Doctoral Thesis
Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (476) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (225)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- ecotoxicology (4)
- risk assessment (4)
- Arbeitszufriedenheit (3)
- Bildverarbeitung (3)
- Biodiversität (3)
- Biomechanik (3)
- Bodenchemie (3)
- Dialog (3)
- GIS (3)
- Grounded Theory (3)
- Grundwasser (3)
- Information Retrieval (3)
- Inhaltsanalyse (3)
- Insektizid (3)
- Integration (3)
- Klimawandel (3)
- Kultur (3)
- Lendenwirbelsäule (3)
- Nanopartikel (3)
- Pesticides (3)
- Pfalz (3)
- Pädagogik (3)
- Risikoanalyse (3)
- Schizophrenie (3)
- Selbstwirksamkeit (3)
- Simulation (3)
- Systematik (3)
- Umweltpsychologie (3)
- agriculture (3)
- groundwater fauna (3)
- model-based (3)
- monitoring (3)
- pesticide (3)
- pesticides (3)
- runoff (3)
- soil organic matter (3)
- Ökologie (3)
- Abdrift (2)
- Abduktion <Logik> (2)
- Abwasser (2)
- Abwasserreinigung (2)
- Agriculture (2)
- Akzeptanz (2)
- Anpassung (2)
- Araneae (2)
- Bestäubung (2)
- Betriebspädagogik (2)
- Bewertung (2)
- Bildung (2)
- Bildverstehen (2)
- Biodiversity (2)
- Biographieforschung (2)
- Biomonitoring (2)
- Boden (2)
- CSCW (2)
- Chronischer Schmerz (2)
- Computermodell (2)
- Computersimulation (2)
- Coping (2)
- Datenschutz (2)
- Diagnose (2)
- Diffusion (2)
- Digitalisierung (2)
- Ecotoxicology (2)
- Eltern (2)
- Emissionen (2)
- Exposition (2)
- Eyetracking (2)
- Feldsaum (2)
- Fließgewässer (2)
- Frau (2)
- Fremdsprachenunterricht (2)
- Fungizid (2)
- Gender (2)
- Genetische Variabilität (2)
- Governance (2)
- Grundschule (2)
- Habitat Fragmentation (2)
- Heilanstalt (2)
- Hydrodynamik (2)
- Hydrogeologie (2)
- Jugendhilfe (2)
- Jugendstil (2)
- Kakamega Forest (2)
- Klassifikation (2)
- Kognitive Linguistik (2)
- Kompetenz (2)
- Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse (2)
- Konflikt (2)
- Laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie (2)
- Lehrerbildung (2)
- Lernen (2)
- Limnologie (2)
- Macht (2)
- Makroinvertebraten (2)
- Management (2)
- Maschinelles Lernen (2)
- Mathematik (2)
- Mesofauna (2)
- Modellgetriebene Entwicklung (2)
- Monitoring (2)
- Nanoparticles (2)
- Naturwissenschaften (2)
- Organisationsentwicklung (2)
- Parteienkommunikation (2)
- Pestizide (2)
- Petri-Netz (2)
- Pflege (2)
- Pflegeanstalt (2)
- Physikunterricht (2)
- Professionalität (2)
- Psychologie (2)
- Qualitätssicherung (2)
- Rehabilitation (2)
- Ressourcen (2)
- Rheinland-Pfalz (2)
- Risikobewertung (2)
- Risikomanagement (2)
- Sediment (2)
- Semantic Web (2)
- Serviceorientierte Architektur (2)
- Sonderpädagogik (2)
- Sozialpsychologie (2)
- Stress (2)
- Taxonomie (2)
- Umweltwissenschaften (2)
- Vermeidung (2)
- Visualisierung (2)
- Wastewater treatment plants (2)
- Weinbau (2)
- Wissen (2)
- Wissensrepräsentation (2)
- aquatic ecotoxicology (2)
- aquatic macrophytes (2)
- bioindicator (2)
- biomonitoring (2)
- confirmatory factor analysis (2)
- decomposition (2)
- dialogische Führung (2)
- diffusion (2)
- evaluation (2)
- eye tracking (2)
- freshwater organisms (2)
- gait (2)
- land use (2)
- macroinvertebrates (2)
- mentale Repräsentation (2)
- micropollutants (2)
- modeling (2)
- modelling (2)
- mosquito control (2)
- optimal control (2)
- prevention (2)
- self-concept (2)
- sorption (2)
- speech (2)
- streams (2)
- traits (2)
- wastewater treatment (2)
- Ökosystemdienstleistung (2)
- Ökotoxikologie (2)
- 18. Jahrhundert (1)
- 1H-NMR Relaxometry (1)
- 3D Modell Referenz Bildsynthese (1)
- 3D-Vermessung (1)
- ACL injury (1)
- AD(H)S Bindung (1)
- ADHS (1)
- ADS (1)
- Abbildung <Mathematik> (1)
- Abdrift <Pflanzenbau> (1)
- Abfluss (1)
- Absolutismus (1)
- Abwasserbehandlung (1)
- Acceleration Structures (1)
- Achtsamkeit (1)
- Acquis communautaire (1)
- Action Recognition (1)
- Action Segmentation (1)
- Ad-hoc-Netz (1)
- Adaptation (1)
- Adaptiver Test (1)
- Adressatenorientierung (1)
- Aesthetics (1)
- Africa (1)
- Afrika (1)
- Agoraphobie (1)
- Agriotes spp. (1)
- Agrochemikalien (1)
- Aktionsart (1)
- Aktiver Wortschatz (1)
- Aktivität (1)
- Akuter Schmerz (1)
- Algorithmische Geometrie (1)
- Allianz (1)
- Alltagsgeschichte (1)
- Alltäglichkeit (1)
- Altlast (1)
- Altlasten (1)
- Aluminiumorthophosphat (1)
- Amazonia (1)
- Amazonien (1)
- Ambulante Behandlung (1)
- Ambulante Psychotherapie (1)
- Amphibia (1)
- Analoge Methoden (1)
- Analyse-durch-Synthese (1)
- Analytischer Hierarchieprozess (1)
- Aneignung (1)
- Anforderung (1)
- Anforderungsprofil (1)
- Animation (1)
- Annotation (1)
- Anreiz (1)
- Anstaltspsychiater (1)
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (1)
- Aphid predator (1)
- Aquatic Ecotoxicology (1)
- Aquatic Guidance Document (1)
- Aquatic ecology (1)
- Aquatische Makrophyten (1)
- Aquatisches Ökosystem (1)
- Arbeitsbelastungen (1)
- Arbeitsmotivation (1)
- Architektur <Informatik> (1)
- Archäologie (1)
- Argumentation (1)
- Art Déco (1)
- Artificial Neural Networks (1)
- Arzneimittel (1)
- Arzneistoffe (1)
- Arzt-Angehörigen-Kommunikation (1)
- Aspekt <Linguistik> (1)
- Assoziierungsabkommen der EU mit der Ukraine (1)
- Auchenorrhyncha (1)
- Auditing (1)
- Aufmerksamkeit (1)
- Aufsatzdidaktik (1)
- Augenbewegung (1)
- Ausbreitung (1)
- Auslese (1)
- Auswahl (1)
- Autokorrelation (1)
- Automatische Kontrolle im Produktionsprozess (1)
- Automotive Systems (1)
- Autoritarismus (1)
- Außeralltäglichkeit (1)
- Außerschulische Lernorte (1)
- Awareness (1)
- Axiomatische Geometrie (1)
- BNE (1)
- BNE-Kriterien (1)
- BPMN (1)
- Bandenemission (1)
- Barriere (1)
- Barrieren (1)
- Basic psychological needs (1)
- Bauen mit Bauklötzen (1)
- Bauxit (1)
- Bayes-Netz (1)
- Bayesian Networks (1)
- Beaconless (1)
- Bedrohte Tiere (1)
- Bees (1)
- Beethoven (1)
- Befahrbarkeit (1)
- Befragungsinstrument (1)
- Behinderungen (1)
- Beispiel (1)
- Belebtschlamm (1)
- Benefits Realisation Management (1)
- Benetzung (1)
- Benutzerverhalten (1)
- Beobachtungskompetenz (1)
- Beregnung (1)
- Berichterstattung (1)
- Bertelsmann Transformationsindex (1)
- Beruflicher Kontakt (1)
- Berufsausbildung (1)
- Berufsorientierung (1)
- Beschichtung (1)
- Bestäuber (1)
- Beta-Blocker (1)
- Beta-Diversität (1)
- Betriebliche Ausbildung (1)
- Bewegungsapparat (1)
- Bewertungskriterien (1)
- Bewertungssystem (1)
- Bewertungsverfahren (1)
- Bewältigung (1)
- Bienen <Familie> (1)
- Big Five (1)
- Bildanalyse (1)
- Bildsegmentierung (1)
- Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (1)
- Bildungsaspiration (1)
- Bildungserfolg (1)
- Bildungsinteresse (1)
- Bildungssprache (1)
- Bilingualer Unterricht (1)
- Bill Clinton (1)
- Binnengewässer (1)
- Bioassay (1)
- Biogasanlage (1)
- Biogeografie (1)
- Biographie (1)
- Biohydrogel (1)
- Bioindikator (1)
- Biomechanics (1)
- Biopolymere (1)
- Biotopkartierung (1)
- Biotransformation (1)
- Biozide (1)
- Biozönose (1)
- Bioökonomie (1)
- Bipartiter Graph (1)
- Blickbewegung (1)
- Bodenerosion (1)
- Bodenfeuchtesimulation (1)
- Bodenphysik (1)
- Bodenwasser (1)
- Bodenökologie (1)
- Bologna-Prozess (1)
- Bombina variegata (1)
- Bororthophosphat (1)
- Budongo Forest (1)
- Burn-out-Syndrom (1)
- Burnout (1)
- Business English (1)
- Business Rule Bases, Inconsistency Measurement (1)
- Business Software (1)
- Butterflies (1)
- Bärlappe (1)
- Bürgerliches Drama (1)
- CLIL (1)
- Calcium (1)
- Carry-over effects (1)
- Cashew-Sektor (1)
- Cations (1)
- Chancengerechtigkeit (1)
- Chancengleichheit (1)
- Charisma (1)
- Charles Darwin (1)
- Charta der Vereinten Nationen (1)
- Cheilolejeunea ; continental tropical Africa ; rainforest (1)
- Chemische Abwasserreinigung (1)
- Chief Executive Officer (1)
- Chironomus riparius (1)
- Chromatographie (1)
- Chronische Niereninsuffizienz (1)
- Citizen Science (1)
- Classroom-Management (1)
- Climate (1)
- Climate anxiety (1)
- Climate change (1)
- Climate denial (1)
- Cloud Point Extraction (1)
- Clustering coefficient (1)
- Cognitive functions (1)
- Cognitive-behavioral group therapy (1)
- Coleoptera (1)
- Collaboration (1)
- Comic (1)
- Commitment <Management> (1)
- Communication Networks (1)
- Computational Toxicology (1)
- Computer (1)
- Computer Graphics (1)
- Computer Security (1)
- Computer Vision (1)
- Computer assisted communication (1)
- Computersicherheit (1)
- Computerspiel (1)
- Conceptual Metaphor Theory (1)
- Connected Vehicles (1)
- Conservation (1)
- Consumer behaviour (1)
- Consumption renunciation (1)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (1)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) (1)
- Controlling (1)
- Cooperative Learning; Teaching Methods (1)
- Crayfish (1)
- Crayfish plague (1)
- Curriculum (1)
- DMF-DMA (1)
- DRIFTS (1)
- Daphnia (1)
- Daphnia longispina (1)
- Daphnia longispina complex (1)
- Daphnia longispina-Komplex (1)
- Darwinismus (1)
- Data Mining (1)
- Data compression (1)
- Data protection (1)
- Datenbank (1)
- Datenkompression (1)
- Datenschutzkompetenz (1)
- Datenschutzkompetenzmodell (1)
- David Hume (1)
- Decision-support (1)
- Decodierung (1)
- Deduktion (1)
- Deep Learning (1)
- Deep Metric Learning (1)
- Defekte Demokratie (1)
- Definitivartikel (1)
- Delphi (1)
- Demographie (1)
- Demography (1)
- Demokratieförderung der Ukraine (1)
- Demokratieförderung durch die Europäische Union (1)
- Demokratiestatus (1)
- Demokratische Werte und Normen (1)
- Densimetric Measurement (1)
- Deposition (1)
- Depth Profile (1)
- Derivatisierung (1)
- Derrida (1)
- Design Science Research (1)
- Design-Based-Research-Studie (1)
- Designforschung (1)
- Destiny (1)
- Deutungsmuster (1)
- Dezentralisierungsreform (1)
- DiaLex (1)
- Diagnosekriterien (1)
- Diagnoseunterstützung (1)
- Diagnosis (1)
- Diagnosis assistance (1)
- Diagnostik (1)
- Dialekt (1)
- Dichtemessung (1)
- Didaktik (1)
- Differentia Scanning Calorimetry (1)
- Differential scanning calorimetry (1)
- Diffuse Quellen (1)
- Digitale Bibliothek (1)
- Digitale Bildung (1)
- Digitale Medien (1)
- Digitalisation (1)
- Dimension 3 (1)
- Diskriminierung (1)
- Diskurs (1)
- Diskursanalyse (1)
- Diskursmeter (1)
- Diskursverständnis (1)
- Disney (1)
- Dispositiv (1)
- Dissens (1)
- Distributed Algorithm (1)
- Distributed Environments (1)
- Distribution <Linguistik> (1)
- Documents (1)
- Dracaena (1)
- Drahtloses Sensorsystem (1)
- Drahtloses vermachtes Netz (1)
- Drahtwürmer (1)
- Drainagegräben (1)
- Dramengestalt (1)
- Dramenschluss (1)
- Dredging (1)
- Driver Assistance Systems (1)
- Drucktechnik (1)
- Duale Ausbildung (1)
- Duales System (1)
- Dyadische Interaktion (1)
- Dynamische Geometrie (1)
- Düngemittel (1)
- E-Demokratie (1)
- E-Participation (1)
- EP Wahl (1)
- ERP-System (1)
- EU (1)
- EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) (1)
- EU-Strategie der Demokratieförderung (1)
- EU-Ukraine Assoziationsagenda (1)
- EU-Ukraine Assoziationsrat (1)
- EU-Ukraine Parlamentarische Assoziationsrat (1)
- EU-Ukraine Partnerschafts- und Kooperationsabkommen (1)
- East Africa (1)
- Ebener Graph (1)
- Ebullition (1)
- Echtzeitsystem (1)
