius discodactylus, was described. It represents a novel observation of a behaviour that has been known from a number of Southeast Asian and Neotropical frog species. Parachuting frogs, including H. discodactylus, exhibit certain morphological characteristics and, while airborne, assume a distinct posture which is best-suited for maneuvering in the air. Another study on the species addressed the validity of the taxon H. alticola which had been considered either a synonym of H. discodactylus or a distinct species. Type material of both taxa was re-examined and the status of H. alticola reassessed using morphological data from historic and new collections, call recordings, and molecular data from animals collected on recent expeditions. A northern and a southern genetic clade were identified, a divide that is weakly supported by diverging morphology of the vouchers from the respective localities. No distinction in advertisement call features could be recovered to support this split and both genetic and morphological differences between the two geographic clades are marginal and not always congruent and more likely reflect population-level variation. Therefore it was concluded that H. alticola is not a valid taxon and should be treated as a synonym of H. discodactylus.
On the recognition of human activities and the evaluation of its imitation by robotic systems
This thesis addresses the problem of action recognition through the analysis of human motion and the benchmarking of its imitation by robotic systems.
For our action recognition related approaches, we focus on presenting approaches that generalize well across different sensor modalities. We transform multivariate signal streams from various sensors to a common image representation. The action recognition problem on sequential multivariate signal streams can then be reduced to an image classification task for which we utilize recent advances in machine learning. We demonstrate the broad applicability of our approaches formulated as a supervised classification task for action recognition, a semi-supervised classification task for one-shot action recognition, modality fusion and temporal action segmentation.
For action classification, we use an EfficientNet Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model to classify the image representations of various data modalities. Further, we present approaches for filtering and the fusion of various modalities on a representation level. We extend the approach to be applicable for semi-supervised classification and train a metric-learning model that encodes action similarity. During training, the encoder optimizes the distances in embedding space for self-, positive- and negative-pair similarities. The resulting encoder allows estimating action similarity by calculating distances in embedding space. At training time, no action classes from the test set are used.
Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) generalized the concept of CNNs to non-Euclidean data structures and showed great success for action recognition directly operating on spatio-temporal sequences like skeleton sequences. GCNs have recently shown state-of-the-art performance for skeleton-based action recognition but are currently widely neglected as the foundation for the fusion of various sensor modalities. We propose incorporating additional modalities, like inertial measurements or RGB features, into a skeleton-graph, by proposing fusion on two different dimensionality levels. On a channel dimension, modalities are fused by introducing additional node attributes. On a spatial dimension, additional nodes are incorporated into the skeleton-graph.
Transformer models showed excellent performance in the analysis of sequential data. We formulate the temporal action segmentation task as an object detection task and use a detection transformer model on our proposed motion image representations. Experiments for our action recognition related approaches are executed on large-scale publicly available datasets. Our approaches for action recognition for various modalities, action recognition by fusion of various modalities, and one-shot action recognition demonstrate state-of-the-art results on some datasets.
Finally, we present a hybrid imitation learning benchmark. The benchmark consists of a dataset, metrics, and a simulator integration. The dataset contains RGB-D image sequences of humans performing movements and executing manipulation tasks, as well as the corresponding ground truth. The RGB-D camera is calibrated against a motion-capturing system, and the resulting sequences serve as input for imitation learning approaches. The resulting policy is then executed in the simulated environment on different robots. We propose two metrics to assess the quality of the imitation. The trajectory metric gives insights into how close the execution was to the demonstration. The effect metric describes how close the final state was reached according to the demonstration. The Simitate benchmark can improve the comparability of imitation learning approaches.
Teilgrundordnung für das Qualitätssicherungssystem nach § 5 HochSchG an der Universität Koblenz
Ordnung zur Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung in Studium und Lehre an der Universität Koblenz
Sechzehnte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Bachelorstudiengang Berufsbildende Schulen an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, der Hochschule Koblenz und der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar
Siebzehnte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Bachelorstudiengang Berufsbildende Schulen an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, der Hochschule Koblenz und der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar
Fünfzehnte Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, der Hochschule Koblenz und der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar
Sechszehnte Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, der Hochschule Koblenz und der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar
Sechsundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen
Zertifikatsstudiengang (Erweiterungsprüfung) an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz und
der Hochschule Koblenz
Siebenundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen
Zertifikatsstudiengang (Erweiterungsprüfung) an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz und
der Hochschule Koblenz
Richtlinie der Universität Koblenz zur Einrichtung, Ausschreibung und Besetzung von Professuren und
Juniorprofessuren (Berufungsrichtlinie)
Satzung und Qualitätssicherungskonzept der Universität Koblenz zur Einrichtung, Ausschreibung und Besetzung von Juniorprofessuren (W1) mit und ohne Tenure-Track sowie zur Besetzung von Professuren
unter Verzicht auf eine Ausschreibung (Tenure-Satzung)
Benutzungsordnung der Universitätsbibliothek
Bibliotheksordnung der Universität Koblenz
Satzung zur Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung in Studium und Lehre der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau in Landau
Satzung über die Verleihung der Bezeichnung außerplanmäßige Professorin oder außerplanmäßiger Professor der Universität Koblenz
Satzung der Kommission für Ethik und doppelverwendungsfähige Forschung des Senats der Universität Koblenz
Teil-Grundordnung für die Vergabe von Leistungsbezügen sowie Forschungs- und Lehrzulagen der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Redaktionelle Korrektur betreffend die Zweite Ordnung zur Änderung der Gemeinsamen Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge des
Fachbereichs Informatik an der Universität Koblenz-Landau vom 03. August 2022
Redaktionelle Korrektur betreffend die Dreiundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im Zwei-Fach-Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz
vom 19. September 2022
Einschreibeordnung der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Satzung der Rheinland-Pfälzisch Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau über das Auswahlverfahren in zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengängen (Auswahlsatzung)
In the last decades, it became evident that the world is facing an unprecedented, human-induced global biodiversity crisis with amphibians being one of the most threatened species groups. About 41% of the amphibian species are classified as endangered by the IUCN, but even in amphibian species that are listed as "least concern", population declines can be observed on a local level. With land-use change and agrochemicals (i.e. pesticides), two of the main drivers for this amphibian decline are directly linked to intensive agriculture, which is the dominant landscape type in large parts of Europe. Thus, understanding the situation of amphibians in the agricultural landscape is crucial for conservation measures. In the present thesis, I investigated the effects of viticulture on amphibian populations around Landau in der Pfalz (Germany) in terms of habitat use, pesticide exposure, biometric traits as well as genetic and age structure. From the perspective of amphibians, land-use change means usually the destruction of habitats in agricultural landscapes, which often leads to landscape fragmentation. Thus, I followed the question if also vineyards lead to the fragmentation of the landscape and if pesticides that are frequently used in viticulture have to be considered as a factor too, so if there is a chemical landscape fragmentation. Using telemetry, I could show that common toads (Bufo bufo) can be found directly in vineyards, but that they tend to avoid them as habitat. Analysing the genetic structure of common frogs (Rana temporaria) revealed that vineyards have to be considered as a barrier for amphibians. To identify if pesticides contribute to the resulting landscape fragmentation, I conducted an arena choice experiment in the laboratory in which I found evidence for an avoidance of pesticide-contaminated soil. Such an avoidance could be one of the underlying reasons for a potential chemical landscape fragmentation. By combining telemetry data with information about pesticide applications from local wine growers, I could show that a large part of the common toads is likely to come in contact with pesticides. Further, I demonstrated that the agricultural landscape, probably due to the application of pesticides, can have negative effects on the reproduction capacity of common toads. By studying palmate newts (Lissotriton helveticus) I found that adult newts from agricultural ponds are smaller than those from forest ponds. As I did not find differences in the age structure and growth, these differences might be carry-over effects from earlier life stages. While agricultural ponds might be suitable habitats for adult palmate newts, the potential carry-over effect indicates suboptimal conditions for larvae and/or juveniles. I conclude that the best management measure for sustaining amphibians in the agricultural landscape would be a heterogeneous cultural landscape with a mosaic of different habitat patches that work without or at least a reduced amount of pesticides. Green corridors between populations and different habitats would allow migrating individuals to avoid agricultural and thus pesticide-contaminated areas. This would reduce the pesticide exposure risk of amphibians, while preventing the fragmentation of the landscape and thus the isolation of populations.
