Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (2)
- Diploma Thesis (2)
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- Study Thesis (1)
- Echtzeitsystem (2)
- Fahrerassistenzsystem (2)
- Fahrzeug (2)
- Adaptation (1)
- Anhänger (1)
- Anpassung (1)
- Architektur <Informatik> (1)
- Automotive Systems (1)
- C-Programmierung (1)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wie sich Modellfehler auf die Positionsgenauigkeit und Handhabbarkeit beim Rangieren mit einem Fahrerassistenzsystem auswirken. Besonderer Wert wird dabei auf die Bestimmung von Fehlergrenzen gelegt. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie groß der Eingangsfehler sein darf, damit die Assistenz noch hinreichende Qualitätseigenschaften hinsichtlich ihrer Präzision und Robustheit aufweist. Dazu erfolgt zunächst eine quantitative Betrachtung der Fehler anhand des kinematischen Modells. Danach wird eine qualitative Betrachtung anhand von systematischen Experimenten durchgeführt. Es wird zunächst ein Controller entwickelt, mit dem sich ein Manöver mithilfe der visuellen Informationen der Assistenz simulieren lässt.
Dann wird eine Methode vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe man das Manöver anhand definierter Fehlergrenzen bewerten kann. Um einen großen Raum möglicher Fehlerkombinationen effizient zu durchsuchen, wird das probabilistische Verfahren des Annealed Particle Filters benutzt. Mithilfe einer Testumgebung werden schließlich systematische Experimente durchgeführt. Zur weiteren Evaluation des Assistenzsystems in einer kontrollierten Umgebung erfolgte in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern die Portierung des Assistenzsystems auf die dortige Simulationsumgebung RODOS.
Computers assist humans in many every-day situations. Their advancing miniaturisation broadens their fields of use and leads to an even higher significance and spread throughout society. Already, these small and powerful machines are wide-spread in every-day objects and the spread increases still as the mobility-aspect grows in importance. From laptops, smartphones and tables to systems worn on the body (wearable computing) or even inside the body as cyber-implants, these systems help humans actively and context-sensitively in the accomplishment of their every-day business.
A part of the wearable-computing-domain is taken up by the development of Head-mounted displays (HMD). These helmets or goggles feature one or more displays enabling their users to see computer-rendered images or images of their environment enriched with computer-generated information. At the moment, most of this HMD feature LC-Displays, but newer systems start appearing that allow the projection of the image onto the user's retina. Newest break-throughs in the field of study already produced contact lenses with an integrated display. The data shown by a HMD is compiled using a multitude of sensors, like a Head-Tracker or a GPS. Increasing computational performance and miniaturisation lead to a wide spread of HMD in a lot of fields.rnThe multiple scenarios in which a HMD can be used to help improve human-perception and -interaction led the "Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften" of the University of Koblenz-Landau to come up with a HMD on the basis of Apple's iOS-devices featuring Retina Displays. The high pixel density of these displays combined with condensor lenses into a HMD offer a highly immersive environment for stereoscopic imagery, while other systems only display a relatively small image projected a few feet away of the user. Furthermore, the iPhone/ iPod Touch and iPad exhibit a lot of potential given by their variety of offered sensors and computational power. While producing a similarly feature-rich HMD is very costy, using simple iPod Touches 4th Gen as the basis of a HMD results in a very inexpensive solution with a high potential. The increasing popularity and spread of Apple devices would reduce the costs even more, as users of the HMD could simply integrate their device into the system. A software designed with the specific intent to support a large variety of Apple iOS-devices that could easily be extended to support newer devices, would allow for a universal use of such a HMD-solution as the new device could simply replace an old device.rnrnThe focus of this thesis is the conception and development of an application designed for Apple's iOS 5 operating system that will be used in a HMD evolving around the use of Apple iOS-devices featuring Retina Displays. The Rollercoaster2000-project depicting a ride in a virtual rollercoaster will be used as the application's core. A server will syncronize the display of clients conntected to it which are combined to form a HMD. Furthermore the gyroscope of the iOS-devices combined into a HMD will be used to track the wearer's head-movements. Another feature will be the use of the devices cameras as a mean of orientation while wearing the HMD.