- Economic potential (1)
- Ecosystem service (1)
- Ecotoxicity (1)
- Eddy-covariance (1)
- Edelkrebs (1)
- Edellaubmischwälder (1)
- Ehe (1)
- Ehescheidung (1)
- Eigensinn (1)
- Einstellung (1)
- Einstellungen gegenüber bestimmten Filmeigenschaften (1)
- Einstellungen und Haltungen zu Inklusion (1)
- Ekel (1)
- Elastic net (1)
- Elektrizitätslehre (1)
- Elektronenmikroskopie (1)
- Elektronische Bibliothek (1)
- Elektrostimulation (1)
- Elevation gradient (1)
- Elternschaft (1)
- Emission (1)
- Empirical Research (1)
- Empirical Studies (1)
- Empirische Forschung (1)
- Empirismus (1)
- Employee Behavior (1)
- Endangerment (1)
- Endokrine Regulation (1)
- Energiefluss (1)
- Energy fluxes (1)
- England (1)
- Englisch (1)
- Enhanced Representation (1)
- Enterprise Architecture Framework (1)
- Entrepreneurship Education (1)
- Entrepreneurship Experience and Extra-curricular Activity (1)
- Entropia Universe (1)
- Entscheidungstheorie (1)
- Entscheidungsunterstützung (1)
- Environmental Risk Assessment (1)
- Environmental factors (1)
- Environmental organic chemistry (1)
- Environmental psychology (1)
- Environmental samples (1)
- Epiphyten (1)
- Erfolgsfaktor (1)
- Erleben (1)
- Erneuerbare Energien (1)
- Erwachsenenbildung (1)
- Erwartung (1)
- Erzieher (1)
- Erzieherin (1)
- Erziehung (1)
- Erziehungsverhalten (1)
- Erziehungswissenschaft (1)
- Erzählung (1)
- Ethik (1)
- Ethnographie (1)
- Ethnography (1)
- Euklidische Geometrie (1)
- Eurokrise (1)
- Euromaidan (1)
- European Union Support Group for Ukraine (1)
- Europäische Kommission (1)
- Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik (1)
- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (1)
- Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst (1)
- Europäischer Rat (1)
- Europäisches Nachbarschaftsinstrument (1)
- Euroskeptizismus (1)
- Evacuation modeling (1)
- Evidence-based Psychotherapy (1)
- Experimente (1)
- Experimentieren (1)
- Experteninterview (1)
- Expertise (1)
- Expertiseentwicklung (1)
- Extinktion (1)
- Eye Tracking (1)
- FTIR (1)
- Fachhochschule (1)
- Fahrzeug (1)
- Faktorenanalyse (1)
- Faktorinvarianz (1)
- Fallrekonstruktion (1)
- Familie (1)
- Familienbeziehungen (1)
- Farnpflanzen (1)
- Fast-slow continuum (1)
- Fault Trees (1)
- Fehlerbaum (1)
- Felis catus (1)
- Felis silvestris domestica (1)
- Ferns (1)
- Feuchtgebiet (1)
- Filmbewertung (1)
- Finanzpolitik (1)
- Fischgewebe (1)
- Fiskalische Kosten (1)
- Fiskalpolitik (1)
- Fledermäuse (1)
- Flesch-Reading-Ease Index (1)
- Flow decomposition (1)
- Flugbegleiter (1)
- Flusssediment (1)
- Flächennutzung (1)
- Flächennutzungskonkurrenz (1)
- Folgenanreize (1)
- Foliicolous lichens (1)
- Food (1)
- Formal Methods (1)
- Formale Methoden (1)
- Formale Ontologie (1)
- Forsterschließung (1)
- Forstwirtschaft (1)
- Fotoauswahl (1)
- Foucault, Michel (1)
- Fractionation (1)
- Fragebeantwortung (1)
- Französischunterricht (1)
- Freedom House (1)
- Freeze Coring (1)
- Fremddeutung (1)
- Fremdeinschätzung (1)
- Fremdsprachendidaktik (1)
- Fritz Schütze (1)
- Frühpädagogik (1)
- Fungicide (1)
- Fungicides (1)
- Funktionelle Störung (1)
- Fusarium spp. (1)
- Fusion (1)
- Fuzzy-Logik (1)
- Fußballschuhe (1)
- Fächerkanon (1)
- Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept (1)
- Förderschule (1)
- Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung (1)
- Förderung (1)
- Führung durch Selbstführung (1)
- Führungskraft (1)
- Führungskräfteentwicklung, Selbstwirksamkeit, Situational Judgment Test (1)
- Führungskultur (1)
- Führungstheorie (1)
- GC-MS (1)
- GDPR (1)
- GIRT (1)
- GRAF1 (1)
- Galerucinae (1)
- Gamebased (1)
- Gamebasiertheit (1)
- Gamification (1)
- Gammarus fossarum (1)
- Gangart (1)
- Ganzheitlichkeit (1)
- Ganzzahlige Optimierung (1)
- Gas storage capacity (1)
- Gasblasen (1)
- Gatekeeper (1)
- GazeTheWeb (1)
- Gebrauchsgraphik (1)
- Gedächtnis (1)
- Gefrierkernverfahren (1)
- Gefrierpunktserniedrigung (1)
- Gefährdung (1)
- Gefäßanalyse (1)
- Gegenstandsanreize (1)
- Geistige Behinderung (1)
- Gel effect (1)
- Gelbbauchunke (1)
- Gelände (1)
- Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (GASP) (1)
- Gemeinschaftlicher Besitzstand (1)
- Gemischt-ganzzahlige Optimierung (1)
- Genealogie (1)
- Genetic diversity (1)
- Genetics (1)
- Genetik (1)
- Genetischer Fingerabdruck (1)
- Geographic routing (1)
- Geoinformationssystem (1)
- Geoinformationssysteme (1)
- Geometric spanner (1)
- Geometriedidaktik (1)
- Geomorphologie (1)
- Geothermie (1)
- Geowissenschaften (1)
- Gerechtigkeit (1)
- Gerichteter Graph (1)
- Gesangverein (1)
- Geschlecht (1)
- Geschlossene Unterbringung (1)
- Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (1)
- Gesprächsanalyse (1)
- Gesundheit (1)
- Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität (1)
- Gesundheitskommunikation (1)
- Gewässer (1)
- Gewässerqualität (1)
- Gewässerökologie (1)
- Glasumwandlung (1)
- Glasübergang (1)
- Globale Wertschöpfungsketten (1)
- Graph (1)
- Graph theory (1)
- Graphentheorie (1)
- Graphic novel (1)
- Graphik-Hardware (1)
- Graphische Benutzeroberfläche (1)
- Grundbedürfnis (1)
- Grundwasserfauna-Index (1)
- Grundwasserökologie (1)
- Gruppenarbeit (1)
- Gruppentherapie (1)
- Größenfraktionierung (1)
- Grünlandbewirtschaftung (1)
- Gut content analysis (1)
- HZE (1)
- Haare (1)
- Habitat (1)
- Habitat loss (1)
- Habitat networks (1)
- Habitatfragmentierung (1)
- Habitatsverlust (1)
- Habitus (1)
- Halbleiter (1)
- Haltung (1)
- Hambacher Fest (1)
- Handlungskompetenz (1)
- Handlungsmuster (1)
- Handlungsorientierung (1)
- Handlungstheorie (1)
- Hard and Soft News (1)
- Haushaltspolitik (1)
- Hauskatze (1)
- Hedonic (1)
- Hedonisch (1)
- Heimerziehung (1)
- Herbizid (1)
- Herzrate (1)
- Hilfe zur Erziehung (1)
- Hindernis (1)
- Hirschkäfer (1)
- Hirschzunge (1)
- Hochpräzise Volumenmessung (1)
- Hochschulbindung (1)
- Hochschuldidaktik (1)
- Hochschulorganisation (1)
- Hochschulpolitik (1)
- Holzhaus (1)
- Human Disturbance (1)
- Human-Computer Interaction (1)
- Humus (1)
- Hyaluronan (1)
- Hyaluronsäure (1)
- Hydratation (1)
- Hydration (1)
- Hydrochemie (1)
- Hydrodynamics (1)
- Hydrogel (1)
- Hydrologie (1)
- Hydrophobie (1)
- IAT (1)
- ICM (1)
- ICP-MS (1)
- IM-Systeme (1)
- IPT (1)
- ISO 9001 (1)
- IT-Security (1)
- Idar-Oberstein (1)
- Identifikation (1)
- Imitation Learning (1)
- Immanuel Kant (1)
- Implicit Association Test (1)
- India (1)
- Indien (1)
- Individualisierung (1)
- Individualisierung von Lernwegen (1)
- Individualized Learning (1)
- Individuelle Computermodelle (1)
- Individuelle Förderung (1)
- Industriepolitik (1)
- Informatikunterricht (1)
- Information (1)
- Information Centric Networking (1)
- Information Visualization (1)
- Informationssystem (1)
- Informationsverarbeitung (1)
- Informationsverlinkung (1)
- Informationsvisualisierung (1)
- Informel (1)
- Informelle Pflege (1)
- Informetrie (1)
- Innerbetriebliche Kommunikation (1)
- Innerbetriebliche Kooperation (1)
- Insecticide (1)
- Instant Messaging (1)
- Instructed Second Language Acquisition (1)
- Instrumentalismus (1)
- Integrated Model (1)
- Integration in der SEK II (1)
- Integrierte Lernumgebung (1)
- Interactive Visualizations (1)
- Interactive engagement (1)
- Interaktion (1)
- Interaktionseffekt (1)
- Interaktive Visualisierungen (1)
- Interdisziplinarität (1)
- Intergruppenprozesse (1)
- Internationale Organisationen (1)
- Internationaler Währungsfonds (IWF) (1)
- Interparticulate hydrogel swelling (1)
- Intervention (1)
- Invarianzmessung (1)
- Irak Krieg (1)
- Iran (1)
- Islam (1)
- Jakob Heinrich Lützel (1)
- Java (1)
- Johann Ludwig Dacqué (1)
- Johann Schwager (1)
- John Dewey (1)
- Journalismusforschung (1)
- Judentum (1)
- Jugendamt (1)
- Just-in-Time Teaching (1)
- Justification (1)
- Jüdisch (1)
- KPI (1)
- Kabel (1)
- Kalkmagerrasen (1)
- Kamera Pose Tracking (1)
- Kanalcodierung (1)
- Kant, Immanuel (1)
- Kantenbewerteter Graph (1)
- Karriere (1)
- Karrierefaktor (1)
- Karst (1)
- Karstgrundwasserleiter (1)
- Kation-Brücken (1)
- Kationen (1)
- Katze (1)
- Kausalanalyse (1)
- Kennzahl (1)
- Kenya (1)
- Kindheit (1)
- Klassische Musik (1)
- Klima (1)
- Klimaerwärmung (1)
- Klimaänderung (1)
- Klingenmünster (1)
- Klinische Psychologie (1)
- Kluftgrundwasserleiter (1)
- Knowledge (1)
- Knowledge Graph (1)
- Knowledge Graphs (1)
- Kognitiv-behaviorale Gruppentherapie (1)
- Kognitive Entwicklung (1)
- Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie (1)
- Kohlenstoffkreislauf (1)
- Kohlenstoffschichten (1)
- Kolb-Test (1)
- Kollaboration (1)
- Kollektivismus (1)
- Kolloid (1)
- Kolloide (1)
- Kolloids (1)
- Kommunikation (1)
- Kommunikation (intern) (1)
- Kommunikative Kompetenz (1)
- Kommunitarismus (1)
- Kompetenzdiagnostik (1)
- Kompetenzentwicklung (1)
- Kompetenzmessung (1)
- Komplexe Beeinträchtigungen (1)
- Komplexität / Algorithmus (1)
- Komponentenanalyse (1)
- Konditionierungen (1)
- Konfliktfähigkeit (1)
- Konfliktkultur (1)
- Konjugation (1)
- Konkurrenz (1)
- Konsistenz. Psychologie (1)
- Konstruieren (1)
- Konsumentenverhalten (1)
- Konsumverzicht (1)
- Kontaktwinkel (1)
- Kontamination (1)
- Kontiguität (1)
- Kontingenz (1)
- Kontrastlose Oberflächen (1)
- Konzept der Eingebetteten Demokratie (1)
- Kookkurrenz (1)
- Kooperation (1)
- Kooperatives Lernen (1)
- Kopenhagener Kriterien (1)
- Kran (1)
- Krankheitsverarbeitung (1)
- Krebspest (1)
- Kreuzbandverletzung (1)
- Kriegsneurose (1)
- Krisenberichterstattung (1)
- Kristallisation (1)
- Kriterium (1)
- Kritisches Lebensereignis (1)
- Kryo (1)
- Kubismus (1)
- Kulturelle Bildung (1)
- Kulturlandschaft (1)
- Kundendienst (1)
- Kunst (1)
- Kunstpädagogik (1)
- Körper (1)
- Körperliche Aktivität (1)
- Körperproportionen (1)
- Künstliche Intelligenz (1)
- Künstliche Neuronale Netze (1)
- L2 writers (1)
- LIBS (1)
- LMX (1)
- Laacher See <Region> (1)
- Laie (1)
- Lake Kinneret (1)
- Lake Naivasha (1)
- Lake Wamala (1)
- Lakes (1)
- Landscape ecology (1)
- Landschaftsebene (1)
- Landschaftskartierung (1)
- Landschaftsökologie (1)
- Langlebigkeit (1)
- Laser (1)
- Lasso (1)
- Last-year students (1)
- Latent Negative (1)
- Laufen (1)
- Laugung (1)
- Laura Mulvey (1)
- Lebensbewältigung (1)
- Lebenslanges Lernen (1)
- Lebensmittel (1)
- Lebensmittelabfall (1)
- Lebensmittelabfälle (1)
- Lebensqualität (1)
- Lebensraumqualität (1)
- Lebensstandard (1)
- Lehrerkompetenzen (1)
- Lehrerprofessionalisierung (1)
- Leiblich-Affektiv (1)
- Leiblichkeit (1)
- Leichte Sprache (1)
- Leistungsmotivation (1)
- Lernerfolg (1)
- Lernerorientierte Qualitätstestierung (LQW) (1)
- Lernklima (1)
- Lernkontext (1)
- Lernmaterial (1)
- Lernortlandschaft (1)
- Lernstation (1)
- Lernstilanalysen (1)
- Lernumwelt (1)
- Lernzirkel (1)
- Leugnung (1)
- Lied (1)
- Liedbearbeitungen (1)
- Life history (1)
- Limnology (1)
- Limology (1)
- Line Space (1)
- Linguistic Requirements (1)
- Linguistik (1)
- Linguistische Gesprächsanalyse (1)
- Link Prediction (1)
- Linking of Information (1)
- Literaturrecherche (1)
- Literaturwissenschaft (1)
- Loans (1)
