Doctoral Thesis
Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (475) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (224)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- ecotoxicology (4)
- risk assessment (4)
- Arbeitszufriedenheit (3)
- Bildverarbeitung (3)
- Biodiversität (3)
- Biomechanik (3)
- Bodenchemie (3)
- Dialog (3)
- GIS (3)
- Grounded Theory (3)
- Grundwasser (3)
- Information Retrieval (3)
- Inhaltsanalyse (3)
- Insektizid (3)
- Integration (3)
- Klimawandel (3)
- Kultur (3)
- Lendenwirbelsäule (3)
- Nanopartikel (3)
- Pesticides (3)
- Pfalz (3)
- Pädagogik (3)
- Risikoanalyse (3)
- Schizophrenie (3)
- Selbstwirksamkeit (3)
- Simulation (3)
- Systematik (3)
- Umweltpsychologie (3)
- agriculture (3)
- groundwater fauna (3)
- model-based (3)
- monitoring (3)
- pesticide (3)
- pesticides (3)
- runoff (3)
- soil organic matter (3)
- Ökologie (3)
- Abdrift (2)
- Abduktion <Logik> (2)
- Abwasser (2)
- Abwasserreinigung (2)
- Agriculture (2)
- Akzeptanz (2)
- Anpassung (2)
- Araneae (2)
- Bestäubung (2)
- Betriebspädagogik (2)
- Bewertung (2)
- Bildung (2)
- Bildverstehen (2)
- Biodiversity (2)
- Biographieforschung (2)
- Biomonitoring (2)
- Boden (2)
- CSCW (2)
- Chronischer Schmerz (2)
- Computermodell (2)
- Computersimulation (2)
- Coping (2)
- Datenschutz (2)
- Diagnose (2)
- Diffusion (2)
- Digitalisierung (2)
- Ecotoxicology (2)
- Eltern (2)
- Emissionen (2)
- Exposition (2)
- Eyetracking (2)
- Feldsaum (2)
- Fließgewässer (2)
- Frau (2)
- Fremdsprachenunterricht (2)
- Fungizid (2)
- Gender (2)
- Genetische Variabilität (2)
- Governance (2)
- Grundschule (2)
- Habitat Fragmentation (2)
- Heilanstalt (2)
- Hydrodynamik (2)
- Hydrogeologie (2)
- Jugendhilfe (2)
- Jugendstil (2)
- Kakamega Forest (2)
- Klassifikation (2)
- Kognitive Linguistik (2)
- Kompetenz (2)
- Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse (2)
- Konflikt (2)
- Laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie (2)
- Lehrerbildung (2)
- Lernen (2)
- Limnologie (2)
- Macht (2)
- Makroinvertebraten (2)
- Management (2)
- Maschinelles Lernen (2)
- Mathematik (2)
- Mesofauna (2)
- Modellgetriebene Entwicklung (2)
- Monitoring (2)
- Nanoparticles (2)
- Naturwissenschaften (2)
- Organisationsentwicklung (2)
- Parteienkommunikation (2)
- Pestizide (2)
- Petri-Netz (2)
- Pflege (2)
- Pflegeanstalt (2)
- Physikunterricht (2)
- Professionalität (2)
- Psychologie (2)
- Qualitätssicherung (2)
- Rehabilitation (2)
- Ressourcen (2)
- Rheinland-Pfalz (2)
- Risikobewertung (2)
- Risikomanagement (2)
- Sediment (2)
- Semantic Web (2)
- Serviceorientierte Architektur (2)
- Sonderpädagogik (2)
- Sozialpsychologie (2)
- Stress (2)
- Taxonomie (2)
- Umweltwissenschaften (2)
- Vermeidung (2)
- Visualisierung (2)
- Wastewater treatment plants (2)
- Weinbau (2)
- Wissen (2)
- Wissensrepräsentation (2)
- aquatic ecotoxicology (2)
- aquatic macrophytes (2)
- bioindicator (2)
- biomonitoring (2)
- confirmatory factor analysis (2)
- decomposition (2)
- dialogische Führung (2)
- diffusion (2)
- evaluation (2)
- eye tracking (2)
- freshwater organisms (2)
- gait (2)
- land use (2)
- macroinvertebrates (2)
- mentale Repräsentation (2)
- micropollutants (2)
- modeling (2)
- modelling (2)
- mosquito control (2)
- optimal control (2)
- prevention (2)
- self-concept (2)
- sorption (2)
- speech (2)
- streams (2)
- traits (2)
- wastewater treatment (2)
- Ökosystemdienstleistung (2)
- Ökotoxikologie (2)
- 18. Jahrhundert (1)
- 1H-NMR Relaxometry (1)
- 3D Modell Referenz Bildsynthese (1)
- 3D-Vermessung (1)
- ACL injury (1)
- AD(H)S Bindung (1)
- ADHS (1)
- ADS (1)
- Abbildung <Mathematik> (1)
- Abdrift <Pflanzenbau> (1)
- Abfluss (1)
- Absolutismus (1)
- Abwasserbehandlung (1)
- Acceleration Structures (1)
- Achtsamkeit (1)
- Acquis communautaire (1)
- Action Recognition (1)
- Action Segmentation (1)
- Ad-hoc-Netz (1)
- Adaptation (1)
- Adaptiver Test (1)
- Adressatenorientierung (1)
- Aesthetics (1)
- Africa (1)
- Afrika (1)
- Agoraphobie (1)
- Agriotes spp. (1)
- Agrochemikalien (1)
- Aktionsart (1)
- Aktiver Wortschatz (1)
- Aktivität (1)
- Akuter Schmerz (1)
- Algorithmische Geometrie (1)
- Allianz (1)
- Alltagsgeschichte (1)
- Alltäglichkeit (1)
- Altlast (1)
- Altlasten (1)
- Aluminiumorthophosphat (1)
- Amazonia (1)
- Amazonien (1)
- Ambulante Behandlung (1)
- Ambulante Psychotherapie (1)
- Amphibia (1)
- Analoge Methoden (1)
- Analyse-durch-Synthese (1)
- Analytischer Hierarchieprozess (1)
- Aneignung (1)
- Anforderung (1)
- Anforderungsprofil (1)
- Animation (1)
- Annotation (1)
- Anreiz (1)
- Anstaltspsychiater (1)
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (1)
- Aphid predator (1)
- Aquatic Ecotoxicology (1)
- Aquatic Guidance Document (1)
- Aquatic ecology (1)
- Aquatische Makrophyten (1)
- Aquatisches Ökosystem (1)
- Arbeitsbelastungen (1)
- Arbeitsmotivation (1)
- Architektur <Informatik> (1)
- Archäologie (1)
- Argumentation (1)
- Art Déco (1)
- Artificial Neural Networks (1)
- Arzneimittel (1)
- Arzneistoffe (1)
- Arzt-Angehörigen-Kommunikation (1)
- Aspekt <Linguistik> (1)
- Assoziierungsabkommen der EU mit der Ukraine (1)
- Auchenorrhyncha (1)
- Auditing (1)
- Aufmerksamkeit (1)
- Aufsatzdidaktik (1)
- Augenbewegung (1)
- Ausbreitung (1)
- Auslese (1)
- Auswahl (1)
- Autokorrelation (1)
- Automatische Kontrolle im Produktionsprozess (1)
- Automotive Systems (1)
- Autoritarismus (1)
- Außeralltäglichkeit (1)
- Außerschulische Lernorte (1)
- Awareness (1)
- Axiomatische Geometrie (1)
- BNE (1)
- BNE-Kriterien (1)
- BPMN (1)
- Bandenemission (1)
- Barriere (1)
- Barrieren (1)
- Basic psychological needs (1)
- Bauen mit Bauklötzen (1)
- Bauxit (1)
- Bayes-Netz (1)
- Bayesian Networks (1)
- Beaconless (1)
- Bedrohte Tiere (1)
- Bees (1)
- Beethoven (1)
- Befahrbarkeit (1)
- Befragungsinstrument (1)
- Behinderungen (1)
- Beispiel (1)
- Belebtschlamm (1)
- Benefits Realisation Management (1)
- Benetzung (1)
- Benutzerverhalten (1)
- Beobachtungskompetenz (1)
- Beregnung (1)
- Berichterstattung (1)
- Bertelsmann Transformationsindex (1)
- Beruflicher Kontakt (1)
- Berufsausbildung (1)
- Berufsorientierung (1)
- Beschichtung (1)
- Bestäuber (1)
- Beta-Blocker (1)
- Beta-Diversität (1)
- Betriebliche Ausbildung (1)
- Bewegungsapparat (1)
- Bewertungskriterien (1)
- Bewertungssystem (1)
- Bewertungsverfahren (1)
- Bewältigung (1)
- Bienen <Familie> (1)
- Big Five (1)
- Bildanalyse (1)
- Bildsegmentierung (1)
- Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (1)
- Bildungsaspiration (1)
- Bildungserfolg (1)
- Bildungsinteresse (1)
- Bildungssprache (1)
- Bilingualer Unterricht (1)
- Bill Clinton (1)
- Binnengewässer (1)
- Bioassay (1)
- Biogasanlage (1)
- Biogeografie (1)
- Biographie (1)
- Biohydrogel (1)
- Bioindikator (1)
- Biomechanics (1)
- Biopolymere (1)
- Biotopkartierung (1)
- Biotransformation (1)
- Biozide (1)
- Biozönose (1)
- Bioökonomie (1)
- Bipartiter Graph (1)
- Blickbewegung (1)
- Bodenerosion (1)
- Bodenfeuchtesimulation (1)
- Bodenphysik (1)
- Bodenwasser (1)
- Bodenökologie (1)
- Bologna-Prozess (1)
- Bombina variegata (1)
- Bororthophosphat (1)
- Budongo Forest (1)
- Burn-out-Syndrom (1)
- Burnout (1)
- Business English (1)
- Business Rule Bases, Inconsistency Measurement (1)
- Business Software (1)
- Butterflies (1)
- Bärlappe (1)
- Bürgerliches Drama (1)
- CLIL (1)
- Calcium (1)
- Carry-over effects (1)
- Cashew-Sektor (1)
- Cations (1)
- Chancengerechtigkeit (1)
- Chancengleichheit (1)
- Charisma (1)
- Charles Darwin (1)
- Charta der Vereinten Nationen (1)
- Cheilolejeunea ; continental tropical Africa ; rainforest (1)
- Chemische Abwasserreinigung (1)
- Chief Executive Officer (1)
- Chironomus riparius (1)
- Chromatographie (1)
- Chronische Niereninsuffizienz (1)
- Citizen Science (1)
- Classroom-Management (1)
- Climate (1)
- Climate anxiety (1)
- Climate change (1)
- Climate denial (1)
- Cloud Point Extraction (1)
- Clustering coefficient (1)
- Cognitive functions (1)
- Cognitive-behavioral group therapy (1)
- Coleoptera (1)
- Collaboration (1)
- Comic (1)
- Commitment <Management> (1)
- Communication Networks (1)
- Computational Toxicology (1)
- Computer (1)
- Computer Graphics (1)
- Computer Security (1)
- Computer Vision (1)
- Computer assisted communication (1)
- Computersicherheit (1)
- Computerspiel (1)
- Conceptual Metaphor Theory (1)
- Connected Vehicles (1)
- Conservation (1)
- Consumer behaviour (1)
- Consumption renunciation (1)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (1)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) (1)
- Controlling (1)
- Cooperative Learning; Teaching Methods (1)
- Crayfish (1)
- Crayfish plague (1)
- Curriculum (1)
- DMF-DMA (1)
- DRIFTS (1)
- Daphnia (1)
- Daphnia longispina (1)
- Daphnia longispina complex (1)
- Daphnia longispina-Komplex (1)
- Darwinismus (1)
- Data Mining (1)
- Data compression (1)
- Data protection (1)
- Datenbank (1)
- Datenkompression (1)
- Datenschutzkompetenz (1)
- Datenschutzkompetenzmodell (1)
- David Hume (1)
- Decision-support (1)
- Decodierung (1)
- Deduktion (1)
- Deep Learning (1)
- Deep Metric Learning (1)
- Defekte Demokratie (1)
- Definitivartikel (1)
- Delphi (1)
- Demographie (1)
- Demography (1)
- Demokratieförderung der Ukraine (1)
- Demokratieförderung durch die Europäische Union (1)
- Demokratiestatus (1)
- Demokratische Werte und Normen (1)
- Densimetric Measurement (1)
- Deposition (1)
- Depth Profile (1)
- Derivatisierung (1)
- Derrida (1)
- Design Science Research (1)
- Design-Based-Research-Studie (1)
- Designforschung (1)
- Destiny (1)
- Deutungsmuster (1)
- Dezentralisierungsreform (1)
- DiaLex (1)
- Diagnosekriterien (1)
- Diagnoseunterstützung (1)
- Diagnosis (1)
- Diagnosis assistance (1)
- Diagnostik (1)
- Dialekt (1)
- Dichtemessung (1)
- Didaktik (1)
- Differentia Scanning Calorimetry (1)
- Differential scanning calorimetry (1)
- Diffuse Quellen (1)
- Digitale Bibliothek (1)
- Digitale Bildung (1)
- Digitale Medien (1)
- Digitalisation (1)
- Dimension 3 (1)
- Diskriminierung (1)
- Diskurs (1)
- Diskursanalyse (1)
- Diskursmeter (1)
- Diskursverständnis (1)
- Disney (1)
- Dispositiv (1)
- Dissens (1)
- Distributed Algorithm (1)
- Distributed Environments (1)
- Distribution <Linguistik> (1)
- Documents (1)
- Dracaena (1)
- Drahtloses Sensorsystem (1)
- Drahtloses vermachtes Netz (1)
- Drahtwürmer (1)
- Drainagegräben (1)
- Dramengestalt (1)
- Dramenschluss (1)
- Dredging (1)
- Driver Assistance Systems (1)
- Drucktechnik (1)
- Duale Ausbildung (1)
- Duales System (1)
- Dyadische Interaktion (1)
- Dynamische Geometrie (1)
- Düngemittel (1)
- E-Demokratie (1)
- E-Participation (1)
- EP Wahl (1)
- ERP-System (1)
- EU (1)
- EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) (1)
- EU-Strategie der Demokratieförderung (1)
- EU-Ukraine Assoziationsagenda (1)
- EU-Ukraine Assoziationsrat (1)
- EU-Ukraine Parlamentarische Assoziationsrat (1)
- EU-Ukraine Partnerschafts- und Kooperationsabkommen (1)
- East Africa (1)
- Ebener Graph (1)
- Ebullition (1)
- Echtzeitsystem (1)
- Economic potential (1)
- Ecosystem service (1)
- Ecotoxicity (1)
- Eddy-covariance (1)
- Edelkrebs (1)
- Edellaubmischwälder (1)
- Ehe (1)
- Ehescheidung (1)
- Eigensinn (1)
- Einstellung (1)
- Einstellungen gegenüber bestimmten Filmeigenschaften (1)
- Einstellungen und Haltungen zu Inklusion (1)
- Ekel (1)
- Elastic net (1)
- Elektrizitätslehre (1)
- Elektronenmikroskopie (1)
- Elektronische Bibliothek (1)
- Elektrostimulation (1)
- Elevation gradient (1)
- Elternschaft (1)
- Emission (1)
- Empirical Research (1)
- Empirical Studies (1)
- Empirische Forschung (1)
- Empirismus (1)
- Employee Behavior (1)
- Endangerment (1)
- Endokrine Regulation (1)
- Energiefluss (1)
- Energy fluxes (1)
- England (1)
- Englisch (1)
- Enhanced Representation (1)
- Enterprise Architecture Framework (1)
- Entrepreneurship Education (1)
- Entrepreneurship Experience and Extra-curricular Activity (1)
- Entropia Universe (1)
- Entscheidungstheorie (1)
- Entscheidungsunterstützung (1)
- Environmental Risk Assessment (1)
- Environmental factors (1)
- Environmental organic chemistry (1)
- Environmental psychology (1)
- Environmental samples (1)
- Epiphyten (1)
- Erfolgsfaktor (1)
- Erleben (1)
- Erneuerbare Energien (1)
- Erwachsenenbildung (1)
- Erwartung (1)
- Erzieher (1)
- Erzieherin (1)
- Erziehung (1)
- Erziehungsverhalten (1)
- Erziehungswissenschaft (1)
- Erzählung (1)
- Ethik (1)
- Ethnographie (1)
- Ethnography (1)
- Euklidische Geometrie (1)
- Eurokrise (1)
- Euromaidan (1)
- European Union Support Group for Ukraine (1)
- Europäische Kommission (1)
- Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik (1)
- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (1)
- Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst (1)
- Europäischer Rat (1)
- Europäisches Nachbarschaftsinstrument (1)
- Euroskeptizismus (1)
- Evacuation modeling (1)
- Evidence-based Psychotherapy (1)
- Experimente (1)
- Experimentieren (1)
- Experteninterview (1)
- Expertise (1)
- Expertiseentwicklung (1)
- Extinktion (1)
- Eye Tracking (1)
- FTIR (1)
- Fachhochschule (1)
- Fahrzeug (1)
- Faktorenanalyse (1)
- Faktorinvarianz (1)
- Fallrekonstruktion (1)
- Familie (1)
- Familienbeziehungen (1)
- Farnpflanzen (1)
- Fast-slow continuum (1)
- Fault Trees (1)
- Fehlerbaum (1)
- Felis catus (1)
- Felis silvestris domestica (1)
- Ferns (1)
- Feuchtgebiet (1)
- Filmbewertung (1)
- Finanzpolitik (1)
- Fischgewebe (1)
- Fiskalische Kosten (1)
- Fiskalpolitik (1)
- Fledermäuse (1)
- Flesch-Reading-Ease Index (1)
- Flow decomposition (1)
- Flugbegleiter (1)
- Flusssediment (1)
- Flächennutzung (1)
- Flächennutzungskonkurrenz (1)
- Folgenanreize (1)
- Foliicolous lichens (1)
- Food (1)
- Formal Methods (1)
- Formale Methoden (1)
- Formale Ontologie (1)
- Forsterschließung (1)
- Forstwirtschaft (1)
- Fotoauswahl (1)
- Foucault, Michel (1)
- Fractionation (1)
- Fragebeantwortung (1)
- Französischunterricht (1)
- Freedom House (1)
- Freeze Coring (1)
- Fremddeutung (1)
- Fremdeinschätzung (1)
- Fremdsprachendidaktik (1)
- Fritz Schütze (1)
- Frühpädagogik (1)
- Fungicide (1)
- Fungicides (1)
- Funktionelle Störung (1)
- Fusarium spp. (1)
- Fusion (1)
- Fuzzy-Logik (1)
- Fußballschuhe (1)
- Fächerkanon (1)
- Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept (1)
- Förderschule (1)
- Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung (1)
- Förderung (1)
- Führung durch Selbstführung (1)
- Führungskraft (1)
- Führungskräfteentwicklung, Selbstwirksamkeit, Situational Judgment Test (1)
- Führungskultur (1)
- Führungstheorie (1)
- GC-MS (1)
- GDPR (1)
- GIRT (1)
- GRAF1 (1)
- Galerucinae (1)
- Gamebased (1)
- Gamebasiertheit (1)
- Gamification (1)
- Gammarus fossarum (1)
- Gangart (1)
- Ganzheitlichkeit (1)
- Ganzzahlige Optimierung (1)
- Gas storage capacity (1)
- Gasblasen (1)
- Gatekeeper (1)
- GazeTheWeb (1)
- Gebrauchsgraphik (1)
- Gedächtnis (1)
- Gefrierkernverfahren (1)
- Gefrierpunktserniedrigung (1)
- Gefährdung (1)
- Gefäßanalyse (1)
- Gegenstandsanreize (1)
- Geistige Behinderung (1)
- Gel effect (1)
- Gelbbauchunke (1)
- Gelände (1)
- Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (GASP) (1)
- Gemeinschaftlicher Besitzstand (1)
- Gemischt-ganzzahlige Optimierung (1)
- Genealogie (1)
- Genetic diversity (1)
- Genetics (1)
- Genetik (1)
- Genetischer Fingerabdruck (1)
- Geographic routing (1)
- Geoinformationssystem (1)
- Geoinformationssysteme (1)
- Geometric spanner (1)
- Geometriedidaktik (1)
- Geomorphologie (1)
- Geothermie (1)
- Geowissenschaften (1)
- Gerechtigkeit (1)
- Gerichteter Graph (1)
- Gesangverein (1)
- Geschlecht (1)
- Geschlossene Unterbringung (1)
- Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (1)
- Gesprächsanalyse (1)
- Gesundheit (1)
- Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität (1)
- Gesundheitskommunikation (1)
- Gewässer (1)
- Gewässerqualität (1)
- Gewässerökologie (1)
- Glasumwandlung (1)
- Glasübergang (1)
- Globale Wertschöpfungsketten (1)
- Graph (1)
- Graph theory (1)
- Graphentheorie (1)
- Graphic novel (1)
- Graphik-Hardware (1)
- Graphische Benutzeroberfläche (1)
- Grundbedürfnis (1)
- Grundwasserfauna-Index (1)
- Grundwasserökologie (1)
- Gruppenarbeit (1)
- Gruppentherapie (1)
- Größenfraktionierung (1)
- Grünlandbewirtschaftung (1)
- Gut content analysis (1)
- HZE (1)
- Haare (1)
- Habitat (1)
- Habitat loss (1)
- Habitat networks (1)
- Habitatfragmentierung (1)
- Habitatsverlust (1)
- Habitus (1)
- Halbleiter (1)
- Haltung (1)
- Hambacher Fest (1)
- Handlungskompetenz (1)
- Handlungsmuster (1)
- Handlungsorientierung (1)
- Handlungstheorie (1)
- Hard and Soft News (1)
- Haushaltspolitik (1)
- Hauskatze (1)
- Hedonic (1)
- Hedonisch (1)
- Heimerziehung (1)
- Herbizid (1)
- Herzrate (1)
- Hilfe zur Erziehung (1)
- Hindernis (1)
- Hirschkäfer (1)
- Hirschzunge (1)
- Hochpräzise Volumenmessung (1)
- Hochschulbindung (1)
- Hochschuldidaktik (1)
- Hochschulorganisation (1)
- Hochschulpolitik (1)
- Holzhaus (1)
- Human Disturbance (1)
- Human-Computer Interaction (1)
- Humus (1)
- Hyaluronan (1)
- Hyaluronsäure (1)
- Hydratation (1)
- Hydration (1)
- Hydrochemie (1)
- Hydrodynamics (1)
- Hydrogel (1)
- Hydrologie (1)
- Hydrophobie (1)
- IAT (1)
- ICM (1)
- ICP-MS (1)
- IM-Systeme (1)
- IPT (1)
- ISO 9001 (1)
- IT-Security (1)
- Idar-Oberstein (1)
- Identifikation (1)
- Imitation Learning (1)
- Immanuel Kant (1)
- Implicit Association Test (1)
- India (1)
- Indien (1)
- Individualisierung (1)
- Individualisierung von Lernwegen (1)
- Individualized Learning (1)
- Individuelle Computermodelle (1)
- Individuelle Förderung (1)
- Industriepolitik (1)
- Informatikunterricht (1)
- Information (1)
- Information Centric Networking (1)
- Information Visualization (1)
- Informationssystem (1)
- Informationsverarbeitung (1)
- Informationsverlinkung (1)
- Informationsvisualisierung (1)
- Informel (1)
- Informelle Pflege (1)
- Informetrie (1)
- Innerbetriebliche Kommunikation (1)
- Innerbetriebliche Kooperation (1)
- Insecticide (1)
- Instant Messaging (1)
- Instructed Second Language Acquisition (1)
- Instrumentalismus (1)
- Integrated Model (1)
- Integration in der SEK II (1)
- Integrierte Lernumgebung (1)
- Interactive Visualizations (1)
- Interactive engagement (1)
- Interaktion (1)
- Interaktionseffekt (1)
- Interaktive Visualisierungen (1)
- Interdisziplinarität (1)
- Intergruppenprozesse (1)
- Internationale Organisationen (1)
- Internationaler Währungsfonds (IWF) (1)
- Interparticulate hydrogel swelling (1)
- Intervention (1)
- Invarianzmessung (1)
- Irak Krieg (1)
- Iran (1)
- Islam (1)
- Jakob Heinrich Lützel (1)
- Java (1)
- Johann Ludwig Dacqué (1)
- Johann Schwager (1)
- John Dewey (1)
- Journalismusforschung (1)
- Judentum (1)
- Jugendamt (1)
- Just-in-Time Teaching (1)
- Justification (1)
- Jüdisch (1)
- KPI (1)
- Kabel (1)
- Kalkmagerrasen (1)
- Kamera Pose Tracking (1)
- Kanalcodierung (1)
- Kant, Immanuel (1)
- Kantenbewerteter Graph (1)
- Karriere (1)
- Karrierefaktor (1)
- Karst (1)
- Karstgrundwasserleiter (1)
- Kation-Brücken (1)
- Kationen (1)
- Katze (1)
- Kausalanalyse (1)
- Kennzahl (1)
- Kenya (1)
- Kindheit (1)
- Klassische Musik (1)
- Klima (1)
- Klimaerwärmung (1)
- Klimaänderung (1)
- Klingenmünster (1)
- Klinische Psychologie (1)
- Kluftgrundwasserleiter (1)
- Knowledge (1)
- Knowledge Graph (1)
- Knowledge Graphs (1)
- Kognitiv-behaviorale Gruppentherapie (1)
- Kognitive Entwicklung (1)
- Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie (1)
