Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (93)
- Article (2)
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- Conference Proceedings (1)
- Habilitation (1)
- Part of Periodical (1)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (9)
- Pestizid (7)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- ecotoxicology (4)
- Grundwasserfauna (3)
- Insektizid (3)
- Pesticides (3)
- agriculture (3)
- pesticide (3)
- pesticides (3)
- Fachbereich 7 (99) (remove)
Recent EU-frameworks enforce the implementation of risk mitigation measures for nonpoint-source pesticide pollution in surface waters. Vegetated surface flow treatments systems (VTS) can be a way to mitigate risk of adverse effects in the aquatic ecosystems following unavoidable pollution after rainfall-related runoff events. Studies in experimental wetland cells and vegetated ditch mesocosms with common fungicides, herbicides and insecticides were performed to assess efficiency of VTS. Comprehensive monitoring of fungicide exposure after rainfall-related runoff events and reduction of pesticide concentrations within partially optimised VTS was performed from 2006-2009 at five vegetated detention ponds and two vegetated ditches in the wine growing region of the Southern Palatinate (SW-Germany).
Influence of plant density, size related parameters and pesticide properties in the performance of the experimental devices, and the monitored systems were the focus of the analysis. A spatial tool for prediction of pesticide pollution of surface waters after rainfall-related runoff events was programmed in a geographic information system (GIS). A sophisticated and high resolution database on European scale was built for simulation. With the results of the experiments, the monitoring campaign and further results of the EU-Life Project ArtWET mitigation measures were implemented in a georeferenced spatial decision support system. The database for the GIS tools was built with open data. The REXTOX (ratio of exposure to toxicity) Risk Indicator, which was proposed by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), was extended, and used for modeling the risk of rainfall-related runoff exposure to pesticides, for all agricultural waterbodies on European scale. Results show good performance of VTS. The vegetated ditches and wetland cells of the experimental systems showed a very high reduction of more than 90% of pesticide concentrations and potential adverse effects. Vegetated ditches and wetland cells performed significantly better than devices without vegetation. Plant density and sorptivity of the pesticide were the variables with the highest explanatory power regarding the response variable reduction of concentrations. In the experimental vegetated ditches 65% of the reduction of peak concentrations was explained with plant density and KOC. The monitoring campaign showed that concentrations of the fungicides and potential adverse effects of the mixtures were reduced significantly within vegetated ditches (Median 56%) and detention ponds (Median 38%) systems. Regression analysis with data from the monitoring campaign identified plant density and size related properties as explanatory variables for mitigation efficiency (DP: R²=0.57, p<0.001; VD:
R²=0.19, p<0.001). Results of risk model runs are the input for the second tool, simulating three risk mitigation measures. VTS as risk mitigation measures are implemented using the results for plant density and size related performance of the experimental and monitoring studies, supported by additional data from the ArtWET project. Based on the risk tool, simulations can be performed for single crops, selected regions, different pesticide compounds and rainfall events. Costs for implementation of the mitigation measures are estimated. Experiments and monitoring, with focus on the whole range of pesticides, provide novel information on VTS for pesticide pollution. The monitoring campaign also shows that fungicide pollution may affect surface waters. Tools developed for this study are easy to use and are not only a good base for further spatial analysis but are also useful as decision support of the non-scientific community. On a large scale, the tools on the one hand can help to compute external costs of pesticide use with simulation of mitigation costs on three levels, on the other hand feasible measures mitigating or remediating the effects of nonpoint-source pollution can be identified for implementation. Further study of risk of adverse effects caused by fungicide pollution and long-time performance of optimised VTS is needed.