- Local algorithm (1)
- Lockergesteinleiter (1)
- Logischer Schluss (1)
- Longevity (1)
- Lucanus cervus (1)
- Ludwig Heydenreich (1)
- Lumbago (1)
- Lumbalgie (1)
- Lumbar Spine (1)
- Lunaria (1)
- Lurche (1)
- Lycophytes (1)
- Ländliche Entwicklung (1)
- Ländliche Räume (1)
- Ländliche Siedlung (1)
- Ländlicher Raum (1)
- Längsschnittuntersuchung (1)
- MBS Model (1)
- MKS (1)
- MKS-Simulation (1)
- Machine Learning (1)
- Macro Financial Assistance Programs (1)
- Magnetis (1)
- Maifisch (1)
- Makrofinanzielle Unterstützungsprogramme (1)
- Makrophyten (1)
- Makrozoobenthos (1)
- Mapping <Mathematics> (1)
- Marketing (1)
- Mass-Spektrometrie (1)
- Massenspektrometrie (1)
- Material Culture (1)
- Mathematical optimisation (1)
- Maßtheorie (1)
- Measure-theory (1)
- Medialität (1)
- Mediator (1)
- Medien (1)
- Mediengewalt (1)
- Mediennutzung (1)
- Medienphilosophie (1)
- Medienpsychologie (1)
- Medienpädagogik (1)
- Medientheorie (1)
- Medienwirkung (1)
- Medium (1)
- Medizinische Bildverarbeitung (1)
- Mehrebenenanalyse (1)
- Mehrkörpersystem (1)
- Mehrkörpersysteme (1)
- Mehrprozessorsystem (1)
- Meiofauna (1)
- Meliorismus (1)
- Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (1)
- Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten (1)
- Mentalität (1)
- Merkmal (1)
- Merkmalsmanagement (1)
- Merkmalssynthese (1)
- Mesobenthos (1)
- Mesophiler Laubwald (1)
- Messung (1)
- Messung der Ökoeffizienz (1)
- Metalle/Matalloide (1)
- Metalloids (1)
- Metals (1)
- Metals/metalloids (1)
- Metamodel (1)
- Metapher (1)
- Metapopulation dynamics (1)
- Metapopulationsdynamiken (1)
- Methan (1)
- Methane emissions (1)
- Methode (1)
- Methodenvergleich (1)
- Mezzanine-Finanzierung (1)
- Microfinance (1)
- Microfinance institutions (1)
- Microplastics (1)
- Micropollutants (1)
- Migration (1)
- Mikrofinanzierung (1)
- Mikroplastik (1)
- Mikrosatelliten-DNA (1)
- Mikroskopie (1)
- Mikroskopische Objekte (1)
- Mikroverunreinigung (1)
- Minderung (1)
- Minimalschnitt (1)
- Mining (1)
- Minsker Abkommen (1)
- Missionarin (1)
- Misskonzepte (1)
- Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit (1)
- Mitgefühl (1)
- Mittelrhein (1)
- Mittelstand (1)
- Mixed Methods (1)
- Mixed integer programming (1)
- Mixed methods (1)
- Mixture Toxicity (1)
- Modellieren (1)
- Modellierungskompetenz (1)
- Modellprojekt PSB NIERE (1)
- Moderierte Diskussionen (1)
- Modeschmuck (1)
- Monolepta (1)
- Monte-Carlo-Simulation (1)
- Morphologie (1)
- Mosambik (1)
- Motivation (1)
- Movie evaluation criteria (1)
- Mucilage (1)
- Multi-Agenten-Simulation (1)
- Multiagentensysteme (1)
- Multimodal Action Recognition (1)
- Multimodal Medical Image Analysis Cochlea Spine Non-rigid Registration Segmentation ITK VTK 3D Slicer CT MRI CBCT (1)
- Multiple Object Tracking (1)
- Multiple somatoforme Symptome (1)
- Multitrait-Multimethod-Modelle (1)
- Multivariable Statistik (1)
- Museums visitors (1)
- Museumsbesucher (1)
- Musiklehrendenforschung (1)
- Musikpädagogik (1)
- Musikunterricht (1)
- Musikverein (1)
- Mustererkennung (1)
- Männerchor (1)
- NMR relaxometry (1)
- NMR-Spektroskopie (1)
- NSSV (1)
- Nachbarschaftsgraph (1)
- Nachhaltigkeit (1)
- Nachhaltigkeitsbericht (1)
- Nachrichtenwerttheorie (1)
- Nachtfalter (1)
- Nachtschmetterlinge (1)
- Named Function Networking (1)
- Nanoröhren (1)
- Narrative Interviews (1)
- Narrativität (1)
- Nassbaggerung (1)
- Nationalbewegung (1)
- Nationalismus (1)
- Nationalsozialismus (1)
- Nato (1)
- Nato Globale Partner (1)
- Nato Response Force (1)
- Nato Transformation (1)
- Natronwasserglas (1)
- Natura 2000 (1)
- Naturalismus (1)
- Naturpotential (1)
- Naturräumliche Gliederung (1)
- Naturschutz (1)
- Naturschutzgenetik (1)
- Naturschutzmanagement (1)
- Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht (1)
- Natürliche Schädlingskontrolle (1)
- Natürliches organisches Material (1)
- Near-surface turbulence (1)
- Neokonservative (1)
- Network robustness (1)
- Networks (1)
- Netzwerk (1)
- Netzwerkrobustheit (1)
- Netzwerktopologie (1)
- Neuroactive chemicals (1)
- Neurowissenschaften (1)
- Nicht-Ziel-Pflanzen (1)
- Non-freezing water (1)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO (1)
- Nuclear Magnetic R (1)
- Nutzen (1)
- Nutzererleben (1)
- Nyungwe National Park (1)
- Nährstoffverfügbarkeit (1)
- Nützlinge (1)
- OCB (1)
- OMW (1)
- OWL <Informatik> (1)
- Obama (1)
- Oberflächen-Runoff (1)
- Oberflächenabfluss (1)
- Oberflächeneigenschaft (1)
- Oberflächenveredelung (1)
- Objektorientierung (1)
- Offensiver Neorealismus (1)
- Ohrgeräusch (1)
- Oligomer (1)
- Olivenölproduktion (1)
- One-Shot Action Recognition (1)
- Online grocery shopping (1)
- Online-Kommunikation (1)
- Online-Lebensmittelhandel (1)
- Online-Self-Assessment (1)
- Ontologie (1)
- Ontologie <Wissensverarbeitung> (1)
- Ontology (1)
- Open Content (1)
- Open Source (1)
- Operationsplanung (1)
- Optimierung (1)
- Optimismus (1)
- Optimization (1)
- Optische Messtechnik (1)
- Ordensfrau (1)
- Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) (1)
- Organische Bodensubstanz (1)
- Oriental region (1)
- Ostafrika (1)
- Osteocephalus (1)
- Ozon (1)
- Ozonisierung (1)
- Panikstörung (1)
- Paniksyndrom (1)
- Parkinsonismus (1)
- Parkinsonsyndrom (1)
- Partizipation (1)
- Partnerschaft (1)
- Passiver Wortschatz (1)
- Perfect (1)
- Perfekt (1)
- Perfluorcarbonsäuren (1)
- Personalentwicklung (1)
- Personality (1)
- Petri Nets (1)
- Pflanzen (1)
- Pflegebedürftigkeit (1)
- Pflegedienst (1)
- Pharmaceuticals (1)
- Pharmakokinetik (1)
- Philipp Walter (1)
- Philosophie (1)
- Phosphorsäureester (1)
- Photogrammetrie Kalibrierung EMVA-1288 (1)
- Photogrammetry (1)
- Photographie (1)
- Photovoltaik (1)
- Phylogeographie (1)
- Physik (1)
- Physikalische Therapie (1)
- Physikdidaktik (1)
- Phytophthora infestans (1)
- Placement Strategies (1)
- Planar graphs (1)
- Plant Communities (1)
- Plant protection products (1)
- Plastic mulching (1)
- Plasticization; Glass transition (1)
- Plastifizieren (1)
- Plastifizierung (1)
- Policy Language (1)
- Politische Steuerung (1)
- Politische Ökonomie (1)
- Politisches und Sicherheitspolitisches Komitee (PSK) (1)
- Pollinators (1)
- Pollution (1)
- Polysaccharide (1)
- Polysaccharides (1)
- Polystichum (1)
- Population (1)
- Populationsgenetik (1)
- Pore Water (1)
- Poser analysis (1)
- Poser-Analyse (1)
- Positionierung (1)
- Positive Peer Culture (1)
- Power Law (1)
- Pragmatic (1)
- Pragmatisch (1)
- Pragmatismus (1)
- Pragmatizismus (1)
- Praktikant (1)
- Praktikum (1)
- Praktikumsbegleitung (1)
- Praxiswissen (1)
- Predictive Model (1)
- Preemptive strike (1)
- Present Perfect (1)
- Primzahl (1)
- Primzahlen (1)
- Privacy Competence Model (1)
- Pro-environmental behaviour change (1)
- Proactive Caching (1)
- Problemlösekompetenz (1)
- Problemlösen (1)
- Process (1)
- Process Quality (1)
- Product choice (1)
- Produktbewertung (1)
- Produktentscheidung (1)
- Produktwahl (1)
- Professionalisierung (1)
- Projektlernen (1)
- Projektpraktikum (1)
- Projektunterricht (1)
- Propagation (1)
- Prosoziales Verhalten (1)
- Proteinstrukturanalyse (1)
- Provenance (1)
- Prozessqualität (1)
- Prädikatenlogik (1)
- Prädiktor (1)
- Präkonzepte (1)
- Präliminarienartikel (1)
- Präposition (1)
- Präsentisches Perfekt (1)
- Präventivmedizin (1)
- Psychiatrie (1)
- Psychische Erkrankungen (1)
- Psychische Störung (1)
- Psychosomatische Störung (1)
- Psychosoziale Begleitung (1)
- Psychotherapie (1)
- Pteris (1)
- Py-GC/MS (1)
- Pyrethroide (1)
- Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse (1)
- Qualität (1)
- Qualitätsdimensionen (1)
- Qualitätsmanagement (1)
- Qualitätsmerkmale (1)
- Quantitative Untersuchung (1)
- Quasi unit disk graph (1)
- Quelle <Hydrologie> (1)
- Quellen (1)
- Quellfauna (1)
- Quelltypen (1)
- RCT (1)
- Rahmenmodell (1)
- Ralf Schauf (1)
- Random Finite Sets (1)
- Random Forest (1)
- Randomisierte kontrollierte Therapieevaluation (1)
- Randstreifen (1)
- Rat der Europäischen Union (1)
- Ratgeber (1)
- Rationalität (1)
- Raupe (1)
- Raytracing (1)
- Reactive algorithm (1)
- Rechtfertigung (1)
- Rechtfertigung <Philosophie> (1)
- Recovery (1)
- Reference Model (1)
- Referenzrahmen (1)
- Reflexion (1)
- Regenwald (1)
- Regenwald ; Afrika ; Cheilolejeunea (1)
- Regieren (1)
- Regionenlabeling (1)
- Rekonstruktion (1)
- Rekonstruktion (der Philosophie) (1)
- Religiosität (1)
- Renewable energy (1)
- Reproduktion (1)
- Repräsentation (1)
- Reservoir Sedimentation (1)
- Reservoirs (1)
- Resource Governance (1)
- Response-Shift (1)
- Revision (1)
- Revolution <1848> (1)
- Revolution in military affairs (1)
- Rezeptionsforschung (1)
- Rhein (1)
- Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis (1)
- Rheometry (1)
- Rhineland-Palatinate (1)
- Rhizosphere (1)
- Rieselmassen (1)
- Right-wing ideology (1)
- Risiko (1)
- Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren (1)
- Risiko-Beurteilung (1)
- Risiko-Minimierung (1)
- Risikoabschätzung (1)
- Risikominderungsmaßnahmen (1)
- Risikominimierung (1)
- Risk assessment (1)
- Roboter (1)
- Rollstuhlbasketball (1)
- Routing (1)
- RuneScape (1)
- Runoff (1)
- Ruscaceae (1)
- Russia (1)
- Räuber (1)
- Rückverfolgbarkeit (1)
- SOA (1)
- SOK-Modell (1)
- SPEAR (1)
- Salinisation (1)
- Salm (1)
- Sanktionen der EU (1)
- Satelliten-DNS (1)
- Saving (1)
- Saving and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) (1)
- Scaffolding (1)
- Schadstoffbelastung (1)
- Schadstoffkonzentration (1)
- Scheidung (1)
- Scheidungsfolgen (1)
- Schlaf (1)
- Schlaganfall (1)
- Schlauch (1)
- Schlussfolgern (1)
- Schmerz (1)
- Schmerzbewältigung (1)
- Schmerztherapie (1)
- Schmerzveränderung (1)
- Schmucktheorie (1)
- Schottland (1)
- Schreibdidaktik (1)
- Schreiben (1)
- Schreibprozess (1)
- Schreibtechnik (1)
- Schrifttheorie (1)
- Schulden (1)
- Schule (1)
- Schulklima (1)
- Schulleitung (1)
- Schwebstoffe (1)
- Schwermetalle (1)
- Schädlingskontrolle (1)
- Schülerwahrnehmungen (1)
- Second Life (1)
- Security Requirements (1)
- Sediment Water Interface (1)
- Sediment-Water-Interfaces (1)
- See (1)
- Segmentierung (1)
- Selbstbeobachtung (1)
- Selbstbeschädigung (1)
- Selbstbild (1)
- Selbstdeutung (1)
- Selbsteinschaetzung (1)
- Selbsteinschätzung (1)
- Selbstführung (1)
- Selbstführungskompetenz (1)
- Selbstkonzept (1)
- Selbstmanagement (1)
- Selbstmitgefühl (1)
- Selbstmord (1)
- Selbstregulation (1)
- Selbsttötung (1)
- Selbstwert (1)
- Self-determination theory (1)
- Semantic Data (1)
- Semantic Web Data (1)
- Semiotik (1)
- Serigrafie (1)
- Service (1)
- Service Oriented Architecture (1)
- Service-Qualität (1)
- Servicepersonal (1)
- Sexualisierung (1)
- Sexuelle Orientierung (1)
- Sicherheit (1)
- Situationales Interesse (1)
- Size-fractionation (1)
- Skalenkonstruktion (1)
- Skalenvalidierung (1)
- Skalierungsmodelle (1)
- Skepsis (1)
- Skeptizismus (1)
- Social Cognitive Career Theory (1)
- Social Entrepreneurship in Vietnam (1)
- Social Software (1)
- Social identity theory (1)
- Socio-ecological transformation (1)
