Doctoral Thesis
Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (475) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (224)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- ecotoxicology (4)
- risk assessment (4)
- Arbeitszufriedenheit (3)
- Bildverarbeitung (3)
- Biodiversität (3)
- Biomechanik (3)
- Bodenchemie (3)
- Dialog (3)
- GIS (3)
- Grounded Theory (3)
- Grundwasser (3)
- Information Retrieval (3)
- Inhaltsanalyse (3)
- Insektizid (3)
- Integration (3)
- Klimawandel (3)
- Kultur (3)
- Lendenwirbelsäule (3)
- Nanopartikel (3)
- Pesticides (3)
- Pfalz (3)
- Pädagogik (3)
- Risikoanalyse (3)
- Schizophrenie (3)
- Selbstwirksamkeit (3)
- Simulation (3)
- Systematik (3)
- Umweltpsychologie (3)
- agriculture (3)
- groundwater fauna (3)
- model-based (3)
- monitoring (3)
- pesticide (3)
- pesticides (3)
- runoff (3)
- soil organic matter (3)
- Ökologie (3)
- Abdrift (2)
- Abduktion <Logik> (2)
- Abwasser (2)
- Abwasserreinigung (2)
- Agriculture (2)
- Akzeptanz (2)
- Anpassung (2)
- Araneae (2)
- Bestäubung (2)
- Betriebspädagogik (2)
- Bewertung (2)
- Bildung (2)
- Bildverstehen (2)
- Biodiversity (2)
- Biographieforschung (2)
- Biomonitoring (2)
- Boden (2)
- CSCW (2)
- Chronischer Schmerz (2)
- Computermodell (2)
- Computersimulation (2)
- Coping (2)
- Datenschutz (2)
- Diagnose (2)
- Diffusion (2)
- Digitalisierung (2)
- Ecotoxicology (2)
- Eltern (2)
- Emissionen (2)
- Exposition (2)
- Eyetracking (2)
- Feldsaum (2)
- Fließgewässer (2)
- Frau (2)
- Fremdsprachenunterricht (2)
- Fungizid (2)
- Gender (2)
- Genetische Variabilität (2)
- Governance (2)
- Grundschule (2)
- Habitat Fragmentation (2)
- Heilanstalt (2)
- Hydrodynamik (2)
- Hydrogeologie (2)
- Jugendhilfe (2)
- Jugendstil (2)
- Kakamega Forest (2)
- Klassifikation (2)
- Kognitive Linguistik (2)
- Kompetenz (2)
- Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse (2)
- Konflikt (2)
- Laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie (2)
- Lehrerbildung (2)
- Lernen (2)
- Limnologie (2)
- Macht (2)
- Makroinvertebraten (2)
- Management (2)
- Maschinelles Lernen (2)
- Mathematik (2)
- Mesofauna (2)
- Modellgetriebene Entwicklung (2)
- Monitoring (2)
- Nanoparticles (2)
- Naturwissenschaften (2)
- Organisationsentwicklung (2)
- Parteienkommunikation (2)
- Pestizide (2)
- Petri-Netz (2)
- Pflege (2)
- Pflegeanstalt (2)
- Physikunterricht (2)
- Professionalität (2)
- Psychologie (2)
- Qualitätssicherung (2)
- Rehabilitation (2)
- Ressourcen (2)
- Rheinland-Pfalz (2)
- Risikobewertung (2)
- Risikomanagement (2)
- Sediment (2)
- Semantic Web (2)
- Serviceorientierte Architektur (2)
- Sonderpädagogik (2)
- Sozialpsychologie (2)
- Stress (2)
- Taxonomie (2)
- Umweltwissenschaften (2)
- Vermeidung (2)
- Visualisierung (2)
- Wastewater treatment plants (2)
- Weinbau (2)
- Wissen (2)
- Wissensrepräsentation (2)
- aquatic ecotoxicology (2)
- aquatic macrophytes (2)
- bioindicator (2)
- biomonitoring (2)
- confirmatory factor analysis (2)
- decomposition (2)
- dialogische Führung (2)
- diffusion (2)
- evaluation (2)
- eye tracking (2)
- freshwater organisms (2)
- gait (2)
- land use (2)
- macroinvertebrates (2)
- mentale Repräsentation (2)
- micropollutants (2)
- modeling (2)
- modelling (2)
- mosquito control (2)
- optimal control (2)
- prevention (2)
- self-concept (2)
- sorption (2)
- speech (2)
- streams (2)
- traits (2)
- wastewater treatment (2)
- Ökosystemdienstleistung (2)
- Ökotoxikologie (2)
- 18. Jahrhundert (1)
- 1H-NMR Relaxometry (1)
- 3D Modell Referenz Bildsynthese (1)
- 3D-Vermessung (1)
- ACL injury (1)
- AD(H)S Bindung (1)
- ADHS (1)
- ADS (1)
- Abbildung <Mathematik> (1)
- Abdrift <Pflanzenbau> (1)
- Abfluss (1)
- Absolutismus (1)
- Abwasserbehandlung (1)
- Acceleration Structures (1)
- Achtsamkeit (1)
- Acquis communautaire (1)
- Action Recognition (1)
- Action Segmentation (1)
- Ad-hoc-Netz (1)
- Adaptation (1)
- Adaptiver Test (1)
- Adressatenorientierung (1)
- Aesthetics (1)
- Africa (1)
- Afrika (1)
- Agoraphobie (1)
- Agriotes spp. (1)
- Agrochemikalien (1)
- Aktionsart (1)
- Aktiver Wortschatz (1)
- Aktivität (1)
- Akuter Schmerz (1)
- Algorithmische Geometrie (1)
- Allianz (1)
- Alltagsgeschichte (1)
- Alltäglichkeit (1)
- Altlast (1)
- Altlasten (1)
- Aluminiumorthophosphat (1)
- Amazonia (1)
- Amazonien (1)
- Ambulante Behandlung (1)
- Ambulante Psychotherapie (1)
- Amphibia (1)
- Analoge Methoden (1)
- Analyse-durch-Synthese (1)
- Analytischer Hierarchieprozess (1)
- Aneignung (1)
- Anforderung (1)
- Anforderungsprofil (1)
- Animation (1)
- Annotation (1)
- Anreiz (1)
- Anstaltspsychiater (1)
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (1)
- Aphid predator (1)
- Aquatic Ecotoxicology (1)
- Aquatic Guidance Document (1)
- Aquatic ecology (1)
- Aquatische Makrophyten (1)
- Aquatisches Ökosystem (1)
- Arbeitsbelastungen (1)
- Arbeitsmotivation (1)
- Architektur <Informatik> (1)
- Archäologie (1)
- Argumentation (1)
- Art Déco (1)
- Artificial Neural Networks (1)
- Arzneimittel (1)
- Arzneistoffe (1)
- Arzt-Angehörigen-Kommunikation (1)
- Aspekt <Linguistik> (1)
- Assoziierungsabkommen der EU mit der Ukraine (1)
- Auchenorrhyncha (1)
- Auditing (1)
- Aufmerksamkeit (1)
- Aufsatzdidaktik (1)
- Augenbewegung (1)
- Ausbreitung (1)
- Auslese (1)
- Auswahl (1)
- Autokorrelation (1)
- Automatische Kontrolle im Produktionsprozess (1)
- Automotive Systems (1)
- Autoritarismus (1)
- Außeralltäglichkeit (1)
- Außerschulische Lernorte (1)
- Awareness (1)
- Axiomatische Geometrie (1)
- BNE (1)
- BNE-Kriterien (1)
- BPMN (1)
- Bandenemission (1)
- Barriere (1)
- Barrieren (1)
- Basic psychological needs (1)
- Bauen mit Bauklötzen (1)
- Bauxit (1)
- Bayes-Netz (1)
- Bayesian Networks (1)
- Beaconless (1)
- Bedrohte Tiere (1)
- Bees (1)
- Beethoven (1)
- Befahrbarkeit (1)
- Befragungsinstrument (1)
- Behinderungen (1)
- Beispiel (1)
- Belebtschlamm (1)
- Benefits Realisation Management (1)
- Benetzung (1)
- Benutzerverhalten (1)
- Beobachtungskompetenz (1)
- Beregnung (1)
- Berichterstattung (1)
- Bertelsmann Transformationsindex (1)
- Beruflicher Kontakt (1)
- Berufsausbildung (1)
- Berufsorientierung (1)
- Beschichtung (1)
- Bestäuber (1)
- Beta-Blocker (1)
- Beta-Diversität (1)
- Betriebliche Ausbildung (1)
- Bewegungsapparat (1)
- Bewertungskriterien (1)
- Bewertungssystem (1)
- Bewertungsverfahren (1)
- Bewältigung (1)
- Bienen <Familie> (1)
- Big Five (1)
- Bildanalyse (1)
- Bildsegmentierung (1)
- Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (1)
- Bildungsaspiration (1)
- Bildungserfolg (1)
- Bildungsinteresse (1)
- Bildungssprache (1)
- Bilingualer Unterricht (1)
- Bill Clinton (1)
- Binnengewässer (1)
- Bioassay (1)
- Biogasanlage (1)
- Biogeografie (1)
- Biographie (1)
- Biohydrogel (1)
- Bioindikator (1)
- Biomechanics (1)
- Biopolymere (1)
- Biotopkartierung (1)
- Biotransformation (1)
- Biozide (1)
- Biozönose (1)
- Bioökonomie (1)
- Bipartiter Graph (1)
- Blickbewegung (1)
- Bodenerosion (1)
- Bodenfeuchtesimulation (1)
- Bodenphysik (1)
- Bodenwasser (1)
- Bodenökologie (1)
- Bologna-Prozess (1)
- Bombina variegata (1)
- Bororthophosphat (1)
- Budongo Forest (1)
- Burn-out-Syndrom (1)
- Burnout (1)
- Business English (1)
- Business Rule Bases, Inconsistency Measurement (1)
- Business Software (1)
- Butterflies (1)
- Bärlappe (1)
- Bürgerliches Drama (1)
- CLIL (1)
- Calcium (1)
- Carry-over effects (1)
- Cashew-Sektor (1)
- Cations (1)
- Chancengerechtigkeit (1)
- Chancengleichheit (1)
- Charisma (1)
- Charles Darwin (1)
- Charta der Vereinten Nationen (1)
- Cheilolejeunea ; continental tropical Africa ; rainforest (1)
- Chemische Abwasserreinigung (1)
- Chief Executive Officer (1)
- Chironomus riparius (1)
- Chromatographie (1)
- Chronische Niereninsuffizienz (1)
- Citizen Science (1)
- Classroom-Management (1)
- Climate (1)
- Climate anxiety (1)
- Climate change (1)
- Climate denial (1)
- Cloud Point Extraction (1)
- Clustering coefficient (1)
- Cognitive functions (1)
- Cognitive-behavioral group therapy (1)
- Coleoptera (1)
- Collaboration (1)
- Comic (1)
- Commitment <Management> (1)
- Communication Networks (1)
- Computational Toxicology (1)
- Computer (1)
- Computer Graphics (1)
- Computer Security (1)
- Computer Vision (1)
- Computer assisted communication (1)
- Computersicherheit (1)
- Computerspiel (1)
- Conceptual Metaphor Theory (1)
- Connected Vehicles (1)
- Conservation (1)
- Consumer behaviour (1)
- Consumption renunciation (1)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (1)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) (1)
- Controlling (1)
- Cooperative Learning; Teaching Methods (1)
- Crayfish (1)
- Crayfish plague (1)
- Curriculum (1)
- DMF-DMA (1)
- DRIFTS (1)
- Daphnia (1)
- Daphnia longispina (1)
- Daphnia longispina complex (1)
- Daphnia longispina-Komplex (1)
- Darwinismus (1)
- Data Mining (1)
- Data compression (1)
- Data protection (1)
- Datenbank (1)
- Datenkompression (1)
- Datenschutzkompetenz (1)
- Datenschutzkompetenzmodell (1)
- David Hume (1)
- Decision-support (1)
- Decodierung (1)
- Deduktion (1)
- Deep Learning (1)
- Deep Metric Learning (1)
- Defekte Demokratie (1)
- Definitivartikel (1)
- Delphi (1)
- Demographie (1)
- Demography (1)
- Demokratieförderung der Ukraine (1)
- Demokratieförderung durch die Europäische Union (1)
- Demokratiestatus (1)
- Demokratische Werte und Normen (1)
- Densimetric Measurement (1)
- Deposition (1)
- Depth Profile (1)
- Derivatisierung (1)
- Derrida (1)
- Design Science Research (1)
- Design-Based-Research-Studie (1)
- Designforschung (1)
- Destiny (1)
- Deutungsmuster (1)
- Dezentralisierungsreform (1)
- DiaLex (1)
- Diagnosekriterien (1)
- Diagnoseunterstützung (1)
- Diagnosis (1)
- Diagnosis assistance (1)
- Diagnostik (1)
- Dialekt (1)
- Dichtemessung (1)
- Didaktik (1)
- Differentia Scanning Calorimetry (1)
- Differential scanning calorimetry (1)
- Diffuse Quellen (1)
- Digitale Bibliothek (1)
- Digitale Bildung (1)
- Digitale Medien (1)
- Digitalisation (1)
- Dimension 3 (1)
- Diskriminierung (1)
- Diskurs (1)
- Diskursanalyse (1)
- Diskursmeter (1)
- Diskursverständnis (1)
- Disney (1)
- Dispositiv (1)
- Dissens (1)
- Distributed Algorithm (1)
- Distributed Environments (1)
- Distribution <Linguistik> (1)
- Documents (1)
- Dracaena (1)
- Drahtloses Sensorsystem (1)
- Drahtloses vermachtes Netz (1)
- Drahtwürmer (1)
- Drainagegräben (1)
- Dramengestalt (1)
- Dramenschluss (1)
- Dredging (1)
- Driver Assistance Systems (1)
- Drucktechnik (1)
- Duale Ausbildung (1)
- Duales System (1)
- Dyadische Interaktion (1)
- Dynamische Geometrie (1)
- Düngemittel (1)
- E-Demokratie (1)
- E-Participation (1)
- EP Wahl (1)
- ERP-System (1)
- EU (1)
- EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) (1)
- EU-Strategie der Demokratieförderung (1)
- EU-Ukraine Assoziationsagenda (1)
- EU-Ukraine Assoziationsrat (1)
- EU-Ukraine Parlamentarische Assoziationsrat (1)
- EU-Ukraine Partnerschafts- und Kooperationsabkommen (1)
- East Africa (1)
- Ebener Graph (1)
- Ebullition (1)
- Echtzeitsystem (1)
- Economic potential (1)
- Ecosystem service (1)
- Ecotoxicity (1)
- Eddy-covariance (1)
- Edelkrebs (1)
- Edellaubmischwälder (1)
- Ehe (1)
- Ehescheidung (1)
- Eigensinn (1)
- Einstellung (1)
- Einstellungen gegenüber bestimmten Filmeigenschaften (1)
- Einstellungen und Haltungen zu Inklusion (1)
- Ekel (1)
- Elastic net (1)
- Elektrizitätslehre (1)
- Elektronenmikroskopie (1)
- Elektronische Bibliothek (1)
- Elektrostimulation (1)
- Elevation gradient (1)
- Elternschaft (1)
- Emission (1)
- Empirical Research (1)
- Empirical Studies (1)
- Empirische Forschung (1)
- Empirismus (1)
- Employee Behavior (1)
- Endangerment (1)
- Endokrine Regulation (1)
- Energiefluss (1)
- Energy fluxes (1)
- England (1)
- Englisch (1)
- Enhanced Representation (1)
- Enterprise Architecture Framework (1)
- Entrepreneurship Education (1)
- Entrepreneurship Experience and Extra-curricular Activity (1)
- Entropia Universe (1)
- Entscheidungstheorie (1)
- Entscheidungsunterstützung (1)
- Environmental Risk Assessment (1)
- Environmental factors (1)
- Environmental organic chemistry (1)
- Environmental psychology (1)
- Environmental samples (1)
- Epiphyten (1)
- Erfolgsfaktor (1)
- Erleben (1)
- Erneuerbare Energien (1)
- Erwachsenenbildung (1)
- Erwartung (1)
- Erzieher (1)
- Erzieherin (1)
- Erziehung (1)
- Erziehungsverhalten (1)
- Erziehungswissenschaft (1)
- Erzählung (1)
- Ethik (1)
- Ethnographie (1)
- Ethnography (1)
- Euklidische Geometrie (1)
- Eurokrise (1)
- Euromaidan (1)
- European Union Support Group for Ukraine (1)
- Europäische Kommission (1)
- Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik (1)
- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (1)
- Europäischer Auswärtiger Dienst (1)
- Europäischer Rat (1)
- Europäisches Nachbarschaftsinstrument (1)
- Euroskeptizismus (1)
- Evacuation modeling (1)
- Evidence-based Psychotherapy (1)
- Experimente (1)
- Experimentieren (1)
- Experteninterview (1)
- Expertise (1)
- Expertiseentwicklung (1)
- Extinktion (1)
- Eye Tracking (1)
- FTIR (1)
- Fachhochschule (1)
- Fahrzeug (1)
- Faktorenanalyse (1)
- Faktorinvarianz (1)
- Fallrekonstruktion (1)
- Familie (1)
- Familienbeziehungen (1)
- Farnpflanzen (1)
- Fast-slow continuum (1)
- Fault Trees (1)
- Fehlerbaum (1)
- Felis catus (1)
- Felis silvestris domestica (1)
- Ferns (1)
- Feuchtgebiet (1)
- Filmbewertung (1)
- Finanzpolitik (1)
- Fischgewebe (1)
- Fiskalische Kosten (1)
- Fiskalpolitik (1)
- Fledermäuse (1)
- Flesch-Reading-Ease Index (1)
- Flow decomposition (1)
- Flugbegleiter (1)
- Flusssediment (1)
- Flächennutzung (1)
- Flächennutzungskonkurrenz (1)
- Folgenanreize (1)
- Foliicolous lichens (1)
- Food (1)
- Formal Methods (1)
- Formale Methoden (1)
- Formale Ontologie (1)
- Forsterschließung (1)
- Forstwirtschaft (1)
- Fotoauswahl (1)
- Foucault, Michel (1)
- Fractionation (1)
- Fragebeantwortung (1)
- Französischunterricht (1)
- Freedom House (1)
- Freeze Coring (1)
- Fremddeutung (1)
- Fremdeinschätzung (1)
- Fremdsprachendidaktik (1)
- Fritz Schütze (1)
- Frühpädagogik (1)
- Fungicide (1)
- Fungicides (1)
- Funktionelle Störung (1)
- Fusarium spp. (1)
- Fusion (1)
- Fuzzy-Logik (1)
- Fußballschuhe (1)
- Fächerkanon (1)
- Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept (1)
- Förderschule (1)
- Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung (1)
- Förderung (1)
- Führung durch Selbstführung (1)
- Führungskraft (1)
- Führungskräfteentwicklung, Selbstwirksamkeit, Situational Judgment Test (1)
- Führungskultur (1)
- Führungstheorie (1)
- GC-MS (1)
- GDPR (1)
- GIRT (1)
- GRAF1 (1)
- Galerucinae (1)
- Gamebased (1)
- Gamebasiertheit (1)
- Gamification (1)
- Gammarus fossarum (1)
- Gangart (1)
- Ganzheitlichkeit (1)
- Ganzzahlige Optimierung (1)
- Gas storage capacity (1)
- Gasblasen (1)
- Gatekeeper (1)
- GazeTheWeb (1)
- Gebrauchsgraphik (1)
- Gedächtnis (1)
- Gefrierkernverfahren (1)
- Gefrierpunktserniedrigung (1)
- Gefährdung (1)
- Gefäßanalyse (1)
- Gegenstandsanreize (1)
- Geistige Behinderung (1)
- Gel effect (1)
- Gelbbauchunke (1)
- Gelände (1)
- Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (GASP) (1)
- Gemeinschaftlicher Besitzstand (1)
- Gemischt-ganzzahlige Optimierung (1)
- Genealogie (1)
- Genetic diversity (1)
- Genetics (1)
- Genetik (1)
- Genetischer Fingerabdruck (1)
- Geographic routing (1)
- Geoinformationssystem (1)
- Geoinformationssysteme (1)
- Geometric spanner (1)
- Geometriedidaktik (1)
- Geomorphologie (1)
- Geothermie (1)
- Geowissenschaften (1)
- Gerechtigkeit (1)
- Gerichteter Graph (1)
- Gesangverein (1)
- Geschlecht (1)
- Geschlossene Unterbringung (1)
- Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (1)
- Gesprächsanalyse (1)
- Gesundheit (1)
- Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität (1)
- Gesundheitskommunikation (1)
- Gewässer (1)
- Gewässerqualität (1)
- Gewässerökologie (1)
- Glasumwandlung (1)
- Glasübergang (1)
- Globale Wertschöpfungsketten (1)
- Graph (1)
- Graph theory (1)
- Graphentheorie (1)
- Graphic novel (1)
- Graphik-Hardware (1)
- Graphische Benutzeroberfläche (1)
- Grundbedürfnis (1)
- Grundwasserfauna-Index (1)
- Grundwasserökologie (1)
- Gruppenarbeit (1)
- Gruppentherapie (1)
- Größenfraktionierung (1)
- Grünlandbewirtschaftung (1)
- Gut content analysis (1)
- HZE (1)
- Haare (1)
- Habitat (1)
- Habitat loss (1)
- Habitat networks (1)
- Habitatfragmentierung (1)
- Habitatsverlust (1)
- Habitus (1)
- Halbleiter (1)
- Haltung (1)
- Hambacher Fest (1)
- Handlungskompetenz (1)
- Handlungsmuster (1)
- Handlungsorientierung (1)
- Handlungstheorie (1)
- Hard and Soft News (1)
- Haushaltspolitik (1)
- Hauskatze (1)
- Hedonic (1)
- Hedonisch (1)
- Heimerziehung (1)
- Herbizid (1)
- Herzrate (1)
- Hilfe zur Erziehung (1)
- Hindernis (1)
- Hirschkäfer (1)
- Hirschzunge (1)
- Hochpräzise Volumenmessung (1)
- Hochschulbindung (1)
- Hochschuldidaktik (1)
- Hochschulorganisation (1)
- Hochschulpolitik (1)
- Holzhaus (1)
- Human Disturbance (1)
- Human-Computer Interaction (1)
- Humus (1)
- Hyaluronan (1)
- Hyaluronsäure (1)
- Hydratation (1)
- Hydration (1)
- Hydrochemie (1)
- Hydrodynamics (1)
- Hydrogel (1)
- Hydrologie (1)
- Hydrophobie (1)
- IAT (1)
- ICM (1)
- ICP-MS (1)
- IM-Systeme (1)
- IPT (1)
- ISO 9001 (1)
- IT-Security (1)
- Idar-Oberstein (1)
- Identifikation (1)
- Imitation Learning (1)
- Immanuel Kant (1)
- Implicit Association Test (1)
- India (1)
- Indien (1)
- Individualisierung (1)
- Individualisierung von Lernwegen (1)
- Individualized Learning (1)
- Individuelle Computermodelle (1)
- Individuelle Förderung (1)
- Industriepolitik (1)
- Informatikunterricht (1)
- Information (1)
- Information Centric Networking (1)
- Information Visualization (1)
- Informationssystem (1)
- Informationsverarbeitung (1)
- Informationsverlinkung (1)
- Informationsvisualisierung (1)
- Informel (1)
- Informelle Pflege (1)
- Informetrie (1)
- Innerbetriebliche Kommunikation (1)
- Innerbetriebliche Kooperation (1)
- Insecticide (1)
- Instant Messaging (1)
- Instructed Second Language Acquisition (1)
- Instrumentalismus (1)
- Integrated Model (1)
- Integration in der SEK II (1)
- Integrierte Lernumgebung (1)
- Interactive Visualizations (1)
- Interactive engagement (1)
- Interaktion (1)
- Interaktionseffekt (1)
- Interaktive Visualisierungen (1)
- Interdisziplinarität (1)
- Intergruppenprozesse (1)
- Internationale Organisationen (1)
- Internationaler Währungsfonds (IWF) (1)
- Interparticulate hydrogel swelling (1)
- Intervention (1)
- Invarianzmessung (1)
- Irak Krieg (1)
- Iran (1)
- Islam (1)
- Jakob Heinrich Lützel (1)
- Java (1)
- Johann Ludwig Dacqué (1)
- Johann Schwager (1)
- John Dewey (1)
- Journalismusforschung (1)
- Judentum (1)
- Jugendamt (1)
- Just-in-Time Teaching (1)
- Justification (1)
- Jüdisch (1)
- KPI (1)
- Kabel (1)
- Kalkmagerrasen (1)
- Kamera Pose Tracking (1)
- Kanalcodierung (1)
- Kant, Immanuel (1)
- Kantenbewerteter Graph (1)
- Karriere (1)
- Karrierefaktor (1)
- Karst (1)
- Karstgrundwasserleiter (1)
- Kation-Brücken (1)
- Kationen (1)
- Katze (1)
- Kausalanalyse (1)
- Kennzahl (1)
- Kenya (1)
- Kindheit (1)
- Klassische Musik (1)
- Klima (1)
- Klimaerwärmung (1)
- Klimaänderung (1)
- Klingenmünster (1)
- Klinische Psychologie (1)
- Kluftgrundwasserleiter (1)
- Knowledge (1)
- Knowledge Graph (1)
- Knowledge Graphs (1)
- Kognitiv-behaviorale Gruppentherapie (1)
- Kognitive Entwicklung (1)
- Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie (1)
- Kohlenstoffkreislauf (1)
- Kohlenstoffschichten (1)
- Kolb-Test (1)
- Kollaboration (1)
- Kollektivismus (1)
- Kolloid (1)
- Kolloide (1)
- Kolloids (1)
- Kommunikation (1)
- Kommunikation (intern) (1)
- Kommunikative Kompetenz (1)
- Kommunitarismus (1)
- Kompetenzdiagnostik (1)
- Kompetenzentwicklung (1)
- Kompetenzmessung (1)
- Komplexe Beeinträchtigungen (1)
- Komplexität / Algorithmus (1)
- Komponentenanalyse (1)
- Konditionierungen (1)
- Konfliktfähigkeit (1)
- Konfliktkultur (1)
- Konjugation (1)
- Konkurrenz (1)
- Konsistenz. Psychologie (1)
- Konstruieren (1)
- Konsumentenverhalten (1)
- Konsumverzicht (1)
- Kontaktwinkel (1)
- Kontamination (1)
- Kontiguität (1)
- Kontingenz (1)
- Kontrastlose Oberflächen (1)
- Konzept der Eingebetteten Demokratie (1)
- Kookkurrenz (1)
- Kooperation (1)
- Kooperatives Lernen (1)
- Kopenhagener Kriterien (1)
- Kran (1)
- Krankheitsverarbeitung (1)
- Krebspest (1)
- Kreuzbandverletzung (1)
- Kriegsneurose (1)
- Krisenberichterstattung (1)
- Kristallisation (1)
- Kriterium (1)
- Kritisches Lebensereignis (1)
- Kryo (1)
