Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (7)
- Master's Thesis (3)
- Immersion (2)
- AR (1)
- Augmented Reality (1)
- Cybersickness (1)
- Maschinelles Lernen (1)
- Motion Sickness (1)
- Raumplanung (1)
- VR (1)
- Virtual Reality (1)
- Virtuelle Realität (1)
Tracking is an integral part of many modern applications, especially in areas like autonomous systems and Augmented Reality. For performing tracking there are a wide array of approaches. One that has become a subject of research just recently is the utilization of Neural Networks. In the scope of this master thesis an application will be developed which uses such a Neural Network for the tracking process. This also requires the creation of training data as well as the creation and training of a Neural Network. Subsequently the usage of Neural Networks for tracking will be analyzed and evaluated. This includes several aspects. The quality of the tracking for different degrees of freedom will be checked as well as the the impact of the Neural Network on the applications performance. Additionally the amount of required training data is investigated, the influence of the network architecture and the importance of providing depth data as part of the networks input. This should provide an insight into how relevant this approach could be for its adoption in future products.
This thesis is about the design and the implementation of a virtual reality experience. The goal is to answer two questions: Is it possible to create an immersive virtual reality experience which is mainly using impulses and triggers to scare and frighten users? Secondly, is this immersion strong enough to create an illusion in which the user can't separate the real world from the virtual world? To realise this project the design program Unity3D as well as Visual Studios 2017 were used. Furthermore, in order to verify that the experience is indeed immersive for the user, an experiment with a sample size of seven people was created. Afterwards the candidates were interviewed via a questionnaire how they felt during the virtual reality application. As a result the study showed that the application has tendencies to be immersive but the users were still aware of the situation. It can be concluded that the immersion was not strong enough to fool users regarding the separation of virtual and real world.
In order to plan the interior of a room, various programs for computers,
smart phones or head-mounted displays are available. The transfer to the
real environment is a difficult task. Therefore an augmented reality approach
is developed to illustrate the planning in the real room. If several
people want to contribute their ideas, conventional systems require to
work on one device together. The aim of this master thesis is to design and
develop a collaborative spatial planning application in augmented reality.
The application is developed in Unity with ARCore and C#.
This bachelor thesis implements a system for camera tracking based on a particle filter. For this purpose, a marker tracking is realized and the camera position is calculated based on the marker position. The marker is to be found with a particle filter and in order to accomplish this possible marker positions are simulated, also called particles, and weighted with Likelyhood-Functions. The focus lies on the evaluation of different Likelihood-Functions of the particle filter. The Likelyhood functions were implemented in CUDA as part of the implementation.
This bachelor thesis investigates the utilization of the Wii Balance Board
in virtual reality applications. For the investigation a snowboard game is
implemented, in which the virtual avatar can be controlled with the pressure
sensors of the Wii Balance Board. The user should be able to move
playfully and intuitively through the virtual environment by balancing his
body. The immersiveness and the influence on motion sickness and cybersickness
will be investigated. In Addition, the Wii Balance Board will be
compared with the Xbox Controller. The aim of the work is to evaluate
whether the Wii Balance Board is able to allow free movement in virtual
environments and whether it is more advantageous to use it rather than
a conventional controller. The results of the survey indicate that the Wii
Balance Board has a positive influence on the immersivness of the game,
despite better game results by using a conventional controller. The survey
also reveals that the use of the Wii Balance Board is responsible for more
motion-sickness/cybersickness cases.
This Bachelor thesis describes the conception, implementation and evaluation of a playful augmented reality application for mobile devices. Building on the ARCore SDK, the game pARcours was developed, where the player can place virtual objects in the real environment to build their own parcours. This must be flown through with a likewise virtual aircraft. The main focus in the implementation of the game was on the interaction with the virtual objects and the collision detection of these with real surfaces. Furthermore, various input methods for building the parcours and controlling the aircrafts were examined. In a final evaluation both the game and the various input methods could be evaluated, as well as ARCore with regard to the development of augmented reality applications.
With the appearance of modern virtual reality (VR) headsets on the consumer market, there has been the biggest boom in the history of VR technology. Naturally, this was accompanied by an increasing focus on the problems of current VR hardware. Especially the control in VR has always been a complex topic.
One possible solution is the Leap Motion, a hand tracking device that was initially developed for desktop use, but with the last major software update it can be attached to standard VR headsets. This device allows very precise tracking of the user’s hands and fingers and their replication in the virtual world.
The aim of this work is to design virtual user interfaces that can be operated with the Leap Motion to provide a natural method of interaction between the user and the VR environment. After that, subject tests are performed to evaluate their performance and compare them to traditional VR controllers.
In dieser Arbeit wird ein System zur Erzeugung und Darstellung stereoskopischen Video-Panoramen vorgestellt. Neben der theoretischen Grundlagen werden der Aufbau und die Funktionsweise dieses Systems erläutert.
Dazu werden spezielle Kameras verwendet, die Panoramen aufnehmen
können und zur Wiedergabe synchronisiert werden. Anschließend wird ein Renderer implementiert, welcher die Panoramen mithilfe einer VirtualReality Brille stereoskopisch darstellen kann. Dafür werden separate Aufnahmen für die beiden Augen gemacht und getrennt wiedergegeben. Zum Abschluss wird das entstandene Video-Panorama mit einem Panorama eines schon bestehenden Systems verglichen.
Ist es möglich, allein mittels VR-Headset bei Nutzern Immersion zu
erzeugen? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage werden zwei Simulationen einer
Achterbahnfahrt ohne haptisches Feedback mittels der Unreal Engine
4.20.3 für ein HTC-Vive VR Headset entwickelt und implementiert. Die
zweite Simulation unterscheidet sich von der ersten durch die Darbietung
außergewöhnlicher Ereignisse während der Fahrt, für die vermutet wird,
dass sie das Immersionserleben verstärken. Elf Probanden nahmen an der
Untersuchung teil. Die Auswertung eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung der
Intensität der Immersion und der Antworten auf offenen Fragen zeigt, dass
Immersion in beiden Simulation erfolgreich erzeugt werden konnte. Manche
Merkmale der Simulation vertieften bei einzelnen Probanden das immersive
Erleben, bei anderen dagegen nicht. Die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse
und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten für künftige Studien werden diskutiert.
Im Bereich der Computergraphik bilden die Nicht-Photorealistischen Renderingverfahren einen Schwerpunkt in der technischen und wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung, vor allem aber in den künstlerischen Bereichen. Verschiedene Kunststile, sowie Zeichenmaterialien und ihre Eigenschaften stellen unterschiedliche Herausforderungen dar. Eine dieser Herausforderungen ist hierbei die Simulation flüssiger Zeichenmittel.
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Erstellung eines interaktiven Zeichensystems für ein flüssiges Zeichenmittel, der Aquarellmalerei. Für die Simulation wird eine raue Zeichengrundlage generiert, sowie die Fluid Simulation und das optische Farbverhalten der Aquarellmalerei implementiert.