Ponds in agricultural landscapes are often used by amphibians as breeding habitat. However, the characteristics of agricultural ponds and especially the surrounding area are usually said to be suboptimal for many amphibian species. Using suboptimal habitats might allow a species’ survival and reproduction, but can have negative consequences at the individual and population level. In the present study, we investigated Palmate Newt (Lissotriton helveticus) populations from an intensive wine-growing region in southern Germany and compared them with populations located in a nearby forested area in terms of biometric traits, age and genetic structure. By analyzing over 900 adult newts from 11 ponds, we could show that newts reproducing in forest ponds were larger than newts reproducing in agricultural ponds. We did not find differences in the newt age and growth rate between habitat types. Therefore, differences in the body size of newts might already existed in larvae and/or juveniles, what might be related to a lower habitat quality for larvae and/or juveniles in the agricultural landscape. Body mass, body condition and sexual dimorphic traits (length of the caudal filament and max. height of the tail) correlated with body size, but no additional effect of the habitat type was found. The analysis of microsatellites revealed a higher genetic diversity in forest ponds. However, no clear sign of inbreeding was observed in any agricultural population, suggesting some degree of gene flow between them. We conclude, that agricultural ponds can be suitable habitats for the Palmate Newt and that conservation effort should aim to preserve them. The observed effects on body size indicate the need to increase the quality of the aquatic and terrestrial habitat for early life stages of this newt species in agricultural landscapes.
In der Biologie stellt das Zeichnen eine zentrale Arbeitstechnik dar. Viele Studien konnten auf einen positiven Effekt des Zeichnens für bestimmte Situationen hinweisen. Schülerinnen und Schüler müssen diese Technik jedoch zunächst erlernen. Hierbei können zahlreiche Schwierigkeiten auftreten, die die inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung gefährden. Jedoch wurden sowohl Schwierigkeiten im Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Repräsentationsformen als auch der Zeichenprozess bislang nur lückenhaft untersucht. Die Studie dieser Arbeit hat daher zum Ziel, (I) den Zeichenprozess auf der Ebene der Sichtstruktur zu beschreiben, (II) die manifesten Schwierigkeiten von Lernenden zu erfassen, auf die sie während der Konstruktion biologisch bedeutsamer Repräsentationsformen (Ablaufdiagramme, mikroskopische Zeichnungen) treffen, (III) und auf Grundlage der empirischen Befunde Schülertypen abzuleiten. Vor diesem Hintergrund waren 21 Schülerinnen und Schüler angehalten, jeweils ein Ablaufdiagramm auf Grundlage eines Texts und eine mikroskopische Zeichnung auf Grundlage eines Präparats zu konstruieren und dabei laut zu denken. Fragen zur Vorerfahrung sowie retrospektiv gestellte Fragen zum Vorgehen der Teilnehmenden umrahmten den videografisch dokumentierten Prozess. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Zeichenprozess mehr als zehn unterschiedliche Tätigkeiten umfassen kann, wobei die Kerntätigkeit des Zeichnens durchschnittlich nur rund ein Drittel des Prozesses ausmacht. Die Prozessstruktur zwischen Fällen variiert erheblich. Weiterhin konnten etwa 30 Schwierigkeiten bzw. Fehler identifiziert werden, die während der Konstruktion beider Repräsentationsformen auftreten. Diese können dabei sowohl einzelne als auch mehrere Tätigkeiten betreffen und zu Tätigkeitsabbrüchen führen. Schwierigkeiten stehen häufig in Verbindung mit Tätigkeiten, die außerhalb der Kerntätigkeit des Zeichnens liegen (z. B. Abgleich mit der Textgrundlage). Bezogen auf Ablaufdiagramme stellt das Verhältnis depiktional bzw. deskriptional dargestellter Textinformationen den Ausgangspunkt der Typisierung dar: Typ I: realistisch abbildend, II: alternierend abbildend und III: schriftorientiert abbildend. Für mikroskopische Zeichnungen war die Häufigkeit des Abgleichs mit dem Objekt grundlegend für die Typisierung: Typ I: oberflächlich abbildend, II: objektorientiert abbildend und III: undifferenziert detailliert abbildend. Die Studie liefert erstmals Kategoriensysteme, die es erlauben, die Prozessstruktur des Zeichnens sichtbar und zwischen Fällen vergleichbar zu machen sowie schwierigkeitsbezogenes Grundlagenwissen zur Konstruktion von Zeichnungen, basierend auf Texten und Beobachtungen. Die Übertragbarkeit der Befunde auf andere Repräsentationsformen ist an vielen Stellen denkbar. Die theoretisch fundierte Systematisierung von Schwierigkeiten kann von weiterführenden Untersuchungsansätze aufgegriffen werden und erlaubt die Verortung situationsangemessener Unterstützungsmaßnahmen.