- Kubismus (1)
- Kulturelle Bildung (1)
- Kulturlandschaft (1)
- Kundendienst (1)
- Kunst (1)
- Kunstpädagogik (1)
- Körper (1)
- Körperliche Aktivität (1)
- Körperproportionen (1)
- Künstliche Intelligenz (1)
- Künstliche Neuronale Netze (1)
- L2 writers (1)
- LIBS (1)
- LMX (1)
- Laacher See <Region> (1)
- Laie (1)
- Lake Kinneret (1)
- Lake Naivasha (1)
- Lake Wamala (1)
- Lakes (1)
- Landscape ecology (1)
- Landschaftsebene (1)
- Landschaftskartierung (1)
- Landschaftsökologie (1)
- Langlebigkeit (1)
- Laser (1)
- Lasso (1)
- Last-year students (1)
- Latent Negative (1)
- Laufen (1)
- Laugung (1)
- Laura Mulvey (1)
- Lebensbewältigung (1)
- Lebenslanges Lernen (1)
- Lebensmittel (1)
- Lebensmittelabfall (1)
- Lebensmittelabfälle (1)
- Lebensqualität (1)
- Lebensraumqualität (1)
- Lebensstandard (1)
- Lehrerkompetenzen (1)
- Lehrerprofessionalisierung (1)
- Leiblich-Affektiv (1)
- Leiblichkeit (1)
- Leichte Sprache (1)
- Leistungsmotivation (1)
- Lernerfolg (1)
- Lernerorientierte Qualitätstestierung (LQW) (1)
- Lernklima (1)
- Lernkontext (1)
- Lernmaterial (1)
- Lernortlandschaft (1)
- Lernstation (1)
- Lernstilanalysen (1)
- Lernumwelt (1)
- Lernzirkel (1)
- Leugnung (1)
- Lied (1)
- Liedbearbeitungen (1)
- Life history (1)
- Limnology (1)
- Limology (1)
- Line Space (1)
- Linguistic Requirements (1)
- Linguistik (1)
- Linguistische Gesprächsanalyse (1)
- Link Prediction (1)
- Linking of Information (1)
- Literaturrecherche (1)
- Literaturwissenschaft (1)
- Loans (1)
- Local algorithm (1)
- Lockergesteinleiter (1)
- Logischer Schluss (1)
- Longevity (1)
- Lucanus cervus (1)
- Ludwig Heydenreich (1)
- Lumbago (1)
- Lumbalgie (1)
- Lumbar Spine (1)
- Lunaria (1)
- Lurche (1)
- Lycophytes (1)
- Ländliche Entwicklung (1)
- Ländliche Räume (1)
- Ländliche Siedlung (1)
- Ländlicher Raum (1)
- Längsschnittuntersuchung (1)
- MBS Model (1)
- MKS (1)
- MKS-Simulation (1)
- Machine Learning (1)
- Macro Financial Assistance Programs (1)
- Magnetis (1)
- Maifisch (1)
- Makrofinanzielle Unterstützungsprogramme (1)
- Makrophyten (1)
- Makrozoobenthos (1)
- Mapping <Mathematics> (1)
- Marketing (1)
- Mass-Spektrometrie (1)
- Massenspektrometrie (1)
- Material Culture (1)
- Mathematical optimisation (1)
- Maßtheorie (1)
- Measure-theory (1)
- Medialität (1)
- Mediator (1)
- Medien (1)
- Mediengewalt (1)
- Mediennutzung (1)
- Medienphilosophie (1)
- Medienpsychologie (1)
- Medienpädagogik (1)
- Medientheorie (1)
- Medienwirkung (1)
- Medium (1)
- Medizinische Bildverarbeitung (1)
- Mehrebenenanalyse (1)
- Mehrkörpersystem (1)
- Mehrkörpersysteme (1)
- Mehrprozessorsystem (1)
- Meiofauna (1)
- Meliorismus (1)
- Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (1)
- Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten (1)
- Mentalität (1)
- Merkmal (1)
- Merkmalsmanagement (1)
- Merkmalssynthese (1)
- Mesobenthos (1)
- Mesophiler Laubwald (1)
- Messung (1)
- Messung der Ökoeffizienz (1)
- Metalle/Matalloide (1)
- Metalloids (1)
- Metals (1)
- Metals/metalloids (1)
- Metamodel (1)
- Metapher (1)
- Metapopulation dynamics (1)
- Metapopulationsdynamiken (1)
- Methan (1)
- Methane emissions (1)
- Methode (1)
- Methodenvergleich (1)
- Mezzanine-Finanzierung (1)
- Microfinance (1)
- Microfinance institutions (1)
- Microplastics (1)
- Micropollutants (1)
- Migration (1)
- Mikrofinanzierung (1)
- Mikroplastik (1)
- Mikrosatelliten-DNA (1)
- Mikroskopie (1)
- Mikroskopische Objekte (1)
- Mikroverunreinigung (1)
- Minderung (1)
- Minimalschnitt (1)
- Mining (1)
- Minsker Abkommen (1)
- Missionarin (1)
- Misskonzepte (1)
- Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit (1)
- Mitgefühl (1)
- Mittelrhein (1)
- Mittelstand (1)
- Mixed Methods (1)
- Mixed integer programming (1)
- Mixed methods (1)
- Mixture Toxicity (1)
- Modellieren (1)
- Modellierungskompetenz (1)
- Modellprojekt PSB NIERE (1)
- Moderierte Diskussionen (1)
- Modeschmuck (1)
- Monolepta (1)
- Monte-Carlo-Simulation (1)
- Morphologie (1)
- Mosambik (1)
- Motivation (1)
- Movie evaluation criteria (1)
- Mucilage (1)
- Multi-Agenten-Simulation (1)
- Multiagentensysteme (1)
- Multimodal Action Recognition (1)
- Multimodal Medical Image Analysis Cochlea Spine Non-rigid Registration Segmentation ITK VTK 3D Slicer CT MRI CBCT (1)
- Multiple Object Tracking (1)
- Multiple somatoforme Symptome (1)
- Multitrait-Multimethod-Modelle (1)
- Multivariable Statistik (1)
- Museums visitors (1)
- Museumsbesucher (1)
- Musiklehrendenforschung (1)
- Musikpädagogik (1)
- Musikunterricht (1)
- Musikverein (1)
- Mustererkennung (1)
- Männerchor (1)
- NMR relaxometry (1)
- NMR-Spektroskopie (1)
- NSSV (1)
- Nachbarschaftsgraph (1)
- Nachhaltigkeit (1)
- Nachhaltigkeitsbericht (1)
- Nachrichtenwerttheorie (1)
- Nachtfalter (1)
- Nachtschmetterlinge (1)
- Named Function Networking (1)
- Nanoröhren (1)
- Narrative Interviews (1)
- Narrativität (1)
- Nassbaggerung (1)
- Nationalbewegung (1)
- Nationalismus (1)
- Nationalsozialismus (1)
- Nato (1)
- Nato Globale Partner (1)
- Nato Response Force (1)
- Nato Transformation (1)
- Natronwasserglas (1)
- Natura 2000 (1)
- Naturalismus (1)
- Naturpotential (1)
- Naturräumliche Gliederung (1)
- Naturschutz (1)
- Naturschutzgenetik (1)
- Naturschutzmanagement (1)
- Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht (1)
- Natürliche Schädlingskontrolle (1)
- Natürliches organisches Material (1)
- Near-surface turbulence (1)
- Neokonservative (1)
- Network robustness (1)
- Networks (1)
- Netzwerk (1)
- Netzwerkrobustheit (1)
- Netzwerktopologie (1)
- Neuroactive chemicals (1)
- Neurowissenschaften (1)
- Nicht-Ziel-Pflanzen (1)
- Non-freezing water (1)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO (1)
- Nuclear Magnetic R (1)
- Nutzen (1)
- Nutzererleben (1)
- Nyungwe National Park (1)
- Nährstoffverfügbarkeit (1)
- Nützlinge (1)
- OCB (1)
- OMW (1)
- OWL <Informatik> (1)
- Obama (1)
- Oberflächen-Runoff (1)
- Oberflächenabfluss (1)
- Oberflächeneigenschaft (1)
- Oberflächenveredelung (1)
- Objektorientierung (1)
- Offensiver Neorealismus (1)
- Ohrgeräusch (1)
- Oligomer (1)
- Olivenölproduktion (1)
- One-Shot Action Recognition (1)
- Online grocery shopping (1)
- Online-Kommunikation (1)
- Online-Lebensmittelhandel (1)
- Online-Self-Assessment (1)
- Ontologie (1)
- Ontologie <Wissensverarbeitung> (1)
- Ontology (1)
- Open Content (1)
- Open Source (1)
- Operationsplanung (1)
- Optimierung (1)
- Optimismus (1)
- Optimization (1)
- Optische Messtechnik (1)
- Ordensfrau (1)
- Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) (1)
- Organische Bodensubstanz (1)
- Oriental region (1)
- Ostafrika (1)
- Osteocephalus (1)
- Ozon (1)
- Ozonisierung (1)
- Panikstörung (1)
- Paniksyndrom (1)
- Parkinsonismus (1)
- Parkinsonsyndrom (1)
- Partizipation (1)
- Partnerschaft (1)
- Passiver Wortschatz (1)
- Perfect (1)
- Perfekt (1)
- Perfluorcarbonsäuren (1)
- Personalentwicklung (1)
- Personality (1)
- Petri Nets (1)
- Pflanzen (1)
- Pflegebedürftigkeit (1)
- Pflegedienst (1)
- Pharmaceuticals (1)
- Pharmakokinetik (1)
- Philipp Walter (1)
- Philosophie (1)
- Phosphorsäureester (1)
- Photogrammetrie Kalibrierung EMVA-1288 (1)
- Photogrammetry (1)
- Photographie (1)
- Photovoltaik (1)
- Phylogeographie (1)
- Physik (1)
- Physikalische Therapie (1)
- Physikdidaktik (1)
- Phytophthora infestans (1)
- Placement Strategies (1)
- Planar graphs (1)
- Plant Communities (1)
- Plant protection products (1)
- Plastic mulching (1)
- Plasticization; Glass transition (1)
- Plastifizieren (1)
- Plastifizierung (1)
- Policy Language (1)
- Politische Steuerung (1)
- Politische Ökonomie (1)
- Politisches und Sicherheitspolitisches Komitee (PSK) (1)
- Pollinators (1)
- Pollution (1)
- Polysaccharide (1)
- Polysaccharides (1)
- Polystichum (1)
- Population (1)
- Populationsgenetik (1)
- Pore Water (1)
- Poser analysis (1)
- Poser-Analyse (1)
- Positionierung (1)
- Positive Peer Culture (1)
- Power Law (1)
- Pragmatic (1)
- Pragmatisch (1)
- Pragmatismus (1)
- Pragmatizismus (1)
- Praktikant (1)
- Praktikum (1)
- Praktikumsbegleitung (1)
- Praxiswissen (1)
- Predictive Model (1)
- Preemptive strike (1)
- Present Perfect (1)
- Primzahl (1)
- Primzahlen (1)
- Privacy Competence Model (1)
- Pro-environmental behaviour change (1)
- Proactive Caching (1)
- Problemlösekompetenz (1)
- Problemlösen (1)
- Process (1)
- Process Quality (1)
- Product choice (1)
- Produktbewertung (1)
- Produktentscheidung (1)
- Produktwahl (1)
- Professionalisierung (1)
- Projektlernen (1)
- Projektpraktikum (1)
- Projektunterricht (1)
- Propagation (1)
- Prosoziales Verhalten (1)
- Proteinstrukturanalyse (1)
- Provenance (1)
- Prozessqualität (1)
- Prädikatenlogik (1)
- Prädiktor (1)
- Präkonzepte (1)
- Präliminarienartikel (1)
- Präposition (1)
- Präsentisches Perfekt (1)
- Präventivmedizin (1)
- Psychiatrie (1)
- Psychische Erkrankungen (1)
- Psychische Störung (1)
- Psychosomatische Störung (1)
- Psychosoziale Begleitung (1)
- Psychotherapie (1)
- Pteris (1)
- Py-GC/MS (1)
- Pyrethroide (1)
- Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse (1)
- Qualität (1)
- Qualitätsdimensionen (1)
- Qualitätsmanagement (1)
- Qualitätsmerkmale (1)
- Quantitative Untersuchung (1)
- Quasi unit disk graph (1)
- Quelle <Hydrologie> (1)
- Quellen (1)
- Quellfauna (1)
- Quelltypen (1)
- RCT (1)
- Rahmenmodell (1)
- Ralf Schauf (1)
- Random Finite Sets (1)
- Random Forest (1)
- Randomisierte kontrollierte Therapieevaluation (1)
- Randstreifen (1)
- Rat der Europäischen Union (1)
- Ratgeber (1)
- Rationalität (1)
- Raupe (1)
- Raytracing (1)
- Reactive algorithm (1)
- Rechtfertigung (1)
- Rechtfertigung <Philosophie> (1)
- Recovery (1)
- Reference Model (1)
- Referenzrahmen (1)
- Reflexion (1)
- Regenwald (1)
- Regenwald ; Afrika ; Cheilolejeunea (1)
- Regieren (1)
- Regionenlabeling (1)
- Rekonstruktion (1)
- Rekonstruktion (der Philosophie) (1)
- Religiosität (1)
- Renewable energy (1)
- Reproduktion (1)
- Repräsentation (1)
- Reservoir Sedimentation (1)
- Reservoirs (1)
- Resource Governance (1)
- Response-Shift (1)
- Revision (1)
- Revolution <1848> (1)
- Revolution in military affairs (1)
- Rezeptionsforschung (1)
- Rhein (1)
- Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis (1)
- Rheometry (1)
- Rhineland-Palatinate (1)
- Rhizosphere (1)
- Rieselmassen (1)
- Right-wing ideology (1)
- Risiko (1)
- Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren (1)
- Risiko-Beurteilung (1)
- Risiko-Minimierung (1)
- Risikoabschätzung (1)
- Risikominderungsmaßnahmen (1)
- Risikominimierung (1)
- Risk assessment (1)
- Roboter (1)
- Rollstuhlbasketball (1)
- Routing (1)
- RuneScape (1)
- Runoff (1)
- Ruscaceae (1)
- Russia (1)
- Räuber (1)
- Rückverfolgbarkeit (1)
- SOA (1)
- SOK-Modell (1)
- SPEAR (1)
- Salinisation (1)
- Salm (1)
- Sanktionen der EU (1)
- Satelliten-DNS (1)
- Saving (1)
- Saving and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) (1)
- Scaffolding (1)
- Schadstoffbelastung (1)
- Schadstoffkonzentration (1)
- Scheidung (1)
- Scheidungsfolgen (1)
- Schlaf (1)
- Schlaganfall (1)
- Schlauch (1)
- Schlussfolgern (1)
- Schmerz (1)
- Schmerzbewältigung (1)
- Schmerztherapie (1)
- Schmerzveränderung (1)
- Schmucktheorie (1)
- Schottland (1)
- Schreibdidaktik (1)
- Schreiben (1)
- Schreibprozess (1)
- Schreibtechnik (1)
- Schrifttheorie (1)
- Schulden (1)
- Schule (1)
- Schulklima (1)
- Schulleitung (1)
- Schwebstoffe (1)
- Schwermetalle (1)
- Schädlingskontrolle (1)
- Schülerwahrnehmungen (1)
- Second Life (1)
- Security Requirements (1)
- Sediment Water Interface (1)
- Sediment-Water-Interfaces (1)
- See (1)
- Segmentierung (1)
- Selbstbeobachtung (1)
- Selbstbeschädigung (1)
- Selbstbild (1)
- Selbstdeutung (1)
- Selbsteinschaetzung (1)
- Selbsteinschätzung (1)
- Selbstführung (1)
- Selbstführungskompetenz (1)
- Selbstkonzept (1)
- Selbstmanagement (1)
- Selbstmitgefühl (1)
- Selbstmord (1)
- Selbstregulation (1)
- Selbsttötung (1)
- Selbstwert (1)
- Self-determination theory (1)
- Semantic Data (1)
- Semantic Web Data (1)
- Semiotik (1)
- Serigrafie (1)
- Service (1)
- Service Oriented Architecture (1)
- Service-Qualität (1)
- Servicepersonal (1)
- Sexualisierung (1)
- Sexuelle Orientierung (1)
- Sicherheit (1)
- Situationales Interesse (1)
- Size-fractionation (1)
- Skalenkonstruktion (1)
- Skalenvalidierung (1)
- Skalierungsmodelle (1)
- Skepsis (1)
- Skeptizismus (1)
- Social Cognitive Career Theory (1)
- Social Entrepreneurship in Vietnam (1)
- Social Software (1)
- Social identity theory (1)
- Socio-ecological transformation (1)
- Socio-economic development (1)
- Software Language (1)
- Software Technology (1)
- Softwarearchitektur (1)
- Soil physics (1)
- Soil structural stability (1)
- Solarzelle (1)
- Somatoform disorder (1)
- Somatoform symptoms (1)
- Somatoforme Störung (1)
- Somatoforme Störungen (1)
- Sorption (1)
- Southern Amazonia (1)
- Sozial-ökologische Transformation (1)
- Sozialarbeit (1)
- Soziale Identität (1)
- Soziale Wahrnehmung (1)
- Soziales Netzwerk (1)
- Sozialkompetenz (1)
- Sozialkonstruktivismus (1)
- Sparen (1)
- Spear (1)
- Speciation (1)
- Species turnover (1)
- Spielarten des Kapitalismus (1)
- Spiralcurriculum (1)
- Spiritualität (1)
- Sport (1)
- Sportverletzung (1)
- Sprachkompetenz (1)
- Sprachliche Handlungsmuster (1)
- Sprachspielkompetenz (1)
- Sprachtheorie (1)
- Sprechweise (1)
- St. Goar (1)
- St. Goarshausen (1)
- Staatsschuldenkrise (1)
- Standard of living (1)
- Standortanalyse (1)
- State (1)
- Statistische Versuchsplanung (1)
- Staubewässerung (1)
- Staugeregelte Flüsse (1)
- Stausee (1)
- Stauseeverlandung (1)
- Stechmücke (1)
- Stechmücken-Kontrolle (1)
- Stereotyp (1)
- Stereotype Content Model (1)
- Stimme (1)
- Stimmungsveränderung (1)
- Stollendesign (1)
- Straßenzustand (1)
- Stresstheorien (1)
- Structural Equation Modeling (1)
- Structural Validity (1)
- Struktur (1)
- Strukturelle Validität (1)
- Studienanfänger (1)
- Studiengang (1)
- Studienleistung (1)
- Studium (1)
- Stygofauna (1)
- Stygoregion (1)
- Subjektbildung (1)
- Sufficiency (1)
- Sufficiency orientation (1)
- Suffizienz (1)
- Suffizienzorientierung (1)
- Surface Science (1)
- Sustainability (1)
- Symbolischer Interaktionismus (1)
- Symboltheorie (1)
- Systematics (1)
- Systemische Beratung (1)
- Sängerfest (1)
- Säugetiere (1)
- Südafrika (1)
- Südpfalz (1)
- Süßwasserhaushalt (1)
- TESiOH (1)
- TSK <Test> (1)
- TV debates (1)
- TV-Duelle (1)
- Taxonomy (1)
- Teamteaching (1)
- Technical potential (1)
- Technikgeschichte (1)
- Technologischer Raum (1)
- Teilregime und Indikatoren (1)
- Temperaturpräferenzen (1)
- Tempus (1)
- Tense (1)
- Terme (1)
- Text-Bild-Integration (1)
- Textaufgaben (1)
- Textlinguistik (1)
- Textverstehen (1)
- Theater (1)
- Theorem des Demokratischen Friedens (1)
- Theorembeweiser (1)
- Therapieerfolg (1)
- Time (1)
- Titandioxid-Nanopartikeln (1)
- Tod (1)
- Top-Management (1)
- Torf (1)
- Tourism (1)
- Tourismus (1)
- Toxicological characterization (1)
- Toxicology (1)
- Toxikologische Bewertung (1)
- Toxizität (1)
- Tracking (1)
- Trait (1)
- Traktions-Testgerät (1)
- Transfer coefficients (1)
- Transformation products (1)
- Transformationsprodukte (1)
- Transition (1)
- Transkranielle Elektrostimulation (1)
- Trauer (1)
- Tropfenform (1)
- Tropical rainforest (1)
- Tropischer Regenwald (1)
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- Turbulenz (1)
- Type System (1)
- Type system (1)
- Tätigkeitsanreize (1)
- UML (1)
- USA (1)
- Uferfiltration (1)
- Uferrandstreifen (1)
- Ultrakurze Pulse (1)
- Umkehrosmose (1)
- Umwelt (1)
- Umweltchemikalie (1)
- Umweltleistungsbewertung (1)
- Umweltproben (1)
- Umweltqualität (1)
- Umwelttoxikologie (1)
- Umweltverhaltensänderung (1)
- Umweltverschmutzung (1)
- Unit disk graph (1)
- Unlink Prediction (1)
- Unsicheres Schließen (1)
- Unterhaltung (1)
- Unternehmen (1)
- Unternehmenserfolg (1)
- Unternehmensflexibilität (1)
- Unterrichts-Klima-Instrument (1)
- Unterrichtsbeurteilung (1)
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- Unterrichtsmethoden (1)
- Unterrichtsqualität (1)
- Untersuchung (1)
- Untersuchungsmethode (1)
- Unterwasserwelt (1)
- Upper-Body/Lower-Body (1)
- Urteilerübereinstimmung (1)
- Urteilsgenauigkeit (1)
- User experience (1)
- Validität (1)
- Variabilität (1)
- Varieties of Capitalism (1)
- Vascular analysis (1)
- Vegetation (1)
- Verb (1)
- Verbal Aspect (1)
- Verbraucherverhalten (1)
- Vereinbarkeitsproblem (1)
- Vergangenheitstempus (1)
- Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (1)
- Verhaltensökonomie (1)
- Verhandlung (1)
- Verhältnis Ukraine-Russland (1)
- Verhältnis der Ukraine zu Russland (1)
- Verifikation (1)
- Verlaufskurvenanalyse (1)
- Verlust (1)
- Vermittlung (1)
- Versalzung (1)
- Versorgungspraxis (1)
- Verteilter Algorithmus (1)
- Verteilung (1)
- Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union (1)
- Very High Readiness Joint Task Foce (1)
- Veränderung von Vorstellungen (1)
- Videodiagnosetool ViviAn (1)
- Virtualisation (1)
- Virtualisierung (1)
- Virtuelle Welten (1)
- Virtuelle Ökonomien (1)
- Visual Stimuli Discovery (1)
- Visualisierung von Verbformen (1)
- Visuelle Kommunikation (1)
- Vocabulary (1)
- Vokabellernen (1)
- Volumen-Rendering (1)
- Voluntarismus (1)
- Vorschulkind (1)
- Vorschulkinder (1)
- Vorsorge (1)
- Vulnerability (1)
- WCET (1)
- Wachstumsregler (1)
- Wagenschein (1)
- Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung (1)
- Wahlen zum europäischen Parlament (EU-Wahlen) (1)
- Wahrscheinlichkeit (1)
- Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (1)
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- Waist-to-Shoulder-Ratio (1)
- Wanderfische (1)
- Wasser-Sediment-Grenzschichten (1)
- Wasserverschmutzung (1)
- Wastewater (1)
- Water Management (1)
- Water quality (1)
- Wavelet (1)
- Web (1)
- Web 2.0 (1)
- Web Science (1)
- Wegebau (1)
- Weiterbildung (1)
- Weiterbildungsverhalten (1)
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- Weltkrieg <1939-1945> (1)
- Weltkultur (1)
- Wiederbesiedlung (1)
- Wikipedia (1)
- Wild pollinator (1)
- Wildbienen (1)
- Wildtiere (1)
- Will Eisner (1)
- William James (1)
- Windtunnel (1)
- Wirbellose (1)
- Wirbelsäule (1)
- Wireless sensor network (1)
- Wirkfaktor (1)
- Wirkfaktoren (1)
- Wirksamkeit (1)
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- Wissensmanagement (1)
- Wohlbefinden (1)
- Wohlfahrtspflege (1)
- World Wide Web (1)
- World Wide Web 2.0 (1)
- World of Warcraft (1)
- Wortschatz (1)
- Writing Conference (1)
- Wäschereibranche (1)
- Yellow-bellied toad (1)
- Zeichentheorie (1)
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- Zeit (1)
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- Zikaden (1)
- Zoll (1)
- Zoobenthos (1)
- Zoologie (1)
- Zoology (1)
- Zooplankton (1)
- Zuckmücken (1)
- Zugang (1)
- Zusammenarbeit (1)
- Zusammenhängender Graph (1)
- Zuständigkeiten der EU (1)
- Zuwanderung (1)
- Zwangssterilisation (1)
- Zweiter Weltkrieg (1)
- absolutism (1)
- acceptance (1)
- activated sludge (1)
- adaptiv (1)
- adaptive GUI Design (1)
- adaptiver Unterricht (1)
- adjoint functions (1)
- advanced wastewater treatment (1)
- agricultural intensification (1)
- agroecosystems (1)
- alternative fromeworks (1)
- ambulante Pflege (1)
- amorphous hydrogenated carbon layer (1)
- amphibians (1)
- analytics (1)
- anthropogener Wärmeeintrag (1)
- anthropogenic disturbance (1)
- aquatic environment (1)
- aquatic invertebrates (1)
- argumentation (1)
- art deco (1)
- art nouveau (1)
- assertive multilateralism (1)
- assessment (1)
- attitudes towards specific movie features (1)
- auditorischer Neglekt (1)
- authoritarianism (1)
- automated theorem prover (1)
- automatic behavioral cues (1)
- bank filtration (1)
- bats (1)
- behavior change (1)
- behavioural ecology (1)
- belief in just world (1)
- beneficial insects (1)
- benthic oxygen fluxes (1)
- benthos (1)
- biocenosis (1)
- biocide (1)
- biocides (1)
- biodiversity conservation (1)
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- biogeography (1)
- biological degradation (1)
- biologischer Abbau (1)
- biomechanics (1)
- biotransformation (1)
- bioturbation (1)
- bribery (1)
- buffer strips (1)
- buffer zones (1)
- burnout (1)
- business intelligence (1)
- carbon hybridisation (1)
- care (1)
- cation bridges (1)
- cation-bridges (CaB) (1)
- chalk grassland (1)
- change (1)
- chemical force microscopy (1)
- chemical risk assessment (1)
- chironomids (1)
- classification (1)
- climate change (1)
- clonal diversity (1)
- co-occurrence (1)
