Year of publication
- 2017 (15) (remove)
Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (8)
- Master's Thesis (6)
- Diploma Thesis (1)
- Computervisualistik (4)
- Computergrafik (3)
- Line Space (3)
- Augmented Reality (2)
- Datenstruktur (2)
- Global Illumination (2)
- Linespace (2)
- Path Tracing (2)
- Realistische Computergrafik (2)
- Assembly (1)
In scientific data visualization huge amounts of data are generated, which implies the task of analyzing these in an efficient way. This includes the reliable detection of important parts and a low expenditure of time and effort. This is especially important for the big-sized seismic volume datasets, that are required for the exploration of oil and gas deposits. Since the generated data is complex and a manual analysis is very time-intensive, a semi-automatic approach could on one hand reduce the time required for the analysis and on the other hand offer more flexibility, than a fully automatic approach.
This master's thesis introduces an algorithm, which is capable of locating regions of interest in seismic volume data automatically by detecting anomalies in local histograms. Furthermore the results are visualized and a variety of tools for the exploration and interpretation of the detected regions are developed. The approach is evaluated by experiments with synthetic data and in interviews with domain experts on the basis of real-world data. Conclusively further improvements to integrate the algorithm into the seismic interpretation workflow are suggested.
E-Learning Anwendungen sind heutzutage im Trend. Jedoch nicht nur aus diesem Grund sind sie vom großen Interesse. Im Vordergrund steht ihr didaktisches Konzept. Heutzutage ist es technisch möglich, die Teilnehmer interaktiv in einen
E- Learning Kurs einzubinden. Die Lernschritte können durch die Anwendung kontrolliert werden. Im Gegensatz zu einer Vorlesung, kann die Theorie direkt mit der Praxis verknüpft werden. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Erstellung eines Konzeptes und die Entwicklung eines Prototypen einer interaktiven Entwicklungsumgebung von Java für Programmieranfänger. In dieser Arbeit wurden aktuelle E-Learning Plattformen zu Java analysiert. Aus den gewonnen Erkenntnissen wurde ein Konzept für eine E-Learningplattform entwickelt. Dieses Konzept wurde erfolgreich als Prototyp implementiert. Für die Implementation wurden bewährte Technologien, wie das Django-Framework und das Javascript-Framework Vue.js eingesetzt. Der Kurs wurde von neun Teilnehmern getestet. Zusätzlich wurde eine Umfrage zu der Kursanwendung durchgeführt. Das Testergebnis bestätigt, dass die Teilnehmer den Kurs bestanden haben.
Augmented reality is being present for many years. Through progress in technology smaller augmented reality glasses became possible. These new technologies allow many new ways of interaction and usage of augmented reality.
This thesis is about the Microsoft HoloLens and its possiblities for consumers and industry. In the context of this thesis a new interactive and augmented application to measure the possiblities and limitations of the Microsoft HoloLens has been developed. The scene is an assembly szenario with a step by step instruction of building with Lego bricks. The evaluation showed that the HoloLens can already be used to assist in assembling scenarios and offers some advantages over other methods, although the glasses still have some flaws.
This thesis presents two methods for the computation of global illumination. The first is an extension of Reflective Shadow Maps with an additional shadow test in order to handle occlusion. The second method is a novel, bidirectional Light-Injection approach. Rays originating from the light source are traced through the scene and stored inside the shafts of the Linespace datastructure. These shafts are a discretization of the possible spatial directions. The Linespaces are embedded in a Uniform Grid. When retrieving this pre-calculated lightning information no traversal of datastructures and no additional indirection is necessary in the best-case scenario. This reduces computation time and variance compared to Pathtracing. Areas that are mostly lit indirectly and glas profit the most from this. However, the result is only approximative in nature and produces visible artifacts.