- Kohlenstoffkreislauf (1)
- Kohlenstoffschichten (1)
- Kolb-Test (1)
- Kollaboration (1)
- Kollektivismus (1)
- Kolloid (1)
- Kolloide (1)
- Kolloids (1)
- Kommunikation (1)
- Kommunikation (intern) (1)
- Kommunikative Kompetenz (1)
- Kommunitarismus (1)
- Kompetenzdiagnostik (1)
- Kompetenzentwicklung (1)
- Kompetenzmessung (1)
- Komplexe Beeinträchtigungen (1)
- Komplexität / Algorithmus (1)
- Komponentenanalyse (1)
- Konditionierungen (1)
- Konfliktfähigkeit (1)
- Konfliktkultur (1)
- Konjugation (1)
- Konkurrenz (1)
- Konsistenz. Psychologie (1)
- Konstruieren (1)
- Konsumentenverhalten (1)
- Konsumverzicht (1)
- Kontaktwinkel (1)
- Kontamination (1)
- Kontiguität (1)
- Kontingenz (1)
- Kontrastlose Oberflächen (1)
- Konzept der Eingebetteten Demokratie (1)
- Kookkurrenz (1)
- Kooperation (1)
- Kooperatives Lernen (1)
- Kopenhagener Kriterien (1)
- Kran (1)
- Krankheitsverarbeitung (1)
- Krebspest (1)
- Kreuzbandverletzung (1)
- Kriegsneurose (1)
- Krisenberichterstattung (1)
- Kristallisation (1)
- Kriterium (1)
- Kritisches Lebensereignis (1)
- Kryo (1)
- Kubismus (1)
- Kulturelle Bildung (1)
- Kulturlandschaft (1)
- Kundendienst (1)
- Kunst (1)
- Kunstpädagogik (1)
- Körper (1)
- Körperliche Aktivität (1)
- Körperproportionen (1)
- Künstliche Intelligenz (1)
- Künstliche Neuronale Netze (1)
- L2 writers (1)
- LIBS (1)
- LMX (1)
- Laacher See <Region> (1)
- Laie (1)
- Lake Kinneret (1)
- Lake Naivasha (1)
- Lake Wamala (1)
- Lakes (1)
- Landscape ecology (1)
- Landschaftsebene (1)
- Landschaftskartierung (1)
- Landschaftsökologie (1)
- Langlebigkeit (1)
- Laser (1)
- Lasso (1)
- Last-year students (1)
- Latent Negative (1)
- Laufen (1)
- Laugung (1)
- Laura Mulvey (1)
- Lebensbewältigung (1)
- Lebenslanges Lernen (1)
- Lebensmittel (1)
- Lebensmittelabfall (1)
- Lebensmittelabfälle (1)
- Lebensqualität (1)
- Lebensraumqualität (1)
- Lebensstandard (1)
- Lehrerkompetenzen (1)
- Lehrerprofessionalisierung (1)
- Leiblich-Affektiv (1)
- Leiblichkeit (1)
- Leichte Sprache (1)
- Leistungsmotivation (1)
- Lernerfolg (1)
- Lernerorientierte Qualitätstestierung (LQW) (1)
- Lernklima (1)
- Lernkontext (1)
- Lernmaterial (1)
- Lernortlandschaft (1)
- Lernstation (1)
- Lernstilanalysen (1)
- Lernumwelt (1)
- Lernzirkel (1)
- Leugnung (1)
- Lied (1)
- Liedbearbeitungen (1)
- Life history (1)
- Limnology (1)
- Limology (1)
- Line Space (1)
- Linguistic Requirements (1)
- Linguistik (1)
- Linguistische Gesprächsanalyse (1)
- Link Prediction (1)
- Linking of Information (1)
- Literaturrecherche (1)
- Literaturwissenschaft (1)
- Loans (1)
- Local algorithm (1)
- Lockergesteinleiter (1)
- Logischer Schluss (1)
- Longevity (1)
- Lucanus cervus (1)
- Ludwig Heydenreich (1)
- Lumbago (1)
- Lumbalgie (1)
- Lumbar Spine (1)
- Lunaria (1)
- Lurche (1)
- Lycophytes (1)
- Ländliche Entwicklung (1)
- Ländliche Räume (1)
- Ländliche Siedlung (1)
- Ländlicher Raum (1)
- Längsschnittuntersuchung (1)
- MBS Model (1)
- MKS (1)
- MKS-Simulation (1)
- Machine Learning (1)
- Macro Financial Assistance Programs (1)
- Magnetis (1)
- Maifisch (1)
- Makrofinanzielle Unterstützungsprogramme (1)
- Makrophyten (1)
- Makrozoobenthos (1)
- Mapping <Mathematics> (1)
- Marketing (1)
- Mass-Spektrometrie (1)
- Massenspektrometrie (1)
- Material Culture (1)
- Mathematical optimisation (1)
- Maßtheorie (1)
- Measure-theory (1)
- Medialität (1)
- Mediator (1)
- Medien (1)
- Mediengewalt (1)
- Mediennutzung (1)
- Medienphilosophie (1)
- Medienpsychologie (1)
- Medienpädagogik (1)
- Medientheorie (1)
- Medienwirkung (1)
- Medium (1)
- Medizinische Bildverarbeitung (1)
- Mehrebenenanalyse (1)
- Mehrkörpersystem (1)
- Mehrkörpersysteme (1)
- Mehrprozessorsystem (1)
- Meiofauna (1)
- Meliorismus (1)
- Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (1)
- Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten (1)
- Mentalität (1)
- Merkmal (1)
- Merkmalsmanagement (1)
- Merkmalssynthese (1)
- Mesobenthos (1)
- Mesophiler Laubwald (1)
- Messung (1)
- Messung der Ökoeffizienz (1)
- Metalle/Matalloide (1)
- Metalloids (1)
- Metals (1)
- Metals/metalloids (1)
- Metamodel (1)
- Metapher (1)
- Metapopulation dynamics (1)
- Metapopulationsdynamiken (1)
- Methan (1)
- Methane emissions (1)
- Methode (1)
- Methodenvergleich (1)
- Mezzanine-Finanzierung (1)
- Microfinance (1)
- Microfinance institutions (1)
- Microplastics (1)
- Micropollutants (1)
- Migration (1)
- Mikrofinanzierung (1)
- Mikroplastik (1)
- Mikrosatelliten-DNA (1)
- Mikroskopie (1)
- Mikroskopische Objekte (1)
- Mikroverunreinigung (1)
- Minderung (1)
- Minimalschnitt (1)
- Mining (1)
- Minsker Abkommen (1)
- Missionarin (1)
- Misskonzepte (1)
- Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit (1)
- Mitgefühl (1)
- Mittelrhein (1)
- Mittelstand (1)
- Mixed Methods (1)
- Mixed integer programming (1)
- Mixed methods (1)
- Mixture Toxicity (1)
- Modellieren (1)
- Modellierungskompetenz (1)
- Modellprojekt PSB NIERE (1)
- Moderierte Diskussionen (1)
- Modeschmuck (1)
- Monolepta (1)
- Monte-Carlo-Simulation (1)
- Morphologie (1)
- Mosambik (1)
- Motivation (1)
- Movie evaluation criteria (1)
- Mucilage (1)
- Multi-Agenten-Simulation (1)
- Multiagentensysteme (1)
- Multimodal Action Recognition (1)
- Multimodal Medical Image Analysis Cochlea Spine Non-rigid Registration Segmentation ITK VTK 3D Slicer CT MRI CBCT (1)
- Multiple Object Tracking (1)
- Multiple somatoforme Symptome (1)
- Multitrait-Multimethod-Modelle (1)
- Multivariable Statistik (1)
- Museums visitors (1)
- Museumsbesucher (1)
- Musiklehrendenforschung (1)
- Musikpädagogik (1)
- Musikunterricht (1)
- Musikverein (1)
- Mustererkennung (1)
- Männerchor (1)
- NMR relaxometry (1)
- NMR-Spektroskopie (1)
- NSSV (1)
- Nachbarschaftsgraph (1)
- Nachhaltigkeit (1)
- Nachhaltigkeitsbericht (1)
- Nachrichtenwerttheorie (1)
- Nachtfalter (1)
- Nachtschmetterlinge (1)
- Named Function Networking (1)
- Nanoröhren (1)
- Narrative Interviews (1)
- Narrativität (1)
- Nassbaggerung (1)
- Nationalbewegung (1)
- Nationalismus (1)
- Nationalsozialismus (1)
- Nato (1)
- Nato Globale Partner (1)
- Nato Response Force (1)
- Nato Transformation (1)
- Natronwasserglas (1)
- Natura 2000 (1)
- Naturalismus (1)
- Naturpotential (1)
- Naturräumliche Gliederung (1)
- Naturschutz (1)
- Naturschutzgenetik (1)
- Naturschutzmanagement (1)
- Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht (1)
- Natürliche Schädlingskontrolle (1)
- Natürliches organisches Material (1)
- Near-surface turbulence (1)
- Neokonservative (1)
- Network robustness (1)
- Networks (1)
- Netzwerk (1)
- Netzwerkrobustheit (1)
- Netzwerktopologie (1)
- Neuroactive chemicals (1)
- Neurowissenschaften (1)
- Nicht-Ziel-Pflanzen (1)
- Non-freezing water (1)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO (1)
- Nuclear Magnetic R (1)
- Nutzen (1)
- Nutzererleben (1)
- Nyungwe National Park (1)
- Nährstoffverfügbarkeit (1)
- Nützlinge (1)
- OCB (1)
- OMW (1)
- OWL <Informatik> (1)
- Obama (1)
- Oberflächen-Runoff (1)
- Oberflächenabfluss (1)
- Oberflächeneigenschaft (1)
- Oberflächenveredelung (1)
- Objektorientierung (1)
- Offensiver Neorealismus (1)
- Ohrgeräusch (1)
- Oligomer (1)
- Olivenölproduktion (1)
- One-Shot Action Recognition (1)
- Online grocery shopping (1)
- Online-Kommunikation (1)
- Online-Lebensmittelhandel (1)
- Online-Self-Assessment (1)
- Ontologie (1)
- Ontologie <Wissensverarbeitung> (1)
- Ontology (1)
- Open Content (1)
- Open Source (1)
- Operationsplanung (1)
- Optimierung (1)
- Optimismus (1)
- Optimization (1)
- Optische Messtechnik (1)
- Ordensfrau (1)
- Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) (1)
- Organische Bodensubstanz (1)
- Oriental region (1)
- Ostafrika (1)
- Osteocephalus (1)
- Ozon (1)
- Ozonisierung (1)
- Panikstörung (1)
- Paniksyndrom (1)
- Parkinsonismus (1)
- Parkinsonsyndrom (1)
- Partizipation (1)
- Partnerschaft (1)
- Passiver Wortschatz (1)
- Perfect (1)
- Perfekt (1)
- Perfluorcarbonsäuren (1)
- Personalentwicklung (1)
- Personality (1)
- Petri Nets (1)
- Pflanzen (1)
- Pflegebedürftigkeit (1)
- Pflegedienst (1)
- Pharmaceuticals (1)
- Pharmakokinetik (1)
- Philipp Walter (1)
- Philosophie (1)
- Phosphorsäureester (1)
- Photogrammetrie Kalibrierung EMVA-1288 (1)
- Photogrammetry (1)
- Photographie (1)
- Photovoltaik (1)
- Phylogeographie (1)
- Physik (1)
- Physikalische Therapie (1)
- Physikdidaktik (1)
- Phytophthora infestans (1)
- Placement Strategies (1)
- Planar graphs (1)
- Plant Communities (1)
- Plant protection products (1)
- Plastic mulching (1)
- Plasticization; Glass transition (1)
- Plastifizieren (1)
- Plastifizierung (1)
- Policy Language (1)
- Politische Steuerung (1)
- Politische Ökonomie (1)
- Politisches und Sicherheitspolitisches Komitee (PSK) (1)
- Pollinators (1)
- Pollution (1)
- Polysaccharide (1)
- Polysaccharides (1)
- Polystichum (1)
- Population (1)
- Populationsgenetik (1)
- Pore Water (1)
- Poser analysis (1)
- Poser-Analyse (1)
- Positionierung (1)
- Positive Peer Culture (1)
- Power Law (1)
- Pragmatic (1)
- Pragmatisch (1)
- Pragmatismus (1)
- Pragmatizismus (1)
- Praktikant (1)
- Praktikum (1)
- Praktikumsbegleitung (1)
- Praxiswissen (1)
- Predictive Model (1)
- Preemptive strike (1)
- Present Perfect (1)
- Primzahl (1)
- Primzahlen (1)
- Privacy Competence Model (1)
- Pro-environmental behaviour change (1)
- Proactive Caching (1)
- Problemlösekompetenz (1)
- Problemlösen (1)
- Process (1)
- Process Quality (1)
- Product choice (1)
- Produktbewertung (1)
- Produktentscheidung (1)
- Produktwahl (1)
- Professionalisierung (1)
- Projektlernen (1)
- Projektpraktikum (1)
- Projektunterricht (1)
- Propagation (1)
- Prosoziales Verhalten (1)
- Proteinstrukturanalyse (1)
- Provenance (1)
- Prozessqualität (1)
- Prädikatenlogik (1)
- Prädiktor (1)
- Präkonzepte (1)
- Präliminarienartikel (1)
- Präposition (1)
- Präsentisches Perfekt (1)
- Präventivmedizin (1)
- Psychiatrie (1)
- Psychische Erkrankungen (1)
- Psychische Störung (1)
- Psychosomatische Störung (1)
- Psychosoziale Begleitung (1)
- Psychotherapie (1)
- Pteris (1)
- Py-GC/MS (1)
- Pyrethroide (1)
- Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse (1)
- Qualität (1)
- Qualitätsdimensionen (1)
- Qualitätsmanagement (1)
- Qualitätsmerkmale (1)
- Quantitative Untersuchung (1)
- Quasi unit disk graph (1)
- Quelle <Hydrologie> (1)
- Quellen (1)
- Quellfauna (1)
- Quelltypen (1)
- RCT (1)
- Rahmenmodell (1)
- Ralf Schauf (1)
- Random Finite Sets (1)
- Random Forest (1)
- Randomisierte kontrollierte Therapieevaluation (1)
- Randstreifen (1)
- Rat der Europäischen Union (1)
- Ratgeber (1)
- Rationalität (1)
- Raupe (1)
- Raytracing (1)
- Reactive algorithm (1)
- Rechtfertigung (1)
- Rechtfertigung <Philosophie> (1)
- Recovery (1)
- Reference Model (1)
- Referenzrahmen (1)
- Reflexion (1)
- Regenwald (1)
- Regenwald ; Afrika ; Cheilolejeunea (1)
- Regieren (1)
- Regionenlabeling (1)
- Rekonstruktion (1)
- Rekonstruktion (der Philosophie) (1)
- Religiosität (1)
- Renewable energy (1)
- Reproduktion (1)
- Repräsentation (1)
- Reservoir Sedimentation (1)
- Reservoirs (1)
- Resource Governance (1)
- Response-Shift (1)
- Revision (1)
- Revolution <1848> (1)
- Revolution in military affairs (1)
- Rezeptionsforschung (1)
- Rhein (1)
- Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis (1)
- Rheometry (1)
- Rhineland-Palatinate (1)
- Rhizosphere (1)
- Rieselmassen (1)
- Right-wing ideology (1)
- Risiko (1)
- Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren (1)
- Risiko-Beurteilung (1)
- Risiko-Minimierung (1)
- Risikoabschätzung (1)
- Risikominderungsmaßnahmen (1)
- Risikominimierung (1)
- Risk assessment (1)
- Roboter (1)
- Rollstuhlbasketball (1)
- Routing (1)
- RuneScape (1)
- Runoff (1)
- Ruscaceae (1)
- Russia (1)
- Räuber (1)
- Rückverfolgbarkeit (1)
- SOA (1)
- SOK-Modell (1)
- SPEAR (1)
- Salinisation (1)
- Salm (1)
- Sanktionen der EU (1)
- Satelliten-DNS (1)
- Saving (1)
- Saving and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) (1)
- Scaffolding (1)
- Schadstoffbelastung (1)
- Schadstoffkonzentration (1)
- Scheidung (1)
- Scheidungsfolgen (1)
- Schlaf (1)
- Schlaganfall (1)
- Schlauch (1)
- Schlussfolgern (1)
- Schmerz (1)
- Schmerzbewältigung (1)
- Schmerztherapie (1)
- Schmerzveränderung (1)
- Schmucktheorie (1)
- Schottland (1)
- Schreibdidaktik (1)
- Schreiben (1)
- Schreibprozess (1)
- Schreibtechnik (1)
- Schrifttheorie (1)
- Schulden (1)
- Schule (1)
- Schulklima (1)
- Schulleitung (1)
- Schwebstoffe (1)
- Schwermetalle (1)
- Schädlingskontrolle (1)
- Schülerwahrnehmungen (1)
- Second Life (1)
- Security Requirements (1)
- Sediment Water Interface (1)
- Sediment-Water-Interfaces (1)
- See (1)
- Segmentierung (1)
- Selbstbeobachtung (1)
- Selbstbeschädigung (1)
- Selbstbild (1)
- Selbstdeutung (1)
- Selbsteinschaetzung (1)
- Selbsteinschätzung (1)
- Selbstführung (1)
- Selbstführungskompetenz (1)
- Selbstkonzept (1)
- Selbstmanagement (1)
- Selbstmitgefühl (1)
- Selbstmord (1)
- Selbstregulation (1)
- Selbsttötung (1)
- Selbstwert (1)
- Self-determination theory (1)
- Semantic Data (1)
- Semantic Web Data (1)
- Semiotik (1)
- Serigrafie (1)
- Service (1)
- Service Oriented Architecture (1)
- Service-Qualität (1)
- Servicepersonal (1)
- Sexualisierung (1)
- Sexuelle Orientierung (1)
- Sicherheit (1)
- Situationales Interesse (1)
- Size-fractionation (1)
- Skalenkonstruktion (1)
- Skalenvalidierung (1)
- Skalierungsmodelle (1)
- Skepsis (1)
- Skeptizismus (1)
- Social Cognitive Career Theory (1)
- Social Entrepreneurship in Vietnam (1)
- Social Software (1)
- Social identity theory (1)
- Socio-ecological transformation (1)
- Socio-economic development (1)
- Software Language (1)
- Software Technology (1)
- Softwarearchitektur (1)
- Soil physics (1)
- Soil structural stability (1)
- Solarzelle (1)
- Somatoform disorder (1)
- Somatoform symptoms (1)
- Somatoforme Störung (1)
- Somatoforme Störungen (1)
- Sorption (1)
- Southern Amazonia (1)
- Sozial-ökologische Transformation (1)
- Sozialarbeit (1)
- Soziale Identität (1)
- Soziale Wahrnehmung (1)
- Soziales Netzwerk (1)
- Sozialkompetenz (1)
- Sozialkonstruktivismus (1)
- Sparen (1)
- Spear (1)
- Speciation (1)
- Species turnover (1)
- Spielarten des Kapitalismus (1)
- Spiralcurriculum (1)
- Spiritualität (1)
- Sport (1)
- Sportverletzung (1)
- Sprachkompetenz (1)
- Sprachliche Handlungsmuster (1)
- Sprachspielkompetenz (1)
- Sprachtheorie (1)
- Sprechweise (1)
- St. Goar (1)
- St. Goarshausen (1)
- Staatsschuldenkrise (1)
- Standard of living (1)
- Standortanalyse (1)
- State (1)
- Statistische Versuchsplanung (1)
- Staubewässerung (1)
- Staugeregelte Flüsse (1)
- Stausee (1)
- Stauseeverlandung (1)
- Stechmücke (1)
- Stechmücken-Kontrolle (1)
- Stereotyp (1)
- Stereotype Content Model (1)
- Stimme (1)
- Stimmungsveränderung (1)
- Stollendesign (1)
- Straßenzustand (1)
- Stresstheorien (1)
- Structural Equation Modeling (1)
- Structural Validity (1)
- Struktur (1)
- Strukturelle Validität (1)
- Studienanfänger (1)
- Studiengang (1)
- Studienleistung (1)
- Studium (1)
- Stygofauna (1)
- Stygoregion (1)
- Subjektbildung (1)
- Sufficiency (1)
- Sufficiency orientation (1)
- Suffizienz (1)
- Suffizienzorientierung (1)
- Surface Science (1)
- Sustainability (1)
- Symbolischer Interaktionismus (1)
- Symboltheorie (1)
- Systematics (1)
- Systemische Beratung (1)
- Sängerfest (1)
- Säugetiere (1)
- Südafrika (1)
- Südpfalz (1)
- Süßwasserhaushalt (1)
- TESiOH (1)
- TSK <Test> (1)
- TV debates (1)
- TV-Duelle (1)
- Taxonomy (1)
- Teamteaching (1)
- Technical potential (1)
- Technikgeschichte (1)
- Technologischer Raum (1)
- Teilregime und Indikatoren (1)
- Temperaturpräferenzen (1)
- Tempus (1)
- Tense (1)
- Terme (1)
- Text-Bild-Integration (1)
- Textaufgaben (1)
- Textlinguistik (1)
- Textverstehen (1)
- Theater (1)
- Theorem des Demokratischen Friedens (1)
- Theorembeweiser (1)
- Therapieerfolg (1)
- Time (1)
- Titandioxid-Nanopartikeln (1)
- Tod (1)
- Top-Management (1)
- Torf (1)
- Tourism (1)
- Tourismus (1)
- Toxicological characterization (1)
- Toxicology (1)
- Toxikologische Bewertung (1)
- Toxizität (1)
- Tracking (1)
- Trait (1)
- Traktions-Testgerät (1)
- Transfer coefficients (1)
- Transformation products (1)
- Transformationsprodukte (1)
- Transition (1)
- Transkranielle Elektrostimulation (1)
- Trauer (1)
- Tropfenform (1)
- Tropical rainforest (1)
- Tropischer Regenwald (1)
- Tundish (1)
- Turbulence (1)
- Turbulenz (1)
- Type System (1)
- Type system (1)
- Tätigkeitsanreize (1)
- UML (1)
- USA (1)
- Uferfiltration (1)
- Uferrandstreifen (1)
- Ultrakurze Pulse (1)
- Umkehrosmose (1)
- Umwelt (1)
- Umweltchemikalie (1)
- Umweltleistungsbewertung (1)
- Umweltproben (1)
- Umweltqualität (1)
- Umwelttoxikologie (1)
- Umweltverhaltensänderung (1)
- Umweltverschmutzung (1)
- Unit disk graph (1)
- Unlink Prediction (1)
- Unsicheres Schließen (1)
- Unterhaltung (1)
- Unternehmen (1)
- Unternehmenserfolg (1)
- Unternehmensflexibilität (1)
- Unterrichts-Klima-Instrument (1)
- Unterrichtsbeurteilung (1)
- Unterrichtsmaterial (1)
- Unterrichtsmethode (1)
- Unterrichtsmethoden (1)
- Unterrichtsqualität (1)
- Untersuchung (1)
- Untersuchungsmethode (1)
- Unterwasserwelt (1)
- Upper-Body/Lower-Body (1)
- Urteilerübereinstimmung (1)
- Urteilsgenauigkeit (1)
- User experience (1)
- Validität (1)
- Variabilität (1)
- Varieties of Capitalism (1)
- Vascular analysis (1)
- Vegetation (1)
- Verb (1)
- Verbal Aspect (1)
- Verbraucherverhalten (1)
- Vereinbarkeitsproblem (1)
- Vergangenheitstempus (1)
- Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (1)
- Verhaltensökonomie (1)
- Verhandlung (1)
- Verhältnis Ukraine-Russland (1)
- Verhältnis der Ukraine zu Russland (1)
- Verifikation (1)
- Verlaufskurvenanalyse (1)
- Verlust (1)
- Vermittlung (1)
- Versalzung (1)
- Versorgungspraxis (1)
- Verteilter Algorithmus (1)
- Verteilung (1)
- Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union (1)
- Very High Readiness Joint Task Foce (1)
- Veränderung von Vorstellungen (1)
- Videodiagnosetool ViviAn (1)
- Virtualisation (1)
- Virtualisierung (1)
- Virtuelle Welten (1)
- Virtuelle Ökonomien (1)
- Visual Stimuli Discovery (1)
- Visualisierung von Verbformen (1)
- Visuelle Kommunikation (1)
- Vocabulary (1)
- Vokabellernen (1)
- Volumen-Rendering (1)
- Voluntarismus (1)
- Vorschulkind (1)
- Vorschulkinder (1)
- Vorsorge (1)
- Vulnerability (1)
- WCET (1)
- Wachstumsregler (1)
- Wagenschein (1)
- Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung (1)
- Wahlen zum europäischen Parlament (EU-Wahlen) (1)
- Wahrscheinlichkeit (1)
- Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (1)
- Waist-to-Hip-Ratio (1)
- Waist-to-Shoulder-Ratio (1)
- Wanderfische (1)
- Wasser-Sediment-Grenzschichten (1)
- Wasserverschmutzung (1)
- Wastewater (1)
- Water Management (1)
- Water quality (1)
- Wavelet (1)
- Web (1)
- Web 2.0 (1)
- Web Science (1)
- Wegebau (1)
- Weiterbildung (1)
- Weiterbildungsverhalten (1)
- Weltbild (1)
- Weltkrieg <1939-1945> (1)
- Weltkultur (1)
- Wiederbesiedlung (1)
- Wikipedia (1)
- Wild pollinator (1)
- Wildbienen (1)
- Wildtiere (1)
- Will Eisner (1)
- William James (1)
- Windtunnel (1)
- Wirbellose (1)
- Wirbelsäule (1)
- Wireless sensor network (1)
- Wirkfaktor (1)
- Wirkfaktoren (1)
- Wirksamkeit (1)
- Wirtschaft (1)
- Wirtschaftsenglisch (1)
- Wissenselemente (1)
- Wissensmanagement (1)
- Wohlbefinden (1)
- Wohlfahrtspflege (1)
- World Wide Web (1)
- World Wide Web 2.0 (1)
