Document Type
- Diploma Thesis (1)
- Part of Periodical (1)
- Study Thesis (1)
- Autonome Exploration (1)
- Autonomous Exploration (1)
- Colonoscopy (1)
- Darmspiegelung (1)
- Explorationstransformation (1)
- Exporation Transform (1)
- Koloskopie (1)
- Mobile Roboter (1)
- Mobile Robots (1)
- Path transformation (1)
- Pfadtransformation (1)
- Polypendetektion (1)
- Rescue Robots (1)
- Rettungsroboter (1)
- RoboCup Rescue (1)
- Robotik (1)
- Tracking-System (1)
- Unterwasser-Pipeline (1)
- Unterwasserfahrzeug (1)
- Unterwasserkabel (1)
- polyp detection (1)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (3) (remove)
The automatic detection of position and orientation of subsea cables and pipelines in camera images enables underwater vehicles to make autonomous inspections. Plants like algae growing on top and nearby cables and pipelines however complicate their visual detection: the determination of the position via border detection followed by line extraction often fails. Probabilistic approaches are here superior to deterministic approaches. Through modeling probabilities it is possible to make assumptions on the state of the system even if the number of extracted features is small. This work introduces a new tracking system for cable/pipeline following in image sequences which is based on particle filters. Extensive experiments on realistic underwater videos show robustness and performance of this approach and demonstrate advantages over previous works.
Autonomous exhaustive exploration of unknown indoor environments with the mobile robot "Robbie"
Rettungsroboter helfen nach Katastrophen wie z.B. Erdbeben dabei, in zerstörten Gebäuden Überlebende zu finden. Die Aufgabe, die Umgebung effizient möglichst vollständig abzusuchen und dabei eine Karte zu erstellen, die den Rettungskräften bei der Bergung der Opfer zur Orientierung dient, soll der Roboter autonom erfüllen. Hierzu wird eine Explorationsstrategie benötigt; eine Strategie zur Navigation in bekanntem und zur Erkundung von unbekanntem Gelände. Für den mobilen Roboter "Robbie" der Arbeitsgruppe Aktives Sehen wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Grenzen-basierter Ansatz zur Lösung des Explorationsproblems ausgewählt und implementiert. Hierzu werden Grenzen zu unbekanntem Gelände aus der Karte, die der Roboter erstellt, extrahiert und angefahren. Grundlage der Navigation zu einem so gefundenen Wegpunkt bildet die sog. Pfad-Transformation (Path-Transform).
Colonoscopy is one of the best methods for screening colon cancer. As the automatic detection of polyps in endoscopic images is a challenging task for image processing, a variety of research groups have proposed methods that try to fulfill this task to develop a system which supports the doctors during examination. However, the problem is still "at least partially" not solved. This paper gives a summary of 16 different polyp detection methods published in the last ten years. We found out that the major draw-back of many approaches is the lack of representative video data, which hinders comparison and evaluation of the published methods.