- Socio-economic development (1)
- Software Language (1)
- Software Technology (1)
- Softwarearchitektur (1)
- Soil physics (1)
- Soil structural stability (1)
- Solarzelle (1)
- Somatoform disorder (1)
- Somatoform symptoms (1)
- Somatoforme Störung (1)
- Somatoforme Störungen (1)
- Sorption (1)
- Southern Amazonia (1)
- Sozial-ökologische Transformation (1)
- Sozialarbeit (1)
- Soziale Identität (1)
- Soziale Wahrnehmung (1)
- Soziales Netzwerk (1)
- Sozialkompetenz (1)
- Sozialkonstruktivismus (1)
- Sparen (1)
- Spear (1)
- Speciation (1)
- Species turnover (1)
- Spielarten des Kapitalismus (1)
- Spiralcurriculum (1)
- Spiritualität (1)
- Sport (1)
- Sportverletzung (1)
- Sprachkompetenz (1)
- Sprachliche Handlungsmuster (1)
- Sprachspielkompetenz (1)
- Sprachtheorie (1)
- Sprechweise (1)
- St. Goar (1)
- St. Goarshausen (1)
- Staatsschuldenkrise (1)
- Standard of living (1)
- Standortanalyse (1)
- State (1)
- Statistische Versuchsplanung (1)
- Staubewässerung (1)
- Staugeregelte Flüsse (1)
- Stausee (1)
- Stauseeverlandung (1)
- Stechmücke (1)
- Stechmücken-Kontrolle (1)
- Stereotyp (1)
- Stereotype Content Model (1)
- Stimme (1)
- Stimmungsveränderung (1)
- Stollendesign (1)
- Straßenzustand (1)
- Stresstheorien (1)
- Structural Equation Modeling (1)
- Structural Validity (1)
- Struktur (1)
- Strukturelle Validität (1)
- Studienanfänger (1)
- Studiengang (1)
- Studienleistung (1)
- Studium (1)
- Stygofauna (1)
- Stygoregion (1)
- Subjektbildung (1)
- Sufficiency (1)
- Sufficiency orientation (1)
- Suffizienz (1)
- Suffizienzorientierung (1)
- Surface Science (1)
- Sustainability (1)
- Symbolischer Interaktionismus (1)
- Symboltheorie (1)
- Systematics (1)
- Systemische Beratung (1)
- Sängerfest (1)
- Säugetiere (1)
- Südafrika (1)
- Südpfalz (1)
- Süßwasserhaushalt (1)
- TESiOH (1)
- TSK <Test> (1)
- TV debates (1)
- TV-Duelle (1)
- Taxonomy (1)
- Teamteaching (1)
- Technical potential (1)
- Technikgeschichte (1)
- Technologischer Raum (1)
- Teilregime und Indikatoren (1)
- Temperaturpräferenzen (1)
- Tempus (1)
- Tense (1)
- Terme (1)
- Text-Bild-Integration (1)
- Textaufgaben (1)
- Textlinguistik (1)
- Textverstehen (1)
- Theater (1)
- Theorem des Demokratischen Friedens (1)
- Theorembeweiser (1)
- Therapieerfolg (1)
- Time (1)
- Titandioxid-Nanopartikeln (1)
- Tod (1)
- Top-Management (1)
- Torf (1)
- Tourism (1)
- Tourismus (1)
- Toxicological characterization (1)
- Toxicology (1)
- Toxikologische Bewertung (1)
- Toxizität (1)
- Tracking (1)
- Trait (1)
- Traktions-Testgerät (1)
- Transfer coefficients (1)
- Transformation products (1)
- Transformationsprodukte (1)
- Transition (1)
- Transkranielle Elektrostimulation (1)
- Trauer (1)
- Tropfenform (1)
- Tropical rainforest (1)
- Tropischer Regenwald (1)
- Tundish (1)
- Turbulence (1)
- Turbulenz (1)
- Type System (1)
- Type system (1)
- Tätigkeitsanreize (1)
- UML (1)
- USA (1)
- Uferfiltration (1)
- Uferrandstreifen (1)
- Ultrakurze Pulse (1)
- Umkehrosmose (1)
- Umwelt (1)
- Umweltchemikalie (1)
- Umweltleistungsbewertung (1)
- Umweltproben (1)
- Umweltqualität (1)
- Umwelttoxikologie (1)
- Umweltverhaltensänderung (1)
- Umweltverschmutzung (1)
- Unit disk graph (1)
- Unlink Prediction (1)
- Unsicheres Schließen (1)
- Unterhaltung (1)
- Unternehmen (1)
- Unternehmenserfolg (1)
- Unternehmensflexibilität (1)
- Unterrichts-Klima-Instrument (1)
- Unterrichtsbeurteilung (1)
- Unterrichtsmaterial (1)
- Unterrichtsmethode (1)
- Unterrichtsmethoden (1)
- Unterrichtsqualität (1)
- Untersuchung (1)
- Untersuchungsmethode (1)
- Unterwasserwelt (1)
- Upper-Body/Lower-Body (1)
- Urteilerübereinstimmung (1)
- Urteilsgenauigkeit (1)
- User experience (1)
- Validität (1)
- Variabilität (1)
- Varieties of Capitalism (1)
- Vascular analysis (1)
- Vegetation (1)
- Verb (1)
- Verbal Aspect (1)
- Verbraucherverhalten (1)
- Vereinbarkeitsproblem (1)
- Vergangenheitstempus (1)
- Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (1)
- Verhaltensökonomie (1)
- Verhandlung (1)
- Verhältnis Ukraine-Russland (1)
- Verhältnis der Ukraine zu Russland (1)
- Verifikation (1)
- Verlaufskurvenanalyse (1)
- Verlust (1)
- Vermittlung (1)
- Versalzung (1)
- Versorgungspraxis (1)
- Verteilter Algorithmus (1)
- Verteilung (1)
- Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union (1)
- Very High Readiness Joint Task Foce (1)
- Veränderung von Vorstellungen (1)
- Videodiagnosetool ViviAn (1)
- Virtualisation (1)
- Virtualisierung (1)
- Virtuelle Welten (1)
- Virtuelle Ökonomien (1)
- Visual Stimuli Discovery (1)
- Visualisierung von Verbformen (1)
- Visuelle Kommunikation (1)
- Vocabulary (1)
- Vokabellernen (1)
- Volumen-Rendering (1)
- Voluntarismus (1)
- Vorschulkind (1)
- Vorschulkinder (1)
- Vorsorge (1)
- Vulnerability (1)
- WCET (1)
- Wachstumsregler (1)
- Wagenschein (1)
- Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung (1)
- Wahlen zum europäischen Parlament (EU-Wahlen) (1)
- Wahrscheinlichkeit (1)
- Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (1)
- Waist-to-Hip-Ratio (1)
- Waist-to-Shoulder-Ratio (1)
- Wanderfische (1)
- Wasser-Sediment-Grenzschichten (1)
- Wasserverschmutzung (1)
- Wastewater (1)
- Water Management (1)
- Water quality (1)
- Wavelet (1)
- Web (1)
- Web 2.0 (1)
- Web Science (1)
- Wegebau (1)
- Weiterbildung (1)
- Weiterbildungsverhalten (1)
- Weltbild (1)
- Weltkrieg <1939-1945> (1)
- Weltkultur (1)
- Wiederbesiedlung (1)
- Wikipedia (1)
- Wild pollinator (1)
- Wildbienen (1)
- Wildtiere (1)
- Will Eisner (1)
- William James (1)
- Windtunnel (1)
- Wirbellose (1)
- Wirbelsäule (1)
- Wireless sensor network (1)
- Wirkfaktor (1)
- Wirkfaktoren (1)
- Wirksamkeit (1)
- Wirtschaft (1)
- Wirtschaftsenglisch (1)
- Wissenselemente (1)
- Wissensmanagement (1)
- Wohlbefinden (1)
- Wohlfahrtspflege (1)
- World Wide Web (1)
- World Wide Web 2.0 (1)
- World of Warcraft (1)
- Wortschatz (1)
- Writing Conference (1)
- Wäschereibranche (1)
- Yellow-bellied toad (1)
- Zeichentheorie (1)
- Zeichentrick (1)
- Zeichnen (1)
- Zeit (1)
- Zero (1)
- Ziel (1)
- Zifferndarstellung (1)
- Zikaden (1)
- Zoll (1)
- Zoobenthos (1)
- Zoologie (1)
- Zoology (1)
- Zooplankton (1)
- Zuckmücken (1)
- Zugang (1)
- Zusammenarbeit (1)
- Zusammenhängender Graph (1)
- Zuständigkeiten der EU (1)
- Zuwanderung (1)
- Zwangssterilisation (1)
- Zweiter Weltkrieg (1)
- absolutism (1)
- acceptance (1)
- activated sludge (1)
- adaptiv (1)
- adaptive GUI Design (1)
- adaptiver Unterricht (1)
- adjoint functions (1)
- advanced wastewater treatment (1)
- agricultural intensification (1)
- agroecosystems (1)
- alternative fromeworks (1)
- ambulante Pflege (1)
- amorphous hydrogenated carbon layer (1)
- amphibians (1)
- analytics (1)
- anthropogener Wärmeeintrag (1)
- anthropogenic disturbance (1)
- aquatic environment (1)
- aquatic invertebrates (1)
- argumentation (1)
- art deco (1)
- art nouveau (1)
- assertive multilateralism (1)
- assessment (1)
- attitudes towards specific movie features (1)
- auditorischer Neglekt (1)
- authoritarianism (1)
- automated theorem prover (1)
- automatic behavioral cues (1)
- bank filtration (1)
- bats (1)
- behavior change (1)
- behavioural ecology (1)
- belief in just world (1)
- beneficial insects (1)
- benthic oxygen fluxes (1)
- benthos (1)
- biocenosis (1)
- biocide (1)
- biocides (1)
- biodiversity conservation (1)
- biofiltration (1)
- biogeography (1)
- biological degradation (1)
- biologischer Abbau (1)
- biomechanics (1)
- biotransformation (1)
- bioturbation (1)
- bribery (1)
- buffer strips (1)
- buffer zones (1)
- burnout (1)
- business intelligence (1)
- carbon hybridisation (1)
- care (1)
- cation bridges (1)
- cation-bridges (CaB) (1)
- chalk grassland (1)
- change (1)
- chemical force microscopy (1)
- chemical risk assessment (1)
- chironomids (1)
- classification (1)
- climate change (1)
- clonal diversity (1)
- co-occurrence (1)
- cognitive development (1)
- cognitive linguistic approach (1)
- cognitive-behavioral therapy (1)
- collaboration (1)
- collectivism (1)
- colloid (1)
- communication competency (1)
- competence-development (1)
- competence-measurement (1)
- competition (1)
- computer (1)
- concurrency (1)
- conflict detection (1)
- conflicting information (1)
- conservation genetics (1)
- construction materials (1)
- contact angle (1)
- contaminated sites (1)
- contamination (1)
- contemporary detective fiction (1)
- content analysis (1)
- contiguity (1)
- cooperation (1)
- corrosion protection (1)
- corrosion resistance (1)
- costume jewellery (1)
- covid-19 (1)
- criminal victimization (1)
- critical section (1)
- crop pollination (1)
- cross-linking (1)
- cryo-electron microscopy (1)
- cubism (1)
- cultural landscape (1)
- data mining (1)
- data protection (1)
- database (1)
- decision support tool (1)
- deductive (1)
- dengue (1)
- description logic (1)
- diagnostische Kompetenz (1)
- dialogische Kommunikation (1)
- dialogisches Management (1)
- digital library (1)
- digital transformation (1)
- disabled detective (1)
- disabled masculinity (1)
- disgust sensitivity (1)
- distribution (1)
- disturbance (1)
- dry inland waters (1)
- dynamic geometry (1)
- dynamic stability (1)
- ebullition (1)
- ecological risk management (1)
- ecology (1)
- ecosystem functioning (1)
- ecosystem services (1)
- ecotoxicity (1)
- eddy correlation (1)
- educational achievement (1)
- educational alliance (1)
- educational aspirations (1)
- effect assessment (1)
- effect-directed analysis (1)
- electricity (1)
- emerging micropollutants (1)
- empirische Untersuchung (1)
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (1)
- endokrine Regulation (1)
- energetics (1)
- energy (1)
- english prepositions (1)
- enterprise collaboration platforms (1)
- enterprise collaboration systems (1)
- environmental compatibility (1)
- environmental psychology (1)
- environmental risk assessment (1)
- environmental surfaces (1)
- epidemiology (1)
- epoxide (1)
- erweiterte Abwasserbehandlung (1)
- evaluation process (1)
- evolution (1)
- example (1)
- expansion (1)
- experimentelle Kompetenz (1)
- externe Repräsentationen (1)
- factorial invariance (1)
- fairness (1)
- fauna of springs (1)
- feedback (1)
- field experiment (1)
- field margin (1)
- fish tissues (1)
- flight attendant (1)
- floral resources (1)
- flows over time (1)
- fluid disturbances (1)
- focused feedback (1)
- folksonomies (1)
- football shoes (1)
- forest roads (1)
- framework (1)
- freshwater ecosystem (1)
- fungicide (1)
- fungus resistant grapevine (1)
- futex (1)
- galvanic anodes (1)
- gender (1)
- genotyping error (1)
- gesundheitsgerechtes Führen (1)
- giftedness (1)
- glass transition (1)
- global carbon cycle (1)
- grade (1)
- grassland irrigation (1)
- greenhouse gases (1)
- groundwater ecology (1)
- groundwater remediation (1)
- groundwater-fauna-index (1)
- groupwork (1)
- gälisch (1)
- hazard prediction (1)
- health-related quality of life (1)
- heart rate (1)
- high power impulse magnetron sputtering (1)
- humanistische Psychologie (1)
- humic acid (1)
- hybrid automata (1)