- cognitive development (1)
- cognitive linguistic approach (1)
- cognitive-behavioral therapy (1)
- collaboration (1)
- collectivism (1)
- colloid (1)
- communication competency (1)
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- competence-measurement (1)
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- computer (1)
- concurrency (1)
- conflict detection (1)
- conflicting information (1)
- conservation genetics (1)
- construction materials (1)
- contact angle (1)
- contaminated sites (1)
- contamination (1)
- contemporary detective fiction (1)
- content analysis (1)
- contiguity (1)
- cooperation (1)
- corrosion protection (1)
- corrosion resistance (1)
- costume jewellery (1)
- covid-19 (1)
- criminal victimization (1)
- critical section (1)
- crop pollination (1)
- cross-linking (1)
- cryo-electron microscopy (1)
- cubism (1)
- cultural landscape (1)
- data mining (1)
- data protection (1)
- database (1)
- decision support tool (1)
- deductive (1)
- dengue (1)
- description logic (1)
- diagnostische Kompetenz (1)
- dialogische Kommunikation (1)
- dialogisches Management (1)
- digital library (1)
- digital transformation (1)
- disabled detective (1)
- disabled masculinity (1)
- disgust sensitivity (1)
- distribution (1)
- disturbance (1)
- dry inland waters (1)
- dynamic geometry (1)
- dynamic stability (1)
- ebullition (1)
- ecological risk management (1)
- ecology (1)
- ecosystem functioning (1)
- ecosystem services (1)
- ecotoxicity (1)
- eddy correlation (1)
- educational achievement (1)
- educational alliance (1)
- educational aspirations (1)
- effect assessment (1)
- effect-directed analysis (1)
- electricity (1)
- emerging micropollutants (1)
- empirische Untersuchung (1)
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (1)
- endokrine Regulation (1)
- energetics (1)
- energy (1)
- english prepositions (1)
- enterprise collaboration platforms (1)
- enterprise collaboration systems (1)
- environmental compatibility (1)
- environmental psychology (1)
- environmental risk assessment (1)
- environmental surfaces (1)
- epidemiology (1)
- epoxide (1)
- erweiterte Abwasserbehandlung (1)
- evaluation process (1)
- evolution (1)
- example (1)
- expansion (1)
- experimentelle Kompetenz (1)
- externe Repräsentationen (1)
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- fairness (1)
- fauna of springs (1)
- feedback (1)
- field experiment (1)
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- fish tissues (1)
- flight attendant (1)
- floral resources (1)
- flows over time (1)
- fluid disturbances (1)
- focused feedback (1)
- folksonomies (1)
- football shoes (1)
- forest roads (1)
- framework (1)
- freshwater ecosystem (1)
- fungicide (1)
- fungus resistant grapevine (1)
- futex (1)
- galvanic anodes (1)
- gender (1)
- genotyping error (1)
- gesundheitsgerechtes Führen (1)
- giftedness (1)
- glass transition (1)
- global carbon cycle (1)
- grade (1)
- grassland irrigation (1)
- greenhouse gases (1)
- groundwater ecology (1)
- groundwater remediation (1)
- groundwater-fauna-index (1)
- groupwork (1)
- gälisch (1)
- hazard prediction (1)
- health-related quality of life (1)
- heart rate (1)
- high power impulse magnetron sputtering (1)
- humanistische Psychologie (1)
- humic acid (1)
- hybrid automata (1)
- hybride Automaten (1)
- hydrochemistry (1)
- hydrodynamic chromatography (1)
- hydrodynamische Chromatographie (1)
- hydrogeology (1)
- hydrological interactions (1)
- hydrologische Interaktionen (1)
- hydrology (1)
- hydrophobicity (1)
- iSearch (1)
- immediate priority ceiling protocol (1)
- implicit-explicit consistency (1)
- impounded rivers (1)
- in situ (1)
- inclusive education (1)
- information infrastructure (1)
- information processing (1)
- information retrieval (1)
- information system (1)
- insecticide (1)
- inszeniertes Charisma (1)
- integration (1)
- interaction (1)
- intergroup contact (1)
- invasive Arten (1)
- invasive species (1)
- invertebrates (1)
- keltisch (1)
- kinematics (1)
- klonale Diversität (1)
- kollaboratives Schreiben (1)
- konfligierende Information (1)
- kontext-reduzierte Gespräche (1)
- kooperatives Schreiben (1)
- land use change (1)
- landmarks (1)
- landscape (1)
- landscape complexity (1)
- landscape level (1)
- landscape mapping (1)
- laser induced fluorescence (1)
- laubassoziierter aquatischer Pilzgemeinschaften (1)
- leaching (1)
- lead desorption (1)
- leader-member exchange (1)
- leaf beetles (1)
- leaf-associated aquatic fungal communities (1)
- leafhoppers (1)
- learning context (1)
- lexical sophistication (1)
- life cycle test (1)
- lifelong learning (1)
- linear (1)
- long-living systems (1)
- longitudinal (1)
- low back pain (1)
- male gaze, (1)
- mammals (1)
- masculine disability (1)
- masculine identity (1)
- mathematical Modelling (1)
- mathematical modeling (1)
- mathematics (1)
- mathematische Frühförderung (1)
- mathematische Kompetenz (1)
- mathematische Modellbildung (1)
- mathematisches Modellieren (1)
- measure (1)
- measurement of invariance (1)
- mechanism of action (1)
- metal-film phase plate (1)
- methane (1)
- methodical comparison (1)
- microsatellite DNA (1)
- microsatellite analysis (1)
- migration (1)
- minimal pruning (1)
- missionary (1)
- mitigation (1)
- mitigation measures (1)
- mixtures (1)
- modeling competency (1)
- monitor (1)
- mood change (1)
- morphology (1)
- motivation (1)
- multiagent systems (1)
- multikriterielles Bewertungssystem (1)
- multilevel analysis (1)
- multimediales Lernen (1)
- multiprocessing (1)
- multitrait-multimethod models (1)
- mutual exclusion (1)
- nanoparticle (1)
- nationalism (1)
- natural language generation (1)
- natural organic matter (1)
- nature conservation (1)
- naturwissenschaftliche Konzepte (1)
- negotiation (1)
- neuartige Spurenstoffe (1)
- nicht gefrierbares Wasser (1)
- nichtlinearer Zusammenhang (1)
- nichtsuizidale Selbstverletzung (1)
- non-consumptive effects (1)
- non-crop habitats (1)
- non-point source (1)
- non-target effects (1)
- non-target plants (1)
- nternational organizations (1)
- numerical simulation (1)
- nun (1)
- object orientation (1)
- off-field habitats (1)
- offensive neorealism (1)
- olive mill wastewater (1)
- olive oil mill wastewater (1)
- oncological rehabilitation (1)
- onkologische Rehabilitation (1)
- online-self-assessment (1)
- optimization (1)
- organic coatings (1)
- organic pollution (1)
- organizational behavior (1)
- organophosphate (1)
- ozonation (1)
- ozonation of beta blockers (1)
- ozone (1)
- ozone reactivity (1)
- pH-Wert (1)
- parallel computing (1)
- parameter estimation (1)
- parents (1)
- peat (1)
- pedagogy (1)
- pelzresistente Rebsorten (1)
- periphyton (1)
- pest control (1)
- pesticide risk assessment (1)
- pharmaceuticals (1)
- photo selection (1)
- photovoltaic (1)
- physical activity (1)
- physical therapy (1)
- physics (1)
- plain language (1)
- plant protection products (1)
- planthoppers (1)
- plants (1)
- plastic consumption (1)
- playful learning (1)
- point source (1)
- pollen diet (1)
- pollinator development (1)
- pollinator fitness (1)
- pollution (1)
- polyurethane (1)
- population genetics (1)
- practical knowledge (1)
- predation (1)
- predictability (1)
- predictor (1)
- preschool children (1)
- primary care (1)
- primary school (1)
- priority effects (1)
- priority-Effekte (1)
- privacy by design (1)
- privacy impact assessment (1)
- probabilistic (1)
- problemhaltige Textaufgaben (1)
- prosocial behavior (1)
- prosoziale Gruppennorm (1)
- punishment goals (1)
- pyrethroids (1)
- qualitativ-explorative empirische Studie (1)
- quantitativ (1)
- quasi-experimentelles Design (1)
- question answering (1)
- rainfall simulation (1)
- rainforest (1)
- randomized controlled trial (1)
- rationality (1)
- real-time computing (1)
- reasoning (1)
- recolonisation (1)
- region labeling (1)
- rehabilitation (1)
- relative Prototypikalität (1)
- religiousness (1)
- repellency (1)
- reproduction (1)
- resources (1)
- response-shift (1)
- reverse osmosis (1)
- revision (1)
- risk mitigation measures (1)
- river sediments (1)
- rocking-phase plate (1)
- running (1)
- scaffolded writing (1)
- scale construction (1)
- scale validation (1)
- schizophrene Frau (1)
- school (1)
- school attack (1)
- school principal (1)
- school tier (1)
- schottisch-gaelisch (1)
- schottische Lieder (1)
- science learning (1)
- scorecard (1)
- security (1)
- selbstgenerierte Repräsentationen (1)
- self-efficacy (1)
- semantics (1)
- sexual orientation (1)
- silver nanoparticles (1)
- simulation (1)
- simulation of soil moisture (1)
- single-particle analysis (1)
- situational interest (1)
- situierte Beobachtung (1)
- soccer (1)
- social competence (1)
- social perception (1)
- social system (1)
- software engineering (1)
- soil (1)
- soil aquifer treatment (1)
- soil erosion (1)
- soil pH (1)
- soil solution (1)
- soil water repellency (1)
- soils (1)
- somatoform disorders (1)
- soziale Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit (1)
- soziales System (1)
- sparsity (1)
- spatial (1)
- spatial Fuzzy Logic (1)
- spatial and temporal varibility (1)
- special educational needs (1)
- sport therapy (1)
- spray-drift (1)
- springs (1)
- standardized measure (1)
- stationäre Pflege (1)
- stereotypes (1)
- stream (1)
- stream mesocosm (1)
- stress (1)
- structure (1)
- stud design (1)
- student misbehavior (1)
- student ratings (1)
- student writing (1)
- stygofauna (1)
- surface characteristics (1)
- surface water (1)
- suspended particle matter (1)
- swarming (1)
- swimming behaviour (1)
- systematics (1)
- tag recommendation (1)
- task orientation (1)
- teacher beliefs (1)
- teacher education (1)
- teacher motivation (1)
- teacher training (1)
- teacher-education (1)
- teaching (1)
- teaching research (1)
- text-picture integration (1)
- theoretical framework (1)
- therapy outcome (1)
- thermal analysis (1)
- titanium nitride (1)
- toxicokinetics (1)
- trace organic chemicals (1)
- traceability (1)
- traction test device (1)
- trait-mediated effects (1)
- transformation (1)
- transformation products (1)
- trophic cascades (1)
- turn (1)
- unternehmerische Eignungsmerkmale (1)
- uptake (1)
- validity (1)
- variational discretization (1)
- vascular plants (1)
- vaskuläre Planzen (1)
- vegetated treatment systems (1)
- verbal interaction (1)
- verbale Interaktion (1)
- verification (1)
- visuell-räumlicher Neglekt (1)
- viticulture (1)
- voice (1)
- wastewater treatment plant (1)
- water pollution (1)
- water reuse (1)
- water scarcity (1)
- water treatment (1)
- water-molecule-bridges (WaMB) (1)
- wear resistance (1)
- web 2.0 (1)
- wettability (1)
- wild bees (1)
- wildlife management (1)
- window of opportunity (1)
- wireworms (1)
- workload (1)
- world polity (1)
- writing (1)
- zooplankton (1)
- Ärger (1)
- Ästuar (1)
- Ätiologie (1)
- Öko-Effizienz (1)
- Ökoeffizienz (1)
- Ökosystem (1)
- Ökotoxologie (1)
- Österreich (1)
- Östliche Partnerschaft der EU (1)
- Überarbeitung (1)
- Übergang von der Grundschule zur weiterführenden Schule (1)
- Überwachung (1)
- öffentlich-privat (1)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (13)
Invasive species play increasing roles worldwide. Invasions are considered successful when species establish and spread in their exotic range. Subsequently, dispersal is a major determinant of species’ range dynamics. Mermessus trilobatus, native to North America, has rapidly spread in Europe via aerial dispersal. Here we investigated the interplay of ecological and evolutionary processes behind its colonisation success.
First, we examined two possible ecological mechanisms. Similar to other invasive invertebrates, the colonisation success of Mermessus trilobatus might be related to human-induced habitat disturbance. Opposite to this expectation, our results showed that densities of Mermessus trilobatus decreased with soil disturbance in grasslands suggesting that its invasion success was not connected to a ruderal strategy. Further, invasive species often escape the ecological pressures from novel enemies in their exotic ranges. Unexpectedly, invasive Mermessus trilobatus was more sensitive to a native predator than native Erigone dentipalpis during our predator susceptibility trials. This indicates that the relation between the invasive spider and its native predator is dominated by prey naïveté rather than enemy release.
The remaining three chapters of the thesis investigated the dispersal behaviour of this invasive species. Hitherto, studies of passive aerial dispersal used wind as the primary dispersal-initiating factor despite a recent demonstration of the effects of the atmospheric electric fields on spiders’ pre-dispersal behaviour. During our experiments, only the wind facilitated the flight, although electric fields induced pre-dispersal behaviour in spiders. Consequently, studies around passive aerial dispersal should control electric fields but use wind as a stimulating factor.
Rapidly expanding species might be disproportionately distributed in their exotic range, with an accumulation of dispersive genotypes at the leading edge of their range. Such imbalanced spatial segregation is possible when the dispersal behaviour of expanding species is heritable. Our results showed that the dispersal traits of Mermessus trilobatus were heritable through both parents and for both sexes with recessive inheritance of high dispersal ability in this species.
Following the heritability experiments, we documented an accelerated spread of Mermessus trilobatus in Europe and tested whether dispersal, reproduction or competing ability was at the source of this pattern. Our results showed that the accumulation of more mobile but not reproductive or competitive genotypes at the expansion front of this invasive species gave rise to an accelerated range expansion by more than 1350 km in under 45 years.
Invasive Mermessus trilobatus is inferior to native sympatric species with respect to competing ability (Eichenberger et al., 2009), disturbance tolerance and predation pressure. Nevertheless, the species successfully established in its exotic range and spread by accelerating its expansion rate. Rapid reproduction that balances the high ecological pressures might be the other potential mechanism behind its colonisation success in Europe and deserves further investigation.
Harvesting Season?
Efforts to induce customers to buy groceries through the Internet have existed for around twenty years. Early on, the market structures of the digital grocery trade were still strongly fragmented and poorly coordinated. Due to the technological advancement in the past decade, the digital purchase of groceries has become more attractive. The adoption rate of these services varies greatly between different regions. In Germany in particular, the digital grocery trade is stagnating at a comparatively low level. In this regard, this dissertation analyzes both the retail-side market structures and the expectations and obstacles of German consumers.
The year 2020 connotes a turning point for the online grocery trade, as daily routines such as grocery shopping were subject to strict regulations imparted at a governmental level in order to reduce COVID-19 infections. At the same time, despite this opportunity, the digital grocery trade has not yet established itself nationwide in Germany. This can be attributed to a lack of investments, but also to inadequate digitization measures. A stronger synchronization between the digital and stationary offer, better integration of digital food services at a regional level as well as adapted, target group-appropriate digital solutions for the efficient breakdown of usage barriers will benefit service usage. The importance of stable food chains and distribution channels was illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Further research should help to develop the digital food trade into a stable and sustainable supplementation of the stationary store.
Die Arbeit stellt eine Systematisierung der wissenschaftsphilosophischen Gedanken der klassischen Pragmatisten (Charles S. Peirce, William James, John Dewey) dar.
Deren Erfahrungstheorie sowie die Bestimmung des Verhältnisses von Theorie und Praxis bilden die Grundlage einer holistischen Wissenschaftsphilosophie.
Die exemplarische Anwendung auf klassische wissenschaftstheoretische Fragestellungen zeigt die Aktualität des Ansatzes.
Today’s agriculture heavily relies on pesticides to manage diverse pests and maximise crop yields. Despite elaborate regulation of pesticide use based on a complex environmental risk assessment (ERA) scheme, the widespread use of these biologically active compounds has been shown to be a threat to the environment. For surface waters, pesticide exposure has been observed to exceed safe concentration levels and negatively impact stream ecology leading to the question whether current ERA schemes ensure a sustainable use of pesticides. To answer this, the large-scale “Kleingewässer-Monitoring” (KgM) assessed the occurrence of pesticides and related effects in 124 streams throughout Germany, Central Europe, in 2018 and 2019.
Based on five scientific publications originating from the KgM, this thesis evaluated pesticide exposure in streams, ecological effects and the regulatory implications. More than 1,000 water samples were analysed for over 100 pesticide analytes to characterise occurrence patterns (publication 1). Measured concentrations and effects were used to validate the exposure and effect concentrations predicted in the ERA (publication 2). By jointly analysing real-world pesticide application data and measured pesticide mixtures in streams, the disregard of environmental pesticide mixtures in the ERA was evaluated (publication 3). The toxic potential of mixtures in stream water was additionally investigated using suspect screening for 395 chemicals and a battery of in-vitro bioassays (publication 4). Finally, the results from the KgM stream monitoring were used to assess the capability to identify pesticide risks in governmental monitoring programmes (publication 5).
The results of this thesis reveal the widespread occurrence of pesticides in non-target stream ecosystems. The water samples contained a variety of pesticides occurring in complex mixtures predominantly in short-term peaks after rainfall events (publications 1 & 4). Respective pesticide concentration maxima were linked to declines in vulnerable invertebrate species and exceeded regulatory acceptable concentrations in about 80% of agricultural streams, while these thresholds were still estimated partly insufficient to protect the invertebrate community (publication 2). The co-occurrence of pesticides in streams led to a risk underestimated in the single substance-oriented ERA by a factor of about 3.2 in realistic worst-case scenarios, which is further exacerbated by a high frequency at which non-target organism are exposed to pesticides (publication 3). Stream water samples taken after rainfall caused distinct effects in bioassays which were only explainable to a minor extent by the many analytes, indicating the relevance of unknown chemical or biological mixture components (publication 4). Finally, the regulatory monitoring of surface waters under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) was found to significantly underestimate pesticide risks, as about three quarters of critical pesticides and more than half of streams at risk were overlooked (publication 5).
Essentially, this thesis involves a new level of validation of the ERA of pesticides in aquatic ecosystems by assessing pesticide occurrence and environmental impacts at a scale so far unique. The overall results demonstrate that the current agricultural use of pesticides leads to significant impacts on stream ecology that go beyond the level tolerated under the ERA. This thesis identified the underestimation of pesticide exposure, the potential insufficiency of regulatory thresholds and the general inertia of the authorisation process as the main causes why the ERA fails to meet its objectives. To achieve a sustainable use of pesticides, the thesis proposes substantial refinements of the ERA. Adequate monitoring programmes such as the KgM, which go beyond current government monitoring efforts, will continue to be needed to keep pesticide regulators constantly informed of the validity of their prospective ERA, which will always be subject to uncertainty.
