- Außerschulische Lernorte (1)
- BNE (1)
- BNE-Kriterien (1)
- Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (1)
- Lernortlandschaft (1)
There has been little research on out-of-school places of learning and their effec-tiveness in the context of ESD education measures. With the help of a multi-stage analysis, this study identifies out-of-school places of learning with reference to the ESD education concept in the Rhineland-Palatinate study area. To this end, qualita-tive literature analyses were first used to generate ESD criteria, which were opera-tionalised as a methodological instrument in the form of an ESD checklist for out-of-school places of learning. The data obtained in this way provide the basis for the creation of a geographically oriented learning location database with ESD refer-ence. A cartographic visualisation of the data results in a spatial distribution pattern: Thus, there are districts and cities that are well supplied with ESD learning loca-tions, but also real ESD learning location deserts where there is a need to catch up. Furthermore, there is an accumulation of ESD learning sites in areas close to for-ests.
A guideline-based explorative interview with two ESD experts provides additional insights into the question of how ESD has been implemented in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the extent to which there is a need for optimisation, and which continuing measures are being taken for ESD outside schools within the framework of Agenda 2030.
In addition, a quantitative questionnaire study was carried out with 1358 pupils at 30 out-of-school places of learning after participation in an educational measure, in which environmental awareness, attitudes towards environmental behaviour and local learning were also considered. By including non-ESD learning locations, a comparative study on the effectiveness of ESD learning locations became possible. The statistical data evaluation leads to a variety of interesting results. Contra-intuitively, for instance, the type of learning location (ESD or non-ESD learning lo-cation) is not a significant predictor for the environmental awareness and environ-mental behaviour of the surveyed students, whereas communication structures within educational measures at extracurricular learning locations, the multimediality and action orientation and the duration of educational measures have a significant influence.
Keywords: extracurricular learning locations, education for sustainable develop-ment (ESD), ESD criteria, learning location landscape Rhineland-Palatinate, ESD learning locations, environmental awareness, environmental behaviour.