This scientific paper deals with the question to which extend the increasing digitization has an impact on work-life balance. Answering this question is the main goal of this study.
To reach this goal a literature review is made, in which it is possible to create a direct correlation between the subjective feel of work-life balance and the perceived stress level. With the help of Antonovsky’s salutogenesis model (1997) from the stress research field, factors are ascertained which determine the perceived stress level and linked with that the perceived work-life balance. These stress-influencing factors are examined through a qualitative content analysis by Mayring (2014) on a base of a problem-centered interview.
The results suggest that the digitization has impact on all these ascertained factors and linked to them on the work-life balance. This shows, that the digitization influences us in almost every aspect of work or private life. Whether this impact is positive or negative towards the work life balance depends on the individual, that assesses this factor. Clear distinctions can be made between people working in an IT-based job and those that do not. In comparison, people with IT-based jobs perceive a substantial better impact of digitization on work-life balance.