Year of publication
- 2015 (13) (remove)
Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (10)
- Master's Thesis (3)
- OpenGL (3)
- Android (2)
- Compute Shader (2)
- Grafikkarte (2)
- 360 Grad (1)
- 360 degree (1)
- Android development (1)
- Androidentwicklung (1)
- Applikation (1)
- Augmented Reality (1)
For definite isolation and classification of important features in 3D multi-attribute volume data, multidimensional transfer functions are inalienable. Yet, when using multiple dimensions, the comprehension of the data and the interaction with it become a challenge. That- because neither the control of the versatile input parameters nor the visualization in a higher dimensional space are straightforward.
The goal of this thesis is the implementation of a transfer function editor which supports the creation of a multidimensional transfer function. Therefore different visualization and interaction techniques, like Parallel Coordinates, are used. Furthermore it will be possible to choose and combine the used dimensions interactively and the rendered volume will be adapted to the user interaction in real time.
This thesis shows an interaction of primitives in a three-dimensional space which is done by gestures. Functions which are difficult to do by gestures without any absolute feeling of the position are implemented with a touchscreen. Besides the touchscreen a second input device, a Leap-Motion, is used to obtain data of the motion of the hand. To get its data the Leap-Motion uses two CCD-cameras and three infrared LEDs. The interactions that can be done without any feedback of the absolute position are the translation, rotation and scale. These three and the movement through space are implemented as gestures in this thesis. This is done in Blender with the BlenderrnGame Engine and Python. The only function which has been implemented for the touchscreen is to select an object. Later on, a comparative control of the mouse was invented to contrast it with the control of the gestures. There are two big differences between these two controls. On the one hand, the gesture controls can be done in a three-dimensional space but most people aren't used to it yet. On the other hand, there is just a two-dimensional input possibility with the mouse control. Otherwise it is familiar to most persons. The evaluation should reveal if people prefer interaction by mouse control or by gestures. The result shows that the prefered control is done by the mouse. However in some categories of the tests the gestures are quite close to the result of the mouse.
Real-time graphics applications are tending to get more realistic and approximate real world illumination gets more reasonable due to improvement of graphics hardware. Using a wide variation of algorithms and ideas, graphics processing units (GPU) can simulate complex lighting situations rendering computer generated imagery with complicated effects such as shadows, refraction and reflection of light. Particularly, reflections are an improvement of realism, because they make shiny materials, e.g. brushed metals, wet surfaces like puddles or polished floors, appear more realistic and reveal information of their properties such as roughness and reflectance. Moreover, reflections can get more complex, depending on the view: a wet surface like a street during rain for example will reflect lights depending on the distance of the viewer, resulting in more streaky reflection, which will look more stretched, if the viewer is locatedrnfarther away from the light source. This bachelor thesis aims to give an overview of the state-of-the-art in terms of rendering reflections. Understanding light is a basic need to understand reflections and therefore a physical model of light and its reflection will be covered in section 2, followed by the motivational section 2.2, that will give visual appealing examples for reflections from the real world and the media. Coming to rendering techniques, first, the main principle will be explained in section 3 followed by a short general view of a wide variety of approaches that try to generate correct reflections in section 4. This thesis will describe the implementation of three major algorithms, that produce plausible local reflections. Therefore, the developed framework is described in section 5, then three major algorithms will be covered, that are common methods in most current game and graphics engines: Screen space reflections (SSR), parallax-corrected cube mapping (PCCM) and billboard reflections (BBR). After describing their functional principle, they will be analysed of their visual quality and the possibilities of their real-time application. Finally they will be compared to each other to investigate the advantages and disadvantages over each other. In conclusion, the gained experiences will be described by summarizing advantages and disadvantages of each technique and giving suggestions for improvements. A short perspective will be given, trying to create a view of upcoming real-time rendering techniques for the creation of reflections as specular effects.
In this thesis, we deal with the question if challenge, flow and fun in computer games are related to each other, and which influence the motivational, psychological components motivation of success, motivation of failure and the chance of success do have. In addition, we want to know if a free choice in the level of difficulty is the optimal way to flow. To examine these theories, a study based on an online survey was executed, in which the participants played the game “flOw“. The results were evaluated with the help of a two-factorial analysis of variance with repeated measurement and tests on correlation. Thereby we found out that there actually exists a relation between challenge, flow and fun and that motivation does matter indirectly.
In this thesis, an interactive application is developed for Android OS. The application is about a virtual-reality game. The game is settled in the genre of first-person shooters and takes place in a space scenario. By using a stereo renderer, it is possible to play the game combined with virtual-reality glasses.