- hybride Automaten (1)
- hydrochemistry (1)
- hydrodynamic chromatography (1)
- hydrodynamische Chromatographie (1)
- hydrogeology (1)
- hydrological interactions (1)
- hydrologische Interaktionen (1)
- hydrology (1)
- hydrophobicity (1)
- iSearch (1)
- immediate priority ceiling protocol (1)
- implicit-explicit consistency (1)
- impounded rivers (1)
- in situ (1)
- inclusive education (1)
- information infrastructure (1)
- information processing (1)
- information retrieval (1)
- information system (1)
- insecticide (1)
- inszeniertes Charisma (1)
- integration (1)
- interaction (1)
- intergroup contact (1)
- invasive Arten (1)
- invasive species (1)
- invertebrates (1)
- keltisch (1)
- kinematics (1)
- klonale Diversität (1)
- kollaboratives Schreiben (1)
- konfligierende Information (1)
- kontext-reduzierte Gespräche (1)
- kooperatives Schreiben (1)
- land use change (1)
- landmarks (1)
- landscape (1)
- landscape complexity (1)
- landscape level (1)
- landscape mapping (1)
- laser induced fluorescence (1)
- laubassoziierter aquatischer Pilzgemeinschaften (1)
- leaching (1)
- lead desorption (1)
- leader-member exchange (1)
- leaf beetles (1)
- leaf-associated aquatic fungal communities (1)
- leafhoppers (1)
- learning context (1)
- lexical sophistication (1)
- life cycle test (1)
- lifelong learning (1)
- linear (1)
- long-living systems (1)
- longitudinal (1)
- low back pain (1)
- male gaze, (1)
- mammals (1)
- masculine disability (1)
- masculine identity (1)
- mathematical Modelling (1)
- mathematical modeling (1)
- mathematics (1)
- mathematische Frühförderung (1)
- mathematische Kompetenz (1)
- mathematische Modellbildung (1)
- mathematisches Modellieren (1)
- measure (1)
- measurement of invariance (1)
- mechanism of action (1)
- metal-film phase plate (1)
- methane (1)
- methodical comparison (1)
- microsatellite DNA (1)
- microsatellite analysis (1)
- migration (1)
- minimal pruning (1)
- missionary (1)
- mitigation (1)
- mitigation measures (1)
- mixtures (1)
- modeling competency (1)
- monitor (1)
- mood change (1)
- morphology (1)
- motivation (1)
- multiagent systems (1)
- multikriterielles Bewertungssystem (1)
- multilevel analysis (1)
- multimediales Lernen (1)
- multiprocessing (1)
- multitrait-multimethod models (1)
- mutual exclusion (1)
- nanoparticle (1)
- nationalism (1)
- natural language generation (1)
- natural organic matter (1)
- nature conservation (1)
- naturwissenschaftliche Konzepte (1)
- negotiation (1)
- neuartige Spurenstoffe (1)
- nicht gefrierbares Wasser (1)
- nichtlinearer Zusammenhang (1)
- nichtsuizidale Selbstverletzung (1)
- non-consumptive effects (1)
- non-crop habitats (1)
- non-point source (1)
- non-target effects (1)
- non-target plants (1)
- nternational organizations (1)
- numerical simulation (1)
- nun (1)
- object orientation (1)
- off-field habitats (1)
- offensive neorealism (1)
- olive mill wastewater (1)
- olive oil mill wastewater (1)
- oncological rehabilitation (1)
- onkologische Rehabilitation (1)
- online-self-assessment (1)
- optimization (1)
- organic coatings (1)
- organic pollution (1)
- organizational behavior (1)
- organophosphate (1)
- ozonation (1)
- ozonation of beta blockers (1)
- ozone (1)
- ozone reactivity (1)
- pH-Wert (1)
- parallel computing (1)
- parameter estimation (1)
- parents (1)
- peat (1)
- pedagogy (1)
- pelzresistente Rebsorten (1)
- periphyton (1)
- pest control (1)
- pesticide risk assessment (1)
- pharmaceuticals (1)
- photo selection (1)
- photovoltaic (1)
- physical activity (1)
- physical therapy (1)
- physics (1)
- plain language (1)
- plant protection products (1)
- planthoppers (1)
- plants (1)
- plastic consumption (1)
- playful learning (1)
- point source (1)
- pollen diet (1)
- pollinator development (1)
- pollinator fitness (1)
- pollution (1)
- polyurethane (1)
- population genetics (1)
- practical knowledge (1)
- predation (1)
- predictability (1)
- predictor (1)
- preschool children (1)
- primary care (1)
- primary school (1)
- priority effects (1)
- priority-Effekte (1)
- privacy by design (1)
- privacy impact assessment (1)
- probabilistic (1)
- problemhaltige Textaufgaben (1)
- prosocial behavior (1)
- prosoziale Gruppennorm (1)
- punishment goals (1)
- pyrethroids (1)
- qualitativ-explorative empirische Studie (1)
- quantitativ (1)
- quasi-experimentelles Design (1)
- question answering (1)
- rainfall simulation (1)
- rainforest (1)
- randomized controlled trial (1)
- rationality (1)
- real-time computing (1)
- reasoning (1)
- recolonisation (1)
- region labeling (1)
- rehabilitation (1)
- relative Prototypikalität (1)
- religiousness (1)
- repellency (1)
- reproduction (1)
- resources (1)
- response-shift (1)
- reverse osmosis (1)
- revision (1)
- risk mitigation measures (1)
- river sediments (1)
- rocking-phase plate (1)
- running (1)
- scaffolded writing (1)
- scale construction (1)
- scale validation (1)
- schizophrene Frau (1)
- school (1)
- school attack (1)
- school principal (1)
- school tier (1)
- schottisch-gaelisch (1)
- schottische Lieder (1)
- science learning (1)
- scorecard (1)
- security (1)
- selbstgenerierte Repräsentationen (1)
- self-efficacy (1)
- semantics (1)
- sexual orientation (1)
- silver nanoparticles (1)
- simulation (1)
- simulation of soil moisture (1)
- single-particle analysis (1)
- situational interest (1)
- situierte Beobachtung (1)
- soccer (1)
- social competence (1)
- social perception (1)
- social system (1)
- software engineering (1)
- soil (1)
- soil aquifer treatment (1)
- soil erosion (1)
- soil pH (1)
- soil solution (1)
- soil water repellency (1)
- soils (1)
- somatoform disorders (1)
- soziale Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit (1)
- soziales System (1)
- sparsity (1)
- spatial (1)
- spatial Fuzzy Logic (1)
- spatial and temporal varibility (1)
- special educational needs (1)
- sport therapy (1)
- spray-drift (1)
- springs (1)
- standardized measure (1)
- stationäre Pflege (1)
- stereotypes (1)
- stream (1)
- stream mesocosm (1)
- stress (1)
- structure (1)
- stud design (1)
- student misbehavior (1)
- student ratings (1)
- student writing (1)
- stygofauna (1)
- surface characteristics (1)
- surface water (1)
- suspended particle matter (1)
- swarming (1)
- swimming behaviour (1)
- systematics (1)
- tag recommendation (1)
- task orientation (1)
- teacher beliefs (1)
- teacher education (1)
- teacher motivation (1)
- teacher training (1)
- teacher-education (1)
- teaching (1)
- teaching research (1)
- text-picture integration (1)
- theoretical framework (1)
- therapy outcome (1)
- thermal analysis (1)
- titanium nitride (1)
- toxicokinetics (1)
- trace organic chemicals (1)
- traceability (1)
- traction test device (1)
- trait-mediated effects (1)
- transformation (1)
- transformation products (1)
- trophic cascades (1)
- turn (1)
- unternehmerische Eignungsmerkmale (1)
- uptake (1)
- validity (1)
- variational discretization (1)
- vascular plants (1)
- vaskuläre Planzen (1)
- vegetated treatment systems (1)
- verbal interaction (1)
- verbale Interaktion (1)
- verification (1)
- visuell-räumlicher Neglekt (1)
- viticulture (1)
- voice (1)
- wastewater treatment plant (1)
- water pollution (1)
- water reuse (1)
- water scarcity (1)
- water treatment (1)
- water-molecule-bridges (WaMB) (1)
- wear resistance (1)
- web 2.0 (1)
- wettability (1)
- wild bees (1)
- wildlife management (1)
- window of opportunity (1)
- wireworms (1)
- workload (1)
- world polity (1)
- writing (1)
- zooplankton (1)
- Ärger (1)
- Ästuar (1)
- Ätiologie (1)
- Öko-Effizienz (1)
- Ökoeffizienz (1)
- Ökosystem (1)
- Ökotoxologie (1)
- Österreich (1)
- Östliche Partnerschaft der EU (1)
- Überarbeitung (1)
- Übergang von der Grundschule zur weiterführenden Schule (1)
- Überwachung (1)
- öffentlich-privat (1)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Pädagogik, Abteilung Pädagogik (13)
Praktika als gängige Lehr-Lernformate in hochschulischen Kontexten setzen stets die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Institutionen und Personen voraus, da Studierende mit einem Praktikum den Lernort der Universität verlassen und in einen beruflichen Handlungszusammenhang mit den zugehörigen organisationalen Strukturen versetzt werden. Praktika werden unter anderem als Elemente der Berufsorientierung gesellschaftliche Implikationen zugeschrieben. Als Format innerhalb eines hochschulischen Bildungsgangs sind sie darüber hinaus mit didaktischen Begründungen verbunden und durch die Beteiligung verschiedener Personen auch mit individuellen Interessen. Studierende sind während eines Praktikums in der Rolle als Praktikant*in in besonderer Weise individuell gefordert. Ergänzt werden diese Perspektiven durch die Betrachtung disziplinärer und professioneller Implikationen, die sich für Praktika erziehungswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge ergeben. Zusammenarbeit findet in Praktika zwischen Organisationen, in Organisationen und zwischen Personen statt. Der geringe Forschungsstand zu Perspektiven auf Fragen der Zusammenarbeit für in erziehungswissenschaftliche Studiengänge integrierte Praktika bietet den Anlass der Studie. Um die verschiedenen Perspektiven auf Praktika als Zusammenarbeit zu erheben, werden qualitative episodische Interviews sowohl mit den Studierenden und Lehrenden einer Universität, als auch mit für Praktika verantwortlichen Tätigen aus dem beruflichen Bereich durchgeführt, die nach der qualitativen inhaltlich strukturierenden Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet werden. Aus der Auswertung der geführten Interviews mit den drei Akteur*innen-Gruppen ergibt sich ein Einblick darin, wie sich Zusammenarbeit zwischen pädagogisch tätigen Institutionen, Universitäten und Studierenden in und durch Praktika konkretisiert. Es werden beispielsweise Aspekte der Interaktionsbezogenen Dimensionen beschrieben, wie auftauchende Dilemmata, Resonanzen, Kulturen des Umgangs, Interessenslagen und Konstellationen von Akteur*innen. Diese werden ergänzt um Aspekte der Dimensionen mit Bezug zu Institutionen, Umwelt, Aufgaben und Personen. Die Interviewaussagen von drei interviewten Akteur*innen-Gruppen Studierende, Praxisanleiter*innen, universitäre Lehrende werden vergleichend anhand dieser Dimensionen betrachtet und als Ergebnisse dieser Studie dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse liefern Aussagen dazu, wie Zusammenarbeit in Praktika erziehungswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge von den beteiligten Akteur*innen-Gruppen wahrgenommen wird. Dies kann dazu beitragen die differierenden Perspektiven anschlussfähig zu machen für die didaktische und organisatorische Gestaltung von Praktika durch Institutionen wie Universitäten und Praktikumseinrichtungen, aber auch durch Initiative von Studierenden in der Rolle als Praktikant*innen während eines erziehungswissenschaftlichen Studiums. Auch für weitere Forschungsprojekte zum Zusammenwirken der Beteiligten in Praktika kann die Studie Anstöße bieten.