- World of Warcraft (1)
- Wortschatz (1)
- Writing Conference (1)
- Wäschereibranche (1)
- Yellow-bellied toad (1)
- Zeichentheorie (1)
- Zeichentrick (1)
- Zeichnen (1)
- Zeit (1)
- Zero (1)
- Ziel (1)
- Zifferndarstellung (1)
- Zikaden (1)
- Zoll (1)
- Zoobenthos (1)
- Zoologie (1)
- Zoology (1)
- Zooplankton (1)
- Zuckmücken (1)
- Zugang (1)
- Zusammenarbeit (1)
- Zusammenhängender Graph (1)
- Zuständigkeiten der EU (1)
- Zuwanderung (1)
- Zwangssterilisation (1)
- Zweiter Weltkrieg (1)
- absolutism (1)
- acceptance (1)
- activated sludge (1)
- adaptiv (1)
- adaptive GUI Design (1)
- adaptiver Unterricht (1)
- adjoint functions (1)
- advanced wastewater treatment (1)
- agricultural intensification (1)
- agroecosystems (1)
- alternative fromeworks (1)
- ambulante Pflege (1)
- amorphous hydrogenated carbon layer (1)
- amphibians (1)
- analytics (1)
- anthropogener Wärmeeintrag (1)
- anthropogenic disturbance (1)
- aquatic environment (1)
- aquatic invertebrates (1)
- argumentation (1)
- art deco (1)
- art nouveau (1)
- assertive multilateralism (1)
- assessment (1)
- attitudes towards specific movie features (1)
- auditorischer Neglekt (1)
- authoritarianism (1)
- automated theorem prover (1)
- automatic behavioral cues (1)
- bank filtration (1)
- bats (1)
- behavior change (1)
- behavioural ecology (1)
- belief in just world (1)
- beneficial insects (1)
- benthic oxygen fluxes (1)
- benthos (1)
- biocenosis (1)
- biocide (1)
- biocides (1)
- biodiversity conservation (1)
- biofiltration (1)
- biogeography (1)
- biological degradation (1)
- biologischer Abbau (1)
- biomechanics (1)
- biotransformation (1)
- bioturbation (1)
- bribery (1)
- buffer strips (1)
- buffer zones (1)
- burnout (1)
- business intelligence (1)
- carbon hybridisation (1)
- care (1)
- cation bridges (1)
- cation-bridges (CaB) (1)
- chalk grassland (1)
- change (1)
- chemical force microscopy (1)
- chemical risk assessment (1)
- chironomids (1)
- classification (1)
- climate change (1)
- clonal diversity (1)
- co-occurrence (1)
- cognitive development (1)
- cognitive linguistic approach (1)
- cognitive-behavioral therapy (1)
- collaboration (1)
- collectivism (1)
- colloid (1)
- communication competency (1)
- competence-development (1)
- competence-measurement (1)
- competition (1)
- computer (1)
- concurrency (1)
- conflict detection (1)
- conflicting information (1)
- conservation genetics (1)
- construction materials (1)
- contact angle (1)
- contaminated sites (1)
- contamination (1)
- contemporary detective fiction (1)
- content analysis (1)
- contiguity (1)
- cooperation (1)
- corrosion protection (1)
- corrosion resistance (1)
- costume jewellery (1)
- covid-19 (1)
- criminal victimization (1)
- critical section (1)
- crop pollination (1)
- cross-linking (1)
- cryo-electron microscopy (1)
- cubism (1)
- cultural landscape (1)
- data mining (1)
- data protection (1)
- database (1)
- decision support tool (1)
- deductive (1)
- dengue (1)
- description logic (1)
- diagnostische Kompetenz (1)
- dialogische Kommunikation (1)
- dialogisches Management (1)
- digital library (1)
- digital transformation (1)
- disabled detective (1)
- disabled masculinity (1)
- disgust sensitivity (1)
- distribution (1)
- disturbance (1)
- dry inland waters (1)
- dynamic geometry (1)
- dynamic stability (1)
- ebullition (1)
- ecological risk management (1)
- ecology (1)
- ecosystem functioning (1)
- ecosystem services (1)
- ecotoxicity (1)
- eddy correlation (1)
- educational achievement (1)
- educational alliance (1)
- educational aspirations (1)
- effect assessment (1)
- effect-directed analysis (1)
- electricity (1)
- emerging micropollutants (1)
- empirische Untersuchung (1)
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (1)
- endokrine Regulation (1)
- energetics (1)
- energy (1)
- english prepositions (1)
- enterprise collaboration platforms (1)
- enterprise collaboration systems (1)
- environmental compatibility (1)
- environmental psychology (1)
- environmental risk assessment (1)
- environmental surfaces (1)
- epidemiology (1)
- epoxide (1)
- erweiterte Abwasserbehandlung (1)
- evaluation process (1)
- evolution (1)
- example (1)
- expansion (1)
- experimentelle Kompetenz (1)
- externe Repräsentationen (1)
- factorial invariance (1)
- fairness (1)
- fauna of springs (1)
- feedback (1)
- field experiment (1)
- field margin (1)
- fish tissues (1)
- flight attendant (1)
- floral resources (1)
- flows over time (1)
- fluid disturbances (1)
- focused feedback (1)
- folksonomies (1)
- football shoes (1)
- forest roads (1)
- framework (1)
- freshwater ecosystem (1)
- fungicide (1)
- fungus resistant grapevine (1)
- futex (1)
- galvanic anodes (1)
- gender (1)
- genotyping error (1)
- gesundheitsgerechtes Führen (1)
- giftedness (1)
- glass transition (1)
- global carbon cycle (1)
- grade (1)
- grassland irrigation (1)
- greenhouse gases (1)
- groundwater ecology (1)
- groundwater remediation (1)
- groundwater-fauna-index (1)
- groupwork (1)
- gälisch (1)
- hazard prediction (1)
- health-related quality of life (1)
- heart rate (1)
- high power impulse magnetron sputtering (1)
- humanistische Psychologie (1)
- humic acid (1)
- hybrid automata (1)
- hybride Automaten (1)
- hydrochemistry (1)
- hydrodynamic chromatography (1)
- hydrodynamische Chromatographie (1)
- hydrogeology (1)
- hydrological interactions (1)
- hydrologische Interaktionen (1)
- hydrology (1)
- hydrophobicity (1)
- iSearch (1)
- immediate priority ceiling protocol (1)
- implicit-explicit consistency (1)
- impounded rivers (1)
- in situ (1)
- inclusive education (1)
- information infrastructure (1)
- information processing (1)
- information retrieval (1)
- information system (1)
- insecticide (1)
- inszeniertes Charisma (1)
- integration (1)
- interaction (1)
- intergroup contact (1)
- invasive Arten (1)
- invasive species (1)
- invertebrates (1)
- keltisch (1)
- kinematics (1)
- klonale Diversität (1)
- kollaboratives Schreiben (1)
- konfligierende Information (1)
- kontext-reduzierte Gespräche (1)
- kooperatives Schreiben (1)
- land use change (1)
- landmarks (1)
- landscape (1)
- landscape complexity (1)
- landscape level (1)
- landscape mapping (1)
- laser induced fluorescence (1)
- laubassoziierter aquatischer Pilzgemeinschaften (1)
- leaching (1)
- lead desorption (1)
- leader-member exchange (1)
- leaf beetles (1)
- leaf-associated aquatic fungal communities (1)
- leafhoppers (1)
- learning context (1)
- lexical sophistication (1)
- life cycle test (1)
- lifelong learning (1)
- linear (1)
- long-living systems (1)
- longitudinal (1)
- low back pain (1)
- male gaze, (1)
- mammals (1)
- masculine disability (1)
- masculine identity (1)
- mathematical Modelling (1)
- mathematical modeling (1)
- mathematics (1)
- mathematische Frühförderung (1)
- mathematische Kompetenz (1)
- mathematische Modellbildung (1)
- mathematisches Modellieren (1)
- measure (1)
- measurement of invariance (1)
- mechanism of action (1)
- metal-film phase plate (1)
- methane (1)
- methodical comparison (1)
- microsatellite DNA (1)
- microsatellite analysis (1)
- migration (1)
- minimal pruning (1)
- missionary (1)
- mitigation (1)
- mitigation measures (1)
- mixtures (1)
- modeling competency (1)
- monitor (1)
- mood change (1)
- morphology (1)
- motivation (1)
- multiagent systems (1)
- multikriterielles Bewertungssystem (1)
- multilevel analysis (1)
- multimediales Lernen (1)
- multiprocessing (1)
- multitrait-multimethod models (1)
- mutual exclusion (1)
- nanoparticle (1)
- nationalism (1)
- natural language generation (1)
- natural organic matter (1)
- nature conservation (1)
- naturwissenschaftliche Konzepte (1)
- negotiation (1)
- neuartige Spurenstoffe (1)
- nicht gefrierbares Wasser (1)
- nichtlinearer Zusammenhang (1)
- nichtsuizidale Selbstverletzung (1)
- non-consumptive effects (1)
- non-crop habitats (1)
- non-point source (1)
- non-target effects (1)
- non-target plants (1)
- nternational organizations (1)
- numerical simulation (1)
- nun (1)
- object orientation (1)
- off-field habitats (1)
- offensive neorealism (1)
- olive mill wastewater (1)
- olive oil mill wastewater (1)
- oncological rehabilitation (1)
- onkologische Rehabilitation (1)
- online-self-assessment (1)
- optimization (1)
- organic coatings (1)
- organic pollution (1)
- organizational behavior (1)
- organophosphate (1)
- ozonation (1)
- ozonation of beta blockers (1)
- ozone (1)
- ozone reactivity (1)
- pH-Wert (1)
- parallel computing (1)
- parameter estimation (1)
- parents (1)
- peat (1)
- pedagogy (1)
- pelzresistente Rebsorten (1)
- periphyton (1)
- pest control (1)
- pesticide risk assessment (1)
- pharmaceuticals (1)
- photo selection (1)
- photovoltaic (1)
- physical activity (1)
- physical therapy (1)
- physics (1)
- plain language (1)
- plant protection products (1)
- planthoppers (1)
- plants (1)
- plastic consumption (1)
- playful learning (1)
- point source (1)
- pollen diet (1)
- pollinator development (1)
- pollinator fitness (1)
- pollution (1)
- polyurethane (1)
- population genetics (1)
- practical knowledge (1)
- predation (1)
- predictability (1)
- predictor (1)
- preschool children (1)
- primary care (1)
- primary school (1)
- priority effects (1)
- priority-Effekte (1)
- privacy by design (1)
- privacy impact assessment (1)
- probabilistic (1)
- problemhaltige Textaufgaben (1)
- prosocial behavior (1)
- prosoziale Gruppennorm (1)
- punishment goals (1)
- pyrethroids (1)
- qualitativ-explorative empirische Studie (1)
- quantitativ (1)
- quasi-experimentelles Design (1)
- question answering (1)
- rainfall simulation (1)
- rainforest (1)
- randomized controlled trial (1)
- rationality (1)
- real-time computing (1)
- reasoning (1)
- recolonisation (1)
- region labeling (1)
- rehabilitation (1)
- relative Prototypikalität (1)
- religiousness (1)
- repellency (1)
- reproduction (1)
- resources (1)
- response-shift (1)
- reverse osmosis (1)
- revision (1)
- risk mitigation measures (1)
- river sediments (1)
- rocking-phase plate (1)
- running (1)
- scaffolded writing (1)
- scale construction (1)
- scale validation (1)
- schizophrene Frau (1)
- school (1)
- school attack (1)
- school principal (1)
- school tier (1)
- schottisch-gaelisch (1)
- schottische Lieder (1)
- science learning (1)
- scorecard (1)
- security (1)
- selbstgenerierte Repräsentationen (1)
- self-efficacy (1)
- semantics (1)
- sexual orientation (1)
- silver nanoparticles (1)
- simulation (1)
- simulation of soil moisture (1)
- single-particle analysis (1)
- situational interest (1)
- situierte Beobachtung (1)
- soccer (1)
- social competence (1)
- social perception (1)
- social system (1)
- software engineering (1)
- soil (1)
- soil aquifer treatment (1)
- soil erosion (1)
- soil pH (1)
- soil solution (1)
- soil water repellency (1)
- soils (1)
- somatoform disorders (1)
- soziale Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit (1)
- soziales System (1)
- sparsity (1)
- spatial (1)
- spatial Fuzzy Logic (1)
- spatial and temporal varibility (1)
- special educational needs (1)
- sport therapy (1)
- spray-drift (1)
- springs (1)
- standardized measure (1)
- stationäre Pflege (1)
- stereotypes (1)
- stream (1)
- stream mesocosm (1)
- stress (1)
- structure (1)
- stud design (1)
- student misbehavior (1)
- student ratings (1)
- student writing (1)
- stygofauna (1)
- surface characteristics (1)
- surface water (1)
- suspended particle matter (1)
- swarming (1)
- swimming behaviour (1)
- systematics (1)
- tag recommendation (1)
- task orientation (1)
- teacher beliefs (1)
- teacher education (1)
- teacher motivation (1)
- teacher training (1)
- teacher-education (1)
- teaching (1)
- teaching research (1)
- text-picture integration (1)
- theoretical framework (1)
- therapy outcome (1)
- thermal analysis (1)
- titanium nitride (1)
- toxicokinetics (1)
- trace organic chemicals (1)
- traceability (1)
- traction test device (1)
- trait-mediated effects (1)
- transformation (1)
- transformation products (1)
- trophic cascades (1)
- turn (1)
- unternehmerische Eignungsmerkmale (1)
- uptake (1)
- validity (1)
- variational discretization (1)
- vascular plants (1)
- vaskuläre Planzen (1)
- vegetated treatment systems (1)
- verbal interaction (1)
- verbale Interaktion (1)
- verification (1)
- visuell-räumlicher Neglekt (1)
- viticulture (1)
- voice (1)
- wastewater treatment plant (1)
- water pollution (1)
- water reuse (1)
- water scarcity (1)
- water treatment (1)
- water-molecule-bridges (WaMB) (1)
- wear resistance (1)
- web 2.0 (1)
- wettability (1)
- wild bees (1)
- wildlife management (1)
- window of opportunity (1)
- wireworms (1)
- workload (1)
- world polity (1)
- writing (1)
- zooplankton (1)
- Ärger (1)
- Ästuar (1)
- Ätiologie (1)
- Öko-Effizienz (1)
- Ökoeffizienz (1)
- Ökosystem (1)
- Ökotoxologie (1)
- Österreich (1)
- Östliche Partnerschaft der EU (1)
- Überarbeitung (1)
- Übergang von der Grundschule zur weiterführenden Schule (1)
- Überwachung (1)
- öffentlich-privat (1)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (13)
Abdriftbedingte Pflanzenschutzmittelrückstände in unbehandelten Kulturen auf angrenzenden Flächen
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Abdrift von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM), die auf Lebensmittelkulturen in angrenzenden Flächen, insbesondere in benachbarte Haus- und Kleingärten, gelangt. In einer Reihe von Windtunnelversuchen wurde die Abdrift von PSM aus Flächen- und Raumkulturen während der Applikation mit zwei verschiedenen Testsystemen nachgestellt. Das Testsystem Flächenkultur simuliert die Applikation auf Flächenkulturen, das Testsystem Raumkultur die auf Raumkulturen. Auf der Nicht-Zielfläche wurden die auf Grund von Abdrift entstandenen Rückstände des verwendeten Tracers Pyranin nach der Applikation entfernungsabhängig auf den Lebensmittelkulturen Kopfsalat, Erdbeeren und Tomaten gemessen. Durch die gleichzeitige Messung der Bodendeposition konnten die Messwerte mit Hilfe von Regressionsgleichungen (R² = 0,88 bis 0,97) in Bezug zu den Abdrifteckwerten (AEW) gebracht werden. Dadurch war es möglich, erste Abschätzungen der Höhe von Rückständen vorzunehmen, die über Abdrift von landwirtschaftlichen Flächen auf benachbarte Lebensmittelkulturen im Freiland gelangen können. Diese Abschätzung ist zunächst limitiert auf die drei Versuchspflanzen. Die Versuche zeigen, dass sich die meisten durch Abdrift entstehenden Rückstände auf Salatköpfen wieder finden, gefolgt von Erdbeeren und Tomaten.
Neben dem experimentellen Teil wurden Analysen mit Geoinformationssystemen (GIS) durchgeführt, um die Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse zwischen landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen und Gartenflächen für ganz Deutschland und speziell für Rheinland-Pfalz (RLP) zu analysieren. Dazu wurden für die deutschlandweiten Berechnungen die Daten des amtlichen topographisch-kartographischen Informationssystems (ATKIS) und für die RLP-weiten Berechnungen die Daten des amtlichen Liegenschaftskatasterinformationssystem (ALKIS) verwendet. Beachtet werden muss, dass auf Grund der Datenbeschaffenheit eine Abgrenzung der Gartenflächen zu Wohnflächen nicht möglich ist. Deutschlandweit liegen etwa 1,1 % aller potentiellen Gartenflächen innerhalb eines 5 m Pufferbereichs um Raumkulturen bzw. innerhalb eines 2 m Pufferbereichs um Flächenkulturen. Für RLP sind es 0,75 %. Mit Hilfe eines Landbedeckungsdatensatzes der Fa. RLP AgroScience GmbH und den ALKIS-Daten konnte jedoch die exakte Gartenfläche für RLP auf 47.437 ha bestimmt werden. Basierend auf dieser Datengrundlage liegen 1,2 % der Gartenfläche von RLP innerhalb der genannten Pufferbereiche. Des Weiteren ergaben Berechnungen, dass 3 % der Gärten in RLP direkt angrenzend zu landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen liegen.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden nicht nur Gärten betrachtet, die an landwirtschaftliche Flächen grenzen, sondern auch Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse zwischen ökologisch und konventionell bewirtschafteten Flächen untersucht. Diese Berechnungen erfolgten mit den Daten des Integrierten Verwaltungs- und Kontrollsystems (InVeKoS). Insgesamt grenzen in RLP 47,1 % aller ökologisch bewirtschafteten Flächen unmittelbar an konventionell bewirtschaftete Flächen an.
This thesis examined two specific cases of point and diffuse pollution, pesticides and salinisation, which are two of the most concerning stressors of Germany’s freshwater bodies. The findings of this thesis were organized into three major components, of which the first component presents the contribution of WWTPs to pesticide toxicity (Chapter 2). The second component focuses on the current and future background salt ion concentrations under climate change with the absence of anthropogenic activities (Chapter 3). Finally, the third major component shows the response of invertebrate communities in terms of species turnover to levels of salinity change, considered as a proxy for human-driven salinisation (Chapter 4).
Spektroskopie zweiatomiger Moleküle bei Einstrahlung ultrakurzer Laserpulse und ihre Anwendung
Even with moderate pulse energies and average powers, ultrashort pulse lasers achieve very high peak powers, whose effect on matter is fundamentally different from that of other light sources. The high electric field strength does not only cause an increase of optically nonlinear effects such as second harmonic generation, but it is also responsible for the “cold“ ablation, which leads to colder plasmas. An investigation of these two circumstances in terms of a simplification of the pulse duration measurement and an improvement of the molecular formation in cooling plasmas is the topic of this work. In this context, it is shown that when selecting suitable process parameters, especially when purposefully defocusing the medium, the use of ultrashort pulse lasers improves the spectroscopy of several emitting molecules such as aluminum oxide. Therefore, their detection is possible even without the time-resolving spectrometers required in literature. In addition, ultrashort pulses enable spatially resolved crystallization of zinc oxide on zinc surfaces prepared by basic means. The resulting wurtzites usually align their c-axis approximately perpendicular to the underlying surface and can be used to generate scattered second harmonics. Fiber-based femtosecond lasers with pulse energies in the microjoule range, pulse durations of a few 100fs and very low maintenance requirements have proven to be a powerful instrument for these purposes. For measuring the pulse duration, the high pulse energy also enables the usage of frequency doublers with much lower conversion eciencies. Despite nonuniform crystal axes, the scattering second harmonic generating aluminum nitride has proven to be particularly suitable for optical autocorrelation. Compared to the commonly used monocrystalline beta-barium borate, the sintered aluminum nitride ceramic plates facilitate the adjustment, simplify the material handling and reduce the expenses by two to three orders of magnitude. The method developed in this work is therefore also suitable for confirmatory measurements of the pulse duration during the production process of such systems – especially when the occurring pulse energies are high or rather too high for beta-barium borate.
