ZIFET working paper series
Year of publication
- 2020 (4) (remove)
- Case Study (1)
- Herausforderungen (1)
- Jungunternehmen (1)
- Startups (1)
- Wachstum (1)
Purpose: The present research aims on the one hand to provide a basic understanding of the challenges that young companies in growth face by discussing previous findings on this topic. On the other hand, this research project wants to generate new insights on specific challenges and possible learning processes by means of a theory-based examination of a case study.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The author of this study conducts a theory-based case study investigation. The study is based on two theoretical concepts which depict the phenomenon of challenges faced by young companies in growth in an abstract form: On the one hand, the "Tension-Balancing Management" according to Harald von Korflesch, which expresses the fundamental tension within entrepreneurial organizations, which in turn can be seen as a starting point for actual challenges. On the other hand, the "Tipping Points / Absorbative Capacities" framework by Phelps and colleagues, which links challenges (Tipping Points) that young companies will experience during their lifetime with required capabilities (Absorbative Capacities). Guided by these theories, rich data from interviews, observations and documents from the case are collected and analyzed in order to generate insights.
Findings: On the one hand, challenges of young growing companies can be described on a superordinate level with the help of the two theoretical concepts. On the other hand, the analysis also shows that, above all, a fine-grained, individual approach is needed to adequately depict challenges and learning processes.
Research Limitations: The main limitation of the present study is the single-case design. The fact that only one specific case was examined means that the insights gained from this cannot be automatically replicated to comparable cases. The simultaneous examination of multiple cases could thus make the results more stable.
Originality/Value: The qualitative investigation of growth-related challenges by means of a specific case study creates an in-depth and profound understanding of complex interactions in the growth of young companies. In addition, the assumptions of both theoretical concepts are tested on a real case, thus enabling theoretical and practical implications to be identified.
Interest in crowdfunding has been increasing in recent years, both from the economy and the scientific community. Besides artists and entrepreneurs, researchers are now also funding their projects through many small contributions from the crowd. However, the perceived use in Germany does not reflect the benefits of a crowdfunding campaign, especially in international comparison. This study investigates this issue by identifying the motives and barriers for crowdfunding in order to formulate recommendations for research institutions to encourage the use of crowdfunding.
By means of a literature review, first insights are gained which are then used to conduct qualitative interviews with eleven researchers who successfully completed a crowdfunding campaign. The results indicate that researchers in Germany use crowdfunding primarily to raise awareness for the subject and the scientific community in general. The initial assumption of the speed of crowdfunding as a motive was contradicted by the experts. The major barriers are the immense effort involved in a campaign and the lack of reputation for the concept of crowdfunding by German scientists. In addition, only subjects and projects with a high public relevance and funding volume of up to five digits are recommended for crowdfunding. Furthermore, the public exposure of the experts during the campaign was identified as an additional barrier.
These findings lead to three recommendations for research institutions to increase the use of crowdfunding: Firstly, universities should raise awareness for the subject of crowdfunding as an additional form of research funding and highlight the benefits of a crowdfunding campaign. Secondly, universities should cooperate with crowdfunding partners and utilize the networking capacities of a university. Lastly, universities should provide support to distribute the workload among interdisciplinary teams in order to enhance the effortreturn ratio of a crowdfunding campaign.
The chosen methodology and the scope of the thesis enable further research that might examine the perspective of the universities and the conditions in other countries. In addition, a largescale quantitative survey is required to validate the identified concepts statistically.
"We've allways been in a culture where more is more, and suddenly we're in a culture whrere less is a better quality of life. It's pretty revolutionary." - Bill Stewart
The transformation of society in recent years has brought significant changes, including the trend towards more conscious consumption and more sustainable use of resources. Traditional patterns have increasingly receded into the background, stereotypes have been broken and the standards of assessment have been redefined. And so we have arrived at a time when owning less is considered as more valuable and minimalism has become a new trend. The transformation of the social norms has also led to changes in the economy. Due to recent changes, sharing economy has emerged as a new, rapidly growing sector of the economy. In simple terms, the business model can be put as the sharing of unused resources in exchange for (non-) monetary incentives.
The present bachelor thesis deals with the implementation of the sharing economy in the B2B sector. The advantages and disadvantages of the business model have been shown and opportunities and risks of the implementation in companies have been described. Furthermore, it is examined, which conditions of the consumer sector are suitable for implementation in the B2B model and which new factors should be taken into consideration. Based on the literature analysis, a B2C model has been developed. In addition, qualitative interviews were carried out. Among the experts were the managers and CEO of a medium-sized IT company. The results of the evaluation, based on Mayring (2002), helped to develop a decision model for implementation of sharing economy in B2B and to answer the research questions.
Based on the results of the interviews, key framework conditions were transferred from the private sharing sector to the B2B model. In addition, further factors were identified. Depending on the decision model, it was possible to show the requirements for the implementation of sharing economy in the B2B environment and identify the challenges to be faced.
Die Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der zentralen Frage, welche Erfolgsfaktoren einen Effekt auf eine erfolgreiche Crowdfunding Kampagne haben. Als Untersuchungsfeld stehen deutsche Startup-Unternehmen im Fokus, die bereits erfolgreiche CrowdfundingKampagnen durchgeführt haben.
Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wird zunächst eine systematische Literaturanalyse durchgeführt, durch die relevante Erfolgsfaktoren für eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne ermittelt werden. Diese Faktoren werden anschließend einem Mixed-Method-Ansatz unterzogen, bei dem qualitative Ergebnisse, basierend auf einer Fallstudienforschung, mit den statistisch ausgewerteten quantitativen Ergebnissen aus der Fragebogenforschung verglichen und überprüft werden. Dabei liegt der Fokus insbesondere auf der Identifikation von signifikanten Wirkungszusammenhängen zwischen den Erfolgsfaktoren und einer erfolgreichen Crowdfunding-Kampagne.
Im Ergebnis konnten diesbezüglich Wirkungszusammenhänge innerhalb dieser Thesis nachgewiesen werden. Sechs der festgestellten Zusammenhänge aus der qualitativen Analyse werden durch die quantitative Analyse bestätigt. Es konnte jedoch keine Signifikanz der Korrelationen festgestellt werden. Auch die Hypothese, dass sich die Erfolgsaussichten einer Kampagne durch eine höhere Anzahl jeweils kombinierter Erfolgsfaktoren erhöhen, wurde sowohl in der qualitativen als auch in der quantitativen Betrachtung widerlegt. Demnach galt es für den Autor der vorliegenden Thesis künftige Forschungsfelder zu definieren, die die ermittelten Ergebnisse erweitern und konkretisieren. Es bleibt beispielsweise einer weiterführenden Forschung überlassen, zu klären, ob bestimmte Kombinationen der Erfolgsfaktoren zu signifikanten Wirkungszusammenhängen führen. Darüber hinaus bietet sich eine weiterführende statistische Regressionsanalyse an, um die kausalen Effekte zu untersuchen und Prognosen für erfolgreiche Crowdfunding-Kampagnen zu formulieren.