This thesis was motivated by the need to advance the knowledge on the variability and dynamics of energy fluxes in lakes and reservoirs, as well as about the physical processes that regulate the fluxes at both the air and water side of the air-water interface.
In the first part, I re-examine how mechanical energy, resulting from its major source – the vertical wind energy flux - distributes into the various types of water motions, including turbulent flows and surface and internal waves. Although only a small fraction of the wind energy flux from the atmosphere is transferred to the water, it is crucial for physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes in lentic ecosystems. Based on extensive air- and water-side measurements collected at two small water bodies (< 10 km2), we estimated the energy fluxes and energy content in surface and in internal waves. Overall, the estimated energy fluxes and energy content agree well with results reported for larger water bodies, suggesting that the energetics driving the water motions in enclosed basins is similar, independently of the basin size. Our findings highlight the importance of the surface waves that receive the largest fraction of the wind energy flux, which strongly nonlinearly increases for wind speeds exceeding 3 m s-1. We found that the existing parameterization of the wave height as a function of wind speed and fetch length did not reproduce the measured wave amplitude in lakes. On average, the highest energy content was observed in basin-scale internal waves, together with high-frequency internal waves exhibiting seasonal variability and varies among the aquatic systems. During our analysis, we discovered the diurnal variability of the energy dissipation rates in the studied lake, suggesting biogenic turbulence generation, which appears to be a widespread phenomenon in lakes and reservoirs.
In the second part of the thesis, I addressed current knowledge gaps related to the bulk transfer coefficients (also known as the drag coefficient, the Stanton number and the Dalton number), which are of a particular importance for the bulk estimation of the surface turbulent fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat in the atmospheric boundary layer. Their inaccurate representation may lead to significant errors in flux estimates, affecting, for example, the weather and climate predictions or estimations of the near-surface current velocities in lake hydrodynamic models. Although the bulk transfer coefficients have been extensively studied over the past several decades (mainly in marine and large-lake environments), there has been no systematic analysis of measurements obtained at lakes of different size. A significant increase of the transfer coefficients at low wind speeds (< 3 m s-1) has been observed in several studies, but, to date, it has remained unexplained. We evaluated
the bulk transfer coefficients using flux measurements from 31 lakes and reservoirs. The estimates were generally within the range reported in previous studies for large lakes and oceans. All transfer coefficients increased substantially at low wind speeds, which was found to be associated with the presence of gusts and capillary waves (except the Dalton number). We found that the Stanton number is systematically higher than the Dalton number. This challenges the assumption made in the Bowen-ratio method, which is widely used for estimating evaporation rates from micrometeorological measurements. We found that the variability of the transfer coefficients among the lakes could be associated with lake surface area. In flux parameterizations at lake surfaces, it is recommended to consider variations in the drag coefficient and the Stanton number due to wind gustiness and capillary wave roughness while the Dalton number could be considered as constant at all wind speeds.
In the third part of the thesis, I address the key drivers of the near-surface turbulence that control the gas exchange in a large regulated river. As all inland waters, rivers are an important natural source of greenhouse gases. The effects of the widespread alteration and regulation of river flow for human demands on gas exchange is largely unknown. In particular, the near-surface turbulence in regulated rivers has been rarely measured and its drivers have not been identified. While in lakes and reservoirs, near-surface turbulence is mainly related to atmospheric forcing, in shallow rivers and streams it is generated by bottom friction of the gravity-forced flow. The studied large regulated river represents a transition between these two cases. Atmospheric forcing and gravity were the dominant drivers of the near-surface turbulence for a similar fraction of the measurement period. Based on validated scalings, we derived a simple model for estimating the relative contributions of wind and bottom friction to near-surface turbulence in lotic ecosystems with different flow depths. Large diel variability in the near-surface energy dissipation rates due to flow regulation leads to the same variability in gas exchange. This suggests that estimates of gas fluxes from rivers are biased by measurements performed predominantly during daytime.
In addition, the novelty in all the analyses described above is the use of the turbulent surface fluxes measured directly by the eddy-covariance technique – at the moment of writing, the most advanced method. Overall, this thesis is of a potential interest for a broad range of scientific disciplines, including limnology, micrometeorology and open channel hydraulics.
Inland waters play an active role in the global carbon cycle. They collect carbon from upstream landmasses and transport it downstream until it finally reaches the ocean. Along this path, manifold processing steps are evident, resulting in (permanent) retention of carbon by sediment burial as well as loss by evasion to the atmosphere. Constraining these carbon fluxes and their anthropogenic perturbation is an urgent need. In this context, attention needs to be set on a widespread feature of inland waters: their partial desiccation. This results in the emergence of formerly inundated sediments to the atmosphere, referred to as dry inland waters. One observed feature of dry inland waters are disproportional high carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. However, this observation was so far based on local case studies and knowledge on the global prevalence and fundamental mechanisms of these emissions is lacking. Against this background, this thesis aims to provide a better understanding of the magnitude and mechanisms of carbon emissions from dry inland waters on the global and local scale and to assess the impact of dry inland waters on the global carbon cycle. The specific research questions of this thesis were: (1) How do gaseous carbon emissions from dry inland waters integrate into the global carbon cycle and into global greenhouse gas (GHG) budgets? (2) What effect do seasonal and long term drying have on the carbon cycling of inland waters? The thesis revealed that dry inland waters emit disproportional large amounts of CO 2 on a global scale and that these emissions share common drivers across ecosystems. Quantifying global reservoir drawdown and upscaling carbon fluxes to the global scale suggests that reservoirs emit more carbon than they bury, challenging the current understanding of reservoirs as net carbon sinks. On the local scale, this thesis revealed that both, heterogeneous emission pattern between different habitats and seasonal variability of carbon emissions from the drawdown area, needs to be considered. Further, this thesis showed that re-mobilization of buried carbon upon permanent desiccation of water bodies can explain the observed emission rates, supporting the hypothesis of a positive feedback-loop between climate change and desiccation of inland waters. Overall, the present thesis highlights the importance of adding emissions from dry inland waters as a pathway to the global carbon cycle of inland waters.