As a first step in the realization of a software meeting the set specifications is the introduction of the Objective-C programming languages used to develop iOS-Applications. In conjunction with the compiler and runtime environment, Objective-C makes up the base of the second step, the introduction of the iOS-SDK. Aimed with this iOS-app-development-knowledge, the last part of the thesis consists of the ascertainment of requirements and development of a software complying to the goals of a software written specifically for the used in a HMD.
In dieser Arbeit wird ein zweigeteilter Regler für die Pfadverfolgung eines Modellfahrzeugs mit einachsigem Anhänger entwickelt. Darüber hinaus wird ein Beweis für die Stabilität und die Konvergenzeigenschaft der gefundenen Regelungsgesetze geliefert. Das Verfahren wird anschließend in die bestehende Steuersoftware des Versuchsfahrzeuges integriert und eine Testumgebung erstellt, um das Regelungsverfahren damit abschließend zu evaluieren.
Parallelmanipulatoren, welche den Stewartmechanismus nutzen, ermöglichen die präzise Ausführung von Aufgaben in einem begrenzten Arbeitsraum. Durch die Nutzung von sechs Freiheitsgraden wird eine hohe Flexibilität der Positionierung erreicht. Die robuste Konstruktion sorgt zudem für ein sehr gutes Verhältnis von Gewicht zu Nutzlast.
Diese Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung einer flexiblen Softwarelösung zur Ansteuerung einer Stewartplattform. Dies umfasst ein Modell der Plattform, welches zu Testzwecken dient. Es werden zunächst die mathematischen Grundlagen der Inversen Kinematik erarbeitet aufbauend auf einem zuvor definierten Bewegungsmodell. Es folgt die Entwicklung einer generischen Architektur zur Übermittlung und Auswertung von Steuerkommandos vom PC. Die Implementierung geschieht in C und wird in verschiedene Module aufgeteilt, welche jeweils einen Aufgabenbereich der Positionskontrolle oder der Hardwarekommunikation abdecken. Es wird zudem eine graphische Nutzeroberfläche vorgestellt, über die man die Position der Plattform manuell verändern kann. Eine automatische Ansteuerung wird im folgenden Anwendungsbeispiel beschrieben, wo die Plattform mit frequentiellen Beschleunigungswerten einer Achterbahnsimulation beliefert wird.
Traditional Driver Assistance Systems (DAS) like for example Lane Departure Warning Systems or the well-known Electronic Stability Program have in common that their system and software architecture is static. This means that neither the number and topology of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) nor the presence and functionality of software modules changes after the vehicles leave the factory.
However, some future DAS do face changes at runtime. This is true for example for truck and trailer DAS as their hardware components and software entities are spread over both parts of the combination. These new requirements cannot be faced by state-of-the-art approaches of automotive software systems. Instead, a different technique of designing such Distributed Driver Assistance Systems (DDAS) needs to be developed. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of a novel software and system architecture for dynamically changing DAS using the example of driving assistance for truck and trailer. This architecture has to be able to autonomously detect and handle changes within the topology. In order to do so, the system decides which degree of assistance and which types of HMI can be offered every time a trailer is connected or disconnected. Therefore an analysis of the available software and hardware components as well as a determination of possible assistance functionality and a re-configuration of the system take place. Such adaptation can be granted by the principles of Service-oriented Architecture (SOA). In this architectural style all functionality is encapsulated in self-contained units, so-called Services. These Services offer the functionality through well-defined interfaces whose behavior is described in contracts. Using these Services, large-scale applications can be built and adapted at runtime. This thesis describes the research conducted in achieving the goals described by introducing Service-oriented Architectures into the automotive domain. SOA deals with the high degree of distribution, the demand for re-usability and the heterogeneity of the needed components.
