Year of publication
- 2016 (3) (remove)
- Institut für Management (3)
- Fachbereich 4 (2)
Die Reputation von Unternehmen ist einer zunehmenden Gefahr ausgesetzt, die sich aus der (unreflektierten) Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke durch die eigenen Mitarbeiter ergibt. Die Treiber und Hemmnisse eines solchen Nutzerverhaltens von Arbeitnehmern in sozialen Netzwerken wurden bislang nur unzureichend erforscht. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht unter Verwendung der Boundary Theorie am Beispiel der Plattform Facebook, inwieweit die Persönlichkeitsmerkmale Neurotizismus und Extraversion, die Organisationsidentifikation und die Unternehmensreputation ein zustimmendes Verhalten von Nutzern begünstigen. Eine experimentelle Online-Studie mit 494 Probanden zeigt, dass insbesondere eine hohe Unternehmensreputation und Organisationsidentifikation zu einem erhöhten zustimmenden Verhalten führen.
Digital happiness
Emotions in the digital world gain more and more importance by the accelerating digitalization of recent years. In everyday life as well as professional and educational environments, the use of media is almost inescapable. This work takes a closer look to the still relatively unknown topic, “Digital Happiness“. In the literature emotions in the digital world are studied increasingly, but concerning the topic of “Digital Happiness” there are not many insights.
In this research the differences between communicating emotions through digital media and face-to-face communications, as well as their impacts, are investigated. The perception and expression of emotions in the real and digital world are considered. Furthermore, a first definition of “Digital Happiness” and a model with the associated determinants that influence “Digital Happiness” is developed.
To achieve these goals, a literature analysis by the method of Webster & Watson (2002) is performed. Therefore, 15 articles are selected and analyzed in more detail to illustrate the current state of research. These articles are organized into a concept matrix. In addition, special phenomena, such as Quantified Self, are closely considered in order to determine other factors. Based on the literature analysis, a qualitative study by the method of Mayring (2014) is performed. It is developed into an interview guideline that serves as the basis for the investigation of the established determinants of the literature analysis. This is confirmed or refuted by 30 interviews with users of information and communication technologies. With the help of the interviews, a large part of the determinants in the literature can be confirmed. Moreover, some new determinants are identified. These results are included into the final model. This model provides a basis for further research in the field of “Digital Happiness“. Finally, different implications for research and practice are found, which reveal the need of further research.
In order to enhance the company’s appeal for potential employees and improve the satisfaction of already salaried workers, it is necessary to offer a variety of work-life balance measures. But as their implementation causes time and financial costs, a prioritization of measures is needed. To express a recommendation for companies, this study is led by the questions if there are work-life balance measures which have more impact on employee satisfaction than others, how big the relative impact of work-life balance measures on job satisfaction in comparison to other work and private life variables is, if there is a relation between the effectiveness of measures and their use and if there is a difference between the measures which are most important from the employees’ perspective and the companies’ offers.
These questions are formulated in eight research hypotheses which are examined in a quantitative research design with online survey data from 289 employees of fifteen different German companies. The formation of a hierarchy of the effectiveness of measures towards job satisfaction as well as the investigation of the relative impact in comparison to other variables is performed using a multiple regression analysis, whilst the differences between employees’ expectations and the availability of offers are examined with t-tests.
Support in childcare, support in voluntary activities and teambuilding events have a significantly higher impact on job satisfaction than other work-life balance measures, and their potential use is higher than the actual use which leads to the conclusion that there is yet potential for companies to improve their employees’ satisfaction by implementing these measures. In addition, flexible work hours, flexible work locations and free time and overtime accounts are the most important measures from the employees’ point of view and already widely offered by the surveyed companies. In general, the overall use of the available measures and the quantity of offered measures are more important with regard to job satisfaction than the specific kind of measure. In addition, work-life balance measures are more important towards job satisfaction for younger people.