In the context of augmented reality we define tracking as a collection of methods to obtain the position and orientation (pose) of a user. By means of various displaying techniques, this ensures a correct visual overlay of graphical information onto the reality perceived. Precise results for calculation of the camera pose are gained by methods of image processing, usually analyzing the pixels of an image and extracing features, which can be recognized over the image sequence. However, these methods do not regard the process of image synthesis or at least in a very simplyfied way. In contrast, the class of model-based methods assumes a given 3D model of the observed scene. Based on the model data features can be identified to establish correspondences in the camera image. From these feature correspondences the camera pose is calculated. An interesting approach is the strategy of analysis-by-synthesis, regarding the computer graphics rendering process for extending the knowledge about the model by information from image synthesis and other environment variables.
In this thesis the components of a tracking system are identified and further it is analyzed, to what extend information about the model, the rendering process and the environment can contribute to the components for improvement of the tracking process using analysis-by-synthesis. In particular, by using knowledge as topological information, lighting or perspective, the feature synthesis and correspondence finding should lead to visually unambiguous features that can be predicted and evaluated to be suitable for stable tracking of the camera pose.
This dissertation presents the application of the molecular LIBS method, a novelapproach of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), to optimize the detection of pitting chlorides in concrete structures, which are e.g. contaminated bydeicing salt in winter. Potentiometric titration as the standard method for chloride determination in building material analysis is costly and time-consuming. Ithas the decisive disadvantage that the determination of chloride concentrationis based on the total mass of the concrete and not on the cement content asrequired by the European standard EN 206. The imaging capabilities of LIBS forphase separation of the concrete meet this requirement. LIBS was already usedby BAM in 1998 in building material analysis, but the detection of chlorides withLIBS requires expensive helium purging and spectrometers outside the visiblespectral range to detect emissions of atomic chlorine. The approach of molecular LIBS is to quantify the emission of chloride-containing molecular radicalsformed during the cooling phase of the laser-induced plasma. The advantagescompared to conventional LIBS method are the emission in the visible spectralrange and the applicability without noble gas purging. In this thesis the influenceof the experimental components on the time behaviour of the relevant molecularemission bands is investigated, signal deviations due to plasma fluctuations aresignificantly reduced and for plasma analysis the molecular formation is simulated on atomistic scales and compared with standard methods. In simultaneousmeasurements, atomic and molecular Cl emission are directly compared and the quantification is optimized by data combination. Molecular LIBS will be extended to a quantifying and imaging method that can detect chlorides withoutnoble gas purging.
Microbial pollution of surface waters poses substantial risks for public health, amongst others during recreational use. Microbial pollution was studied at selected sampling sites in rivers Rhine, Moselle and Lahn (Germany) on the basis of commonly used fecal indicator organisms (FIO) indicating bacterial (Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci) and viral (somatic coliphages) fecal contamination. In addition, blaCTX-Mantibiotic resistance genes (ARG) were quantified at twosites in river Lahn and were used as markers for tracking the spread of antibiotic resistance in the aquatic environment. The impact of changes in climate-related parameters on FIO was examined by studying monitoring results of contrasting flow conditions at rivers Rhine and Moselle. Analyses at all studied river sites clearly indicate that high discharge and precipitation enhance the influx of FIO, ARG and thus potentially (antibiotic resistant) pathogens into rivers. In contrast, a decrease in hygienic microbial pollution was observed under high solar irradiation and increasing water temperatures. Based on identified contributing key factors, multiple linear regression (MLR) models for five sites at a stretch of river Lahn were established that allow a timely assessment of fecal indicator abundances. An interaction between abiotic and biotic factors (i.e. enhanced grazing pressure) considerably contributed to the formation of seasonal patterns among FIO abundances. This was enhanced during extraordinary low flow conditions in rivers with pronounced trophic interactions, clearly hampering a transfer of model approaches between rivers of different biological and hydrological characteristics. Bacterial indicatorswere stronger influenced by grazing pressure than phages. Hence, bacterial indicators alone do not sufficiently describe viral pollution in rivers. BlaCTX-Mgenes were omnipresent in Lahn River water and corresponded to distribution patterns of FIO, indicating fecal sources. Agriculture and waste watertreatment plant effluents contributed to ARG loads and participants in non-bathing water sports were found to be at risk of ingesting antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) including ARG, bearing the risk of infection or colonization. Results of the present study highlight the need to be aware of such risks not only in designated bathing waters. ARG abundance at both riverine sampling sites could largely be explained by E. coliabundance and may thus also be incorporated into multiple regression models using E. colispecific environmental predictors. It can be expected that the frequency of short-term microbial pollution events will increase over the next decades due to climate change. Several challenges were identified with regard to the implementation of early warning systems to protect the public from exposure to pathogens in rivers. Most importantly, the concept of the Bathing Water Directive (Directive 2006/7/EC) itself as well as the lack of harmonization in the regulatory framework at European Union (EU) level are major drawbacks and require future adjustments to reliably manage health risks related to microbial water pollution in waters used in multifunctional ways.
Stream ecosystems are one of the most threatened ecosystems worldwide due to their exposure to diverse anthropogenic stressors. Pesticides appear to be the most relevant stressor for agricultural streams. Due to the current mismatch of modelled and measured pesticide concentrations, monitoring is necessary to inform risk assessment or improve future pesticide approvals. Knowing if biotic stress responses are similar across large scales and long time frames could ultimately help in estimating protective stressor thresholds.
This thesis starts with an overview of entry pathways of pesticides to streams as well as the framework of current pesticide monitoring and gives an outline of the objectives of the thesis. In chapter 2, routine monitoring data based on grab sampling from several countries is analysed to identify the most frequently occurring pesticide mixtures. These mixtures are comprised of relatively low numbers of pesticides, of which herbicides are dominating. The detected pesticide mixtures differ between regions and countries, due to differences in the spectrum of analysed compounds and limits of quantification. Current routine monitoring does not include sampling during pesticide peaks associated with heavy rainfall events which likely influences the detected pesticide mixtures. In chapter 3, sampling rates of 42 organic pesticides for passive sampling are provided together with recommendations for the monitoring of field-relevant peaks. Using this information, in chapter 4 a pesticide gradient is established in an Eastern European region where agricultural intensity adjacent to sampled streams ranges from low to high. In contrast to current routine monitoring, rainfall events were sampled and a magnitude of pesticides were analysed. This led to the simultaneous detection of numerous pesticides of which one to three drive the pesticide toxicity. The toxicity, however, showed no relationship to the agricultural intensity. Using microcosms, the stress responses of fungal communities, the hyphomycetes, and the related ecosystem function of leaf decomposition, is investigated in chapter 5. Effects of a field-relevant fungicide mixture are examined across three biogeographical regions for three consecutive cycles of microbial leaf colonisation and decomposition. Despite different initial communities, stress responses as well as recoveries were similar across biogeographical regions, indicating a general pattern.
Overall, this thesis contributes to an improved understanding of occurrence and concentrations of pesticides mixtures in streams, their monitoring and impact on an ecosystem function. We showed that estimated pesticide toxicities reach levels that affect non-target organisms and thereby potentially whole ecosystems. Routine monitoring, however, likely underestimates the threat by pesticides. Effects leading to a loss in biodiversity or functions in streams ecosystems can be reduced by reassessing approved pesticides with ongoing targeted monitoring and increased knowledge of effects caused by these pesticides.
In dieser Arbeit werden die schottischen Liedbearbeitungen Ludwig van Beethovens auf ihre möglichen gälischen Vorläufer untersucht und in ihrem historischen Kontext aus einer gälischen Perspektive betrachtet. Ihre Liedbiographien werden um Vorläufer ergänzt und vervollständigt, die vom dem schottischen Auftraggeber Beethovens, George Thomson teilweise vorsätzlich unterschlagen wurden. Gründe hierfür sind in der politischen und kulturellen Unterdrückung der gälischen Sprachgemeinschaft Schottlands zu finden. Handelt es sich wirklich um anonyme Volkslieder, oder auch um Kompositionen bekannter Musiker aus der gälischen Kultur? Welche Veränderungen erfuhren sie im Zuge der Anonymisierung und der Degradierung zur Volksmusik, sowie der anschließenden Neuausrichtung in der schottischen Nationalmusik? Zu 12 der schottischen Lieder Beethovens sind ausführliche Liedbiographien mit allen gälischen Liedtexten, deutscher Übersetzung und den historischen Hintergründen der gälischen Vorläufer und ihrer Notierungen entstanden.
Bio-medical data comes in various shapes and with different representations.
Domain experts use such data for analysis or diagnosis,
during research or clinical applications. As the opportunities to obtain
or to simulate bio-medical data become more complex and productive,
the experts face the problem of data overflow. Providing a
reduced, uncluttered representation of data, that maintains the data’s
features of interest falls into the area of Data Abstraction. Via abstraction,
undesired features are filtered out to give space - concerning the
cognitive and visual load of the viewer - to more interesting features,
which are therefore accentuated. To address this challenge, the dissertation
at hand will investigate methods that deal with Data Abstraction
in the fields of liver vasculature, molecular and cardiac visualization.
Advanced visualization techniques will be applied for this purpose.
This usually requires some pre-processing of the data, which will also
be covered by this work. Data Abstraction itself can be implemented
in various ways. The morphology of a surface may be maintained,
while abstracting its visual cues. Alternatively, the morphology may
be changed to a more comprehensive and tangible representation.
Further, spatial or temporal dimensions of a complex data set may
be projected to a lower space in order to facilitate processing of the
data. This thesis will tackle these challenges and therefore provide an
overview of Data Abstraction in the bio-medical field, and associated
challenges, opportunities and solutions.
The European landscape is dominated by intensive agriculture which leads to widespread impact on the environment. The frequent use of agricultural pesticides is one of the major causes of an ongoing decline in flower-visiting insects (FVIs). The conservation of this ecologically diverse assemblage of mobile, flying insect species is required by international and European policy. To counteract the decrease in species numbers and their abundances, FVIs need to be protected from anthropogenic stressors. European pesticide risk assessment was devised to prevent unacceptable adverse consequences of pesticide use on FVIs. However, there is an ongoing discussion by scientists and policy-makers if the current risk assessment actually provides adequate protection for FVI species.
The first main objective of this thesis was to investigate pesticide impact on FVI species. The scientific literature was reviewed to identify groups of FVIs, summarize their ecology, and determine their habitat. This was followed by a synthesis of studies about the exposure of FVIs in their habitat and subsequent effects. In addition, the acute sensitivity of one FVI group, bee species, to pesticides was studied in laboratory experiments.
The second main objective was to evaluate the European risk assessment for possible deficits and propose improvements to the current framework. Regulatory documents were screened to assess the adequacy of the guidance in place in light of the scientific evidence. The suitability of the honey bee Apis mellifera as the currently only regulatory surrogate species for FVIs was discussed in detail.
The available scientific data show that there are far more groups of FVIs than the usually mentioned bees and butterflies. FVIs include many groups of ecologically different species that live in the entire agricultural landscape. Their habitats in crops and adjacent semi-natural areas can be contaminated by pesticides through multiple pathways. Environmentally realistic exposure of these habitats can lead to severe effects on FVI population parameters. The laboratory studies of acute sensitivity in bee species showed that pesticide effects on FVIs can vary greatly between species and pesticides.
The follow-up critical evaluation of the European FVI risk assessment revealed major shortcomings in exposure and effect assessment. The honey bee proved to be a sufficient surrogate for bee species in lower tier risk assessment. Additional test species may be chosen for higher tier risk assessment to account for ecological differences. This thesis shows that the ecology of FVIs should generally be considered to a greater extent to improve the regulatory process. Data-driven computational approaches could be used as alternative methods to incorporate ecological trait data in spatio-temporal scenarios. Many open questions need to be answered by further research to better understand FVI species and promote necessary changes to risk assessment. In general, other FVI groups than bees need to be investigated. Furthermore, comprehensive data on FVI groups and their ecology need to be collected. Contamination of FVI habitat needs to be linked to exposure of FVI individuals and ecologically complex effects on FVI populations should receive increased attention. In the long term, European FVI risk assessment would benefit from shifting its general principles towards more scientifically informed regulatory decisions. This would require a paradigm shift from arbitrary assumptions and unnecessarily complicated schemes to a substantiated holistic framework.
Obwohl Kinder beim Bauen mit Bauklötzen bereits früh Erfahrungen mit Aspekten der Stabilität von Bauwerken, wie z. B. Kräfteverteilung, Standfestigkeit sowie Gleich- und Gegengewicht, sammeln und es verschiedene Studien gibt, die den fächerübergreifenden Lerngehalt von Bauklötzen hervorheben, ist das Verständnis bezüglich der Stabilität von Bauklotzanordnungen bisher kaum erforscht. Daher wurde untersucht, welche Vorstellungen sechs- bis siebenjährige Kinder zur Stabilität von Bauklotzanordnungen zeigen und welche Unterstützungsmaßnahmen eine Vorstellungsveränderung anregen. In Studie 1 und 2 zeigt sich, dass Kinder in der Schuleingangsphase erste Vorstellungen zur Stabilität von Bauklotzanordnungen haben. Über verschiedene Analysen wurden schwierigkeitsbestimmende Merkmale bzw. lösungsrelevante Dimensionen identifiziert. Kinder mit ca. fünf Jahren orientieren sich eher an der geometrischen Mitte und beziehen somit die Abstandsdimension ein, bei Neunjährigen berücksichtigen hingegen knapp über die Hälfte bereits den Massenmittelpunkt. Folglich reicht die „Bauerfahrung“ von Kindern bis zum neunten Lebensjahr nicht aus, um die Fähigkeit, Bauklotzanordnungen bezüglich ihrer Stabilität zu beurteilen, vollständig zu entwickeln. Deshalb wurde in Studie 3 untersucht, inwieweit sich eine Vorstellungsveränderung zur Stabilität von Bauklotzanordnungen mithilfe verschiedener Unterstützungsmaßnahmen innerhalb einer kurzen Lerneinheit anregen lässt. Dabei wurden verschiedene materiale und verbale Unterstützungsmaßnahmen in Form von Fotos und gezielten sprachlichen Instruktionen in einem systematischen Vergleich gegenübergestellt. Die Ergebnisse weisen nach, dass bereits mit einer kurzen Lerneinheit ein Wissenszuwachs bei Siebenjährigen angeregt werden kann, insbesondere wenn sie durch Fotos und gezielte sprachliche Instruktionen unterstützt werden. Die Ergebnisse sind ein erster Schritt für die Entwicklung eines naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts zur Stabilität von Bauklotzanordnungen.
The analysis of three-dimensional and complex motion sequences
of human gait and therefore the most important question
of kenesiology ”why are we falling?” is the essence of this
paper. The gerontology and its science of movement is currently
limited to simple and one-dimensional methods and models. An
extensive literature research shows the latest state of research of
the three common methods to determine the stability of human
gait. To assess the margin of stability, local stability and orbital
stability it is shown, how those methods are applicable to evaluate
the subject’s ability to recover from any disturbences of
the subject’s gait. Based on this assessment and the method’s
advantages and disadvantages a new method will be derived
that allows spatial analysis of dynamic instability of linear and
non-linear human gait. A motion capture system and the timed
up and go test serve as a basis for this new method and will be
explained. A numerical approximation to optimise the number
of markers within a marker-set of a motion capture analysis
and its maximum correlation with the full-body-marker-set will
be given. This simplification is very helpful for further clinical
or scientific research. To validate the new method a trial
with subjects will be shown and discussed. New appreciable
variables and snapshots of specific situations during the gait
offer new and different interpretations of the human gait. The
new method is the most applicable and appropriate assessment
of human gait and the individual development of the human
gait while aging, as well as to detect and prevent falling and
associated injuries. Especially directional change of a non-linear
gait become assessable with the new method.
The scientific interest in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) has increased in the last two decades. High prevalence and comorbidity rates, low quality of life and increased risk of suicidality highlight the importance of this research field. The present thesis focuses on intra- and interpersonal factors associated with the development and maintenance of NSSI.
The aim of study 1 was the examination of personality traits of adolescents with NSSI without Borderline Personality Disorder (NSSI-BPD), adolescents with NSSI and BPD (NSSI+BPD), clinical controls (CC) and nonclinical controls (NC). Results showed that adolescents with NSSI disorder scored significantly higher on novelty seeking and harm avoidance and lower on persistence, self-directedness, and cooperativeness than CC. In adolescents with NSSI+BPD this personality pattern was even more pronounced than in adolescents with NSSI-BPD.
Adolescents´ NSSI leads to distress that affects the whole family system, often resulting in conflicts and disrupted family communication and functioning. Parents report feelings of distress, insecurity and helplessness. Adolescents with NSSI report more parental criticism and control and less support than adolescents without NSSI. Study 2 investigated the parenting behavior in families of adolescents with NSSI. Adolescents with NSSI reported less maternal warmth and support than NC adolescents. Mothers of adolescents with NSSI showed higher psychopathology scores than NC mothers and less parental satisfaction than CC and NC mothers.
Siblings are also reported to suffer from changes in family dynamics. The aim of study 3 was to examine the sibling relationship quality of adolescents with NSSI, CC and NC. Siblings reported a wide range of negative emotional and familial consequences as a result of their sister´s NSSI. Siblings of adolescents with NSSI experienced significantly more coercion in the relationship with their sister compared to CC and NC siblings. Adolescents with NSSI reported significantly less warmth and empathy in the sibling relationship and higher rivalry scores between their siblings and themselves than NC adolescents. For both, adolescents with NSSI and their siblings, associations were found between sibling relationship quality and internalizing problems.
Study 4 aimed to further explore the family emotional climate. Therefore, the level of expressed emotion (EE) was assessed in adolescents with NSSI, CC, NC and their mothers. Parental high EE (HEE) is linked to adolescent NSSI, especially parental criticism seems to be strongly associated with NSSI. Previous research into NSSI and EE has focused on parental EE, however, the conceptualization of EE as a unidirectional construct from parent to child may present an incomplete picture. Therefore, the current study included both, adolescent and maternal EE. Adolescents in the NSSI and CC group more often met criteria for HEE than NC. Adolescents with NSSI exhibited significantly more covert criticism and critical tone toward their mothers than CC and NC. HEE of adolescents with NSSI was associated with a range of difficulties in emotion regulation. For the total sample, moderate concordance was found between adolescents and mothers EE-status.
The research presented in this thesis has important clinical implications. The differences in personality traits of adolescents with NSSI with and without BPD underline the need for a dimensional personality assessment as well as specific treatment programs for adolescents with NSSI-BPD. Problems within the family are frequent triggers for NSSI. Therefore, interventions for adolescents with NSSI should include both, the improvement of emotion regulation and family interaction and communication. Along with the reduction of negative relationship aspects, psychotherapy should also focus on the enhancement of positive relationship quality. The emotional burden of family members stresses the need for emotional and practical support for parents and siblings.
In this thesis we examined the question whether personality traits of early child care workers influence process quality in preschool.
Research has shown that in educational settings such as preschool, pedagogical quality affects children’s developmental outcome (e.g. NICHD, 2002; Peisner-Feinberg et al., 1999). A substantial part of pedagogical quality known to be vital in this respect is the interaction between teacher and children (e.g., Tietze, 2008). Results of prior classroom research indicate that the teachers’ personality might be an important factor for good teacher-child-interaction (Mayr, 2011). Thus, personality traits might play a vital role for the interaction in preschool. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were to a) identify pivotal personality traits of child care workers, b) assess ideal levels of the identified personality traits and c) examine the relationship between pivotal personality traits and process quality. On that account, we conducted two requirement analyses and a video study. The results of these studies showed that subject matter experts (parents, child care workers, lecturers) partly agreed as to which personality traits are pivotal for child care workers. Furthermore, the experts showed high consensus with regard to the minimum, ideal and maximum personality trait profiles. Furthermore, child care workers whose profiles lay closer to the experts’ ideal also showed higher process quality. In addition, regression analyses showed that the child care workers’ levels of the Big Two (Communion and Agency) related significantly to their process quality.
The history of human kind is characterized by social conflict. Every conflict can be the starting point of social change or the escalation into more destructive forms. The social conflict in regard to rising numbers of refugees and their acceptance that arose in most host countries in 2015 already took on destructive forms – in Germany, right-wing extremists attacked refugee shelters and even killed multiple people, including political leaders who openly supported refugees. Thus, incompatible expectancies and values of different parts of the society led to violent action tendencies, which tremendously threaten intergroup relations. Psychological research has developed several interventions in past decades to improve intergroup relations, but they fall short, for example, when it comes to the inclusion of people with extreme attitudes and to precisely differentiate potential prosocial outcomes of the interventions. Thus, this dissertation aimed to a) develop psychological interventions, that could also be applied to people with more extreme attitudes, thereby putting a special emphasis on collecting a diverse sample; b) gain knowledge about target- and outcome specific effects: Who benefits from which intervention and how can specific prosocial actions be predicted in order to develop interventions that guide needs-based actions; and c) shed light on potential underlying mechanisms of the interventions.
The dissertation will be introduced by the socio-political background that motivated the line of research pursued, before providing an overview of the conceptualization of social conflicts and potential psychological inhibitors and catalyzers for conflict transformation. Based on past research on socio-psychological interventions and their limitations, the aims of the dissertation will be presented in more detail, followed by a short summary of each manuscript. Overall, the present thesis comprises four manuscripts that were summarized in the general discussion into a road map for social-psychological interventions to put them into a broader perspective. The road map aspires to provide recommendations for increasing – either approach-oriented or support-oriented actions – by the socio-psychological interventions for a variety of host society groups depending on their pre-existing attitude towards refugees.
A Paradoxical Intervention targeting central beliefs of people with negative attitudes towards refugees influenced inhibitory and catalyzing factors for conflict transformation over the course of three experiments – thereby providing an effective tool to establish approach-oriented action tendencies, such as the willingness to get in contact with refugees. Further, the dissertation presents a novel mechanism – namely Cognitive Flexibility – which could explain the Paradoxical Interventions’ effect of past research. By positively affecting a context-free mindset, the Paradoxical Intervention could impact more flexible thought processes in general, irrespective of the topic tackled in the Paradoxical Intervention itself. For people with rather positive attitudes addressing emotions may increase specific support-oriented action tendencies. The dissertation provides evidence of a positive relation between moral outrage and hierarchy-challenging actions, such as solidarity-based collective action, and sympathy with prosocial hierarchy-maintaining support-oriented actions, such as dependency-oriented helping. These exclusive relations between specific emotions and action intentions provide important implications for the theorizing of emotion-behavior relations, as well as for practical considerations. In addition, a diversity workshop conducted with future diplomats showed indirect effects on solidarity-based collective action via diversity perception and superordinate group identification, thereby extending past research by including action intentions and going beyond the focus on grassroot-initiatives by presenting an implementable intervention for future leaders in a real world context.
Taken together, this dissertation provides important insights for the development of socio-psychological interventions. By integrating a diverse sample, including members of institutions on meso- and macro-levels (non-governmental organizations and future politicians) of our society, this dissertation presents a unique multi-perspective of host society members on the social conflict of refugee acceptance and support. Thereby, this work contributes to theoretical and practical advancement of how social psychology can contribute not only to negative peace – by for example (indirectly) reducing support of violence against refugees – but also to positive peace – by for example investigating precursors of hierarchy-challenging actions that enable equal rights.