Simulation von Schnee
Physic simulations allow the creation of dynamic scenes on the computer. Computer generated images become lively and find use in movies, games and engineering applications. GPGPU techniques make use of the graphics card to simulate physics. The simulation of dynamic snow is still little researched. The Material Point Method is the first technique which is capable of showing the dynamics andrncharacteristics of snow.
The hybrid use of Lagrangian particles and a regular cartesian grid enables solving of partial differential equations. Therefore articles are transformed to the grid. The grid velocities can then be updated with the calculation of gradients in an FEM-manner (finite element method). Finally grid node velocities are weight back to the particles to move them across the scene. This method is coupled with a constitutive model to cover the dynamic nature of snow. This include collisions and breaking.
This bachelor thesis connects the recent developments in GPGPU techniques of OpenGL with the Material Point Method to efficiently simulate visually compelling, dynamic snow scenes.
Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer hardwarebeschleunigten Einzelbildkompression zur Videoübertragung. Verfahren zur Einzelbildkompressionrn existieren bereits seit längerer Zeit. Jedoch genügen die gängigen Verfahren nicht den Anforderungen der Echtzeit und Performanz, um während einer Videoübertragung ohne spürbare Latenz zum Einsatz zu kommen. In dieser Arbeit soll einer der geläufigsten Algorithmen zur Bildkompression auf Parallelisierbarkeit, unter zu Hilfenahme der Grafikkarte, untersucht werden, um Echtzeitfähigkeit während der Kompression und Dekompression von computergenerierten Bildern zu erreichen. Die Ergebnisse werden evaluiert und in den Rahmen aktueller Verfahren parallelisierter Kompressionstechniken eingeordnet.
The mitral valve is one of the four valves in the human heart. It is located in the left heart chamber and its function is to control the blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Pathologies can lead to malfunctions of the valve so that blood can flow back to the atrium. Patients with a faulty mitral valve function may suffer from fatigue and chest pain. The functionality can be surgically restored, which is often a long and exhaustive intervention. Thorough planning is necessary to ensure a safe and effective surgery. This can be supported by creating pre-operative segmentations of the mitral valve. A post-operative analysis can determine the success of an intervention. This work will combine existing and new ideas to propose a new approach to (semi-)automatically create such valve models. The manual part can guarantee a high quality model and reliability, whereas the automatic part contributes to saving valuable labour time.
The main contributions of the automatic algorithm are an estimated semantic separation of the two leaflets of the mitral valve and an optimization process that is capable of finding a coaptation-line and -area between the leaflets. The segmentation method can perform a fully automatic segmentation of the mitral leaflets if the annulus ring is already given. The intermediate steps of this process will be integrated into a manual segmentation method so a user can guide the whole procedure. The quality of the valve models generated by the method proposed in this work will be measured by comparing them to completely manually segmented models. This will show that commonly used methods to measure the quality of a segmentation are too general and do not suffice to reflect the real quality of a model. Consequently the work at hand will introduce a set of measurements that can qualify a mitral valve segmentation in more detail and with respect to anatomical landmarks. Besides the intra-operative support for a surgeon, a segmented mitral valve provides additional benefits. The ability to patient-specifically obtain and objectively describe the valve anatomy may be the base for future medical research in this field and automation allows to process large data sets with reduced expert dependency. Further, simulation methods that use the segmented models as input may predict the outcome of a surgery.
This thesis deals with the development of an interactive Android card game. As an example, the Hebrew game Yaniv was implemented. Focus is the elaboration of required background components and the corresponding implementation in that application. Required game processes will be screened and a possible solution will be identified.
Ray Tracing enables a close to reality rendering implementation of a modelled scene. Because of its functioning, it is able to display optical phenomena and complex lighting. Though, numerous computations per pixel have to be done. In practice implementations can not achieve computer graphics" aim of real-time rendering close to 60 frames per second. Current Graphics Processing Units (GPU) allows high execution parallelism of general-purpose computations. By using the graphics-API OpenGL this parallelism can be achieved and it is possible to design and realize a Ray-Tracer, which operates entirely on the GPU. The developed approach will be extended by an Uniform Grid - a Ray-Tracing acceleration structure. Hence, a speed-up is expected.
This thesis` purpose is the implementation of Ray-Tracer, which operates completely on the GPU, and its expansion by integrating an Uniform Grid. Afterwards, the evaluation of maximum achievable performance takes place. Possible problems regarding GPU-programming will be identified and analysed.