This thesis tests several methods and measures in pathtracing for selecting either the Line Space or the Bounding Volume Hierarchy data structure to make use of the advantages of both. The structures are defined locally around each object and each Line Space shaft contains one candidate ID each. All implementation is done as a C++ and OpenGL framework with compute shaders handling the pathtracing and Line Space generation. The measures include the probability distribution, the effect dependency, as well as a distance threshold and are tested against several different scenes. In most situations, the results show a noticeable increase in performance, partly only with minor visual differences, with the probability measure producing the highest quality images for a given performance. The fundamental problems of the Line Space concering the high memory consumption and a long generation time compared to the BVH still persist, despite the object local structure, a minimal amount of data per shaft and the compute shader implementation.
With the emergence of current generation head-mounted displays (HMDs), virtual reality (VR) is regaining much interest in the field of medical imaging and diagnosis. Room-scale exploration of CT or MRI data in virtual reality feels like an intuitive application. However in VR retaining a high frame rate is more critical than for conventional user interaction seated in front of a screen. There is strong scientific evidence suggesting that low frame rates and high latency have a strong influence on the appearance of cybersickness. This thesis explores two practical approaches to overcome the high computational cost of volume rendering for virtual reality. One lies within the exploitation of coherency properties of the especially costly stereoscopic rendering setup. The main contribution is the development and evaluation of a novel acceleration technique for stereoscopic GPU ray casting. Additionally, an asynchronous rendering approach is pursued to minimize the amount of latency in the system. A selection of image warping techniques has been implemented and evaluated methodically, assessing the applicability for VR volume rendering.
One of the greatest goals in computer graphics is the aesthetic representation of objects. In addition to conventional methods, another field focuses on non-photorealistic renderings. The so-called example-based rendering is an area where users can transfer their art style to a pre-computed 3D rendering, using a hand-painted template. There are some algorithms that already provide impressive results, but their problem is that most of these procedures count as offline methods and are not able to produce results in real-time. For this reason, this work show a method that satisfies this condition. In addition, the influence of the run-time reduction on the results is investigated. Requirements are defined, to which the method and its results are examined. Other methods in this field are referenced and compared with their results.
This thesis presents a novel technique in computer graphics to simulate realtime
global illumination using path tracing. Path tracing is done with compute shaders on the graphics card (GPU) to perform rendering in a highly parallelized manner. To improve the overall performance of tracing rays, the Line Space is used as an acceleration data structure in different variations, resulting in better
empty space skipping. The Line Space saves scene information based on a previous voxelization in direction-dependent shafts and is generated and traversed on the GPU. With this procedure, indirect lighting and soft shadows can be computed in a physically correct way. Furthermore, using the Line Space, path tracing can be performed mostly independent of the complexity of the scene geometry with over 100 frames per second, which is truly real-time and much faster than using a comparable voxel grid. The image quality is not affected negatively by this technique and the shadow quality is in most cases much better compared to shadow-mapping.
The market for virtual reality is rapidly evolving regarding its hardware components. Further applications are the result of this progress. In addition to the gaming market virtual reality offers further possibilities and advantages in research. That way this technology provides the investigation of perceptual phenomena. Therefore the present thesis aimed to examine the induced roelofs effect in a virtual environment and in reality in front of a computer screen. The roelofs effect describes a misperception that occurs if a persons midline and a target surrounding frame are offset, which results in a false localisation of the object. Thus the present study provides insight into the influence of a computer screen regarding this effect. Moreover, conclusions concerning the suitability of virtual reality in perceptual research are drawn. The results obtained by the virtual reality indicated a greater degree of perceptual distortion. Therefore the fixed frame of the computer screen can be assumed as an additional orientation.
This thesis deals with the exploration of different interaction possibilities
for three-dimensional, virtual objects in a real environment. The focus lies
especially on interaction possibilities from new AR-technologies.
A playful prototype of an application for Microsofts HoloLens will be
designed and implemented. The prototype consists of three parts. The first
part is the scan-process of the real environment of the user. In the second
part the user can augment the real environment with three-dimensional,
virtual objects. In the third part the user is supposed to navigate a virtual
avatar through the real environment.
The interaction possibilities of the HoloLens like Gaze, Gesture and VoiceInput
will be evaluated in the following categories menu navigation, positioning
of three-dimensional objects in a real environment and controlling an