This bachelor thesis deals with the development of an application for the Microsoft HoloLens. The application is used for the marketing of advertis- ing spaces that belongs to the company awk AUSSENWERBUNG GmbH. On basis of the development, the question is answered which are the pos- sibilities and limitations of the HoloLens and the Mixed Reality Platform. Problems are also addressed, that come along with the development of an application for such a new technology, like the HoloLens is. Beside the new technologies, some challenges come also from the applications oper- ational locations. Several application examples and presentations suggest, that the HoloLens is primarily designed for indoor usage. Instead the de- veloped application is for outdoor use only. During the development, sev- eral insights can be gained about this new technology. On the one hand it becomes clear, that the HoloLens and also the development environment aren’t completely matured yet. On the other hand, that the HoloLens isn’t an outdoor device at all. Despite the difficulties during the development, there occur many possibilities that are associated with this new technology.