Eine Ursache des Insektenrückgangs ist die Abnahme der für Arthropoden wichtigen Lebensräume. Der kleinstrukturierte Obstanbau als Dauerkultur mit vielfältigen Strukturen (Bäume, Grünland, offener Boden) kann als Refugium wirken. Gerade Dauerkulturen, welche über viele Jahre bestehen bleiben, können einen großen ökologischen Wert für Insekten und Spinnentiere darstellen, wenn die negativen Einflüsse der Bewirtschaftung durch gezielte Maßnahmen minimiert werden. Im Gegensatz zu den gut untersuchten Streuobstwiesen liegen bisher nur wenige oder ungenaue Daten über die Arthropodenfauna in Erwerbsobstanlagen vor. Ziele dieser Arbeit sind eine genauere Erfassung der Arthropodenfauna in Erwerbsobstanlagen, Benennung der Einflussfaktoren und Erarbeitung einer indikatorgestützten Bewertungsmethode mit Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Biodiversität. Es wurde eine intensive Erfassung der Insekten und Spinnentiere auf Basis von Individuenzahlen, Verteilung der Tiere auf Großgruppen, Artenzahlen der Käfer (inkl. Rote Liste) und Wanzen, deren Diversität und der sie beeinflussenden Faktoren auf vier Erwerbsobstflächen und einer Streuobstwiese als Referenzfläche in der Gemeinde Zornheim (Rheinland-Pfalz) untersucht. Mittels des erarbeiteten Bewertungsbogens wurden die Auswirkungen der fünf Faktorenkomplexe: Sonderstrukturen, Anlagenstruktur, Beschattung, Mahdregime und Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf die Arthropodenfauna erhoben und die auf der Fläche zu erwartende Biodiversität ermittelt. Die visuelle Darstellung der Einflussfaktoren mit Netzdiagrammen zeigt biodiversitätsbeeinträchtigende Faktoren und ermöglicht so Empfehlungen zur Aufwertung der Biodiversität. Die Bewertungsmethode kann nach Verifizierung im Rahmen von erfolgsorientierten Agrarumwelt- und Klimamaßnahmen (AUKM), zur Anerkennung von Kompensationsmaßnahmen (z.B. PIK) und zur Ermittlung des ökologischen Wertes (Ökosystemdienstleistung) von Obstanlagen genutzt werden. In modifizierter Form könnte es ebenfalls im Bereich der Flächenbewertung in Landschafts- und Bauleitplanung eingesetzt werden.
Social media provides a powerful way for people to share opinions and sentiments about a specific topic, allowing others to benefit from these thoughts and feelings. This procedure generates a huge amount of unstructured data, such as texts, images, and references that are constantly increasing through daily comments to related discussions. However, the vast amount of unstructured data presents risks to the information-extraction process, and so decision making becomes highly challenging. This is because data overload may cause the loss of useful data due to its inappropriate presentation and its accumulation. To this extent, this thesis contributed to the field of analyzing and detecting feelings in images and texts. And that by extracting the feelings and opinions hidden in a huge collection of image data and texts on social networks After that, these feelings are classified into positive, negative, or neutral, according to the features of the classified data. The process of extracting these feelings greatly helps in decision-making processes on various topics as will be explained in the first chapter of the thesis. A system has been built that can classify the feelings inherent in the images and texts on social media sites, such as people’s opinions about products and companies, personal posts, and general messages. This thesis begins by introducing a new method of reducing the dimension of text data based on data-mining approaches and then examines the sentiment based on neural and deep neural network classification algorithms. Subsequently, in contrast to sentiment analysis research in text datasets, we examine sentiment expression and polarity classification within and across image datasets by building deep neural networks based on the attention mechanism.
This study examines the contribution of saving and credit cooperatives (SACCOS) on the improvement of members‘ socio economic development in Rwanda: Opportunities and challenges‖, Evidence from Umwalimu SACCO- Huye District‖. The appearance of saving and credit cooperatives or credit unions has been known as remedy for social ills rooted in poverty because of its efficiency in loans or credits dispensation, social equality for enhancement and reduction of poverty amongst low income earners. Therefore, millions and millions of poor people and non-bankable in developing countries (or third world countries) have been provided access to formal financial services through saving and credit cooperatives‘ programs.
The targeted population concerned by the study was 1,940 members of USACCO from which a sample of 92 respondents was purposively selected. The study has adopted a combination of correlation and descriptive research design. It has employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study used both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected using questionnaire and interview and, while secondary data was collected using documentations techniques whereby, Manual of procedures and Credit policies of USACCO and financial reports have been consulted. The analysis of data was done using SPSS version 21. The data was presented in form of tables, charts and graphs designed by SPSS v. 21. The bio-characteristics of respondents showed that, the majority of respondents were women with 55.4%, majority of respondents‘ age is between 26 to 45 years Furthermore, and majority 77.20% of respondents were married. 100% of respondents attended school, where the majority of respondents attended secondary school with certificate A2.
The study has revealed that Umwalimu SACCO services offered to its members have a positive effect on the improvement of members‘ welfare. It was found that USACCO services have slightly affected income level of members, assets acquired, access to education and medical care as well as small income generating activities established by members in Huye District. The analysis of data also revealed that there are some variables which have effected USACCO members‘ socio-economic status, these were listed as: Education background of a member, number of dependents, the occupation of a member, and number of loans got from USACCO, government programs against teachers‘ welfare, and membership duration played very important role on the improvement of standard living of teachers. All these variables were found to have positive effects on teachers‘ socio-economic status, except the family size of respondents.
In addition, the findings showed that, the majority of respondents confirmed that, they did not find opportunities to save with other financial institutions, and other respondents did not have access to loan from other financial institutions due to complicated loan requirements. In addition, after they
have joined USACCO, their deplorable status somewhat changed, both socially and economically which has contributed to the improvement of their welfare. Therefore, the study testified that, the welfare of USACCO members in terms of assets acquired, income increased was improved compared to situation before joining USACCO. The study concludes that ―the level of improvement of living conditions of teachers depends largely to the level of loan granted by USACCO to teachers and membership duration. If the level of teachers‘ loan and saving increases, there will be also improvement of teachers‘ wellbeing‖ and finally, USACCO financial service is a veritable instrument for better improvement of economic and social conditions of teachers. The study recommends that, USACCO should provide frequent and regular trainings on business management game to their members. This could help members for good management of their loans and reducing loan defaulters‘ cases observed at USACCO. Challenges observed were lack of physical collateral security required by USACCO, complicated loan requirements terms and conditions and insufficient trainings on business management game.
Augmented reality (AR) applications typically extend the user's view of the real world with virtual objects.
In recent years, AR has gained increasing popularity and attention, which has led to improvements in the required technologies. AR has become available to almost everyone.
Researchers have made great progress towards the goal of believable AR, in which the real and virtual worlds are combined seamlessly.
They mainly focus on issues like tracking, display technologies and user interaction, and give little attention to visual and physical coherence when real and virtual objects are combined. For example, virtual objects should not only respond to the user's input; they should also interact with real objects. Generally, AR becomes more believable and realistic if virtual objects appear fixed or anchored in the real scene, appear indistinguishable from the real scene, and response to any changes within it.
This thesis examines on three challenges in the field of computer vision to meet the goal of a believable combined world in which virtual objects appear and behave like real objects.
Firstly, the thesis concentrates on the well-known tracking and registration problem. The tracking and registration challenge is discussed and an approach is presented to estimate the position and viewpoint of the user so that virtual objects appear fixed in the real world. Appearance-based line models, which keep only relevant edges for tracking purposes, enable absolute registration in the real world and provide robust tracking. On the one hand, there is no need to spend much time creating suitable models manually. On the other hand, the tracking can deal with changes within the object or the scene to be tracked. Experiments have shown that the use of appearance-based line models improves the robustness, accuracy and re-initialization speed of the tracking process.
Secondly, the thesis deals with the subject of reconstructing the surface of a real environment and presents an algorithm to optimize an ongoing surface reconstruction. A complete 3D surface reconstruction of the target scene
offers new possibilities for creating more realistic AR applications. Several interactions between real and virtual objects, such as collision and occlusions, can be handled with physical correctness. Whereas previous methods focused on improving surface reconstructions offline after a capturing step, the presented method de-noises, extends and fills holes during the capturing process. Thus, users can explore an unknown environment without any preparation tasks such as moving around and scanning the scene, and without having to deal with the underlying technology in advance. In experiments, the approach provided realistic results where known surfaces were extended and filled in plausibly for different surface types.
Finally, the thesis focuses on handling occlusions between the real and virtual worlds more realistically, by re-interpreting the occlusion challenge as an alpha matting problem. The presented method overcomes limitations in state-of-the-art methods by estimating a blending coefficient per pixel of the rendered virtual scene, instead of calculating only their visibility. In several experiments and comparisons with other methods, occlusion handling through alpha matting worked robustly and overcame limitations of low-cost sensor data; it also outperformed previous work in terms of quality, realism and practical applicability.
The method can deal with noisy depth data and yields realistic results in regions where foreground and background are not strictly separable (e.g. caused by fuzzy objects or motion blur).
Despite the significant presence of neuroactive substances in the environment, bioassays that allow to detect diverse groups of neuroactive mechanisms of action are not well developed and not properly integrated into environmental monitoring and chemical regulation. Therefore, there is a need to develop testing methods which are amenable for fast and high-throughput neurotoxicity testing. The overall goal of this thesis work is to develop a test method for the toxicological characterization and screening of neuroactive substances and their mixtures which could be used for prospective and diagnostic hazard assessment.
In this thesis, the behavior of zebrafish embryos was explored as a promising tool to distinguish between different neuroactive mechanisms of action. Recently, new behavioral tests have been developed including photomotor response (PMR), locomotor response (LMR) and spontaneous tail coiling (STC) tests. However, the experimental parameters of these tests lack consistency in protocols such as exposure time, imaging time, age of exposure, endpoint parameter etc. To understand how experimental parameters may influence the toxicological interpretation of behavior tests, a systematic review of existing behavioral assays was conducted in Chapter 2. Results show that exposure concentration and exposure duration highly influenced the comparability between different test methods and the spontaneous tail coiling (STC) test was selected for further testing based on its relative higher sensitivity and capacity to detect neuroactive substances (Chapter 2).
STC is the first observable motor activity generated by the developing neural network of the embryo which is assumed to occur as a result of the innervation of the muscle by the primary motor neurons. Therefore, STC could be a useful endpoint to detect effect on the muscle innervation and also the on the whole nervous system. Consequently, important parameters of the STC test were optimized and an automated workflow to evaluate the STC with the open access software KNIME® was developed (Chapter 3).
To appropriately interpret the observed effect of a single chemical and especially mixture effects, requires the understanding of toxicokinetics and biotransformation. Most importantly, the biotransformation capacity of zebrafish embryos might be limited and this could be a challenge for assessment of chemicals such as organophosphates which require a bioactivation step to effectively inhibit the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme. Therefore, the influence of the potential limited biotransformation on the toxicity pathway of a typical organophosphate, chlorpyrifos, was investigated in Chapter 5. Chlorpyrifos could not inhibit AChE and this was attributed to possible lack of biotransformation in 24 hpf embryos (Chapter 5).
Since neuroactive substances occur in the environment as mixtures, it is therefore more realistic to assess their combined effect rather than individually. Therefore, mixture toxicity was predicted using the concentration addition and independent action models. Result shows that mixtures of neuroactive substances with different mechanisms of action but similar effects can be predicted with concentration addition and independent action (Chapter 4). Apart
from being able to predict the combined effect of neuroactive substances for prospective risk assessment, it is also important to assess in retrospect the combined neurotoxic effect of environmental samples since neuroactive substances are the largest group of chemicals occurring in the environment. In Chapter 6, the STC test was found to be capable of detecting neurotoxic effects of a wastewater effluent sample. Hence, the STC test is proposed as an effect based tool for monitoring environmental acute and neurotoxic effects.
Overall, this thesis shows the utility and versatility of zebrafish embryo behavior testing for screening neuroactive substances and this allows to propose its use for prospective and diagnostic hazard assessment. This will enhance the move away from expensive and demanding animal testing. The information contained in this thesis is of great potential to provide precautionary solutions, not only for the exposure of humans to neuroactive chemicals but for the environment at large.
Wild bees are essential for the pollination of wild and cultivated plants. However, within the
last decades, the increasing intensification of modern agriculture has led to both a reduction and fragmentation as well as a degradation of the habitats wild bees need. The resulting loss of pollinators and their pollination poses an immense challenge to global food production. To support wild bees, the availability of flowering resources is essential. However, the flowering period of each resource is temporally limited and has different effects on pollinators and their pollination, depending on the time of their flowering.
Therefore, to efficiently promote and manage wild bee pollinators in agricultural landscapes, we identified species-specific key floral resources of three selected wild bee species and their spatial and temporal availability (CHAPTERS 2, 3 & 4). We examined, which habitat types predominantly provide these resources (CHAPTERS 3 & 4). We also investigated whether floral resource maps based on the use of these key resources and their spatial and temporal availability explain the abundance and development of the selected wild bees (CHAPTERS 3 & 4) and pollination (CHAPTER 5) better than habitat maps, that only indirectly account for the availability of floral resources.
For each of the species studied, we were able to identify different key pollen sources, predominantly woody plants in the early season (April/May) and increasingly herbaceous plants in the later season (June/July; CHAPTERS 2, 3 & 4). The open woody semi-natural habitats of our agricultural landscapes provided about 75% of the floral resources for the buff-tailed bumblebees, 60% for the red mason bees, and 55% for the horned mason bees studied, although they accounted for only 3% of the area (CHAPTERS 3 & 4). In addition, fruit orchards provided about 35% of the floral resources for the horned mason bees on 4% of the landscape area (CHAPTER 3). We showed that both mason bee species benefited from the resource availability in the surrounding landscapes (CHAPTER 3). Yet this was not the case for the bumblebees (CHAPTER 4). Instead, the weight gain of their colonies, the number of developed queen cells and their colony survival were higher with increasing proximity to forests. The proximity to forests also had a positive effect on the mason bees studied (CHAPTER 3). In addition, the red mason bees benefited from herbaceous semi-natural habitats. The proportion of built-up areas had a negative effect on the horned mason bees, and the proportion of arable land on the red mason bees. The habitat maps explained horned mason bee abundances equally well as the floral resource maps, but red mason bee abundances were distinctly better explained by key floral resources. The pollination of field bean increased with higher proportions of early floral resources, whereas synchronous floral resources showed no measurable reduction in their pollination (CHAPTER 5). Habitat maps also explained field bean pollination better than floral resource maps. Here, pollination increased with increasing proportions of built-up areas in the landscapes and decreased with increasing proportions of arable land.
Our results highlight the importance of the spatio-temporal availability of certain key species as resource plants of wild bees in agricultural landscapes. They show that habitat maps are ahead of, or at least equal to, spatio-temporally resolved floral resource maps in predicting wild bee development and pollination. Nevertheless, floral resource maps allow us to draw more accurate conclusions between key floral resources and the organisms studied. The proximity to forest edges had a positive effect on each of the three wild bee species studied. However, besides pure food availability, other factors seem to co-determine the occurrence of wild bees in agricultural landscapes.
Lernen in Citizen Science
Unsere Welt und die technischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse verändern sich aktuell sehr schnell. Dies betrifft auch die naturwissenschaftliche Forschung und erfordert vermehrten Einsatz der Wissenschaftskommunikation und der Bildung. Ein Instrument der Wissenschaftskommunikation und eine Erweiterung des schulischen Unterrichts kann die Beteiligung von Freiwilligen bei wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sein, welches auch als Citizen Science (CS) bezeichnet wird. CS Projekte erfreuen sich einer wachsenden Beliebtheit, unter anderem von Schulen (Burger, 2016). Dabei werden unter anderem die Förderung des Kontextwissens, der Scientific Literacy, der Umwelteinstellung und des –verhaltens versprochen (Peter et al., 2019). Interventionsstudien zu den Bildungspotentialen kommen jedoch zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen (Gommermann & Monroe, 2012; Turrini et al., 2018). Diese inkonsistenten Ergebnisse der Studien können auf die unterschiedliche Gestaltung der einzelnen evaluierten CS Projekte zurückgeführt werden. Es wird angenommen, dass Teilnehmende, die in mehr Schritten des wissenschaftlichen Prozesses eingebunden werden, ein größeres Bildungspotential haben, als Teilnehmende, die nur in wenige Schritte eingebunden werden (Burger, 2016; Shirk & Bonney, 2018). Bonney, Ballard et al. (2009) haben dazu ein dreistufiges Modell entwickelt. Das Modell wird unter anderem auch von Shirk et al. (2012) und Jordan et al. (2015) unterstützt, ist jedoch bezüglich der Lernwirksamkeit nicht empirisch überprüft (Edwards et al., 2018; Jordan et al., 2015). Deswegen schließt die Forschungsfrage dieser Studie hier an: Unter welchem Partizipationsansatz sind die Lerneffekte in einem CS Projekt am größten für Schülerinnen und Schüler? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wurde ein CS Projekt mit drei Experimentalgruppen geplant und durchgeführt. Insgesamt nahmen 199 Schülerinnen und Schüler an dem Projekt teil. Innerhalb der Interventionsstudie wurden die Schülerinnen und Schüler zu drei Testzeitpunkten zur Umwelteinstellung und -verhalten, Nature of Science, Einstellung zur Wissenschaft und dem Kontextwissen befragt. Die Analysen über die Messzeitpunkte zeigen keine statistisch signifikanten Einflüsse der Experimentalgruppen auf die abhängigen Variablen. Jedoch ist die Teststärke bei allen Tests zu gering, um abschließende Aussagen über die Annahmen zu treffen. Wird jedoch die generelle Wirkung der Intervention betrachtet, zeigen sich signifikante Effekte auf alle Schülerinnen und Schüler, unter anderem steigt das Verständnis über Nature of Science. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen mit früheren Schlussfolgerungen von Phillips (2017), Phillips et al. (2019) und Del Bianco (2018) überein, die ebenfalls Zweifel an dem Modell von Bonney, Ballard et al. (2009) äußerten. Innerhalb dieses CS Projektes konnte sich keiner der drei Partizipationsansätze bezüglich des Bildungspotential für Schülerinnen und Schüler hervorheben lassen. Jedoch ist diese Studie unter anderem durch die geringe Teststärke limitiert und endgültige Aussagen bedürfen weiterer systematischer Forschung.
Efficient Cochlear Implant (CI) surgery requires prior knowledge of the cochlea’s size and its characteristics. This information helps to select suitable implants for different patients. Registered and fused images helps doctors by providing more informative image that takes advantages of different modalities. The cochlea’s small size and complex structure, in addition to the different resolutions and head positions during imaging, reveals a big challenge for the automated registration of the different image modalities. To obtain an automatic measurement of the cochlea length and the volume size, a segmentation method of cochlea medical images is needed. The goal of this dissertation is to introduce new practical and automatic algorithms for the human cochlea multi-modal 3D image registration, fusion, segmentation and analysis. Two novel methods for automatic cochlea image registration (ACIR) and automatic cochlea analysis (ACA) are introduced. The proposed methods crop the input images to the cochlea part and then align the cropped images to obtain the optimal transformation. After that, this transformation is used to align the original images. ACIR and ACA use Mattes mutual information as similarity metric, the adaptive stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) or the stochastic limited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (s-LBFGS) optimizer to estimate the parameters of 3D rigid transform. The second stage of nonrigid registration estimates B-spline coefficients that are used in an atlas-model-based segmentation to extract cochlea scalae and the relative measurements of the input image. The image which has segmentation is aligned to the input image to obtain the non-rigid transformation. After that the segmentation of the first image, in addition to point-models are transformed to the input image. The detailed transformed segmentation provides the scala volume size. Using the transformed point-models, the A-value, the central scala lengths, the lateral and the organ of corti scala tympani lengths are computed. The methods have been tested using clinical 3D images of total 67 patients: from Germany (41 patients) and Egypt (26 patients). The atients are of different ages and gender. The number of images used in the experiments is 217, which are multi-modal 3D clinical images from CT, CBCT, and MRI scanners. The proposed methods are compared to the state of the arts ptimizers related medical image registration methods e.g. fast adaptive stochastic gradient descent (FASGD) and efficient preconditioned tochastic gradient descent (EPSGD). The comparison used the root mean squared distance (RMSE) between the ground truth landmarks and the resulted landmarks. The landmarks are located manually by two experts to represent the round window and the top of the cochlea. After obtaining the transformation using ACIR, the landmarks of the moving image are transformed using the resulted transformation and RMSE of the transformed landmarks, and at the same time the fixed image landmarks are computed. I also used the active length of the cochlea implant electrodes to compute the error aroused by the image artifact, and I found out an error ranged from 0.5 mm to 1.12 mm. ACIR method’s RMSE average was 0.36 mm with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.17 mm. The total time average required for registration of an image pair using ACIR was 4.62 seconds with SD of 1.19 seconds. All experiments are repeated 3 times for justifications. Comparing the RMSE of ACIR2017 and ACIR2020 using paired T-test shows no significant difference (p-value = 0.17). The total RMSE average of ACA method was 0.61 mm with a SD of 0.22 mm. The total time average required for analysing an image was 5.21 seconds with SD of 0.93 seconds. The statistical tests show that there is no difference between the results from automatic A-value method and the manual A-value method (p-value = 0.42). There is no difference also between length’s measurements of the left and the right ear sides (p-value > 0.16). Comparing the results from German and Egypt dataset shows there is no difference when using manual or automatic A-value methods (p-value > 0.20). However, there is a significant difference when using ACA2000 method between the German and the Egyptian results (p-value < 0.001). The average time to obtain the segmentation and all measurements was 5.21 second per image. The cochlea scala tympani volume size ranged from 38.98 mm3 to 57.67 mm3 . The combined scala media and scala vestibuli volume size ranged from 34.98 mm 3 to 49.3 mm 3 . The overall volume size of the cochlea should range from 73.96 mm 3 to 106.97 mm 3 . The lateral wall length of scala tympani ranged from 42.93 mm to 47.19 mm. The organ-of-Corti length of scala tympani ranged from 31.11 mm to 34.08 mm. Using the A-value method, the lateral length of scala tympani ranged from 36.69 mm to 45.91 mm. The organ-of-Corti length of scala tympani ranged from 29.12 mm to 39.05 mm. The length from ACA2020 method can be visualised and has a well-defined endpoints. The ACA2020 method works on different modalities and different images despite the noise level or the resolution. In the other hand, the A-value method works neither on MRI nor noisy images. Hence, ACA2020 method may provide more reliable and accurate measurement than the A-value method. The source-code and the datasets are made publicly available to help reproduction and validation of my result.
In der Dissertation “Leben am und vom Rhein. Aspekte der Alltagsgeschichte in St. Goar und St. Goarshausen vom Späten Mittelalter bis zum Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts” untersucht der Autor Richard Lange die Historie “kleiner Leute” in zwei Städten am Mittelrhein.
Die Studie konzentriert sich dabei auf die Geschichte jener Berufe, die direkt vom Rhein abhängig waren, also in erster Linie auf das Zollpersonal, die Kranbediensteten sowie die Salmenfischer. Hinzu kommen einige weitere Berufszweige wie Treidler, Fährleute, Schiffsleute sowie Händler und Betreiber von Wirtshäusern.
Für all diese Gruppen wird, soweit anhand der Quellen möglich, der Alltag ihres Berufes nachgezeichnet. Auf diesem Wege wird versucht, das bunte Bild, das sich auf dem Rhein bisweilen bot, darzustellen und gleichzeitig aufzuzeigen, in welcher nicht zu unterschätzenden Weise der Rhein das ganze Leben in St. Goar und St. Goarshausen über die Jahrhunderte hinweg beeinflusste.
Over the past few decades, Single-Particle Analysis (SPA), in combination with cryo-transmission electron microscopy, has evolved into one of the leading technologies for structural analysis of biological macromolecules. It allows the investigation of biological structures in a close to native state at the molecular level. Within the last five years the achievable resolution of SPA surpassed 2°A and is now approaching atomic resolution, which so far has only been possible with Xray crystallography in a far from native environment. One remaining problem of Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) is the weak image contrast. Since the introduction of cryo-EM in the 1980s phase plates have been investigated as a potential tool to overcome these contrast limitations. Until now, technical problems and instrumental deficiencies have made the use of phase plates difficult; an automated workflow, crucial for the acquisition of 1000s of micrographs needed for SPA, was not possible. In this thesis, a new Zernike-type Phase Plate (PP) was developed and investigated. Freestanding metal films were used as a PP material to overcome the ageing and contamination problems of standard carbon-based PPs. Several experiments, evaluating and testing various metals, ended with iridium as the best-suited material. A thorough investigation of the properties of iridium PP followed in the second part of this thesis. One key outcome is a new operation mode, the rocking PP. By using this rocking-mode, fringing artifacts, another obstacle of Zernike PPs, could be solved. In the last part of this work, acquisition and reconstruction of SPA data of apoferritin was performed using the iridium PP in rocking-mode. A special semi-automated workflow for the acquisition of PP data was developed and tested. The recorded PP data was compared to an additional reference dataset without a PP, acquired following a conventional workflow.