Eine zutreffende Diagnose über den aktuellen Kenntnisstand der jeweiligen Schülerinnen und Schüler ist notwendig, um adäquat in Gruppenarbeitsprozesse intervenieren zu können. Von diesem Zusammenhang wird in der Literatur weit-gehend ausgegangen, jedoch gibt es bisher kaum empirische Studien, die diesen belegen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich schwerpunktmäßig dem Interventi-onsverhalten von Studierenden. Dabei wird die prozessdiagnostische Fähigkeit „Deuten“ zugrundegelegt, um unterschiedliches Interventionsverhalten auf diese Fähigkeit zurückführen zu können. Sowohl beim Aufbau diagnostischer Fähig-keiten als auch bei der (Weiter-)Entwicklung des eigenen Lehrerhandelns gilt Reflexion als hilfreich. Entsprechend wird auch das Zusammenspiel von Pro-zessdiagnose und Reflexionsverhalten sowie von Interventionsverhalten und Reflexionsverhalten untersucht.
Für die Erhebung der prozessdiagnostischen Fähigkeit „Deuten“ wurden drei Videovignetten erstellt und in das Videodiagnosetool ViviAn eingebunden. Die Videovignetten zeigen jeweils vier Schülerinnen, die sich mit dem Thema „Ter-me“ beschäftigen. Im Rahmen eines Lehr-Lern-Labores wurden über vier Se-mester hinweg alle teilnehmenden Studierenden dazu angehalten, die Videovig-netten zu bearbeiten. Ebenso konzipierten sie jeweils zu dritt eine Laborstation im Mathematik-Labor „Mathe ist mehr“ und erprobten diese mit einer Schul-klasse. Dabei wurden die Interventionen der Studierenden in die Gruppenarbeits-prozesse der Schülerinnen und Schüler videographiert. Anschließend reflektierten die Studierenden in Kleingruppen über die Erprobungen und über die getätigten Interventionen. Die Reflexionsgespräche wurden ebenfalls videographiert.
Es zeigt sich, dass die Studierenden, die sich zum Zeitpunkt der Erhebung im Masterstudium befanden, noch Entwicklungsspielraum in Bezug auf ihre pro-zessdiagnostische Fähigkeit „Deuten“ besitzen. Im Hinblick auf die Interventio-nen waren responsive Interventionen häufiger angemessen als invasive Interven-tionen, wobei responsive Internvetionen auch vergleichsweise häufiger dazu führten, dass mehr Schülerinnen und Schüler nach der Intervention aktiv waren. Studierende mit höherer prozessdiagnostischer Fähigkeit „Deuten“ intervenierten jedoch häufiger invasiv und tätigten dabei trotzdem angemessenere und aktivie-rendere Interventionen als ihre Kommilitoninnen und Kommilitonen. Entspre-chend scheint sich die prozessdiagnostische Fähigkeit „Deuten“ positiv auf die Interventionen der Studierenden auszuwirken und sollte daher bereits im Rah-men des (Lehramts-)Studiums verstärkt geschult werden.
Nanotemplates for the combined structural and functional analysis of membrane-associated proteins
Plasma membranes are essential for life because they give cells an identity. Plasma membranes are almost impermeable to fluids and substances. Still, transport between inside and outside needs to be possible. An important transport way is endocytosis. This mechanism relies on membrane-associated proteins that sense and induce curvature to the plasma membrane. However, the physics and structural dynamics behind proteins acting on membranes is not well understood. There is a standard method in vitro to investigate membrane-associated proteins sensing spherical geometries: They are incubated on unilamellar vesicles. This procedure allows to analyze these proteins in their bound state. This approach is inappropriate for GRAF1 (GTPase Regulator Associated with Focal Adhesion Kinase-1), a key player in endocytosis because it senses tubular geometries instead. However, GRAF1 extrudes lipid tubes from vesicles that can be analyzed. Still, this is a limited method because these tubes suffer from inhomogeneity and they do not enable the observation of intermediate and lower concentration binding states. To overcome this issue they can be incubated on pre-tubular structures called nanotemplates. There have been studies using carbon nanotubes and Galactosylceramide lipid tubes as nanotemplates. These approaches require complex chemical modifications or expensive components and they are not necessarily flexible. In this work we present a simple and easy new approach to prepare nanotemplates using Folch lipid mixture. We show on the basis of BPG, a truncate of GRAF1, that our nanotemplates are suitable for Cryo-EM and that it is possible to use IHRSR (Iterative Helical Real Space Reconstruction) to analyze the structure of BPG in its bound state. Moreover, the qualification for Cryo-EM allows to use plunge freezing to interrupt the incubation on our nanotemplates abruptly. This enables the analysis of intermediate binding states to understand the binding process.
Zum Inhalt:
Die Dissertation ist in einem empirisch-qualitativen Forschungssetting eingebettet, bei der das Team-Teaching als Unterrichtsmethode im Forschungsfokus steht. Die Erhebung des empirischen Datenmaterials erfolgt einerseits mittels teilnehmender Beobachtung im Forschungsfeld und andererseits durch ein Gruppeninterview, das mit Lehrkräften geführt wird, die über einen gewissen Beobachtungszeitraum Erfahrungen mit der Unterrichtsmethode des Team-Teaching gesammelt haben. Für die hier zu Grunde gelegte Feldforschung wird das „theoretical sampling“ zum Einsatz kommen, das 1967 von Glaser und Strauss im Rahmen einer empirischen Untersuchung begründet worden ist.
Zum Aufbau:
In der Einleitung wird das Forschungsinteresse, der Forschungsstand und die zentrale Forschungsfrage der Dissertation beschrieben. Im zweiten Kapitel folgt der theoretische Teil mit einer differenzierten Definition des Team-Teachings als Unterrichtsmethode. Es folgt eine allgemeine Definition zum Unterricht, um die spezifischen Merkmale des Team-Teachings differenziert herausarbeiten zu können. Die empirischen Daten werden im Rahmen einer teilnehmenden Beobachtung im Unterricht der Oberstufe einer Förderschule mit dem Förderschwerpunkt Lernen und sozial-emotionale Entwicklung erhoben. Deshalb sind im Theorieteil der Förderschwerpunkt und die curricularen Aspekte zum Förderschwerpunkt dargestellt. Die Bedeutung der Unterrichtsmethode des Team-Teachings für das Unterrichtssetting in einer Förderschule mit dem sozial-emotionalem Förderschwerpunkt ist ebenfalls im Theorieteil verortet.
Im dritten Kapitel werden die qualitativen und quantitativen Erhebungsinstrumente beschrieben und Hypothesen formuliert. Die Darstellung der Methoden zur Aufbereitung des Datenmaterials ist im vierten Kapitel verortet. Die Interpretation der Forschungsergebnisse erfolgt im fünften Kapitel. Die qualitative und quantitative Datenauswertung des empirischen Datenmaterials ist im sechsten Kapitel dargestellt. Die Dissertation schließt im siebten Kapitel mit einen Fazit und Ausblick.
Die didaktische Konzeption der Schreibkonferenz ist soweit etabliert, dass sie bereits in den rheinland-pfälzischen Rahmenplan für die Grundschule für das Fach Deutsch übernommen wurde. Bisher liegt eine Reihe von Erfahrungsberichten zur Schreibkonferenz vor, jedoch wurden dazu bislang kaum systematisch empirische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Die empirische Studie dieser Arbeit, welche an die VERA-Studie angeschlossen ist, untersucht, ob im Grundschulunterricht (in der dritten und vierten Klasse) der Einsatz von Schreibkonferenzen im Vergleich zur konventionellen Aufsatzdidaktik zu einer Verbesserung der Schreibleistungen, des eigenen Lernens, zu positiven Veränderungen des eigenen Verhaltens sowie zur Förderung der Motivation der Schüler beim Schreiben führt. Dabei wird von folgenden Überlegungen ausgegangen: Zum einen sollte die Schreibkonferenz im Gegensatz zur traditionellen Aufsatzdidaktik das selbstständige Arbeiten der Schüler mit Texten im Deutschunterricht fördern, zum anderen sollte sie zu einer intensiveren Auseinandersetzung mit Texten und damit zu einer Verbesserung des Aufsatzschreibens führen.
Streams are coupled with their riparian area. Emerging insects from streams can be an important prey in the riparian area. Such aquatic subsidies can cause predators to switch prey or increase predator abundances. This can impact the whole terrestrial food web. Stressors associated with agricultural land use can alter insect communities in water and on land, resulting in complex response patterns of terrestrial predators that rely on prey from both systems.
This thesis comprises studies on the impact of aquatic nsects on a terrestrial model ecosystem (Objective 1, hapter 2), the influence of agricultural land use on riparian spiders’ traits and community (Objective 2, Chapter 3), and on the impact of agricultural land use on the contribution of different prey to spider diet (Objective 3, Chapter 4).
In chapter 2, I present a study where we conducted a mesocosm experiment to examine the effects of aquatic subsidies on a simplified terrestrial food web consisting of two types of herbivores (leafhoppers and weevils), plants and predators (spiders). I focused on the prey choice of the spiders by excluding predator immigration and reproduction. In accordance with predator switching, survival of leafhoppers increased in the presence of aquatic subsidies. By contrast, the presence of aquatic subsidies indirectly reduced weevils and herbivory.
In chapter 3, I present the results on the taxonomic and trait response of riparian spider communities to gradients of agricultural stressors and environmental variables, with a particular emphasis on pesticides. To capture spiders with different traits and survival strategies, we used multiple collection methods. Spider community composition was best explained by in-stream pesticide toxicity and shading of the stream bank, a proxy for the quality of the habitat. Species richness and the number of spider individuals, as well as community ballooning ability, were negatively associated with in-stream pesticide toxicity. In contrast, mean body size and shading preference of spider communities responded strongest to shading,
whereas mean niche width (habitat preference for moisture and shading) responded strongest to other environmental variables.
In chapter 4, I describe aquatic-terrestrial predator-prey relations with gradients of agricultural stressors and environmental variables. I sampled spiders, as well as their aquatic and terrestrial prey along streams with an assumed pesticide pollution gradient and determined their stable carbon and nitrogen signals. Potential aquatic prey biomass correlated positively with an increasing aquatic prey contribution of T. montana. The contribution of aquatic prey to the diet of P. amentata showed a positive relationship with increasing toxicity in streams.
Overall, this thesis contributes to the emerging discipline of cross-ecosystem ecology and shows that aquatic-terrestrial linkages and riparian food webs can be influenced by land use related stressors. Future manipulative field studies on aquatic-terrestrial linkages are required that consider the quality of prey organisms, fostering mechanistic understanding of such crossecosystem effects. Knowledge on these linkages is important to improve understanding of consequences of anthropogenic stressors and to prevent further losses of ecosystems and their biodiversity.
Politische Steuerung in nationalen Bologna-Prozessen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
Das Ziel der Dissertation besteht in der Erklärung und Analyse grundlegender Steuerungsmuster zwischen Politik und Universitätssystem in den nationalen Bologna-Prozessen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz: Wurde die Studienreform primär staatlich verordnet, im Dialog mit den Hochschulen implementiert oder die Ausgestaltung der Reform der Wissenschaft weitgehend überlassen - und welche Instrumente wurden dabei weshalb genutzt? Damit schließt die Arbeit an den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu vertikalen Vermittlungsprozessen (übernational-national) im Bologna-Prozess an: Nationale Hochschulsysteme konvergieren nicht zu einem einheitlichen Modell, sondern nationale Faktoren (z.B. Problemdeutungen und Einflussmöglichkeiten von Bildungspolitik, Universitäten u.a.) führen dazu, dass Bologna jeweils länderspezifisch verstanden und interpretiert wird.
Vor diesem Hintergrund wird im theoretischen Teil zur Anleitung eines systematischen Vergleichs ein analytischer Rahmen entworfen, dessen Elemente sowohl aus der Politikwissenschaft (Instrumenteforschung, Politische Steuerung, Governance etc.) als auch aus der Hochschulforschung stammen. In den anschließenden empirischen Kapiteln zu den drei Ländern werden die Akteurkonstellationen und faktisch zu beobachtenden Instrumentarien beschrieben, analysiert und interpretiert. Die methodische Basis bilden neben der Analyse zahlreicher Dokumente 37 leitfadengestützte Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten.
Grundsätzlich lassen sich auf Basis der empirischen Teile die folgenden zentralen Ergebnisse der Studie festhalten:
Deutschland: Aufgrund der relativ starken Kompetenzen der Länder und der Einflussschwäche der Universitäten ist für den deutschen Bologna-Prozess ein primär interventionistisches Muster kennzeichnend. Dieses wurde und wird bis heute dadurch verstärkt, dass die Umsetzung von Bologna durch spezifische Problemwahrnehmungen und -lösungen von KMK und HRK in den 90er Jahren geprägt ist (z.B. Modularisierung als Antwort auf unstrukturierte Studiengänge, Akkreditierung als Fortführung der tradierten Input-Steuerung). `Bologna` wurde so mit genuin nationalen Instrumenten verquickt, die z.T. quer zum tradierten Lehrhabitus vieler Hochschullehrerinnen und -lehrer lag und liegt (z.B. Modularisierung oder Kompetenzorientierung). Verstärkend trat hinzu, dass die Reform u.a. aufgrund des Bund/Länder-Konflikts in der Bildungspolitik im Vorfeld der Föderalismusreform I nicht finanziell unterstützt wurde. Plastisch formuliert ist der deutsche Bologna-Prozess regulativ über- und finanziell untersteuert, was auch zu den Studierendenprotesten 2009/2010 beitrug.
Österreich: Der Bologna-Prozess lief in Österreich parallel zu einem umfassenden Neuordnungsprozess, innerhalb dessen die Universitäten in ihrer Autonomie erheblich gestärkt wurden und sich das zuvor zentrale Wissenschaftsministerium in seinen Kompetenzen erheblich limitierte. Dieses hatte die Reform unmittelbar 1999 noch angestoßen, zog sich anschließend jedoch im Rahmen einer `minimalen Steuerung` zurück und übernahm auch keine Reformmehrkosten. Da unterhalb der in die Autonomie entlassenen Universitäten kein nationaler Dialog über die Reform in Gang kommen konnte, fand der Bologna-Prozess vor allem auf der Ebene der jeweils eigenständigen Universitäten `vor Ort` statt. Diese erhebliche regulative und finanzielle Untersteuerung führte 2009/2010 zu massiven Studierendenprotesten, die angesichts der schwachen Position des Ministeriums auch nur unzureichend kanalisiert werden konnten.
Schweiz: In der Schweiz hingegen ist eine austarierte regulative und finanzielle Steuerung zu beobachten. Bund und Kantone übertrugen Anfang der 2000er Jahre wenige, aber wesentliche Kompetenzen auf ein gemeinsames Organ, das seinerseits per Gesetz eng mit der Rektorenkonferenz zusammenarbeiten sollte. Bologna stärkte dieses bis dato auf dem Papier bestehende Muster: Vor dem Hintergrund einer übergreifend geteilten prozessualen Subsidiaritätsnorm sowie weitgehender Präferenzenübereinstimmung zwischen Politik und Universitäten finanzierte der Staat gezielt die Reformmehrkosten sowie strategische Projekte und delegiert die Formulierung, Implementierung und Weiterentwicklung zentraler Vorgaben auf der Basis des Entscheidungsvorbehalts an die Rektorenkonferenz bzw. Universitäten. Probleme werden innerhalb dieses Arrangements z.T. identifiziert und bearbeitet. Die Politik greift nur subsidiär im Ausnahmefall ein. Die Schweiz kommt daher dem Idealtypus der strukturierenden Steuerung sehr nahe.
Die Befunde werden abschließend in einen größeren Bezugsrahmen eingeordnet, um sie über Bologna hinaus für die Analyse des deutschen Hochschulsystems fruchtbar zu machen. Maßstab hierfür sind ausgewählte normative Kriterien zur Güte von Steuerungsmustern. So wird z.B. gezielt die politische Entscheidungskapazität in den beobachteten Mustern betrachtet: Während etwa in Deutschland auf die Studierendenproteste 2009 im Rahmen des interventionistischen Musters mit verbindlichen Instrumenten wie Strukturvorgaben, Akkreditierung und letztlich dem Qualitätspakt Lehre nicht nur symbolisch reagiert werden konnte, stand das Wiener Wissenschaftsministerium den starken Protesten durch den Verzicht auf regulative und finanzielle Ressourcen hilflos gegenüber.
Auf dieser Basis werden abschließend einige grundlegende Anregungen zur Weiterentwicklung des deutschen Hochschulsystems gegeben. Unter anderem wird dafür plädiert, den hochschulpolitischen Reformdiskurs, der sich oftmals nur zwischen den Polen `mehr Staat` und `mehr Wettbewerb` zu bewegen scheint, gezielt um alternative Handlungslogiken und Akteure zu erweitern: Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit legen nahe, Verbände und Organisationen (Rektorenkonferenzen, Fachgesellschaften, Fakultätentage u.a.) politisch zu stärken, um diese Sichtweisen und Expertisen in zukünftigen Reformprozessen (z.B. aktuell Digitalisierung) systematischer als zuvor miteinzubeziehen. Denn eine zu starke Entkopplung von politischen und wissenschaftlichen Rationalitäten führt unweigerlich zu nicht intendierten Effekten, die ihrerseits wieder Handlungsdruck erzeugen (z.B. Proteste).
Student misbehavior and its treatment is a major challenge for teachers and a threat to their well-being. Indeed, teachers are obliged to punish student misbehavior on a regular basis. Additionally, teachers’ punishment decisions are among the most frequently reported situations when it comes to students’ experiences of injustice in school. By implication, it is crucial to understand teachers’ treatment of student misbehavior vis-à-vis students’ perceptions. One key dimension of punishment behavior reflects its underlying motivation and goals. People generally intend to achieve three goals when punishing misbehavior, namely, retribution (i.e., evening out the harm caused), special prevention (i.e., preventing recidivism of the offender), and general prevention (i.e., preventing imitation of others). Importantly, people’s support of these punishment goals is subject to hierarchy and power, implying that teachers’ and students’ punishment goal preferences differ. In this dissertation, I present three research projects that shed first light on teachers’ punishment and its goals along with the students’ perception of classroom intervention strategies pursuing these goals. More specifically, I first examined students’ (i.e., children’s) general support of each of the three punishment goals sketched above. Furthermore, I applied an attributional approach to understand and study the goals teachers intend to achieve when punishing student misbehavior. Finally, I investigated teachers’ and students’ support of the punishment goals regarding the same student misbehavior to directly compare their views on these goals and reactions pursuing them. In sum, the findings show that students generally prefer retribution and special prevention to general prevention, whereas teachers prefer general prevention and special prevention to retribution. This ultimately translates into a "mismatch" of teachers and students in their preferences for specific punishment goals, and the findings suggest that this may indeed enhance students’ perception of injustice. Overall, the results of the present research program may be valuable for the development of classroom intervention strategies that may reduce rather than enhance conflicts in student-teacher-interactions.
Within the framework of a participatory action research approach, teachers and their students were accompanied scientifically with a focus on Montessori pedagogy and music in an upper secondary grammar school for three years (from 2012-2015).
Based on attitude- and self-efficacy-theories, inclusive instruction as well as agent-based research, the aim was to examine the implementation of an inclusive learning - and school-culture at this grammar school – an institution which is part of the highly selective education system at secondary II level in Austria.
It has been possible to reconstruct the understanding of teachers concerning inclusion and conceptions of man as well as their selfefficacy of competences to teach in an inclusive environment by means of qualitative and quantitative data. To examine attitudes and selfefficacy of teacher competences, international and national tested scales SACIE-R (Sentiments, Attitudes and Concerns about Inclusive Education-Revised) and TEIP (Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practice) were used in a German version. Furthermore, the empirical survey was extended by a webbased national questionnaire for teachers in different types of schools, from primary to secondary level (n= 427) to allow comparative analysis. Interviews, which were evaluated content-analytically and ques-tionnaires for parents (n=37) and students (n=19) offered an indepth insight into everyday educational practice from different perspectives.
The synopsis of the result shows, that it was possible for a rather young team of teachers with very positive attitudes towards inclusion, to implement a supportive and vivid learning - and school culture. Nevertheless, the efforts of the teachers did not exceed the system limits. The development towards a ‘school for all’, a logical consequence of theoretical approaches concerning inclusion, was not discovered. The current research is verifying the corefindings of inclusive - and agent-based research. Further findings can be related to the selective structures of the education system in secondary II.
Absicherung der analytischen Interpretation von Geolokalisierungsdaten in der Mobilfunkforensik
Location based services maybe are within one of the most outstanding features of modern mobile devices. Despite the fact, that cached geolocation data could be used to reconstruct motion profiles, the amount of devices capable to provide these information in the field of criminal investigations is growing.
The aim of this work is to generate in-depth knowledge to questions concerning geolocation in the field of mobile forensics, making especially somehow cached geolocation data forensically valuable. On top, tools meeting the specific requirements of law enforcement personnel shall be developed.
Geolocation processes within smartphones are quite complex. For the device to locate its position, different reference systems like GPS, cell towers or WiFi hot\-spots are used in a variety of ways. The whole mobile geolocation mechanism is proprietary to the device manufacturer and not build with forensic needs in mind. One major problem regarding forensic investigations is, that mainly reference points are being extracted and processed instead of real life device location data. In addition, these geolocation information only consist of bits and bytes or numeric values that have to be securely assigned to their intended meaning. The location data recovered are full of gaps providing only a part of the process or device usage. This possible loss of data has to be determined deriving a reliable measurement for the completeness, integrity and accuracy of data. Last but not least, as for every evidence within a criminal investigation, it has to be assured, that manipulations of the data or errors in position estimation have no disadvantageous effect on the analysis.
Research Questions
In the context of localisation services in modern smartphones, it always comes back to similar questions during forensic everyday life:
* Can locations be determined at any time?
* How accurate is the location of a smartphone?
* Can location data from smartphones endure in court?
For a better understanding of geolocation processes in modern smartphones and to evaluate the quality and reliability of the geolocation artefacts, information from different platforms shall be theoretically analysed as well as observed in-place during the geolocation process. The connection between data points and localisation context will be examined in predefined live experiments as well as desktop- and native applications on smartphones.
Within the scope of this thesis self developed tools have been used for forensic investigations as well as analytical interpretation of geodata from modern smartphones. Hereby a generic model for assessing the quality of location data has emerged, which can be generally applied to geodata from mobile devices.