This study was conducted in Nyungwe National Park (NNP); a biodiversity hotspot Mountain rainforest of high conservation importance in Central Africa, but with little knowledge of its insect communities including butterflies, good indicators of climate change, and forest ecosystem health. The study aimed at availing baseline data on butterfly species diversity and distribution in NNP, for future use in monitoring climate change-driven shifts and the effects of forest fragmentation on the biodiversity of Nyungwe. Butterflies were collected seasonally using fruit-baited traps and hand nets along elevational transects spanning from 1700 m up to 2950 m of altitude. Two hundred forty-two species including 28 endemics to the Albertine Rift and 18 potential local climate change indicators were documented. Species richness and abundance declined with increasing elevation and higher seasonal occurrence was observed during the dry season. This was the first study on the spatial and temporal distribution of butterflies in NNP and further studies could be conducted to add more species and allow a depth understanding of the ecology of Nyungwe butterflies.
Genetically modified plants have been grown commercially for about 25 years. Bt plants, which contain genes from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and produce Cry proteins, are used particularly frequently. Risk assessment has long focused on the terrestrial environment. Only since the publication of Rosi-Marshall et al. in 2007 potential effects on the aquatic environment came into focus. The first part of this dissertation analyse the existing literature on lower-tier effect studies and fate studies examining the effects of GM plants on the aquatic environment. Potential effects on aquatic organisms are apparent. Some studies also demonstrate the entry of GM plant material into the aquatic environment and the leaching of toxins into the water.
The second part of the dissertation investigate the effects of Cry1Ab toxin on two species of caddisfly larvae (Chaetopterryx spec., Sericostoma spec.). Trichopterans are phylogenetically closely related to lepidopterans, which are often the target organisms of Cry toxins. In order to be able to create several concentrations, a new spiking method was used in which dissolved Cry1Ab toxin was applied on leaves of black alder (Alnus glutinosa). Effects were particularly evident at sublethal endpoints. The lipid content of Chaetopteryx spec. larvae was lower after twelve weeks with increasing Cry1Ab concentration. The reduction in lipid content may indicate an increase in energy requirements for repair mechanisms. Sericostoma spec. showed a slowdown in larval development at the highest Cry1Ab concentration after six weeks, which could lead to later emergence and thus effects on the food chain.
In the third part of the dissertation, the assessment of impacts of GM crops on the aquatic environment was investigated using higher-tier studies. Since higher-tier studies are already common with pesticides, these were compared to the higher-tier studies already conducted with GM crops. It is found that there is no standardization of higher-tier studies with GM crops, which is necessary for quality assurance and comparability of studies. In addition, there are great difficulties in establishing different test concentrations, which is necessary for the investigation of a dose-response relationship.
Overall, it is clear that there are still significant knowledge gaps of the effects of GM plants on the aquatic environment. Further studies are essential for a comprehensive and meaningful risk assessment.
These proceedings contain 6 papers presented at the 1st Interdisciplinary Conference on Gamification and Entrepreneurship (StartPlay) 2022. The conference was held at the University of Koblenz-Landau in Koblenz, Germany, on August 05-06, 2022.
Game-Balance Simulation as a Tool for the Evaluation of
Systematically Designed Gamification Strategies
Authors: David Kessing, Manuel Löwer
A Canvas Framework for Gameful Design Concepts
Authors: Max Höllen, Thomas Voit
Gamified Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education –
A digital Educational Escape Room for economy classes
in German High Schools
Authors: Jürgen Frentz, Marie Tuchscherer, Claudia Wiepcke
Playing Positive Psychology: The Development of a
Positive-Psychological Board Game for Team Building
Authors: Leonie Kloep, Anna-Lena Helten, Corinna Peifer
Gamification Design for Goal Activation and Goal Striving
in Digital Marketing and Innovation Management
Authors: Jenny V. Bittner, Christian Wellmann
Gamification of Assembly Routines: Planned User Study
Evaluating a Level System with Customized Feedback
Authors: Jessica Ulmer, Sebastian Braun, Jörg Wollert
Manmade dams have been constructed from centuries for multiple purposes, and in the past decades they have been constructed in a fast pace, with the hotspot in tropical and subtropical regions. However, studies that explore hydrodynamics in these areas are scarce and biased to the rich literature available for temperate regions. Lakes and reservoirs have the same controlling mechanisms for physical processes and primary production, hence, analyses that were initially conceptualized for lakes are frequently applied for reservoirs. Nevertheless, longitudinal gradients in reservoirs challenges the application of these approaches.
Degradation of water quality in reservoirs is a major concern, and it is expected to be aggravated with climate change. Therefore, studies that explore mechanisms controlling water quality are essential for the maintenance of these systems, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. The aim of this thesis is to comprehend the role of hydrodynamic processes in the fate of nutrients in reservoirs and its implications on water quality, in a subtropical region. With focus on the relevance of different density current patterns. For that, analyses combining field measurements and numerical simulations were performed in a medium to small size subtropical drinking water reservoir for a complete seasonal cycle. Measurements were conducted combining several approaches: traditional sampling, sensors in high temporal and spatial resolution, and remote sensing. Besides, hydrodynamic models were set up and calibrated to reproduce observations, and to simulate scenarios that assisted on the analysis.
Results showed that different flow paths of density currents did not influence on phytoplankton dynamics. At the regions where the main nutrient supply was the river inflow (upstream), the density currents did not vary, the euphotic zone usually covered the entire depth, and vertical mixing was observed on a daily basis, turning the flow path of the density currents irrelevant. At downstream regions, the remobilization of nutrients in the sediment was the main source for primary production. Even though density currents had a seasonal pattern in the downstream region, thermal stratification conditions were the driver for variations in chlorophyll-a concentrations, with peaks after vertical mixing. This mechanism had in its favor the frequent anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion that enhanced the dissolution of reactive phosphorus from the sediment. Anoxic conditions were easily reached because the sediment in the downstream area was rich in organic matter. Phytoplankton produced in the upstream area was transported by the density currents, and for this reason, large concentrations of chl-a was observed below the euphotic zone. Further, the extensive measurements of temperature, and flow velocities, together with the hydrodynamic models, provided insights about the hydrodynamics of reservoirs. For instance, that the relevant processes occurred along the longitudinal, and mixing conditions varied along it. The relevance of inflow conditions regarding the presence of structures such as forebays and pre-dams, and the degree of stream shading in the catchment was assessed. And turbulence and internal waves had different features than the documented for high latitudes. Those findings can assist on the management of reservoirs, based on the comprehension of the physical processes.
Generation Z strömt derzeit mit neuen Wertvorstellungen und hohen Ansprüchen in die Arbeitswelt ein, was Führungskräfte vor eine große Herausforderung stellt. Um sich im Fachkräftemangel zu behaupten, die jungen Talente zu rekrutieren sowie langfristig an das Unternehmen zu binden, müssen Unternehmen, insbesondere Führungskräfte die Erwartungen und Anforderungen der Generation Z kennen und diesen gerecht werden. Während die Erwartungen und Anforderungen der Vorgängergenerationen bereits analysiert wurden, sind die der jungen Generation Z unbekannt.