Eltern spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Inanspruchnahme von kultureller Bildung durch Kinder und Jugendliche. Häufig sind sie in die Organisation und Finanzierung der kulturellen Bildungsangebote involviert. Insbesondere in ländlichen Räumen kommt die Besonderheit hinzu, dass Eltern aufgrund größerer räumlicher Distanzen und einer unzureichenden Ausstattung des ÖPNV Begleitfahrten mit dem eigenen PKW durchführen müssen. Häufig werden ländliche Räume anhand objektivierbarer Daten als strukturschwach oder kulturarm beschrieben. Darüber, ob oder inwiefern das von ländlich lebenden Eltern ebenso gesehen wird, ist jedoch wenig bekannt.
Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift gibt einen Einblick in die elterlichen Perspektiven auf kulturelle Bildung in ländlichen Räumen. Sie basiert auf offenen, qualitativen Leitfadeninterviews mit Eltern aus vier ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands, die diskursanalytisch und unter Zuhilfenahme von Kodierungspraktiken aus dem Kontext der Grounded Theory ausgewertet wurden.
In den Interviews zeigt sich eine Vielzahl an elterlichen Verständnissen und Positionierungsweisen zur kulturellen Bildung in ländlichen Regionen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass der elterliche Diskurs auf einem komplexen Zusammenspiel sozioökonomischer bzw. -kultureller Bedingungen, raumstruktureller Gegebenheiten und individueller Präferenzen hinsichtlich kultureller Bildung auf dem Land basiert.
With the increasing importance and urgency of climate change, companies are challenged to contribute to sustainable development, especially by younger generations. However, existing corporate contributions have been criticized as insufficient, which could be particularly caused by a lack of employee engagement in corporate sustainability. In this context, gamification has been proposed and increasingly investigated in recent years as a promising, innovative tool to motivate sustainable employee behaviors in the workplace. However, there are few studies and applicable gamification solutions that address more than one specific sustainability issue and thus take a holistic perspective on sustainable behaviors in the workplace. Moreover, previous research lacks a comprehensive understanding of how different gamification elements elicit specific psychological effects, how these manifest in behavioral changes, and how these, in turn, cumulatively result in measurable corporate outcomes. The path from gamification as ”input” to corporate sustainability as ”output” thus remains unexplored.
This dissertation fills this gap by conceptualizing, designing, and evaluating a holistic gamified intervention that supports employees in various sustainable behaviors in their daily activities. The project uses a design science research approach that closely involves employees in the incremental development of the solution. As part of the iterative design process, this dissertation presents six studies to extend the theoretical understanding of gamification for sustainable employee behaviors. First, a comprehensive review of existing research on gamification for sustainable employee behavior is provided, analyzing gamification designs and results of previous studies and outlining an agenda for further research (Study 1). Theoretical foundations of research on gamification, serious games, and game-based learning (Study 2) and empirical design principles for gamification and persuasive systems (Study 3) are then systematically reviewed as a basis for the successful design of gamified applications. Subsequently, empirical studies explore employees’ motivations for sustainable behavior and illuminate their expectations for design features (Study 4), and identify contextual challenges and design dilemmas when implementing gamification in an organizational context (Study 5). Finally, a quantitative field study (Study 6) explores how different gamification designs influence sustainable employee behavior and corporate sustainability in organizations. Based on the findings, this dissertation presents a comprehensive framework of gamification for sustainable employee behavior that incorporates design, individual behavior, and organizational perspectives. Finally, building on these insights, it provides practical recommendations for designing gamification to encourage sustainable employee behavior at work.
Organic binder mixtures and process additives have been used in refractory materials for a long time due to their property-improving effect. Coal tar pitches in particular can contain thousands of chemical compounds, of which especially polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are known to be carcinogenic and mutagenic and thus pose a risk to both the environment and human health. However, despite intensive research, the exact structure of these carbon mixtures is still not fully clarified. This is becoming an increasing problem, especially with regard to more stringent legal requirements arising from REACH, the European Chemicals Regulation for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. Furthermore, the knowledge of the structural and chemical composition is also of great importance for optimal processing of the carbon mixtures to high-quality technical products. In the present work, an analytical strategy for the investigation of complex carbon mixtures containing PAHs is developed. Due to their complexity, a combination of different methods is used, including elemental analysis, solvent extraction, thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, raman and infrared spectroscopy as well as high-resolution mass spectrometry. In addition, a procedure for the evaluation of mass spectrometric data based on multivariate statistical methods such as hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis is developed. The application of the developed analytical strategy to various industrially used carbon-based binder mixtures allowed the elucidation of characteristic properties, including aromaticity, molecular mass distribution, degree of alkylation and elemental composition. It was also shown that combining high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry with multivariate statistical data analysis is a fast and effective tool for the classification of complex binder mixtures and the identification of characteristic molecular structures. In addition, the analytical strategy was applied to manufactured refractory products. Despite the small amount of the contained organic phase, characteristic structural features of each sample could be identified and extracted, which enabled an unambiguous classification of the refractory products.
Die Geometrie unseres Anschauungsraumes – die euklidische Geometrie – ist für einen allgemeinbildenden Mathematikunterricht elementar. Seitens der Mathematiklehrkraft stellt grundsätzlich ihr Fachwissen das Fundament des Unterrichtens dar. Als Teil ihres Professionswissens sollten Mathematiklehrkräfte prinzipiell über ein Fachwissen verfügen, das in Bezug zur akademischen Mathematik den unterrichtlichen Anforderungen der schulischen Mathematik gerecht wird.
Die im Rahmen der Dissertation entwickelte Theorie des metrisch-normalen euklidischen Raumes charakterisiert sich in ihrer perspektivischen Dualität, der mathematischen Stringenz eines axiomatisch-deduktiven Vorgehens auf der einen und der Berücksichtigung der fachdidaktischen Anforderungen an Mathematiklehrkräfte auf der anderen Seite; sie hebt sich darin von bestehenden Theorien ab.
Leichte Sprache (LS, easy-to-read German) is a simplified variety of German. It is used to provide barrier-free texts for a broad spectrum of people, including lowliterate individuals with learning difficulties, intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) and/or complex communication needs (CCN). In general, LS authors are proficient in standard German and do not belong to the aforementioned group of people. Our goal is to empower the latter to participate in written discourse themselves. This requires a special writing system whose linguistic support and ergonomic software design meet the target group’s specific needs. We present EasyTalk a system profoundly based on natural language processing (NLP) for assistive writing in an extended variant of LS (ELS). EasyTalk provides users with a personal vocabulary underpinned with customizable communication symbols and supports in writing at their individual level of proficiency through interactive user guidance. The system minimizes the grammatical knowledge needed to produce correct and coherent complex contents by intuitively formulating linguistic decisions. It provides easy dialogs for selecting options from a natural-language paraphrase generator, which provides context-sensitive suggestions for sentence components and correctly inflected word forms. In addition, EasyTalk reminds users to add text elements that enhance text comprehensibility in terms of audience design (e.g., time and place of an event) and improve text coherence (e.g., explicit connectors to express discourse-relations). To tailor the system to the needs of the target group, the development of EasyTalk followed the principles of human-centered design (HCD). Accordingly, we matured the system in iterative development cycles, combined with purposeful evaluations of specific aspects conducted with expert groups from the fields of CCN, LS, and IT, as well as L2 learners of the German language. In a final case study, members of the target audience tested the system in free writing sessions. The study confirmed that adults with IDD and/or CCN who have low reading, writing, and computer skills can write their own personal texts in ELS using EasyTalk. The positive feedback from all tests inspires future long-term studies with EasyTalk and further development of this prototypical system, such as the implementation of a so-called Schreibwerkstatt (writing workshop)
In the last years, the public interest in epidemiology and mathematical modeling of disease spread has increased - mainly caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has emphasized the urgent need for accurate and timely modelling of disease transmission. However, even prior to that, mathematical modelling has been used for describing the dynamics and spread of infectious diseases, which is vital for developing effective interventions and controls, e.g., for vaccination campaigns and social restrictions like lockdowns. The forecasts and evaluations provided by these models influence political actions and shape the measures implemented to contain the virus.
This research contributes to the understanding and control of disease spread, specifically for Dengue fever and COVID-19, making use of mathematical models and various data analysis techniques. The mathematical foundations of epidemiological modelling, as well as several concepts for spatio-temporal diffusion like ordinary differential equation (ODE) models, are presented, as well as an originally human-vector model for Dengue fever, and the standard (SEIR)-model (with the potential inclusion of an equation for deceased persons), which are suited for the description of COVID-19. Additionally, multi-compartment models, fractional diffusion models, partial differential equations (PDE) models, and integro-differential models are used to describe spatial propagation of the diseases.
We will make use of different optimization techniques to adapt the models to medical data and estimate the relevant parameters or finding optimal control techniques for containing diseases using both Metropolis and Lagrangian methods. Reasonable estimates for the unknown parameters are found, especially in initial stages of pandemics, when little to no information is available and the majority of the population has not got in contact with the disease. The longer a disease is present, the more complex the modelling gets and more things (vaccination, different types, etc.) appear and reduce the estimation and prediction quality of the mathematical models.
While it is possible to create highly complex models with numerous equations and parameters, such an approach presents several challenges, including difficulties in comparing and evaluating data, increased risk of overfitting, and reduced generalizability. Therefore, we will also consider criteria for model selection based on fit and complexity as well as the sensitivity of the model with respect to specific parameters. This also gives valuable information on which political interventions should be more emphasized for possible variations of parameter values.
Furthermore, the presented models, particularly the optimization using the Metropolis algorithm for parameter estimation, are compared with other established methods. The quality of model calculation, as well as computational effort and applicability, play a role in this comparison. Additionally, the spatial integro-differential model is compared with an established agent-based model. Since the macroscopic results align very well, the computationally faster integro-differential model can now be used as a proxy for the slower and non-traditionally optimizable agent-based model, e.g., in order to find an apt control strategy.
In a world where language defines the boundaries of one's understanding, the words of Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein resonate profoundly. Wittgenstein's assertion that "Die Grenzen meine Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt" (Wittgenstein 2016: v. 5.6) underscores the vital role of language in shaping our perceptions. Today, in a globalized and interconnected society, fluency in foreign languages is indispensable for individual success. Education must break down these linguistic barriers, and one promising approach is the integration of foreign languages into content subjects.
Teaching content subjects in a foreign language, a practice known as Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), not only enhances language skills but also cultivates cognitive abilities and intercultural competence. This approach expands horizons and aligns with the core principles of European education (Leaton Gray, Scott & Mehisto 2018: 50). The Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) recognizes the benefits of CLIL and encourages its implementation in German schools (cf. KMK 2013a).
With the rising popularity of CLIL, textbooks in foreign languages have become widely available, simplifying teaching. However, the appropriateness of the language used in these materials remains an unanswered question. If textbooks impose excessive linguistic demands, they may inadvertently limit students' development and contradict the goal of CLIL.
