Stylized image triangulation
Stylized image triangulation is a popular tool of image processing. Results can be found on magazine covers or bought as a piece of art. Common use cases are filters by mobile apps or programs dedicated to automated triangulation. This thesis is based upon a paper that achieves new results formulating the adaptive dynamic triangulation as optimization problem. With this approach, new results concerning visual and technical quality are accomplished. One aim of this thesis is to make this approach accessible to as many users as possible. To reach users, a mobile app called Mesh is designed and implemented. A client-host-system is presented which relieves the app from computing the result requiring a lot of resources. Therefore, transferring the approach to a CPU based solution is part of the thesis. Also, a webserver is implemented that handles the communication between app and algorithm. “Mesh” enables the user to send a arbitrary image to the server whose result can be downloaded.
Part of the research deals with optimizing the method. As the main step, the gradient descent method, which minimizes an approximation error, is examined with three different approaches re-defining the movement of a point: The limitation of the directions of movement in a meaningful manner, diagonal directions and a dynamically repositioning of points are analyzed. Results show no improvement of visual quality using diagonal instead of horizontal and vertical steps. Disallowing a point to take its last position, the limitation of step opportunities results in a loss of visual quality but reaches an intended global error earlier. The dynamically repositioning rests upon a vectorbased solution that weights the directions and applies a factor to each of them. This results in a longer computational time but also in a higher visual quality.
Inspired by the work of Josh Bryan, another part of research aims at imitating an artists style. With the use of pseudo-random events combined with a geometryshader, a more natural look shall be achieved. This method illustrates a way of adding minor details to a rendering. To imitate an artist's work, a more complex and more precise triangulation is needed. As the last aspect, a renderstyle is presented. The style uses a center for its effect moving the triangles of a triangulation apart. The arbitrary choice of placing the centrum enables the renderstyle to be used in animations.