The 10 most recently published documents
Population genetics investigates genetic diversity and its changes within and between populations over space and time. Genetic diversity is important for fitness, adaptive capacity, and the survival of populations and is influenced by several factors, such as mutation, selection, genetic drift and gene flow. Copper butterflies (Lycaena) are suitable for analysing structures influencing population connectivity as they potentially form more or less closed populations. However, very little is known about their genetic diversity and what influences it. Therefore, this thesis (1) provides newly developed microsatellite markers and uses genetic markers (2) to investigate genetic diversity across four different Lycaena species in the European Alps and to determine (3) which geographic and species specific factors influence population structure, (4) which large- and small-scale structures impact the population structure, (5) how natural and anthropogenic structures influence the population structure within an Alpine valley, and (6) whether and how genetic diversity changes over time. It was shown that the postglacial relict species L. helle has a relatively high genetic diversity compared to the other three species investigated. This suggests that L. helle is still able to adapt to environmental changes. Low genetic diversity was found in L. tityrus subalpinus, although high gene flow was found within one population of this species. High mountain ridges and large river valleys can act as dispersal barriers for Copper butterflies and thus have an impact on population structures. Here, dispersal ability as a species-specific factor also plays an important role, as some barriers are less likely to affect the population structure in the more mobile species L. virgaureae. Furthermore, forests, ravines and roads, but not small rivers, represent dispersal barriers for L. tityrus subalpinus within an Alpine valley. Finally, over ten years, the genetic diversity of L. hippothoe eurydame has decreased, whereas that of L. helle has remained stable. Against the backdrop of increasing global changes, it is important to understand the genomic underpinning of population structure and adaptation as well as to investigate and monitor whether populations are able to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
The digital transformation of the public sector and the development of suitable implementation mechanisms are currently major challenges in the area of E-Government. While Germany is one of the leading countries in the private sector in terms of digital offerings, the digital transformation processes in the public sector are progressing only slowly. In particular, compared to other European countries, German administrations offer few digital and interoperable services, which prevents them from catching up with a government-wide dig-ital transformation.
The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the reasons for the slow progress of digital transformation in the public sector and to understand why Germany is not making significant progress in the digitization of administrative services compared to other European member states. Furthermore, it aims to gradually build a comprehensive understanding of why digital transformation is not being driven, supported or applied in the public sector and what positive or negative factors ultimately prevent cross-organizational exchange.
The focus of this dissertation is on organizational and interdisciplinary collaboration in socio-technical systems and its influence on the digital transformation of public administrations. The investigation of science and practice is based on the principles of qualitative social research and qualitative content analysis according to Mayring. Deductive categories are systematically derived and supplemented by further inductive categories along the empirical investigation in the five case studies.
The identified phenomena are analyzed in a scientific explanatory model and described with the help of the holistic approach and the actor-network theory. On this basis, solutions are developed that can either prevent or at least reduce the influencing factors. An interdiscipli-nary approach that combines theoretical foundations from business informatics, administrative informatics/e-government and organizational science not only creates a comprehensive understanding of the problem, but also develops approaches for the scientific description of informatics phenomena with the help of social constructivist approaches.
During the development phase of plastic components, simulations are being used to an increasing extent. Against the background of product requirements and the inevitable necessity of conserving resources, the expanded use of simulation tools is an essential part of the solution. Among available methods, but so far underutilized with respect to real-life processes, is the molecular dynamics simulation. By the use of this method it is possible to visualize the physical processes occurring on the microscopic level, as e.g. those that arise during plastics processing. This thesis examines how boundary conditions, which mimic the extrusion blow molding process, affect the behavior of polyethylene on the microscopic level. A mesoscopic model (coarse-graining) is applied to describe the polymer. Initially, this model is verified by determining material properties. The uniaxial tensile test is modeled on the micro-scale to identify parameters such as the elastic modulus, yield stress, and Poisson’s ratio. Additionally, thermal properties, particularly those characterizing the crystallization behavior, are identified. The objective of these investigations is the microscopic observation and quantification of effects that occur during dynamic stretching and crystallization processes. The calculated properties show good agreement with the experimental data, especially regarding the thermal parameters. Qualitatively, the stress-strain behavior is reproduced in alignment with experimentally observed results. However, the short time scale of the simulation models leads to micromechanical behavior that is more extreme than what is monitored on a macroscopic level. By extending the simulation models, biaxial stretching processes are simulated. These stretching processes resemble the situation during the inflation of the parison in the extrusion blow molding process. The examination of various cooling conditions, particularly by the use of mold constraints, is another focus of the investigations. The analysis of the biaxially stretched simulations reveals that disentanglement processes during stretching dominate the further development of polymer systems. It is possible to quantify the dynamics of crystallization processes depending on the degree of stretching and cooling conditions through various parameters (distribution of entanglement points, local orientations). The results indicate that coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations are able to significantly enhance the micromechanical understanding of local events occurring during plastic processing.
