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So far VNUML (Virtual Network User Mode Linux) has been used by the group for Computer Networks at the University of Koblenz in such a way as to test its own protocol enhancement for RIP (Routing Information Protocol) on strengths and weaknesses. The modified version of RIP is called RMTI (RIP with minimal topology information). In particular, special test scenarios have been used to investigate wether a Count-to-Infinity (CTI) problem can be completely avoided and how quickly the network converges after the failure or breakdown of a router. Tius thesis investigates whether the MTI enhancement also provides for better performance in larger networks. Furthermore, it will be investigated if it is worth using the script tool EDIV ((spanish: Escenarios DIstribuidos con VNUML, english: Distributed Scenarios using VNUML) due to its enhanced scalability and whether the distribution of an XML scenario on several computers has a significant impact on the convergence time. Apart from simulations, test scenarios will be developed and tested in order to generate results about the efficiency and scalability of the Distance Vector Routing Protocol.