Um die Erwartungen und Anforderungen der Generation Z an Führungskräfte und deren Verhaltensweisen zu identifizieren, wurde eine qualitative Forschungsmethode angewandt, indem fünf Experteninterviews mit Studierenden aus der Generation Z geführt wurden. Diese wurden anschließend mithilfe einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse anhand von Kategorien ausgewertet.
Die junge Generation stellt hohe Erwartungen an Führungskräfte sowie deren Verhalten ihnen gegenüber. So fordern sie nicht nur klare Vorgaben hinsichtlich der an sie gestellten Erwartungen, sondern zeigen auch das Bedürfnis nach regelmäßigem Austausch und Feedbackgesprächen mit ihrem Leader. Führung sollte für Generation Z immer auf Augenhöhe stattfinden, geprägt von einer offenen Kommunikation sowie einem wertschätzenden Umgang. Zudem sollte die Führungskraft als Ansprechpartner bei Problemen und Fragen für die Generation Z zur Seite stehen.
Die dargestellten Ergebnisse der Arbeit leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag für Wissenschaftler im Forschungsfeld Generationsmanagement und helfen zudem Entscheidungsträgern im Personalmanagement die Anforderungen und Erwartungen der jungen Generation Z zu erfüllen. Somit profitieren sie nicht nur im Recruiting davon, sondern können die jungen Talente möglicherweise langfristig an das Unternehmen binden.
Dreißigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz
Sechsundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung in den Masterstudien-gängen für das Lehramt an Grundschulen, das Lehramt an Realschulen plus sowie das Lehramt an Gymnasien an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz
Dreiundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im Zwei-Fach-Bachelor-studiengang an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz
Zweite Satzung zur Änderung der Satzung über die Verleihung der Bezeichnung außerplanmäßige Pro-fessorin oder außerplanmäßiger Professor der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Einunddreißigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen
Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz-
Landau, Campus Landau
Siebenundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der
Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung in den Masterstudiengängen für das Lehramt an Grundschulen, das Lehramt an Realschulen plus, das Lehramt an Förderschulen sowie das Lehramt an Gymnasien an der
Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
Sechsundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der
Ordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen
Zertifikatsstudiengang (Erweiterungsprüfung) an der
Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
Zweite Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung
für den Bachelorstudiengang „Mensch und Umwelt:
Psychologie, Kommunikation, Ökonomie“ an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau
Achte Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung
für den Bachelorstudiengang und den Masterstudiengang
„Sozial- und Kommunikationswissenschaften“
des Fachbereichs 6: Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Vierundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im Zwei-Fach-Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz-Landau,
Campus Landau
Zweite Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung
für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge des Fachbereichs Informatik an der Universität Koblenz-
The Coronavirus Pandemic has influenced the lives of many people. We analyzed the effects of physical activity and stress on students’ motivation during the Pandemic. Participants were 254 university students who reported their academic motivation, physical activity, general stress, the Coronavirus Pandemic strain, and their Coronavirus stress. Women reported higher levels of Coronavirus stress, general stress, and motivation. The Coronavirus stress was predicted by the strain of the Coronavirus Pandemic but not by physical activity. General stress and gender predicted mastery goals, and performance goals were predicted by general stress. Physical activity was not related to students’ motivation during the Pandemic. Higher levels of general stress were associated with higher academic motivation. Negative emotions like stress could have enhanced students’ motivation during uncertain times of the Pandemic. Moreover, a moderate stress level could be favorable for academic dedication and achievement.
Der Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland erlebt einen technologisch bedingten Strukturwandel. Durch Digitalisierung werden Tätigkeiten substituierbar, Berufsbilder und dafür benötigte Qualifikationsprofile wandeln sich. Für die Arbeitskräfte resultiert daraus ein Anpassungsdruck, sich zum Erhalt ihres Humankapitals bzw. ihrer Beschäftigungsfähigkeit weiterzubilden. Fraglich ist, inwieweit die Individuen diesen Druck wahrnehmen und mit entsprechenden Weiterbildungen reagieren. Um einen Erklärungsbeitrag zum Weiterbildungsverhalten der Arbeitskräfte in Bezug auf den technologischen Wandel zu leisten, widmet sich das Promotionsvorhaben der Forschungsfrage: „Inwieweit reagieren Arbeitskräfte bezüglich ihres Weiterbildungsverhaltens auf einen sich digitalisierungsbedingt wandelnden Arbeitsmarkt?“
This dissertation is dedicated to a new concept for capturing renunciation-oriented attitudes and beliefs — sufficiency orientation. Sufficiency originates in the interdisciplinary sustain-ability debate. In contrast to efficiency and consistency, sufficiency considers human behaviour as the cause of socio-ecological crises and strives for a reduction in consumption respecting the planetary boundaries. The present work places sufficiency in a psychological research context and explores it qualitatively and quantitatively. On the basis of five manuscripts, the overarching question pursued is to what extent sufficiency orientation contributes to socio-ecological transformation. Based on one qualitative study and five further quantitative studies, sufficiency orientation is investigated in different behavioural contexts that are of particular importance with regard to CO2 emissions. In addition, sufficiency orientation is linked to a wider range of psychologically relevant theories that help gain an overview of correlates and possible causes for the development of a sufficiency orientation.
Manuscript 1 uses expert interviews (N = 21) to develop a heuristic framework on a transformation towards societal sufficiency orientation including barriers and enablers, as well as ambiguities on such a change. The derived elements are interpreted in the light of the leverage points approach. This framework can serve as a heuristic for future research and to develop measures concerning sufficiency orientation.
As part of an online study (N = 648), Manuscript 2 examines the extent to which sufficiency orientation can be embedded in classic models for explaining pro-environmental intentions and behaviour (Theory of Planned Behaviour, Norm Activation Model), and showed a significant contribution to the explanation of intentions and behaviour in the field of plastic consumption.
Manuscript 3 reports two framing experiments (Study 1, N = 123, Study 2, N = 330) to investigate how pro-social justice sensitivity contributes to making sufficiency orientation more salient and promoting it. While sufficiency orientation and pro-social facets of justice sensitivity were positively related to each other, there was no effect of the framing intervention in the hypothesised direction. The results indicate that justice-related information at least in the presented manner is more likely to generate reactance.
