Year of publication
- 2016 (13) (remove)
Document Type
- Master's Thesis (6)
- Bachelor Thesis (4)
- Diploma Thesis (2)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Raytracing (2)
- Augmented Reality (1)
- Bounding Volume Hierarchie (1)
- Distanzfeld (1)
- Gamebased (1)
- Gamebasiertheit (1)
- Halbschatten (1)
- Implizite Oberfläche (1)
- Indirekte Beleuchtung (1)
- Ray Tracing (1)
Statistical Shape Models (SSMs) are one of the most successful tools in 3Dimage analysis and especially medical image segmentation. By modeling the variability of a population of training shapes, the statistical information inherent in such data are used for automatic interpretation of new images. However, building a high-quality SSM requires manually generated ground truth data from clinical experts. Unfortunately, the acquisition of such data is a time-consuming, error-prone and subjective process. Due to this effort, the majority of SSMs is often based on a limited set of this ground truth training data, which makes the models less statistically meaningful. On the other hand, image data itself is abundant in clinics from daily routine. In this work, methods for automatically constructing a reliable SSM without the need of manual image interpretation from experts are proposed. Thus, the training data is assumed to be the result of any segmentation algorithm or may originate from other sources, e.g. non-expert manual delineations. Depending on the algorithm, the output segmentations will contain errors to a higher or lower degree. In order to account for these errors, areas of low probability of being a boundary should be excluded from the training of the SSM. Therefore, the probabilities are estimated with the help of image-based approaches. By including many shape variations, the corrupted parts can be statistically reconstructed. Two approaches for reconstruction are proposed - an Imputation method and Weighted Robust Principal Component Analysis (WRPCA). This allows the inclusion of many data sets from clinical routine, covering a lot more variations of shape examples. To assess the quality of the models, which are robust against erroneous training shapes, an evaluation compares the generalization and specificity ability to a model build from ground truth data. The results show, that especially WRPCA is a powerful tool to handle corrupted parts and yields to reasonable models, which have a higher quality than the initial segmentations.
This thesis presents an approach to optimizing the computation of soft shadows from area lights. The light source is sampled uniformly by traversing shadow rays as packets through an N-tree. This data structure stores an additional line space for every node. A line space stores precomputed information about geometry inside of shafts from one to another side of the node. This visibility information is used to terminate a ray. Additionally the graphics processing unit (short GPU) is used to speed up the computations through parallelism. The scene is rendered with OpenGL and the shadow value is computed on the GPU for each pixel. Evaluating the implementation shows a performance gain of 86% by comparison to the CPU, if using the GPU implementation. Using the line space instead of triangle intersections also increases the performance. The implementation provides good scaling with an increasing amount of triangles and has no visual disadvantages for many rays.
Augmented Reality has many areas of application. It can be used to simplify everyday life as well as working processes. However, since there are
many manufacturers that offer greatly varying systems, choosing the correct system according to application as well as cross-platform development are dfficult. This thesis attempts to develop an application which can be used to simulate Augmented Reality devices on Virtual Reality systems. This should simplify the processes of choosing a system as well as cross-platform
Since the simulation will be designed to run on mobile devices, it should be possible to render high quality, realistic environments in advance, using a panoramic image. On a Virtual Reality device, they need to be displayed as a stereoscopic image. To achieve this, several methods are presented that can be used to perform this conversion. An editor will be created which will allow the creation of scenes, configuration of Augmented Reality devices and displaying them on a Virtual Reality system. For closing this thesis a test will be performed, to check the quality of the simulation as well as improvements that can be made.
A special challenge of the basic musical education of children is to give them an understanding of reading and writing musical scores. During the training of young choristers it is furthermore important to educate them in directly transforming the written scores into sounds.
Therefore it is an interesting idea to play the sounds to the children via piano or keyboard and simultaneously present them on a screen in musical notation.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is the implementation of such a system that allows to enter scores using a MIDI-compatible keyboard and then depicting these as musical notation. The prototype of the application operates in three steps. It receives the musical scores via keyboard in form of MIDIdatasets. These MIDI-information are converted to the MusicXML-format. Based on this MusicXML-notation the software finally generates and displays the visual output.
The goal of this thesis is to create and develop a concept for a mobile city guide combined with game-based contents.
The application is intented to support flexible and independent exploration of the city of Koblenz.
Based on the geographical data, historical information for and interesting stories of various places were provided in this application. These informations are combined with playful elements in order to create a motivating concept.
Therefore, related approaches were examined and, combined with own ideas, a new concept has been developed. This concept has been prototypically implemented as an Android application and afterwards evaluated by 15 test persons. A questionnaire was used to examine the operability, the motivation of game patterns and the additional value of the application.
In einer Welt, in der mittlerweile "Die Cloud" als Lösung für nahezu alles angepriesen wird, stellt sich immer häufiger die Frage, ob man seine persönlichen Daten einem Fremden anvertrauen möchte, oder sie doch lieber unter der eigenen Kontrolle behält. Für die Befürworter der letzten Option steht "ownCloud" als freies Softwarepaket zur Verfügung, um eine eigene Cloud aufzusetzen und ihre Inhalte mit Anderen zu teilen.