In the present dissertation, the structural interaction between potassium waterglass and aluminium metaphosphates (aluminium tetrametaphosphate and aluminium hexametaphosphate) were investigated in terms of the resettlement behaviour of the metaphosphates as hardening agents. The crystalline phase composition was described qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of powder diffraction patterns combined with Rietveld refinement. The amorphous phase content was determined by different spectroscopic methods (e.g. solid-state NMR, ATR-IR, and Raman spectroscopy). The solubility behaviour of the chemical hardening agents was investigated by optical emission spectroscopy and electron absorption spectroscopy. The mechanical properties of the samples were measured by three-point bending tests, resonance damping frequency analysis, and acid test. The structural framework of the chemically hardened waterglasses was explored by scanning electron microscopy method. It could be proven, that the reaction mechanism of the resettlement is strongly dependent on the structure of the aluminium metaphosphate. After the dissolution of the aluminium ions of aluminium tetrametaphosphate through the alkalic environment of the potassium waterglass, a potassium tetrametaphosphate is developed through an ion-exchange reaction with the waterglass` potassium ions. In the hexametaphosphate system, no analogous structure could be proven. Parallel to the ion-exchange reaction an incremental depolymerization of the cyclic metaphosphate structure to the final crystalline product potassium dihydrogen phosphate occurs. The drop in pH value due to the addition of the respective aluminium metaphosphate initiates a polycondensation of the potassium waterglass due to the decreasing stabilization of the waterglass. This process is increased by the depolymerization products of the metaphosphate, that remove further quantities of the alkali ions, which accelerates the polycondensation reaction due to a further decrease in pH value. The dissolved aluminium ions from the aluminium metaphosphate penetrate into the amorphous, hardening silica network and develops an alumosilicate binder matrix. Furthermore, amorphous hydrated aluminium phosphate phases develop in separate domains beside silicate, alumosilicate phases, and the crystalline phase contents e.g. potassium dihydrogenphosphate and the incomplete reacted aluminium metaphosphate. Consequently, the chemically hardened potassium waterglass binder is not necessarily homogenous. Regarding the mechanical and chemical properties, in summary with increasing alkali modulus the mechanical flexural strength, and the young modulus drop, while the chemical resistance towards acid attack, and the porosity of the samples increase. The change in the cyclic structure from aluminium tetrametaphosphate to aluminium hexametaphosphate leads to a drop in the acid resistance, the porosity of the samples, the flexural strength, and the young modulus.
Computer modelling of human partial body structures is becoming increasingly important for medical application. This is an interdisciplinary field of research in which new methods can be developed through the cooperation of physics, mathematics, computer visualistics and medicine. These methods can be used to make more precise statements about the mechanical loads of internal force-transmitting structures, such as intervertebral discs, ligaments, joints and muscles, during motion sequences.
At the beginning of this work, the importance of the need for research in computer modeling, specialized in the area of the spine, is presented.
In the following, the basic anatomical structures will be discussed, including intervertebral discs, ligaments, facet joints and musculature.
Algorithms are then developed to create individual lumbar spine models from CT data in a short time and semi-automatically. Methods will be developed to model the presented force transmitting structures of the spine, such as the intervertebral discs, ligaments, facet joints and muscles.
In addition different imaging methods (MRT data, x-ray film, x-ray functional images) will be presented and validate the lumbar spine models.
Finally, the algorithms developed will be used to create a larger number of individual lumbar spine models, which will then be examined for similarities and differences with regard to internal loads as well as for physiologically correct movement sequences. In particular, the relative momentary center of rotation between two adjacent vertebrae is calculated.
Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Entwicklung des künstlerischen Siebdrucks in Deutschland seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Nach der thematischen Einführung und einer ersten kritischen Bestandsaufnahme der Forschung zum Siebdruck wird im Folgenden der Verlauf und die methodische Vorgehensweise der Arbeit verdeutlicht. Im zweiten Kapitel „Etablierung einer künstlerischen Technik“ wird zuerst die Geschichte des Siebdrucks dem Rahmen dieser Arbeit gemäß nachgezeichnet. Nachfolgend wird in einem Unterkapitel dargestellt, wie sich die Serigrafie als künstlerisches Verfahren parallel zum industriellen Siebdruck etablierte. In der Folge wendet sich die Untersuchung der Entstehung und Entwicklung des künstlerischen Siebdrucks in Deutschland zu. Dabei wird Willi Baumeister als Beispiel für die erste Generation von Künstlern in Deutschland herangezogen, die sich mit der Serigrafie beschäftigte. Im nächsten Schritt wird ein Überblick zu den Willi Baumeister nachfolgenden deutschen bzw. deutschsprachigen Serigrafie–Künstlern präsentiert. In dem sich anschließenden Exkurs-Kapitel liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Künstler und Drucker. Dabei werden an Beispielen namhafter Drucker wie Luitpold Domberger und Hans-Peter Haas unter anderem Einflüsse der Drucker auf die Entstehung und den Ausdruck der Kunstwerke aufgezeigt.Nach einer Einführung in die Entstehung und Geschichte der Serigrafie in Deutschland und einem ersten Überblick über deutsche Serigrafie-Künstler wird im vierten Kapitel der Einsatz der Serigrafie-Technik bei verschiedenen Künstlern aus unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen eingehend untersucht. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei dem Einfluss der Technik auf die Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten und Inhalte der Werke, die Anwendung innerhalb einer und verschiedener Kunstrichtungen sowie die Experimente, die mit der Siebdrucktechnik gemacht wurden. Dazu werden Werke ausgewählter Künstler analysiert. Im Fokus stehen Künstler der Pop Art, des Neuen und des Kritischen Realismus, der Abstrakten und Konkreten Kunst. Ferner werden Künstler, deren Werk durch einen expressiven, bisweilen primitiven Charakter geprägt ist, in die Betrachtung mit einbezogen. Eine weitere Gruppe bilden Künstler, die die Serigrafie in einen Zusammenhang zur Architektur und zum öffentlichen Raum stellen. Die aus der Untersuchung hervorgehenden Ergebnisse dienen insbesondere dazu, die Charakteristika der Technik in ihrer künstlerischen Verwendung herauszustellen und Aspekte einer künstlerisch motivierten Weiterentwicklung aufzuzeigen. Die Entwicklung des druckgraphischen Werkes und der Technik von Gerd Winner werden in Kapitel 5 eingehend untersucht. Auf diese Weise lässt sich eine systematische, nicht rein formale, sondern ästhetische und inhaltliche Darstellung der Serigrafie in Deutschland erstellen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf der Frage, wie sich die Technik und deren Neuerungen auf den Inhalt auswirkten.
Software systems have an increasing impact on our daily lives. Many systems process sensitive data or control critical infrastructure. Providing secure software is therefore inevitable. Such systems are rarely being renewed regularly due to the high costs and effort. Oftentimes, systems that were planned and implemented to be secure, become insecure because their context evolves. These systems are connected to the Internet and therefore also constantly subject to new types of attacks. The security requirements of these systems remain unchanged, while, for example, discovery of a vulnerability of an encryption algorithm previously assumed to be secure requires a change of the system design. Some security requirements cannot be checked by the system’s design but only at run time. Furthermore, the sudden discovery of a security violation requires an immediate reaction to prevent a system shutdown. Knowledge regarding security best practices, attacks, and mitigations is generally available, yet rarely integrated part of software development or covering evolution.
This thesis examines how the security of long-living software systems can be preserved taking into account the influence of context evolutions. The goal of the proposed approach, S²EC²O, is to recover the security of model-based software systems using co-evolution.
An ontology-based knowledge base is introduced, capable of managing common, as well as system-specific knowledge relevant to security. A transformation achieves the connection of the knowledge base to the UML system model. By using semantic differences, knowledge inference, and the detection of inconsistencies in the knowledge base, context knowledge evolutions are detected.
A catalog containing rules to manage and recover security requirements uses detected context evolutions to propose potential co-evolutions to the system model which reestablish the compliance with security requirements.
S²EC²O uses security annotations to link models and executable code and provides support for run-time monitoring. The adaptation of running systems is being considered as is round-trip engineering, which integrates insights from the run time into the system model.
S²EC²O is amended by prototypical tool support. This tool is used to show S²EC²O’s applicability based on a case study targeting the medical information system iTrust.
This thesis at hand contributes to the development and maintenance of long-living software systems, regarding their security. The proposed approach will aid security experts: It detects security-relevant changes to the system context, determines the impact on the system’s security and facilitates co-evolutions to recover the compliance with the security requirements.
Gegeben sei eine Basis b>=10 und eine Ziffer a0 aus der Menge {0,..., b − 1}. Wir untersuchen, ob es unendlich viele Primzahlen gibt, die in ihrer b-adischen Zifferndarstellung die Ziffer a0 nicht besitzen. Ferner schätzen wir die Anzahl dieser Primzahlen, die kleiner sind als X = b^k, nach oben und unten ab.
Damit gelingt uns eine Verallgemeinerung von Maynards Beweis für den Fall b = 10 und wir nutzen hierzu auch die in seiner Arbeit verwendeten Werkzeuge. Unter Anderem benötigen wir die Hardy-Littlewoodsche Kreismethode sowie diverse Siebmethoden, um die Minor Arcs zu kontrollieren.
Schließlich sehen wir, dass wir Maynard's Aussage vor allem dann auf beliebige Basen b>= 10 und ausgeschlossene Ziffern a0 aus {0, ..., b − 1} übertragen können, wenn zwei betragsmäßig größte Eigenwerte von Matrizen, die von b und a0 parametrisiert werden, bestimmte Abschätzungen erfüllen. Dass diese Abschätzungen im Fall b>=102 erfüllt sind, beweisen wir im letzten Kapitel. Für die Fälle b = 10 und b = 11 liegt ebenfalls ein Mathematica-Code vor, der die Abschätzungen bestätigt.
While the existing literature on cooperative R&D projects between firms and public research institutes (PRI) has made valuable contributions by examining various factors and their influence on different outcome measures, there has been no investigation of cooperative R&D project success between firms and PRI from a product competitive advantage perspective. However, insights into the development of a meaningful and superior product (i.e., product competitive advantage) are particularly important in the context of cooperative R&D projects between PRI and (mainly small and medium-sized) firms in the biotechnology industry in response to increasing competition to raise capital funds necessary for survival.
The objectives of this thesis are: (1) to elaborate the theoretical foundations which explain the achievement of a product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI, (2) to identify and empirically evaluate the determining factors for achieving a product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI, and (3) to show how cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI should be designed and executed to support the achievement of a product competitive advantage.
To accomplish these objectives, a model of determinants of product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI is developed by drawing from the theoretical foundations of resource-based theory and information-processing theory. The model is evaluated using data from 517 questionnaires on cooperative R&D projects between at least one biotechnology firm and one PRI. The data are analyzed using variance-based structural equation modeling (i.e., PLS-SEM) in order to conduct hypotheses testing. The evaluation of the empirical data includes an additional mediation analysis and the comparison of effects in subsamples.
The results demonstrate the importance of available resources and skills, as well as the proficient execution of marketing-related and technical activities for the achievement of a product competitive advantage in cooperative R&D projects between biotechnology firms and PRI. By identifying project-related and process-related factors affecting product competitive advantage and empirically testing their relationships, the research findings should be valuable for both researchers and practitioners. After discussing contributions and implications for research and practice, the present thesis concludes with limitations and avenues for future research.
Lakes and reservoirs are important sources of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Although freshwaters cover only a small fraction of the global surface, their contribution to global methane emission is significant and this is expected to increase, as a positive feedback to climate warming and exacerbated eutrophication. Yet, global estimates of methane emission from freshwaters are often based on point measurements that are spatio-temporally biased. To better constrain the uncertainties in quantifying methane fluxes from inland waters, a closer examination of the processes transporting methane from sediment to atmosphere is necessary. Among these processes, ebullition (bubbling) is an important transport pathway and is a primary source of uncertainty in quantifying methane emissions from freshwaters. This thesis aims to improve our understanding of ebullition in freshwaters by studying the processes of methane bubble formation, storage and release in aquatic sediments. The laboratory experiments demonstrate that aquatic sediments can store up to ~20% (volumetric content) gas and the storage capacity varies with sediment properties. The methane produced is stored as gas bubbles in sediment with minimal ebullition until the storage capacity is reached. Once the sediment void spaces are created by gas bubble formation, they are stable and available for future bubble storage and transport. Controlled water level drawdown experiments showed that the amounts of gas released from the sediment scaled with the total volume of sediment gas storage and correlated linearly to the drop in hydrostatic pressure. It was hypothesized that not only the timing of ebullition is controlled by sediment gas storage, but also the spatial distribution of ebullition. A newly developed freeze corer, capable of characterizing sediment gas content under in situ environments, enabled the possibility to test the hypothesis in a large subtropical lake (Lake Kinneret, Israel). The results showed that gas content was variable both vertically and horizontally in the lake sediment. Sediment methane production rate and sediment characteristics could explain these variabilities. The spatial distribution of ebullition generally was in a good agreement with the horizontal distribution of depth-averaged (surface 1 m) sediment gas content. While discrepancies were found between sediment depth-integrated methane production and the snapshot ebullition rate, they were consistent in a long term (multiyear average). These findings provide a solid basis for the future development of a process-based ebullition model. By coupling a sediment transport model with a sediment diagenetic model, general patterns of ebullition hotspots can be predicted at a system level and the uncertainties in ebullition flux measurements can be better constrained both on long-term (months to years) and short-term (minutes to hours) scales.
The dissertation examines the self-concept of Indian religious women in German care institutions. For the analysis, the method of grounded theory was selected from empirical social research. The investigation field interviewed 26 Indian religious women and 5 employers. The theoretical foundations of mission history were the standard of the missionary ministry, the expression of the German and Indian concept of care, the concept of culture in its structural conditionality of dimensions and models with reference to the organization "religious community".
The direct relation to the research question was served by the hierarchical self-concept model according to Shalveson and another model by Bracken, which was used to interpret the empirical results. In the five core categories and their subcategories, the main motive was "being a missionary". Indian religious women refer to themselves as "European missionaries" and want to bring the love of Christ to the sick, the needy and the elderly through their care and nursing work.
In order for the Indian religious women to be able to work even more optimally in their self-concept in Germany, it is advisable to develop a requirement profile, to consider certain framework conditions in advance and to design new models of life.
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit euroskeptischen Äußerungen in der Parteienkommunikation und der Medienberichterstattung im Vorfeld der Europawahl 2014. Die Arbeit verwendet ein akteurszentriertes Forschungsdesign, welches eine differenzierte Betrachtung der öffentlichen Debatte europäischer Themen erlaubt. Die Analyse deckt auf, welche nationalen Parteien euroskeptische Positionen vertreten und inwiefern diese Einzug in die mediale Berichterstattung finden. Auch die Positionierung der Medien selbst wird durch die Untersuchung meinungsbezogener Artikel berücksichtigt. Die den Studien zu Grunde liegende Konzeptualisierung des Euroskeptizismus-Begriff umfasst neben globalen und konkreten negativen Bewertungen der EU auch die Zuschreibung von Problemverantwortung als weitere Spielart euroskeptischer Äußerungen. Die Arbeit nimmt weiterhin eine international vergleichende Perspektive ein, um den Einfluss nationaler Kontextfaktoren auf die Verbreitung euroskeptischer Positionen aufzuzeigen.
Die Ergebnisse der Analyse decken zunächst auf, dass das Vorhandensein erstarkender euroskeptischer Oppositionsparteien nicht zwangsläufig zu einer Politisierung der europäischen Debatte führt, da sich die europhilen Mainstream-Parteien verschiedener Strategien zur Vermeidung einer solchen Kontroversen bedienen. Die Analysen ergeben weiterhin, dass europhile Regierungsparteien zwar mehrheitlich vor konkreten negativen Bewertungen der EU zurückschrecken, diese aber in Bezug auf die europäische Finanzkrise vorwiegend als Verursacher von Problemlagen skizzieren. Letztlich verdeutlichen die Ergebnisse, dass die mediale Berichterstattung zu Themen mit EU-Bezug eine starke Synchronizität zwischen Nachrichten- und Meinungsteil aufzeigt. Dies gilt sowohl in Bezug auf die geäußerten Bewertungen zur Europäischen Union als auch hinsichtlich der Darstellung von Verantwortlichkeit.
Groundwater is essential for the provision of drinking water in many areas around the world. The ecosystem services provided by groundwater-related organisms are crucial for the quality of groundwater-bearing aquifers. Therefore, if remediation of contaminated groundwater is necessary, the remediation method has to be carefully selected to avoid risk-risk trade-offs that might impact these valuable ecosystems. In the present thesis, the ecotoxicity of the in situ remediation agent Carbo-Iron (a composite of zero valent nano-iron and active carbon) was investigated, an estimation of its environmental risk was performed, and the risk and benefit of a groundwater remediation with Carbo-Iron were comprehensively analysed.
At the beginning of the work on the present thesis, a sound assessment of the environmental risks of nanomaterials was impeded by a lack of guidance documents, resulting in many uncertainties on selection of suitable test methods and a low comparability of test results from different studies with similar nanomaterials. The reasons for the low comparability were based on methodological aspects of the testing procedures before and during the toxicity testing. Therefore, decision trees were developed as a tool to systematically decide on ecotoxicity test procedures for nanomaterials. Potential effects of Carbo-Iron on embryonic, juvenile and adult life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the amphipod Hyalella azteca were investigated in acute and chronic tests. These tests were based on existing OECD and EPA test guidelines (OECD, 1992a, 2013a, 2013b; US EPA, 2000) to facilitate the use of the obtained effect data in the risk assessment. Additionally, the uptake of particles into the test organisms was investigated using microscopic methods. In zebrafish embryos, effects of Carbo-Iron on gene expression were investigated. The obtained ecotoxicity data were complemented by studies with the waterflea Daphnia magna, the algae Scenedesmus vacuolatus, larvae of the insect species Chironomus riparius and nitrifying soil microorganisms.
In the fish embryo test, no passage of Carbo-Iron particles into the perivitelline space or the embryo was observed. In D. rerio and H. azteca, Carbo-Iron was detected in the gut at the end of exposure, but no passage into the surrounding tissue was detected. Carbo-Iron had no significant effect on soil microorganisms and on survival and growth of fish. However, it had significant effects on the growth, feeding rate and reproduction of H. azteca and on survival and reproduction in D. magna. Additionally, the development rate of C. riparius and the cell volume of S. vacuolatus were negatively influenced.
A predicted no effect concentration of 0.1 mg/L was derived from the ecotoxicity studies based on the no-effect level determined in the reproduction test with D. magna and an assessment factor of 10. It was compared to measured and modelled environmental concentrations for Carbo-Iron after application to an aquifer contaminated with chlorohydrocarbons in a field study. Based on these concentrations, risk quotients were derived. Additionally, the overall environmental risk before and after Carbo-Iron application was assessed to verify whether the chances for a risk-risk trade-off by the remediation of the contaminated site could be minimized. With the data used in the present study, a reduced environmental risk was identified after the application of Carbo-Iron. Thus, the benefit of remediation with Carbo-Iron outweighs potential negative effects on the environment.
Engineering criminal agents
This PhD thesis with the title "Engineering Criminal Agents" demonstrates the interplay of three different research fields captured in the title: In the centre are Engineering and Simulation, both set in relation with the application field of Criminology - and the social science aspect of the latter. More precisely,
this work intends to show how specific agent-based simulation models can be created using common methods from software engineering.
Agent-based simulation has proven to be a valuable method for social science since decades, and the trend to increasingly complex simulation models is apparent, not at least due to advancing computational and simulation techniques. An important cause of complexity is the inclusion of 'evidence' as basis of simulation models. Evidence can be provided by various stakeholders, reflecting their different viewpoints on the topic to model.
This poses a particular burden by interrelating the two relevant perspectives on the topic of simulation: on the one hand the user of the simulation model who provides the requirements and is interested in the simulation results, on the other hand the developer of the simulation model who has to program a verified and validated formal model. In order to methodically link these two perspectives, substantial efforts in research and development are needed, where this PhD thesis aims to make a contribution.
The practical results - in terms of software - were achieved by using the multi-faceted approach mentioned above: using methods from software engineering, in order to become able to apply methods from computational social sciences, in order to gain insights into social systems, such as in the internal dynamics of criminal networks.
The PhD thesis shows the research involved to create these practical results, and gives technical details and specifications of the developed software.
The frame for research and development to achieve these results was provided mainly by two research projects: OCOPOMO and GLODERS.
Sediment transport contributes to the movement of inorganic and organic material in rivers. The construction of a dam interrupts the continuity of this sediment transport through rivers, causing sediments to accumulate within the reservoir. Reservoirs can also act as carbon sinks and methane can be released when organic matter in the sediment is degraded under anoxic conditions. Reservoir sedimentation poses a great threat to the sustainability of reservoirs worldwide, and can emit the potent greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere. Sediment management measures to rehabilitate silted reservoirs are required to achieve both better water quantity and quality, as well as to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
This thesis aims at the improvement of sediment sampling techniques to characterize sediment deposits as a basis for accurate and efficient water jet dredging and to monitor the dredging efficiency by measuring the sediment concentration. To achieve this, we investigated freeze coring as a method to sample (gas-bearing) sediment in situ. The freeze cores from three reservoirs obtained were scanned using a non-destructive X-Ray CT scan technique. This allows the determination of sediment stratification and character-ization of gas bubbles to quantify methane emissions and serve as a basis for the identi-fication of specific (i.e. contaminated) sediment layers to be dredged. The results demon-strate the capability of freeze coring as a method for the characterization of (gas-bearing) sediment and overcomes certain limitations of commonly used gravity cores. Even though the core’s structure showed coring disturbances related to the freezing process, the general core integrity seems to not have been disturbed. For dredging purposes, we analyzed the impact pressure distribution and spray pattern of submerged cavitating wa-ter jets and determined the effects of impinging distances and angles, pump pressures and spray angles. We used an adapted Pressure Measurement Sensing technique to enhance the spatial distribution, which proved to be a comparatively easy-to-use meas-urement method for an improved understanding of the governing factors on the erosional capacity of cavitating water jets. Based on this data, the multiple linear regression model can be used to predict the impact pressure distribution of those water jets to achieve higher dredging accuracy and efficiency. To determine the dredging operational efficien-cy, we developed a semi-continuous automated measurement device to measure the sediment concentration of the slurry. This simple and robust device has lower costs, compared to traditional and surrogate sediment concentration measurement technolo-gies, and can be monitored and controlled remotely under a wide range of concentrations and grain-sizes, unaffected by entrained gas bubbles
Die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung kann als ein zentrales Element einer konsequenten Unternehmensstrategie zur Umsetzung der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung (Corporate Social Responsibility) angesehen werden. Um die Unternehmen bei dieser Aufgabe zu unterstützen stellt die Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) mit ihren G4 Leitlinien einen Orientierungsrahmen bereit, dessen Anwendung sich allerdings für Klein und Mittelunternehmen sehr komplex gestaltet. Ein branchenspezifisches Sector Supplement für den Weinbau existiert derzeit noch nicht.
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, diese Forschungslücke durch die Entwicklung weinbauspezifischer Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte und Indikatoren zu schließen, um den Betrieben eine selbstständige GRI-konforme Berichterstattung zu ermöglichen.
Der Prozess zur Identifikation wesentlicher Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte und -indikatoren erfolgt mittels Erhebungs- und Auswertungsmethoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung in Form
von Workshops, betrieblichen Vorortanalysen und Experteninterviews.
Parallel dazu erfolgt eine umfassende Analyse der weinbaulichen Wertschöpfungskette in Form einer Internet- und Literaturrecherche. Diese umfasst vorrangig die ökologischen Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte als diejenigen Bestandteile weinbaulicher Tätigkeiten, die sich sowohl positiv als auch negativ auf die Umwelt auswirken können. Anschließend erfolgt die zentrale Priorisierung der identifizieren Handlungsfelder und Nachhaltigkeitsthemen durch die Stakeholder. Zur Visualisierung der bewerteten Handlungsfelder dient das Instrument der Wesentlichkeitsanalyse.
Auf dieser Basis erfolgt die Entwicklung eines Handlungsleitfadens zur Erstellung von Nachhaltigkeitsberichten in der Weinwirtschaft. Hiermit erlangen Weingüter die praktische Kompetenz ein eigenes Nachhaltigkeitsreporting anzugehen.
Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde auch ein elektronisches Tool entwickelt, das den Betrieben die Möglichkeit eröffnet, betriebliche Umweltaspekte zu erfassen und zu bewerten. Gleichzeitig wird den Anwendern damit die Generierung eines überbetrieblichen Vergleichs der Umweltleistung ermöglicht (Benchmarking).
Eine weitere Forschungsfrage der vorliegenden Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Biodiversitätserfassung und -bewertung für Rebland. Hintergrund sind die bisher nur geringen Funde auf der durch das Bundesamt für Naturschutz festgelegten Kennartenlisten bzw. den HNV-Stichprobenflächen (High nature value farmland-Indikator) für Rebland.