The stands surveyed are among the last closed canopy forests in Rwanda. Their exploration began in the early twentieth century and is still ongoing. Previous studies were mainly concerned with plant sociological issues and presented references to environmental factors in anecdotal form, at best using indirect ordination methods. The present study undertakes a classification of the vegetation with numerical methods and establishes quantitative relationships of the species’ distributional structure to environmental parameters using spatially explicit procedures. For this purpose, 94 samples were taken in 100 m² hexagonal plots. Of these, 70 samples are from Nyungwe, 14 are from Gishwati, and 10 are from Cyamudongo. Given the homogeneity of the terrain and vegetation, all vegetation types encountered, all types of stands, and all vegetation strata were included. The beta diversity is expressed by an average Bray-Curtis dissimilarity of 0.92, and in JOST’S (2007) numbers equivalents, 37.90 equally likely samples would be needed to represent the diversity encountered. Within the survey, 1198 species in 127 families were collected. Among the specimens are 6 local endemics and 40 Albertine Rift endemics. Resulting from UPGMA and FCM-NC, 20 to 40 plant communities were established depending on the level of resolution. It can be inferred by means of a Mantel correlogram that the mean zone of influence of a single vegetation stand, as sampled by a 100 m² plot in Nyungwe Forest, ranges between 0.016 and 3.42 km. Of the communities compiled using FCM-NC and UPGMA, 50% consist of individual samples. Beyond undersampling, natural small-scale discontinuities are reflected by this result. Partial db-RDA resulted in an explained variation of 9.60% and 14.41% for environmental and soil factors, respectively. Utilising variation partitioning analyses based on CCA and tb-RDA, between 21.70% and 37.80% of the variation in vegetation data could be explained. The spatially structured fraction of these parameters accounts for between 30.50% and 49.80% of the explained variation (100%). The purely environmental parameters account for a share of 10.30% to 16.30%, whereby the lower limit originates from the unimodal approach and has lost its statistical significance. The soil variables, also after partial analysis, account for a share of 19.00% to 35.70%. While the residual impact of the climatic parameters is hardly significant, the effect of the soil properties is prevalent. In general, the spatially structured fraction of the parameters is predominant here. While on the broad-scale climatic factors, the altitude a.s.l. and the geology are determining factors, some soil parameters and matrix components also show their impacts here. In the mid-range of the scale, it is the forest matrix, the soil types, and the geology that determine species distribution. While in the fine range of the scale, some unrecorded parameters seem to have an effect, there are also neutral processes that determine species composition.
The protected areas of Rwanda are facing various challenges resulting from the anthropogenic activities of the surrounding communities especially in the adjacent area to Cyamudongo isolated rain forest, which results in climate change, soil degradation, and loss of biodiversity. Therefore, this study aims to broaden current knowledge on the impact of sustainable Agroforestry (AF) on the Carbon (C) stock and Biodiversity conservation on the surroundings of Cyamudongo isolated rain forest and Ruhande Arboretum.
To understand this, the permanent sample plots (PSPs) were established mainly in the designed four transects of four km long originating on the boundary of the Cyamudongo isolated rain forest following the slope gradient ranging from 1286 to 2015 m asl. A total number of 73 PSPs were established in the Cyamudongo study area while 3 PSPs were established in the Ruhande AF plot. The Arc Map GIS 10.4 was used to design and map the sampling areas while GPS was used for localization of collected items. Statistical significance was analyzed through the R-software especially for wood and soil variables while for biodiversity indicator species, MVSP Software 3.0 was used to determine the Shannon Diversity indices and similarities among species.
In this study, I have obtained comprehensive results demonstrating that in all study areas, the various AF tree species contribute differently to C stock and C sequestration and the amount of C stored and removed from the atmosphere depends on different factors such as tree species, plantation density, growth stage, or the age of establishment, applied management practices, wood specific density (WSD), wood C concentration, and climatic conditions. The estimated quantity of sequestrated C for 2 years and 34 years AF species were 13.11 t C ha -1 yr-1 (equivalent to 48 t CO2 ha -1 yr-1) and 6.85 t ha-1 yr-1 (equivalent to 25.1 t CO2 ha -1 yr-1) in Cyamudongo and Ruhande respectively. The estimated quantity of C stored by the Ruhande AF plot is 232.94 t ha-1. In Cyamudongo, the overall C stored by the AF systems was 823 t ha-1 by both young tree species established by the Cyamudongo Project (35.84 t ha-1) and C stored by existed AF species before the existence of the Project (787.12 t ha-1). In all study areas, the Grevillea robusta was found to contribute more to overall stored C compared to other species under this study.
The tests revealed differences in terms of nutrient contents (C, N, C: N ratio, K, Na, Ca, and Mg) for various AF tree species of Cyamudongo and Ruhande study areas. The differences in terms of correlation for various variables of AF tree species in different study areas varied with tree species, age, stage of growth, and tree shape. By comparing the correlation coefficients for various tree variables for young and mature AF tree species, the results showed a high correlation variability for young species than mature or old species recorded in different environmental conditions of Cyamudongo and Ruhande study areas.
The recorded soil pH mean value across in Cyamudongo study area is 4.2, which is very strongly acidic. The tests revealed that the soil pH, C, C: N ratio, OM, NH4+, NO3-+NO2-, PO43-, and CEC were significantly (P < 0.05) different in various soil depths whereas the N was not statistically significant. The pH, N, C: N ratio, CEC, NH4+, PO43-, and Al3+ showed a significant difference across land uses whereas the C and NO3-+NO2- did not show any statistical difference. All tested chemical elements showed a statistical difference as far as altitude ranges are concerned. The only NH4+, PO43-, and CEC showed significant differences with time whereas all other remaining chemical elements did not show any statistical significance. The bulk density of soil was statistically different across land uses and altitude ranges. The soil pH was very strongly correlated with CEC, Mg, and Ca in cropland (CL) whereas it was strongly correlated in both AF and natural forest (NF) except for Mg, which was moderately correlated in AF. Furthermore, its correlation with K was strong in CL, moderate in AF while it was weak in NF. Finally, the pH correlation with Na was weak in both AF and CL whereas it was negligible in NF. The overall estimated soil C stock of the study area was 16848 t ha -1.
The sustainable AF practices changed significantly the frequency of reptiles, amphibians, and flowering plants while there was no statistical change observed on ferns with time. In terms of species richness, 16 flowering plants, 14 ferns, 5 amphibians, and 3 reptiles were recorded and monitored. These findings add to a growing body of literature on the impact of AF on the C stock, soil improvement, and Biodiversity. It is recommended that further researches should be undertaken for the contribution of other AF tree species to the C stock found in the agricultural landscape around all protected areas of Rwanda and the impact on them on the soil and biodiversity.
Human population pressure increased with the population growth around the NNP and Cyamudongo with disturbance impacts on the forests isolating populations into fragments and today, Cyamudongo natural forest is located a way at a distance of at least 8.5 km horizontal distance to Nyungwe main block with a surface area estimated at 300 ha. Under Cyamudongo project implementation, there was a need to understand how the flora diversity responded to human imposed challenges and to forest restoration initiatives. Three physiognomic landscapes forest were identified and considered for three phases of vegetation survey in Cyamudongo and related to the closest area of Nyungwe main block. In this study, 15 transects were laid in each physiognomic forest landscape and 10 and 5 plots were set respectively in Cyamudongo and Gasumo study area. In total, 315 phytosociological relevés were performed and the Braun-Blanquet methods used for three times vegetation surveys. Species life-forms and chorophyte were evaluated and tree species dbh and height have been measured. Data were subjected to different statistical analyses using different softwares such as PAST, R 3.5.2, and SPSS. The mapping was done using Arc GIS and the Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing used to find NDVI for the vegetation classification.
NDVI trends showed that there has been fluctuations in vegetation classifications of the studied area. In this study, 494 vascular plant species from 106 families were harbored in the study area and distributed differently among forest landscapes and study phases. Although, 43.54% were common to Cyamudongo and Gasumo landscapes while 48.54 % of species diversity were hold only by Cyamudongo and 7.92% confined to Gasumo and 12 in total were found new records for Rwanda while several others suspected require detailed research for identification showing how the flora diversity of Cyamudongo is of special interest and extremely important for discoveries.
The finding of the study on diversity indices, the PCA, CA and the Cluster analysis, all statistical analyses (MANOVA, ANOVA) and life form spectra unanimously showed that the anthropogenic disturbance shaped the vegetation cover, the floristic composition, the species diversity, the forest landscapes community structure, the life form spectrum and the phytoclimate of Cyamudongo and Gasumo forest landscapes. Although, the vegetation analysis couldn’t clearly identify communities and sub-communities at the initial and final vegetation surveys and cluster groups were heterogeneous as well as overlapping and species associations not clearly defined due to the high level of similarities in species composition among forest landscapes and vegetation surveys. The species diversity was found high in secondary forest and Gasumo landscape forest and low in the primary forest and the buffer zone of Cyamudongo and the disturbance with gaps openings was found to be associated to the species diversity with a seasonal variation. The patterns of dbh for the buffer zone and of the size classes of all landscapes with an inverted ‘J’ indicated a healthy regeneration in the forest landscapes and tree species explained a good regeneration and recruitment capacity. Different shapes in the pattern of dbh with respectively an inverted ‘J’, ‘J ‘and ‘U’ for the buffer zone, primary and together the secondary and Gasumo forest landscapes indicated differences in the landscapes health and degree of regeneration and recruitment capacity.
Findings from differents measuements showed at which extend human activities have shaped the flora diversity and structure of forest landcapes studied. For instance, disturbances due human activities were daily oberved and trees were logged by neighboring communities such as Batwa populations at Cyamudongo and local populations at Gasumo. Some species were evenly observed targeted for their barks such as Ocotea usambarensis, Parinari excelsa for medicines and many others for their wood quality, fire wood collection and for agricultural purposes.
In the period of Cyamudongo project implementation, important achievements included the increase of forest biomass and therefore the photosynthetic capacity and the evapotranspiration potential that influence the rainfall regime; the regulation of weather conditions and then species diversity; supporting local communities and limiting human activities; raising awareness on conservation and protection of biodiversity and improving of living conditions of neighboring populations by providing paid employment and so to restore to the Cyamudongo forest ecosystem functions. Moreover, Cyamudongo forest remains vulnerable as surrounded by local communities with a high population pressure relying on forest resources for its survival. Cyamudongo harbors a high level of endemism and is a small hotspot for biodiversity conservation. It is therefore recommended to strengthen conservation and protection measures and continue the support of local communities.
Die bisherige Forschung zur Diagnosekompetenz hat trotz langjähriger Forschungstraditionen für die Praxis kaum relevante Befunde erbracht. Dies wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit als Anlass für den Vorschlag genommen, diagnostische Kompetenz als reine Urteilsgenauigkeit, gemäß der Komponentenanalyse nach Cronbach (1955), zu erweitern. Mit der Einführung der Beobachtungskompetenz als einer weiteren Facette diagnostischer Kompetenz knüpft die vorliegende Studie zudem an der Forschung zu formativem Assessment an.
Die zentralen Fragen der Arbeit beziehen sich darauf, wie die beiden Facetten der diagnostischen Kompetenz Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz von pädagogischen Fachkräften im Elementarbereich ausgeprägt sind, ob diese Facetten zusammenhängen und wie sie durch bereichsspezifische Fortbildungen und explizit durch verschiedene Fortbildungsansätze (Lehrgangs- vs. Lernwegsorientierung) verändert werden können. Untersucht wurden insgesamt 103 Erzieherinnen aus 21 Einrichtungen mit eigens für die Arbeit entwickelten Instrumenten (Fragebögen, Filmvignetten).
Zur Beantwortung der ersten Forschungsfrage, wie die bereichsspezifische diagnostische Kompetenz von Erzieherinnen hinsichtlich der Facetten Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz ausgeprägt ist, zeigt sich, dass Erzieherinnen das Niveau ihrer Gruppe im Vergleich der Urteilsgenauigkeits-Komponenten am besten einschätzen können (Niveaukomponente), mit Tendenz zur Überschätzung. Auch die Wahrnehmung von Unterschieden zwischen den Kindern ihrer Gruppe gelingt ihnen gut (Personenkomponente), dabei neigen sie eher zu einer Überschätzung der Heterogenität. Wesentlich schwerer fällt es ihnen, spezifische Aufgabenschwierigkeiten im mathematischen Bereich korrekt einzuschätzen (Merkmalskomponente) und Unterschiede zwischen den Kindern im Hinblick auf einzelne Aufgaben (Wechselwirkungskomponente) zu beurteilen. Die Erzieherinnen sind jedoch sehr gut in der Lage, die Kinder entsprechend ihrer Leistungen in eine Rangreihenfolge zu bringen, wie es die Korrelationskomponente der Personenkomponente zeigt. Die Beobachtungskompetenz von Erzieherinnen zeigt sich in der Anzahl erkannter Fähigkeiten von Kindern während verschiedener Tätigkeiten mit mathematischem Bezug. Dabei wurde der Schwierigkeitsgrad der Beobachtung mittels Expertinneneinschätzung berücksichtigt. Die Erzieherinnen erkennen durchschnittlich die Hälfte der mathematischen Fähigkeiten von Kindern in verschiedenen komplexen Alltagssituationen bei mathematischen Tätigkeiten. Die zweite Forschungsfrage, ob es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Urteilsgenauigkeit und der Beobachtungskompetenz gibt, kann klar beantwortet werden. Erwartungswidrig zeigt die vorliegende Untersuchung, dass die Facetten Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz voneinander unabhängig sind. Damit konnte die Annahme, dass auf der einen Seite eine genaue summative Beurteilung auf einer Vielzahl kompetenter Einzelbeobachtungen beruht, auf der anderen Seite aber häufige gezielte Einzelbeobachtungen in ihrer Summe zu einem genaueren Gesamturteil führen, nicht bestätigt werden. Die dritte Forschungsfrage, ob eine bereichsspezifische Fortbildung von Erzieherinnen zur Verbesserung ihrer Urteilsgenauigkeit führt, muss verneint werden. Dagegen beeinflusst der Faktor Zeit (neun Monate zwischen Prä- und Posttest) die Fähigkeit der Erzieherinnen, Unterschiede zwischen den Kindern signifikant besser wahrzunehmen (Personenkomponente) und spezifische Aufgabenschwierigkeiten signifikant besser einzuschätzen (Merkmalskomponente). Damit verbessert sich auch die globale Urteilsgenauigkeit über die Zeit signifikant. Auf die Einschätzung des Leistungsniveaus der Gruppe (Niveaukomponente) sowie von Unterschieden zwischen den Kindern für einzelne Items (Wechselwirkungskomponente) hat jedoch auch der Faktor Zeit keinen signifikanten Einfluss.
Die vierte Forschungsfrage, ob die Unterschiede in der Veränderung der Urteilsgenauigkeit von Erzieherinnen davon abhängig sind, nach welchem Ansatz sie Kinder bereichsspezifisch fördern, lässt sich zusammenfassend verneinen. Die Art und Weise der bereichsspezifischen Förderung spielt keine Rolle für die Variabilität der Urteilsgenauigkeit von Erzieherinnen. Auch die Unterschiedlichkeit in den einzelnen Urteilsgenauigkeitskomponenten lässt sich nicht auf die Art der Fortbildung zurückführen.
Die fünfte Forschungsfrage, ob sich die Beobachtungskompetenz von Erzieherinnen durch eine bereichsspezifische Fortbildung beeinflussen lässt, kann aufgrund einer signifikanten Zunahme der Beobachtungskompetenz nach nur zwei Fortbildungstagen bejaht werden. Damit wird die These gestützt, dass eine Fortbildung zur bereichsspezifischen Förderung für eine gezielte und damit fokussiertere Wahrnehmung früher bereichsspezifischer Kompetenzen bedeutsam ist, selbst wenn sie nicht explizit auf diagnostische Kompetenz, sondern allgemein auf Förderung ausgerichtet ist
Die sechste Forschungsfrage zielt auf Veränderungen der Beobachtungskompetenz von Erzieherinnen in Abhängigkeit von Fortbildungen in verschiedenen bereichsspezifischen Förderansätzen ab. Für eine Zunahme der Beobachtungskompetenz, so zeigt sich, spielt der bereichsspezifische Ansatz, welcher der Fortbildung zugrunde gelegt ist, keine Rolle.
Die vorliegende Studie ist die erste Arbeit, die sowohl Beobachtungskompetenz (Forschung zu formativem Assessment) als auch Urteilsgenauigkeit (Accuracy-Forschung) anhand derselben Stichprobe untersucht. Trotz des im Ergebnis nicht nachgewiesenen Zusammenhangs zwischen Urteilsgenauigkeit und Beobachtungskompetenz stellt die Studie für die zukünftige Forschung bedeutsame Hinweise für die weitere Untersuchung der Facetten diagnostischer Kompetenz bereit.
Im Hinblick auf den frühpädagogischen Kontext zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit zum einen, dass ein ökologisch valides Treatment (Fortbildung) in einem Umfang von zwei Tagen implizit zu einer Verbesserung diagnostischer Kompetenzen führen kann. Zum anderen wird hier erstmalig im deutschsprachigen Raum die Messung der Urteilsgenauigkeit unter vollumfänglicher Erfüllung eines auf Hoge und Coladarci (1989) beruhenden Anforderungsprofils durchgeführt. Ein weiteres Alleinstellungsmerkmal dieser Studie ist die erstmals mit einer Mindestanzahl von vier Einschätzungen pro Erzieherin unter Berücksichtigung der Kontaktzeiten zwischen Erzieherinnen und Bezugskindern erfolgte Erhebung der Urteilsgenauigkeit von Erzieherinnen.
Climate change is an existential threat to human survival, the social organization of society, and the stability of ecosystems. It is thereby profoundly frightening. In the face of threat, people often want to protect themselves instead of engaging in mitigating behaviors. When psychological resources are insufficient to cope, people often respond with different forms of denial. In this dissertation, I contribute original knowledge to the understanding of the multifaceted phenomenon of climate denial from a psychological perspective.
There are four major gaps in the literature on climate denial: First, the spectrum of climate denial as a self-protective response to the climate crisis has not received attention within psychology. Second, basic psychological need satisfaction, a fundamental indicator of human functioning and the ability to cope with threat, has not been investigated as a predictor of climate denial. Third, relations of the spectrum of climate denial to climate-relevant emotions, specifically climate anxiety, have not been examined empirically. Forth, it has not been investigated how the spectrum of climate denial relates to established predictors of climate denial, namely right-wing ideological convictions and male gender. To address those gaps, I investigate what the spectrum of climate denial looks like in the German context and how it relates to basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration, pro-environmental behavior, climate anxiety, ideological conviction, and gender.
Five manuscripts reveal that climate denial exists on a spectrum in the German context, ranging from the distortion of facts (interpretive climate denial, specifically denial of personal and global outcome severity) to the denial of the implications of climate change (implicatory climate denial, specifically avoidance, denial of guilt, and rationalization of one's own involvement). Across analyses, low basic psychological need satisfaction predicted the spectrum of climate denial, which was negatively related to pro-environmental behavior. Climate denial was generally negatively related to climate anxiety, except for a positive association of avoidance and climate anxiety. Right-wing ideological conviction was the strongest predictor of climate denial across the spectrum. However, low need satisfaction and male gender were additional weaker predictors of implicatory climate denial.
These findings suggest that the spectrum of climate denial serves many psychological functions. Climate denial is possibly both a self-protective strategy to downregulate emotions and to protect oneself from loss of privilege. In short, it represents a barrier to climate action that may only be resolved once people have sufficient psychological resources to face the threat of climate change and cope with their underlying self-protective, emotional responses.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has experienced growing importance in the last decades and an increasing number of schools have already implemented CLIL programmes or are planning to do so. Though the potentials of CLIL programmes are widely praised, first research results also raise doubts if CLIL students can live up to these high expectations. Both Fehling (2005) as well as Rumlich (2013; 2016), for example, found that CLIL programmes not inevitably show the expected results but that the CLIL students’ success might also be at least partially explained by other influences, such as the selection process of future CLIL students. Hence, CLIL students apparently fall short of the high expectations that are usually connected to the respective CLIL programmes and as this is mainly based on the unsatisfactory quality of these programmes, Rumlich concludes that “it is now high time to focus on the quality of CLIL provision” (Rumlich 2016: 452). He continues to explain that “the promises of CLIL do not materialise automatically owing to the fact that another language is used for learning in a non-language subject” (Rumlich 2016: 452). It must be assumed that the success of CLIL teaching also highly depends on the quality of the CLIL teachers.
In contrast to the continuously growing number of CLIL schools, however, the number of specifically trained CLIL teachers is comparably small. In Germany, CLIL teachers are not (yet) required to attend any special training in order to teach in a CLIL programme. Notwithstanding, is it sufficient for a CLIL teacher only to be trained in the content subject and the foreign language? Or does CLIL teaching require more than the sum of these two components? Do CLIL teachers need additional teaching competences to the ones of a content and a language teacher? In the light of the recent findings of CLIL programmes falling short of the high expectations, the answer to these questions must clearly be “Yes”. Hence, in order to appropriately train (future) CLIL teachers, special training programmes need to be developed which consider the teachers’ individual educational backgrounds, i.e. their qualifications as language and/or as content teachers and build up on these competences through adding the CLIL-specific teaching competences.
Therefore, this thesis aims at developing a German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education, which considers both the already published, theory-based standards of CLIL teacher education as well as the practical perspective of experienced CLIL teachers in Germany. This German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education classifies the different teaching competences, which are derived from integrating the theoretical and the practical perspective on CLIL teacher education, with regard to the three different competence areas, i.e. the general teaching competence, the language teaching competence and the subject teaching competence and is hence adaptable to different CLIL settings and educational backgrounds. In addition to developing this German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education, which provides the content of future CLIL teacher education programmes, this thesis discusses different forms of structurally implementing CLIL teacher education programmes in the existing structures of teacher education in Germany. This is achieved through analysing the current state of the art of CLIL teacher education at German universities and systematising the different forms of implementing these training programmes in the prevailing educational structures. Building on these first two steps, in the third and final step, this thesis develops a CLIL teacher education programme at a German university that is based on the results and elements of the German Framework for CLIL Teacher Education as well as the state of the art of CLIL teacher education in Germany. Thus, this thesis is allocated at the intersection between foreign language teaching as well as teacher education and is structured in eleven chapters.
Speziell in Anwendungen mit intensiver Temperatur- und Korrosionsbeanspruchung finden vermehrt Phosphate als sogenannte chemische Binder für Hochleistungskeramiken Verwendung. Konkret ist die Summe der Reaktionsverläufe während des Bindemechanismus in Folge einer thermisch-induzierten Aushärtung und somit die Wirkungsweise von Phosphatbindern prinzipiell innerhalb der Fachliteratur nicht eindeutig untersucht. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurden aufbauend auf einer umfangreichen strukturanalytischen Prüfungsanordnung (Festkörper-NMR, RBA, REM-EDX) einer exemplarischen phosphatgebundenen Al₂O₃-MgAl₂O₄-Hochtemperaturkeramikzusammensetzung unter Einbeziehung verschiedenartiger anorganischer Phosphate grundlegende Bindemechanismen charakterisiert. Mechanisch-physikochemische Eigenschaftsuntersuchungen (STA, Dilatometrie, DMA, KBF) deckten zudem den Einfluss der eingesetzten Phosphate auf die Eigenschaftsentwicklungen der Feuerfestkeramiken bezüglich des Abbindeverhaltens, der Biegefestigkeit sowie der thermischen Längenänderung auf, welche mit Strukturänderungen korreliert wurden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass sich Bindemechanismen bei Verwendung von Phosphaten temperaturgeleitet (20 °C ≤ T ≤ 1500 °C) grundsätzlich aus zwei parallel ablaufenden Reaktionsabfolgen zusammensetzen, wobei die sich entwickelnden Phosphatphasen innerhalb der Keramikmasse quantitativ und qualitativ bezüglich ihrer Bindewirkung bewertet wurden. Zum einen wurde die Bildung eines festigkeitssteigernden Bindenetzwerks aus Aluminiumphosphaten meist amorpher Struktur identifiziert und charakterisiert. Dieses bindungsfördernde, dreidimensionale Aluminiumphosphatnetzwerk baut sich innerhalb der Initialisierungs- und Vernetzungsphasen temperaturgeleitet kontinuierlich über multiple Vernetzungsreaktionen homogen auf. Zum anderen werden Reaktionsabfolgen durch parallel ablaufende Strukturumwandlungen nicht aktiv-bindender Phosphatspezies wie Magnesium-, Calcium- oder Zirkoniumphosphate ergänzt, welche lediglich thermische Umwandlungsreaktionen der Ausgangsphosphate darstellen. Vermehrt bei T > 800 °C geht das phosphatische Bindenetzwerk Festkörperreaktionen mit MgAl₂O₄ unter Ausbildung und Agglomeration von Magnesium-Orthophosphat-Sinterstrukturen ein. Die Bildung dieser niedrigschmelzenden Hochtemperaturphasen führt zu einem teilweisen Bruch des Bindenetzwerks.