The literature contains very few publications on the application of Process Mining methods for the analysis of event logs in Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS). This is not surprising because the analysis of digital support for collaborative work is extremely intricate due to various challenges relating to a lack of data access, poor data quality, unstructured processes and a lack of descriptive models. This article reports on the findings from an Action Design Research (ADR) project. The ADR team had access to a large instance of an operational ECS with more than 3000 users. The event log contains several million entries. Together with the platform’s operating team, intensive research was carried out over a period of six years on ways of analysing user activities on the platform. Several cycles were run to develop new methods and computational techniques to decipher the event logs and meaningfully describe the processes recorded in them. Thanks to the close collaboration between the researchers and the operators of the collaboration platform, it was possible to compare the real-world processes carried out in the platform with the processes discovered using a novel method for Social Process Mining (SPM). The result is a pattern analysis that discovers patterns in processes that have a high degree of correspondence with the real-world scenes of collaborative work. The research work has now reached a point where other software products are included (multi-system analysis) and a catalogue of collaborative work situations (scenes) has been developed to describe the process patterns that result from the Process Mining and graph-based analysis techniques.
Cross Cultural Adaptation of Design Thinking in Entrepreneurship Higher Education in Indonesia
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education have expanded together, and their conceptual and methodological challenges do not prevent the implementation of entrepreneurial education in educational contexts. The desire for a global workforce that can handle uncertainties and solve problems that cannot be solved by pure analytical inquiry drives the rapidly expanding number of educational programs and activities that are design-based. A growing number of educational programs for entrepreneurs increasingly incorporate design-based methods. However, design thinking-based theoretical assumptions may also be lacking. Despite growing academic interest in design thinking and entrepreneurship education, little is known about design thinking in higher entrepreneurship education, especially in Eastern nations. A Western teaching method, entrepreneurial design thinking may be adapted to many cultures. In this instance, the West has established entrepreneurship education as a respectable study subject and teaching practice in higher education over the past 40 years. The Eastern nations' occurrence varies, including Indonesia. Indonesia is an intriguing research subject since it has over 50% youth due to its abundant natural resources. However, it needs more opportunity-based entrepreneurs and requires assistance in implementing entrepreneurship education with a more innovative, design-based, and successful method. Entrepreneurial design thinking fulfills this demand. Indonesian students and teachers' norm-based attitudes and cultural mindsets towards a new western creative method may hinder entrepreneurial design thinking's acceptance. The literature review found that Indonesian university students are collaborative, compassionate, and practical, like design thinkers. However, they may also be risk-averse, self-restrained, and dependent on teachers as stereotypical Asians. Classroom space, educators' design thinking competence, and university or institution support are further barriers. Additional study into these challenges is needed to adapt design thinking to Indonesian entrepreneurial higher education culturally.
