Document Type
- Diploma Thesis (2)
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- Interoperabilität (2)
- ARIS (1)
- Analyse (1)
- Anforderung (1)
- Architekturbewertung (1)
- BPMS (1)
- Beschaffung (1)
- Einkauf (1)
- Empfehlung (1)
- Enterprise Architecture (1)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse the actual business architecture at the administration of the university Koblenz-Landau. Another subject matter of the article focuses on the existing application architecture. This architecture is necessary to support the employees work. The Enterprise Architecture will be described by models. They are an important instrument for the exchange of information between different stakeholders. Actual research projects from different universities are represented at the beginning of this elaboration. Subsequent to this, important enterprise architecture frameworks and methods for archiving the tasks are introduced. The concept for the analysis is represented at the outset of the empirical part. After that, a description of the as-is architecture follows. The actual state is modelled by process maps, planning schemes, data flow graphics and a process model. In the next step, an evaluation and identification of weak points is done. Different recommendations to improve the use of information technology at the administration are presented at the end of this degree dissertation. An existing cross-functional process will be analysed, modelled and evaluated. It- about the registration and authorization of projects supported by third-party funds. Finally, a prototype is introduced. The advantages and functionalities of a new system can be shown with this first model. Notices about the next steps, a conclusion and an outlook conclude the work.
Public electronic procurement (eProcurement), here electronic sourcing (eSourcing) in particular, is almost certainly on the agenda when eGovernment experts meet. Not surprisingly is eProcurement the first high-impact service to be addressed in the European Union- recent Action Plan. This is mainly dedicated to the fact that public procurement makes out almost 20% of Europe- GDP and therefore holds a huge saving potential. To some extent this potential lies in the common European market, since effective cross-boarder eSourcing solutions can open many doors, both for buyers and suppliers. To achieve this, systems and processes and tools, need to be adoptable, transferable as well as be able to communicate with each other. In one word, they need to be interoperable. In many relevant domains, interoperability has reached a very positive level, standards have been established, workflows been put in place. In other domains however, there is still a long road ahead. As a consequence it is crucial to define requirements for such interoperable eSourcing systems and to identify the progress in research and practice.
Analyse von Geschäftsprozessen einer NPO zur Ausarbeitung der Anforderungen an eine Fachanwendung
Im Rahmen einer Systemanalyse werden die Prozesse eines Anbieters von Ferienfreizeiten untersucht und modelliert sowie Schwachstellen ausfindig gemacht. Anhand dieser Grundlage und einer Anforderungserhebung unter den beteiligten Stakeholdern wird ein Soll-Konzept erarbeitet, welches zu Verbesserungen der allgemeinen Organisation und des Informationsflusses führen soll. Abschließend wird eine Handlungsempfehlung für das weitere Vorgehen ausgesprochen.
The thesis at hand evaluates Open Source Business Process Management (BPM) Systems in the context of the R4eGov1 Project. The provision of concepts and tools to support and enable interoperability in pan-European networks of pubic administrations is one of the major objectives that R4eGov is aiming at. Thereby a strong focus lies on the interoperability of cross-organizational processes from the viewpoint of modeling, execution and monitoring. BPM can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of cross-organizational processes by restructuring them towards the needs of the entities involved. BPM is dependent on BPM systems that combine technologies of process modeling, business process analysis and execution along with their integration into adequate runtime environments and rule engines. The evaluation that is performed within the thesis investigates how far BPM systems can support several requirements of interoperability that have been developed by the R4eGov project. It also targets at analyzing those BPM system according to generic requirements on BPM and software tools. The investigation is build upon common BPM theories and standards for modeling business processes. It describes the origin and interdependencies of BPM and Workflow Management (WfM), highlighting similarities and differences from the technological and historical perspective. Moreover, it introduces web service standards and technologies that are used to build service-oriented architectures allowing greater flexibility in BPM. In addition the thesis introduces methods and best practices to evaluate software tools. It contains an evaluation framework for BPM tools that has been based on the software product evaluation standard ISO/IEC 14598. The evaluation framework comprises the definition of an R4eGov scenario and a catalogue of criteria for evaluating a set of selected Open Source BPM systems. The definition of the catalogue of criteria is build upon generic requirements on BPM systems and those that are specifically to R4eGov. The chosen methods and the core elements of the evaluation framework will be applied to the selected BPM systems Intalio BPMS,NetBeans IDE, and JBoss jBPM. Finally the results of the applied R4eGov scenario and of the applied catalogue of criteria are being discussed by highlighting individual strengths and weaknesses of the systems.