Buildings and infrastructures characterize the appearance of our cultural landscapes and provide essential services for the human society. However, they inevitably impact the natural environment e.g. by the structural change of habitats. Additionally, they potentially cause further negative environmental impacts due to the release of chemical substances from construction materials. Galvanic anodes and organic coatings regularly used for corrosion protection of steel structures are building materials of particular importance for the transport infrastructure. In direct contact with a water body or indirectly via the runoff after rainfall, numerous chemicals can be released into the environment and pose a risk to aquatic organisms. Up to now, there is no uniform investigation and evaluation approach for the assessment of the environmental compatibility of building products. Furthermore, galvanic anodes and organic coatings pose particular challenges for their ecotoxicological characterization due to their composition. Therefore, the objective of the presented thesis was the ecotoxicological assessment of emissions from galvanic anodes and protective coatings as well as the development of standardized assessment procedures for these materials.
The possible environmental hazard posed by the use of anodes on offshore installations was investigated on three trophic levels. To ensure a realistic and reliable evaluation, the experiments were carried out in natural seawater and under natural pH conditions. Moreover, the anode material and its main components zinc and aluminum were exposed while simulating a worst-case scenario. The anode material examined caused a weak inhibition of algae growth; no acute toxicity was observed on the luminescent bacteria and amphipods. However, an increase of aluminum and indium levels in the crustacean species was found. On the basis of these results, no direct threat has been identified for marine organisms from the use of galvanic aluminum anodes. However, an accumulation of metals in crustaceans and a resulting entry into the marine food web cannot be excluded.
The environmental compatibility of organic coating systems was exemplarily evaluated using a selection of relevant products based on epoxy resins (EP) and polyurethanes. For this purpose, coated test plates were dynamically leached over 64 days. The eluates obtained were systematically analyzed for their ecotoxicological effects (acute toxicity to algae and luminescent bacteria, mutagenic and estrogenic effects) and their chemical composition. In particular, the EP-based coatings caused significant bacterial toxicity and estrogen-like effects. The continuously released 4-tert-butylphenol was identified as a main contributor to these effects and was quantified in concentrations exceeding the predicted no effect concentration for freshwater in all samples. Interestingly, the overall toxicity was not governed by the content of 4-tert-butylphenol in the products but rather by the release mechanism of this compound from the investigated polymers. This finding indicates that an optimization of the composition can result in the reduction of emissions and thus of environmental impacts - possibly due to a better polymerization of the compounds.
Coatings for corrosion protection are exposed to rain, changes in temperature and sun light leading to a weathering of the polymer. To determine the influence of light-induced aging on the ecotoxicity of top coatings, the emissions and associated adverse effects of UV-irradiated and untreated EP-based products were compared. To that end, the investigation of static leachates was focused on estrogenicity and bacterial toxicity, which were detected in the classic microtiter plate format and in combination with thin-layer plates. Both materials examined showed a significant decrease of the ecotoxicological effects after irradiation with a simultaneous reduction of the 4-tert-butylphenol emission. However, bisphenol A and various structural analogues were detected as photolytic degradation products of the polymers, which also contributed to the observed effects. In this context, the identification of bioactive compounds was supported by the successful combination of in-vitro bioassays with chemical analysis by means of an effect-directed analysis. The presented findings provide important information to assess the general suitability of top coatings based on epoxy resins.
Within the scope of the present study, an investigation concept was developed and successfully applied to a selection of relevant construction materials. The adaptation of single standard methods allowed an individual evaluation of these products. At the same time, the suitability of the ecotoxicological methods used for the investigation of materials of unknown and complex composition was confirmed and the basis for a systematic assessment of the environmental compatibility of corrosion protection products was created. Against the background of the European Construction Products Regulation, the chosen approach can facilitate the selection of environmentally friendly products and contributes to the optimization of individual formulations by the simple comparison of different building materials e.g. within a product group.
Connected vehicles will have a tremendous impact on tomorrow’s mobility solutions. Such systems will heavily rely on information delivery in time to ensure the functional reliability, security and safety. However, the host-centric communication model of today’s networks questions efficient data dissemination in a scale, especially in networks characterized by a high degree of mobility. The Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm has evolved as a promising candidate for the next generation of network architectures. Based on a loosely coupled communication model, the in-network processing and caching capabilities of ICNs are promising to solve the challenges set by connected vehicular systems. In such networks, a special class of caching strategies which take action by placing a consumer’s anticipated content actively at the right network nodes in time are promising to reduce the data delivery time. This thesis contributes to the research in active placement strategies in information-centric and computation-centric vehicle networks for providing dynamic access to content and computation results. By analyzing different vehicular applications and their requirements, novel caching strategies are developed in order to reduce the time of content retrieval. The caching strategies are compared and evaluated against the state-of-the-art in both extensive simulations as well as real world deployments. The results are showing performance improvements by increasing the content retrieval (availability of specific data increased up to 35% compared to state-of-the-art caching strategies), and reducing the delivery times (roughly double the number of data retrieval from neighboring nodes). However, storing content actively in connected vehicle networks raises questions regarding security and privacy. In the second part of the thesis, an access control framework for information-centric connected vehicles is presented. Finally, open security issues and research directions in executing computations at the edge of connected vehicle networks are presented.
Im Kontext chronischer Schmerzerkrankungen sind neben dem physischem Schmerzerleben auch Emotionen, wie Depressivität, Angst, Scham und Ärger von großer Relevanz. So leiden beispielsweise ca. 70 % der Menschen mit chronischen Schmerzen unter wiederkehrendem Ärger. Die Forschung zu spezifischen emotionsfokussierten psychologischen Behandlungsansätzen ist jedoch begrenzt. Eine Möglichkeit der Behandlung könnten sogenannte mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze darstellen. So ist Selbstmitgefühl bei chronischem Schmerz beispielsweise assoziiert mit einer geringeren Schmerzintensität sowie geringerer physischer und emotionaler Beeinträchtigung, wie Depressivität, Angst und Ärger. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl im Kontext von akutem und chronischem Schmerz unter der besonderen Berücksichtigung von Ärger evaluiert.
Zunächst wuden in einem Überblicksartikel Interventionsstudien (N = 19) zu Behandlungsansätzen von chronischen Schmerzen zusammengefasst, welche Veränderungen in Ärger oder verwandten Aspekten berichteten (Studie 1). Nur zwei der eingeschlossenen Studien untersuchten spezifische Interventionen zur Bewältigung von Ärger. Insgesamt wiesen die Studien große Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Qualität, Stichprobe, Intervention (Art, Dauer, Setting) wie auch der Messinstrumente für Ärger auf. Die vielversprechendsten Ergebnisse zeigten sich für akzeptanz- und mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze. Als mögliche Fundierung zukünftiger Forschung wurde zudem das „Prozess Modell der Ärger-Regulation bei chronischem Schmerz“ vorgeschlagen und diskutiert.
Da sich mitgefühlsbasierte Ansätze als potentiell wirksam zur Bewältigung von Ärger erwiesen, wurde die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl im Kontext von chronischem Schmerz anhand einer kontrollierten Längsschnittstudie (t1: NT1 = 1228; t2: NT2 = 376) evaluiert (Studie 2 & 3). In Studie 2 wurde Selbstmitgefühl anhand der zwei Faktoren „compassionate self-responding (CS)“ und „reduced uncompassionate self-responding (RUS)“ definiert. Hierbei erwies sich CS als distinktes Konstrukt im Vergleich zu Psychologischer Inflexibilität und Selbstwert. RUS und Selbstwert schienen das gleiche latente Konstrukt zu repräsentieren. Die
Relevanz dieser Konzepte für schmerzbezogene Konzepte, wie auch Depressivität und Ärger wurde in Studie 3 überprüft. Nur RUS und nicht CS stellte hierbei einen eigenständigen Prädiktor für schmerzbezogene Aspekte dar. Psychologische Inflexibilität, genauer Vermeidungsverhalten, erwies sich zudem als Prädiktor mit breiterer Relevanz, jedoch konnte keiner der untersuchten Prädiktoren eigenständig Ärger vorhersagen.
Die Relevanz von Selbstmitgefühl zur Bewältigung von akutem Schmerz wurde in einer experimentellen Studie evaluiert (Studie 4). Die Emotionsregulationsstrategien Selbstmitgefühl, Akzeptanz und Ablenkung erwiesen sich als vergleichbar hilfreich hinsichtlich Schmerztoleranz, -Intensität und –Aversion.
Selbstmitgefühl scheint demnach auch im Kontext von Schmerz vor allem in spezifischen Kontexten oder für bestimmte Subgruppen von Bedeutung zu sein. Zukünftige Forschung sollte sich daher auf einen adaptiven Einsatz der Emotionsregulationsstrategie Selbstmitgefühl konzentrieren. Im Speziellen sollte die Wirkung von mitgefühlsbasierten Interventionen auf Ärger bei Schmerz genauer evaluiert werden.
In Kooperation mit dem TÜV SÜD und 985 Führungskräften aus deutschen Unternehmen wurde erprobt, wie Service-Qualität im Rahmen einer Onlinebefragung gemessen werden kann. Es wurde untersucht, welche Komponenten Service-Qualität umfasst, und ein Rahmenmodell entwickelt, das die Zusammenhänge zwischen Service-Qualität, Kundenzufriedenheit und dem Erfolg von Organisationen beschreibt. Die theoretische Konzeption und Operationalisierung des Konstrukts wurde mittels konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalysen überprüft und bestätigt. Das Rahmenmodell der Studie wurde als Strukturgleichungsmodell formuliert und konnte ebenfalls empirisch bestätigt werden. Die Ergebnisse und deren Auswirkung auf die Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden wissenschaftlichen Theorien zu den Konstrukten Service-Qualität, Kundenzufriedenheit und Erfolg von Organisationen wurden kritisch diskutiert.
Zur Steigerung der Ökonomie des Verfahrens wurde ein adaptiver Test zur Erfassung von Service-Qualität entwickelt. Im Rahmen der probabilistischen Testtheorie wurde geprüft, welches Item Response-Modell die empirischen Daten gut beschreiben kann. Als Grundlage für den adaptiven Test wurden die Item-Parameter modellkonform bestimmt. In einer Simulationsstudie wurde untersucht, ob die Ergebnisse der Onlinebefragung sich bedeutsam von den Ergebnissen adaptiver Tests mit unterschiedlichen Konfigurationen unterscheiden. Der Vergleich der Konfigurationen, die sich darin unterschieden, wie der Personenparameter geschätzt wurde und nach welchem Algorithmus das nächste Test-Item gewählt wurde, zeigte, welche Konfigurationen eingesetzt werden können, um eine möglichst geringe Testlänge zu erzielen, ohne dabei bedeutsame Einbußen bei der Reliabilität und Validität der Messung in Kauf zu nehmen. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Erkenntnisse wurde der Fragebogen zur Erfassung von Service-Qualität als computerbasierter adaptiver Test umgesetzt. Diese neue Erfassungsmethode wurde in der Praxis erprobt, und abschließend wurden Nützlichkeit, Ökonomie und mögliche Nachteile, die mit dieser Art des Testens verknüpft sind, diskutiert.
Dieses Dokument, detailierte Analyseergebnisse, den adaptiven Test zur Erfassung von Service-Qualität und weitere Begleitmaterialien finden Sie unter:
Demografische und gesellschaftliche Wandlungsprozesse drohen die informelle Pflege als tragende Säule des Pflegesystems in Deutschland zunehmend zu erodieren. Während einerseits die Zahl an Pflegebedürftigen zukünftig ansteigen wird, nimmt andererseits die Zahl derer, die Pflegetätigkeiten übernehmen könnten ab. Zudem werden Frauen, die heute noch die Hauptlast der Pflegeverantwortung tragen, in Zukunft vermehrt erwerbstätig sein.
Vor diesem Hintergrund ergibt sich folgendes Problemfeld: Bei der Übernahme von informellen Pflegeaufgaben entsteht häufig ein Vereinbarkeitsproblem zwischen Pflege- und Erwerbstätigkeit. Pflegende reduzieren deshalb nicht selten ihre Erwerbsarbeitszeit oder geben die berufliche Tätigkeit ganz auf. Im Kontext des deutschen Sozialversicherungssystems bedeutet das, dass sich informell Pflegende erhöhten sozialen Risiken aussetzen, wenn sie ihre Erwerbs- und Verdienstpotenziale am Arbeitsmarkt nicht vollumfänglich ausschöpfen. Ferner entstehen indirekte Kosten beim Fiskus, die auf verringerte Einkommensteuer- und Sozialversicherungsbeiträge und/oder erhöhte Transferleistungen zurückzuführen sind. Diese sogenannten fiskalischen Kosten wurden im wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftspolitischen Diskurs bisher jedoch nur unzureichend berücksichtigt.
Demnach ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, die fiskalischen Kosten aufgrund informeller Pflege im deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaat empirisch zu prognostizieren. Dazu werden zunächst die Auswirkungen einer Pflegeübernahme auf das Arbeitsangebot evaluiert und dann in ein Steuer- und Sozialversicherungsmodell überführt, um so die fiskalischen Kosten aufgrund informeller Pflege zu quantifizieren. Mithilfe eines dynamischen Populationsmodells erfolgt abschließend die empirische Prognose der fiskalischen Kosten.
Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass beim Fiskus erhebliche (Mehr-)kosten durch informelle Pflege in Form von entgangenen Einkommensteuer- und Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen und/oder erhöhte Transferleistungen entstehen. Darüberhinaus ist die informelle Pflegeerbringung von Frauen aus staatlicher Perspektive kostengünstiger als die von Männern.
Enterprise collaboration platforms are increasingly gaining importance in organisations. Integrating groupware functionality and enterprise social software (ESS), they have substantially been transforming everyday work in organisations. While traditional collaboration systems have been studied in Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) for many years, the large-scale, infrastructural and heterogeneous nature of enterprise collaboration platforms remains uncharted. Enterprise collaboration platforms are embedded into organisations’ digital workplace and come with a high degree of complexity, ambiguity, and generativity. When introduced, they are empty shells with no pre-determined purposes of use. They afford interpretive flexibility, and thus are shaping and being shaped by and in their social context. Outcomes and benefits emerge and evolve over time in an open-ended process and as the digital platform is designed through use. In order to make the most of the platform and associated continuous digital transformation, organisations have to develop the necessary competencies and capabilities.
Extant literature on enterprise collaboration platforms has proliferated and provide valuable insights on diverse topics, such as implementation strategies, adoption hurdles, or collaboration use cases, however, they tend to disregard their evolvability and related multiple time frames and settings. Thus, this research aims to identify, investigate, and theorise the ways that enterprise collaboration platforms are changing over time and space and the ways that organisations build digital transformation capabilities. To address this research aim two different case study types are conducted: i) in-depth longitudinal qualitative case study, where case narratives and visualisations capturing hard-to-summarise complexities in the enterprise collaboration platform evolution are developed and ii) multiple-case studies to capture, investigate, and compare cross-case elements that contribute to the shaping of enterprise collaboration platforms in different medium-sized and large organisations from a range of industries. Empirical data is captured and investigated through a multi-method research design (incl. focus groups, surveys, in-depth interviews, literature reviews, qualitative content analysis, descriptive statistics) with shifting units of analysis. The findings reveal unique change routes with unanticipated outcomes and transformations, context-specific change strategies to deal with multiple challenges (e.g. GDPR, works council, developments in the technological field, competing systems, integration of blue-collar workers), co-existing platform uses, and various interacting actors from the immediate setting and broader context. The interpretation draws on information infrastructure (II) as a theoretical lens and related sociotechnical concepts and perspectives (incl. inscriptions, social worlds, biography of artefacts). Iteratively, a conceptual model of the building of digital transformation capabilities is developed, integrating the insights gained from the study of enterprise collaboration platform change and developed monitoring change tools (e.g. MoBeC framework). It assists researchers and practitioners in understanding the building of digital transformation capabilities from a theoretical and practical viewpoint and organisations implement the depicted knowledge in their unique digital transformation processes.
Cultural eutrophication due to excessive inputs of nutrients seriously threatens aquatic ecosystems worldwide and is one of the major anthropogenic stressors on aquatic biota in European rivers. In streams and shallow rivers, its effects include excessive periphyton growth, which causes biological clogging and thereby oxygen depletion in the hyporheic zone. The result is a serious degradation of habitat quality for benthic invertebrates as well as for the eggs and larvae of gravel-spawning fish. Unlike in standing waters, efficient tools for controlling eutrophication in rivers are lacking. However, top-down control of the food-web by manipulating fish stocks, similar to the biomanipulation successfully applied in lakes, offers a promising approach to mitigating the effects of eutrophication in shallow rivers, especially those in which major reductions in nutrient inputs are not feasible. The overall aim of this thesis was to assess the potential for top-down control by two large cypriniform fish, the common nase (Chondrostoma nasus), the only obligate herbivorous fish species in European rivers, and the omnivorous European chub (Squalius cephalus), to mitigate the effects of eutrophication in medium-sized rivers. I therefore conducted field experiments on different spatial and temporal scales in the hyporhithral zone of a eutrophic gravel-bed river. Generally, the results of those experiments revealed the crucial role of fish-mediated top-down effects in river food webs. In a 4-year reach-scale experiment, the key contribution of my thesis, the enhancement of fish densities significantly increased both oxygen availability and water exchange in the upper layer of the hyporheic zone, even though the top-down effects of the fish on periphyton biomass were relatively small. These findings were supported by those of a 4-week mesocosm experiment, which also provided insights into the mechanisms underlying the mitigation of eutrophication effects by nase and chub. The top-down effects of both fish species reduced hyporheic oxygen depletion, suggesting a reduction of biological clogging. The positive effects of herbivorous nase on hyporheic oxygen availability could be attributed to benthic grazing, whereas the reduction of hyporheic oxygen depletion in the presence of omnivorous chub was best explained by the enhanced bioturbation induced by the fish’s benthic foraging. Overall, the results of my thesis demonstrate that biomanipulation achieved by enhancing herbivorous and omnivorous fish stocks can mitigate the effects of eutrophication in medium-sized European rivers. The results may be the first step towards the establishment of biomanipulation as a supportive management tool for eutrophication control in running waters and therefore as a strategy to preserve aquatic biodiversity.
The belief in a just world in face of injustice: victim, observer, and perpetrator perspectives
Injustice happens every day either to us, to our neighbors, or people across the world. Yet, believing that the world is a fair place helps us to cope with this injustice and motivates us to behave fairly. Scholars have found that these functions that the belief in a just world (BJW) serves are crucial for maintaining mental health. However, the conditions under which BJW is functional and when people give up this belief are not well studied. The current dissertation aims to examine: when the BJW can be shattered, the role of the external world and other internal resources in face of injustice, and the role of BJW in predicting corrupt behavior. Three studies were conducted corresponding to each party of injustice: a victim, an observer, and a perpetrator.
Study 1 examined the effects of criminal victimization on BJW and buffering role of perceptions of justice in the criminal justice process. A cross-sectional study showed that victims of very severe crimes such as domestic violence and human trafficking had lower personal BJW than non-victims and victims of less severe crimes, and higher informational justice perceptions reduced the effect of victimization on the personal BJW. Study 2 aimed to test the changes in BJW after observing severe injustice. A longitudinal study showed that after observing school rampage attacks that happened at other schools, BJW of adolescent participants increased. Moreover, life satisfaction and perceived social support moderated the change of BJW. Study 3 examined relationships between BJW and corrupt behavior. A cross-sectional study showed that personal BJW can predict bribery behavior.
The findings of three studies provided evidence that BJW does not function in isolation. An external world and internal resources can reduce the threat of injustice on BJW. BJW plays an important role in predicting unfair behavior therefore authorities should aim to maintain the BJW of their citizens.
Vertebrate biodiversity is rapidly decreasing worldwide with amphibians being the most endangered vertebrate group. In the EU, 21 of 89 amphibian species are recognized as being endangered. The intensively used European agricultural landscape is one of the major causes for these declines. As agriculture represents an essential habitat for amphibians, exposure to pesticides can have adverse effects on amphibian populations. Currently, the European risk assessment of pesticides for vertebrates requires specific approaches for fish regarding aquatic vertebrate toxicity and birds as well as mammals for terrestrial vertebrate toxicity but does not address the unique characteristics of amphibians. Therefore, the overall goal of this thesis was to investigate the ecotoxicological effects of pesticides on Central European anuran amphibians. For this, effects on aquatic and terrestrial amphibian life stages as well as on reproduction were investigated. Then, in anticipation of a risk assessment of pesticides for amphibians, this thesis discussed potential regulatory risk assessment approaches.
For the investigated pesticides and amphibian species, it was observed that the acute aquatic toxicity of pesticides can be addressed using the existing aquatic risk assessment approach based on fish toxicity data. However, lethal as well as sublethal effects were observed in terrestrial juveniles after dermal exposure to environmentally realistic pesticide concentrations, which cannot be covered using an existing risk assessment approach. Therefore, pesticides should also be evaluated for potential terrestrial toxicity using risk assessment tools before approval. Additionally, effects of co-formulants and adjuvants of pesticides need specific consideration in a future risk assessment as they can increase toxicity of pesticides to aquatic and terrestrial amphibian stages. The chronic duration of combined aquatic and terrestrial exposure was shown to affect amphibian reproduction. Currently, such effects cannot be captured by the existing risk assessment as data involving field scenarios analysing effects of multiple pesticides on amphibian reproduction are too rare to allow comparison to data of other terrestrial vertebrates such as birds and mammals. In the light of these findings, future research should not only address acute and lethal effects, but also chronic and sublethal effects on a population level. As pesticide exposure can adversely affect amphibian populations, their application should be considered even more carefully to avoid further amphibian declines. Overall, this thesis emphasizes the urgent need for a protective pesticide risk assessment for amphibians to preserve and promote stable amphibian populations in agricultural landscapes.
The Stereotype Content Modell (SCM; Fiske et al., 2002) proposes two fundamental dimensions of social evaluation: Warmth, or the intentions of the target, and Competence, or the ability to enact these intentions. The practical applications of the SCM are very broad and have led to an assumption of universality of warmth and competence as fundamental dimensions of social evaluation.
This thesis has identified five mainly methodological shortcomings of the current SCM research and literature: (I) An insufficient initial scale development; (II) the usage of varying warmth and competence scales without sufficient scale property assessment in later research; (III) the dominant application of first-generation analytical approaches; (IV) the insufficient definition and empirical proof for the SCM’s assumption of universality; and (V) the limited application of the SCM for some social targets. These shortcomings were addressed in four article manuscripts strictly following open science recommendations.
Manuscript # 1 re-analysed published research using English SCM measures to investigate the measurement properties of the used warmth and competence scales. It reported the scales’ reliability, dimensionality and comparability across targets as well as the indicator-based parameter performance in a (multiple group) confirmatory factor analysis framework. The findings indicate that about two thirds of all re-analysed scales do not show the theoretically expected warmth and competence dimensionality. Moreover, only about eleven per cent allowed meaningful mean value comparisons between targets. Manuscript # 2 presents a replication of Manuscript # 1 in the national and language of German(y) generating virtually identical results as Manuscript # 1 did. Manuscript # 3 investigated the stereotype content of refugee subgroups in Germany. We showed that refugees was generally perceived unfavourably in terms of warmth and competence, but that the stereotype content varied based on the refugees’ geographic origin, religious affiliation, and flight motive. These results were generated using a reliability-corrected approach to compare mean values named alignment optimisation procedure. Manuscript # 4 developed and tested a high-performing SCM scale assessing occupational stereotypes a number of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.
David Hume und John Dewey
In dieser vergleichenden Untersuchung werden die Philosophien David Humes und John Deweys gegenübergestellt. Es werden sämtliche philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, denen sich beide Denker gewidmet haben, einbezogen: Anthropologie, Bewusstseinstheorie, Psychologie, Erkenntnistheorie, Ethik (Moralphilosophie), Politik, Ökonomie, Soziologie, Sozialphilosophie, Geschichtswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft. Dabei wird thesengeleitet vorgegangen.