This thesis focuses on addressing this issue by systematically analyzing language requirements in CLIL teaching materials, emphasizing receptive and productive skills in various subjects based on the Common European Framework of Reference. The aim is to identify a sequence of subjects that facilitates students' language skill development throughout their school years. Such a sequence would enable teachers to harness the full potential of CLIL, fostering a bidirectional approach where content subjects facilitate language learning.
While research on CLIL is extensive, studies on language requirements for bilingual students are limited. This thesis seeks to bridge this gap by presenting findings for History, Geography, Biology, and Mathematics, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of language demands. This research endeavors to enrich the field of bilingual education and CLIL, ultimately benefiting the academic success of students in an interconnected world.
Bauxite is, among other raw materials, an important material for the production of refractories. However, the availability of refractory raw material grades is limited worldwide. As high iron contents have a negative influence on the temperature resistance of the refractory material produced, a maximum iron oxide content of 2 wt.-% in the bauxite is acceptable. This means that only native raw materials from a few deposits can be used. In order to counteract the problem of too high iron oxide contents in natural bauxites, the possibility of processing bauxite for the refractory industry by using an acid leaching process was to be investigated within the scope of this work. In previous studies on this topic, some investigations on iron leaching have already been carried out on individual bauxites. However, the resulting bauxite composition was mostly neglected in its entirety and only the influences of individual leaching parameters on the leaching result were investigated independently. Moreover, the results and procedures generated are not generally valid and cannot be transferred to bauxites of other chemical or mineralogical compositions.
In order to clarify the open questions in the processing of natural bauxites, leaching tests with hydrochloric acid were carried out on five different bauxites within this work. By using computerized statistical design of experiments, an individual model was generated for each bauxite to predict the optimal factor settings. The factors investigated were acid concentration, solid-acid ratio, leaching temperature, leaching time and grain fraction. The general planning method for bauxite processing developed in this context contains all necessary factors, useful factor settings and the effects to be considered during planning and evaluation. It could be shown that, based on this planning method, a significant, individual model can be created for each of the bauxites investigated, which predicts the optimal leaching settings for the corresponding bauxite. Furthermore, it was found that the transfer of an already created model to another bauxite of similar composition is possible. Based on the results obtained from the leaching tests and model fittings, in combination with further results on the structural analysis of the bauxites, insights into the leachability of various aluminium and iron minerals from bauxite could be gained.
To develop a sustainable acid leaching process, the possibility of regenerating the contaminated acid produced was also tested as an example. It was shown that liquid-liquid extraction can extract more than 99 % of the iron present in the solution and that the regenerated acid can then be reused for the leaching process.
Wie hingen Sprache und Gewalt im Nationalsozialismus zusammen? Ausgehend von der konstitutiven Sprachphilosophie des kanadischen Philosophen Charles Taylor untersucht die Dissertation die destruktive Wirkmacht der Sprache am Fall des Nationalsozialismus, der auf ungekannte Weise in die Sprache eingriff und damit Gewalt begünstigte, die bis heute ohnegleichen ist.
The trends of industry 4.0 and the further enhancements toward an ever changing factory lead to more mobility and flexibility on the factory floor. With that higher need of mobility and flexibility the requirements on wireless communication rise. A key requirement in that setting is the demand for wireless Ultra-Reliability and Low Latency Communication (URLLC). Example use cases therefore are cooperative Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and mobile robotics in general. Working along that setting this thesis provides insights regarding the whole network stack. Thereby, the focus is always on industrial applications. Starting on the physical layer, extensive measurements from 2 GHz to 6 GHz on the factory floor are performed. The raw data is published and analyzed. Based on that data an improved Saleh-Valenzuela (SV) model is provided. As ad-hoc networks are highly depended onnode mobility, the mobility of AGVs is modeled. Additionally, Nodal Encounter Patterns (NEPs) are recorded and analyzed. A method to record NEP is illustrated. The performance by means of latency and reliability are key parameters from an application perspective. Thus, measurements of those two parameters in factory environments are performed using Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) (IEEE 802.11n), private Long Term Evolution (pLTE) and 5G. This showed auto-correlated latency values. Hence, a method to construct confidence intervals based on auto-correlated data containing rare events is developed. Subsequently, four performance improvements for wireless networks on the factory floor are proposed. Of those optimization three cover ad-hoc networks, two deal with safety relevant communication, one orchestrates the usage of two orthogonal networks and lastly one optimizes the usage of information within cellular networks.
Finally, this thesis is concluded by an outlook toward open research questions. This includes open questions remaining in the context of industry 4.0 and further the ones around 6G. Along the research topics of 6G the two most relevant topics concern the ideas of a network of networks and overcoming best-effort IP.
Harvesting Season?
Efforts to induce customers to buy groceries through the Internet have existed for around twenty years. Early on, the market structures of the digital grocery trade were still strongly fragmented and poorly coordinated. Due to the technological advancement in the past decade, the digital purchase of groceries has become more attractive. The adoption rate of these services varies greatly between different regions. In Germany in particular, the digital grocery trade is stagnating at a comparatively low level. In this regard, this dissertation analyzes both the retail-side market structures and the expectations and obstacles of German consumers.
The year 2020 connotes a turning point for the online grocery trade, as daily routines such as grocery shopping were subject to strict regulations imparted at a governmental level in order to reduce COVID-19 infections. At the same time, despite this opportunity, the digital grocery trade has not yet established itself nationwide in Germany. This can be attributed to a lack of investments, but also to inadequate digitization measures. A stronger synchronization between the digital and stationary offer, better integration of digital food services at a regional level as well as adapted, target group-appropriate digital solutions for the efficient breakdown of usage barriers will benefit service usage. The importance of stable food chains and distribution channels was illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Further research should help to develop the digital food trade into a stable and sustainable supplementation of the stationary store.
Fungicide effects on the structure and functioning of leaf-associated aquatic fungal communities
Aquatic hyphomycetes are a polyphyletic group of saprotrophic fungi growing abundantly on submerged leaf litter. In stream ecosystems shaped by allochthonous leaf litter inputs, they play a central functional role as decomposers and food source for other organisms. Fungicides pose a threat to aquatic hyphomycetes and their functions, since these substances are inherently toxic to fungi and contaminate surface waters around the world due to their widespread use in agricultural and urban landscapes. While fungicides’ potential to reduce fungal diversity are discerned, the extent of impacts on biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships (B EF) remains unclear. This is partly attributed to methodological constraints in the detection and quantification of single aquatic hyphomycete species within microbial leaf-associated communities. The primary aim of this thesis was, therefore, (1) to assess the ecotoxicological impacts of fungicides on B-EF relationships in aquatic hyphomycete communities. To facilitate this, subordinate aims were to (2) develop DNA-based biomolecular tools (i.e., qPCR assays) to detect and to quantify the biomass of different aquatic hyphomycete species in mixed cultures and (3) to investigate the mechanisms underlying B-EF relationships in the absence of chemical stressors.
In the course of this thesis, qPCR assays were developed for detection and species-specific biomass quantification of ten common aquatic hyphomycete species and successfully validated for application in eco( toxico )logical microcosm experiments. Via a systematic manipulation of fungal diversity, these assays allow the examination of B-EF relationships by assessments of deviations between observed and (monoculture-based) predicted activities in fungal mixed cultures. Taking advantage of these tools in a microcosm experiment, it was uncovered that leaf decomposition results from the additive activity of community members, even though functionally distinct species were present. Colonization dynamics are characterized by complex interactions. Colonization success of aquatic hyphomycetes is higher if co-occurring species are genetically and functionally distinct (i.e., complementary interactions). However, the co-occurrence of aquatic hyphomycete species does not necessarily result in a greater colonization success compared to monocultures, unless bacteria are present. Accordingly, the presence of other microbial groups such as bacteria may induce new fungal diversity-based feedback loops, which ultimately enable coexistence of aquatic hyphomycete species in the environment. Exposure to fungicides revealed substantial differences in sensitivities among aquatic hyphomycetes. The most productive species were able to cope with extremely high fungicide concentrations up to the mg/L-range. In assemblages containing these species, leaf decomposition was maintained under fungicide exposure. Yet, already at environmentally relevant fungicide concentrations, tolerant species displaced more sensitive ones, potentially affecting leaves’ nutritional quality for consumers. This thesis thus indicates that fungicide exposure poses a risk to stream food webs rather than the microbial leaf decomposition process per se.
Today’s agriculture heavily relies on pesticides to manage diverse pests and maximise crop yields. Despite elaborate regulation of pesticide use based on a complex environmental risk assessment (ERA) scheme, the widespread use of these biologically active compounds has been shown to be a threat to the environment. For surface waters, pesticide exposure has been observed to exceed safe concentration levels and negatively impact stream ecology leading to the question whether current ERA schemes ensure a sustainable use of pesticides. To answer this, the large-scale “Kleingewässer-Monitoring” (KgM) assessed the occurrence of pesticides and related effects in 124 streams throughout Germany, Central Europe, in 2018 and 2019.
Based on five scientific publications originating from the KgM, this thesis evaluated pesticide exposure in streams, ecological effects and the regulatory implications. More than 1,000 water samples were analysed for over 100 pesticide analytes to characterise occurrence patterns (publication 1). Measured concentrations and effects were used to validate the exposure and effect concentrations predicted in the ERA (publication 2). By jointly analysing real-world pesticide application data and measured pesticide mixtures in streams, the disregard of environmental pesticide mixtures in the ERA was evaluated (publication 3). The toxic potential of mixtures in stream water was additionally investigated using suspect screening for 395 chemicals and a battery of in-vitro bioassays (publication 4). Finally, the results from the KgM stream monitoring were used to assess the capability to identify pesticide risks in governmental monitoring programmes (publication 5).
The results of this thesis reveal the widespread occurrence of pesticides in non-target stream ecosystems. The water samples contained a variety of pesticides occurring in complex mixtures predominantly in short-term peaks after rainfall events (publications 1 & 4). Respective pesticide concentration maxima were linked to declines in vulnerable invertebrate species and exceeded regulatory acceptable concentrations in about 80% of agricultural streams, while these thresholds were still estimated partly insufficient to protect the invertebrate community (publication 2). The co-occurrence of pesticides in streams led to a risk underestimated in the single substance-oriented ERA by a factor of about 3.2 in realistic worst-case scenarios, which is further exacerbated by a high frequency at which non-target organism are exposed to pesticides (publication 3). Stream water samples taken after rainfall caused distinct effects in bioassays which were only explainable to a minor extent by the many analytes, indicating the relevance of unknown chemical or biological mixture components (publication 4). Finally, the regulatory monitoring of surface waters under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) was found to significantly underestimate pesticide risks, as about three quarters of critical pesticides and more than half of streams at risk were overlooked (publication 5).
Essentially, this thesis involves a new level of validation of the ERA of pesticides in aquatic ecosystems by assessing pesticide occurrence and environmental impacts at a scale so far unique. The overall results demonstrate that the current agricultural use of pesticides leads to significant impacts on stream ecology that go beyond the level tolerated under the ERA. This thesis identified the underestimation of pesticide exposure, the potential insufficiency of regulatory thresholds and the general inertia of the authorisation process as the main causes why the ERA fails to meet its objectives. To achieve a sustainable use of pesticides, the thesis proposes substantial refinements of the ERA. Adequate monitoring programmes such as the KgM, which go beyond current government monitoring efforts, will continue to be needed to keep pesticide regulators constantly informed of the validity of their prospective ERA, which will always be subject to uncertainty.
In the last decades, it became evident that the world is facing an unprecedented, human-induced global biodiversity crisis with amphibians being one of the most threatened species groups. About 41% of the amphibian species are classified as endangered by the IUCN, but even in amphibian species that are listed as "least concern", population declines can be observed on a local level. With land-use change and agrochemicals (i.e. pesticides), two of the main drivers for this amphibian decline are directly linked to intensive agriculture, which is the dominant landscape type in large parts of Europe. Thus, understanding the situation of amphibians in the agricultural landscape is crucial for conservation measures. In the present thesis, I investigated the effects of viticulture on amphibian populations around Landau in der Pfalz (Germany) in terms of habitat use, pesticide exposure, biometric traits as well as genetic and age structure. From the perspective of amphibians, land-use change means usually the destruction of habitats in agricultural landscapes, which often leads to landscape fragmentation. Thus, I followed the question if also vineyards lead to the fragmentation of the landscape and if pesticides that are frequently used in viticulture have to be considered as a factor too, so if there is a chemical landscape fragmentation. Using telemetry, I could show that common toads (Bufo bufo) can be found directly in vineyards, but that they tend to avoid them as habitat. Analysing the genetic structure of common frogs (Rana temporaria) revealed that vineyards have to be considered as a barrier for amphibians. To identify if pesticides contribute to the resulting landscape fragmentation, I conducted an arena choice experiment in the laboratory in which I found evidence for an avoidance of pesticide-contaminated soil. Such an avoidance could be one of the underlying reasons for a potential chemical landscape fragmentation. By combining telemetry data with information about pesticide applications from local wine growers, I could show that a large part of the common toads is likely to come in contact with pesticides. Further, I demonstrated that the agricultural landscape, probably due to the application of pesticides, can have negative effects on the reproduction capacity of common toads. By studying palmate newts (Lissotriton helveticus) I found that adult newts from agricultural ponds are smaller than those from forest ponds. As I did not find differences in the age structure and growth, these differences might be carry-over effects from earlier life stages. While agricultural ponds might be suitable habitats for adult palmate newts, the potential carry-over effect indicates suboptimal conditions for larvae and/or juveniles. I conclude that the best management measure for sustaining amphibians in the agricultural landscape would be a heterogeneous cultural landscape with a mosaic of different habitat patches that work without or at least a reduced amount of pesticides. Green corridors between populations and different habitats would allow migrating individuals to avoid agricultural and thus pesticide-contaminated areas. This would reduce the pesticide exposure risk of amphibians, while preventing the fragmentation of the landscape and thus the isolation of populations.
