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Concept for a Knowledge Base on ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling regarding eGovPoliNet
Abstract The EU project eGovPoliNet is engaged in research and development in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) for governance and policy modelling. Numerous communities pursue similar goals in this field of IT-based, strategic decision making and simulation of social problem areas. Though, the existing research approaches and results so far are quite fragmented. The aim of eGovPoliNet is to overcome the fragmentation across disciplines and to establish an international, open dialogue by fostering the cooperation between research and practice. This dialogue will advance the discussion and development of various problem areas with the help of researchers from different disciplines, who share knowledge, expertise and best practice supporting policy analysis, modelling and governance. To support this dialogue, eGovPoliNet will provide a knowledge base, which's conceptual development is the subject of this thesis. The knowledge base is to be filled with content from the area of ICT for strategic decision making and social simulation, such as publications, ICT solutions and project descriptions. This content needs to be structured, organised and managed in a way, so that it generates added value and the knowledge base is used as source of accumulated knowledge, which consolidates the previously fragmented research and development results in a central location.
The aim of this thesis is the development of a concept for a knowledge base, which provides the structure and the necessary functionalities to gather and process knowledge concerning ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling. This knowledge needs to be made available to users and thereby motivate them to contribute to the development and maintenance of the knowledge base.