It also applies automatic re-configuration in the event of a system change. Instead of adapting one of the frameworks available to this scenario, the main principles of Service-orientation are picked up and tailored. This leads to the development of the Service-oriented Driver Assistance (SODA) framework, which implements the benefits of Service-orientation while ensuring compatibility and compliance to automotive requirements, best-practices and standards. Within this thesis several state-of-the-art Service-oriented frameworks are analyzed and compared. Furthermore, the SODA framework as well as all its different aspects regarding the automotive software domain are described in detail. These aspects include a well-defined reference model that introduces and relates terms and concepts and defines an architectural blueprint. Furthermore, some of the modules of this blueprint such as the re-configuration module and the Communication Model are presented in full detail. In order to prove the compliance of the framework regarding state-of-the-art automotive software systems, a development process respecting today's best practices in automotive design procedures as well as the integration of SODA into the AUTOSAR standard are discussed. Finally, the SODA framework is used to build a full-scale demonstrator in order to evaluate its performance and efficiency.
Die Vorwärtsfahrt mit einem einachsigen Anhänger stellt für die meisten Fahrer keine große Schwierigkeit dar. Das Zugfahrzeug gibt die Richtung vor und der Anhänger wird mitgezogen. Jedoch ist das Rückwärtsfahren mit Anhänger für den ungeübten Fahrer oft sehr kompliziert, da die Lenkmanöver für eine bestimmte Richtungsänderung nicht intuitiv sind und ein "Umdenken" erfordern. Will man beispielsweise den Anhänger um eine Linkskurve fahren, so muss das Zugfahrzeug zunächst nach rechts gelenkt werden, damit der Anhänger linksherum geschoben wird. Schnell passieren Fehler und ein Unfall mit Sachschaden kann eine mögliche Folge sein. Besonders Fahrer, die nur gelegentlich mit einem Anhänger unterwegs sind, haben bei der Rückwärtsfahrt mit Anhänger Probleme.
Real-time operating systems for mixed-criticality systems
must support different types of software, such as
real-time applications and general purpose applications,
and, at the same time, must provide strong spatial and
temporal isolation between independent software components.
Therefore, state-of-the-art real-time operating systems
focus mainly on predictability and bounded worst-case behavior.
However, general purpose operating systems such as Linux
often feature more efficient---but less deterministic---mechanisms
that significantly improve the average execution time.
This thesis addresses the combination of the two contradicting
requirements and shows thread synchronization mechanisms
with efficient average-case behavior, but without sacrificing
predictability and worst-case behavior.
This thesis explores and evaluates the design space of fast paths
in the implementation of typical blocking synchronization
mechanisms, such as mutexes, condition variables, counting
semaphores, barriers, or message queues. The key technique here
is to avoid unnecessary system calls, as system calls have high
costs compared to other processor operations available in user
space, such as low-level atomic synchronization primitives.
In particular, the thesis explores futexes, the state-of-the-art
design for blocking synchronization mechanisms in Linux
that handles the uncontended case of thread synchronization
by using atomic operations in user space and calls into the
kernel only to suspend and wake up threads. The thesis also
proposes non-preemptive busy-waiting monitors that use an
efficient priority ceiling mechanism to prevent the lock holder
preemption problem without using system calls, and according
low-level kernel primitives to construct efficient wait and
notify operations.
The evaluation shows that the presented approaches
improve the average performance comparable
to state-of-the-art approaches in Linux.
At the same time, a worst-case timing analysis shows
that the approaches only need constant or bounded temporal
overheads at the operating system kernel level.
Exploiting these fast paths is a worthwhile approach
when designing systems that not only have to fulfill
real-time requirements, but also best-effort workloads.
Die Arbeitsgruppe Echtzeitsysteme an der Universität Koblenz beschäftigt sich seit mehreren Jahren mit der Thematik autonomes und assistiertes Fahren. Eine große Herausforderung stellen in diesem Zusammenhang mehrgliedrige Fahrzeuge dar, deren Steuerung für den Fahrer während der Rückwärtsfahrt sehr anspruchsvoll ist. Um präzise Manöver zu ermöglichen, können elektronische Fahrerassistenzsysteme zum Einsatz kommen. Im Rahmen vorhergehender Arbeiten sind bereits einige Prototypen entstanden, von denen jedoch keiner eine geeignete Lösung für moderne, zweiachsige Anhänger darstellt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein prototypisches Fahrerassistenzsystem entwickelt, wobei es noch weiterer Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit bedarf, um das System straßentauglich zu machen.