Manuscript 4 presents an online study (N = 317) and targets the importance of sufficiency orientation for predicting actual greenhouse gas emissions in relation to flight behav-iour and policy support for the decarbonisation of mobility. In addition, the connection between sufficiency orientation and global identity is examined. It turns out that sufficiency orientation is superior to global identity in predicting actual emissions and decarbonisation policies. Contrary to expectations, sufficiency orientation and the form of global identity operationalised in the presented study shows a positive correlation and are compatible.
Manuscript 5 reports a reflective diary intervention (N = 252) that should lead to a short- and long-term increase in sufficiency orientation by satisfying basic psychological needs through induced self-reflection. For both groups with or without the intervention, sufficiency orientation increased slightly but significantly. Although no specific effect of the manipulation was found, basic psychological need satisfaction turns out to be the largest predictor for sufficiency orientation. Subjective well-being is positively associated with sufficiency orientation, while time affluence shows no clear associations in the study.
Overall, the results highlight the relevance of sufficiency orientation in relation to socio-ecological transformation and actual behavioural change. Sufficiency orientation is related to low-emission behaviour and support for political measures to decarbonize infrastructures. These results contribute to the discussion on the intention-behaviour gap in regard to impact-relevant behaviour, i.e. behaviour producing high emissions. The present findings suggest, that sufficiency orientation could be related to a strong intention-behavioural consistency. However, further research is needed to validate these results and improve the measurement of sufficiency orientation. Furthermore, the studies provided insights on correlates of sufficiency orientation: justice sensitivity, global identity, subjective well-being and left-wing liberal political ideologies are all found to be positively related to sufficiency orien-tation. Moreover, basic psychological need satisfaction was identified as a potential mechanism that can support the emergence of sufficiency orientation, however, causality remains unclear. From these findings, the work derives practical implications how to possibly strengthen sufficiency orientation on the micro, meso and macro levels of society.
Taken together, the dissertation provides important insights into a new and still developing concept, and shows its connectivity to psychological theories. However, future research is required in order to grasp more precisely the complexity of sufficiency orientation and to understand origins and predictors of sufficiency orientation. This work contributes to the interdisciplinary debate on socio-ecological transformation and points out that sufficiency orientation can serve to a future worth living as being related to reduced consumption.
Background: For over a century, scientists have studied host-pathogen interactions between the crayfish plague disease agent Aphanomyces astaci and freshwater crayfish. It has been hypothesised that North American crayfish hosts are disease-resistant due to the long-lasting coevolution with the pathogen. Similarly, the increasing number of latent infections reported in the historically sensitive European crayfish hosts seems to indicate that similar coevolutionary processes are occurring between European crayfish and A. astaci. Our current understanding of these host-pathogen interactions is largely focused on the innate immunity processes in the crayfish haemolymph and cuticle, but the molecular basis of the observed disease-resistance and susceptibility remain unclear. To understand how coevolution is shaping the host’s molecular response to the pathogen, susceptible native European noble crayfish and invasive disease-resistant marbled crayfish were challenged with two A. astaci strains of different origin: a haplogroup A strain (introduced to Europe at least 50 years ago, low virulence) and a haplogroup B strain (signal crayfish in lake Tahoe, USA, high virulence). Here, we compare the gene expression profiles of the hepatopancreas, an integrated organ of crayfish immunity and metabolism.
Results: We characterised several novel innate immune-related gene groups in both crayfish spe cies. Across allchallenge groups, we detected 412 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the noble crayfish, and 257 DEGs in the marbled crayfish. In the noble crayfish, a clear immune response was detected to the haplogroup B strain, but not to the haplogroup A strain. In contrast, in the marbled crayfish we detected an immune response to the haplogroup A strain, but not to the haplogroup B strain. Conclusions: We highlight the hepatopancreas as an important hub for the synthesis of immune molecules in the response to A. astaci. A clear distinction between the innate immune response in the marbled crayfish and the noble crayfish is the capability of the marbled crayfish to mobilise a higher variety of innate immune response effectors.
Objectives: Crayfish plague disease, caused by the oomycete pathogen Aphanomyces astaci represents one of the greatest risks for the biodiversity of the freshwater crayfish. This data article covers the de novo transcriptome assembly and annotation data of the noble crayfish and the marbled crayfish challenged with Ap. astaci. Following the controlled infection experiment (Francesconi et al. in Front Ecol Evol, 2021,, we conducted a differential gene expression analysis described in (Boštjančić et al. in BMC Genom, 2022, Data description: In total, 25 noble crayfish and 30 marbled crayfish were selected. Hepatopancreas tissue was isolated, followed by RNA sequencing using the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform. Raw data was checked for quality with FastQC, adapter and quality trimming were conducted using Trimmomatic followed by de novo assembly with Trinity. Assembly quality was assessed with BUSCO, at 93.30% and 93.98% completeness for the noble crayfish and the marbled crayfish, respectively. Transcripts were annotated using the Dammit! pipeline and assigned to KEGG pathways. Respective transcriptome and raw datasets may be reused as the reference transcriptome assemblies for future expression studies.
Scientific experimentation in the special needs schools for pupils with intellectual disabilities
Naturwissenschaftliches Experimentieren im Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung: An Schulen mit dem Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung führen Schülerinnen und Schüler nur selten naturwissenschaftliche Experimente durch. Doch auch diese Schülerschaft kann mit adressatengerechten Lernmaterialien Experimente durchführen, deren Gestaltungskriterien in dieser Studie ermittelt werden. Zudem wird in der Studie erfasst, wie sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler über ein Schuljahr in ihrer experimentellen Kompetenz weiterentwickeln.