- Pragmatismus-These: David Hume sei Pragmatist avant la lettre gewesen.
- Begriffs-These: Begriffe (hier etwa nature und experience) seien breit genug zu fassen, um mit ihnen zielführend zu operieren.
- Quasi-System-These: Die Vielfalt der philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, mit denen sich beide Denker befassten, bilde jeweils ein System, ohne als solches angelegt worden zu sein.
- Klassik-These: Es sei ergiebig, sich mit Philosophen zu beschäftigen, die bislang noch nicht oder kaum verglichen wurden, da es neben Entsprechungen, Ähnlichkeiten und Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten auch Lerneffekte aus Überwindungen und Differenzen gebe.
- Instrumentalismus-These: Deweys Philosophie sei dem Streben nach Lösungen für das praktische soziale Zusammenleben dienlich.
Benannte Disziplinen werden einzeln in der folgenden Reihenfolge behandelt:
1) David Humes Gedanken
2) John Deweys Gedanken
3) Prüfung, inwieweit sich Dewey auf Hume direkt oder indirekt bezog
4) Verbindungslinien zwischen den Gedanken beider Philosophen
Diesen Untersuchungsschwerpunkten werden vorgelagert bzw. beigestellt:
- Ausführliche Begriffsarbeit, insbesondere zu den „Ismen“, welche man beiden Denkern zurechnet: Empirismus, Pragmatismus/Pragmatiszismus, Skeptizismus, Naturalismus. Der Verfasser geht dabei auch Bezüge dieser Ismen untereinander ein.
- Die Philosophie William James‘ als eventueller Verbindung zwischen Hume und Dewey
- Der Darwinismus als möglicher missing link zwischen beiden Denkern
- Die Thematik Willensfreiheit/Determinismus als Scharnierstelle zwischen theoretischer und praktischer Philosophie
Als Hauptsäulen seiner Untersuchung arbeitet der Verfasser folgende Konzeptionen heraus.
- Den „pragmatistic turn“, mit dem der Verfasser aussagt, dass Hume durch die unterschiedliche Behandlung seiner skeptischen Denkergebnisse in seinen Hauptwerken Treatise und Enquiry Pragmatist avant la lettre gewesen sei
- Die Idee des „Instrumentalismus zu einem höheren Zweck“, gemäß dem Dewey (und im Effekt auch Hume) zwar instrumentalistisch operierte (was ihm u. a. von Horkheimer vorgeworfen wurde), diesen Instrumentalismus selbst aber dem höheren Zweck der sozialen Gemeinschaft untergeordnet habe.
Als Nebenergebnisse der Arbeit (neben der systematischen Prüfung der Thesen in allen benannten Disziplinen) entstanden Reflexionen über
- Kreativität
- Kommunikation
- Kultur
- Natur
- Meliorismus, Kommunitarismus und Voluntarismus
- Die Stellung der Philosophie in Bezug zu geistes-, natur- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Rekonstruktion,
jeweils in Bezug zum Werk beider Denker.
Darüber hinaus werden die Biographien beider als „Faktor Existenz und Authentizität“ mit Blick auf die jeweilige Entsprechung zwischen Leben und Werk ausgewertet.
Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst die Auswertung des jeweils umfangreichen Gesamtwerkes sowohl von Hume als auch von Dewey und bezieht den aktuellen Stand der Sekundärliteratur mit ein.
Die bisherige Forschungslage zu einem Vergleich zwischen den beiden Philosophen ist sehr spärlich; diese Arbeit ist in diesem Sinne innovativ im Themenbezug.
Ergebnis der Untersuchung ist, dass in nicht wenigen Teilbereichen große Entsprechungen beider Philosophien vorhanden sind. Aber auch durch Unterschiede und bislang nicht weiterverfolgte Interpretationsansätze werden mögliche Denklinien in der Bewertung beider Philosophien und in der Betrachtung des Bezugs zwischen klassischem Empirismus und dem Pragmatismus sichtbar gemacht.
The Web is an essential component of moving our society to the digital age. We use it for communication, shopping, and doing our work. Most user interaction in the Web happens with Web page interfaces. Thus, the usability and accessibility of Web page interfaces are relevant areas of research to make the Web more useful. Eye tracking is a tool that can be helpful in both areas, performing usability testing and improving accessibility. It can be used to understand users' attention on Web pages and to support usability experts in their decision-making process. Moreover, eye tracking can be used as an input method to control an interface. This is especially useful for people with motor impairment, who cannot use traditional input devices like mouse and keyboard. However, interfaces on Web pages become more and more complex due to dynamics, i.e., changing contents like animated menus and photo carousels. We need general approaches to comprehend dynamics on Web pages, allowing for efficient usability analysis and enjoyable interaction with eye tracking. In the first part of this thesis, we report our work on improving gaze-based analysis of dynamic Web pages. Eye tracking can be used to collect the gaze signals of users, who browse a Web site and its pages. The gaze signals show a usability expert what parts in the Web page interface have been read, glanced at, or skipped. The aggregation of gaze signals allows a usability expert insight into the users' attention on a high-level, before looking into individual behavior. For this, all gaze signals must be aligned to the interface as experienced by the users. However, the user experience is heavily influenced by changing contents, as these may cover a substantial portion of the screen. We delineate unique states in Web page interfaces including changing contents, such that gaze signals from multiple users can be aggregated correctly. In the second part of this thesis, we report our work on improving the gaze-based interaction with dynamic Web pages. Eye tracking can be used to retrieve gaze signals while a user operates a computer. The gaze signals may be interpreted as input controlling an interface. Nowadays, eye tracking as an input method is mostly used to emulate mouse and keyboard functionality, hindering an enjoyable user experience. There exist a few Web browser prototypes that directly interpret gaze signals for control, but they do not work on dynamic Web pages. We have developed a method to extract interaction elements like hyperlinks and text inputs efficiently on Web pages, including changing contents. We adapt the interaction with those elements for eye tracking as the input method, such that a user can conveniently browse the Web hands-free. Both parts of this thesis conclude with user-centered evaluations of our methods, assessing the improvements in the user experience for usability experts and people with motor impairment, respectively.
We consider variational discretization of three different optimal control problems.
The first being a parabolic optimal control problem governed by space-time measure controls. This problem has a nice sparsity structure, which motivates our aim to achieve maximal sparsity on the discrete level. Due to the measures on the right hand side of the partial differential equation, we consider a very weak solution theory for the state equation and need an embedding into the continuous functions for the pairings to make sense. Furthermore, we employ Fenchel duality to formulate the predual problem and give results on solution theory of both the predual and the primal problem. Later on, the duality is also helpful for the derivation of algorithms, since the predual problem can be differentiated twice so that we can apply a semismooth Newton method. We then retrieve the optimal control by duality relations.
For the state discretization we use a Petrov-Galerkin method employing piecewise constant states and piecewise linear and continuous test functions in time. For the space discretization we choose piecewise linear and continuous functions. As a result the controls are composed of Dirac measures in space-time, centered at points on the discrete space-time grid. We prove that the optimal discrete states and controls converge strongly in L^q and weakly-* in Μ, respectively, to their smooth counterparts, where q ϵ (1,min{2,1+2/d}] is the spatial dimension. The variational discrete version of the state equation with the above choice of spaces yields a Crank-Nicolson time stepping scheme with half a Rannacher smoothing step.
Furthermore, we compare our approach to a full discretization of the corresponding control problem, precisely a discontinuous Galerkin method for the state discretization, where the discrete controls are piecewise constant in time and Dirac measures in space. Numerical experiments highlight the sparsity features of our discrete approach and verify the convergence results.
The second problem we analyze is a parabolic optimal control problem governed by bounded initial measure controls. Here, the cost functional consists of a tracking term corresponding to the observation of the state at final time. Instead of a regularization term for the control in the cost functional, we consider a bound on the measure norm of the initial control. As in the first problem we observe a sparsity structure, but here the control resides only in space at initial time, so we focus on the space discretization to achieve maximal sparsity of the control. Again, due to the initial measure in the partial differential equation, we rely on a very weak solution theory of the state equation.
We employ a dG(0) approximation of the state equation, i.e. we choose piecewise linear and continuous functions in space, which are piecewise constant in time for our ansatz and test space. Then, the variational discretization of the problem together with the optimality conditions induce maximal discrete sparsity of the initial control, i.e. Dirac measures in space. We present numerical experiments to illustrate our approach and investigate the sparsity structure
As third problem we choose an elliptic optimal control governed by functions of bounded variation (BV) in one space dimension. The cost functional consists of a tracking term for the state and a BV-seminorm in terms of the derivative of the control. We derive a sparsity structure for the derivative of the BV control. Additionally, we utilize the mixed formulation for the state equation.
A variational discretization approach with piecewise constant discretization of the state and piecewise linear and continuous discretization of the adjoint state yields that the derivative of the control is a sum of Dirac measures. Consequently the control is a piecewise constant function. Under a structural assumption we even get that the number of jumps of the control is finite. We prove error estimates for the variational discretization approach in combination with the mixed formulation of the state equation and confirm our findings in numerical experiments that display the convergence rate.
In summary we confirm the use of variational discretization for optimal control problems with measures that inherit a sparsity. We are able to preserve the sparsity on the discrete level without discretizing the control variable.
Human action recognition from a video has received growing attention in computer vision and has made significant progress in recent years. Action recognition is described as a requirement to decide which human actions appear in videos. The difficulties involved in distinguishing human actions are due to the high complexity of human behaviors as well as appearance variation, motion pattern variation, occlusions, etc. Many applications use human action recognition on captured video from cameras, resulting in video surveillance systems, health monitoring, human-computer interaction, and robotics. Action recognition based on RGB-D data has increasingly drawn more attention to it in recent years. RGB-D data contain color (Red, Green, and Blue (RGB)) and depth data that represent the distance from the sensor to every pixel in the object (object point). The main problem that this thesis deals with is how to automate the classification of specific human activities/actions through RGB-D data. The classification process of these activities utilizes a spatial and temporal structure of actions. Therefore, the goal of this work is to develop algorithms that can distinguish these activities by recognizing low-level and high-level activities of interest from one another. These algorithms are developed by introducing new features and methods using RGB-D data to enhance the detection and recognition of human activities. In this thesis, the most popular state-of-the-art techniques are reviewed, presented, and evaluated. From the literature review, these techniques are categorized into hand-crafted features and deep learning-based approaches. The proposed new action recognition framework is based on these two categories that are approved in this work by embedding novel methods for human action recognition. These methods are based on features extracted from RGB-D data that are
evaluated using machine learning techniques. The presented work of this thesis improves human action recognition in two distinct parts. The first part focuses on improving current successful hand-crafted approaches. It contributes into two significant areas of state-of-the-art: Execute the existing feature detectors, and classify the human action in the 3D spatio-temporal domains by testing a new combination of different feature representations. The contributions of this part are tested based on machine learning techniques that include unsupervised and supervised learning to evaluate this suitability for the task of human action recognition. A k-means clustering represents the unsupervised learning technique, while the supervised learning technique is represented by: Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, and Artificial Neural Networks classifiers. The second part focuses on studying the current deep-learning-based approach and how to use it with RGB-D data for the human action recognition task. As the first step of each contribution, an input video is analyzed as a sequence of frames. Then, pre-processing steps are applied to the video frames, like filtering and smoothing methods to remove the noisy data from each frame. Afterward, different motion detection and feature representation methods are used to extract features presented in each frame. The extracted features
are represented by local features, global features, and feature combination besides deep learning methods, e.g., Convolutional Neural Networks. The feature combination achieves an excellent accuracy performance that outperforms other methods on the same RGB-D datasets. All the results from the proposed methods in this thesis are evaluated based on publicly available datasets, which illustrate that using spatiotemporal features can improve the recognition accuracy. The competitive experimental results are achieved overall. In particular, the proposed methods can be better applied to the test set compared to the state-of-the-art methods using the RGB-D datasets.
This thesis addresses the reduced basis methods for parametrized quasilinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations with strongly monotone differential operator. It presents all of the ingredients of the reduced basis method: basis generation for reduced basis approximation, certification of the approximation error by suitable a-posteriori error control and an Offine-Online decomposition. The methodology is further applied to the magnetostatic and magnetoquasistatic approximations of Maxwell’s equations and its validity is confirmed by numerical examples.
As a multilingual system,Wikipedia provides many challenges for academics and engineers alike. One such challenge is cultural contextualisation of Wikipedia content, and the lack of approaches to effectively quantify it. Additionally, what seems to lack is the intent of establishing sound computational practices and frameworks for measuring cultural variations in the data. Current approaches seem to mostly be dictated by the data availability, which makes it difficult to apply them in other contexts. Another common drawback is that they rarely scale due to a significant qualitative or translation effort. To address these limitations, this thesis develops and tests two modular quantitative approaches. They are aimed at quantifying culture-related phenomena in systems which rely on multilingual user-generated content. In particular, they allow to: (1) operationalise a custom concept of culture in a system; (2) quantify and compare culture-specific content- or coverage biases in such a system; and (3) map a large scale landscape of shared cultural interests and focal points. Empirical validation of these approaches is split into two parts. First, an approach to mapping Wikipedia communities of shared co-editing interests is validated on two large Wikipedia datasets comprising multilateral geopolitical and linguistic editor communities. Both datasets reveal measurable clusters of consistent co-editing interest, and computationally confirm that these clusters correspond to existing colonial, religious, socio economic, and geographical ties. Second, an approach to quantifying content differences is validated on a multilingual Wikipedia dataset, and a multi-platform (Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica) dataset. Both are limited to a selected knowledge domain of national history. This analysis allows, for the first time on the large scale, to quantify and visualise the distribution of historical focal points in the articles on national histories. All results are cross-validated either by domain experts, or external datasets.
Main thesis contributions. This thesis: (1) presents an effort to formalise the process of measuring cultural variations in user-generated data; (2) introduces and tests two novel approaches to quantifying cultural contextualisation in multilingual data; (3) synthesises a valuable overview of literature on defining and quantifying culture; (4) provides important empirical insights on the effect of culture on Wikipedia content and coverage; demonstrates that Wikipedia is not contextfree, and these differences should not be treated as noise, but rather, as an important feature of the data. (5) makes practical service contributions through sharing data and visualisations.
The role of alternative resources for pollinators and aphid predators in agricultural landscapes
The world wide decline of insects is often associated with loss of natural and semi-natural habitat caused by intensified land-use. Many insects provide important ecosystem services to agriculture, such as pest control or pollination. To efficiently promote insects on remaining semi-natural habitat we need precise knowledge of their requirements to non-crop habitat. This thesis focuses on identifying
the most important semi-natural habitats (forest edges, grasslands, and semi-open habitats) for pollinators and natural enemies of crop pests with respect to their food resource requirements. Special
attention is given to floral resources and their spatio-temporal distribution in agricultural landscapes.
Floral resource maps might get closer at characterizing landscapes the way they are experienced by insects compared to classical habitat maps. Performance of the two map types was compared on the prediction of wild bees and natural enemies that consume nectar and pollen, identifying habitats of special importance in the process. In wild bees, influences of spatio-temporal floral resource availability were analysed as well as habitat preferences of specific groups of bees. Understanding dietary needs of natural enemies of crop pests requires additional knowledge on prey use. To this end, ladybird gut contents have been analysed by means of high-throughput sequencing for insight into aphid prey-use.
Results showed, that wild bees were predicted better by floral resource maps compared to classical habitat maps. Forest edge area, as well as floral resources in forest edges had positive effects on abundance and diversity of rare bees and important crop pollinators. Similar patterns were retained for grassland diversity. Especially early floral resources seemed to have positive effects on wild bees. Crops and fruit trees produced a resource pulse in April that exceeded floral resource availability in May and June by tenfold. Most floral resources in forest edges appeared early in the season, with the highest floral density per area. Grasslands provided the lowest amount of floral resources but highest diversity, which was evenly distributed over the season.
Despite natural enemies need for floral resources, classical habitat maps performed better at predicting natural enemies of crop pests compared to floral resource maps. Classical habitat maps revealed a positive effect of forest edge habitat on the abundance of pest enemies, which translated into improved aphid control. Results from gut content analysis reveal high portions of pest aphid species and nettle aphids as well as a broader insight into prey spectra retained from ladybirds collected from sticky traps compared to individuals collected by hand. The aphid specific primer designed for this purpose will be helpful for identifying aphid consumption by ladybirds in future studies.
Findings of this thesis show the potential of floral resource maps for understanding interactions of wild bees and the landscape but also indicate that natural enemies are limited by other resources. I would like to highlight the positive effects of forest edges for different groups of bees as well as natural enemies and their performance on pest control.
Modellbildung zum Abbindeverhalten von PCE-verflüssigten und CA-Zement-gebundenen Feuerbetonen
Feuerbetone werden als Auskleidung in industriellen Hochtemperaturaggregaten, wie beispielsweise in der Eisen- und Stahlindustrie, eingesetzt. Nach dem Mischen und dem Gießen eines Feuerbetons in Formen bzw. Schalungen, muss dieser abbinden und eine ausreichende Festigkeit ausbilden. Die Kinetik der Abbindevorgänge und somit auch das Erhärtungsverhalten variiert dabei stark in Abhängigkeit der Zusammensetzung, vor allem hinsichtlich des Bindemittels und der Additive, des Feuerbetons. In der Praxis der Herstellung von Feuerbetonen kommt es häufig zu Beschädigungen der hergestellten Bauteile oder Auskleidungen durch das Fließen noch nicht ausreichend abgebundener Feuerbetone bzw. die Beschädigung von Ecken und Kanten während des Ausschalens oder Bauteilen reißen durch mechanische Belastung beim Umsetzen oder beim Transport. Diese Beschädigungen basieren auf Fehleinschätzungen zum Abbindefortschritt und der korrespondierenden Festigkeitsausprägung der Feuerbetone. Diese wiederum sind auf Lücken im Stand der Technik zurück zu führen.
Für PCE-verflüssigte und CA-Zement-gebundene Korund-Feuerbetonen mit einer Al₂O₃- und Al₂O₃-SiO₂-Matrix, werden die Defizite des Stands der Technik für diese Feuerbetonklasse identifiziert: Diese liegen im Bereich der Verflüssigungswirkung und des ersten Ansteifens der Feuerbetone, der Hydratation des CA-Zements in den Feuerbetonen und der Festigkeitsausprägung der Feuerbetone. Hieraus leitet sich ein entsprechender Forschungsbedarf ab.
Am Beispiel von zwei PCE-verflüssigten (PCE mit kurzer Hauptkette und langen Seitenketten sowie PCE mit langer Hauptkette und kurzen Seitenketten) und CA-Zement-gebundenen (70 % Al₂O₃) Feuerbetonen mit einer reaktivtonerde-basierten und einer reaktivtonerde-mikrosilika-basierten Matrix werden abbindekinetische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Anhand verschiedener abbindekinetischer Messmethoden, wie Schallgeschwindigkeit oder elektrischer Leitfähigkeit, und einigen ergänzenden Messung, wie beispielsweise das ζ-Potential, wird der Abbindeverlauf der Feuerbetone untersucht und die Defizite aus dem Stand der Technik aufgeklärt.
Im Detail wurde der Stand der Technik um folgende Erkenntnisse ergänzt:
• Verflüssigung von Feuerbetonen mit PCE-Molekülen: Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Verflüssigungswirkung und das erste Ansteifen maßgeblich durch die Struktur der Verflüssigermoleküle hervorgerufen werden.
PCE-Moleküle mit langen Seitenketten verflüssigen eher sterisch. Durch die Vermittlung von Ca²⁺ aus dem CA-Zement wird die Adsorption der PCE-Moleküle verstärkt. Freie PCE-Moleküle können auf CAH-Phasen (Hydratationsprodukte) adsorbieren und somit die Fließfähigkeit des Feuerbetons für eine gewisse Zeit aufrechterhalten.
PCE-Moleküle mit kurzen Seitenketten verflüssigen elektrosterisch. Bei Lösung von Ca²⁺ aus dem CA-Zement kommt es zu einer Ca-PCE Gel-Bildung und einer korrespondierenden Koagulation der Feuerbetonmatrix und der Feuerbeton steift zeitnah nach dem Mischen an.
• Hydratation von CA-Zement: Die Hydratation von CA-Zement in den Feuerbetonen wird wesentlich durch die Länge der Seitenketten der PCE-Moleküle bzw. der Anwesenheit von Zitronensäure beeinflusst.
In Feuerbetonen die mit PCE-Molekülen mit langen Seitenketten verflüssigt wurden, kann der CA-Zement weitestgehend frei hydratisieren. Der CAH-Phasenanteil steigt in zwei Abschnitten, getrennt von einer dormanten Phase. Die dormante Phase der CA Zementhydratation wurde auf eine Lösungshemmung der Al-O-H-Passivierungsschicht auf dem CA-Zement bei mäßigem pH-Wert (pH = 12,3) zurückgeführt.
In Feuerbetonen die mit PCE-Molekülen mit kurze Seitenketten und Zitronensäure verflüssigt werden, wird die Hydratationsreaktion durch eine Ca-Citrat-PCE-Al(OH)₄-Gelbildung stark gehemmt. Es besteht die Vermutung, dass die Bindung von Ca²⁺ in dem Gel zum einen eine sehr ausgeprägte dormante Phase (pH < 12,3), mit einer schlechten Löslichkeit der Passivierungsschicht, bewirkt und zum anderen auch die Fällung von CAH-Phasen unterdrückt.
• Festigkeitsausprägung von CA-Zement-gebundenen Feuerbetonen:
Eine Koagulation bewirkt die erste Festigkeitssteigerung der Feuerbetone auf σB < 1 MPa. Im Anschluss findet die Hauptfestigkeitssteigerung auf Grund von Austrocknung durch Hydratation und Verdunstung statt. Der weitere Teil der Festigkeitssteigerung wird durch die Reduzierung der Porosität durch expansive CA-Zementhydratation und die hohe spezifische Oberfläche sowie deren weitere Erhöhung durch die CA-Zementhydratation bewirkt.
Aus den einzelnen abbindekinetischen Effekten können, zusammen mit dem Stand der Technik und den neuen Erkenntnissen, mikrostrukturelle Abbindemodelle und Modelle zur Festigkeitsentwicklung der Feuerbetone abgeleitet werden. In Folge kann für die zwei Feuerbetone zu jedem Zeitpunkt des Abbindens eine Aussage zum Abbindefortschritt und zur Festigkeitsausprägung getätigt werden. Einige der Abbindemechanismen und festigkeitsbildenden Mechanismen können auf andere Feuerbetonzusammensetzungen übertragen werden.