Um das Teilen von Lernwerkzeugen zu vereinheitlichen und damit zu vereinfachen, wurde von IMS GLOBAL die "Learning Tools Interoperability" Spezifikation - kurz LTI - entwickelt. Diese wird inzwischen von einer zunehmenden Anzahl von Lernmanagementsystemen und Lernressourcen unterstützt. Eine interessante Herausforderung ist daher, zu untersuchen, ob und wie man ownCloud mit verschiedenen bestehenden Lernwerkzeugen mittels LTI verbinden und daraus Nutzen ziehen kann.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein Plugin für ownCloud zu konzeptionieren und zu entwickeln, das die Kommunikation mit Lernwerkzeugen per LTI
ermöglicht. Dabei soll sowohl die Consumer- als auch die Providerseite mit einem Proof of Concept berücksichtigt werden, um jeweils die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser Verbindungen zu untersuchen.
Der natürliche Prozess der Verwitterung ist ein komplexer Vorgang, der von unterschiedlichsten Parametern beeinflusstwird. Hauptbestandteil dieses Prozesses ist das Zusammenziehen des Fruchtvolumens infolge von Wasserverlust durch Transpiration sowie die Veränderung der Fruchtfarbe und Oberfläche. Es wurden bereits Verfahren entwickelt, die diese Eigenschaften mit Hilfe von Parametrisierung sowie physikalischer Ansätze simulieren. Die in dieser Arbeit erstellte Anwendung simuliert das Fruchtfleisch durch ein Tetraedernetz und die Veränderung der Haut mit Hilfe von dynamischer Texturanpassung. Der entwickelte Algorithmus arbeitet in linearer Laufzeit und seine Ergebnisse werden anhand selbst erstellter Fruchtmodelle präsentiert.
Ray Tracing als Bildsyntheseverfahren ist relevant für viele Anwendungsbereiche, da es Aspekte des Lichttransports physikalisch korrekt simulieren kann. Aufgrund des hohen Berechnungsaufwands sind der Einsatz von Datenstrukturen zur Beschleunigung und die parallele Verarbeitung notwendig. GPUs sind inzwischen hoch parallele, programmierbare Prozessoren mit zahlreichen Kernen und eignen sich aufgrund ihrer hohen Leistungsfähigkeit dazu, aufwändige, parallelisierbare Probleme zu lösen. In dieser Arbeit geht es um GPU Ray Tracing, beschleunigt durch Bounding Volume Hierarchien (BVH). Auf Basis relevanter Veröffentlichungen zu Aufbau und Traversierung von BVHs und der Abbildung des Ray Tracing Prozesses auf die GPU Architektur wird ein GPU Ray Tracer konzeptioniert und entwickelt. Während der BVH Aufbau vorab auf dem Host stattfindet, wird der gesamte Ray Tracing Prozess durch mehrere Kernel komplett auf der GPU ausgeführt. Die Implementierung der Kernel erfolgt in Form von OpenGL Compute Shader Programmen, und die Aufteilung des Ray Tracers auf mehrere Kernel ist durch die GPU Achitektur und das SIMT Ausführungsmodell motiviert. Für die Speicherorganisation der binären BVHs werden zwei Varianten betrachtet, klassisch und als MBVH, wobei sich die MBVH Organisation als effizienter erweist. Zudem werden verschiedene Varianten für die Traversierung ohne Stack und für die Stack-basierte Traversierung umgesetzt und bewertet. Der in mehrere Kernel strukturierte GPU Ray Tracer wird zudem mit einer Einzelkernel Version verglichen. Die besten Ergebnisse erreicht die Traversierung ohne Stack mit einem while-while Ablauf und MBVH im Rahmen des aufgeteilten GPU Ray Tracers.
One of the fundamental decisions during the development of any system is the representation of data. In computer graphics, objects are usually represented as sets of triangles. There are however many different variants with their own strengths and weaknesses. This thesis will explore distancefields as a representation for objects. Distancefields are functions, which map every point in space to the distance to the closest surface point. While this description is very simple, a number of interesting properties can be derived, allowing for a multitude of shapes, operations and effects. An overview of the necessary background and methods is given. Furthermore, some extended or new approaches are presented, such as displaying implicit surfaces, approximating indirect illumination or implementing a GPU tracer.
While Virtual Reality has been around for decades it gained new life in recent years. The release of the first consumer hardware devices allows fully immersive and affordable VR for the user at home. This availability lead to a new focus of research on technical problems as well as psychological effects. The concepts of presence, describing the feeling of being in the virtual place, body ownership and their impact are central topics in research for a long time and still not fully understood.
To enable further research in the area of Mixed Reality, we want to introduce a framework that integrates the users body and surroundings inside a visual coherent virtual environment. As one of two main aspects we want to merge real and virtual objects to a shared environment in a way such that they are no longer visually distinguishable. To achieve this the main focus is not supposed to be on a high graphical fidelity but on a simplified representation of reality. The essential question is, what level of visual realism is necessary to create a believable mixed reality environment that induces a sense of presence in the user? The second aspect considers the integration of virtual persons. Can characters be recorded and replayed in a way such that they are perceived as believable entities of the world and therefore act as a part of the users environment?
The purpose of this thesis was the development of a framework called Mixed Reality Embodiment Platform. This inital system implements fundamental functionalities to be used as a basis for future extensions to the framework. We also provide a first application that enables user studies to evaluate the framework and contribute to aforementioned research questions.