Hierzu wurde mittels Geoinformationssystemen das Artenvorkommen in rheinland-pfälzischen Weinanbaugebieten analysiert und 30 Pflanzenarten als Indikatorarten für den Weinbau abgeleitet. Ergänzend wurden weinbergstypische, geschützte Tierarten als „Bonusarten“ identifiziert. Die Indikatorarten werden den Winzern als ein Instrument zur eigenständigen Erfassung der Biodiversität in den Weinbergen dienen und im Rahmen einer Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung herangezogen werden können.
Fachdidaktische und pädagogische Kompetenzen angehender Mathematiklehrkräfte für die Realschule
Studien zur Wirksamkeit der Ausbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern sind in der Regel fragebogenbasiert. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird ein anderer Ansatz gewählt, um die Kompetenzen angehender Mathematiklehrkräfte zu erheben und zu evaluieren. Die Studie untersucht anhand der unterrichtlichen Performanz, welche Kompetenzen Anwärterinnen und Anwärter in ihrer praktischen Ausbildung erworben haben. Der Analyse liegen 137 anonymisierte Niederschriften zu benote-ten Lehrproben von Anwärterinnen und Anwärtern im Fach Mathematik zugrunde. Diese bilden die Ausbildungsjahrgänge von 2004 bis 2011 ab. Die Anwärterinnen und Anwärter werden unterrichtspraktisch anhand der Niederschriften in Anlehnung an eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse auf ihre Kompetenzausprägungen hin getestet. Dies erfolgt schwerpunktmäßig in den Bereichen Fachdidaktik, Fachmethodik, Classroom-Management und Gesprächsführung. Im Verlauf der Untersuchung wird deutlich, dass die Teilneh-mergruppe vor allem Stärken im methodischen Bereich hat. Hier können durchgehend gute Kompetenzausprägungen festgestellt werden. Über den gesamten Erhebungszeitraum zeigen sich hingegen in den Bereichen Classroom-Management und Gesprächsführung deutliche Defizite. Die fachdidaktischen Kompetenzen der angehenden Lehrkräfte entwickeln sich negativ: Ist zu Beginn der Erhebung noch etwa die Hälfte der Anwärterinnen und Anwärter im Bereich der Fachdidaktik zufriedenstellend einzustufen, gilt das im letzten Erhebungsjahrgang nur noch für knapp ein Fünftel der Probandinnen und Probanden. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass eine gute Notenfestsetzung eng mit den er-forderlichen Kompetenzen in der Fachdidaktik zusammenhängt.
Die vorliegende Studie bestätigt im Bereich der Fachdidaktik die Ergebnisse jener Studien, die auf Fragebögen basieren.
Es konnte zudem ein statistischer Zusammenhang zwischen den fachdidaktischen Fähigkeiten und den Steuerungskompetenzen hergestellt werden.
This dissertation deals with the opportunities and restrictions that parties face in an election campaign at the supranational level of the EU. Using communication science concepts of agenda-setting (focus: media) and agenda-building (focus: political parties), the first part of the study is based on the election campaign for the European Parliament (EP) in 2014. It analyses to what extent political parties put the EU on the agenda. Second, it is examined whether parties have used their structural advantage of being able to influence the media agenda at the supranational level during the election campaign in the context of the EP election campaign. Third, it is examined whether parties can gain an advantage for the visibility of their campaigns by rejecting EU integration and the associated conflictual communication. Fourth and final, it will be explored whether agenda-building can influence the rankings of specific policy issues on the media agenda in the European context.
First, the analyses show that a European political focus of election campaign communication can no longer be found only on the part of the small (eurosceptic) parties. Second, parties have a good chance of being present in media coverage if the they pursue a European political focus in their campaign communication. Third, a negative tone in party communication turns out not to be decisive for the parties' visibility in the election campaign. Fourth, a clear positioning on political issues also prepares parties for restrictions of the further development of a European thematic agenda. After a discussion of these results, the paper concludes with an assessment of the analysis limitations and an outlook on further research approaches.
Refractory dry-vibratable mixes, which consist of a mineral filling material and an organic or anorganic binder system, are widely used for linings in industrial aggregates, where a very high temperature resistance is required (e.g. steel industry). During lining, all compounds are mixed and hardening is chemically or thermally initiated. The time span required for hardening is of special relevance for the application of refractory dry-vibratable mixes. It should be long enough for adequate processability, but simultaneously avoid too long downtimes. Prediction or regulation of the hardening time, necessary for an ideal processing, is currently limited. One the one hand, this is a result of the lack of an appropriate method for time-dependent determination of the harding process. On the other hand, the mechanisms responsible for this very complex process have not yet been investigated in detail and the effect of influencing factors, like the temperature or the composition of the refractory dry-vibratable mixes, are poorly documented.
To make a contribution to the understanding of the hardening mechanism of refractory dry-vibratable mixes, it was the aim of the present work, to develop an appropriate test method for the time-dependent investigation of this process. This was realized by means of the dynamic-mechanical analysis. In addition, the hardening mechanism was described for a refractory dry-vibratable mix with a binder system, which consists of a waterglass and a phosphate hardener (AlPO4 und BPO4), using supplement gravimetric investigations and determining solubility behavior of the phosphates. By means of X-ray diffraction analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the impact of the hardening mechanism on the crystal and amorphous structure was studied. It could be shown, that according to the two phosphates, the hardening leads to different network structures in respect of their link denseness. These structure characteristics correlate with the speed of the hardening reactions. In addition, the impact on selected properties (thermal linear deformation, temperature-dependent phase development and phase transition) could be deducted.
In this thesis, I present the results of my studies on taxonomy, systematics, and biogeography of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) in Madagascar and the Comoro islands.
In Chapter 1 I reviewed the literature on taxonomy and classification of Balsaminaceae, on habitat, world distribution, morphology, molecular phylogenetics and infrageneric classification of the genus Impatiens. In Chapters 2-15 (Fischer & Rahelivololona 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2015a, 2015b, 2015c, 2016, Fischer et al. 2004. 2017, 2018a, b submitted, Rahelivololona et al. 2003) I presented the first results of a revision of Balsaminaceae of Madagascar and the Comoro islands including the description of 78 new species. In Chapter 16 (Yuan et al. 2004) we worked on the phylogeny and biogeography of Balsaminaceae inferred from ITS sequences using combined results from molecular phylogenetic and morphological analyses. In Chapter 17 (Rahelivololona et al. 2018) we conducted a phylogeny and assessment of the infrageneric classification of species in the Malagasy Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) with a particular emphasis on taxa collected from Marojejy.
Below I summarise the most important findings of each chapter and provide an outlook for future studies.
How many species of Impatiens occur in Madagascar and the Comoro islands?
To provide additional information on the taxonomic revision of Impatiens in Madagascar and the Comoro islands, the identification of already described species as well as the description of new species was conducted. Based on herbarium specimens from BR, G, K, NEU, P, TAN and on living plants collected during several field trips, 78 new species and 6 nomina nova have been published and another 70 new taxa are already identified. Actually more than 260 species occur in Madagascar and the Comoro islands and all of them are endemic. For each species, a description of the morphology, phenology, ecology and known distribution range was provided. Apart from new taxa, the delimitation of already described species like Impatiens firmula Baker and Impatiens hildebrandtii Baill. could be clarified by studying the types and by observing the variability in the field.
Are the groups of Impatiens in Madagascar monophyletic, and what is the systematic position of Trimorphopetalum?
Yuan & al. (2004) conducted a molecular phylogenetic study to examine the morphological and karyological evolution, and the historical biogeography of the Balsaminaceae family by using nucleotide sequence data of internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results support the monophyly of the Malagasy endemic section Trimorphopetalum and show that the cleistogamous Impatiens inaperta should be included in the sect. Trimorphopetalum which is the most derived within Impatiens. Therefore, the section Preimpatiens proposed by Perrier de la Bâthie (1934) is paraphyletic.
Rahelivololona & al. (2018) provided a phylogenetic study focused on three subdivisions (based on macromorphological characters) proposed by Perrier de la Bâthie (1934). The analysis was done using two nuclear AP3/DEF homologues (ImpDEF1 and ImpDEF2) and the plastid atpB-rbcL spacer to reassess or assess the monophyly of the Malagasy Impatiens, of the sections Preimpatiens (Humblotianae and Vulgare groups) and Trimorphopetalum. A focus was on the species of Impatiens from the Marojejy National Park and of the morphologically variable species I. elatostemmoides, I. “hammarbyoides”, I. inaperta and I. manaharensis, using monophyly as the primary criterion.
As results the Malagasy Impatiens are paraphyletic and the section Preimpatiens sensu Perrier de la Bâthie (1934) (= subgen. Impatiens sensu Fischer & Rahelivololona 2002) was not resolved as a monophyletic group. The section Trimorphopetalum sensu Perrier de la Bâthie (1934) (= subgen. Trimorphopetalum sensu Fischer & Rahelivololona 2002), however, was strongly confirmed as a monophyletic lineage (BS: 92; BPP: 1). Neither the Humblotianae group nor the Vulgare group was supported as monophyletic. None of the morphologically variable species appeared to be monophyletic and the sampled species of Impatiens from the Marojejy National Park do also not form a monophyletic group.
What are the biogeographical position and the distribution patterns of Impatiens in Madagascar and the Comoro islands?
Investigation of the geographical affinities and species distribution of section Impatiens (including Humblotianae group and Vulgare group) and section Trimorphopetalum were conducted and the origin and evolution as well as species richness and endemism were discussed.
The isolation, the climate and the complex topography of Madagascar have generated the microhabitats and ecological niches favourable to the diversification of Impatiens species. Impatiens of Madagascar with 260 endemic species is actually the largest genus in Madagascar. Therefore, Madagascar and the Comoro islands are among the most species-rich regions in the world for Impatiens.
Future studies
In Impatiens on Madagascar, there remain numerous unresolved questions that need to be adressed:
• A further study based on a much larger molecular data set and sampling from the entire geographic ranges of Impatiens in Madagascar is needed to retest the monophyly of the different subgenera and sections, as well as a molecular dating of the Malagasy Impatiens.
• The study of pollinators as a key for understanding the radiation and species richness is required: Within Impatiens the different shapes of spur are related to pollinators (bees, birds, butterflies and moths). Therefore pollinator observation of specific species need to be done to understand the radiation of species by adaptation and coevolution with these pollinators. A pollination study with a large number of species within section Trimorphopetalum will help to understand the mechanism of complete disappearance of the spur, the shift of pollinators and the evolution of species richness.
• The destruction of the natural habitats of Impatiens and the subsequent reduction of humidity in logged area constitute a severe threat for the survival of many species. The conservation and reforestation of vulnerable areas such as Ankaratra, Daraina, Mandraka and Col des Tapia near Antsirabe is required.
• In terms of conservation and to mitigate the threat on the genus, a study on the ex-situ-conservation of Malagasy Impatiens species is very important as long as some species are suitable for horticultural purposes (e.g. Impatiens mayae-valeriae, Impatiens emiliae and species with broad red spur).
• Finally, the publication of the revision of Impatiens of Madagascar and the Comoro islands will help other botanists to identify the species and will thus increase our knowledge on the group.
Ecological assessment approaches based on benthic invertebrates in Euphrates tributaries in Turkey
Sustainable water management requires methods for assessing ecological stream quality. Many years of limnological research are needed to provide a basis for developing such methods. However, research of this kind is still lacking in Turkey. Therefore, the aim of this doctoral thesis was to provide basic research in the field of aquatic ecology and to present methods for the assessment of ecological stream quality based on benthic invertebrates. For this purpose, I selected 17 tributaries of the Euphrates with a similar typology/water order and varying levels of pollution or not affected by pollution at all. The characterisation of the natural mountain streams was the first important step in the analysis of ecological quality. Based on community indices, I found that the five selected streams had a very good ecological status. I also compared the different biological indications, collected on two occasions ¬– once in spring (May) and once in autumn (September) – to determine the optimal sampling time. The macroinvertebrate composition differed considerably between the two seasons, with the number of taxa and Shannon index being significantly higher in autumn than in spring. In the final step, I examined the basal resources of the macroinvertebrates in the reference streams with an isotope analysis. I found that FPOM and biofilm were the most relevant basal resources of benthic invertebrates. Subsequently, based on the similarity of their community structures, I divided the 17 streams into three quality classes, supported by four community indices (EPT [%], EPTCBO [%], number of individuals, evenness). In this process, 23 taxa were identified as indicators for the three quality classes. In the next step, I presented two new or adapted indices for the assessment of quality class. Firstly, I adapted the Hindu Kush-Himalaya biotic index to the catchment area of the Euphrates and created a new, ecoregion-specific score list (Euph-Scores) for 93 taxa. The weighted ASPT values, which were renamed the Euphrates Biotic Score (EUPHbios) in this study, showed sharper differentiations of quality classes compared to the other considered ASPT values. Thus, this modified index has proved to be very effective and easy to implement in practical applications. As a second biological index, I suggested the proportion of habitat specialists. To calculate this index, the habitat preferences of the 20 most common benthic invertebrates were identified using the new habitat score. The proportion of habitat specialists differed significantly among the three quality classes with higher values in natural streams than in polluted streams. The methods and results presented in this doctoral thesis can be used in a multi-metric index for a Turkish assessment programme.
In der vorliegenden Studie geht es um den möglichen und tatsächlichen Beitrag von sogenannten Geschäftsmodellen im Kontext eines reflexiven Bildungsmanagements im Feld der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung an (öffentlichen) Hochschulen in Deutschland.
Im Anschluss an Behrmann (2006) wird ein reflexives Bildungsmanagement verwendet, um mögliche strategische und entwicklungsrelevante Orientierungen für die strategische (Neu-)Positionierung von Weiterbildungseinrichtungen bzw. reflexive Entwicklung von Hochschulen im Handlungs- bzw. Geschäftsfeld der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung zu strukturieren. In diesem Zusammenhang unterstützen Geschäftsmodelle die Realisierung des (Weiter-)Bildungsauftrags von (öffentlichen) Hochschulen bzw. von deren Weiterbildungseinrichtungen. Diese möglichen Orientierungen wurden im Rahmen von qualitativen Inhaltsanalysen nach Kuckartz (2016) auf der Grundlage von visualisierten Gruppendiskussionen nach Kühl (2009) rekonstruiert. Der Feldzugang erfolgte mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Fernstudium e.V. (DGWF).
Small headwater streams comprise most of the total channel length and catchment area in fluvial networks. They are tightly connected to their catchments and, thus, are highly vulnerable to changes in catchment hydrologic budgets and land use. Although these small, often fishless streams are of little economic interest, they are vital for the ecological and chemical state of larger water bodies. Although numerous studies investigate the impact of various anthropogenic stressors or altered catchment conditions, we lack an in-depth understanding of the natural conditions and processes in headwater streams. This natural state, however, largely affects how a headwater stream responds to anthropogenic or climatic changes. One of the major threats to aquatic ecosystems is the excessive anthropogenic input of nutrients leading to eutrophication. Nutrients exert a bottom-up effect in the food web, foremost affecting primary producers and their consumers, i.e. periphyton and benthic grazers in headwater streams. The periphyton-grazer link is the main path of autochthonous (in-stream) production into the stream food web and the strength of this link largely determines the effectiveness of this pathway. Therefore, this thesis aims at elucidating important biological processes with the explicit focus on periphyton-grazer interactions. I assessed different aspects of periphyton-grazer interactions using laboratory experiments to solve methodological problems, and using a field study to compare the benthic communities of three morphologically similar, phosphorus-limited, near-natural headwater streams. With the results of the laboratory experiments, I was able to show that periphyton RNA/DNA ratios can be used as proxy for periphyton growth rates in controlled experiments and that the fatty acid composition of grazing mayfly nymphs responds to changes in fatty acids provided by the diet after only two weeks. The use of the RNA/DNA ratio as a proxy for periphyton growth rate allows a comparison of these growth rates even in simple experimental set-ups and thereby permits the inclusion of this important process in ecotoxicological or ecological experiments. The observed fast turnover rates of fatty acids in consumer tissues show that even short-term changes in available primary producers can alter the fatty acid composition of primary consumers with important implications for the supply of higher trophic levels with physiologically important polyunsaturated fatty acids. With the results of the field study, I revealed gaps in the understanding of the linkages between catchment and in-stream phosphorus availability under near-natural conditions and demonstrated that seemingly comparable headwater streams had significantly different benthic communities. These differences most likely affect stream responses to environmental changes.
Will Eisners Graphic Novels zeugen von einer tiefgehenden Identitifation mit dem Judentum als Volkszugehörigkeit, Religion und Kultur und spiegeln das Judentum in all seinen Facetten wider. Dabei ist besonders hervorzuheben, dass die Entwicklung des Gesamtwerks parallel verläuft zur Geschichte der Emanzipation der jüdischen Bevölkerung in New York City. Der Band clustert die jüdischen Aspekte in Eisners Werk in beispielsweise Faktoren kollektiver Erinnerung, Umgang mit und Kampf gegen Antisemitismus und religiöse Besonderheiten.
The bio-insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) has worldwide become the most commonly used agentin mosquito control programs that pursue two main objectives: the control of vector-borne diseases and the reduction of nuisance, mainly coming frommosquitoes that emerge in large quantities from seasonal wetlands. The Upper Rhine Valley, a biodiversity hotspot in Germany, has been treated withBti for decades to reduce mosquito-borne nuisance and increase human well-being.Although Btiis presumed to be an environmentally safe agent,adverse effects on wetland ecosystems are still a matter of debate especially when it comes to long-term and indirect effects on non-target organisms. In light of the above, this thesis aims at investigating direct and indirect effects of Bti-based mosquito control on non-target organisms within wetland food chains.Effects were examinedin studies with increasingeco(toxico)logical complexity, ranging from laboratory over mesocosm to field approaches with a focus on the non-biting Chironomidae and amphibian larvae (Rana temporaria, Lissotriton sp.).In addition, public acceptance of environmentally less invasive alternative mosquito control methods was evaluated within surveys among the local population.
Chironomids were the most severely affected non-target aquatic invertebrates. Bti substantially reduced larval and adult chironomid abundances and modified their species composition. Repeated exposures to commonly used Bti formulations induced sublethal alterations of enzymatic biomarkers activityin frog tadpoles. Bti-induced reductions of chironomid prey availability indirectly decreased body size of newts at metamorphosis and increased predation on newt larvae in mesocosm experiments. Indirect effects of severe reductions in midge biomassmight equally be passed through aquatic but also terrestrial food chains influencing predators of higher trophic levels. The majority ofaffectedpeople in the Upper Rhine Valley expressed a high willingness to contributefinancially to environmentally less harmful mosquito control.Alternative approaches could still include Bti applications excepting treatment of ecologically valuable areas. Potentially rising mosquito levels could be counteracted with local acting mosquito traps in domestic and urban areas because mosquito presence was experienced as most annoying in the home environment.
As Bti-based mosquito control can adversely affect wetland ecosystems, its large-scale applications, including nature conservation areas, should be considered more carefully to avoid harmful consequences for the environmentat the Upper Rhine Valley.This thesis emphasizesthe importance to reconsiderthe current practice of mosquito control and encourage research on alternative mosquito control concepts that are endorsed by the local population. In the context ofthe ongoing amphibian and insect declinesfurther human-induced effects onwetlands should be avoided to preserve biodiversity in functioning ecosystems.
Grapevine growers have struggled with defending their crops against pests and diseases since the domestication of grapevine over 6000 ears ago. Since then, new growing methods paired with a better nderstanding of the ecological processes in the vineyard ecosystem continue to improve quality and quantity of grape harvests. In this thesis I am describing the effects of two recent innovations in viticulture on pest and beneficial arthropods in vineyards; Fungus-resistant grapevine cultivars (PIWIs) and the pruning system semi-minimal pruned hedge (SMPH). The SMPH pruning system allows for a drastic reduction of manual labor in the vineyard, and PIWIs are resistant to two of the most common fungal diseases of grapevine and therefore allow a drastic reduction of fungicide applications compared to conventional varieties. Heavy use of pesticides is linked to a number of problems, including pollution of waterways, negative effects on human health, and biodiversity loss. Here, I studied the effects of fungicide reduction and minimal pruning on arthropods that are beneficial for natural pest suppression in the vineyard ecosystem such as predatory mites, spiders, ants, earwigs, and lacewings. All of these groups either benefitted from the reduction of fungicide sprayings or were not significantly affected. Structural changes in the canopy of SMPH grapevines altered the microclimate in the canopy which in turn influenced some of the arthropods living in it. Overall, my findings suggest that PIWIs and SMPH, both in combination or separately, improve conditions for natural pest control. This adds to other advantages of these innovative management practices such as a reduction in production cost and a smaller impact on the environment.
Organic substances play an essential role for the formation of stable soil structures. In this context, their physico-chemical properties, interactions with mineral soil constituents and soil-water interactions are particu-larly important. However, the underlying mechanisms contributing to soil particle cementation by swollen or-ganic substances (hydrogels) remains unclear. Up to now, no mechanistic model is available which explains the mechanisms of interparticulate hydrogel swelling and its contribution to soil-water interactions and soil structur-al stability. This mainly results from the lack of appropriate testing methods to study hydrogel swelling in soil as well as from the difficulties of adapting available methods to the system soil/hydrogel.
In this thesis, 1H proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry was combined with various soil micro- and macrostructural stability testing methods in order to identify the contribution of hydrogel swelling-induced soil-water interactions to the structural stability of water-saturated and unsaturated soils. In the first part, the potentials and limitations of 1H NMR relaxometry to enlighten soil structural stabilization mechanism and vari-ous water populations were investigated. In the second part, 1H-NMR relaxometry was combined with rheologi-cal measurements of soil to assess the contribution of interparticulate hydrogel swelling and various polymer-clay interactions on soil-water interactions and soil structural stability in an isolated manner. Finally, the effects of various organic and mineral soil fractions on soil-water interactions and soil structural stability was assessed in more detail for a natural, agriculturally cultivated soil by soil density fractionation and on the basis of the experiences gained from the previous experiments.
The increased experiment complexity in the course of this thesis enabled to link physico-chemical properties of interparticulate hydrogel structures with soil structural stability on various scales. The established mechanistic model explains the contribution of interparticulate hydrogels to the structural stability of water-saturated and unsaturated soils: While swollen clay particles reduce soil structural stability by acting as lubricant between soil particles, interparticulate hydrogel structures increase soil structural stability by forming a flexible polymeric network which interconnects mineral particles more effectively than soil pore- or capillary water. It was appar-ent that soil structural stability increases with increasing viscosity of the interparticluate hydrogel in dependence on incubation time, soil texture, soil solution composition and external factors in terms of moisture dynamics and agricultural management practices. The stabilizing effect of interparticulate hydrogel structures further in-crease in the presence of clay particles which is attributed to additional polymer-clay interactions and the incor-poration of clay particles into the three-dimensional interparticulate hydrogel network. Furthermore, the simul-taneous swelling of clay particles and hydrogel structures results in the competition for water and thus in a mu-tual restriction of their swelling in the interparticle space. Thus, polymer-clay interactions not only increase the viscosity of the interparticulate hydrogel and thus its ability to stabilize soil structures but further reduce the swelling of clay particles and consequently their negative effects on soil structural stability. The knowledge on these underlying mechanisms enhance the knowledge on the formation of stable soil structures and enable to take appropriate management practices in order to maintain a sustainable soil structure. The additionally out-lined limitations and challenges of the mechanistic model should provide information on areas with optimization and research potential, respectively.
