The distributed setting of RDF stores in the cloud poses many challenges. One such challenge is how the data placement on the compute nodes can be optimized to improve the query performance. To address this challenge, several evaluations in the literature have investigated the effects of existing data placement strategies on the query performance. A common drawback in theses evaluations is that it is unclear whether the observed behaviors were caused by the data placement strategies (if different RDF stores were evaluated as a whole) or reflect the behavior in distributed RDF stores (if cloud processing frameworks like Hadoop MapReduce are used for the evaluation). To overcome these limitations, this thesis develops a novel benchmarking methodology for data placement strategies that uses a data-placement-strategy-independent distributed RDF store to analyze the effect of the data placement strategies on query performance.
With this evaluation methodology the frequently used data placement strategies have been evaluated. This evaluation challenged the commonly held belief that data placement strategies that emphasize local computation, such as minimal edge-cut cover, lead to faster query executions. The results indicate that queries with a high workload may be executed faster on hash-based data placement strategies than on, e.g., minimal edge-cut covers. The analysis of the additional measurements indicates that vertical parallelization (i.e., a well-distributed workload) may be more important than horizontal containment (i.e., minimal data transport) for efficient query processing.
Moreover, to find a data placement strategy with a high vertical parallelization, the thesis tests the hypothesis that collocating small connected triple sets on the same compute node while balancing the amount of triples stored on the different compute nodes leads to a high vertical parallelization. Specifically, the thesis proposes two such data placement strategies. The first strategy called overpartitioned minimal edge-cut cover was found in the literature and the second strategy is the newly developed molecule hash cover. The evaluation revealed a balanced query workload and a high horizontal containment, which lead to a high vertical parallelization. As a result these strategies showed a better query performance than the frequently used data placement strategies.
The publication of freely available and machine-readable information has increased significantly in the last years. Especially the Linked Data initiative has been receiving a lot of attention. Linked Data is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and anybody can simply publish their data in RDF and link it to other datasets. The structure is similar to the World Wide Web where individual HTML documents are connected with links. Linked Data entities are identified by URIs which are dereferenceable to retrieve information describing the entity. Additionally, so called SPARQL endpoints can be used to access the data with an algebraic query language (SPARQL) similar to SQL. By integrating multiple SPARQL endpoints it is possible to create a federation of distributed RDF data sources which acts like one big data store.
In contrast to the federation of classical relational database systems there are some differences for federated RDF data. RDF stores are accessed either via SPARQL endpoints or by resolving URIs. There is no coordination between RDF data sources and machine-readable meta data about a source- data is commonly limited or not available at all. Moreover, there is no common directory which can be used to discover RDF data sources or ask for sources which offer specific data. The federation of distributed and linked RDF data sources has to deal with various challenges. In order to distribute queries automatically, suitable data sources have to be selected based on query details and information that is available about the data sources. Furthermore, the minimization of query execution time requires optimization techniques that take into account the execution cost for query operators and the network communication overhead for contacting individual data sources. In this thesis, solutions for these problems are discussed. Moreover, SPLENDID is presented, a new federation infrastructure for distributed RDF data sources which uses optimization techniques based on statistical information.