Based on the above research needs, the purpose of this research endeavor is to look into the cultural nuances of the design thinking technique for entrepreneurial higher education and postulate how it could be adapted to other cultures, especially in Indonesia. This thesis uses deductive and qualitative case-study research methods. In particular, the latter used thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006; Terry & Hayfield, 2021) as the data analysis technique to provide a means and tools for understanding from interviews, class observation, and literature studies. Since this thesis follows the constructivist-relativist research paradigm, it explores contextual and cultural differences in Indonesian entrepreneurship education and its potential and obstacles to adapt the Western teaching methodology of entrepreneurial design thinking in higher education. In summary, this study searches for elements that might aid or hinder the cross-cultural adaption of entrepreneurial design thinking. This research wants to understand how cross-cultural adaptability fits into entrepreneurial design thinking research, especially for Indonesia. This thesis aims to provide new theoretical insights and practical advice on adapting entrepreneurial design thinking from Western to Eastern cultures.
From the findings, this thesis concluded at least seven educational value differentials before adaptation from the exhaustive literature and case study evaluations. For Indonesian entrepreneurship higher education institutions to use entrepreneurial design thinking, they must consider educational culture, technological infrastructure, language, primary audience, learning and teaching style, reasoning patterns, and social-cultural environment. This study provides four practical adaptation recommendations: socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization. Finally, this research demonstrated that cross-cultural adaption of entrepreneurial design thinking in Indonesia might be difficult but worthwhile. This thesis' case study, "School of Business Management – Bandung Institute of Technology (SBM ITB)", showed that Indonesian entrepreneurial higher education might use design thinking as a teaching approach. All stakeholders must improve internally and publicly. Thus, this study recommended integrating most Indonesian higher education institutions' entrepreneurship teaching approaches with a "student-centered" approach that stresses business mentorship, uses design thinking tools and processes, and links them to students' entrepreneurial initiatives.
To summarize, this research contributes to the field since it draws on and combines the findings of several other fields of study, including entrepreneurial education, design thinking, and cross-cultural adaptation. This study stepped out of the "usual and proper" pedagogical ruts to investigate "non-human" cross-cultural adaptability. It has attempted to apply these ideas to a real-world, unique case study in a developing nation (in this case, Indonesia).
This thesis deals with the conception and implementation of a prototype emulator software that can be used to play a broad range of Game Boy games on a conventional desktop computer. The development of such an application is a technically demanding task defined by various challenges such as the correct interpretation of machine instructions, graphics emulation, as well as playability and correctness. As there is no accessible official documentation of Game Boy hardware, the emulator was developed based on the knowledge amassed by Game Boy reverse engineers. Nevertheless, an emulator was developed that can already run a large selection of games. The correctness of the implemented components was verified using dedicated test programs.
Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) sind essentielle Werkzeuge für die Unterstützung der digitalen Zusammenarbeit und ad hoc Projektarbeit in Unternehmen. Mit der zunehmenden Nutzung von ECS steigen auch die Bedeutung und der Bedarf an Analysen zur Schaffung eines verbesserten Verständnisses von digitaler Arbeit. Da Kollaboration sich regelmäßig über mehr als ein System erstreckt, stellt die Heterogenität der Daten verschiedener Systeme für Analysen eine Herausforderung dar, insbesondere weil plattformübergreifende Nutzungsmuster nicht ohne Weiteres nachverfolgbar und vergleichbar sind. Daher wurde die „Collaborative Actions on Documents Ontology“ (ColActDOnt) entwickelt, um Konzepte aus ECS (z. B. Events und Dokumente) einheitlich zu beschreiben. Basierend auf der ColActDOnt wurde ein Datastore implementiert, in welchem die Daten verschiedener Systeme in der Struktur der Ontologie gespeichert werden. Durch den ontologiebasierten Datastore stehen die Daten für Analysen in einheitlicher Form zur Verfügung. In die Datenebene wurden Daten aus dem ECS HCL Connections (CNX), welches somit das initiale Quellsystem darstellt, importiert. Mittels der ColActDOnt wurde außerdem eine abstrakte Ontologieebene mit den Elementen der Ontologie geschaffen. Die Elemente beider Ebenen sind über Beziehungen innerhalb einer Graphdatenbank miteinander und untereinander verknüpft.
Der ontologiebasierte Datenzugriff ermöglicht es dem Benutzer ohne Kenntnisse über die Datenstrukturen des Quellsystems, lediglich mit Domänenwissen über die ColActDOnt, Inhalte abzufragen.
