- Akkreditierung (1)
- Informatik (1)
- Online-Befragung (1)
- Qualität (1)
- Umfrage (1)
- computer science (1)
- online survey (1)
- quality (1)
- survey (1)
Within the scope of this bachelor thesis, a survey targeting the alumni of the Department 4: Computer Science of the University of Koblenz-Landau was planned, realized and evaluated. The goal was to support the Task Force Bachelor Master that was in charge of the re-accreditation process of the study courses. At first, the theoretical fundament of the survey design was acquired via desk research. Moreover, the analysis of past surveys of similar character lead to getting an impression of the requirements. Under consideration of recent changes, a survey prototype was created and improved following the insights from a pre-test. Using the open source tool LimeSurvey, the final version was implemented. The platform was used as the technical basis of the survey. The recipients included members of alumni clubs as well as recent alumni from the last years.
The survey lead to insights about the satisfaction of the alumni with their study course and the study situation in general. Furthermore, the opinion regarding two new master courses, E-Government and Web Science, was requested. The feedback from four of the study courses was enough to give significant results, for the other five courses it was only possible to interpret the general statements. All in all, there was a high rate of satisfaction with the studies.
Additionally, it was possible to collect suggestions for improvements and criticism. The main topics were internationality, emphasis on study topics, freedom of choice/specialization and relevancy to practice. As a result of the survey, a recommendation was verbalized, that should lead to an improvement in quality and need of the teaching in the Department 4: Computer Science in combination with the detailed results.