Homonegative discrimination such as the denial of leadership qualities and higher salaries concern not only lesbians and gay men but also individuals who were perceived as lesbian or gay (Fasoli et al., 2017). Hence, it is assumed that especially straight people become victims of homonegative discrimination (Plöderl, 2014). The perception of sexual orientation is indeed stereotype-driven (e.g., Cox et al., 2015) but there is a lack of knowledge on how accurate stereotypes are – particularly those referring to speech. Despite a variety of sociophonetic and social psychological research related to sexual orientation and gender, an encompassing understanding is missing on how sexual orientation is expressed and perceived.
The present thesis aims to fill these gaps. The two major aims of the present work are a) the examination of the accuracy of speech stereotypes in the context of sexual orientation and b) the development of a model on how sexual orientation is interpersonally construed. Overall, the present thesis comprises five manuscripts with the following aspects in common: They integratively deal with social psychological and sociophonetic perspectives, share a social identity approach, and primarily center speech instead of facial appearance. Moreover, mostly German and German native speaking participants, respectively, have been investigated.
Manuscript 1 establishes the Traditional Masculinity/Femininity-Scale as a reliable and valid instrument for assessing gender-role self-concept. The invention was necessary because existing scales insufficiently represented the self-ascribed masculinity/femininity yet (e.g., Abele, 2003; Evers & Sieverding, 2014). Manuscripts 2, 3, and 4 address the (in)accuracy of speech stereotypes regarding stereotypic content and suggested within-group homogeneity. This is carried out by the application of different methodological approaches. On the one hand, relevant acoustic parameters of lesbian/gay and straight women and men were averaged for each group. On the other hand, voice morphing was applied in order to create prototypical and naturally sounding voice averages (Kawahara et al., 2008). Lesbians and straight women differed in none, gay and straight men in one of the analyzed acoustic parameters only. In contrast, a fine-grained psychological analysis yielded various evidence for acoustic within-group heterogeneity. In particular, the exclusivity of sexual orientation and gender-role self-concept have been acoustically indexicalized which suggests that speech stereotypes are inaccurate. However, voice averages do carry perceivable sexual orientation information. Hence, speech stereotypes can be considered as exaggerations of tiny kernels of truth. In Manuscript 5, previous literature on the interpersonal construction of sexual orientation is integrated in a model: The Expression and Perception of Sexual Orientation Model (EPSOM). This model postulates an indirect route and describes how sexual orientation information is transmitted from producer to perceiver by proposing three mediating components. Thereby, the model is able to offer an explanation why sexual orientation can be perceived with above-chance but far-away-from-perfect accuracy.
Overall, the present thesis provides meaningful impulses for enhancements of research on social markers of sexual orientation and gender. This thesis offers a model on how sexual orientation is expressed and perceived, shows the benefits of combining sociophonetic and social psychological approaches, and points out the value of applying novel methods and technologies. Beyond that, the present thesis offers useful implications for practice. Speech stereotypes in the context of sexual orientation can be rejected as inaccurate – for example, native German straight men do not nasalize more or less than gay men. Thereby, the present thesis contributes to an erosion of stereotypes and a potential reduction of homonegative discrimination.
Während es eine Vielzahl von Arbeiten zu der technologischen Entwicklung im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien gibt, fehlt es jedoch bislang an einer mikroökonomischen Analyse
der Verhaltensmuster der Akteure im Umfeld von Anlagen nach dem EEG. Als Akteure kommen hier in erster Linie der Anlagenbetreiber selbst und der Staat in Betracht.
Im Hinblick auf Anlagenbetrieb und Vergütung der erzeugten Energie können beide mit unterschiedlichsten Interessen und Nutzenkalkülen aufeinander treffen. Diese Arbeit untersucht
mikroökonomische Aspekte des EEG-Förderungssystems. Im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung stehen die Förderungsmechanismen für Biogasanlagen, die im Hinblick auf mögliche Prinzipal-Agenten-Konflikte einer Untersuchung unterzogen werden.
Maßnahmen der Führungskräfteentwicklung verfolgen das Ziel den Führungsnachwuchs des Unternehmens zu bilden und für einen reibungslosen Einstieg in die Füh-rungsaufgabe zu sorgen. In der Literatur gibt es zahlreiche Theorien und Modelle zu Führung und deren Entwicklung, doch offen bleibt meist, wie es um den praktischen Einsatz und die Effektivität steht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Identifikation wesentlicher Bestandteile der Führungskräfteentwicklung, die effektiv Einfluss auf (Nachwuchs-)Führungskräfte nehmen. Drei Studien beschäftigen sich jeweils mit unter-schiedlichen Schwerpunkten mit der Gestaltung und Wirksamkeit von modularen Programmen der Führungskräfteentwicklung. Zur Beschreibung der Gestaltung wurde eine Expertenbefragung unter Verantwortlichen für Führungskräfteentwicklung in 4 Großunternehmen durchgeführt. Zur Prüfung der Wirksamkeit wurden zwei Prädiktoren erfolgreichen Führens, die praktische Führungsintelligenz und die Führungswirksamkeitserwartung (FWE), in zwei repräsentativen modularen Programmen gemessen. Dafür wurden zwei quasiexperimentelle Designs mit Prätest-Posttest durchgeführt: ein Design mit zusätzlicher Kontrollgruppe (Nexp = 14, Nkontr = 12), ein Design mit zusätzlicher Fremdeinschätzung (N = 11 bis N =57 je nach Messzeitpunkt und beteiligten Variablen). Die praktische Führungsintelligenz wurde anhand eines für die Untersuchung entwickelten Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs) gemessen. Neben der FWE (in Anlehnung an die Skala zur Erfassung der beruflichen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, BSW-Skala) wurden weitere Konstrukte wie Selbstregulation (Locomotion-Assessment-Fragebogen, L-A-F), Optimismus (Skala Optimismus-Pessimismus-2, SOP2) Selbstmanagement (Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Ressourcen und Selbstmanagementfähigkeiten, FERUS) erfasst, sowie explorativ entwicklungsförderliche Merkmale erhoben. Entsprechend der Annahme verdichten sich die Ergebnisse auf drei Merkmale wirksamer Trainingsgestaltung: Erfahrungssammlung, Feedback, Selbstreflexion. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass Programme mit hohem erfahrungsorientiertem Trainingsanteil, die Erfolgserlebnisse und Modelllernen fördern sowie persönliche Gespräche und Feedback beinhalten, die FWE (ŋ2 = .24, ŋ2 = .50) und die praktische Führungsintelligenz (ŋ2 = .54). signifikant (p<.05) steigern. Deutlich wurde auch der enge Zusammenhang zwischen Merkmalen der Person (wie Ausprägung der FWE oder Selbstregulationsfähigkeiten) und der Wirksamkeit der Programme. Aus den Ergebnissen werden Empfehlungen zur praktischen Umsetzung in der Führungskräfteentwicklung abgeleitet und Anregungen für zukünftige Forschung diskutiert.
With 47% land coverage in 2016, agricultural land was one of the largest terrestrial biomes in Germany. About 70% of the agricultural land was cropped area with associated pesticide applications. Agricultural land also represents an essential habitat for amphibians. Therefore, exposure of amphibians to agrochemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides, seems likely. Pesticides can be highly toxic for amphibians, even a fraction of the original application rate may result in high amphibian mortality.
To evaluate the potential risk of pesticide exposure for amphibians, the temporal coincidence of amphibian presence on agricultural land and pesticide applications (N = 331) was analyzed for the fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina), moor frog (Rana arvalis), spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus) and crested newt (Triturus cristatus) during spring migration. In 2007 and 2008, up to 80% of the migrating amphibians temporally coincided with pesticide applications in the study area of Müncheberg, about 50 km east of Berlin. Pesticide interception by plants ranged between 50 to 90% in winter cereals and 80 to 90% in winter rape. The highest coincidence was observed for the spadefoot toad, where 86.6% of the reproducing population was affected by a single pesticide in winter rape during stem elongation with 80% pesticide interception by plants. Late migrating species, such as the fire-bellied toad and the spadefoot toad, overlapped more with pesticide applications than early migrating species, such as the moor frog, did. Under favorable circumstances, the majority of early migrants may not coincide with the pesticide applications of arable fields during spring migration.
To evaluate the potential effect of pesticide applications on populations of the common frog (Rana temporaria), a landscape genetic study was conducted in the vinicultural area of Southern Palatinate. Due to small sample sizes at breeding sites within viniculture, several DNA sampling methods were tested. Furthermore, the novel repeated randomized selection of genotypes approach was developed to utilize genetic data from siblings for more reliable estimates of genetic parameters. Genetic analyses highlighted three of the breeding site populations located in viniculture as isolated from the meta-population. Genetic differentiation among breeding site populations in the viniculture (median pairwise FST=0.0215 at 2.34 km to 0.0987 at 2.39 km distance) was higher compared to genetic differentiation among breeding site populations in the Palatinate Forest (median pairwise FST=0.0041 at 5.39 km to 0.0159 at 9.40 km distance).
The presented studies add valuable information about the risk of pesticide exposure for amphibians in the terrestrial life stage and possible effects of agricultural land on amphibian meta-populations. To conserve endemic amphibian species and their (genetic) diversity in the long run, the risk assessment of pesticides and applied agricultural management measures need to be adjusted to protect amphibians adequately. In addition, other conservation measures such as the creation of new suitable breeding site should be considered to improve connectivity between breeding site populations and ensure the persistence of amphibians in the agricultural land.
Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt das Erkenntnisinteresse, die Hindernisse auf der Ebene der kulturellen Muster und Wertvorstellungen zu ermitteln, die der Implementierung eines dualen Ausbildungssystems nach bundesdeutschem Vorbild in den USA entgegenwirken. Es wird ein Einblick in die historische und systematische Verwobenheit von gesellschaftlichen Teilstrukturen gegeben und verdeutlicht, warum solche Teilstrukturen nicht ohne Weiteres in andere gesellschaftliche Kontexte übertragen werden können.
Nach einer begrifflichen und theoretischen Grundlegung von deutschen und US-amerikanischen Formen betrieblicher Ausbildung werden die beiden Systeme miteinander verglichen, um signifikante Unterschiede zu identifizieren und dabei erste Anhaltspunkte für vorhandene Inkompatibilitäten auf der strukturellen Ebene zu erhalten. Hierbei steht die Frage im Vordergrund, inwieweit die dominanten und dauerhaften Charakteristika und Komponenten des deutschen Ausbildungsmodells im US-amerikanischen System wiedergefunden werden können. Durch die Einnahme einer kulturalistischen Perspektive werden die kulturspezifischen Werte und Praktiken Deutschlands und der USA erarbeitet, um die Kulturgebundenheit der Struktur, Organisation und Rahmenbedingungen von dualen Berufsausbildungen zu verdeutlichen. Hierfür wird eine Kombination aus einem etischen und einem emischen Vorgehen angewandt und die ermittelten Daten in Form einer kontrastierenden Darstellung aufbereitet, aus der die prägnantesten Kulturunterschiede hervorgehen. Mit Hilfe der erlangten Erkenntnisse werden Ansätze für ein System der dualen Berufsausbildung in den USA entwickelt, das die Implikationen aus dem Kulturvergleich aufgreift und so die für das deutsche System charakteristischen Merkmale unter Berücksichtigung der spezifischen kulturellen Muster adaptiert.
The term “Software Chrestomaty” is defined as a collection of software systems meant to be useful in learning about or gaining insight into software languages, software technologies, software concepts, programming, and software engineering. 101companies software chrestomathy is a community project with the attributes of a Research 2.0 infrastructure for various stakeholders in software languages and technology communities. The core of 101companies combines a semantic wiki and confederated open source repositories. We designed and developed an integrated ontology-based knowledge base about software languages and technologies. The knowledge is created by the community of contributors and supported with a running example and structured documentation. The complete ecosystem is exposed by using Linked Data principles and equipped with the additional metadata about individual artifacts. Within the context of software chrestomathy we explored a new type of software architecture – linguistic architecture that is targeted on the language and technology relationships within a software product and based on the megamodels. Our approach to documentation of the software systems is highly structured and makes use of the concepts of the newly developed megamodeling language MegaL. We “connect” an emerging ontology with the megamodeling artifacts to raise the cognitive value of the linguistic architecture.
The PhD thesis offers a long-term investigation of German TV debates with regard to the extent to which the topics dealt with in the debates correspond to the political problems perceived by the voters and whether the actor-specific topics discussed in the TV debates have an influence on the voters' perception of the problems and the perceived responsiveness of the political actors. To this purpose, contents and effects of the Chancellor debates 2002-2013 and the TV debates between 1997 and 2016 are examined at the state level. The empirical investigation is based on an implementation and evaluation of content analyses, the evaluation of opinion polls and the investigation of experimental data on the occasion of the chancellor duels in 2002, 2009 and 2013. The analyses show that TV debates are not only show events, but that the focus of TV debates is on political content (rather than entertaining elements), that the (camp-specific) responsiveness of the format has increased over time, and that successful persuasion - as one of two theme management strategies - by challengers in particular can lead viewers to better assess the effectiveness of the political system.
Exposition in der Versorgungspraxis: Zur Frage der Umsetzbarkeit und Prädiktion früher Veränderungen
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Beantwortung folgender Fragestellungen: 1. Wie wirksam ist ein evidenzbasiertes Expositionsmanuals bei Panikstörung mit Agoraphobie in der Routineversorgung? 2. Was sind mögliche Barrieren und Hindernisse bei der Umsetzung der Exposition? 3. Was sind Prädiktoren früher Veränderungen im Therapieverlauf?
Methode: Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Längsschnittstudie wurden die Daten der vorliegenden Studie mit denen der Multicenter-Studie von Gloster et al. (2011) mittels Effektstärken und Testung auf Äquivalenz verglichen. Grundlage war das Manual von Lang, Helbig-Lang, Westphal, Gloster und Wittchen (2011). Die Patientinnen und Patienten und Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten wurden zu den Hausaufgaben, der Umsetzung im Alltag und der therapeutischen Beziehung befragt. Zusätzlich wurde die wechselseitige Beeinflussung von therapeutischer Allianz und dem Behandlungserfolg im Therapieverlauf untersucht. In Anlehnung an Westra, Marcus und Dozois (2007) wurde getestet, ob bei es Patientinnen und Patienten mit einer hohen Hausaufgaben-Compliance und einer positiven Behandlungserwartung vor Beginn der Therapie zu einer frühen Reduktion der Panik-Symptomatik kommt und ob frühe Veränderungen durch die Compliance und die Behandlungserwartung beeinflusst werden.
Ergebnisse: 1. Die Behandlung war in der Versorgungspraxis nicht weniger effektiv als in der Multicenter-Studie. 2. Die Abbrecherquote lag bei 20.59%. Die meisten Behandelten gaben an, ihre Hausaufgaben wie besprochen erledigt zu haben und schätzten sie nicht übermäßig schwer ein. Die Umsetzbarkeit der Anforderungen im Alltag wurde von den Patientinnen und Patienten sehr hoch eingeschätzt. Die meisten Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten stimmten der Aussage, die Umsetzung der massierten Exposition sei im therapeutischen Alltag nicht praktikabel eher nicht oder gar nicht zu. Je negativer die Einschätzungen der therapeutischen Beziehung durch die Behandelten war, umso höher waren die Panikwerte am Ende der Therapie. Der HAQ-S korrelierte mit dem Outcome zu r = .21, der HAQ-F zu r = .37. 3. Die beiden Mediator-Hypothesen von Westra et al. (2007) konnten nicht bestätigt werden.
Diskussion: Die Behandlung ist in der Routineversorgung wirksam und praktikabel. Die Hausaufgaben scheinen frühe Veränderungen nicht zu prädizieren. In späteren Arbeiten des Forschungsprojektes wird notwendig sein, zudem die differentielle Wirksamkeit des angepassten Manuals zu untersuchen, und zwar mittels drei aktiver Vergleichsgruppen: massierte Exposition versus prolongierte Exposition versus die Kombination beider.
Different techniques (weight loss, electrochemical, and spray
corrosion measurements) have been used to evaluate four sarcosine derivatives to inhibit corrosion and one commercial compound as synergist. The basic metal was low carbon steel CR4 tested at different conditions. As working media mainly neutral water and 0.1 M NaCl was applied. The protective film was formed on the steel surface via direct absorption of the tested substances during the immersion process. A highly improved corrosion protection with direct correlation to the molecular weight and carbon chain length of the tested compounds was detected. The protection of steel CR4 against corrosion in 0.1 M NaCl enhanced with increasing concentration of selected sarcosine compounds. The best inhibitor throughout all tested concentrations and all evaluation systems was Oleoylsarcosine (O) with efficiencies up to 97 % in potentiodynamic polarization (PP), 83 % electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and 85 % weight loss (WL) at 100 mmol/L as highest concentration tested here. The second best inhibitor was Myristoylsarcosine (M) with efficiencies up to 82 % in PP, 69 % in EIS, and 75 % in WL at highest concentration. The inhibitor with the shortest hydrocarbon chain in this series is Lauroylsarcosine (L). It showed lowest effects to inhibit corrosion compared to O and M. The efficiencies of L were a bit more than 50 % at 75 and 100 mmol/L and less than 50 % at 25 and 50 mmol/L in all used evaluation systems. Furthermore, the overall efficiency is promoted with longer dip coating times during the steel CR4 immersion as shown for 50 mmol/L for all present derivatives. This survey indicated 10 min as best time in respect of cost and protection efficiency. The commercial inhibitor Oley-Imidazole (OI) improved significantly the effectiveness of compound Cocoylsarcosine (C), which contains the naturally mixture of carbon chain lengths from coconut oil (C8 - C18), and enhanced protection when used in combination (C+OI, 1:1 molar ration). In this system the efficiency increased from 47 % to 91 % in PP, from 40 % to 84 % in EIS, and from 45 % to 82 % in WL at highest concentration. Spray corrosion tests were used to evaluate all present sarcosine substances on steel CR4 in a more realistic system. The best inhibitor after a 24 h test was O followed by the combination C+OI and M with efficiencies up to 99 %, 80 %, and 79 %, respectively. The obtained results indicate a good stability of the protective film formed by the present inhibitors even after 24 h. All evaluation systems used in the current investigation were in good agreement and resulted in the same inhibitor sequence. Furthermore, the adsorption process of the tested compounds is assumed to follow the Langmuir type isotherm. Response surface methodology (RSM) is an optimization method depending on Box- Behnken Design (BBD). It was used in the current system to find the optimum efficiency for inhibitor O to protect steel CR4 against corrosion in salt water. Four independent variables were used here: inhibitor concentration (A), dip coating time (B), temperature (C), and NaCl concentration (D); each with three respective levels: lower (-1), mid (0), and upper (+1). According to the present result, temperature has the greatest effect on the protection process as individual parameter followed by the inhibitor concentration itself. In this investigation an optimum efficiency of 99 % is calculated by the following parameter and level combination: upper level (+1) for inhibitor concentration, dip coating time, and NaCl concentration while lower level (-1) for temperature.
Social entrepreneurship is a form of entrepreneurship that marries a social mission to a competitive value proposition. Notably, social entrepreneurship fosters a more equitable society by addressing social issues and trying to achieve an ongoing sustainable impact through a social mission rather than purely profit maximization. The topic of social entrepreneurship has appealed considerably to many different streams of research. The focus on understanding how and why entrepreneurs think and act is a significant justification for future research. Nevertheless, the theoretical examination of this phenomenon is in its infancy. Social entrepreneurship research is still largely phenomenon-driven. Specifically, Social Entrepreneurial Intention is in an early stage and lacks quantitative research. Therefore, this thesis proposes to address this need. The thesis’ objectives are twofold: (1) develop a formation model for Social Entrepreneurial Intentions in general and (2) test the model by conducting an empirical study. Based on these objectives, the two research questions guiding the thesis are (1) what factors influence the intention of a person to become a social entrepreneur and (2) what relationships exist among these factors.
In order to answer these two research questions, this thesis uses purposeful research design, which is a combination of literature review and empirical study. The literature review is based on a comprehensive range of books, articles, and research papers published in leading academic journals and conference proceedings in different disciplines such as entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, management, social psychology, and social economics. The empirical study is conducted via a survey of 600 last-year students from four universities in three regions in Vietnam: Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh. The data are analyzed with SPSS-AMOS version 24, using screening data, scale development, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmation factor analysis. The thesis ascertains that Entrepreneurship Experience/Extra-curricular Activity, Role Model, Social Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, and Social Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectation directly and positively affect the intention of the Vietnamese students to be social entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Education also influences the Social Entrepreneurial Intention, but not directly, otherwise indirectly via Social Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Social Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectation. Similarly, Perceived Support has no direct relationship to Social Entrepreneurial Intention; however, it shows an indirect link via the mediator ‘Social Entrepreneurial Outcome Expectation’. Furthermore, the dissertation brings new insights to the social entrepreneurship literature and provides important implications for practice. Limitations and future directions are also provided in the thesis.
Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, wie sich Teilhabe und Inklusion von Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten in der allgemeinem Erwachsenenbildung realisieren lassen und was wesentliche Elemente und Rahmenbedingungen einer inklusiven Erwachsenenbildung mit Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten sind.
Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten haben ein gesetzlich verankertes Recht auf Teilhabe an inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung. Inklusive Erwachsenenbildung bezeichnet gemäß der UN-BRK die Teilnahme und Partizipation auch von Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten an allgemeiner Erwachsenenbildung, im Vordergrund steht das gemeinsame Lernen im regulären Programm allgemeiner Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen.
In der Aufarbeitung des theoretischen Diskurses und der praktischen Realisierung inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung zeigt sich allerdings, dass das Erwachsenenbildungsangebot für diese Personengruppe und die Möglichkeiten der Teilhabe am allgemeinen Erwachsenenbildungssystem in Deutschland eingeschränkt
sind. Umfassende Praxismodelle inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung sind erst in Ansätzen vorhanden, auch die Rahmenbedingungen gelingender inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung wurden kaum systematisch aufgearbeitet. Somit gilt es, für den Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung Konzepte zu entwickeln, die den Abbau von Barrieren und die Förderung von gleichberechtigter Teilhabe und Inklusion unterstützen. Es ist davon
auszugehen, dass die Kenntnis von wesentlichen Elementen und Rahmenbedingungen allgemeine Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen bei der Implementierung und Weiterentwicklung inklusiv gestalteter Erwachsenenbildung unterstützen und somit die Teilhabemöglichkeiten für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten gezielt erweitern kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist deshalb die Erhebung und Beschreibung von wesentlichen Elementen und Rahmenbedingungen inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung.
Da es in Deutschland an Erfahrungswerten sowie der systematischen Ausarbeitung notwendiger Realisierungsbedingungen
inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung mangelt, richtet die vorliegende Arbeit ihren Blick in einem zweiten Schritt auf die ‚Inspiring Practice’ anderer Länder. In einer empirischen qualitativ-
explorativen Studie in elf Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen und -institutionen Englands werden mit Hilfe von 55 Leitfadeninterviews wesentliche Elemente und Rahmenbedingungen aus Sicht
der beteiligten Akteure erhoben und ausgewertet. Flankiert durch teilnehmende Beobachtungen, Dokumentenanalysen
und Gespräche liefern die Ergebnisse zugleich einen Einblick in die praktische Umsetzung inklusiver Erwachsenenbildung in England. Die Wahl fiel auf England, weil in diesem europäischen Land inklusive Erwachsenenbildung bereits seit den 1990er Jahren als fester Bestandteil
des Bildungssystems verankert ist und umfängliche Erfahrungen gesammelt werden konnten.
Aus der Analyse dieser Erfahrungswerte werden in der Diskussion und Zusammenschau mit theoretischen Überlegungen und praktischen Umsetzungen richtungsweisende Impulse für die Weiterentwicklung
der inklusiven Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland abgeleitet und in einem Perspektivkonzept einer inklusiven Erwachsenenbildung zusammengefasst.