Year of publication
- 2018 (17) (remove)
Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (15)
- Master's Thesis (2)
- Astrophysik (1)
- Augmented Reality (1)
- Computergrafik (1)
- Computervisualistik (1)
- Extended Reality (1)
- Fell (1)
- Fell Rendering (1)
- Fluidsimulation (1)
- GPGPU (1)
- Haare (1)
Helicopters are crucial in today’s life. A vast amount of applications prove
their range, which are not coverable by other types of aircraft. But they are
very complex systems, both, technically and physically. This is one of the
reasons why pilot training for helicopters is quite challenging. In the last
two decades flight simulators became a supplementary instrument in the
educational process of pilots. With flight simulators it is possible to replay
uncommon or dangerous situations. In this thesis a simple flight simulator
for helicopters will be developed based on rigid body physics. The foundation is a simplified rotor model which omits complex fluid dynamics. This
helps to keep the implementation simple and illustrative as well as provide simulation rates at real-time. The modules are implemented within
the Unreal Engine in such way, that changing helicopter characteristics is
very easy.
Algorithmische Komposition
Algorithmic composition is an interdisciplinary topic that unites music and science. The computer is able to generate algorithmic music with the aid of a specific algorithm. In this bachelor thesis, algorithmic composition is realized with the biology-inspired algorithms called Lindenmayer-system and cellular automaton. In order to realize the compositions, several techniques are presented as well as implemented and evaluated. Those techniques map the generated data from the algorithms on a meaningful musical result.
In no other field of computer science has the hardware been evolved more
quickly than in computer graphics. Therefore the GPU offers, aside from
the pure rendering of triangles, a bunch of further pipeline steps that allows
visualisation of other graphics objects, like freeform surfaces.
This bachelor’s thesis is about the rendering of freeform surfaces, in particular
bezier surfaces. For that reason an implementation for management
and visualisation of bézier surfaces was created for the rendering framework
of the university Koblenz (CVK). For this purpose first a triangulation
was implemented and finally a tesselation of bezier surfaces with normals
and texture coordinates, as well as the handling of trim curves.
In der Computergrafik stellte das echtzeitfähige
Rendern von Haaren und Fell ein Problem dar. Die
Berechnung der Beleuchtung, Schattierung und
Transparenz erfordert einen hohen Rechenaufwand,
welcher sich negativ auf die Performanz auswirkt.
Doch durch verbesserte Hardware und neue Verfahren
ist es möglich, solch komplexe Effekte in Echtzeit
zu simulieren. In folgender Arbeit werden die
Grundlagen des Renderings von Haaren erläutert.
Außerdem wurde im Rahmen der Arbeit eine
echtzeitfähige Demo implementiert, deren zugrunde
liegende Verfahren und Funktionalitäten beschrieben
werden. Um die Demo zu evaluieren wurde die mögliche
Anzahl an Bildern pro Sekunde bei Modellen
unterschiedlicher Komplexität gemessen. Schließlich
wurden die Ergebnisse mit Bildern von echten Haaren
In this bachelor thesis a code for astrophysical self-gravitating fluid
simulation is developed. The code runs mainly on the GPU. Minimal
simplifications of the physical model and some parameters for accuracy
and tuning allow simulations to be performed at interactive framerates
on most modern consumer grade computers that feature a dedicated
graphics card. It is used to simulate the birth of stars from a turbulent
molecular cloud. Multiple features of star formation, like accretion
discs and fragmentation, can be observed in the simulation, even when
low particle counts are used.
In this bachelor thesis a system for the simulation of the movements of molecules is developed. The calculation of the forces between chemically bonded atoms as well as intermolecular forces is done almost entirely on the GPU. The visualization of the simulation happens at an interactive framerate. To achieve rendering in realtime on off-the-shelf graphics cards, apt optimizations and slight abstractions of the underlying physical models are needed. One can control the execution speed or completely stop the simulation at any given moment. Some of the parameters of the underlying physical models of the simulation can be modified at runtime. With the right settings for the parameters, some phenomena of molecular dynamics can be observed, for example the spacial structure of the molecules.
The following work describes the prototypical conception and development of the stat-raising game "Adventurer's Guild" using the game engine Ren'Py. The game's narrative is influenced by player decisions and the planning of activities. The game is to be visually pleasing and enjoyable.
After giving an overview of stat-raising as a genre, the existing games "Dandelion - Wishes Brought to You", "Pastry Lovers", "Long Live the Queen" and "Magical Diary" are analysed to pinpoint various strengths and weaknesses of their different takes on the genre.
The resultant findings are used for the conception of a new stat-raising game.
The game mechanics and the design decisions made are then shown in screenshots and thoroughly explained.
In a final assessment, the game will be examined with regard to the given task. Further possibilities for potential improvements and expansions will be detailed at the end.
Photo realistic rendering of fur is a common problem in computer graphics and is often needed in animation films. This work presents two illumination models, originally presented for human hair rendering. The first model is from Marschner et al. presented in 2003, which is the basis of many other models. The second model is from d’Eon et al., which was presented in 2011. Both models are implemented into a path tracer, which simulates global illumination. The special features of fur fibers in contrast to human hair fibers will be shown and an explanation, to why both models can also be used for fur rendering, will be given. The main point of interest is a realistic visualization of fur. In addition to that the performance of both models will be compared and a suggestion to improve the performance will be given and evaluated in form of the use of a cylindrical intersection object for path tracing.
Volumetrische Beleuchtung
Volumetric lighting is a common lighting phenomena in nature and carries an important role in the realistic appearance of computergenerated images. This thesis explains the physical background of this phenomena and lists common modells for visualising volumetric lighting in Computergraphics. Following this, this thesis compares three methods for visualising volumetric lighting with modern graphics hardware and compares these according to their abilities, restrictions and performance in an OpenGL implementation.
The present thesis gives an overview of the general conditions for the programming of graphics cards. For this purpose, the most important Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) available on the market are presented and compared. Subsequently, two standard algorithms from the field data processing, prefix sum and radixsort are presented and examined with regard to the implementation with parallel programming on the GPU. Both algorithms were implemented using the OpenGL-API and OpenGL compute shaders. Finally, the execution times of the two algorithms were compared.