Publication Server of Koblenz University

Welcome to OPUS Koblenz-Landau, the digital academic publishing platform and repository for qualified documents created by members of the University.

Faculty, staff and students of the University Koblenz are invited to submit their academic work such as theses, papers, articles, reports, conference proceedings, or others. These will be made accessible via the local library OPAC and Web research engines the world over. The service is free of charge for authors and users alike.

The documents will be stored securely and permanently. They will retain their integrity and may be cited reliably.

You can choose from a variety of search options.

You can also browse our repository using several categories such as recent publications, document type, or faculty (“institutes”).

Select “Publish” to submit a new document in just a few steps. It will be published soon after you have handed in your Submission Agreement form (“Einverständniserklärung”).

Refer to the FAQ menu for detailed help on the publishing process, including copyright regulations and contact information.