This thesis was motivated by the need to advance the knowledge on the variability and dynamics of energy fluxes in lakes and reservoirs, as well as about the physical processes that regulate the fluxes at both the air and water side of the air-water interface.
In the first part, I re-examine how mechanical energy, resulting from its major source – the vertical wind energy flux - distributes into the various types of water motions, including turbulent flows and surface and internal waves. Although only a small fraction of the wind energy flux from the atmosphere is transferred to the water, it is crucial for physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes in lentic ecosystems. Based on extensive air- and water-side measurements collected at two small water bodies (< 10 km2), we estimated the energy fluxes and energy content in surface and in internal waves. Overall, the estimated energy fluxes and energy content agree well with results reported for larger water bodies, suggesting that the energetics driving the water motions in enclosed basins is similar, independently of the basin size. Our findings highlight the importance of the surface waves that receive the largest fraction of the wind energy flux, which strongly nonlinearly increases for wind speeds exceeding 3 m s-1. We found that the existing parameterization of the wave height as a function of wind speed and fetch length did not reproduce the measured wave amplitude in lakes. On average, the highest energy content was observed in basin-scale internal waves, together with high-frequency internal waves exhibiting seasonal variability and varies among the aquatic systems. During our analysis, we discovered the diurnal variability of the energy dissipation rates in the studied lake, suggesting biogenic turbulence generation, which appears to be a widespread phenomenon in lakes and reservoirs.
In the second part of the thesis, I addressed current knowledge gaps related to the bulk transfer coefficients (also known as the drag coefficient, the Stanton number and the Dalton number), which are of a particular importance for the bulk estimation of the surface turbulent fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat in the atmospheric boundary layer. Their inaccurate representation may lead to significant errors in flux estimates, affecting, for example, the weather and climate predictions or estimations of the near-surface current velocities in lake hydrodynamic models. Although the bulk transfer coefficients have been extensively studied over the past several decades (mainly in marine and large-lake environments), there has been no systematic analysis of measurements obtained at lakes of different size. A significant increase of the transfer coefficients at low wind speeds (< 3 m s-1) has been observed in several studies, but, to date, it has remained unexplained. We evaluated
the bulk transfer coefficients using flux measurements from 31 lakes and reservoirs. The estimates were generally within the range reported in previous studies for large lakes and oceans. All transfer coefficients increased substantially at low wind speeds, which was found to be associated with the presence of gusts and capillary waves (except the Dalton number). We found that the Stanton number is systematically higher than the Dalton number. This challenges the assumption made in the Bowen-ratio method, which is widely used for estimating evaporation rates from micrometeorological measurements. We found that the variability of the transfer coefficients among the lakes could be associated with lake surface area. In flux parameterizations at lake surfaces, it is recommended to consider variations in the drag coefficient and the Stanton number due to wind gustiness and capillary wave roughness while the Dalton number could be considered as constant at all wind speeds.
In the third part of the thesis, I address the key drivers of the near-surface turbulence that control the gas exchange in a large regulated river. As all inland waters, rivers are an important natural source of greenhouse gases. The effects of the widespread alteration and regulation of river flow for human demands on gas exchange is largely unknown. In particular, the near-surface turbulence in regulated rivers has been rarely measured and its drivers have not been identified. While in lakes and reservoirs, near-surface turbulence is mainly related to atmospheric forcing, in shallow rivers and streams it is generated by bottom friction of the gravity-forced flow. The studied large regulated river represents a transition between these two cases. Atmospheric forcing and gravity were the dominant drivers of the near-surface turbulence for a similar fraction of the measurement period. Based on validated scalings, we derived a simple model for estimating the relative contributions of wind and bottom friction to near-surface turbulence in lotic ecosystems with different flow depths. Large diel variability in the near-surface energy dissipation rates due to flow regulation leads to the same variability in gas exchange. This suggests that estimates of gas fluxes from rivers are biased by measurements performed predominantly during daytime.
In addition, the novelty in all the analyses described above is the use of the turbulent surface fluxes measured directly by the eddy-covariance technique – at the moment of writing, the most advanced method. Overall, this thesis is of a potential interest for a broad range of scientific disciplines, including limnology, micrometeorology and open channel hydraulics.
In der Biologie stellt das Zeichnen eine zentrale Arbeitstechnik dar. Viele Studien konnten auf einen positiven Effekt des Zeichnens für bestimmte Situationen hinweisen. Schülerinnen und Schüler müssen diese Technik jedoch zunächst erlernen. Hierbei können zahlreiche Schwierigkeiten auftreten, die die inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung gefährden. Jedoch wurden sowohl Schwierigkeiten im Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Repräsentationsformen als auch der Zeichenprozess bislang nur lückenhaft untersucht. Die Studie dieser Arbeit hat daher zum Ziel, (I) den Zeichenprozess auf der Ebene der Sichtstruktur zu beschreiben, (II) die manifesten Schwierigkeiten von Lernenden zu erfassen, auf die sie während der Konstruktion biologisch bedeutsamer Repräsentationsformen (Ablaufdiagramme, mikroskopische Zeichnungen) treffen, (III) und auf Grundlage der empirischen Befunde Schülertypen abzuleiten. Vor diesem Hintergrund waren 21 Schülerinnen und Schüler angehalten, jeweils ein Ablaufdiagramm auf Grundlage eines Texts und eine mikroskopische Zeichnung auf Grundlage eines Präparats zu konstruieren und dabei laut zu denken. Fragen zur Vorerfahrung sowie retrospektiv gestellte Fragen zum Vorgehen der Teilnehmenden umrahmten den videografisch dokumentierten Prozess. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Zeichenprozess mehr als zehn unterschiedliche Tätigkeiten umfassen kann, wobei die Kerntätigkeit des Zeichnens durchschnittlich nur rund ein Drittel des Prozesses ausmacht. Die Prozessstruktur zwischen Fällen variiert erheblich. Weiterhin konnten etwa 30 Schwierigkeiten bzw. Fehler identifiziert werden, die während der Konstruktion beider Repräsentationsformen auftreten. Diese können dabei sowohl einzelne als auch mehrere Tätigkeiten betreffen und zu Tätigkeitsabbrüchen führen. Schwierigkeiten stehen häufig in Verbindung mit Tätigkeiten, die außerhalb der Kerntätigkeit des Zeichnens liegen (z. B. Abgleich mit der Textgrundlage). Bezogen auf Ablaufdiagramme stellt das Verhältnis depiktional bzw. deskriptional dargestellter Textinformationen den Ausgangspunkt der Typisierung dar: Typ I: realistisch abbildend, II: alternierend abbildend und III: schriftorientiert abbildend. Für mikroskopische Zeichnungen war die Häufigkeit des Abgleichs mit dem Objekt grundlegend für die Typisierung: Typ I: oberflächlich abbildend, II: objektorientiert abbildend und III: undifferenziert detailliert abbildend. Die Studie liefert erstmals Kategoriensysteme, die es erlauben, die Prozessstruktur des Zeichnens sichtbar und zwischen Fällen vergleichbar zu machen sowie schwierigkeitsbezogenes Grundlagenwissen zur Konstruktion von Zeichnungen, basierend auf Texten und Beobachtungen. Die Übertragbarkeit der Befunde auf andere Repräsentationsformen ist an vielen Stellen denkbar. Die theoretisch fundierte Systematisierung von Schwierigkeiten kann von weiterführenden Untersuchungsansätze aufgegriffen werden und erlaubt die Verortung situationsangemessener Unterstützungsmaßnahmen.
This dissertation is dedicated to a new concept for capturing renunciation-oriented attitudes and beliefs — sufficiency orientation. Sufficiency originates in the interdisciplinary sustain-ability debate. In contrast to efficiency and consistency, sufficiency considers human behaviour as the cause of socio-ecological crises and strives for a reduction in consumption respecting the planetary boundaries. The present work places sufficiency in a psychological research context and explores it qualitatively and quantitatively. On the basis of five manuscripts, the overarching question pursued is to what extent sufficiency orientation contributes to socio-ecological transformation. Based on one qualitative study and five further quantitative studies, sufficiency orientation is investigated in different behavioural contexts that are of particular importance with regard to CO2 emissions. In addition, sufficiency orientation is linked to a wider range of psychologically relevant theories that help gain an overview of correlates and possible causes for the development of a sufficiency orientation.
Manuscript 1 uses expert interviews (N = 21) to develop a heuristic framework on a transformation towards societal sufficiency orientation including barriers and enablers, as well as ambiguities on such a change. The derived elements are interpreted in the light of the leverage points approach. This framework can serve as a heuristic for future research and to develop measures concerning sufficiency orientation.
As part of an online study (N = 648), Manuscript 2 examines the extent to which sufficiency orientation can be embedded in classic models for explaining pro-environmental intentions and behaviour (Theory of Planned Behaviour, Norm Activation Model), and showed a significant contribution to the explanation of intentions and behaviour in the field of plastic consumption.
Manuscript 3 reports two framing experiments (Study 1, N = 123, Study 2, N = 330) to investigate how pro-social justice sensitivity contributes to making sufficiency orientation more salient and promoting it. While sufficiency orientation and pro-social facets of justice sensitivity were positively related to each other, there was no effect of the framing intervention in the hypothesised direction. The results indicate that justice-related information at least in the presented manner is more likely to generate reactance.
Manuscript 4 presents an online study (N = 317) and targets the importance of sufficiency orientation for predicting actual greenhouse gas emissions in relation to flight behav-iour and policy support for the decarbonisation of mobility. In addition, the connection between sufficiency orientation and global identity is examined. It turns out that sufficiency orientation is superior to global identity in predicting actual emissions and decarbonisation policies. Contrary to expectations, sufficiency orientation and the form of global identity operationalised in the presented study shows a positive correlation and are compatible.
Manuscript 5 reports a reflective diary intervention (N = 252) that should lead to a short- and long-term increase in sufficiency orientation by satisfying basic psychological needs through induced self-reflection. For both groups with or without the intervention, sufficiency orientation increased slightly but significantly. Although no specific effect of the manipulation was found, basic psychological need satisfaction turns out to be the largest predictor for sufficiency orientation. Subjective well-being is positively associated with sufficiency orientation, while time affluence shows no clear associations in the study.
Overall, the results highlight the relevance of sufficiency orientation in relation to socio-ecological transformation and actual behavioural change. Sufficiency orientation is related to low-emission behaviour and support for political measures to decarbonize infrastructures. These results contribute to the discussion on the intention-behaviour gap in regard to impact-relevant behaviour, i.e. behaviour producing high emissions. The present findings suggest, that sufficiency orientation could be related to a strong intention-behavioural consistency. However, further research is needed to validate these results and improve the measurement of sufficiency orientation. Furthermore, the studies provided insights on correlates of sufficiency orientation: justice sensitivity, global identity, subjective well-being and left-wing liberal political ideologies are all found to be positively related to sufficiency orien-tation. Moreover, basic psychological need satisfaction was identified as a potential mechanism that can support the emergence of sufficiency orientation, however, causality remains unclear. From these findings, the work derives practical implications how to possibly strengthen sufficiency orientation on the micro, meso and macro levels of society.
Taken together, the dissertation provides important insights into a new and still developing concept, and shows its connectivity to psychological theories. However, future research is required in order to grasp more precisely the complexity of sufficiency orientation and to understand origins and predictors of sufficiency orientation. This work contributes to the interdisciplinary debate on socio-ecological transformation and points out that sufficiency orientation can serve to a future worth living as being related to reduced consumption.
Social networks are ubiquitous structures that we generate and enrich every-day while connecting with people through social media platforms, emails, and any other type of interaction. While these structures are intangible to us, they carry important information. For instance, the political leaning of our friends can be a proxy to identify our own political preferences. Similarly, the credit score of our friends can be decisive in the approval or rejection of our own loans. This explanatory power is being leveraged in public policy, business decision-making and scientific research because it helps machine learning techniques to make accurate predictions. However, these generalizations often benefit the majority of people who shape the general structure of the network, and put in disadvantage under-represented groups by limiting their resources and opportunities. Therefore it is crucial to first understand how social networks form to then verify to what extent their mechanisms of edge formation contribute to reinforce social inequalities in machine learning algorithms.
To this end, in the first part of this thesis, I propose HopRank and Janus two methods to characterize the mechanisms of edge formation in real-world undirected social networks. HopRank is a model of information foraging on networks. Its key component is a biased random walker based on transition probabilities between k-hop neighborhoods. Janus is a Bayesian framework that allows to identify and rank plausible hypotheses of edge formation in cases where nodes possess additional information. In the second part of this thesis, I investigate the implications of these mechanisms - that explain edge formation in social networks - on machine learning. Specifically, I study the influence of homophily, preferential attachment, edge density, fraction of inorities, and the directionality of links on both performance and bias of collective classification, and on the visibility of minorities in top-k ranks. My findings demonstrate a strong correlation between network structure and machine learning outcomes. This suggests that systematic discrimination against certain people can be: (i) anticipated by the type of network, and (ii) mitigated by connecting strategically in the network.