Der Datastore ist als Graphdatenbank (Neo4j) implementiert und somit können Abfragen nativ als Graphenstrukturen visualisiert werden. Weiterhin kann der Prototyp an Business Intelligence Tools wie Microsoft PowerBI angebunden werden und bietet somit die Möglichkeit für tiefergehende Analysen. Die erste Version des Datastores stellt einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung der Harmonisierung von Trace Data aus ECS dar. In Zukunft sollen weitere Kollaborationssysteme an den Datastore angeschlossen werden, um systemübergreifende Analysen von komplexen Kollaborationsplattformen zu ermöglichen.
The political targets for CO2 reduction in industrial processes are leading to a technological change in the area of pig iron production. In future, pig iron will be produced by using the direct reduction process instead of the blast furnace process. Direct reduction plants are currently operated with natural gas, this is to be replaced by hydrogen in the future in order to meet the climate targets. Within this work, the influence of hydrogen-containing atmospheres on currently used refractory materials from the Al2O3-SiO2 system was investigated. An experiment was developed to simulate the corrosion of refractory materials in the laboratory under realistic test conditions. Taking into account the atmosphere, the temperature and the sample material, a variety of practical corrosion tests were carried out. By applying a comprehensive analysis strategy, relevant corrosion effects on the materials were subsequently described as a result of the gas composition. The test temperature was in the range of 716 °C < T < 1150 °C. Physical and chemical-mineralogical tests were used to investigate the corrosion effects. In addition, the intensity of the corrosion effects was evaluated based on the gas compositions used. Pure hydrogen atmospheres in particular led to strong gas corrosion, while the presence of water vapor inhibited the chemical reactions. The mixture of methane and hydrogen can create an aggressive H2 / CO atmosphere, which also can lead to the formation of solid carbon. This phenomenon changes the possible causes of damage to refractory material; the crystallization pressure of carbon inside the structure of the refractory can also contribute to material failure. Furthermore, the corrosion reactions could be described by coupling imaging analysis methods and element determination. It was shown that, in contrast to the general opinion in the state of the art, there was not exclusively a decrease in SiO2-amount. Several reactions took place in the investigated, industrially used materials, which led to the local chemical attack of SiO2 (silicate glass phase) and caused a parallel crystallization of cristobalite. The chemical attack of hydrogen on the silicate glass phase can be defined as the primary corrosion reaction in the range of 716 °C < T < 1150 °C in a pure hydrogen atmosphere. In addition, the reaction kinetics as a function of temperature were experimentally investigated and described. Based on these analyses, material properties can be defined that are particularly suitable for the future use of defined refractory qualities within reduction processes.
Zweiunddreißigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Bachelorstudiengang an der Universität Koblenz
Achtundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für die Prüfung in den Masterstudiengängen für das Lehramt an Grundschulen, das Lehramt an Realschulen plus sowie das Lehramt an Gymnasien an der Universität Koblenz
Neunundzwanzigste Ordnung zur Änderung der Ordnung für die Prüfung im lehramtsbezogenen Zertifikatsstudiengang (Erweiterungsprüfung) an der Universität Koblenz und der Hochschule Koblenz
Vierte Ordnung zur Änderung der Gemeinsamen Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge des Fachbereichs Informatik an der Universität Koblenz
Gemeinsame Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang Master of Engineering „Ceramic Science and Engineering“ an der Hochschule Koblenz und der Universität Koblenz (Kooperativer Masterstudiengang)
Wahlordnung der Studierendenschaft der Universität Koblenz
Satzung zur Festsetzung von Zulassungszahlen an der Universität Koblenz für das Studienjahr 2024/2025
Satzung zur Festsetzung der Normwerte für den Ausbildungsaufwand (Curricularnormwerte) der Universität Koblenz
Zweite Ordnung zur Änderung Ordnung für die Prüfung im Masterstudiengang Applied Physics an der Hochschule Koblenz und der Universität Koblenz (Kooperativer Masterstudiengang)