Formen des Zugangs in der Jugendhilfe – zur Gestaltung von Zugängen zum System der Hilfen zur Erziehung Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen in unterschiedlichen familiären Beziehungen und Lebenslagen stehen in Deutschland bei Bedarf und auf Wunsch öffentliche Hilfeleistungen rund um das Thema Erziehung zur Verfügung. Repräsentiert wird dieses Angebot als Rechtsanspruch öffentlicher Hilfe in der Regel durch die örtlichen Jugendämter. In Folge der Einführung des Sozialgesetzbuches VIII (Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetz, jetzt: Kinder- und Jugendstärkungsgesetzt/KJSG) befassten sich wiederholt wissenschaftliche Erhebungen mit dem Nutzen und den Wirkungen der in den Hilfen zur Erziehung vorhandenen Angebote aus Sicht der Adressatinnen und Adressaten, also den Kindern, Jugendlichen und Eltern. Dem Rechtsanspruch mit dem Angebot auf die Hilfen zur Erziehung auf der einen Seite, stehen die Adressatinnen und Adressaten dieser Hilfen auf der anderen zunächst gegenüber. Im Fokus der damit einhergehenden Adressaten- und Adressatinnenforschung steht die Frage, wie Adressatinnen und Adressaten den Zugang zu diesen Hilfen in ihrem Alltagsleben erhalten und ggf. integrieren. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher zu untersuchen, wie sich aus Sicht von Eltern mit Jugendhilfeerfahrung dieser Zugang gestaltet, wie sie ihre diesbezüglichen Erfahrungen einordnen und bewerten. Um sich die Lebenswelten und Sinnhorizonte der Eltern zu erschließen, erfolgte die Datenerhebung durch transkribierte narrative Interviews. Diese wurden mittels qualitativ inhaltsanalytischer Verfahren strukturiert und sequenziert untersucht, um relevante Kodes, Konzepte und Kategorien aus den Erzählungen herauszuarbeiten. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass es den einen Zugang nicht gibt, im Weiteren auch kein einfaches Setting zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage vorliegt. Vielmehr zeigen sich unterschiedliche Zugangsformen und individuelle Faktoren, die einen Zugang begünstigen oder behindern können. Zentral sind hier vor allem die Wirkung Anderer in der Biografie der Eltern, gleich ob aus Familie oder auf Seiten der Fachkräfte sowie deren Haltungen und das Vorhandensein von Ressourcen wie z.B. Wissen. Für die Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit bedeutet dies, sich den zunächst fremden Lebenswelten
der Adressatinnen und Adressaten verstehend zu nähern und nicht außer Acht zu lassen, dass diese ihnen mit ihren Bildern, Ideen, Wünschen und Lebenserfahrungen gegenüber treten, welche wahrgenommen und verstanden werden wollen.
Ralf Schauf
This thesis explores a 3D object detection and pose estimation approach based on the point pair features method presented by Drost et. al. [Dro+10]. While pose estimation methods have shown good improvements, they still remain a crucial problem on the computer vision field. In this work, we implemented a program that takes point cloud scenes as input and returns the detected object with their estimated pose. The program fully covers an object detection pipeline by processing 3D models during an offline phase, extracting their point pair features and creating a global descriptor out of them. During an online phase, the same features are extracted from a point cloud scene and are matched to the model features. After the voting scheme, potential poses of the object are retrieved. The poses end being clustered together and post-processed to finally deliver a result. The program was tested using simulated and real data. We evaluate these tests and present the final results, by discussing the achieved accuracy of the detections and the estimated poses.
Die Ukraine sieht seit dem Euromaidan im Jahr 2014 ihre Zukunft in einer stabilen Veran-kerung im westlichen Wertesystem. Für die EU ist die Ukraine ein priority partner und damit von besonderem Gewicht. Deshalb lag es folgerichtig im Interesse der EU, die Ukra-ine nach Kräften auf diesem Weg zu unterstützen.
Die wissenschaftliche Forschung zur EU-Demokratieförderung konzentrierte sich bis-her im Wesentlichen auf Staaten mit konkreter EU-Beitrittsperspektive. Sie kam zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Erfolg der Demokratieförderung maßgeblich von der Konditionierung eines EU-Beitritts getragen war. Damit konnte dieser Erfolg der EU als dominanter Träger der Demokratieförderung zugeordnet werden.
Mit dem Fokus auf Staaten ohne EU-Beitrittsperspektive entfällt diese Konditionie-rung. Auch weitere Akteure traten bei der Demokratieförderung hinzu, und die Wirksam-keit der Demokratieförderung kann nicht mehr der EU direkt zugeordnet werden. Es ent-stand also eine Forschungslücke, in welcher Weise jetzt die Wirksamkeit der EU-Demokratieförderung analysiert werden kann. Die vorliegende Studie greift diese For-schungslücke auf.
Zunächst wird analysiert, welcher Demokratiestatus der Ukraine und welche Defizite sich für den Untersuchungszeitraum ermitteln lassen. Im Anschluss erfolgt die Analyse der EU-Demokratieförderung auf der Grundlage einer eigens dafür entworfenen Definition von kohärenter Strategie, die eine statische und eine dynamische Dimension abbildet.
Die statische Dimension geht der Frage nach, ob die Zielsetzungen und Vorhaben der EU-Demokratieförderung auf die Demokratiedefizite zugeschnitten waren. Die dynami-sche Dimension des Transformationsprozesses beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob das jewei-lige Vorgehen den Prinzipien aus sozialkonstruktivistischer Perspektive folgte. Mit dieser sozialkonstruktivistischen Perspektive wird ein Weg aufgezeigt, wie man ohne eine EU-Beitritts-Konditionierung die Transformation demokratischer Werte und Normen erfolg-reich ausgestalten kann.
Das Ergebnis ist, dass die EU-Strategie der Demokratieförderung zwar mit ihren Ziel-setzungen und Vorhaben auf die Demokratiedefizite der Ukraine ausgerichtet war, aber auch, dass das Vorgehen in einem Fall nicht den Prinzipien aus sozialkonstruktivistischer Perspektive entsprach. Diesem Vorgehen lag keine kohärente EU-Strategie zugrunde.
Die Analyse auf der Ebene der Strategie lässt der EU-Demokratieförderung keine di-rekte Wirkung zuweisen, da auch andere Akteure eine Wirkung entfalten. Auf der Ebene eines konkreten Reformprojekts konnte dann der Nachweis geführt werden, dass die De-zen-tralisierungsreform direkt der EU zugeordnet werden kann, das Vorgehen den Prinzi-pien aus sozialkonstruktivistischer Perspektive folgt und eine positive Wirkung entfaltet.
Begünstigt wurde dieser Erfolg, da er sich auf demokratische Werte und Normen ab-stützen konnte, die in überdurchschnittlicher Ausprägung bereits vorhanden waren. Dar-über hinaus wurde aufgezeigt, dass dieses Projekt eine breit gefächerte potenzielle Wirkung auf den Reformprozess in Richtung Demokratie entfaltet.
Die Dissertation wurde am 14. Dezember 2021 abgeschlossen und an der Universität Koblenz-Landau eingereicht. Im Nachgang bietet ein „Postskript“ mit Datum September 2022 unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Entwicklungen eine Perspektive für weiterführende Forschungsfragen.
