Artificial neural networks is a popular field of research in artificial intelli-
gence. The increasing size and complexity of huge models entail certain
problems. The lack of transparency of the inner workings of a neural net-
work makes it difficult to choose efficient architectures for different tasks.
It proves to be challenging to solve these problems, and with a lack of in-
sightful representations of neural networks, this state of affairs becomes
entrenched. With these difficulties in mind a novel 3D visualization tech-
nique is introduced. Attributes for trained neural networks are estimated
by utilizing established methods from the area of neural network optimiza-
tion. Batch normalization is used with fine-tuning and feature extraction to
estimate the importance of different parts of the neural network. A combi-
nation of the importance values with various methods like edge bundling,
ray tracing, 3D impostor and a special transparency technique results in a
3D model representing a neural network. The validity of the extracted im-
portance estimations is demonstrated and the potential of the developed
visualization is explored.