Virtual reality is a growing field of interest as it provides a particular intuitive way of user-interaction. However, there are still open technical issues regarding latency — the delay between interaction and display reaction — and the trade-off between visual quality and frame-rate of real-time graphics, especially when taking visual effects like specular and semi-transparent surfaces and volumes into account. One solution, a distributed rendering setup, is presented in this thesis, in which the image synthesis is divided into an accurate but costly physically based rendering thread with a low refresh rate and a fast reprojection thread to remain a responsive interactivity with a high frame-rate. Two novel reprojection techniques are proposed that cover reflections and refractions produced by surface ray-tracing as well as volumetric light transport generated by volume ray-marching. The introduced setup can enhance the VR experience within several domains. In this thesis, three innovative training applications have been realized to investigate the added value of virtual reality to the three learning stages of observation, interaction and collaboration. For each stage an interdisciplinary curriculum, currently taught with traditional media, was transferred to a VR setting in order to investigate how virtual reality is capable of providing a natural, flexible and efficient learning environment
Thousands of chemicals from daily use are being discharged from civilization into the water cycle via different pathways. Ingredients of personal care products, detergents, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and industrial chemicals thus find their way into the aquatic ecosystems and may cause adverse impacts on the ecology. Pharmaceuticals for instance, represent a central group of anthropogenic chemicals, because of their designed potency to interfere with physiological functions in organisms. Ecotoxicological effects from pharmaceutical burden have been verified in the past. Therapeutic groups with pronounced endocrine disrupting potentials such as steroid hormones gain increasing focus in environmental research as it was reported that they cause endocrine disruption in aquatic organisms even when exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations. This thesis considers the comprehensive investigation of the occurrence of corticosteroids and progestogens in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents and surface waters as well as the elucidation of the fate and biodegradability of these steroid families during activated sludge treatment. For the first goal of the thesis, a robust and highly sensitive analytical method based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was developed in order to simultaneously determine the occurrence of around 60 mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and progestogens in the aquatic environment. A special focus was set to the compound selection due to the diversity of marketed synthetic steroids. Some analytical challenges have been approved by individual approaches regarding sensitivity enhancement and compound stabilities. These results may be important for further research in environmental analysis of steroid hormones. Reliable and low quantification limits are the perquisite for the determination of corticosteroids and progestogens at relevant concentrations due to low consumption volumes and simultaneously low effect-based trigger values. Achieved quantification limits for all target analytes ranged between 0.02 ng/L and 0.5 ng/L in surface water and 0.05 ng/L to 5 ng/L in WWTP effluents. This sensitivity enabled the detection of three mineralocorticoids, 23 glucocorticoids and 10 progestogens within the sampling campaign around Germany. Many of them were detected for the first time in the environment, particularly in Germany and the EU. To the best of our knowledge, this in-depth steroid screening provided a good overview of single steroid burden and allowed for the identification of predominantly steroids of each steroid
type analyzed for the first time. The frequent detection of highly potent synthetic steroids (e.g. triamcinolone acetonide, clobetasol propionate, betamethasone valerate, dienogest, cyproterone acetate) highlighted insufficient removal during conventional Summary wastewater treatment and indicated the need for regulation to control their emission since the steroid concentrations were found to be above the reported effect-based trigger values for biota. Overall, the study revealed reliable environmental data of poorly or even not analyzed steroids. The results complement the existing knowledge in this field but also providednew information which can beused particularly for compound prioritization in ecotoxicological research and environmental analysis. Based on the data obtained from the monitoring campaign, incubation experiments were conducted to enable the comparison of the biodegradability and transformation processes in activated sludge treatment for structure-related steroids under aerobic and standardized experimental conditions. The compounds were accurately selected to cover manifold structural moieties of commonly used glucocorticoids, including non-halogenated and halogenated steroids, their mono- and diesters, and several acetonide-type steroids. This approach allowed for a structure-based interpretation of the results. The obtained biodegradation rate constants suggested large variations in the biodegradability (half-lifes ranged from < 0.5 h to > 14 d). An increasing stability was identified in the order from non-halogenated steroids (e.g. hydrocortisone), over 9α-halogenated steroids (e.g. betamethasone), to C17-monoesters (e.g. betamethasone 17-valerate, clobetasol propionate), and finally to acetonides (e.g. triamcinolone acetonide), thus suggesting a strong relationship of the biodegradability with the glucocorticoid structure. Some explanations for this behavior have been received by identifying the transformation products (TPs) and elucidating individual transformation pathways. The results revealed the identification of the likelihood of transformation reactions depending on the chemical steroid structure for the first time. Among the identified TPs, the carboxylates (e.g. TPs of fluticasone propionate, triamcinolone acetonide) have been shown persistency in the subsequent incubation experiments. The newly identified TPs furthermore were frequently detected in the effluents of full-scale wastewater treatment plants. These findings emphasized i) the transferability of the lab-scale degradation experiments to real world and that ii) insufficient removals may cause adverse effects in the aquatic environment due to the ability of the precursor steroids and TPs to interact with the endocrine system in biota. For the last goal, the conceptual study for glucocorticoids was applied to progestogens.
Here, two sub-types of the steroid family frequently used for hormonal contraception were selected (17α-hydroxyprogesterone and 19-norstestosterone type). The progestogens showed a fast and complete degradation within six hours, and thus empathizes pronounced biodegradability. However, cyproterone acetate and dienogest Summary have been found to be more recalcitrant in activated sludge treatment. This was consistent with their ubiquitously occurrence during the previous monitoring campaign. The elucidation of TPs again revealed some crucial information regarding the observed behavior and highlighted furthermore the formation of hazardous TPs. It was shown that 19-nortestosterone type steroids are able to undergo aromatization at ring A in contact with activated sludge, leading to the formation of estrogen-like TPs with a phenolic moiety at ring A. In the case of norethisterone the formation of 17α-ethinylestradiol was confirmed, which is a well-known potent synthetic estrogen with elevated ecotoxicological potency. Thus, the results indicated for the very first time an unknown source of estrogenic compounds, particularly for 17α-ethinylestradiol. In conclusion, some steroids were found to be very stable in activated sludge treatment, others degrade well, and others which do degrade but predominantly to active TPs depending on their chemical structure. Fluorinated acetal steroids such as triamcinolone acetonide and fluocinolone acetonide are poorly biodegradable, which is reflected in high concentrations detected ubiquitously in WWTP effluents. Endogenous steroids and their most related synthetic once such as hydrocortisone, prednisolone or 17α-hydroxyprogesterone are readily biodegradable. Regardless their high influent concentrations, they are almost completely removed in conventional WWTPs. Steroids between this range have been found to form elevated quantities of TPs which are partially still active, which particularly the case for betamethasone, fluticasone propionate, cyproterone acetate or dienogest. The thesis illustrates the need for an extensive evaluation of the environmental risks and carried out that corticosteroids and progestogens merit more attention in environmental regulatory and research than it is currently the case
Der Wettbewerb um die besten Technologien zur Realisierung des autonomen Fahrens ist weltweit in vollem Gange.
Trotz großer Anstrengungen ist jedoch die autonome Navigation in strukturierter und vor allem unstrukturierter Umgebung bisher nicht gelöst.
Ein entscheidender Baustein in diesem Themenkomplex ist die Umgebungswahrnehmung und Analyse durch passende Sensorik und entsprechende Sensordatenauswertung.
Insbesondere bildgebende Verfahren im Bereich des für den Menschen sichtbaren Spektrums finden sowohl in der Praxis als auch in der Forschung breite Anwendung.
Dadurch wird jedoch nur ein Bruchteil des elektromagnetischen Spektrums genutzt und folglich ein großer Teil der verfügbaren Informationen zur Umgebungswahrnehmung ignoriert.
Um das vorhandene Spektrum besser zu nutzen, werden in anderen Forschungsbereichen schon seit Jahrzehnten \sog spektrale Sensoren eingesetzt, welche das elektromagnetische Spektrum wesentlich feiner und in einem größeren Bereich im Vergleich zu klassischen Farbkameras analysieren. Jedoch können diese Systeme aufgrund technischer Limitationen nur statische Szenen aufnehmen. Neueste Entwicklungen der Sensortechnik ermöglichen nun dank der \sog Snapshot-Mosaik-Filter-Technik die spektrale Abtastung dynamischer Szenen.
In dieser Dissertation wird der Einsatz und die Eignung der Snapshot-Mosaik-Technik zur Umgebungswahrnehmung und Szenenanalyse im Bereich der autonomen Navigation in strukturierten und unstrukturierten Umgebungen untersucht. Dazu wird erforscht, ob die aufgenommen spektralen Daten einen Vorteil gegenüber klassischen RGB- \bzw Grauwertdaten hinsichtlich der semantischen Szenenanalyse und Klassifikation bieten.
Zunächst wird eine geeignete Vorverarbeitung entwickelt, welche aus den Rohdaten der Sensorik spektrale Werte berechnet. Anschließend wird der Aufbau von neuartigen Datensätzen mit spektralen Daten erläutert. Diese Datensätze dienen als Basis zur Evaluation von verschiedenen Klassifikatoren aus dem Bereich des klassischen maschinellen Lernens.
Darauf aufbauend werden Methoden und Architekturen aus dem Bereich des Deep-Learnings vorgestellt. Anhand ausgewählter Architekturen wird untersucht, ob diese auch mit spektralen Daten trainiert werden können. Weiterhin wird die Verwendung von Deep-Learning-Methoden zur Datenkompression thematisiert. In einem nächsten Schritt werden die komprimierten Daten genutzt, um damit Netzarchitekturen zu trainieren, welche bisher nur mit RGB-Daten kompatibel sind. Abschließend wird analysiert, ob die hochdimensionalen spektralen Daten bei der Szenenanalyse Vorteile gegenüber RGB-Daten bieten
Scientific and public interest in epidemiology and mathematical modelling of disease spread has increased significantly due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Political action is influenced by forecasts and evaluations of such models and the whole society is affected by the corresponding countermeasures for containment. But how are these models structured?
Which methods can be used to apply them to the respective regions, based on real data sets? These questions are certainly not new. Mathematical modelling in epidemiology using differential equations has been researched for quite some time now and can be carried out mainly by means of numerical computer simulations. These models are constantly being refinded and adapted to corresponding diseases. However, it should be noted that the more complex a model is, the more unknown parameters are included. A meaningful data adaptation thus becomes very diffcult. The goal of this thesis is to design applicable models using the examples of COVID-19 and dengue, to adapt them adequately to real data sets and thus to perform numerical simulations. For this purpose, first the mathematical foundations are presented and a theoretical outline of ordinary differential equations and optimization is provided. The parameter estimations shall be performed by means of adjoint functions. This procedure represents a combination of static and dynamical optimization. The objective function corresponds to a least squares method with L2 norm which depends on the searched parameters. This objective function is coupled to constraints in the form of ordinary differential equations and numerically minimized, using Pontryagin's maximum (minimum) principle and optimal control theory. In the case of dengue, due to the transmission path via mosquitoes, a model reduction of an SIRUV model to an SIR model with time-dependent transmission rate is performed by means of time-scale separation. The SIRUV model includes uninfected (U) and infected (V ) mosquito compartments in addition to the susceptible (S), infected (I) and recovered (R) human compartments, known from the SIR model. The unknwon parameters of the reduced SIR model are estimated using data sets from Colombo (Sri Lanka) and Jakarta (Indonesia). Based on this parameter estimation the predictive power of the model is checked and evaluated. In the case of Jakarta, the model is additionally provided with a mobility component between the individual city districts, based on commuter data. The transmission rates of the SIR models are also dependent on meteorological data as correlations between these and dengue outbreaks have been demonstrated in previous data analyses. For the modelling of COVID-19 we use several SEIRD models which in comparison to the SIR model also take into account the latency period and the number of deaths via exposed (E) and deaths (D) compartments. Based on these models a parameter estimation with adjoint functions is performed for the location Germany. This is possible because since the beginning of the pandemic, the cumulative number of infected persons and deaths
are published daily by Johns Hopkins University and the Robert-Koch-Institute. Here, a SEIRD model with a time delay regarding the deaths proves to be particularly suitable. In the next step, this model is used to compare the parameter estimation via adjoint functions with a Metropolis algorithm. Analytical effort, accuracy and calculation speed are taken into account. In all data fittings, one parameter each is determined to assess the estimated number of unreported cases.
Mathematical models of species dispersal and the resilience of metapopulations against habitat loss
Habitat loss and fragmentation due to climate and land-use change are among the biggest threats to biodiversity, as the survival of species relies on suitable habitat area and the possibility to disperse between different patches of habitat. To predict and mitigate the effects of habitat loss, a better understanding of species dispersal is needed. Graph theory provides powerful tools to model metapopulations in changing landscapes with the help of habitat networks, where nodes represent habitat patches and links indicate the possible dispersal pathways between patches.
This thesis adapts tools from graph theory and optimisation to study species dispersal on habitat networks as well as the structure of habitat networks and the effects of habitat loss. In chapter 1, I will give an introduction to the thesis and the different topics presented in this thesis. Chapter 2 will then give a brief summary of tools used in the thesis.
In chapter 3, I present our model on possible range shifts for a generic species. Based on a graph-based dispersal model for a generic aquatic invertebrate with a terrestrial life stage, we developed an optimisation model that models dispersal directed to predefined habitat patches and yields a minimum time until these patches are colonised with respect to the given landscape structure and species dispersal capabilities. We created a time-expanded network based on the original habitat network and solved a mixed integer program to obtain the minimum colonisation time. The results provide maximum possible range shifts, and can be used to estimate how fast newly formed habitat patches can be colonised. Although being specific for this simulation model, the general idea of deriving a surrogate can in principle be adapted to other simulation models.
Next, in chapter 4, I present our model to evaluate the robustness of metapopulations. Based on a variety of habitat networks and different generic species characterised by their dispersal traits and habitat demands, we modeled the permanent loss of habitat patches and subsequent metapopulation dynamics. The results show that species with short dispersal ranges and high local-extinction risks are particularly vulnerable to the loss of habitat across all types of networks. On this basis, we then investigated how well different graph-theoretic metrics of habitat networks can serve as indicators of metapopulation robustness against habitat loss. We identified the clustering coefficient of a network as the only good proxy for metapopulation robustness across all types of species, networks, and habitat loss scenarios.
Finally, in chapter 5, I utilise the results obtained in chapter 4 to identify the areas in a network that should be improved in terms of restoration to maximise the metapopulation robustness under limited resources. More specifically, we exploit our findings that a network’s clustering coefficient is a good indicator for metapopulation robustness and develop two heuristics, a Greedy algorithm and a deducted Lazy Greedy algorithm, that aim at maximising the clustering coefficient of a network. Both algorithms can be applied to any network and are not specific to habitat networks only.
In chapter 6, I will summarize the main findings of this thesis, discuss their limitations and give an outlook of future research topics.
Overall this thesis develops frameworks to study the behaviour of habitat networks and introduces mathematical tools to ecology and thus narrows the gap between mathematics and ecology. While all models in this thesis were developed with a focus on aquatic invertebrates, they can easily be adapted to other metapopulations.
Previous research concerned with early science education revealed that guided play can support young children’s knowledge acquisition. However, the questions whether guided play maintains other important prerequisites such as children’s science self-concept and how guided play should be implemented remain unanswered. The present dissertation encompasses three research articles that investigated 5- to 6-year-old children’s science knowledge, science theories, and science self-concept in the stability domain and their relation to interindividual prerequisites. Moreover, the articles examined whether children’s science knowledge, science theories, and science self-concept can be supported by different play forms, i.e., guided play with material and verbal scaffolds, guided play with material scaffolds, and free play. The general introduction of the present dissertation first highlights children’s cognitive development, their science self-concept, and interindividual prerequisites, i.e., fluid and crystallised intelligence, mental rotation ability, and interest in block play. These prerequisites are applied to possible ways of supporting children during play. The first article focused on the measurement of 5-to-6-year-old children’s stability knowledge and its relation to interindividual prerequisites. Results suggested that children’s stability knowledge could be measured reliably and validly, and was related to their fluid and crystallised intelligence. The second article was concerned with the development of children’s intuitive stability theories over three points of measurement and the effects of guided and free play, children’s prior theories as well as their intelligence on these intuitive theories. Results implied that guided play with material and verbal scaffolds supported children’s stability theories more than the other two play forms, i.e., guided play with material scaffolds and free play. Moreover, consistency of children’s prior theories, their fluid and crystallised intelligence were related to children’s theory adaptation after the intervention. The third article focused on the effect of the playful interventions on children’s stability knowledge and science self-concept over three points of measurement. Furthermore, the reciprocal effects between knowledge acquisition and science self-concept were investigated. Results implied that guided play supported knowledge acquisition and maintained children’s science self-concept. Free play did not support children’s stability knowledge and decreased children’s science self-concept. No evidence for reciprocal effects between children’s stability knowledge and their science self-concept was found. Last, in a general discussion, the findings of the three articles are combined and reflected amidst children’s cognitive development. Summarising, the present dissertation shows that children’s science knowledge, science theories, and science self-concept can be supported through guided play that considers children’s cognitive development.
Ray tracing acceleration through dedicated data structures has long been an important topic in computer graphics. In general, two different approaches are proposed: spatial and directional acceleration structures. The thesis at hand presents an innovative combined approach of these two areas, which enables a further acceleration of the tracing process of rays. State-of-the-art spatial data structures are used as base structures and enhanced by precomputed directional visibility information based on a sophisticated abstraction concept of shafts within an original structure, the Line Space.
In the course of the work, novel approaches for the precomputed visibility information are proposed: a binary value that indicates whether a shaft is empty or non-empty as well as a single candidate approximating the actual surface as a representative candidate. It is shown how the binary value is used in a simple but effective empty space skipping technique, which allows a performance gain in ray tracing of up to 40% compared to the pure base data structure, regardless of the spatial structure that is actually used. In addition, it is shown that this binary visibility information provides a fast technique for calculating soft shadows and ambient occlusion based on blocker approximations. Although the results contain a certain inaccuracy error, which is also presented and discussed, it is shown that a further tracing acceleration of up to 300% compared to the base structure is achieved. As an extension of this approach, the representative candidate precomputation is demonstrated, which is used to accelerate the indirect lighting computation, resulting in a significant performance gain at the expense of image errors. Finally, techniques based on two-stage structures and a usage heuristic are proposed and evaluated. These reduce memory consumption and approximation errors while maintaining the performance gain and also enabling further possibilities with object instancing and rigid transformations.
All performance and memory values as well as the approximation errors are measured, presented and discussed. Overall, the Line Space is shown to result in a considerate improvement in ray tracing performance at the cost of higher memory consumption and possible approximation errors. The presented findings thus demonstrate the capability of the combined approach and enable further possibilities for future work.
Since the Bologna reform a continuous improvement of the lessons’ quality at school, which is often connected with the professionalization of the future teachers and the teaching post education, is aimed by Alliance and federal states. The quality of the lessons is connected with the professionalization of the future teacher and the teaching post education. In most studies about quality improvement the consideration occurs predominantly from the university view and it is seldom related on the subject Sport. The quality study is established on these two points and leads to the main question: Are there any differences in the teachers‘ and learners‘ perceptions of the professionalization of sport teachers in the certain education phases in Rheinland-Pfalz?
With the help of 101 guide interviews and the evaluation according to the Grounded Theory this source question can be answered straight. There were interviewed teachers of the universities, of the state study seminars and the school, as well as learners, to that refer trainees and students. During the study the „missing school relation” crystallizes consistent in all personal groups as key element (core category) in the first and second education phase. The interviewed, which belong to different school forms, give relevant concrete, specific for sport and partially subject covering optimization proposals. As a result a main focus forms untimely relations to the school everyday life and at the same time collect teaching experiences with learning groups at school to get to know their different motor abilities and skills. The improvement approaches concern the university phase and the training period in the study seminars and schools, and the involved consider for necessary a more intensive interlinking of the individual institutions. A mutual, continuous cooperation for the professionalization in the sportsman's education and therefore the optimization of the sports teacher training is very important for all involved.
The sediments of surface waters are temporary or final depository of many chemical compounds, including trace metals and metalloids (metal(loid)s) from natural and anthropogenic sources. Whether they act as a source or sink of metal(loid)s depends strongly on the dynamics of the biogeochemical processes that take place at the sediment-water interface (SWI). Important information on biogeochemical processes as well as on the exposure, the fate and the transport of pollutants at the SWI can be obtained by determining chemical concentration profiles in the sediment pore water. A major challenge is to conduct experiments with a spatial resolution, which allows to adequately record existing gradients and to log all the parameters needed, to describe and better understand the complex processes at the SWIs. At the same time, it is from major importance to prevent the formation of any artifacts during sampling, which may occur due to the labile nature of the SWIs and the very steep biogeochemical gradients.
In this context, in the first part of this work, a system was developed and tested that enables the automated, minimal invasive sampling of sediment pore water of undisturbed or manipulated sediments while simultaneously recording parameters such as redox potential, oxygen content and pH value. In an incubation experiment the impact of acidification and mechanical disturbance (re-suspension) on the mobility of 13 metal(loid)s was investigated using a triple quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ-MS) multi-element approach. Most metals were released as consequence of sulfide weathering whereas mechanical disturbance had a major impact on the mobility of the oxide forming elements As, Mo, Sb, U and V. Additionally, options were demonstrated to address with the system the size fractionation of metal(loid)s in pore water samples and the speciation of As(III/V) and Sb(III/V).
In the second part, the focus, with a similar experimental design, was placed on the processes leading to the release of metal(loid)s. For this purpose, two incubation experiments with different oxygen supply were conducted in parallel. For the first time the nonmetals carbon, phosphorus and sulfur were analyzed simultaneous to 13 metal(loid)s in sediment pore water by ICP-QQQ-MS. Throughout the experiment metal(loid) size fractionation was monitored. It was confirmed that resuspension promotes the mobility of metalloids such as As, Sb and V, while the release of most metals was largely attributed to pyrite weathering. The colloidal (0.45-16 μm) contribution in terms of mobilization was only relevant for a few elements.
Finally, the sampling system was used as part of a new approach to sediment risk assessment. Undisturbed sediment cores from differently contaminated positions in the Trave estuary were examined, considering 16 metal(loid)s, the non-metals C, P and S and the ions NH4+, PO43- and SO42-. By the first in-depth comparison with in-situ dialysis-based pore water sampling the ability of the suction-based approach to represent field conditions was proven. The pore water studies together with supplementing resuspension experiments in bio-geochemical microcosms and sequential extraction identified the most “pristine” sediment of the study area as posing the greatest risk of metal(loid) release. However, the potentially released amounts per kg of sediment are only a few parts per thousand of the average daily loads of the Trave river.
Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) have become substantial for computer-mediated communication and collaboration among employees in organisations. As ECS combine features from social media and traditional groupware, a growing number of organisations implement ECS to facilitate collaboration among employees. Consequently, ECS form the core of the digital workplace. Thus, the activity logs of ECS are particularly valuable since they provide a unique opportunity for observing and analysing collaboration in the digital workplace.
Evidence from academia and practice demonstrates that there is no standardised approach for the analysis of ECS logs and that practitioners struggle with various barriers. Because current ECS analytics tools only provide basic features, academics and practitioners cannot leverage the full potential of the activity logs. As ECS activity logs are a valuable source for understanding collaboration in the digital workplace, new methods and metrics for their analysis are required. This dissertation develops Social Collaboration Analytics (SCA) as a method for measuring and analysing collaboration activities in ECS. To address the existing limitations in academia and practice and to contribute a method and structures for applying SCA in practice, this dissertation aims to answer two main research questions:
1. What are the current practices for measuring collaboration activities in Enterprise Collaboration Systems?
2. How can Social Collaboration Analytics be implemented in practice?
By answering the research questions, this dissertation seeks to (1) establish a broad thematic understanding of the research field of SCA and (2) to develop SCA as a structured method for analysing ac-tivity logs of ECS. As part of the first research question, this dissertation documents the status quo of SCA in the academic literature and practice. By answering the second research question, this dissertation contributes the SCA framework (SCAF), which guides the practical application of SCA. SCAF is the main contribution of this dissertation. The framework was developed based on findings from an analysis of 86 SCA studies, results from 6 focus groups and results from a survey among 27 ECS user companies. The phases of SCAF were derived from a comparison of established process models for data mining and business intelligence. The eight phases of the framework contain detailed descriptions, working steps, and guiding questions, which provide a step by step guide for the application of SCA in practice. Thus, academics and practitioners can benefit from using the framework.
The constant evaluation of the research outcomes in focus groups ensures both rigour and relevance. This dissertation employs a qualitative-dominant mixed-methods approach. As part of the university-industry collaboration initiative IndustryConnect, this research has access to more than 30 leading ECS user companies. Being built on a key case study and a series of advanced focus groups with representatives of user companies, this dissertation can draw from unique insights from practice as well as rich data with a longitudinal perspective.
The flexible integration of information from distributed and complex information systems poses a major challenge for organisations. The ontology-based information integration concept SoNBO (Social Network of Business Objects) developed and presented in this dissertation addresses these challenges. In an ontology-based concept, the data structure in the source systems (e.g. operational application systems) is described with the help of a schema (= ontology). The ontology and the data from the source systems can be used to create a (virtualised or materialised) knowledge graph, which is used for information access. The schema can be flexibly adapted to the changing needs of a company regarding their information integration. SoNBO differs from existing concepts known from the Semantic Web (OBDA = Ontology-based Data Access, EKG = Enterprise Knowledge Graph) both in the structure of the company-specific ontology (= Social Network of Concepts) as well as in the structure of the user-specific knowledge graph (= Social Network of Business Objects) and makes use of social principles (known from Enterprise Social Software). Following a Design Science Research approach, the SoNBO framework was developed and the findings documented in this dissertation. The framework provides guidance for the introduction of SoNBO in a company and the knowledge gained from the evaluation (in the company KOSMOS Verlag) is used to demonstrate its viability. The results (SoNBO concept and SoNBO framework) are based on the synthesis of the findings from a structured literature review and the investigation of the status quo of ontology-based information integration in practice: For the status quo in practice, the basic idea of SoNBO is demonstrated in an in-depth case study about the engineering office Vössing, which has been using a self-developed SoNBO application for a few years. The status quo in the academic literature is presented in the form of a structured literature analysis on ontology-based information integration approaches. This dissertation adds to theory in the field of ontology-based information integration approaches (e. g. by an evaluated artefact) and provides an evaluated artefact (the SoNBO Framework) for practice.