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) hat sich in den letzten Jahren in der Gesellschaft stark ver-breitet und auch in Unternehmen einen zunehmenden Einsatz gefunden. Bekannt für den Einsatz sind meistens große internationale Konzerne, welche eine führende Position in den Märkten einnehmen. Um Deutschland als KI-Standort zu stärken, hat deshalb die Bundesregierung 2018 beschlossen, mit 5 Milliarden Euro deutsche Unternehmen in der Verwendung von KI zu fördern. Stand September 2021 wurden von diesen allerdings nur 346 Millionen abgerufen, wodurch sich die Frage stellt, wie besonders kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMUs) in Deutschland mit dem Thema KI umgehen.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es deshalb, die Perspektive der KMUs auf Akzeptanzkriterien, Hindernisse und Potenziale des Einsatzes von KI zu untersuchen. Um die Forschungs-fragen zu beantworten, wurde eine qualitative Interviewstudie mit fünf KMUs durchge-führt, welche im Anschluss mit dem Ansatz der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach May-ring ausgewertet wurde.
Die Arbeit zeigt, dass Unternehmen ein großes Interesse am Thema KI haben und sich der Einsatz immer weiter verbreitet. KMUs sehen viel Potenzial durch den Einsatz der neuen Technologie, sehen aber noch einige Hindernisse, die es zu überwinden gilt.
The decline of biodiversity can be observed worldwide and its consequences are alarming. It is therefore crucial that nature must be protected and, where possible, restored. A wide variety of different project options are possible. Yet in the context of limited availability of resources, the selection of the most efficient measures is increasingly important. For this purpose, there is still a lack of information. This pertains, as outlined in the next paragraph, in particular, to information at different scales of projects.
Firstly, there is a lack of information on the concrete added value of biodiversity protection projects. Secondly, there is a lack of information on the actual impacts of such projects and on the costs and benefits associated with a project. Finally, there is a lack of information on the links between the design of a project, the associated framework conditions and the perception of specific impacts. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by providing more information on the three scales by means of three empirical studies on three different biodiversity protection projects in order to help optimize future projects.
The first study “Assessing the trade-offs in more nature-friendly mosquito control in the Upper Rhine region” examines the added value of a more nature-friendly mosquito control in the Upper Rhine Valley of Germany using a contingent valuation method. Recent studies show that the widely used biocide Bti, which is used as the main mosquito control agent in many parts of the world, has more negative effects on nature than previously expected. However, it is not yet clear whether the population supports a more nature-friendly mosquito control, as such an adaptation could potentially lead to higher nuisance. This study attempts to answer this question by assessing the willingness to pay for an adapted mosquito control strategy that reduces the use of Bti, while maintaining nuisance protection within settlements. The results show that the majority of the surveyed population attaches a high value to a more nature-friendly mosquito control and is willing to accept a higher nuisance outside of the villages.
The second study “Inner city river restoration projects: the role of project components for acceptance” examines the acceptance of a river restoration project in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Despite much effort, many rivers worldwide are still in poor condition. Therefore, a rapid implementation of river restoration projects is of great importance. In this context, acceptance by society plays a fundamental role, however, the factors determining such acceptance are still poorly understood. In particular, the complex interplay between the acceptance or rejection of specific project components and the acceptance of the overall project require further exploration. This study addresses this knowledge gap by assessing the acceptance of the project, its various ecological and social components, and the perception of real and fictitious costs as well as the benefits of the components. Our findings demonstrate that while acceptance of the overall project is generally rather high, many respondents reject one or more of the project's components. Complementary social project components, like a playground, find less support than purely ecological components. Overall, our research shows that complementary components may increase or decrease acceptance of the overall project. We, furthermore, found that differences in the acceptance of the individual components depend on individual concerns, such as perceived flood risk, construction costs, expected noise and littering as well as the quality of communication, attachment to the site, and the age of the respondents.
The third study “What determines preferences for semi-natural habitats in agrarian landscapes? A choice-modelling approach across two countries using attributes characterizing vegetation” investigates people's aesthetic preferences for semi-natural habitats in agricultural landscapes. The EU-Common Agricultural Policy promotes the introduction of woody and grassy semi-natural habitats (SNH) in agricultural landscapes. While the benefits of these structures in terms of regulating ecosystem services are already well understood, the effects of SNH on visual landscape quality is still not clear. This study investigates the factors determining people’s visual preferences in the context of grassy and woody SNH elements in Swiss and Hungarian landscapes using picture-based choice experiments. The results suggest that respondents’ choices strongly depend on specific vegetation characteristics that appear and disappear over the year. In particular, flowers as a source of colours and green vegetation as well as ordered structure and the proportion of uncovered soil in the picture play an important role regarding respondents’ aesthetic perceptions of the pictures.
The three empirical studies can help to make future projects in the study areas of biodiversity protection more efficient. While this thesis highlights the importance of exploring biodiversity protection projects at different scales, further analyses of the different scales of biodiversity protection projects are needed to provide a sound basis to develop guidance on identifying the most efficient biodiversity protection projects.
Instructor feedback on written assignments is one of the most important elements in the writing process, especially for students writing in English as a foreign language. However, students are often critical of both the amount and quality of the feedback they receive. In order to better understand what makes feedback effective, this study explored the nature of students’ assessments of the educational alliance, and how their receptivity to, perceptions of, and decisions about using their instructors’ feedback differed depending on how strong they believed the educational alliance to be. This exploratory case study found that students not only assessed the quality of the educational alliance based on goal compatibility, task relevance, and teacher effectiveness, but that there was also a reciprocal relationship between these elements. Furthermore, students’ perceptions of the educational alliance directly influenced how they perceived the feedback, which made the instructor’s choice of feedback method largely irrelevant. Stronger educational alliances resulted in higher instances of critical engagement, intrinsic motivation, and feelings of self-efficacy. The multidirectional influence of goal, task, and bond mean that instructors who want to maximize their feedback efforts need to attend to all three.
This thesis deals with the question of which success factors apply to social media marketing. German start-up companies are examined for this purpose. The investigation is based on ten semi-structured expert interviews, which are evaluated using a qualitative content analysis. The results show that there are many success factors and that companies proceed differently in many areas when implementing social media marketing measures. Important success factors are a tailor-made, company-specific social media strategy with a clear formulation of goals, integration of social media marketing into the corporate strategy, openness to new social media trends, credibility and reputation, compliance with data protection, the correct handling of criticism, use of social media as a market research tool and a long-term social media strategy. However, the significance of the results should not be overestimated, since this is a qualitative study with a limited range and only examines individual cases. Further research on the success factors could be based on quantitative studies or group discussions in which experts or users or customers are interviewed. Another possibility is the qualitative examination of the user-generated content.